Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by JohnErle »

Random Thoughts On Recent Picks:

The Matrix, Pulp Fiction, The Usual Suspects - These are all movies I saw in the theaters during my 20s and they all blew me away. I've liked them less and less every time I've seen them since, but they were cool at the time.

Casino Royale - Much better than I had expected it to be. Definitely one of the better Bonds.

The Seven Samurai, 8 1/2, The Seventh Seal - I've tried to watch each of these and never made it all the way through any of them. Will Geezer now make me turn in my film snob membership card?

Double Indemnity - Haven't seen it awhile, but liked it a lot. Classic noir.
It's quite hard in this day and age to appreciat a manipulative, evil woman who sells sexuality and lives entirely on the surface.
You mean apart from Sarah Palin?

She's ready for her closeup, Mr. DeMille.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Shrykespeare »

Thread recap:

20. Ghost Busters
19. The Professional (aka Leon)
18. UHF
17. Kill Bill Vol. I
16. The Secret of NIMH
15. Fletch
14. Predator
13. The Breakfast Club
12. The Shawshank Redemption
11. Unbreakable

20. An American Werewolf in London
19. Seven Samurai
18. The Professional (aka Leon)
17. Sleepy Hollow
16. Psycho
15. The Apartment
14. Miller's Crossing
13. 28 Days Later…
12. Brief Encounter
11. Double Indemnity

20. The Big Lebowski
19. Volver
18. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
17. Pulp Fiction
16. Rope
15. The Iron Giant
14. The Witches
13. Rosemary's Baby
12. Les Diaboliques
11. Pan's Labyrinth

20. Knocked Up
19. Superbad
18. Goodfellas
17. Training Day
16. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
15. Snatch
14. Memento
13. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
12. Gladiator
11. The Matrix

20. Avatar
19. Trainspotting
18. Monsters, Inc.
17. Shaun of the Dead
16. Fight Club
15. The Departed
14. Toy Story 3
13. Watchmen
12. Forrest Gump
11. Casino Royale

Ron Burgundy
20. Seven Samurai
19. 12 Angry Men
18. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
17. The Dark Knight
16. Goodfellas
15. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
14. LOTR: The Two Towers
13. Finding Nemo
12. The Fugitive
11. Predator

20. Requiem For a Dream
19. Blue Velvet
18. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
17. Raging Bull
16. Back to the Future
15. Fight Club
14. Jackie Brown
13. Goodfellas
12. Citizen Kane
11. The Usual Suspects

20. The Royal Tenenbaums
19. Arsenic and Old Lace
18. Once Upon a Time in America
17. The Shawshank Redemption
16. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
15. Cesar et Rosalie
14. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
13. Days of Heaven
12. Some Like It Hot
11. Memories of Murder

20. The Godfather
19. Being John Malkovich
18. Fitzcarraldo
17. Dr. Strangelove
16. Groundhog Day
15. The Elephant Man
14. Rear Window
13. Annie Hall
12. 8 1/2
11. Citizen Kane

20. American Beauty
19. Memento
18. Se7en
17. Oldboy
16. Die Hard: With a Vengeance
15. Fight Club
14. V For Vendetta
13. Pan's Labyrinth
12. The Pursuit of Happyness
11. Requiem For a Dream

20. To Kill a Mockingbird
19. The Third Man
18. Children of Men
17. Rear Window
16. Zodiac
15. La Vita è Bella (Life is Beautiful)
14. Memento
13. Se7en
12. Schindler's List
11. American History X

20. The Goonies
19. Jaws
18. Up
17. Rocky
16. Field of Dreams
15. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
14. Rounders
13. The Sandlot
12. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
11. The Matrix

20. Stand By Me
19. Dog Day Afternoon
18. City of Lost Children
17. Psycho
16. West Side Story
15. Airplane!
14. Trainspotting
13. Planet of the Apes
12. Once Were Warriors
11. Seven Samurai

