Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Shrykespeare »

'Cause I'm stupid, and running on three hours sleep. It's fixed. Sorry, everyone.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by W »

Thanks... I didn't know if Chien was thrown in because he was the last one and was only posting one video (I don't exactly know what I'm doing) or what...

Anyways, I've got some stuff going on, but will try and get at least a few of my next ones to you tonight...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Shrykespeare »

This is it, guys... the ones that just barely missed "best of the best of the best" status.

I am still missing Song #10 from nearly half of you, and I don't even have one for Banks for tonight. PLEASE get your next batch of songs in STAT! We're almost done, people! If I have to take one day off to allow everyone to catch up, I will, but I have a timetable for completion, and I can't delay longer than one day.

SONG #11

Kraftwerk, “Neon Lights”

Apart from my two classical songs (and LZ's “Kashmir”), this is the oldest song on my list, and it is also the final of my three songs this thread (and on my list) that is entirely synthesizers. This song, from the album The Man Machine, was introduced to me by my college roommate, and I still remember the first time I heard it. I, like you guys probably will, found it very uninteresting, both musically and lyrically... at first, that is. But then the synths kicked in, and I was instantly all ears. But no, then the vocals returned. And then, at the 3:23 mark, the synths kicked in again, full-bore, and thus began nearly six minutes of the most amazing, beautiful, hypnotic synth music I'd ever heard, then or since, bar none. The rhythms, as precise as a delta-wave pattern, just carry me away every time I hear it.

I fully expect that most of you won't like this. You'll find it boring, even coma-inducing. So if you don't want to sit through the whole thing, fine. Just start at 2:46 and go from there. And as for the video? Don't even watch it, it's fan-made and inconsequential. Just close your eyes and listen, not just your ears but with all your senses. Use headphones if you have to. (Or do what I do... turn off all the lights, make the house as dark as possible, and press “play”. Let the music just fill up the room.) Sometimes the simplest melodies can be the most beautiful, and for me, that is never more true than in this song.

Bob Dylan, “Positively 4th Street”

The most lyrically scathing "Fuck You" in musical history. I vowed not to post more than one set of lyrics throughout the countdown (and I used that opportunity for "Visions of Johanna")--but I didn't say I wouldn't LINK to lyrics! The vocals are clear and easily understandable, but read along if you're up for it. I'm glad Dylan has never really "explained" this song to his fans. In my opinion, it'd actually take away from the impact to hear that it was written about some specific real-world individual... which it very well may be. But us not knowing is a good thing because these lyrics capture a universal emotion – a feeling that we've all felt at a certain point. It's that moment after an act of betrayal where your vulnerability transforms into bitterness. I'm one of the most laid-back, undramatic people you'll meet (Patrick can probably attest to that), so I don't live my days seeing red. But I imagine every human who has lived for a given amount of amount of time has been in the situation Dylan so eloquently paints with words and music here. (PS. Before Surfer mentions it, one popular interpretation of the song is it being Dylan's response to the folksters of Greenwich Village who turned their back on him after going electric. That's a fun interpretation in terms of rock history, but it's by no means definitive).

***Stiff Little Fingers, “Suspect Device”***

It only takes the opening seconds to get this blistering aural assault. SLF were Northern Ireland’s attempt at a punk band, although their inspiration from 60’s rock n roll is very apparent. This song, like most of their debut album Inflammable Material, is about the political troubles in Northern Ireland, with the band not taking sides but instead singing about their frustration over a lack of resolution. They inject so much heart and soul into their words and music that I’m bowled over by this song every time I hear it.

Nirvana, “Drain You”

The only thing keeping my second favorite Nirvana song out of the top 10, is that I think the breakdown in the song goes on a tad too long (even though I do like it, as it just builds anticipation until Kurt bursts back to life with his guitar and back into the chorus of the song). That and the other 10 songs are really, REALLY GOOD too. Its obvious how much I love this band, but I doubt that this particular song was an obvious guess to anyone as to what would be one of my last remaining songs from them. The lyrics are downright nonsensical, but Kurt's vocal talent along with the damn impressive hook that brings the song to life are amongst the best they ever did. Just another reason why Nevermind is the greatest album ever created.

