Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Still catching up to do but got to say the follow up list may (hopefully) be top 25 worst movies of all time. I'm thinking same time next year?

That way, we can all sledge each other until a fight breaks out :) fun, Right?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Buscemi »

We tried a worst movie list and it turned out to be a disaster that was alternately hilarious and horrifying.

I'd suggest watching the new Mystery Science Theater 3000 season instead.
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by transformers2 »

Boosh: This is probably going to break your heart, but I thought your list was excellent. You had a bunch of Tarantino, several of my favorites from the 2010's (Black Swan, Inception, Frutivale Station) and in a Shyamalan-esque twist, a pair of Southie-set, Dennis Lehane adaptations (believe it or not, I actually haven't seen Mystic River)! Overall I've seen 27 movies from your list and we had 12* overlaps (Including my #1).

* Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Planet Terror made my list, but Kill Bill Vol. 2 and Grindhouse didn't

My #1 Movie*
Django Unchained*
Kill Bill Vol. 1*

Black Swan*
Fruitvale Station*
Gone Baby Gone*
The Hateful Eight*
Inglorious Basterds*
Million Dollar Baby*
Star Trek*


127 Hours
Grindhouse (Planet Terror made my list)
LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
Requiem for a Dream

Kill Bill Vol.2
Life Itself



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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Interesting list, Boosh. I've seen a total of 17 films from it, including all the QT films. There's no middle ground for me with QT, really. I loathed Django and Grindhouse (his half of it, and I hated R-Rod's half too), but we overlappd with Kill Bill and Basterds. I appreciate your inclusion of Hero, Capote, House of Sand and Fog, and especially Sin City (which came SO close to making my list).

We had six overlaps: the aforementioned QT films, LOTR: FOTR, Star Trek, Inception, and, of course, WALL-E, which has just cemented its place in the collective Top 5 of this entire group.

My #1 will come later tonight. I'm sure many of you (except Six) can guess what it is.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by JohnErle »

If we do another countdown I think starting in the summer makes more sense. Starting January first means the beginning overlaps with year-end lists, the end of the Super Leagues, and our alternative to the Oscars, and the end of the countdown overlaps with the start of the yearly draft.

Doing another top 100 starting on July 1st wouldn't cause any real conflict with any time-consuming traditions around here.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »


The Dark Knight (2008)

On the day that I found out Heath Ledger had been cast as The Joker, I distinctly remember thinking, "OMG REALLY?" I then proceeded to complain to my friends how Chris Nolan had lost his damn mind and rattled off the names of thirty or so actors that I thought would have been better choices.

Yes, waiter, for an entree, I'd like a full rack of crow and an entire humble pie for dessert. I can't even remember the name of one single actor that I erroneously thought could play the role better. Which is a fitting testament, because NO ONE could have done it better than Ledger. That he died before being awarded his much-deserved Oscar for the role makes his passing all the more tragic.

Batman may be a fascinating character, but let's face it, like most superheroes, he is gauged by the quality of the villains he goes up against. Most of them are jokes, and the campy schtick of the 60's show didn't help. (And for that matter, neither did Nicholson's portrayal of him in Burton's film, where he basically played a well-dressed, slightly crazier version of himself.) Ledger played Joker the way he was meant to be played: visceral, uncontrollable, batshit crazy. Chaos incarnate in smeared, spooky face makeup and a tailored suit.

But even more than that, the story they crafted around Joker and his mission to bring Gotham City, its dark hero and its shining white knight down is so mesmerizing you almost find yourself rooting for him. The transformation of Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart at his best) from gung-ho DA to destroyed, scarred avenger is terrifying to behold, but no more so than Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne attempting to anticipate Joker's next moves and failing miserably each time.

While the two films that preceded and followed TDK were great, nothing can match the pure, unadulterated, raw awesomeness of this movie. There are literally zero parts that don't hit the mark (not even Maggie Gyllenhaal, screw you, Maggie haters).

Marvel has created some magnificent comic-hero stories since the dawn of the millennium, but, sorry, I don't think anything you ever will do will top The Dark Knight.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »


