Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#31

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.34

englishozzy Cold Chisel, "East" - Reminded me of a combination of The Police and Genesis, but not in a good way. Not entirely sure why this band are "iconic", though I never could get those Aussies!

Geezer The Clash, "London Calling" Stunning album, and more to come from me later, but there were far too many three stars here for my liking...

Leestu Jane’s Addiction, “Nothing’s Shocking” Despite having "Ritual" on my list I don't actually think I've ever heard this. The first song sounded like a mix between 'Three Days' off Ritual and maybe even a little Gomez. As six mentioned, certainly a little bombastic than some of the efforts off Ritual (though to be fair that album has a fair few calmer songs too)

NSpan T.Rex, "Electric Warrior - I can only take my Bolan in small doses, and I have generally believed having the T Rex Essential collection was enough, but that first track was good, may actually look into picking this up.

numbersix Glenn Branca, “The Ascension” - Right. Now the musical snob debate... Now, first off, I think I can safely say I'm not someone who requires my music to be a 3 minute pop song. But man, you really tested me with this. It took me four minutes before I heard anything even remotely resembling a song. It just all sounded like mechanical whirrings and car engines. From what followed I could certainly hear elements of Sonic Youth, which appealed, and I really enjoyed the finale. Second song did nothing for me. I started off like it would have this great driving riff reminiscent of Gang Of Four, but then that's all there is, until it literally deconstructs and breaks down to silence before we get the engine sounds again. It\s frustrating, as I certainly found things to like from both tracks, but I think it'll require a lot more listening before I'm willing to pick this over either Daydream Nation or Goo again instead though, as I just kind of assume at the moment that the best work from this band was still to come.

Ron Burgundy Megadeath, "Countdown to Extinction" I won't claim to be an afficianado of Megadeath's work, I couldn't point out a song of theirs if I tried. But this sounded like a mix between Therapy?, Metallica and Velvet Revolver. Didn't really appeal though.

transformers Queens of the Stone Age, "Rated R", 2000 - Great picks from a fantastic record, though I would have been interested to hear what your favourites were beyond the obvious singles.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by NSpan »

Album No.31

Leestu R.E.M., “Green”, 1988
Haven't heard much from this record. Definitely an influence on future fellow Athenians, Elf Power.

numbersix Leonard Cohen, “New Skin for the Old Ceremony”, 1974
Love this early stuff. I own the debut album as well as the two disc "Essential" compilation. Still, I'd like to pick up these rest for "album cuts" not deemed "essential" enough.

Ron Burgundy Dire Straits, "Brothers In Arms", 1985
Never quite got Dire Straits. Less appealing than Tom Petty. Fewer standout tracks than... The Eagles! That said, I enjoyed both songs you showcased.

silversurfer Foo Fighters, "The Color And The Shape", 1997
Love the debut. I know there's some strong tracks on this... but I can't help but see their career as a steady decline after Day One. Still a great album. One of the two I own... (along with the debut, of course).

transformers Linkin Park, "Hybrid Theory", 2000
Listened to both. But they're just not my thing. Probably the top-end of that particular genre, but the genre itself turns me off.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by Leestu »

silversurfer19 wrote:
Leestu Pavement, “Slanted and Enchanted” - Obviously a band and record I love, and great choice of songs too. I love "No Life Singed Her Now"
I was definitely going to select In The Mouth A Desert but you showed discerning taste and already did. I also thought about Here and Fame Throwa and Conduit For Sale many great songs.

And if you like Ritual I have no doubt you would enjoy Nothing's Shocking. If I'm in a Jane's mood I'll quite happily listen to either.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.33

englishozzy Lacuna Coil, "Comalies", 2002 - Pretty vocals, but kind of reminded me of Evanescence which for me isn't a great thing. Didn't like the male vocals in the second song either. And maybe this is just a comment on your wording, but I don't get why you say this is one of your girlfriend's favourite bands but fail to give an indication as to why YOU like the music. Just a minor issue, as I said probably just a wording issue, but it just felt like you were including one of her favourite albums for her sake.

