Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#21

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Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#21

Post by silversurfer19 »

And so we finally enter the top 30....

Album No.30

To Be Added At A Later Date

Pink Floyd, "Dark Side of the Moon"
, 1973


1.Speak To Me – N/A
2.Breathe – 5 stars
3.On The Run – 3 stars
4.Time – 5 stars
5.The Great Gig In The Sky – 3 stars
6.Money – 5 stars
7.Us And Them – 5 stars
8.Any Colour You Like – 3
9.Brain Damage – 5 stars
10.Eclipse – 5 stars

Well, as you can tell, we've reached the classics section of my countdown. This album is just brilliant, and almost has to be listened to as a whole. It's my favorite album to just throw on and relax to.


"Brain Damage/Eclipse"

The Velvet Underground, “The Velvet Underground”
, 1969


“Candy Says”

“What Goes On”

The Warlocks, "Phoenix"
, 2002


Still my favorite of the neo-psychedelic movement that started in Los Angeles and is slowly taking over the world. Of the multitude of Brian Jonestown Massacre offshoot bands, The Warlocks remain my favorite (with Spindrift being a close second). I've been entranced by their live performances, but I honestly think they've captured that magic in the studio on more than one occasion. Phoenix is easily their most consistent work, even if some of their highest highs might be found on assorted EPs, compilations, and later LPs. Phoenix introduced me to the band, and I've been hooked ever since. Lots of shoe-gazing going on here. The vocals are buried in the mix, rendering them practically an instrument. Despite that, I wouldn't describe the production as "noise rock." It's still a very clear and refined listening experience... entrancing and a bit droning, for sure. They rock--but they're also great to simply zone out to. Major influences by Spacemen 3 and My Bloody Valentine. They just reunited after a hiatus, so be sure to catch them if they come through your town. (On a similar note, Spindrift is touring the USA with Gram Rabbit right now--check out their schedule. That double-bill will rock your socks off!). I think everybody's heard "Hurricane Heart Attack" and "Shake the Dope Out," so I'll showcase a couple other tracks. As usual, play these loud!

1) Shake the Dope Out
2) Hurricane Heart Attack
3) Inside Outside
4) Isolation
5) Cosmic Letdown
6) Red Rooster
7) Baby Blue
8) The Dope Feels Good
9) Stickman Blues
10) Oh Shadie
11) Moving and Shaking


"The Dope Feels Good"

The Beach Boys, “Pet Sounds”
, 1966


Showcasing the major differences between music in a studio and music live (although obviously indebted to The Beatles), this is a gorgeous record in every sense.

The amount of musical layers to each of these songs is extraordinary. There’s even a box-set in which many of the songs are broken down into their components. Yet the songs sound so simple from the outset. That’s the ingenuity at work from Brian Wilson and his crew.

"Don’t Talk"

"God Only Knows"

Ron Burgundy
The Beatles, "The Beatles (The White Album)"
, 1967


"Helter Skelter"

"Cry Baby Cry"

Led Zeppelin, "Led Zeppelin"
, 1969


Man, it's been ten years since I bought this record. I had grown up knowing Led Zeppelin, my dad owned II and IV and they got a fair play on our record player as a child. But I had never heard this record. Upon discovering the blues and how Led Zeppelin had taken great influence from them during my teens, I took it upon myself to discover the band from start to finish, in order. So naturally I started here, and man, I could have been forgiven for thinking the band had already reached their peak! This is a stunning collection of songs, taking their blues influences (and on a couple of occassions - complete songs) and merging it with some of the ideas played with during The Yardbirds and then taking it to another level. I always play this album very, very LOUD. It's the only way to listen to it. I'm sitting here listening to it on my headphones right now with the sound all the way up to 100 and it sounds wonderful. Pounding away on my eardrums, if I get early hearing loss, at least it will have been for a good cause!

"Babe I'm Gonna Leave You"

"I Can't Quit You Baby"

The Dillinger Escape Plan, "Option Paralysis"



"Endless Endings"
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by englishozzy »


Oasis, "(What's the Story) Morning Glory", 1995


The seminal album from Oasis which sees the band at their most harmonious and remains one of the biggest British albums of all time. Unfortunately the band never really fulfilled their potential with disputes, drugs and alcohol that guaranteed their eventual demise in 2005.