U2, “Sunday Bloody Sunday”

One of the most meaningful and poignant protest songs of all time. As I've mentioned before, for me, U2 toes the line with basically every song being good but just missing that something extra, well this song has it. The personal investment and emotion infused in this song of theirs hits me every time. I will also recommend the slightly harder cover by Pillar, its worth a listen if you were previously a fan of this song (Geezer will like this version I'm sure at least).

Dishwalla, “Candleburn”

When I want some mellow music I turn to Dishwalla and this is my favorite of theirs.

Jane’s Addiction, “Jane Says”

Yes I like my alternative classics. This is Jane's Addiction's signature song and arguably their most famous song, yet it was never released as a single. About a friend of Perry Farrell who was addicted to heroin. For me this song is all about the vocals and lyrics.

The Rolling Stones, “Sympathy For the Devil”
(also W's #75 and leestu's #72)

Manic Street Preachers, “Faster”

Without doubt my most essential song from the Manic Street Preachers. The record this is taken from, The Holy Bible, is the devastating sound of a band plunging into chaos, an apocalypse even. I remember fondly reading the NME where they described it as 'a vile record'. In fact, what the record is is an intelligent, sustained attack on the liberal consensus. Introduced by John Hurt's character from 1984, skewered by an ear piercing squeal of feedback, before being driven by an uptight, two-note riff, “Faster” hurtles towards you, wild yet disciplined. The lyrics are once again crammed into the song (which I feel only serves to promote just how important the lyrics were on this record), possibly echoing The Sex Pistols' Anarchy In The UK, ("I am an architect"/ "I am an antichrist", "I know I believe in nothing but it is my nothing"/ "Don't know what I want but I know how to get it"). Such a statement I feel only epitomized the band's stance in their uncompromising drive and self belief.

***Jedi Mind Tricks, “Uncommon Valor (A Vietnam Story)”***

My favorite rap group around now. This song is about the Vietnam War and it tells the story of two soldiers. The first verse is delivered from the perspective of someone who hates what we are doing over there and wants out. The second verse is about a solider that loves the glory of killing and womanizing in Vietnam. Few songs have this strong of a message I actually played this song for my father and he was blown away by how amazing, powerful and accurate the lyrics are. “Powerful” is an understatement for this song.

The Beatles (w/ Eric Clapton), “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”

If you couldn't tell, my favorite Beatles album is the White album...

no song submitted (may be added later on if he gets his ass in gear)

***Placebo, “Twenty Years”***

My favourite track from Brian Molko and Co. Surprisingly this song was made specifically for their compilation album, and i fell in love with it straight away. Not sure how high up this song will be in my countdown in a couple of years time, but we'll see.

***Fuel, "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)”***

This song is actually unlucky not to make my top 10. Since the first time I heard it it has been a recurring inclusion in many “best of” lists. Pretty much on every playlist I have, and I have gotten at least 5 different friends hooked on it as well. Love it.

Ron Burgundy
R.E.M., “Losing My Religion”
(also BarcaRulz's #62 and becs' #21)

R.E.M. was a favorite from me back in the day (the 90s) not sure if I like this one or “Man on the Moon” better, either way they made it quite high on my list.

***Amy Winehouse, “Back to Black”***
(also Banks' #18)

I don’t really know what to think of Amy Winehouse as a human being, but as long as she will perform songs like this one, I’ll be hoping she works at getting herself back on track. She may have been recognized thanks to her title “Rehab”, but it is this song, for me, that truly deserves admiration. I love the musicality of this song, a mix of old style and modernity, a perfect use of the instruments, a strong but seductive voice. The rhythm is remarkably calibrated. It does not try to be more eloquent than what it really is. Remarkable song.