Geezer Jimmy Eat World, "Futures" For me this is the last listenable JEW record, they just became too heavily produced and too soft with their future efforts. I like this record, but I'd take Static Prevails, Bleed American and especially Clarity over this any day.

Leestu Pink Floyd, “The Wall” I think I mentioned earlier in the countdown that I'm trying to get into Floyd's later albums. I have long been a fan of Piper and Meddle, and have started to get some of Dark Side and Wish You Were Here, while Atom Heart Mother is one which is going to have to grow on me. But I haven't heard The Wall yet, funnily enough. We all know a few songs off of the record, but that first song was new to me. Wasn't bad, but didn't particularly blow me away. Can't help thinking the stage show was better than the record.

NSpan Stevie Wonder, "Songs in the Key of Life - Like many from your countdown, Stevie Wonder is an artist I know a lot of, but one I've rarely ever invested any time (and certainly money) on. I like him, he has a talent, I know Sir Duke quite well and it has a nice melody, and the beat on I Wish was funky. I just don't think I'd ever get down and dig it on an entire album though, and especially one SO LONG! I would probably just find myself dipping in an out of the record, or just listening on occassion on the radio, which is how I know his music already.

numbersix Godspeed You Black Emperor!, “Raise Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven” - I REALLY want to love GY:BE, but for some reason I just haven't quite got them yet, I just don't think I've given them a fair enough crack of the whip. I love a lot of this genre, from Mogwai to Explosions In The Sky, but I just haven't really appreciated this band like I should. I picked up this record a while ago, but I barely find myself listening to it. It was nice to hear it again though, there are some really nice moments in both songs, and it's reminded me to listen to it a bit more. Maybe they are one of those bands that will seduce me over time, as I'm starting to love them more and more.

EDIT: I listened to this record in its entirety a couple more times today to see how it worked. WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSING! It was fabulous. Need to get this in the car and listen to it to death!

Ron Burgundy David Bowie, "Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars" - Yep, I'm really enjoying this album now, along with Hunky Dory probably my favourite Bowie record.

transformers Lamb of God, "Ashes of the Wake" - Again, started off with a nice few riffs, but those vocals give ME a sore throat! Can't help but think that without the vocals I'd like many more of your picks.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by Geezer »

silversurfer19 wrote:
Geezer Everclear, "Sparkle And Fade" - These have always been a band I have associated as a kind of radio friendly college band. I while that is partially true, and I can certainly hear many of your other favourite bands in here, I really dug this. Second track didn't have the same impact, but I'm willing to look into them further. I'm guessing this is their best album?

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by Geezer »

silversurfer19 wrote:
Geezer Jimmy Eat World, "Futures" For me this is the last listenable JEW record, they just became too heavily produced and too soft with their future efforts. I like this record, but I'd take Static Prevails, Bleed American and especially Clarity over this any day.
I agree with your take that this is the last listenable JEW record. I haven't gotten into anything they released after. And I can tell you I agree with you on at least one of the other 3 as well.

This just keeps getting harder and harder to nail down the order... and at least one album is still sky-rocketing up my list as the days go by...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by numbersix »

For a second there I thought the board had turned a little Neo-Nazi.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.32

englishozzy Powderfinger, "Odyssey Number Five" - Maybe I haven't heard enough of Powderfinger, as I only seem to know them this soft. Very much an easy listening band and not one I've ever really been interested in. Remind me of Counting Crows. Take that how you will.

Geezer The Jimi Hendrix Experince, "Are You Experienced" - Not my own personal favourite Hendrix release, I prefer Electric Ladyland over this, but it is a good record with many of his best releases on here.

Leestu The Cure, “Head on the Door” - I only own a couple of releases from The Cure, Three Imaginary Boys and their best of. I am a fan of theirs though but just haven't know which albums to look for next. Thanks for giving me an indication, as though the first song was new to me it was nice.

