Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by Shrykespeare »

Here's a recap of the thread:

50. Speed
49. Aliens
48. Ocean's Eleven
47. TCON: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
46. The Thing
45. The Princess Bride
44. The Abyss
43. True Believer
42. Braveheart
41. Clash of the Titans

50. Delicatessen
49. The Third Man
48. Bicycle Thieves
47. Se7en
46. A Christmas Story
45. The Maltese Falcon
44. Evil Dead II
43. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
42. Early Summer
41. Chinatown

50. An American Werewolf in London
49. The Nightmare Before Christmas
48. Hellboy
47. Sin City
46. Gremlins
45. Pinocchio
44. Misery
43. Mars Attacks!
42. The Orphanage
41. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

50. Star Trek
49. Shane
48. The Hangover
47. No Country For Old Men
46. The Hurt Locker
45. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
44. Die Hard
43. The Usual Suspects
42. Transformers
41. Inglourious Basterds

50. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
49. Wall-E
48. Goodfellas
47. The Great Escape
46. Death at a Funeral
45. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
44. Hot Fuzz
43. The Sixth Sense
42. District 9
41. The Pursuit of Happyness

Ron Burgundy
50. Oldboy
49. Casino
48. Ninja Scroll
47. Rambo: First Blood
46. 25th Hour
45. Sunshine
44. Howl's Moving Castle
43. Hot Shots Part Deux
42. Gladiator
41. American History X

50. Labyrinth
49. Kill Bill Vol. I & II
48. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
47. The Godfather Part III
46. Do the Right Thing
45. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie
44. Dawn of the Dead
43. Some Like It Hot
42. A Clockwork Orange
41. Jaws

50. Saving Private Ryan
49. Da hong deng long gao gao gua (Raise the Red Lantern)
48. Carlito's Way
47. Jurassic Park
46. Harold and Maude
45. Howl's Moving Castle
44. Children of Men
43. Die Hard
42. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
41. Bringing Up Baby

50. Barry Lyndon
49. The Terminator
48. Oldboy
47. Aguirre: The Wrath of God
46. The Thin Red Line
45. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
44. Sweet Smell of Success
43. Raging Bull
42. Monty Python and the Life of Brian
41. Schindler's List

50. Clueless
49. Friday
48. Hustle and Flow
47. The Departed
46. Unbreakable
45. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
44. Inglourious Basterds
43. Groundhog Day
42. Saw
41. Clerks 2

50. Wall-E
49. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
48. Song for a Raggy Boy
47. Hotel Rwanda
46. The Incredibles
45. The Bourne Ultimatum
44. Toy Story
43. Thank You For Smoking
42. Lawrence of Arabia
41. The Godfather

50. Cool Runnings
49. Rear Window
48. Toy Story
47. Gone Baby Gone
46. Rocky IV
45. No Country For Old Men
44. Remember the Titans
43. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
42. The Lion King
41. Black Hawk Down

50. The Great Escape
49. Delicatessen
48. A Streetcar Named Desire
47. The Pink Panther
46. Misery
45. The Elephant Man
44. The Godfather
43. The Godfather Part II
42. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover
41. The Silence of the Lambs

50. Talladega Nights: Ballad of Ricky Bobby
49. Rounders
48. National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation
47. Spider-Man
46. Toy Story
45. Iron Man
44. Full Metal Jacket
43. Dogma
42. Billy Madison
41. The Usual Suspects

50. An American Werewolf in London
49. Clue
48. Defendor
47. Nashville
46. ¡Three Amigos!
45. Children of Men
44. The Terminator
43. The Road
42. The Princess Bride
41. The Shining

50. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
49. Junebug
48. The Princess Bride
47. Defiance
46. LOTR: The Two Towers
45. The Sound of Music
44. Erin Brockovich
43. Pocahontas
42. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
41. 101 Dalmatians

50. Parenthood
49. The Living Daylights
48. Goodfellas
47. Shaun of the Dead
46. Rosemary's Baby
45. Wall-E
44. The Talented Mr. Ripley
43. The French Connection
42. Brazil
41. Body Heat

My personal recap of everyone's thread:
(Seen it: Hated it/liked it/loved it/overlaps my list)

transformers (8: 0/3/2/3) Overlaps: Star Trek, Die Hard, Inglourious Basterds. Great thread, tranny! You are far and away in the lead as far as total overlaps. (36: 0/10/11/15)

undeadmonkey (7: 0/3/2/2) Overlaps: The Princess Bride, LOTR: The Two Towers. Like tranny, you have yet to field a film that I've actively disliked. Keep it up! (31: 0/12/12/7)

englishozzy (7: 0/3/2/2) Overlaps: Wall-E, District 9. I have seen 2/3 of the films on your list, which is tops. (40: 2/17/9/12)