R.E.M., “Drive”

I love R.E.M., and this was the first of their songs I loved. Downbeat, but with great lyrics, and hook. What a great band!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare- Sarah McLachlan, “Sweet Surrender”
It was an OK song, nothing thats gonna last in my memory but it was a good listen. 5/10
Numbersix - Joy Division, “Love Will Tear Us Apart”
As i said earlier one of the good Joy Division songs i have heard on this countdown. 6/10
Geezer - "Eve 6, “Inside Out”
Another song you have picked out that i haven't heard in a long time. Great song. 8/10
becs - David Bowie, “Moonage Daydream”
Couldn't get into this one im afriad, never really been a fan of David Bowie music and although this is the first time i have heard this song, it didn't really do anything for me. 4/10
undeadmonkey - Shakira, “Si Te Vas”
Never really been a fan of Shikira and although this definately sounds a lot better than her English speaking stuff im still not a fan. 5/10
leestu - "Bauhaus, “Bela Lugosi’s Dead”
Couldn't really get into this one, also couldn't really see anything about this song that could relate to emo. 4/10
Buscemi - "Black Sabbath, “Iron Man”
Have heard this song so many times recently since they released the Iron Man series, a good song but not their best. 6/10
silversurfer - The Stooges, “Search And Destroy”
Not a bad song, first time listener of this song and was impressed. 7/10
transformers - Nirvana, “Lithium”
Obviously a lot of people is going to agree with me when i say this is an awesome song. 9/10
W - The Allman Brothers' Band, “Jessica”
Never really been a fan of instrumental music and even when its country instrumental. 4/10
Banks - Jay-Z, “Song Cry”
Not really for me im afraid, this is one guy i cant stand to listen so much that i wont even pick up his callaboration with Linkin Park. 3/10
BarcaRulz - Oasis, “Some Might Say”
Another good song from Oasis, cant believe you still got another two coming up so will be interesting to see what you post. 7/10
Ron Burgundy - Mstrkrft, “Heartbreaker"
A bit too poppy for my liking, a song that would probably be more suited to the clubs. Not for me. 4/10
Chienfantome - Neil Young, “Philadelphia”
Not a bad song, i liked it but probably wouldnt choose to listen to it again. Its a song that really is not my style. 6/10
Frendo - Nonphixion, “CIA's Still Trying to Kill Me”
Not bad music but as soon as the lyrics started i kinda lost interest in the song. 4/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by W »

I wouldn't call The ABB country unless you would call Skynard country... They're actually less country than Skynard in my estimation considering they're more apt to play with Clapton, BB King, etc than Hank Jr, Cash, etc. Probably more like 65% rock, 25% blues, 10% country (if that).
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by numbersix »

This is possibly the best round I've ever heard. Makes me look forward to our collected Top 10's even more!

Shrykespeare: Kraftwerk, “Neon Lights” (1978) - Loved it. I generally like Kraftwerk (though have never bought an album) and this is one of their better songs. Yes, it's slow, yes it's simple, but it generates the perfect laid-back atmosphere. I can't say it wasn't long, and I can't say my attention stuck, but I came out of the other side in a better mood, so that says something. It's one of the best passive songs I've ever heard.

NSpan: Bob Dylan, “Positively 4th Street” (1965) - Oh man, there's been many times where I wanted to sing this into the face of a person, so I totally get where Dylan is coming from. I also agree that it's best not to know who Dylan is referring to (if referring to anyone at all), it's unimportant. I used to think this was an OK Dylan song but whenever I'm in the mood for him, I almost always put this on. So I guess it's one of my favourites too. Brilliant.

