Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by frendo »

Shrykespeare: The Sundays, “Goodbye” (1992) - This was cool. Nothing I'd probably get into further, but cool nonetheless.

NSpan:The Rolling Stones, “Dear Doctor” (1968) - Never heard this song before. I like it. One of the better Stones songs that I've heard, and a bit different than the norm.

Numbersix: The Rolling Stones, "Paint It Black" - Absolute classic.

Geezer: Jimi Hendrix, "All Along the Watchtower" - I love both versions. This was the first I'd heard, and does rock much harder. The Dylan one is still great though. Guess it depends on the mood I'm in.

becs: Johnny Cash, “God's Gonna Cut You Down” - This is great! Never heard this song before, and will now definitely be looking for it. Great pick!

undeadmonkey: Chris Brown “Forever” - This is why I hate R&B. They sing these "love" lyrics that people go gaga for, then they go off and beat girls behind the curtain. It shows, at the very least, that he doesn't mean what he sings about, along with the fact that he's a stupid asshole. As with R. Kelly, I can't even believe people still buy his stuff.

leestu: The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army” (2003) (also becs' #99) - Good song, good band. Enough said.

Buscemi: Beastie Boys, “Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun” -Always liked this Beastie Boys song, and this album in general. Great pick!

silversurfer: Pixies, “Gouge Away” (1989) - One of my fav Pixies songs (I think my absolute fav would be "Where is my Mind?"). I did not know all that about the lyrics, which makes it even better.

transformers: Eminem, “The Real Slim Shady” - I like his less commercial stuff more, but this is still great.

W: George Thorogood, “Move it on Over” - Thorogood is fun, and this is no exception. Nothing I love, but fun.

Banks: Gorillaz, “Stylo” (also Ron Burgundy's #47) -I haven't heard much of the new Gorillaz, and this does make me want to hear more. Excellent song!

englishozzy: Green Day, “Warning” - I'm on the side of the fence that likes Green Day, so I loved this. East Bay!

BarcaRulz: The Cranberries, “Zombie” (also becs' #71) - Love this song! If I had done more than 40, might have been on my list. Very powerful stuff.

Ron Burgundy: Kasabian, “Fire” - Not as bad as I expected. Might check out more in the future.

Chienfantome: Aaron, “U Turn (Lili)” - For some reason, I keep liking your picks and they are the exact opposite of what I usually listen to. They are melodramatic, slow, and heavy, yet I love everything you post, this included. Loved it enough to want to see the movie it was in even. Great stuff.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare: ***The Other Two, “Selfish”*** (1993) - Hmmm, this isn't bad, but it's not very memorable. It's about as good as Monaco or Electronic, proving that these guys worked best together. There's about 7 or 8 New Order songs I'd rank above this. But I do appreciate it for the sheer hilarity of the two lesser known band members creating such a modestly-named band.

NSpan: Bob Dylan, “Visions Of Johanna” - Great, great. Song. With lyrics so brilliant that I really had to sit down and grant them attention in order to get a sense of what was going on, proving that Dylan is a poet and a musician. I feel the song is about the ideal of love, and it's impossibility yet persistence with its "visions", even when we try to seek it in other pursuits, such as art and religion. Beautiful song.

Geezer: Pearl Jam, “Jeremy” (also Buscemi's #69) - Not a huge pan of PJ, but this is one of their listenable songs. Decent lyrics too.

becs: Aerosmith, “Dream On” (also W's #72 and englishozzy's #57) - Another song from a band I don't like much but have one or two songs, like this, which aren't half bad.

undeadmonkey: Ciara, “Goodies” - The last hip-hop/R&B song on your list? Thank gawd ;) This song is a product of a lot of other, more well-known music that came before her. The lyrics about being an independent girl comes stright from Beyonce, and the music and vocals have moments of [shudder] Black Eyed Peas. But you have to laugh at someone who sings about being independent and demanding respect from a man, and then the video has her wearing sexy outfits and dancing provocatively. And she expects not to be treated as superficial?

leestu: Violent Femmes, “Add It Up” (1983) - Really great music. It sounds like the mid point between Paint it Black and the Pixies. Lyrics are silly but intentionally so, I presume?