Don't Look Back in Anger

Champagne Supernova
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by NSpan »

Wow, killer album selections this round!!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by numbersix »

Indeed, a lot of classics appearing this round. Wonder will we be seeing and hearing more of this.

Ozzy: While considered to be a classic of the 90s, I never quite got this record. The melodies were nice but the songs never struck an emotional chord. I think their first album is better, but on this one I just failed to get involved.

Geez: And another clasic that just does nothing for me. Here, I just find myself bored by the music. There never feels like there's enough going on to pay attention, and when something does happen it's usually an overlong guitar solo, which I'm generally not fond of.

Leetsu: Good to see this get some more recognition. It's a great collection of pop songs, with some heartfelt moments. They're so catchy you never feel disappointing that they're veering away from the experiments heard in the Nico record or White Light/White Heat.

NSpan: Having recently listened to a lot of the bands these guys are inspired by, there is a sense that I've heard this all before. But these guys still play well, and know when to hold back and when to let go, particularly the first song. The second didn't do much for me, but it's still on my radat as a record to get.

Ron B: Helter Skelter is such a great rock song. One of their wildest moments of their later career. The second song was only okay, melodic but unengaging. I really do need to give this a proper listen.

SS: Lots of love for Led going on here. I enjoyed both songs. Again, their use of blues riffs doesn't make them sound inovate or fresh. But when the songs get going they really rock. I could have used a bit more of that in each song. Still, it was fun, and I'll probably look into Physical Grafitti and IV one of these days.

Tranny: That was... interesting. At times it felt it was veering towards nu-metal, but the experimental rhythms and structure made me pay more attention.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.30

Oasis, "(What's The Story) Morning Glory"
, - For a while I loved this album, I think I was just caught up in finally having a guitar band topping the charts once again, though, as I quickly tired of it. There are some good moments on the record, particularly Some Might Say, but really I much preferred other bands around during the Brit Pop era such as the Manics, Pulp, Suede, Mansun and The Super Furry Animals.

Geezer Pink Floyd, "Dark Side of the Moon" - I recently picked up this album to see what all the fuss was about. To be honest, I haven't been won over by it. I think six mentioned something previously about it's over-use of all the wailing female, and I kind of agree, it's kind of how I feel about the whole record, it just seems to go on and on without really keeping me interested. It sporadically comes to life, but to be honest I couldn't really maintain focus. I guess it's a good enough album to fall asleep to, but if you want to actually listen to the record, it's just not for me. I'd rather stick with their earlier records.

LeestuThe Velvet Underground, “The Velvet Underground” - A good album, but for some reason it's never really struck me as one of The Velvet's best and so I haven't really explored it too much in comparison with their other albums. Maybe I need to give it another opportunity.

NSpan The Warlocks, "Phoenix" - Coincidentally I grabbed this album along with about 10 others from the dozens of boxes of CDs which came over from NZ a couple of weeks ago, and have been listening to it a lot in the car. I can hear your references to the likes of MBV, though as you say it's hardly noise rock. In fact, for some reason I get a very Rolling Stones vibe about them, particularly on songs such as Baby Blue. I do actually really like the record, especially on Shake The Dope Out/ The Dope Feels Good. Interestingly enough, I have a completely different track listing to the one you have listed, and Isolation is new to me as it isn't on my copy (according to Wiki I have the US version, which means you have the UK version - who'd have thunk it!), but nevertheless I'm glad you introduced me to the band a couple of years ago, a good buy.

numbersix The Beach Boys, “Pet Sounds” - Good to see this pop up again, a real favourite of mine, and I agree, how Wilson manages to take something with so many layers get make it sound simple is a work of genius.

