What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Shrykespeare »

Is anyone looking forward to The Alienist as I am? It looks outstanding, and it's advertising EVERYWHERE.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Buscemi2 »

Hmm, John Sayles is one of the producers? Interesting.

Meanwhile, I finished Series 2 of The Mighty Boosh (aka The Old Gregg Season). This was a much-improved series as it wasn't dependent on redoing material and let Julian and Noel do some fresh work. In fact, I was reminded a lot of the best episodes of Father Ted (Howard is Ted, Vincent is Dougal, obviously) in this six-episode stretch. It's also what Flight of the Conchords should have been instead of "Curb Your Enthusiasm with One-Dimensional Dimbulbs Who Fail to Realize That Their Manager is Using Them".

I'll tear into those last six episodes tomorrow. I've got nothing until Thursday anyway.

Meanwhile, some confession time. I couldn't get into the American version of The Office. Watched an episode and found the characters too unlikeable.

Edit: watched Series 3 yesterday. It would have been interesting to see how a Series 4 would have turned out but I'd imagine Julian and Noel would have been running on fumes (in addition, it was apparently the only show on BBC Three that anyone could agree was good).
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Buscemi2 »

Well, Netflix canceled Lady Dynamite. Though Maria has claimed that she wanted to end it for health reasons (that and a Season 3 would have been hard to shoot as they would have needed child actors for planned flashbacks to the 70's), I'm convinced there's more to it. Netflix has been killing a lot of its female-led shows (looks like it's going to be Comedy Central but even more dude bro-ier in a couple years) and I feel it getting shut out at the Golden Globes (were SMILF, Will and Grace, and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel really better shows?) were bigger factors.

Hopefully, Bamford will get another project somewhere but seeing how nothing's really changed in the industry, it might be years before we see her headlining something again.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Ron Burgundy »

I too, am very much looking forward to The Alienist Shryke, looks good.

Also, watched S1 of Ozark, and most of S21 of South Park. Ozark was ok, it has a great premise but is sometimes a bridge too far though its well acted while South Park definately has some of its best episodes from the last 3 years in this season, made me very happy.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Buscemi2 »

I think I might pass on Ozark after learning it was from the guy who wrote The Accountant (and I recently watched his latest film, A Family Man, which was awful). His work is so manipulative and amateurish that it makes you wonder how he can peddle that fertilizer.

And I have a feeling South Park only keeps going because Comedy Central desperately wants a conservative answer to The Daily Show and realize that such a thing wouldn't work in live-action (because Fox News tried it and it ended up just being low-hanging fruit and mean-spirited jokes). That show should have ended before it became "things Trey and Matt hate".

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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Ron Burgundy »

south park keeps going because its still funny. cant say that about the simpsons some years ago, that is a show that could have quit. having said that, a couple of the newer episodes were ok, i think they brought back some of the old writers
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Buscemi2 »

All those animated shows stop being funny after a while. Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, King of the Hill, they all went on too long. And Bob's Burgers has never been funny and the characters all look like child molesters (also, Tina is just as bad of a depiction of autism as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory).

South Park should have ended when Isaac Hayes left. He held everything together. After that, the show just turned into an angry festival of rampant egos (and will Trey ever get over his fiancee leaving him?). And its format (going from conception to airing in just six days) is both lazy and trying too hard to stay relevant. It was better when they weren't latching onto trends (Trey and Matt are like Green Day: older people desperate to stay hip and it ends up coming off as creepy) and actually followed a story.

Also, South Park gave us the annoying trend of splitting seasons into two halves. Never forgive them for that.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

If you think South Park is conservative, you've never seen South Park.

And how is creating an entire episode in 6 days lazy? LMAO it's literally the exact opposite. I suggest watching 6 Days To Air to see how mind-boggling hectic their week is when trying to get an episode done on time.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Buscemi2 »

Trey and Matt are confirmed libertarians leaning conservative. And libertarians agree with Republicans more often than people care to admit. Their politics seep into the show all the time.

And you have to plan out TV shows. You can't just wing it every time and expect gold. Also, you just can't do a scripted show like the news.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Ron Burgundy »

i dont even know what libertarians leaning conservative means. please expain.

And yeah politics creep into their show, and its not exactly wrong, i mean, just look at Mr garrison/Trump
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Buscemi2 »

A lot of the Tea Party's ideas and the things that would become the Republican Party came from the Libertarian Party. The Koch Brothers were previously Libertarian (one of them was the Vice Presidental candidate for the party in 1980), the whole obsession with Ayn Rand's works was a Libertarian thing, Alex Jones and his crazy conspiracies were embraced by Libertarians before he went farther right, and who can forget about Ron Paul switching parties in perhaps the most hilariously overhyped Presidential campaign ever?

And I stopped taking the Mr. Garrison character seriously when they decided to reverse his sex change. It makes Trey and Matt look transphobic in a way by pretending that never happened.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by W »

I'm a libertarian that leans right. Little "L", meaning I can't get behind the party, but agree with the general idea. There's a range in the way of thinking like any political philosophy ever. Basically if you're a libertarian it means you want as little government involvement in every day life as possible.

This means financially they are more conservative they generally believe in lower taxes, less social safety nets, smaller military (which is more Dem), etc. Some libertarians go as far to believe roads, postal service, etc should even be privatized.

Socially they are closer to Democrats. They believe in less regulation of morals like liquor laws, gay marriage, gun laws, abortion rights, etc. So in general if you want to have a lesbian wedding with liquor, pot, and a 21 gun salute go right on ahead.

In general libertarianism is more about personal responsibility and minimizing government intrusion. I personally call myself a pragmatic libertarian, meaning I believe there should be lower taxes, a smaller budget, etc and I believe you should be able to do what you want in your own household as long as it isn't directly affecting others that haven't given consent (or can't because they're underage). But pragmatically there is a line you can't cross (people can't kill someone that is suicidal, you can't smoke pot and drive, some people are disabled and cannot work and will need help).

I believe Parker and Stone are closer to what I am and see the ridiculousness in both sides. I hope this helps.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Yeah, that does clarify things...

Ive smoked pot before and driven. Its not ideal, but its the same thing as people driving without sleep in the past 24 hours imo - which is perfectly legal
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by Buscemi2 »

So I gave The Good Place a watch because I read good things about it (though I didn't like The Office).

Why does NBC make so many sitcoms where you're supposed to like awful characters? The whole thing felt like someone watched one of Bryan Fuller's shows and failed to grasp what makes a lot of his shows work (likable and interesting characters, a strong pace, giving you all you need to know while still getting to the point, though American Gods failed at that). If they really wanted to get dark with it, it should have been on Adult Swim or cable, not the network that keeps reviving things no one wanted revived.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to no

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

Do you just hate popular things?
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