Buscemi: ABBA, “Waterloo” - ???? Dude, you really need to explain this one. After so many great rock classics you come up with this. I'd expect it from Shryke (;)), but you???

silversurfer: The White Stripes, “Fell In Love With A Girl” (2002) (also numbersix's #72) - Can't fault this one. My favourite Stipes song. Perfect timing and perfectly noisy.

transformers: ***Judas Priest, “You've Got Another Thing Comin'”*** - A classic metal song? There was no surprises that this was a Tranny song. Actually not bad for metal.

W: Jimi Hendrix, “Spanish Castle Magic” - It's really great to hear Hendrix stuff I'm less familiar. this is probably the best yet, and as you said, it's good to hear drumming that's almost as excellent as Jimi's guitar playing.

Bank: ***Adele, “Melt My Heart To Stone”*** - Well, only you or UDM could pick something like this. A good voice but the music was a boring as hell.

englishozzy: Guns N Roses, “November Rain” - I remember this song with fondness, but that's probably because I haven't listened to it in about 15 years. there's some great elements to this song, but it's hard not to see it as overblown, pompous rock that would have been better in the 80's.

BarcaRulz: R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts” (also englishozzy's #48) - More of this to come, I suspect. Still a great song that was really, really overplayed.

Ron Burgundy: ***KISS, “Detroit Rock City”*** - I dunno, it's hard to take these guys seriously. It's more like parody rock.

Chienfantome: Johnny Cash, “One” - A very appropriate choice, considering my comments on I See A Darkness. I think I prefer the original a tad more as it has more energy, but this is a very good, if not moving cover. Naturally, I find Hurt more passionate, but a solid choice nevertheless.

Frendo: Ill Bill, “War is my Destiny” - The fixation with violence in the lyrics (even if it is the biblical kind) seems a little adolescent to me. And the screamy metal voice is a turn-off. But I do appreciate the drama of the music, making it more interesting that most other modern rap.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by numbersix »

silversurfer19 wrote:
Numbersix: Jeff Buckley, “Hallelujah” (1994) - Nice, two picks in a row which can help me rediscover how great a singer's voice can be. Totally spellbinding song. Have you heard his record Live at Sine? That is one of my favourite live records ever, and his rendition of Hallelujah is totally absorbing. Its sometimes hard to imagine what the world is missing out on we are robbed of someone so talented. I think someone mentioned on here recently that artists who die may sometimes already be at their peak, and so may not be able to offer anything more. Sketches, I think, only showed what we were missing, he was just at the start of his career, and I can only imagine where he could have gone if he was still around.
I got the Sin E EP straight after Grace, because it was the only other CD of his that was around. then his mother pretty much milked every recording the guy ever did, and the fool that I am picked up most of it. But the double-disc full sin E performance is amazing, and early proof of Buckley's immense talent. Love the versions of I Shall Be Released and Eternal Life.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - "The Other Two, “Selfish”
Sounds a bit too much like from the 80's for me. Has that poppy sort of tine through the song that i dont really like. 4/10
NSpan - Bob Dylan, “Visions Of Johanna”
Wow and here is another Bob Dylan song that has impressed me, i do not know why it has taken this long to listen to his music. 9/10
Numbersix - Bonnie Prince Billy, “I See A Darkness”
Couldnt really get into this one, felt like it was building up to something but never eventuated. 4/10
Geezer - Pearl Jam, “Jeremy”
Dont mind listening to this song but not overly keen on Pearl Jam hence not having anything on my own list. Still a good listen. 6/10
becs - Aerosmith, “Dream On”
Obviously gonna like it :) 9/10
undeadmonkey - Ciara, “Goodies”
Really not my sort of music im afraid, couldn't get into this at all. 3/10
leestu - Violent Femmes, “Add It Up”
I wanted to like it has it had a pretty good beat going for it but it didn't really get me going though. 4/10
Buscemi - ABBA, “Waterloo”
Sorry but i wouldn't touch ABBA with a 10-foot barge poll. 2/10
silversurfer - The White Stripes, “Fell In Love With A Girl”
Not one of my best songs from White Stripes but it actually improved the second time around. 6/10
transformers - Judas Priest, “You've Got Another Thing Comin'”
Good song. Haven't listened to this is a long time so it was nice to re-introduce me to this song. 8/10
W - Jimi Hendrix, “Spanish Castle Magic”
Not one of my favourite songs from this guy, just doesn't really compare to some others. 5/10
Banks - "Adele, “Melt My Heart To Stone”
This song seems like on of those lounge type songs, not really my style. 4/10
BarcaRulz - R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts”
Sweet song. 9/10
Ron Burgundy - "KISS, “Detroit Rock City”
Not bad a KISS song, didn't think i was gonn enjoy this but i was surprised. 7/10
Chienfantome - Johnny Cash, “One”
Actually didn't mind a bit of Johnny Cash and this one was pretty good, but it will always be a U2 song for me. 6/10
Frendo - Ill Bill, “War is my Destiny”
I have heard this song before but cant quite place where i have, it was OK had some good things going for it. 5/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Leestu »