Geezer: Nirvana, “Drain You” - Yep, not an obvious choice for you but that's neither here nor there. Definitely one of Nirvana's under-rated songs. There's a lot of drug references in the song but I read that it's about unrequited love: the narrator (or Kurt, if you think it's that personal) is in love with a woman who seems not to care and is more interested in herself, and that rejection drains him. There's also some heroin analogies going on in there (in the way the hope for reciprocal love is the high, the rejection is the "downer"), so don't dismiss the lyrics. Kurt was more than just a grunge icon. The music is what's really great about this song, and I do love the long break, just because when the song kicks back in it's all the more sweet.

becs: U2, “Sunday Bloody Sunday” - You put it perfectly. Interestingly, it was only last week that an independent ruling (yes, it took that long) found that the British forces were in the wrong. Anyone interested in what inspired the song should check out the Paul Greengrass movie Bloody Sunday. I love this song, it's full of passion, and the guitar work is excellent. It was the first riff I ever learned to play on guitar. It's my favourite U2 song. And it makes a good double-bill with my SLF song.

undeadmonkey: Dishwalla, “Candleburn” - There's a difference between mellow and dull, and I don't think these guys realised that.

leestu: Jane’s Addiction, “Jane Says” (1988) - Man, the influence of the Velvet Undergroud really is everywhere, isn't it? This is a great song, although I like it more for the guitar than the vocals and lyrics, but who's complaining?

Buscemi: The Rolling Stones, “Sympathy For the Devil” (also W's #75 and leestu's #72) - Great pick. A total classic. Not my favourite Stones song by a long shot, but still amazing.

silversurfer: Manic Street Preachers, “Faster” (1994) - You could put any song from The Holy Bible on your list and I'd approve. A great song, and one that prompted the teen me to check out all of the referenced writers (which I know am very fond of, with the exception of Plath. Great poet, awful novelist). There's real fury in this song but it's actually kind of melodic in places. Also, I think Richie was reading a lot of JG Ballard when he wrote these lyrics, I hear a lot of Crash and Atrocity Exhibition in them (this is bolstered by the Ballard soundbite in Mausoleum). Love it

transformers: ***Jedi Mind Tricks, “Uncommon Valor (A Vietnam Story)”*** - The beat was pretty cool, and while I was initially going to dismiss the lyrics as somewhat childish, it is an interesting idea to have two distinct, contrasting voices in the song. Very interesting.

W: The Beatles (w/ Eric Clapton), “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” - One of my favourite Beatles song, and one of the few that truly moves me.

Banks: no song submitted- Boo

englishozzy: ***Placebo, “Twenty Years”*** - A very average Placebo song if you ask me. Teenage Angst, Pure Morning, 26 Degrees are all way better.

BarcaRulz: ***Fuel, "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)”*** - It didn't really affect me in any way, to be honest.

Ron Burgundy: R.E.M., “Losing My Religion” (also BarcaRulz's #62 and becs' #21) - Still stands the test of time. Lots of spleen to behold here.

Chienfantome: ***Amy Winehouse, “Back to Black”*** (also Banks' #18) - Dude, you should get onto and order yourself a good, large Motown compilation. I guarantee once you get into that you probably won't come back to this song ever again.

Frendo: R.E.M., “Drive” - Again, I was totally off-base in criticisng your last song by quoting the wrong lyrics (!), so apologies. I was going to be nice about your next song no matter what, but it just happens to be a song I actually like! Downbeat indeed, but very delicately performed and the lyrics (I know them this time!) are good. Great pick.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by NSpan »

hey Oz, I didn't mean to exclude you from one (or two?) set of responses... if I recall one link was dead for me, and...i think...the other just got lost in the mix...

I've been concentrated on other things recently, so I'm usually in a bit of a rush to catch up when I finally get goin' around here... Sorry I left ya out
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Geezer »

Kraftwerk, “Neon Lights” (1978) - It just annoyed me

Bob Dylan, “Positively 4th Street” (1965) - Didn't really stand out amongst other Dylan songs, but that isn't saying it isn't good, because it is.

