Top 25 Songs of 2024

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by numbersix »


And guess what, we have someone joining the countdown.


200 Stab Wounds: “Manic Manual Procedures”

Just under 3 minutes of meaty riffs, drums that sound like somebody's banging on a couple of metal trash cans and unapologetically guttural vocals. 200 Stab Wounds deserves a medal for their preservation of pure, no-frills death metal.


My Name Is Nobody: “Early Morning”

A nice piece of soaring, atmospheric Americana, from Nantes, France of all places.


Mdou Moctar: “Oh France”

My list this year is mostly depressing songs, dreamy songs, and angry songs about the scars of colonialism. No prizes for guessing which one this fits into. Leetsu introduced me to this guy’s music, and I was sold when I saw him live (in my local church) two years ago. While in studio some of his songs can be a little repetitive or overlong, this one has an incredible gear-shift half-way through that injects new life into it.


Bag of Cans: "Favourite Shirt"

I like a bit of fun in my music sometimes, especially when it comes with a bit of a singalong earworm and some musical surprises

Ron B

Fontaines D.C: “Starburster”

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by numbersix »


Tranny: I know we all say this, but this would be way better without the vocals. Though still not for me.

John: I think it's because I sit through Tranny's pummelling music that every track of yours sounds too tame, too sedate. Certainly not soaring. I've seen chicks with broken wings soar higher. But atmospheric and pleasant it was.

Leetsu: I am partial to a bag of cans myself, so bonus points for the name. This was okay, fun in places, though I'm worried about the resurgence of Britpop, particulary when it is mimicking the poppier side of Blur and anything to do with Oasis. I was in a bar the other day, and two guys ran up to me and my mates to ask "Oasis or Blur?". I haven't been demanded to answer that question for nearly 30 years. I said "Pulp" and they were furious.

Ron: Welcome to the countdown, and what a start. Romance is probably my album of the year, one that I initially didn't like, but has gradually grown on me. This is the big single and it's fascinating to hear the band embrace trip-hop, if not hip-hop in Grian's delivery. I've a different track of theirs in my countdown, only because I suspect the lyrics to this one are a bit meaningless. But it's a great song.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by JohnErle »


Misguided Mutant Proctology – The intro had enough Tool in it to keep me interested for 10-15 seconds, but then, you know. I suppose they deserve bonus points for the suitably over-the-top album cover. Somewhere, Tipper Gore is rocking back and forth in a padded cell, mumbling “toldja” over and over again.

Mdou Moctar – I've listened to the album a few times since Leestu's pick, and I can't say this track really stood out, but it's a good part of the overall whole. I like their blend of San Fran ballroom rock and African sounds.

Bag Of Cans – There's definitely a lot of Parklife-era Blur in the first half of this, but I'm okay with that because I loved that album, and this is a sound I haven't heard in a long time. I liked the horns too. ADDED

Fontaines DC – It's all been done before, but the various elements come together reasonably well. The toughest pill to swallow here is the Irish rapping. I'm going to add it to my 2024 playlist because I probably won't object to hearing it sandwiched in between other songs on occasion, but I doubt I'll ever seek it out.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by numbersix »



St.Vincent: “Sweetest Fruit”

Annie Clark's psychedelic impulses have rarely ever materialized in such a transfixing, hypnotic fashion as they do here. It also happens to be even more incredible in a live setting.


The Lovely Eggs: “My Mood Wave”

When compiling my list, I thought that if there was any chance of me having an overlap with someone else's list, there was a chance this song would show up among Leestu's picks.


Wu-Lu: “Daylight Song”

Wu-Lu’s EP (it was essentially an EP) leant less into darkly atmospheric hip-hop and instead embraced the hazy sunshine. Like many music coming out last year, there’s an evident trip-hop influence. I guess people are less interested in bitches and guns, and far more on siestas and Pringles.


Parannoul: "Painless"

Transformers is correct. Parannoul is making the best shoegaze at the moment

Ron B

DOPE LEMON: "Golden Wolf"

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

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Tranny: Thank god it's not metal. And actually, despite some criticism of her new work, this sounded pretty good to me. I've never quite been able to get on board with her music, but i definitely respect it, and she is indeed better live than in studio, despite the impressive trickery.

John: This was light and fun and the scuzzy sound was very Leetsu, but it was a little too retro, a little too nostalgic, a little too derivative to make me want to go back to it.

Leetsu: I liked this one better. There's something about South Korean (and Japanese) indie/rock, where it's a little too sweet and sentimental sounding. You just know the band all wear Hello Kitty underwear and are in bed before 10:30pm.

Ron B: Listenable and upbeat. Absolutely not my kind of music.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by transformers2 »

John: Well, at least I enjoyed it more than Emilia Perez.

six: Didn't like it as much as Leestu's pick, but it's still good. Going to have to give the full record a listen one of these days.

Leestu: Great band name, so-so song.

Ron: I was considering listening to their record about a month ago but ultimately elected to hold off since I figured at least a couple of songs from it would appear here and I wasn't overly high on the material you guys have selected from them in past years. If this is indictive of the rest of the record, that was a mistake. The rap-adjacent vocals work well with the frantic guitars and the atmosphere is endearingly apocalyptic.
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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by transformers2 »

John: Too upbeat to work as garage rock and too scuzzy to be pop, which leaves it in a frustrating musical no man's land.

six: Aggreeable trip hop with a nice, easygoing vibe. For some strange reason, this is what I would imagine 311 would sound like if they started making music right now.