20. Schindler's List
19. The Sandlot
18. Freddy Got Fingered
17. The Green Mile
16. Pulp Fiction
15. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
14. Reservoir Dogs
13. Shrek
12. Old School
11. 28 Days Later…

20. Beetlejuice
19. Back to the Future
18. Evil Dead
17. Dead Man
16. Die Hard
15. The Royal Tenenbaums
14. Ed Wood
13. Barton Fink
12. Barry Lyndon
11. Pulp Fiction

20. La Vita è Bella (Life is Beautiful)
19. Miss Congeniality
18. Casablanca
17. Black Hawk Down
16. Shrek
15. Schindler's List
14. The Incredibles
13. The Assassination of Jesse James
12. Man on Fire
11. House of Flying Daggers

20. Four Weddings and a Funeral
19. Rob Roy
18. The Big Lebowski
17. O Brother Where Art Thou?
16. When Harry Met Sally…
15. Raising Arizona
14. Barton Fink
13. Unforgiven
12. Fargo
11. Alien
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by undeadmonkey »


Shrykespeare - The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
great movie that i had a while back. Just something about it that is comforting to watch. it hits all those cinematical points perfectly.

transformers - Gladiator (2000)
epic is indeed what it is. very entertaining and heartfelt as well

englishozzy - Forrest Gump (1994)
just like the above two films, this film makes you feel good about yourself after seeing it. It's like comfort food.

Chienfantome - Some Like It Hot (1959)
good, so there are more people here that love it as much as i do. Fantastic film, just so much fun to watch.

Banks - The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
it was heartwarming to see the man achieve stuff for all his hard work, but i didn't find it very memorable. haven't seen it since it came out to dvd.

BarcaRulz - Schindler’s List (1993)
agreed. agreed. agreed. not much else i can say

W - Old School (2003)
finally saw this last year, as it seems my friends watch it at least once a month, and while it had some funny moments, i would never have the urge to see it again.

Haven't Seen

silversurfer - Brief Encounter* (1945) - i want to see this now, sounds interesting.

thegreenarrow - Les Diaboliques (1955)

Ron Burgundy - The Fugitive (1993)

Buscemi - Citizen Kane (1941)

numbersix - 8 1/2 (1963) - so what is 9 in reference to this movie? a remake, bio-pic?

Geezer - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) - thank goodness this wasn't in your top ten, i hope nobody does. I really don't want to see it. wait, ron already listed it on his list right?

leestu - Once Were Warriors (1994)

NSpan - Barry Lyndon (1975)

JohnErle - Fargo (1996)


Shrykespeare - Unbreakable (2000)
not my favorite M Night, but a very worthy picture. i also loved the slow pace and the slow unveiling of everything. I really don't care what all the naysayers have to say about M Night, he has made some great films, even if his last 2 films were some of the worst ever.

thegreenarrow - Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
and another one. i would be really happy if this was in our top ten. i really don't understand anybody not loving it. great movie. one of the best.

transformers - The Matrix (1999)
Geezer - The Matrix (1999)
you guys had a very similar description. you must see films in about the same way. i love the film too. had it not too long ago.

englishozzy - Casino Royale (2006)
i can't really fault you for having this in your top 11, even though it's not even in my top 100. It was an incredibly entertaining movie and the first Bond movie that i saw that i actually liked or actually even thought it was cool.

Buscemi - The Usual Suspects (1995)
wonder if it'll be in the collective top ten. i think it might miss out, but i wouldnt mind seeing it again. As i might actually like it more, the second time around... or not.

W - 28 Days Later... (2002)
not much else i can say at this point. i love it, it's scary. great movie.

JohnErle - Alien (1979)
finally a movie of yours i've seen. it was fine although a little underwhelming after all the praise i've heard of it. still a decent movie though

Haven't Seen

silversurfer - Double Indemnity* (1944) - oooh, i want to see this too. While i enjoy 40s and 50s cinema, i really don't know where to look beyond the supposed classics and the turners classic movie channel.