numbersix wrote: leestu: Violent Femmes, “Add It Up” (1983) - Really great music. It sounds like the mid point between Paint it Black and the Pixies. Lyrics are silly but intentionally so, I presume?
I believe so. They do have a simplistic fun sense of humour that is prevalent in a lot of their songs. I think this comes from their busker days where they had to be able to entertain whoever was listening, so the lyrics had to be easily understood, and relatable to the majority. I like your comparison to two greats. I'll probably think of that when I hear it now.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by NSpan »

silversurfer19 wrote:And to suggest Silver is better is just ridiculous. It is by far and away the worst track on Doolittle, even the band don't really seem to like it (as mentioned when they were playing the entire record live recently).
When speaking of art, the artists themselves are the LAST people you'd want to consult when seeking objective criticism or praise... Particularly in the capitalistic pop-music empire, songwriters and musicians have a severely skewed perspective on the quality of their own work. If "Silver" had struck a chord with just a few more people (like myself) and become a single, the band (due to being told ad nauseum that high sales equals good quality) would probably like the song, too.
silversurfer19 wrote:
NSpan wrote:Personally (though I'm probably in the minority on this), I equally enjoy Silver
And to suggest Silver is better is just ridiculous.
...? How could it be "ridiculous" when I went so far out of my way to mention that it's a purely personal preference and that most people would likely disagree with the comparison? And I didn't say it was "better"--I said I enjoy it equally.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:NSpan: Bob Dylan, “Visions Of Johanna” - Great, great. Song. With lyrics so brilliant that I really had to sit down and grant them attention in order to get a sense of what was going on, proving that Dylan is a poet and a musician. I feel the song is about the ideal of love, and it's impossibility yet persistence with its "visions", even when we try to seek it in other pursuits, such as art and religion. Beautiful song.
I agree with your interpretation. Love, in its ideal form, might not exist in this world. It's human nature to want what one cannot have. And even if you find yourself with your soul-mate, you still might experience that familiar vague sense of yearning.

Shrykespeare -- ***The Other Two, “Selfish”*** (1993)
I think I remember my mom playing this when I was young.

Numbersix -- Bonnie Prince Billy, “I See A Darkness” (1999)
Nice, but it didn't really grab me on first listen. Maybe I'll try again later.

Geezer -- Pearl Jam, “Jeremy”
Cool song, shitty band.

becs -- Aerosmith, “Dream On”
Easily one of their best. Good pick.

leestu -- Violent Femmes, “Add It Up” (1983)
Great song, great band, great pick.