Geezer (7: 0/4/3/0) Overlaps: none. Lots of good stuff this thread, but nothing from my list. (37: 1/15/10/11)

NSpan (6: 1/3/0/2) Overlaps: The Terminator, The Princess Bride. Decent thread, except for Children of Men, the first on your list that I've really disliked. (25: 1/14/4/6)

W (6: 1/0/4/1) Overlaps: The Usual Suspects. Well, half your picks this thread I rated an 8/10 or better, so not bad. Pity about Talladega Nights, though... your list was going great until that one. (28: 1/11/11/5)

BarcaRulz (5: 0/1/2/2) Overlaps: Wall-E, The Incredibles. You picked two of my favorite animated films in Pixar's repertoire. (24: 0/7/7/10)

leestu (5: 0/3/2/0) Overlaps: none. Not a bad thread, but not your best either. (24: 1/13/2/8)

Banks (4: 0/1/0/3) Overlaps: Unbreakable, Inglourious Basterds, Saw. Everything this thread was either an overlap, a movie I haven't seen, or The Departed. Great percentage. (29: 2/11/10/6)

Chienfantome (4: 1/0/2/1) Overlaps: Die Hard. Though you trail the pack in overlaps, I'm betting that number will change soon. (14: 4/3/5/2)

numbersix (4: 0/2/1/1) Overlaps: The Terminator. Not much to say. (24: 1/9/7/7)

thegreenarrow (4: 0/2/2/0) Overlaps: none. Hellboy and Sin City were excellent picks. (19: 1/6/8/4)

Ron Burgundy (4: 0/2/2/0) Overlaps: none. So happy with your Hot Shots Part Deux pick! (30: 1/11/15/3)

JohnErle (3: 0/2/0/1) Overlaps: Wall-E. This was sure the thread for Wall-E, wasn't it? (28: 3/13/6/6)

Buscemi (3: 0/2/0/1) Overlaps: Kill Bill Vol. 1. I haven't seen much of your list, but I've liked most of what I've seen. (21: 1/9/4/7)

silversurfer (1: 0/0/0/1) Overlaps: Se7en. Thank God for Se7en, or this thread would have been an ohfer for you. (16: 2/7/2/5)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by numbersix »

BanksIsDaFuture wrote: Well, I don't think he's killed anyone. Everyone who get put in those traps are there for a reason - they've been taking thier life for granted, in their own ways. Jigsaw tries to make them see just how precious and fragile a life is, how lucky they are to be alive and to make them realize just how much they've been throwing away.
So he makes traps to make people realise the value of life. Even though there's a good chance people are horendously killed by them (and plenty of people are in the movies). Riiighhhtt. Oh, and it is murder, without any doubt.
BanksIsDaFuture wrote:I think if you've seen and liked Clerks, you'd like Clerks 2.
Okay, well then I might check it out one of these days. Thanks for the clarification!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by W »

I wasn't a fan of either Clerks or Clerks 2, though I'm considering giving Clerks another try eventually. So that may be right.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by englishozzy »

Overall scores so far;

Films Seen(Total Points/Average)

Shryke - 28(223/7.96)

Surfer - 14(118/8.43)

Greenarrow - 21(174/8.26)

Transformer - 36(274/7.61)

Ron - 20(153/7.65)

Buscemi - 13(104/8)

Chien - 11(95/8.64)

Six - 15(128/8.53)

Banks - 31(233/7.52)

Barca - 25(219/8.76)

Geezer - 34(275/8.09)

Leestu - 17(143/8.41)

W - 22(168/7.64)

NSpan - 9(69/7.67)

UDM - 1(8/8)

JohnErle - 17(138/8.12)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by Leestu »

My genre breakdown.

Drama- 49
Horror - 12
Thriller - 10
Fantasy - 9
Comedy - 7
Musical - 5
Sci-Fi - 4
Documentary - 2
Western - 2
Pure Action - NONE

Not surprised at all to see drama dominate, and horror second. Before this if i was asked what my favourite genres were I would have said dramas and horrors.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by Chienfantome »

I am late, but here's my recap of this thread.

7 movies seen
Average : 6/10
Not a great round for you sir. In fact the only movie I love in your list is Princess Bride. The others are average Hollywood stuff, or disappointing Hollywood stuff. Too bad.

7 movies seen
Average : 7.28
Another impressive set from you, although The Maltese Falcon got your average lower than it could have been. Another from my youth classics such as Roger Rabbit and Seven to the classical Third Man and Bicycle Thief, it's very solid stuff. Films I really love.

8 movies seen
Average : 6.12
Had you not listed Fear and loathing in Las Vegas, you would have had a much better average grade, arrow. But I really don't like Gilliam's film. On the other hand, I love your inclusion of Mars Attacks !