Ron Burgundy - Predator(1987) - hmm i can't really see the appeal

Chienfantome - Memories of Murder (2003) - hmmm, a part of me is glad you didn't add this to the top ten. First of all, it might be hard to find it. second, i really, really did not like The Host. yes, i admit it was an interesting idea and the metaphors and social commentary were decent, but the way he directed his actors, i could not get past it.

numbersix - Citizen Kane (1941) - still haven't been able to get through it.

Banks - Requiem for a Dream (2000)

BarcaRulz - American History X (1998)

leestu - Shichinin no Samurai (aka Seven Samurai) (1954)

NSpan - Pulp Fiction (1994)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by numbersix »


numbersix - 8 1/2 (1963) - so what is 9 in reference to this movie? a remake, bio-pic?[/b]

As the film is his eight-and-a-half(th) movie, 9 would be his next film Juliet of the Spirits, which I have to see

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:Juliet of the Spirits, which I have to see
Eh.. It's really just "8 1/2 for Girls" ... and, seeing as he writes for men FAR better than he does for women, it doesn't quite work..
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Chienfantome »

Buscemi wrote:Chien, I feel that Babe was deserving of its Best Picture nomination. Sometimes I enjoy it when a little film that isn't Oscar bait or a major box office hit (it was a children's film that opened in August and placed third at its highest box office position) manages to break out and get people to see it. It's basically the little film that could. Also, it's got a cute little pig as the main character.

Now Il Postino, that didn't deserve a Best Picture nomination (I found it quite boring actually).
Sure, me too I like it when anunexpected film makes it to the nominations... but Babe ? Really, no.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Buscemi »

NSpan wrote:
numbersix wrote:Juliet of the Spirits, which I have to see
Eh.. It's really just "8 1/2 for Girls" ... and, seeing as he writes for men FAR better than he does for women, it doesn't quite work..
So Fellini is the Italian Todd Phillips? I've never thought about that before.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Shrykespeare »

My recap of the thread:

Ron Burgundy
Overlaps: The Dark Knight, LOTR: The Two Towers, The Fugitive, Predator
Loved: The Empire Strikes Back, Finding Nemo

Overall: 49/90 seen, 11 overlaps, 23 loved, 14 liked, 1 hated

Great round, Ron!

Overlaps: Se7en, Die Hard With a Vengeance, V For Vendetta
Liked: American Beauty, Pan's Labyrinth, The Pursuit of Happyness
Hated: Memento

Overall: 49/90 seen, 12 overlaps, 13 loved, 19 liked, 5 hated

Another very good thread, dude!

Overlaps: Terminator 2, The Matrix
Loved: The Empire Strikes Back, Gladiator
Liked: Knocked Up, Superbad
Hated: Memento

Overall: 53/90 seen, 20 overlaps (the most), 16 loved, 16 liked, 1 hated

Wow, this means we have at least 1/5 of our lists in common. That's amazing, considering our age difference!

Overlaps: The Green Mile, Shrek
Loved: Pulp Fiction, 28 Days Later...
Liked: Reservoir Dogs, Schindler's List, Old School

Overall: 45/90 seen, 7 overlaps, 16 loved, 21 liked, 1 hated

Overlaps: Toy Story 3
Loved: Casino Royale, Avatar, Watchmen
Liked: Forrest Gump, Monsters Inc., The Departed

Overall: 61/90 seen (the most), 18 overlaps, 15 loved, 24 liked, 4 hates

Overlaps: Shrek, The Incredibles
Loved: Miss Congeniality, Man on Fire
Liked: Schindler's List, Casablanca
Hated: House of Flying Daggers

Overall: 50/90 seen, 11 overlaps, 18 loved, 18 liked, 1 hated

Overlaps: To Kill a Mockingbird, Se7en
Liked: Zodiac, Schindler's List
Hated: Children of Men, Memento

Overall: 41/90 seen, 14 overlaps, 12 loved, 13 liked, 2 hated

Hmm. Only two hates thus far, and both were in this thread!

