The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

I don't know. I might actually dislike Shakespeare in Love more. So much quality in 1998 and that won Best Picture?
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Six- have not seen Dunkirk but I like the other 2 not named Dark Knight rises.

Boosh-yeah, haven't seen it but yeah

Wall- I should have seen this by now

Chien-and Now zero desire to see this

John-hmm, maybe a little yeah

Tranny-def a love it hate it type movie
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

Are we ever going to finish this?
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

sorry, im generally not infront of a computer during my holidays. I missed my flight back to work today, so will aim to finish it this week. My apologies for the hold up
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »


Ron B

Napoleon Dynamite
imdb rating: 6.9 from 171k votes. Metascore: 64
I dont normally bash on comedy flicks. But this was just utter crap.
My rating: 1/10


Gran Torino (2008)
Did you guys honestly think I’d let Clint away with just one film? Oh god no, this is one of his more successful films. And the ego is out of goddamn control on this one. It’s about some racism old dude who thinks he can solve gang tensions in Detroit. And he does. See folks, all you need is a few racist remarks and a martyr complex and you’re done.


Children of Men (2006)
Why?: Overbudgeted, overrated, overstylized sci-fi film from the same man who brought us Gravity. Once again, the film has little to say and instead asks, “Why the hell did this cost $80 million?” Barely anything happens outside of wandering about overly grey wastelands, CGI ping pong balls (featuring the most impractical camera design ever), and a death by fart joke. This may be the most overpraised sci-fi film of all time.
Better movies: 28 Days Later, Fahrenheit 451, Slaughterhouse Five (apocalypse)


The Dark Knight (2008)
Let me say, I love the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy. But I find it odd how Rises gets derided for its plot holes whereas Dark Knight is praised as the greatest superhero movie of all time - while having at least as many plot holes if not more. And the Joker was disturbing. Wasn’t there a time when he was the Clown Prince of Crime? Not just a Jigsaw rehash?


Peau d’âne / Donkey Skin (1970)
A French Classic I can’t bear to watch. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in full, I’ve always turned it off before the end. Some call it magic, I just can’t get into the ridiculousness of it all.


Life Is Beautiful (1997)
Probably only marginally better than Jerry Lewis' unreleased The Clown Who Cried.


Raging Bull (1980)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Six/Gran Torino - Oh ho ho, good ol Clint doing his thang. Yeah this is beyond over rated, its terrible.

Boosh/Children of Men - ya know, after seeing this appearing thrice (i think?) in our top 100 countdown, i felt it deserved a rewatch. And yeah, it did. Cause i didnt rate the movie at all before, but now, i appreciate it more- mainly for that cool, one shot-ish take near the end filled with action and desperation.

Wall/TDK - Ya, nah. Just nope. Sorry, you are incorrect. Jigsaw rehash is Heath Ledger's last role winning a posthumous oscar? Nah, this is one of the best of all time, i just happen to agree with alot of people.

Chien/?? - Yeah, nah, haven't ever heard of it

John/Life is Beaut - I have to agree to a degree, i never finished this film.

Tranny/Raging Bull - Hmm, i dunno, ive always felt its almost under rated since there are a few other films normally getting love for De Niro's performance before this. But i think you should see it again with a slightly sympathetic eye and maybe you will seen how Jake La Motta didn't exactly do it 'easy'. Yes, i agree, like this first time i saw this, there are some duller moments, but really its not just a good movie, its a great performance.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »


Ron B

Million Dollar Baby (2004)
imdb rating: 8.1 from 553k votes. Metascore: 86
Ho-hum, thats not an expression i use often but it applies here. When i was reseaching films for this list i found this film on a similar list with a 'we recommend this one instead' part; that film being Fat City over Million Dollar Baby. I couldn't agree more.
My rating: 2.5/10


V For Vendetta (2005)
A film that thinks it’s a social revolution, aided by a bunch of hackers who couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery. I wouldn’t mind if the film wasn’t so bad on every level – the showy, pretentious dialogue, the half-baked world of a totalitarian government that magically has a middle class, the OTT performances. Hell, even as an action film it fails to twack the average.


Mean Girls (2004)
Why?: A cheap Heathers imitation that replaces all the edge with clichés. It’s funny how this claims to be based on a non-fiction book but Tina Fey bases every one of her characters from stock characters from all the other teen films that came out in the 2000’s. So why does this get canonized by the general public and received its own day (October 3rd, based on a throwaway line much like how “six seasons and a movie” became a Community meme) but better teen films from the same decade like Thirteen and Elephant are forgotten? There’s a good chance I might not like you if you think this is one of the best films ever made.
Better movies: the three I mentioned above


2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)
I just don’t get this one. Must not be smart enough to understand the point. I’ve watched it as a kid and as an adult and it’s lost on me regardless.