100. The Cabin in the Woods
99. Shutter Island
98. Midnight in Paris
97. Moonrise Kingdom
96. Captain America: The First Avenger
95. Inside Man
94. Harry Potter and the Prisonzer of Azkaban
93. The Incredibles
92. Robot & Frank
91. 50/50
90. Cloud Atlas
89. In Bruges
88. V for Vendetta
87. Primer
86. Mystic River
85. 28 Days Later
84. Zoolander
83. American Psycho
82. Elf
81. District 9
80. Guardians of the Galaxy
79. Shrek
78. Remember the Titans
77. A Prophet
76. Collateral
75. Ex Machina
74. John Wick
73. Gone Girl
72. Fruitvale Station
71. The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
70. Inception
69. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
68. The Hunt
67. Old School
66. Apocalypto
65. Thank You for Smoking
64. Interstellar
63. X-Men: First Class
62. The Master
61. Amores Peros
60. The 25th Hour
59. Irreversible
58. Snowpiercer
57. The Social Network
56. The Hateful Eight
55. Sicario
54. The Prestige
53. The Departed
52. Shame
51. Kill Bill I & II
50. Prisoners
49. Warrior
48. Adaptation
47. (Dis)Honesty: The Truth About Lies
46. The Emperor's New Groove
45. Black Hawk Down
44. Unbreakable
43. Birdman
42. Casino Royale
41. Howl's Moving Castle
40. The Terminal
39. There Will Be Blood
38. Ratatouille
37. Batman Begins
36. Oldboy
35. Taken
34. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
33. The Raid
32. Tropic Thunder
31. Finding Nemo
30. Mulholland Dr.
29. City of God
28. Memento
27. Requiem for a Dream
26. Sin City
25. Moon
24. Team America: World Police
23. Spirited Away
22. Elite Squad
21. The Gueset
20. Drive
19. Hot Fuzz
18. Inglourious Basterds
17. The Internet's Own Boy: Aaron Swartz
16. Wreck-It Ralph
15. Arrival
14. Gladiator
13. A History of Violence
12. Cast Away
11. Step Brothers
10. Memories of Murder
9. Django Unchained
8. No Country for Old Men
7. Anchorman: Legend of Ron Burgundy
6. Mad Max: Fury Road
4. Iron Man
3. Sunshine
2. The Dark Knight
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by numbersix »

Ah, I should have guessed it was TDK. For some reason I thought you had already placed it in your Top 100. So I was definitely wrong on both counts! Yes, The Dark Knight is my favourite superhero film of the Millennium, easily beating everything Marvel could throw at us. It's the right balance of darkness, excitement, but it also felt relevant. What I didn't like about Batman Begins is that the seriousness of the darkness clashed with the ridiculousness of the villain's plot, but in TDK it all makes sense because The Joker is crazy. But I also love that there's some light in the film, such as the scene with the prisoners and regular folk in two boats. Nice to see something upbeat amongst the darkness. And Maggie G is a million times stronger than Kate Holmes. So yeah, a great film whose right mixture never quite worked for any DC film, even Nolan's bloated sequel.

As for your Top 100.... er.... let's just say we have very different tastes. In fact, we shared a measly 3 films from our lists: Kill Bill, LOTR, and The Dark Knight. But at least 2 of them are in your Top 10. That said, of all the lists I've seen the fewest from yours - 38 in total I've yet to see. I guess that's because I only occasionally delve into non-Pixar animations and blockbusters. Of those I haven't seen, I'm gonna make an effort to watch How to Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda, Pacific Rim, and Big Hero 6.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Chienfantome »

Boosch, Wall-E : A fantastic pixar film, even though the second part isn't as amazing as the first one. Good Top overall, Boosch, a lot of excellent films.

Shryke, The Dark Knight : Well, at least your #1 is a film we have in common !!! There are not many as you noticed ;) Very good choice man.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Ron Burgundy »

My 1


The Lord of the Rings
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Great choice, Ron!

You and I had a LOT in common, so I guess that makes us movie-bros.

I've seen 58 of your list, and we had SEVENTEEN overlaps, including three of your top 5 that were also in my top 5.

You and I were the only ones to pick Collateral, which is cool. Gotta watch that film again.

Tranny is up tomorrow.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by numbersix »

Ron, think you're a great all-rounder, your Top 100 being a mix of great arthouse and solid mainstream stuff. And all topped off with the truly epic LOTR films. I'm actually excited to watch them again, as it has been probably over a decade. Great choice. It's funny how this trilogy was so iconic and popular, yet no one ever came close to matching it (not even Jackson himself). What went wrong with Hollywood? For me, there was so much potential in the His Dark Materials books, but The Golden Compass was given to a terrible writer/director. Hopefully the planned TV series will be stronger.

Out of your list we had 18 matches. I think you were the only other person who picked Villeneuve's superb Sicario, so nice job. And great to see the likes of Arrival, Hot Fuzz, In Bruges, and The Hunt. There were only 10 of your films I haven't seen, The Cabin in the Woods and Wreck-it Ralph are of interest, but also the two I never heard of, the docs Dishonesty and The Internet's Own Boy, both of which sound fascinating.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by undeadmonkey »

BANKS Her (2013) I think only it could have really used some scarjo in person,

CHIENFANTOME The Host (2006) - I really wanted to like this, but i just didnt. I was bored and i just didn't care for the characters, and if you don't care for the characters it makes the monsters less scary.