The White Stripes, “Fell In Love With A Girl”
Love it.

transformers -- ***Judas Priest, “You've Got Another Thing Comin'”***
Don't care for the band, but I gotta admit that this one kicks a little ass.

W -- Jimi Hendrix, “Spanish Castle Magic”
Great song. Never stuck out to me as a favorite--but killer track nonetheless.

Banks -- ***Adele, “Melt My Heart To Stone”***

englishozzy -- Guns N Roses, “November Rain”
Taken apart, all the components are awesome. But put it all together? It's WAY too over-the-top for normal human consumption.

BarcaRulz -- R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts” (also englishozzy's #48)
Still pleasant enough.

Ron Burgundy -- ***KISS, “Detroit Rock City”***
Yet another band I have no interest in, generally....But this is a pretty cool song.

Chienfantome -- Johnny Cash, “One”
I feel stupid for not knowing that this is a U2 original. I love this cover!

Frendo -- Ill Bill, “War is my Destiny”
Cool video.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by becs »

SONG #23

Snow Patrol, “Run”

I cannot abide Snow Patrol.. sorry. I really like the sorrowful guitar though.

Weird Al Yankovic, “Your Horoscope For Today”
Good pick, yes I am surprised it made it this high though, but very fun.

Otis Redding, “(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay”

Sheesh, did you just save all your non-hippie music for this round? A very beautiful song, I don't think vocals really get any better than this.

The Ramones, “Blitzkrieg Bop”
(1976) (also leestu's #79 and BarcaRulz's #32)
Great one, I Wanna Be Sedated is still better though:P

Against Me!, "Thrash Unreal"

Never heard this before, and this is definitely my favorite of the bunch so far, really good song.
I also just heard these guys are playing with Silversun Pickups (another favorite I've been dying to see live) at our fair in the end of july for FREE, I so wanna go... unfortunately I will be at a music festival in WA with my dad at the time.. CRY.

Brad Paisley, “Whiskey Lullaby”

Can't stand this guy, and I've not yet been sold on Alison Krauss being anything more than generic.

Radiohead, “Creep”
(1992) (also Buscemi's #59 and englishozzy's #58)
Still mind blowing every time it pops up :) I do like the studio version better though.

Chuck Berry, “Maybelline”

Didn't like it.

***The Smiths, “The Queen Is Dead”***
Yea I'm gonna agree thats a bizarre 8th birthday gift, but then I guess you are never too young to get the gift of good musical taste (perhaps I was given mine a little too late in life.. or some here may argue not at all). This is a good song, but I feel like there are stronger songs from these guys, he is just rushing out the words too much for my liking and not really getting to take his time on singing them out for the majority of the song.

Van Halen, “Ain't Talkin Bout Love”

Haven't head it before, but it was ok.

Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Iconic greatness, amazing. Don't like this live version quite as much, but still good. I actually used to have this version on a playlist about a million years ago.

Lost Boyz, “Renee”

That was painful.

***AC/DC, “Thunderstruck”***

Amazing intro, very sort of Beethoven-esque for a rock song. Unfortunately the guy started singing and ruined it, if he lost even a small amount the the nasty phlegm sound it would have been okay.

Ron Burgundy
Depeche Mode, “Personal Jesus”

I think Shryke is slipping on listing previous picks! I obviously love this as it was my #52! What a great live recording. I certainly have to HEARTILY disagree with your opinion that this is their best as I have 2 more selections from them to come.

***Operation Ivy, “Freeze Up”***

Absolutely didn't call this as yours. A good band that gets overlooked too often, really enjoy their stuff, so good pick.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by BarcaRulz »

SONG #24

Sarah McLachlan, “Fear” (1993)

Holy crap... It started Ok, then she tried to hit notes no person should hit. 2/10.

Stevie Wonder, “Sir Duke” (1976)

Was Ok, but really can't say it was much better than that. 5/10.

New Order, “Blue Monday” (1983) (also Shrykespeare's #100 and leestu's #67)

Same as before.