8 movies seen
Average : 7.56
A great round for you tranny. Transformers is watchable, and that's the worst I can say about the films you selected. Keep up the good choices !

8 movies seen
Average : 6.68
Not bad a bad round. Sure, there are some dispensable films like The Pursuit of Happiness and Harry Potter 1. But the rest is a good mix, from Pixar to The Great Escape, a wonderful choice I had already made myself.

Ron B
9 movies seen
Average : 7.44
Oldboy, Sunshine and of course Howl's moving castle are the proof of your very good taste in this thread, Ron. Plus there's nothing I downright hated, so here's your good grade ;)

4 films seen. Wow, I think it's the first time I have seen so few movies selected by someone in one thread.
Average : 6.5
Well this is an average with few films, and you have to take into account that I awarded Fear in Loathing the beautiful grade of 2. So you could have done much better without it. It's great to see someone pick "Some like it hot". A great comedy.

7 movies seen
Average : 8.21
What a great thread again Six. The only film that bug me is Raging Bull, which really disappointed me when I saw it. Otherwise, it's a splendid round thanks to Schindler's list, which finished at #101 on my list, and some great stuff like Life of Brian, The Thin Red Line and Oldboy.

10 films seen
Average : 6.85
A very nice round Banks, although Friday is to be forgotten, and Saw is there again. But you've got solid films, culminating with the greatness of Groundhog Day.

8 movies seen
Average : 7.35
you're playing with fire when you list a Guy Ritchie film or a forgettable drama like Hotel Rwanda. But the rest is a good list of films, although very english speaking for someone like you who have listed some great foreign stuff already. But there are threads like that. Good choices, again.

10 films seen
Average : 6.83
Too bad you chose to enlist a Rocky sequel, Geezer ! What went through your mind (I'm just kidding buddy ;)). Otherwise I've loved your warning about Cool Runnings, and the fact all of us who you thought would diss on it just confessed liking it ;) I very much appraciate the films you selected (most of them !).

6 films seen
Average : 8.66
Wow, what an average grade you got here, leestu ! Well it does help that you picked a film I picked too, The Great Escape, plus classic films like The Godfathers, The Silence of the Lambs or Delicatessen. Well done, sir !

8 movies seen
Average : 7.57
Well well well, W, I sensed a welcome improvement in our tastes in this round. Sure you still got Rounders. but The Usual Suspects ? Dogma ? Toy Story ? And of course Full Metal Jacket ? You're getting interesting... ;)

6 movies seen
Average : 7.41
We shared Children of men in this thread, NSpan. And I'm glad we did. There's a lot of stuff I haven't seen in your list, 4 to be precise, but I really liked the ones I saw here. Especially The Princess Bride too.

8 movies seen
Average : 7.31
The very average got melted with the high quality in your round of films, UDM ;) Epire Strike back, Princess Bride, The Two Towers and 101 Dalmatians are the high quality of course^^

6 films seen
Average : 7.08
I haven't seen many films from your list John, but there's nothing I dislike. Only the Bond film leaves me cold. The rest is excellent. Well done.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by Geezer »

Chien, it doesn't make sense that the snobs among us would like Cool Runnings, but go ahead and bash films like Heavyweights and Major Payne. They are the exact same type of film in my opinion
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by Buscemi »

Well, Cool Runnings was critically acclaimed when it was first released (critics like an inspirational true story).
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by W »

It's still critically acclaimed considering its 74% Tomatometer...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by silversurfer19 »


Wow, for the most part a really good round, Shryke. Shame about Braveheart and Oceans Eleven (again!), because there was plenty to like and 3 crossovers with my list in this thread. Hopefully this continues.

Favourite Movie: The Thing
Round Average: 7.22
Overall Average: 6.84

Fabulous round, especially the first half. Not that big a fan of Fear And Loathing or Mars Attack, while Pinnochio is one of my middling Disneys, but otherwise some great picks, 4 of which made my own list.

Favourite Movie: An American Werewolf In London
Round Average: 8.35
Overall Average: 8.62

Some decent stuff here, though I can't profess to enjoying any of either of the two Harold and Kumar movies. Just a little too stupid for me. Otherwise though, Star Trek was decent, The Hangover was okay (at best though, nowhere near as good as the hype), but with some QT, Coens and Singer in there you did well. Only one cross over I'm afraid, but enough decent stuff to keep me interested. Need to catch Shane when I can though, it seems to be quite popular on here.

Favourite Movie: The Usual Suspects
Round Average: 6.55
Overall Average: 6.89

Still need to see The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, but otherwise a solid round. Not a big fan of the first Harry Potter, felt it was too child orientated (maybe that was the intention, and due to that it didn't draw me in), but with District 9 and Hot Fuzz, as well as Wall E, there was some cool picks here.