Ron Burgundy The Beatles, "The Beatles (The White Album)" - I grew up always hearing that this was a bit of a joke of an album, but I think that's largely because of Piggies and Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, which sounded like the titles of songs NOT recorded by The Beatles. Since then thankfully I've heard some of the stronger tracks from the album, and there are some really good tracks on here, particularly Helter Skelter for me. I should probably pick up this album one day.

transformers The Dillinger Escape Plan, "Option Paralysis" - Didn't I like one of their previous albums you listed? Really enjoyed this again, I've been really missing something with this band I think, the first song started very nice with the piano and it led well into the rockier elements. Yes there are elements of nu-metal in there, but its not overplayed and even then it's the type I can handle. Second song didn't appeal really at all, just a bit noisy really, but even still, I'll be looking into this band much more, there's definitely something quite unique about them.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by transformers2 »

Yes Surfer you did like the other Dillinger record (Miss Machine #52) I posted.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.29

Rise Against, "The Sufferer and the Witness"
, 2006


RA proved that had what it takes to break into the mainstream market after the excellent Siren Song of the Counter Culture album. This is higher on my favourite list purely for the fact that I personally prefer the more polished sound with most of my favourite tracks are on this album.

"Worth Dying For"

"Ready to Fall"

The Ramones, "Rocket To Russia"
, 1977


1.Cretin Hop – 5 stars
2.Rockaway Beach – 5 stars
3.Here Today, Gone Tomorrow – 4 stars
4.Locket Love – 4 stars
5.I Don't Care – 3 stars
6.Sheena is a Punk Rocker – 5 stars
7.We're a Happy Family – 4 stars
8.Teenage Lobotomy – 5 stars
9.Do You Wanna Dance? - 5 stars
10.I Wanna Be Well – 4 stars
11.I Can't Give You Anything – 3 stars
12.Ramona – 4 stars
13.Surfin' Bird – 4 stars
14.Why Is It Always This Way? - 4 stars

Thus ends the string of classic albums. I didn't plan it that way, just kinda happened organically. There's only one album the rest of the way made before 1990. Anyway, this is the best album from The Ramones, easily, and the 4th to feature on my countdown. Their most consistently great record front to back. If I had to choose one album from them to get started with the band, this is it.

"Teenage Labotomy"

"Rockaway Beach"

The Jesus and Mary Chain, “Darklands”
, 1987


After the debut of Psychocandy JAMC mellowed their noise slightly and wrote more musically mature and melodic pop songs. Featured three great singles but it’s a complete album in terms of great songs.

“Cherry Came Too”

“About You”

To Be Added At A Later Date

Sun Kil Moon, “Ghosts of the Great Highway”
, 2003


A while back I mentioned the tendency for solo careers of members of popular acts to be mediocre at best, the fans desperate to cling onto some crumb of the original act’s sound. Here’s a good example of how this trend is not always true. Red House Painters were big amongst the indie crowd in the early 90s, but after leaving 4AD their music developed into a sort of MOR country rock, and their career dipped (their final album Old Ramon was denied a release date for years due to bureaucracy).

But singer Mark Kozelek bounced back with this intimate and moving record loosely based around several famous boxers, but really being about his own sense of mortality and isolation. There are hints of Neil Young and John Denver across the record, making the last RHP records feel like a transition into a more self-assured form of country music. The 12-minute Duk Koo Kim, a beautiful, wondrous piece of music, made my Top 100 songs but I’m going to post two others here that are more accessible and almost as good.

"Glenn Tipton"

"Carry Me Ohio"

Ron Burgundy
Radiohead, "In Rainbows"
, 2007



"Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi"

At The Drive-In, "Relationship Of Command"
, 2000


I can still picture that frenzied image of ATD-I packing out the most crowded festival tent I've ever seen. Booked to play mid afternoon at the Leeds Festival in 2000, there was no way anyone, even the festival organisers, could have anticipated the surge in interest this small post-hardcore band from the US had quickly gained. Relationship Of Command still hadn't even been released, but a couple of weeks before the festival I started to hear about how exciting this band were. I took the plunge and I think I skipped a little of the Super Furry Animals set to see what the fuss was all about. And oh, my! Oh, my indeed! I had never seen such energy from a front man, from a band which leaped about the stage with giant hair, an extensive vocabulary and quite the intensity. As soon as Relationship Of Command was released a couple of weeks later I HAD to own their album. It's a thing of pure adrenaline. It just doesn't let up during it's almost 50 minute run time. The lyrics are packed into songs and the guitars crunch and thrash at such a pace, I'd never heard a record quite like it, and no doubt probably never will again. I was temped to list Invalid Litter Dept. once again, a song which graced my top 100 songs countdown such is it's majesty, but really I could pick almost any song from the album and still feel I was picking the strongest track, such is the high standard.