Overlaps: The Matrix
Loved: Up
Liked: Rocky, Field of Dreams, Jaws, The Goonies

Overall: 59/90, 17 overlaps, 16 loved, 25 liked, 1 hated

Overlaps: Back to the Future, Die Hard
Loved: Pulp Fiction
Liked: Beetlejuice

Overall: 36/90 seen, 11 overlaps, 6 loved, 17 liked, 2 hated

Overlaps: Back to the Future, The Usual Suspects
Liked: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Hated: Blue Velvet

Overall: 37/90 seen, 12 overlaps, 6 loved, 17 liked, 2 hated

Overlaps: The Professional
Loved: Sleepy Hollow, 28 Days Later...

Overall: 31/90 seen, 9 overlaps, 7 loved, 13 liked, 2 hated

Overlaps: The Shawshank Redemption
Loved: The Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Overall: 29/90 seen, 7 overlaps, 10 loved, 7 liked, 5 hated

Loved: Alien
Liked: Unforgiven, Fargo

Overall: 41/90 seen, 8 overlaps, 12 loved, 18 liked, 3 hated

Loved: Pulp Fiction
Liked: Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Pan's Labyrinth

Overall: 33/90 seen, 6 overlaps, 14 loved, 11 liked, 2 hated

Loved: Airplane!
Liked: Stand By Me

Overall: 33/90 seen, 10 overlaps, 3 loved, 17 liked, 3 hated

Liked: The Godfather
Hated: Being John Malkovich

Overall: 28/90 seen, 7 overlaps, 7 loved, 12 liked, 2 hated
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Chienfantome »

I think you mixed me up with Surfer, Shyrke, as I did not list The Professional while he has, and he hasn't listed The Shawshank Redemption whi le I have... ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by silversurfer19 »

That would be correct. There will be no room for The Shawshank Redemption in my list. It just isn't good enough for my tastes...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

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Same goes for me with Leon, Surfer ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Shrykespeare »

My bad. Change made.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by silversurfer19 »


Shrykespeare - A remarkable way to begin the thread, with the wonderful Ghostbusters and Leon matching my own picks, and from the movies I've seen the standard was generally well maintained throughout the round. Those two were certainly the stand outs of the round, but Kill Bill, Predator, Unbreakable and The Breakfast Club were all highlights. Still don't think you've won me over on UHF though...

Favourite Movie: Leon
Round Average: 8.51
Overall Average: 7.03

thegreenarrow - A very decent round, with five crossovers and many others I truly love. Great to see The Witches finally make an appearance, it is a truly thrilling and at times terrifying movie, and that scene with the girl trapped in the picture always gave me nightmares. For a time I almost refused to watch the movie, I remember being at a day care one time when my mum was in uni, and they put the movie on. For that scene where the little boy hides behind the screens I myself walked away and hid round the corner until the scene was over. Yes, it was THAT terrifying. Otherwise, Les Diaboliques was actually my introduction to Clouzot, and while I think he's done better with Wages Of Fear, it truly was a great movie, funny, mystifying, scary and entertaining.

Favourite Movie: Rope
Round Average: 8.85
Overall Average: 8.74

transformers - Hmm, bar a few standouts this was a rather up and down round for my tastes. The likes of Star Wars, Terminator 2, Memento and The Matrix were all balanced out by Superbad, Knocked Up, Snatch and Gladiator. Hopefully you'll be a little more consistent in the final round.

Favourite Movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Round Average: 7.55
Overall Average: 7.00

englishozzy - A fairly strong round, though a few of your picks seem far too recent to make a top 20 list of all time. I mean, three movies from the last 2 years? Nevertheless, some good movies, and three crossovers with my own list.