Leestu: Not much to say about this that I didn't say the other day. They're just really good at this shoegaze shit!

Ron: Nope.
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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by JohnErle »


St. Vincent - When you said your list wouldn't be entirely metal and hip-hop, this is not what I was expecting. I've never been a fan of hers, but some songs are okay, like this one, despite having a bit too much art school pretense for my tastes.

I knew some variant of the word pretentious would appear in my comments at some point, but who knew it would be about one of your picks and not Six's?

Wu-Lu – You call this sunny? Jesus. I knew you Irish were allergic to the sun, but come on!

Parranoul – Not feeling it.

Dope Lemon – Too sunny and poppy for me, so I can only imagine what it's done to poor Six. You ok, bro? You need to lie down in a dark room with a cigarette and some Velvet Underground or something?

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by numbersix »

JohnErle wrote:
January 16th, 2025, 2:25 pm

I knew some variant of the word pretentious would appear in my comments at some point, but who knew it would be about one of your picks and not Six's?
Just you wait...

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by numbersix »



King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: “Field of Vision”

In a different timeline, King Gizzard would've been an incredible boogie rock band. The goofy bluesy groves of "Field of Vision" would've sounded right at home playing after ZZ Top's "Tush" and Foghat's "Slow Ride" on the dingiest rock radio station Oklahoma had to offer in 1979.


Sad Canyons: “The Gold Dust Butterfly”

This is a solid piece of cosmic Americana with some nice Tex-Mex flourishes that give it some extra flavour. I'm not sure where this band is from, but those canyons outside L.A. are definitely sad right now.


Yard Act: “A Vineyard For the North”

Britpop is back in style, and fortunately some of the kids are looking beyond the dreary battle between Oasis and Blur, and instead taking inspiration for the era’s true heroes, Pulp. Even if that means letting go of the post-punk sound that got me into them. This closes the Leeds’ lads’ new album, and it’s a bit more soulful in its approach, its lyrics looking at national division and personal regret, with splashes of funk, soul, and gospel thrown into the indie pot.


Wine Lips: "Fried IV"

My favourite from the album

Ron B

Nick Ward: “Shooting Star”

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by JohnErle »


King Gizz - Inauthentic boogie rock riffs with way too much glam rock in the vocals. They'd have gotten their asses kicked for sounding like this in the clubs where ZZ Top got started.

Yard Act – The previous album had its moments, especially Tall Poppies, but this new sound doesn't work for me at all.

Wine Lips – That was a lot of fun, I just saved the whole album in my Spotify library for further listening. Yay Canada! 51st state my ass, you fat orange fuck. Sorry, that was off-topic.

Nick Ward – Shryke might have enjoyed the Third Eye Blind pop stylings of this track, but it's not for me, and I'll bet a week's pay* that Six will hate this.

* I'm currently unemployed, so there's very little risk in this wager for me.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by numbersix »

Not much to say about unlucky 13. None of them inspired me to cast any sort of interesting shade. Do better, or do worse.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by transformers2 »

John: Outside of the jarring bursts of Latin horns, this works. The somber, dream-like feeling here is strong and the vocalist floats over the dreary instrumentation with impressively natural ease. 

six: Another longtime favorite of this countdown. The music is fine, I just can't get over the over-the-top monotone vocals.

Leestu: Loud, crunchy garage rock with psychedelic undertones?! Yep, this did the trick for me. Side note: Surprised to learn they're from Toronto and not Sydney or Melbourne :lol:

Ron: He has a pretty solid vocal range. Outside of that, it's kind of a mess with its syrupy hook, random record scratches and the harsh industrial outro that legit comes out of nowhere and doesn't fit at all with anything that preceded it.
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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by numbersix »



Bring Me the Horizon: “Kool-Aid”

Combining the pop rock/electronic sensibilities they picked up during the 2010's with the ferocity of their metal origins has allowed Bring Me to the Horizon to reach their finest form yet during the 2020's. "Kool-Aid" picks up where their 2020 record "Post Human: Survival Horror" left off with its feral livewire energy, angst-ridden lyrics and frequent exhilarating tempo shifts. While the rest of the record fails to match its intensity and infectiousness, it's a staggering highlight nonetheless and easily a top 5 song in their catalog.


Adam Green: “Magic Spells”

Adam Green was one half of the excruciating Moldy Peaches, but I won't hold that against him as long as he keeps putting out sounds like this.


Amyl & the Sniffers: “U Should Not Be Doing That”

The Aussie act’s new album was a bit of a grower, partly because of the more subdued (mid-tempo) tracks. But there are still loads of attitude and great riffs and licks in this song that practically struts.


Meatbodies: "ICNNVR2"

Part of the Californian garage psych scene Meatbodies released their fourth album in 2024. This album track is my favourite

Ron B

Dominic Fike: “hi grace”

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2024

Post by JohnErle »


Kool-Aid – This old-school radio-friendly rock approach is more listenable than your typical picks, but it also sounds very dated.

Amyl – I listened to this album when it first dropped, but it didn't thrill me. This is okay, but a far cry from Hertz or Security, and the self-centred boasting in the lyrics is too reminiscent of hip-hop.

Meatbodies – This is the kind of garage rock I like. It's maybe a smidge too repetitive, but ADDED anyway.

Dominic Fike – Inspired by that thematically mismatched video backdrop, here's some Tolkeinesque snark:

Frodo: I wish this song had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to hear such songs, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the music that is given to us.

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