***Stiff Little Fingers, “Suspect Device”*** (1979) - This is something that my brother would LOVE (and hell, I'm sure he knows the song and does love it). Me, I just like it, its a little bit screamy for me, but the music is great.

U2, “Sunday Bloody Sunday” - Fantastic song. Came extremely close to my list, as did a couple of other U2 songs, but none made it. Glad to see it here. I will check out the other version later since you say I will like it.

Dishwalla, “Candleburn” - Didn't connect.

Jane’s Addiction, “Jane Says” (1988) - Fan-fucking-tastic choice Leestu. Another one that was hard to leave off my own list. Surprised we haven't heard it before now.

Manic Street Preachers, “Faster” (1994) - Not bad at all, but It didn't really grab me on first listen... But I feel like it might on subsequent listens. P.S. I've been listening to that Hold Steady album non stop for two days. What are your favorite tracks from it, I want to see how we compare.

***Jedi Mind Tricks, “Uncommon Valor (A Vietnam Story)” - This is what rap should be. Thats really all I have to say. The lyrics were amazing, the beat was strong, very powerful indeed. I loved it.

The Beatles (w/ Eric Clapton), “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” - If I were to pick a third favorite Beatles song, this would certainly be a strong consideration. Fantastic.

I'll get to the rest later on. So far, so good though!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by numbersix »

I'm not going to do much of a round-up of the thread, as there hasn't been any major changes in who I think I have a similar taste with or not. Nor am I going to preview my Top 10. Let's just say there's a few most will recognise and a few most won't. In the meantime I'm assuming I'll know most of the songs in everyone's Top 10, so I'd be surprised to discover new music. So, I have a list of 10 records that I want to own and will get one way or another over the next few months. They are

Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
Black Sabbath: Black Sabbath
Weezer: Weezer
Fugazi: Repeater
The Rolling Stones: Aftermath
The Rolling Stones: Beggar's Banquet
Depeche Mode: Some Great Reward
Cream: Disraeli Gears
Spaceman 3: Playing with Fire
The Warlocks: Phoenix

Thanks guys for introducing me to bands and albums I may come to consider amongst my favourites!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Shrykespeare »

Okay, progress. I've gotten the next batch of songs from ozzy, Barca, and W, and well as Chien's #10.

I'm still missing #10 from NSpan, Geezer, becs, leestu, transformers, Frendo, and of course Banks.

My thoughts (in order of preference):

Buscemi –The Rolling Stones, “Sympathy For the Devil” – Awesome song. Awesome. (9)

undeadmonkey – Dishwalla, “Candleburn” – This was a very pleasant surprise. My (like most people's, I would imagine) only memory of this band was “Counting Blue Cars”, which was overplayed and which I never really liked to begin with. Nice to see that that one hit song didn't define them. Excellent choice, UDM. (8)

W – The Beatles, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” – Eric Clapton was on this record? Never knew that. What I do remember was that this song was part of the whole ridiculous “Paul is dead” scandal way back when. Part of the “evidence” was the last minute of this song, with someone (John?) mournfully saying “Paul, Paul, Paul...” How absurd. Great song, though. (8)

Ron Burgundy – R.E.M., “Losing My Religion” – One of the most intelligent songs of the last 20 years. (7)

silversurfer – Manic Street Preachers, “Faster” – Easily my favorite of your three MSP songs, surfer. The lyrics are fucking brilliant. (7)

transformers – Jedi Mind Tricks, “Uncommon Valor (A Vietnam Story)” – Didn't know what to expect from this one going in. Of course, I see that title and I immediately recall the awesome movie starring stalwart actors Reb Brown and Randall “Tex” Cobb (oh yeah, and also a guy named Gene Hackman and a very young Patrick Swayze). I've listened to the song twice now, and it's awesome. Great flow, outstanding lyrics, and I don't even mind the profanity this time. Very impressive, young man. (7)