JOHNERLE WALL·E (2008) - Wow, this really made a jump to the top, didnt it. I loved the first half, the last half dwindles. Does anyone know where you can find or remember what our top 10 collective films were last time?

NUMBERSIX Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) – I just recently saw this again, month or two ago. It's great, epic immersive. I do prefer Yimou Zhang's films, but i will admit if it hadn't been for the success of Crouching Tiger, we might not have ever seen the other films stateside.

SURFER The Dark Knight (2008) I really wish DC would have built their cinematic universe off of this franchise. Great movie though. Its realistic and down to earth and gritty, unlike snyder, who is trying to go for that but all we get is dark.

TRANSFORMERS Memento (2000) - I was so bored with the movie, i don't even remember the reveal.

UNDEADMONKEY Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (2009) - The best of the Harry Potter films, As close as you can get to a stand alone film in a franchise ( i could agree if someone made an argument for the first one). Yes it continues the main arcs, but there are enough subplots to make it feel unique and gives enough satisfaction at the end when those subplots are concluded to make it feel whole. The whole film is a masterpiece in my eyes, but two things that really stood out for me was the cinematography and the soundtrack. Bruno Delbonnel, from Amelie fame, was the cinematographer and he just brought beauty to every frame. The close ups, the opening scene with the train, the field, the room of requirements, hogwarts, everything looked so perfect and magical, but also darkness had fallen and the darkness oozed into every frame. Also Nicholas Hooper's soundtrack was perfect, from the epicness of the final climax and aftermath, to the levity it brought at the joke shop and arachnid funeral. I don't think i've ever listened to a soundtrack as much as i have here.

W Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - Great movie, the one complaint i have is that it didn't seem to have great 'rewatchibility'. But i did see it like 5 times in 3 months after release, I haven't seen since and plan on seeing it again before the 2nd. so i'm hoping it's exciting again

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by undeadmonkey »

BANKS Juno (2007) - would make my worst list.

JOHNERLE The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - maybe i should give this a rewatch. i saw it on a 7 inch screen, and a lot of what you explained here is visual, so i really didn't capture that aspect. Story wise i was bored though. some funny moments.

NUMBERSIX No Country for Old Men (2007) – I've made known my feelings, so i wont say much more. however, you've been one of the first people to be able to explain why they like it and me understanding why they like it. so kudos for that.

RON BURGUNDY Iron Man (2008) - a part of me wants to rewatch this, it seems like i've seen so many marvel films with iron man in there, i don't even remember the first one.

SHRYKESPEARE Lucky Number Slevin (2006) - this as been a bad round for me, 3rd one that would make my worst list.

SURFER 28 Days Later (2002) - great movie, was on my list.

UNDEADMONKEY Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow (2004) - i love this movie for what it was trying to do. Yes it's budget was short, the technology was barely there, but man was it ambitious. Its the corny 1930's scifi comics come to life. I loved the characters you could tell the actors were having fun, i dont think i've seen jolie in anything better, the simple story filled to the brim with movie reference of the 30's and 40's, you even have Dr Totenkopf played by the late Sir Laurence Olivier through archive footage. It's a blast.

W Old School (2003) - it was ok and i can see why people love it.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by transformers2 »

Shryke: While I don't share your love of modern animation, there was still a lot of stuff on your list that I love. Any list that features plenty of QT, action/sci-fi and MOTHERFUCKIN ACCEPTED is cool in my book. Overall I saw 79 (!) of the films on your list and we had 16 overlaps.

Kill Bill Vol.1*

Batman Begins*
The Dark Knight Rises*
District 9*
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo*
Iron Man
Inglorious Basterds*
Lucky Number Slevin*
Ocean's Eleven*
POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl*
Source Code*
Star Trek*
V for Vendetta*

The Avengers
Death Race
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Toy Story 3
X-Men: First Class

The Dark Knight
LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring/The Two Towers
The Magnificent Seven
Pacific Rim
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Bruce Almighty
Eagle Eye
Edge of Tomorrow
The Hunger Games Mockingjay Parts 1 and 2
I, Robot
Kill BIll Vol. 2
The Martian
Men in Black 3
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Now You See Me
Sherlock Holmes
Tower Heist

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Big Hero 6
The Blind Side
Captain America: The Winter Solider
Charlie Wilson's War
The Hunger Games
Kung Fu Panda
Mr. Brooks
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Vantage Point

Captain America: The First Avenger
Deja Vu
The Equalizer
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Pitch Black
Star Trek Beyond
Titan A.E.

Bridge of Spies
Chicken Run
LOTR: Return of the King

Despicable Me
Inside Out
The Matrix Reloaded
Minority Report
Wreck-It Ralph

The Incredibles
The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
Monsters vs. Aliens
Rogue One

The Matrix Revolutions
Warm Bodies

The Ring
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