NSpan Jethro Tull, "Aqualung" - I'm not particularly sure why, but I think I always thought Jethro Tull were some kind of folk band [EDIT - I think it's because of Living In The Past's cover art of a minstrel playing the flute], I always thought they were some kind of medieval folk perfect for some jousting tournament. So while there was indeed some flute work present in the music, it wasn't bad, certainly as you say, listenable, and probably quite catchy upon numerous listens. I'd probably be more inclined to check out their earlier works first, but if the rest of this record is anything like your second selection (which indeed had very much a Cream vibe to it) I'd be interested to hear more.

numbersix New Order, “Movement” - Despite being a huge Joy Division fan, for some reason I've never really been able to get past this vague interest in New Order. Nothing has ever REALLY provoked me to pick up a record of theirs. There's usually the odd catchy song, but nothing to compete with their previous work with Curtis. However, that changed with Denial. It has all the elements of what made Joy Division fascinating, but kind of striking a balance between that work and the 80s movement. I'll be getting this record asap.

Ron Burgundy David Bowie, "Lets Dance" - Didn't really appeal, never really been a big fan of Bowie's 80s work. Let's Dance is fun, but beyond that not really interested.

transformers Led Zeppelin, "IV" - A great album, glad to see it's been recognised, though hardly surprising.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.31

englishozzy Placebo, "Without You I'm Nothing" - Seems to be the most popular of their records on here. I personally prefer their debut, but this is a great collection of rock songs with interesting lyrics and catchy chorus. That intro to Pure Morning still sounds great, and when the heavy riff kicks in, wow! Certainly one of the better rock acts of the 90s.

Geezer The Who, "Who's Next" - Don't listen to this record nearly enough, I think six mentioned that sometimes The Who veered into a little prog and that is certainly the case on this record, but with such catchy riffs even those who dislike that term would be hard pressed to find fault in this record.

Leestu R.E.M., “Green” - Along with Reckoning this was very close to making my top 100, it's the last of REM's records before they truly hit stadium rock status, and while there are hints of that world on here, it's still very much the early REM of Document and Lifes Rich Pageant. You Are The Everything is a quite beautiful song, while the likes of Stand, Orange Crush and Get Up were great pop songs, but my favourite has to be World Leader Pretend, such a powerful song. Man, how did this not make my cut!

NSpan King Crimson, "Islands" - Wow, you were right when you said earlier in the countdown how KC's albums were diverse due to the constant switching around of the members. This is nothing like what I was expecting. There were elements of what I know of the band in the first song, at times it sounded like Pink Floyd, but it was certainly unique. And I really, really, liked it. I loved all those elements combining together to create this collective austerity. Second song didn't really work for me though. It was pleasant, but it just sort of passed over me. Maybe in the confines of the record it works better, but here it just sounded like background music rather than something to stop and take notice of. Still, seems a record worth exploring.

numbersix Leonard Cohen, “New Skin for the Old Ceremony” My entire knowledge of Leonard Cohen can be whittled down to the single greatest hits package I own of his. Really liked this though, didn't sound like what I was used to, and definitely has me intrigued to actually look into his studio albums. Loved the almost chant of the first song, it sounded like a call to arms with that guitar strum and his rallying vocals. Second song didn't have quite the same impact, though it was still good.

Ron Burgundy Dire Straits, "Brothers In Arms" - Never been a fan of Dire Straits, nothing changing soon.

transformers Linkin Park, "Hybrid Theory" - Gah, just when I'm coming round to this band you go and showcase a thoroughly horrible song. Didn't like that first song at all, it presented all my issues with Linkin Park and nu-metal in the space of 3 minutes! I'll try and forget this....