Black Sabbath, "Paranoid"
, 1970



"Electric Funeral"

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Ozzy: I like Oasis and havent heard much of their other albums but this one clicked with me. Champagne Supernova is top stuff. But i dislike the brothers fighting and uppishness nowadays. Rise Against is one of my favorite bands to hate. Vocals are the main thing.

Geez: Ramones are pretty good, i should check out more of them. And Pink Floyd, that album i listened to in full just a month ago, and i just blew my mind. Great pick.

Leestu: Velvet Underground is ok, something ill like in a few years i reckon.And Jesus and Mary Chain isnt too bad, i have a friend who went to see them live in Perth a few years back.

Tranny: Balck Sabbath is real good and saw Dillinger Escape Plan live once, at the end they played together with the Nine Inch Nails. Not s bad pick, but im not a huge fan of DEP.

Six: Pet Sounds is something ive wanted to hear more of, but not quite sure why i dont, its like im afraid im mite like it, (my dad hates T beach boys). But im sure i will come across it soon enough. The other selection sun kill moon, was pleasant, not something id seek out though.

Nspan: Really dug The Warlocks, actually really liked it, biggest surprise of the 2 rounds.

SS: Led Zep is always good, almost made my list. But the other, at the Drive In, sorry to say but i couldnt finish it. Not my cup of tea.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by englishozzy »


Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - 8/10
The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground - 6/10
The Warlocks - Phoenix - 7/10
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds - 7/10
The Beatles - The White Album - 6/10
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin - 8/10
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Option Paralysis - 7/10


The Ramones - Rocket to Russia - 7/10
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Darklands - 6/10
Sun Kill Moon - Ghosts of the Great Highway - 8/10
Radiohead - In Rainbows - 9/10
At the Drive-In - Relationship of Command - 7/10
Black Sabbath - Paranoid - 9/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by NSpan »

#29 Oingo Boingo (1981) Only a Lad


Isn't this fun?
Isn't this what life's all about?
Isn't this a dream come true?
Isn't this a nightmare too?

1. Little Girls
2. Perfect System
3. On the Outside
4. Capitalism
5. You Really Got Me
6. Only a Lad
7. What You See
8. Controller
9. Imposter
10. Nasty Habits

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by NSpan »

silversurfer19 wrote: Interestingly enough, I have a completely different track listing to the one you have listed, and Isolation is new to me as it isn't on my copy (according to Wiki I have the US version, which means you have the UK version - who'd have thunk it!), but nevertheless I'm glad you introduced me to the band a couple of years ago, a good buy.
I noticed this too! I even crossed paths with the main guy just the other day, but I didn't think to ask about this. I seem to own the UK version (or some bootleg hybrid). Either way, it's a great album--all the songs are top-notch.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.28

Madness, "One Step Beyond"
, 1979


A band not to be taken seriously but with their debut album created something quite unique.

"My Girl"

"Tarzan's Nuts"

Incubus, "Make Yourself"
, 1999


1.Privilege – 4 stars
2.Nowhere Fast – 4 stars
3.Consequence – 4 stars
4.The Warmth – 5 stars
5.When It Comes – 4 stars
6.Stellar – 5 stars
7.Make Yourself – 4 stars
8.Drive – 5 stars
9.Clean – 4 stars
10.Battlestar Scralatchtica – 2 stars
11.I Miss You – 5 stars
12.Pardon Me – 5 stars
13.Out From Under – 4 stars

Been a while since I've listed these guys, huh? Well I believe this to be easily their best album, and one that has been truly inspiring to me. Heavy influence on my formative musical years and some of these songs are deeply personal to me.


"I Miss You"

The Lemonheads, “Come on Feel the Lemonheads”
, 1993


This album is full of great songs but I have chosen these two because they are two songs that my wife does her own sweet versions of – she sings and plays guitar.
Also, at least just for curiosity’s sake the double of Style, and Rick James Style, are worth checking out.