Favourite Movie: Fight Club
Round Average: 7.9
Overall Average: 7.06

Ron Burgundy - A strong round with quite a few classics in there, alongside some more recent, but equally stunning movies. Finally we see The Dark Knight, it fell in my no.101-110 group, and I'm sure we will see quite a few more appearances from it in our top tens. Again three crossovers with my list.

Favourite Movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Round Average: 8.55
Overall Average: 7.25

Buscemi - A very good round, with six crossovers with my own list, one making my 101-110 and a couple of others which were very worthy of such a lofty position in the countdown. Surprised this has been the first mention of Jackie Brown, and surprised it's so high up, I would have thought it'd have appeared on plenty of lists in the lower echelons of the countdown.

Favourite Movie: Back To The Future
Round Average: 8.95
Overall Average: 7.98

Chienfantome - Another mix of brilliance which I love, and many movies which I have yet to see but fully intend to do so. Arsenic and Old Lace and Once Upon A Time In America have been on my must see list for a while, but Cesar et Rosalie, along with Days Of Heaven, are two movies which sound fantastic from your descriptions and movies I really need to seek out. Good to see Memories Of Murder here too, I'm sure with a couple more viewings I'll find I love it. Much in the same vein as Mother, I imagine they may eventually come close to cracking my top 100. However, I watched The Royal Tenenbaums the other day and it depreciated in my estimation a little, I think I prefer Rushmore and Fantastic Mr Fox much more.

Favourite Movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Round Average: 8.6
Overall Average: 7.78

numbersix - Hmm, to be honest, considering we are closing in on our absolute favourites, this was a rather underwhelming round from someone who has been at the top of the field throughout. The Godfather, Groundhog Day, Annie Hall and 8 1/2 were all big dissapointments for me, 8 1/2 in particular. I just have never been able to fully watch the movie, it doesn't hold my attention. Would much rather watch La Strada or La Dolce Vita. And Annie Hall was just a movie filled with characters I did not relate to, it felt too unbelievable (and I do enjoy many of Allen's works, just usually without him in it - Whatever Works was decent enough with Larry David a much more likeable character). Fitzcarraldo is on my must see list though.

Favourite Movie: Rear Window
Round Average: 7.33
Overall Average: 8.61

Banks - A very good round, in fact stunning, not many older classics, but those newer movies are some of the very best of recent years which I always enjoy watching. 6 crossovers with my own list, which I believe is your best yet, and the others were of a high standard too, one of which made my 110-101 list. Keep it up.

Favourite Movie: Fight Club
Round Average: 9.38
Overall Average: 7.30

BarcaRulz - Again, another mix of classics and recent greats, I'm glad to see the likes of Zodiac and Life Is Beautiful getting some recognition, but especially so The Third Man, which I didn't expect to see so many times along with Rear Window, Memento and Se7en. Great stuff.

Favourite Movie: Rear Window
Round Average: 8.94
Overall Average: 7.90

Geezer - The round started great, and finished on a high too, but some of the movies in between I can't say I care much for. Nothing I'd ever actively avoid, well maybe Field Of Dreams but mainly as it's just not a movie which I really connected with rather than it's quality, but there were not many movies that I actually love. Having said that, there were 2 crossovers with my list and a couple of others which I do really like.

Favourite Movie: Jaws
Round Average: 7.44
Overall Average: 7.06

leestu - Not a bad set of movies at all! 3 crossovers with my own list, along with Dog Day Afternoon and City Of Lost Children made sure you had a very solid set of movies. Never really been a fan of West Side Story, musicals just don't generally grab me and this was no different.

Favourite Movie: Psycho
Round Average: 7.75
Overall Average: 8.12

W - Man, if you didn't like the gross out, dumbed down, baseless comedies that you do, your averages would be so much higher. Luckily I've avoided most of those comedies this round so your average escaped this time... Without those movies which you obviously have a penchant for, there are some terrific movies, with three crossovers and well respected movies such as Schindler's List and The Green Mile.