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #7) #40-#3

Post by silversurfer19 »

40-31 Recap

40. Linkin Park, "A Thousand Suns", 2010
39. Slayer, "Divine Intervention", 1994
38. Silverchair, "Neon Ballroom", 1998
37. System of a Down, "Mezmerize", 2005
36. Billy Talent, "Billy Talent II", 2006
35. Queens of the Stone Age, "Songs for the Death", 2002
34. Cold Chisel, "East", 1980
33. Lacuna Coil, "Comalies", 2002
32. Powderfinger, "Odyssey Number Five", 2000
31. Placebo, "Without You I'm Nothing", 1998

40. The Replacements, "Tim", 1985
39. Against Me!, "White Crosses", 2010
38. Third Eye Blind, "Third Eye Blind", 1997
37. The Offspring, "Smash", 1994
36. Rise Against, "Siren Song of the Counter Culture", 2004
35. Everclear, "Sparkle And Fade", 1995
34. The Clash, "London Calling", 1979
33. Jimmy Eat World, "Futures", 2004
32. The Jimi Hendrix Experince, "Are You Experienced", 1967
31. The Who, "Who's Next", 1971

40. Beck, “Mellow Gold”, 1994
39. The Lemonheads, “It’s a Shame About Ray”, 1992
38. R.E.M., “Document”, 1987
37. Pop Will Eat Itself, “This Is the Day… This is the Hour… This is This!”, 1989
36. Mercury Rev, “Yerself Is Steam”, 1991
35. Pavement, “Slanted and Enchanted”, 1992
34. Jane’s Addiction, “Nothing’s Shocking”, 1988
33. Pink Floyd, “The Wall”, 1979
32. The Cure, “Head on the Door”, 1985
31. R.E.M., “Green”, 1988

40. Led Zeppelin, "Physical Graffiti", 1975
39. The Violent Femmes, "The Violent Femmes", 1983
38. The Byrds, "Sweetheart Of The Rodeo", 1968
37. George Harrison, "All Things Must Pass", 1970
36. Funkadelic, "Maggot Brain", 1971
35. Cream, "Disraeli Gears", 1967
34. T.Rex, "Electric Warrior, 1971
33. Stevie Wonder, "Songs in the Key of Life, 1976
32. Jethro Tull, "Aqualung", 1971
31. King Crimson, "Islands", 1971

40. The Rolling Stones, “Let it Bleed”, 1969
39. Manic Street Preachers, “Holy Bible”, 1994
38. Sigur Ros, "( )", 2002
37. Songs: Ohia, “Didn’t It Rain”, 2002
36. Van Morrison, “Astral Weeks”, 1968
35. Slint, “Spiderland”, 1991
34. Glenn Branca, “The Ascension”, 1981
33. Godspeed You Black Emperor!, “Raise Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven”, 2001
32. New Order, “Movement”, 1981
31. Leonard Cohen, “New Skin for the Old Ceremony”, 1974

Ron Burgundy
40. Tool, "Undertow", 1998
39. Kanye West, "The Late Registration", 2005
38. Nine Inch Nails, "The Downward Spiral", 1994
37. Dr. Dre, "2001", 1999
36. Michael Jackson, "Thriller", 1999
35. Jay-Z, "The Black Album", 2003
34. Megadeath, "Countdown to Extinction", 1992
33. David Bowie, "Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars", 1972
32. David Bowie, "Lets Dance", 1983
31. Dire Straits, "Brothers In Arms", 1985

40. Howlin' Wolf, "Moanin' In The Moonlight", 1959
39. R.E.M, "Murmur", 1983
38. Weezer, "Pinkerton", 1996
37. The Strokes, "Is This It", 2001
36. My Bloody Valentine, "Loveless", 1991
35. Smashing Pumpkins, "Gish", 1991
34. The White Stripes, "The White Stripes", 1999
33. Bob Dylan, "Highway 61 Revisited", 1965
32. PJ Harvey, "Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea", 2000
31. Foo Fighters, "The Color And The Shape", 1997

40. Muse, "Black Holes and Revelations", 2006
39. Eminem, "The Marshall Mathers LP", 2000
38. Rage Against the Machine, "Evil Empire", 1996
37. Outkast, "Stankonia", 2000
36. High on Fire, "Blessed Black Wings", 2005
35. Queens of the Stone Age, "Songs for the Death", 2002
34. Queens of the Stone Age, "Rated R", 2000
33. Lamb of God, "Ashes of the Wake", 2004
32. Led Zeppelin, "IV", 1971
31. Linkin Park, "Hybrid Theory", 2000

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