***Third Eye Blind, "Motorcycle Drive By"***

Was Ok, but it never really got me hooked. 5/10.

***Silverchair, “Emotion Sickness”***

Nice pick. One of my favorites from Silverchair. 8.5/10.

Hans Zimmer, “At Wit's End”

Unfortunately this is not one of the musical pieces I can separate from the film. It's good, but much better with the film. 5.5/10.

Sonic Youth, “Teenage Riot” (1988)

I felt that the music was much better than the lyrics and the vocals on this one. Overall I would give it a 6/10.

Vangelis, “Conquest of Paradise”

Have always liked this, but it works MUCH better when there is a visual aspect to it as well. Also, its overuse on YouTube videos pisses me off too. 6/10.

Smashing Pumpkins, “Drown” (1992)

I am a huge TSP, this track though, while good, is not one of their best IMO. 6.5/10.

Mastodon, “The Wolf Is Loose”

Couldn't get through the whole thing. 1/10.

***Dwight Yoakam, “Fast as You”***

Not as bad as most country, still not something I would listen to though. 3/10.

Regina Spektor, “The Call”

Was actually Ok. Really good voice. 5.5/10.

Bob Dylan, “The Times They Are-A-Changin'” (also Geezer's #54)

Same as before.

Ron Burgundy
Tool, “Sober” (also becs' #97)

New to me, and I liked it for the most part. Really liked the intro. 6/10.

The Platters, “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes”

Sorry, really not my thing. 3/10.

Wipers, “Is This Real?”

New to me, and I thought it was Ok. Another song where the music was much better than the vocals and lyrics. 5.5/10.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Shrykespeare »

Just realized I almost forgot to post my own comments!

And before I get to those, kudos to Six and Chien, whose countrymen finished 1-2 in a very TOUGH U.S. Open championship! Wow, Pebble Beach was a monster this weekend...

My thoughts (in order of preference):

transformers – Judas Priest, “You've Got Another Thing Comin'” – Ohhhh, BABY! One of my favorite metal songs of all time! This just barely missed my list. You have excellent taste in classic metal, dude! (10)

BarcaRulz – R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts” – Awesome, awesome song. Definitely one of my all-time favorite R.E.M. songs. (9)

englishozzy – Guns N' Roses, “November Rain” – Easily my favorite GNR song. Never gets old. (9)

Buscemi – ABBA, “Waterloo” – You surprise me, Boosh, I thought becs and I were the only ABBA fans here! Great song, but God, those OUTFITS.... (8)

becs – Aerosmith, “Dream On” – A classic, and still my favorite Aerosmith song. (8)

Ron Burgundy – KISS, “Detroit Rock City” – Great song. Love it. (7)

numbersix – Bonnie Prince Billy, “I See a Darkness” – Simple, plaintive, soulful. Good stuff. (7)

Geezer – Pearl Jam, “Jeremy” – Definitely among the pantheon of the greatest grunge anthems of all time. Not my favorite PJ song, but still good. (7)

Frendo – Ill Bill, “War Is My Destiny” – Good song, great video. (6)

silversurfer – The White Stripes, “Fell In Love With a Girl” – Apart from “My Doorbell”, which was introduced to me a couple months ago (and is pretty atypical for the Stripes' sound), this is the only song of theirs that even approaches “like” for me. (6)

Chienfantome – Johnny Cash, “One” – I love the U2 version, and I respect the hell out of Johnny, but I just can't get into this version. (6)

Banks – Adele, “Melt My Heart to Stone” – It's okay, but I close my eyes and I picture someone singing this song on American Idol. Someone good, mind you, but still. (5)

leestu – Violent Femmes, “Add It Up” – Didn't really care for it. (4)

W – Jimi Hendrix, “Spanish Castle Magic” – Ditto. (4)

NSpan – Bob Dylan, “Visions of Johanna” – The lyrics went right over my head. (4)

undeadmonkey – Ciara, “Goodies” – I know what you mean, I just don't share it. I feel like I've seen this video a million times. (3)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by BarcaRulz »

SONG #23

Snow Patrol, “Run”

Way too sappy, which is what I have come to expect from them. Only a handful of songs I can stand, this isn't one of them, although it had its moments. 4/10.