BarcaRulz – Fuel, “Hemorrhage (In My Hands)” – It's a good thing we're doing this now and not a few years ago, because it was so overplayed and I was so sick of it that I never wanted to hear it again. Now, it's been a while, so I can listen to it with fresh ears again. And it's okay. (6)

englishozzy – Placebo, “Twenty Years” – Didn't think much of it vocally. Musically, it only got really good at the two-minute mark. That's more than halfway through, so I was a little disappointed. (6)

Geezer – Nirvana, “Drain You” – This song sounds familiar and yet unfamiliar. Weird. Not bad. (6)

Chienfantome – Amy Winehouse, “Back to Black” – Just okay for me. (6)

Frendo – R.E.M., “Drive”Automatic For the People was a monster album, but this is among my least favorite songs on it. “Everybody Hurts” and “Man on the Moon” are amazing, as is “The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight”. “Ignoreland” and “Nightswimming” are also very good. This one I just find bland. (5)

becs – U2, “Sunday Bloody Sunday” – I remember when the (live) video for this song was one of the most-played songs on early EARLY MTV. It was more airplay-friendly than “New Year's Day”, a song that I much prefer. U2's first four albums had so many great songs, like “I Will Follow”, “Gloria”, “Fire”, and many others. Of course, it was The Unforgettable Fire (and “Pride”) that began their world takeover, and as their popularity grew exponentially, my interest in them waned. (5)

NSpan – Bob Dylan, “Positively 4th Street” – Not bad. Not GREAT, but not bad. And yes, I can attest to the fact that you are very laid back. Whether that's your natural disposition or helped by the ingestion of “certain substances” (as Graham Chapman might say), that's still a mystery. (5)

leestu – Jane's Addiction, “Jane Says” – For some reason Perry Farrell's voice just always grated on me. As a result, “Been Caught Stealing” is about the only Jane's Addiction song that I even like. Don't like this one at all. (4)

numbersix – Stiff Little Fingers, “Suspect Device” – A little all over the place for me. I much prefer leetsu's SLF pick, “Johnny Was”. (4)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Shrykespeare »

numbersix wrote:In the meantime I'm assuming I'll know most of the songs in everyone's Top 10, so I'd be surprised to discover new music.
Well, then, prepare to be surprised, Six. I have one in my Top Ten that I will almost guarantee no one has heard, and one more that is so obscure I'd say it's unlikely. Plus, I know none of you are big UB40 fans, and my final song of theirs is NOT one of their airplay hits, so that's another one. And there even may be one or two others in your case, Six.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Geezer »

You are not missing number 10 from me Shryke, you have my 10-6.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Geezer »


***Placebo, “Twenty Years” - Not even close to Pure Morning.

***Fuel, "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)” - I'm not going to rip you for this Barca, its a fantastic song. For modern rock, it doesn't get much better.

Ron Burgundy
R.E.M., “Losing My Religion” (also BarcaRulz's #62 and becs' #21) - Fantastic.

***Amy Winehouse, “Back to Black”*** (also Banks' #18) - Terrible.

R.E.M., “Drive” - Didn't grab me like several other R.E.M. songs have.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Shrykespeare »

You're right, Geez. My bad.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Shrykespeare »

Here's a recap of this thread's songs:

20. Gary Numan, Are "Friends" Electric?
19. Crazy House, Heaven Said My Name
18. Naughty By Nature, O.P.P.
17. Alanis Morissette, Wunderkind
16. Midnight Oil, Truganini
15. Thomas Dolby, Quantum Mechanic
14. Tori Amos, Caught a Lite Sneeze
13. Sting, Shape of My Heart
12. Sarah McLachlan, Sweet Surrender
11. Kraftwerk, Neon Lights

20. The Velvet Underground, Sweet Jane
19. Black Sabbath, Warning
18. The Beatles, Something
17. T.Rex, Rabbit Hunter
16. The Velvet Underground, Walk and Talk
15. Pink Floyd, Shine On You Crazy Diamond
14. The Beach Boys, Good Vibrations
13. Led Zeppelin, In My Time of Dying
12. The Beatles, Here Comes the Sun
11. Bob Dylan, Positively 4th Street