“Being Around”

“Big Gay Heart”

Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Green River"
, 1969


"Tombstone Shadow"


Tom Waits, “Bone Machine”
, 1992


After Tom Waits tore up his sound in the 1980s no one knew where he could go. Had he reached the end of his musical journey? Not even remotely. This Grammy-winning record was his darkest yet (though the follow-up The Black Rider is perhaps his gloomiest).

Sounding like it was recorded in barnyards and abandoned buildings, Waits deal with themes of death and decay, perhaps in an attempt to wrestle with his sense of mortality. Songs like the apocalyptic Earth Died Screaming (featured in 12 Monkeys) and Dirt in the Ground certainly suggest this. He even tries on Leonard Cohen’s hat in the spooky Black Wings, and sings with Keith Richards on That Feel. Fortunately Tom’s trademark humour is still intact, even if tinted, in the thumping Goin Out West and the Ramones-inspiring I Don’t Wanna Grow Up.

"Goin’ Out West"

"Dirt in the Ground"

Ron Burgundy
Rage Against the Machine, "Rage Against the Machine"
, 1992



"Take The Power Back"

The Velvet Underground, "Loaded"
, 1970


The most recent record I have bought to make my countdown, for one reason or another I didn't own this until about 3 years ago. I owned the rest of the VU studio releases, but this had avoided my attention for some reason. However, when "Sweet Jane" was continually featured on the top 100 song countdown I thought I should make a concerted effort to pick it up. I did eventually do so, while I was on my Honeymoon in San Francisco, prompted by watching "Away We Go" in a cinema there and hearing "Oh! Sweet Nuthin'", that song just blew me away with it's sobering beauty, intensity and killer blues riff. It's a record which moves further away from the art-noise, feedback induced electricity of their earlier releases following John Cale's departure, veering further towards the territory Lou Reed would explore with Transformer. But this is not a negative, indeed I believe it simply frees Reed to concentrate on writing some of the best pop songs conceivable, and this recod is chock full of them, from the sweet opener "Here Comes The Sun" to the funky "Rock N Roll" and rollicking "Lonesome Cowboy Bill". This is just one of those without a dud track, and should be a staple in any music fan's collection. Pity it took me so long to realise this.

"Oh! Sweet Nuthin'"

"Rock N Roll"

Killswitch Engage, "The End of Heartache"
, 2004


"End of Heartache"

"Breathe Life"

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by numbersix »

Ozzy: That second Rise Against song wasn't too bad. And yeah, Madness are undeniably fun, even if they rely too much on the same ska rhythm.

Geez: Two great Ramones songs, but once again they're on the Best of anthology. I think I'll try and go for the first album and see how it stands up. As for Incubus... I can't say I'm a fan. The music and lyrics remind me of the kind of pop you get on American Idol.

Leetsu: I liked those two JAMC songs, but perhaps not as much as the Psychocandy stuff. They're playing a music festival I'm attending this summer, so I'll aim to check them out. The first Lemonheads song didn't do much for me... it felt throwaway... but the second became quite catchy. Dando was a clear influence on Teenage Fanclub and probably Wilco too.

Nspan: It took me a moment to get my head around Oingo Boingo, but ultimately I was engaged as they reminded me of Devo. And as I listened to the second track I kept hearing melodies that reminded me of The Simpsons theme tune... only to discover Danny Elfman is Oingo Boingo! Good stuff. And I'm siding with the Dude in preferring Creedence to The Eagles.

Ron B: In Rainbows is probably my least favourite Radiohead record, but Videotape is a lovely song. That first RATM album is great. Probably one of the first albums I listened to from start to finish.

SS: At the Drive-in never really grabbed me but there's certainly talent there, particularly in the second song. Loaded has some great songs, but probably my least favourite of the 4 official VU recordss. I think their exprimental side is all but culled once they hit the 70s.

Tranny: Paranoid is a true classic.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by englishozzy »


Incubus - Make Yourself - 7/10
The Lemonheads - Come on Feel the Lemonheads - 7/10
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River - 7/10
Tom Waits - Bone Machine - 6/10
Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine - 7/10
The Velvet Underground - Loaded - 6/10
Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache - 6/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Waiting on picks from Geezer and tranny before posting no. 27...

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