Weird Al Yankovic, “Your Horoscope For Today” (1999)

I enjoy Weird Al, but he is not something I would put on a list of my best songs of all time. For what its worth, this was fun, but that's about it. 4/10.

Otis Redding, “(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay”

Not my thing. 3/10.

The Ramones, “Blitzkrieg Bop” (1976) (also leestu's #79 and BarcaRulz's #32)

Obviously love it. 10/10.

Against Me!, "Thrash Unreal"

New to me and I liked it. Nice pick. 7/10.

The Beatles, “Let it Be”

Not amongst my favorites, but still Ok. 5.5/10.

Brad Paisley, “Whiskey Lullaby”

Didn't like it, sorry. 2/10.

Radiohead, “Creep” (1992) (also Buscemi's #59 and englishozzy's #58)

Same as before.

Chuck Berry, “Maybelline”

Was Ok, I sometimes do like an old-fashioned tune. 5.5/10.

***The Smiths, “The Queen Is Dead”*** (1986)

I was so sure that this was Leestus pick. Anyway, I found it Ok, especially the vocals. 5.5/10.

Van Halen, “Ain't Talkin Bout Love”

Nice pick, have always liked this one. 7/10.

Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Finally this makes an appearance. Will be on plenty of lists I assume. 10/10.

Lost Boyz, “Renee”

The lyrics were so bad, add that to my hate of rap and this was never going to go well for me. 1/10.

***Operation Ivy, “Freeze Up”***

Never got into it. 3/10.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by becs »

SONG #22

***The Other Two, “Selfish”***
Longest explanation EVER. it was very you that's for sure, I do like it, but not as much as many many of your other selections, this was just a little too bland.

Bob Dylan, “Visions Of Johanna”

Pretty much as soon as the harmonica started I didn't like it. Some parts were okay, but his singing just grates on me, or maybe more his enunciation, the way he unnecessarily pulls out and up his words, gag.

Bonnie Prince Billy, “I See A Darkness”
How ironic that I was just recommending Johnny Cash's cover of this song to those who liked my pick from him. I do enjoy the song for sure the tremulous quality of Oldham's voice is very interesting, but I find Cash's cover significantly more moving and musically strong.

Pearl Jam, “Jeremy”
(also Buscemi's #69)
Not a fan of PJ, but this one is alright musically and very meaningful for sure.

Ciara, “Goodies”

I'm pretty sure my brain shut down when they said "what up dawg" to eachother... trashy to say the least, which is especially ridiculous considering the whole song is about her not being trashy.

Violent Femmes, “Add It Up”
Good one, but a little difficult to bear repeat listenings.

ABBA, “Waterloo”

Wow this was out of left field, very unexpected. I like it obviously, though not my favorite of course.

The White Stripes, “Fell In Love With A Girl”
(2002) (also numbersix's #72)
Eh, its okay.

***Judas Priest, “You've Got Another Thing Comin'”***

Alright, not great for me.

Jimi Hendrix, “Spanish Castle Magic”

Too weird for me, he has other songs i like better.

***Adele, “Melt My Heart To Stone”***

I find her pretty mediocre, tons of girls that can sing this good on youtube right now if they were given a studio recording.

Guns N Roses, “November Rain”

So I'm not really familiar with Guns N Roses songs at all.. and this song reminded me why. Also, worst wedding ever..

R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts”
(also englishozzy's #48)
A brilliant song, love it :)

Ron Burgundy
***KISS, “Detroit Rock City”***

Sorry, I can't take this seriously.

Johnny Cash, “One”

I absolutely agree with your comment about his cover albums he did more recently, he rivaled the original quality of virtually every song he recorded and made them all his own. An excellent song of an already good song.