20. The Beach Boys, God Only Knows
19. Radiohead, Idioteque
18. Battles , Atlas
17. Sufjan Stevens, Casimir Pulaski Day
16. Henryk Gorecki, Olden Style Piece #3
15. The Velvet Underground, Venus in Furs
14. Bob Dylan, Ballad of a Thin Man
13. Sonic Youth, Cross the Breeze
12. Joy Division, Love Will Tear Us Apart
11. Stiff Little Fingers, Suspect Device

20. Straylight Run, Existentialism on Prom Night
19. Social Distortion, Don't Take Me For Granted
18. Journey, Don't Stop Believin'
17. Reel Big Fish, Beer
16. Against Me!, Cliché Guevara
15. Rise Against, Behind Closed Doors
14. The Gaslight Anthem, The '59 Sound
13. The Airborne Toxic Event, Sometime Around Midnight
12. Eve 6, Inside Out
11. Nirvana, Drain You

20. Foo Fighters, Everlong
19. Queen, It's a Hard Life
18. Depeche Mode, Enjoy the Silence
17. Nirvana, Heart Shaped Box
16. Live, Dolphin's Cry
15. Muse, Stockholm Syndrome
14. Weezer, Pork and Beans
13. Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
12. David Bowie, Moonage Daydream
11. U2, Sunday Bloody Sunday

20. Avril Lavigne, I'm With You
19. Alphaville, Forever Young
18. Nelly Furtado, Say It Right
17. Rock Kills Kid, I Turn My Camera On
16. Enrique Iglesias, Heroe
15. Rihanna, Disturbia
14. Gary Allan, Smoke Rings in the Dark
13. Lady Gaga, Poker Face
12. Shakira, Si Te Vas
11. Dishwalla, Candleburn

20. Soundgarden, Jesus Christ Pose
19. At the Drive In, Invalid Litter Dept.
18. The Smiths, Bigmouth Strikes Again
17. Queen and David Bowie, Under Pressure
16. The Who, My Generation
15. The Cat Empire, The Chariot
14. Sex Pistols, Anarchy in the UK
13. Nirvana, Sliver
12. Bauhaus, Bela Lugosi's Dead
11. Jane's Addiction, Jane Says

20. Electric Light Orchestra, Showdown
19. Smashing Pumpkins, 1979
18. Jimi Hendrix, Angel
17. The Smiths, This Charming Man
16. Guns N Roses, November Rain
15. Joe Tex, I Gotcha
14. Van Halen, Eruption
13. Aerosmith, Dream On
12. Black Sabbath, Iron Man
11. The Rolling Stones, Sympathy For the Devil

20. Bob Dylan, Ballad of a Thin Man
19. The Velvet Underground, I'm Waiting For the Man
18. Sonic Youth, Teenage Riot
17. Jimi Hendrix, All Along the Watchtower
16. Smashing Pumpkins, Thru the Eyes of Ruby
15. Echo and the Bunnymen, The Killing Moon
14. The Kinks, You Really Got Me
13. The White Stripes, Hotel Yorba
12. The Stooges, Search and Destroy
11. Manic Street Preachers, Faster

20. Children of Bodom, Kissing the Shadows
19. The Doors, Break on Through (To the Other Side)
18. Rage Against the Machine, Guerrilla Radio
17. Slayer, Raining Blood
16. The Clash, Guns of Brixton
15. Mastodon, The Czar
14. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Breaking the Girl
13. Smashing Pumpkins, Bullet With Butterfly Wings
12. Nirvana, Lithium
11. Jedi Mind Tricks, Uncommon Valor (A Vietnam Story)