Favourite Movie: 28 Days Later
Round Average: 8.42
Overall Average: 5.87

NSpan - MAN! Besides Dead Man which just kind of drifted past me without really drawing me in, that is a kick ass selection of movies!! While only 5 of them made my own list, the rest? They were all manner of awesomeness too, with Barton Fink and Die Hard movies which could have made my top 100 on another day. I need to give Barry Lyndon another go someday, as I watched it for the first time recently and enjoyed it, but I'm not sure if I'd rank it alongside Kubrick's other masterpieces yet.

Favourite Movie: Back To The Future
Round Average: 8.6
Overall Average: 7.63

undeadmonkey - Looking through your list from this round, it was like two different people every other movie. One great, one bad, one great, one bad (although the trio of Schindler's List, The Incredibles and Jesse James was very strong). I'm not a fan of Tony Scott's or Denzel Washington on the whole, like someone else mentioned he seems to consistently play the same characters nowadays. Only once crossover with my list, but the others that were good, were very, very good.

Favourite Movie: Casablanca
Round Average: 7.22
Overall Average: 7.33

JohnErle - Again, a mix of some great (the 5 Coens! and Alien), with some downright awful (Four Weddings), so a bit of a mish mash of movies. Haven't seen Rob Roy yet but I think it's something I should check out.

Favourite Movie: Alien
Round Average: 7.5
Overall Average: 7.55

I've noticed the averages are really starting to improve as we reach our favourite movies now, with only W left below the 7 mark (though his dramatic improvement could help him with that a lot). So good to see my taste correlates with the best of all your tastes!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by numbersix »

silversurfer19 wrote:
numbersix - Hmm, to be honest, considering we are closing in on our absolute favourites, this was a rather underwhelming round from someone who has been at the top of the field throughout. The Godfather, Groundhog Day, Annie Hall and 8 1/2 were all big dissapointments for me, 8 1/2 in particular. I just have never been able to fully watch the movie, it doesn't hold my attention. Would much rather watch La Strada or La Dolce Vita. And Annie Hall was just a movie filled with characters I did not relate to, it felt too unbelievable (and I do enjoy many of Allen's works, just usually without him in it - Whatever Works was decent enough with Larry David a much more likeable character). Fitzcarraldo is on my must see list though.
You should really give 8 1/2 another shot. For me it's more rewarding than La Strada AND La Dolce Vita. As for Annie Hall, you're not the only one to have an aversion to poor Woody ;). I am surprised that you rate Whatever Works as higher. Despite a different actor, Larry's character is infinitely more obnoxious and irredeemable than Alvy Singer in Annie Hall. I mean, at least Alvy opens up his heart and reveals all his flaws. We get nothing in Whatever Works.

I have noticed the same in our lists though. While I think your picks are still amazing some of your recent picks fit into the "good but not amazing" category (Sleepy Hollow and Double Indemnity are perfect examples of this). And films like Jaws and Star WArs are fun but just don't mean that much to me any more. If it's any consolation you still have more shared films than anyone else, with a ridiculous 27 films on our lists. Good on ya!

I'm not going to do a round summary, as I'll just leave it until the end. However I will now provide my BONUS LIST:

This round I decided to examine which directors appear the most, and here's my breakdown of the Top 10:

Stanley Kubrick: 5
David Lynch: 5
Steven Spileberg: 4
Francis Ford Coppola: 4
Alfred Hitchcock: 4
The Coen Brothers: 3
Ingmar Bergman: 3
Woody Allen: 3
Martin Scorsese: 3
James Cameron: 3

No surprises for the top 2, I'm always singing their praises. I am surprised by Cameron, as I don't rate him as a director, I just really like those three movies! The same with Spielberg, who has made many movies that don't move me, but I guess when he's good he's really good.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Buscemi »

Spielberg invented the blockbuster. That's why he's so high.
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