Ill Bill, “War is my Destiny”

Really very good, another one from you I will have to check out.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Shrykespeare »

And now, we have come to the end of our eighth thread. Only twenty to go.

I still have not received songs from NSpan, UDM, Banks and Frendo. I may decide to take tomorrow off so everyone can catch up.

SONG #21

The The, “Infected”

I wasn't sure whether this song would crack my Top 20 when I started this list, but I knew it'd be close, as it was in my Top 10 fifteen years ago. Starting with the amazing opening drum track (which really sets the tone for the song) and continuing with some blistering bass, its launches into Matt Johnson's gritty, swarthy lyrics, which starts off with one of my single favorite lines of all time:

I got too much energy to switch off my mind... but not enough to get myself organized.

God, that is fucking BRILLIANT. Just the idea that someone could write “infect me with your love”... and then, just when you think it can't get any better, there's an awesome solo by renowned British jazz trumpeter/composer Guy Barker. I WISH that the longer album cut was available on YouTube, but you'll just have to settle for the actual video.

Sam Cooke, “A Change Is Gonna Come”

Earlier in the countdown, I mentioned the rarity of a soul/R&B song having socially "important" lyrics. Some smart-ass (cough UDM cough cough) had to beat me to the punch by mentioning this, while I was biting my tongue waiting for song #21 to hurry up and get here. For posterity, the lyrics to this could be pure gibberish and it'd still probably find a spot in my Top 100. That said, how cool is it that such a moving piece of music could also be a politically-charged rallying cry that actually made a tangible impact in real-world events?

***Nick Cave, “Are You the One That I've Been Waiting For?”***

Despite being associated with the mellower side of goth music, Nick was more of a romantic in the same vein as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. This is from his first album to completely shed the chaotic nature of his previous work, The Boatman’s Call, and it’s a somber piano-led record of love found and lost (some of it, I suspect, refers to PJ Harvey), with some of the best lyrics of the 90’s. This song is just so beautiful. It has been interpreted as being about Christ (Cave was indeed growing more religious at the time), or about regret after a failed relationship, but I tend to see it as a song about hope for the next relationship, that next time, despite love being like stars that “have their moment, and then they die”, it’ll be the right one.
(if the above video doesn't work for you, try this)

Rise Against, “Like the Angel”
(also transformers' #54)

The Rise Against song posted by someone other than myself, and its my second favorite from them. I love it. Best song off their second album, Revolutions per Minute (which is fantastic, and if you like this band even slightly you should own it, I'd rank it only behind Sufferer and the Witness). Its been judged before, and I've talked about them to death, plus I have one more coming, so listen and just enjoy the awesomeness that is "Like the Angel".

R.E.M., “Losing My Religion”
(also BarcaRulz's #62)

The first R.E.M. song I ever heard, I was quite infatuated with it and would play it all the time on the jukebox at this pizza buffet I went to pretty regularly. This one hasn't aged a bit and is still as exceptional as it was in my teens. And hell, you have to love that mandolin riff.

***The Beach Boys, “Good Vibrations”***


P.S. Looking this up, I saw Marky Mark's “Good Vibrations” video. Good God, i knew he rapped but i never saw any videos or heard any songs! I laughed my ass off!!

***Bob Dylan, “Hurricane”***

I am sure that on this site this song needs no introduction, and by now it shouldn’t really surprise anyone that this would appear on my list.

(Moderator's note: Again, I had to switch to another video because the one submitted was removed due to a “copyright” issue. Fascists.)

***T.Rex, “Bang a Gong (Get It On)”***

Led Zeppelin, “Dazed And Confused”

Most definitely my favourite Led Zeppelin song. Drenched in the blues, this song has so much range it's unbelievable. The pacing and crunching rhythm changes are electrifying, I think this is one of the times Jimmy Page really showcases just how important pacing is within a song. At times it comes almost to a halt, before amping up and launching into a full blown psychedelic rock assault. The drums cascade and the riffs pulsate while Plant's wailing vocals are simply emphatic. This is the darker, more raw version of some of the more epic work Led Zep would later become famous for, but it is also their best.