20. Nirvana, The Man Who Sold the World
19. Johnny Cash, Hurt
18. The Who, My Generation
17. Living Colour, Cult of Personality
16. Eric Clapton, Tears in Heaven
15. Rage Against the Machine, Bulls On Parade
14. The Doors, Light My Fire
13. Keith Whitley, When You Say Nothing At All
12. Allman Brothers Band, Jessica
11. The Beatles (feat. Eric Clapton), While My Guitar Gently Weeps

20. Will Smith, Summertime
19. Kanye West feat. Syleena Johnson, All Falls Down
18. Amy Winehouse, Back to Black
17. Dr. Dre feat. Eminem, Guilty Conscience
16. Common, Misunderstood
15. Jay-Z feat. Freeway, What We Do
14. Ray Charles, Georgia On My Mind
13. Kina Grannis, Together
12. Jay-Z, Song Cry
11. ??????

20. Linkin Park, My December
19. Metallica, Whiskey in the Jar
18. Foo Fighters, Learn to Fly
17. Ash, Kung Fu
16. Nightwish, Nemo
15. Coldplay, Clocks
14. Green Day, Holiday
13. Rise Against, The Good Left Undone
12. System of a Down , Chop Suey
11. Placebo, Twenty Years

20. Hunters and Collectors, Holy Grail
19. Chuck Berry, Johnny B. Goode
18. Stone Sour, Through Glass
17. Clint Mansell, Lux Aeterna
16. Frijid Pink, House of the Rising Sun
15. Journey, Don't Stop Believin'
14. Nirvana, Lithium
13. Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven
12. Oasis, Some Might Say
11. Fuel, Hemorrhage (In My Hands)

Ron Burgundy
20. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Scar Tissue
19. TISM, Greg! The Stop Sign!!
18. The Rolling Stones, (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
17. Kings of Leon, On Call
16. The Temper Trap, Fader
15. Radiohead, Airbag
14. Megadeth, Hangar 18
13. Oasis, Wonderwall
12. Mstrkrft, Heartbreaker
11. R.E.M., Losing My Religion

20. Bob Dylan, Knockin' On Heaven's Door
19. The Shins, A Comet Appears
18. Alex Beaupain, Brooklyn Bridge
17. Gary Jules, Mad World
16. The Verve, The Drugs Don't Work
15. Simon & Garfunkel, The Sounds of Silence
14. Elbow, Grounds For Divorce
13. Bruce Springsteen, Streets of Philadelphia
12. Neil Young, Philadelphia
11. Amy Winehouse, Back to Black

20. AFI, Silver and Cold
19. Radiohead, The Bends
18. The Who, Behind Blue Eyes
17. David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust
16. Rites of Spring, For Want Of
15. Pantera, Walk
14. Hole, Doll Parts
13. The Doors, Riders on the Storm
12. Nonphixion, CIA's Still Trying to Kill Me
11. R.E.M. , Drive

Best choices (this thread)
Buscemi - 8.2 (tying Barca from last thread)
Chien - 6.8
becs - 6.6
Geezer - 6.6
tranny - 6.4
ozzy - 6.3
Ron B - 6.3
UDM - 6.3
Barca - 6.2
W - 6.1

Best lists (total)
becs - 6.91
Barca - 6.68
ozzy - 6.64
Ron B - 6.60
Geez - 6.53
Buscemi - 6.48

Best Songs This Thread That I'd Heard Before
Depeche Mode, "Enjoy the Silence" (becs)
Lady Gaga, "Poker Face" (UDM)
Rolling Stones, "Satisfaction" (Ron B)
Black Sabbath, "Iron Man" (Buscemi)
Neil Young, "Philadelphia" (Chien)

Best Songs This Thread That I Hadn't Heard Before
The Airborne Toxic Event, "Sometime Around Midnight" (Geezer)
Dishwalla, "Candleburn" (UDM)
Mastodon, "The Czar" (transformers)
Happy 60th birthday Jet Li! (4/26/23)

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