Favourite Movie: District 9
Round Average: 6.81
Overall Average: 7.13

Ron Burgundy
A bit up and down for me this round, with some greats like Oldboy, Sunshine, Howls Moving Castle and American History X balanced out by Hot Shots, and Casino. Haven't seen either Ninja Scroll or 25th Hour though, so that may have helped your average.

Favourite Movie: Oldboy
Round Average: 7.25
Overall Average: 7.14

For the most part a decent round, especially your last four picks. I need to catch some Cassavettes, but I can't say I was a fan of either Kill Bill 2 or The Godfather 3. But with a movie like Jaws in your list, you're definitely onto a winner.

Favourite Movie: Jaws
Round Average: 8.16
Overall Average: 8.06

I have an opportunity to see Bringing Up Baby for the first time at our local arthouse cinema in a couple of weeks so looking forward to that. Otherwise a very decent round with one crossover and one which just missed my list. Really want to see Raise The Red Lantern too.

Favourite Movie: Harold And Maude
Round Average: 8
Overall Average: 7.52

A couple of movies I haven't seen in this round, but I so want to see both Aguirre and Sweet Smell Of Success. Otherwise an almost who's who of classic movies. Barry Lyndon was very good, though perhaps not as great as I'd hoped, and I just can't ever get into The Thin Red Line (despite certainly acknowledging it's merits). 3 crossovers with my list though, so keep 'em coming.

Favourite Movie: The Terminator
Round Average: 8.31
Overall Average: 8.52

Quite a few decent but not too much that I love in this round I'm afraid. Not really a fan of Clueless and haven't seen Friday or Hustle and Flow, but that middle four of The Departed, Unbreakable, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Inglorious Basterds were standouts.

Favourite Movie: Unbreakable
Round Average: 6.81
Overall Average: 6.82

Other than the Ritchie movie, nothing I would particularly hate here, but only one movie crossed over with my own list. Good to see some appreication for Pixar though, plenty of it in this round, and Thank You For Smoking was also very decent. Haven't heard of Song For A Raggy Boy though, will check it out.

Favourite Movie: Toy Story
Round Average 7.25
Overall Average: 7.73

Again, some decent, some not so decent, but with movies like Rear Window, Toy Story and Star Wars in one round, that's got some pretty great highs. And even Rocky IV isn't awful, certainly my favourite Rocky after the first, with a great montage sequence. Still haven't seen Black Hawk Down though. And Cool Runnings, for me at least, was a notch above those others of similar type because of John Candy, a true comedy genius. Without him I probably would have slated the movie.

Favourite Movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Round Average: 8.0
Overall Average: 7.40

Some very intriguing picks this round, with Misery, Delicatessen, The Elephant Man, Silence Of The Lambs and The Cook... really pushing boundaries and succeeding. Quite a few classics mixed in with those other challenging movies, but a good mix.

Favourite Movie: Delicatessen
Round Average: 7.65
Overall Average: 7.76

Man, if you layed off the comedies I'd love most of your picks. Mixing Talladega Nights and Billy Madison with classics such as Toy Story and The Usual Suspects just seems wrong. But hey, it's your taste!

Favourite Movie: Toy Story
Round Average: 6.3
Overall Average: 6.45

Great to have you on board finally, and not a bad way to enter the countdown with An American Werewolf In London, The Terminator, The Princess Bride and The Shining! Not to mention some other greats such as Children of Men and The Road. Keep this up and you could be challenging Six and Helena.

Favourite Movie: An American Werewolf In London
Round Average: 9.25
Overall Average: 7.44

Hmm, I didn't find as much to love about Defiance as you obviously did, I just found it a little laboured despite some decent performances. And Erin Brockavich and Austin Powers just annoy the hell out of me while Pocohontas always spelled the downfall of Disney for me. Suprisingly though, other than those it was a decent round, with Star Wars and The Princess Bride being the standouts.

Favourite Movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Round Average: 6.22
Overall Average: 7.42

After a dodgy start, some really great movies, from Shaun to Rosemary's Baby, Talented Mr Ripley and Brazil. Great picks, keep em coming.

Favourite Movie: The Talented Mr. Ripley
Round Average: 7.65
Overall Average: 7.63

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #6): 50-41

Post by Chienfantome »

Geezer wrote:Chien, it doesn't make sense that the snobs among us would like Cool Runnings, but go ahead and bash films like Heavyweights and Major Payne. They are the exact same type of film in my opinion
Sorry Geez, but I only bash films I have seen, and I haven't seen Heavyweights or Major Payne ! But there are differences between "ppopular movies". Not all of them are great, not all of them are bad ;)
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