Coheed and Cambria, “In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth 3”

One of the single most epic songs ever written, Claudio Sanchez's knack for great vocals and killer riffs make Coheed and Cambria one of the best prog rock bands of the 21st century.

The Eagles/Johnny Cash, “Desperado”

Johnny Cash did a great version on one of his last "American #" albums produced by Rick Rubin, but The Eagles version is the one that is known by all. It is so covered that I'm lucky I could find this live version by the original band. Great lyrics, beautiful song.

(Moderator's Note: The version with Johnny Cash was removed. And, believe it or not, I could not find any version of this song on YouTube, except for one live version where the picture and sound quality sucked. Every other version was just people covering the song in their kitchen or living room. This video was by far the best available. My sincerest apologies if it falls short.)

Kid Cudi, “In My Dreams”

I don’t even really consider what Kid Cudi does as rap, he transcends the genre so much…I don’t even know where to put him. He’s a newer artist, as his first album came out in 2009 but it’s pretty damn perfect. And I love Common’s speeches at the end of some of his songs, including this one.

Green Day, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”

Easily Green Day's most successful album and nearly every song is inch perfect. I think playing the album out like one big story was a masterstroke and how they merged the songs together. This song just shows the punk rock scene how to do a proper melody.

Audioslave, “Like a Stone”
(also englishozzy's #60 and Shrykespeare's #41)

I love this song. From start to finish everything is fantastic. It also has some of the best lyrics I've ever had the pleasure of listening to, especially this part:

"and on I read
until the day was gone
and I sat in regret
of all the things I've done
for all that I've blessed
and all that I've wronged
in dreams until my death
I will wander on"

Ron Burgundy
Daft Punk, “Aerodynamic”
(also Chienfantome's #26)

Why oh why did I miss seeing these guys live? My brother bought me a ticket and then sold it to a mate! Grrrr. The Electro guitar is unique (or was) and i love the build up. A special mention to Chemical Brothers “Let Forever Be” as this song took its spot at the last minute.

The National, “Fake Empire”

This piano intro… my God this piano intro, it gives me goose bumps every time I hear it. Funnily, it’s my father who made me discover The National’s amazing album Boxer. He kept insisting, “There’s this band, I bought their album, I have to listen to it” “Yeah, yeah, sure Dad”. And one day I listened to his damn album. And I flat out loved it. The voice of the singer is soft and soulful altogether. This song, “Fake Empire”… my God, that piano intro…

The Stooges, “Dirt”

What needs to be said? One of the progenitors of punk, and a great musical outfit. My personal fave of their albums is probably Funhouse, which is also the first that I got. This is my fave of their songs.

Happy 60th birthday Jet Li! (4/26/23)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Leestu »

Shrykespeare wrote:Numbersix
***Nick Cave, “Are You the One That I've Been Looking For?”***
Sorry to be a pedant but the song title is (Are You) The One That I've Been Waiting For? (I corrected the title in my comp entry too!) :lol: Great song from a really good album by the way. I slightly prefer Into My Arms (being non-religious but married to a Christian the first verse just really hits home) or even Lime Tree Arbour (don't know why but there is something about that song that appeals to me).
Shrykespeare wrote:leestu
***Bob Dylan, “Hurricane”***

(Moderator's note: Again, I had to switch to another video because the one submitted was removed due to a “copyright” issue. Fascists.)
BASTARDS! :evil:

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by W »

My version of Desperado was The Eagles... I just wanted to mention that Cash did a great rendition on his American series.

I really don't like my video to be a cover. I have no idea where to find/how to post the audio versions that I've seen on the list, but if anyone can find it, could you post it?
Tenet: Criterion Edition. Now with more Backwards Man.

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