Fences (2016)
One of the worst experiences I’ve ever had in a film theater. The error of this film, besides its general vacuity, is to think that a film and a play are the same thing. Well it’s not, and it proves it atrociously. I can’t believe the film won so much accolades and awards last year. Every minute passing was a torture to me.


Resevoir Dogs (1992)
I walked out after 20 minutes. Tarantino's self-indulgent banter has never been more annoying.


Blade Runner (1982)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Six/V - Ever since listing this in my top 100, along with a few other names here, ive been questioning this movie based on your hate for this six. I did re watch it last year, and it may have slipped out of my top. But i dont dislike it thats for sure

Boosh/Mean Girls - This was on TV the other night, Lindsay Lohan, used to be pretty hot. Was also nice to see Amanda Seyfried and Rachel McAdams before they went blockbuster. Its not a bad movie at all. Less edgy compared to Heathers surely, but still entertaining.

Walleye/2001 - Ya know, im on the fence for this one, i love the dreamy cold space eerieness but there are lots of parts that lack traction.

Chien/Fences - Couldnt watch more than the first couple of minutes, but that was mainly due to poor quality video

John/Reservoir - I like this one, but somehow i do see how its over rated, especially when i was younger, i wondered what was so good about this, dialogue- is just one of the things that grew on me.

Tranny/Blade Runner - I watched this twice before the new one last year and have to disagree to a point, its certainly got its own world- which itself is a stunning achievement and its ahead of its time, but for me, shouldn't be in every 2nd persons top 10
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Walleye413 »

I know I'm in a small minority when it comes to The Dark Knight, but I'm sticking to it.

Boosh, I disagree with you on both your picks. I really enjoyed Children of Men. For me the theme of the movie is what happens to a world without Hope - and then Hope comes back into the world. I think it's fascinating. And I enjoyed Mean Girls. Don't hate me - I don't think it's one of the best movies of all time. But I found it more clever than not. Better than Clueless in my opinion.

Not a huge fan of these Clint movies either, so agreed on those. Anyone watch In the Line of Fire lately? I remember really liking that one - and now I'm afraid to rewatch it in case it's not great. Course, Clint didn't direct it so maybe it's okay.

Agreed on Blade Runner - I just rewatched it as well and was not impressed. It was wildly different than just about anything "future set" for the day, but I don't think it holds up. Not to be so beloved at least.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

Ron B: Napoleon dynamite is an odd film, but is watchable. Don't get the love for it though. 100% agree on MDB

Boosch: Kinda agree about Children of Men. It's a very slick chase movie, and those sequences are amazing, but that's all the film is. Still prefer it to Gravity which has even less character and plot. Disagree on Mean Girls. It's more down to earth than Heathers but still is fun and funny. It's a precursor to Fey's work such as 30 Rock and Kimmy Schmidt.

Walleye: Nope and nope. Both in my Top 100. 2001 is definitely not for everyone. What are the plot holes in TDK? They don't come close to the ridiculous ones of TDKR (punch=back surgery). And the Joker is brilliant because he's disturbing - did you want Caesar Romero dancing with his go-go girls?

Chien: Haven't seen Donkey Skin. And agree on Fences, which I hated, although everyone has already forgotten it.

John: Been a long time since I watched Life is Beautiful, but I liked it at the time. I recently rewatched Reservoir Dogs and it still stands up. Very simple and effective. For what it's worth, the dialogue is slightly less showy after those first 15 or so minutes.

Tranny: I'm beginning to think you've the worst taste ever ;)

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

Donkey Skin is in the Criterion Collection and will occasionally run on TCM, which is how I saw it. And I recall liking it because it's so bizarre (and Jacques Demy tended to get interesting, maybe it was from those gas fumes he loved the scent of so much).
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by JohnErle »

Catching up...

Frozen – That opening section where they're little girls is every bit as good as the opening sequence of Up. As for the rest, I'm not a 12-year old girl, so it's hardly my place to judge.

Changeling – I haven't seen it since it was in theatres, but I thought it was excellent. Probably worth a re-watch.

Tranny vs. Wes Anderson - The Royal Tennenbaums was my favourite film of the millennium, so it's safe to say I disagree.

Gran Torino – Your hatred of Clint Eastwood is starting to border on Buscemi-eque. So Eastwood has an ego as opposed to what, the humility that's otherwise rampant among A-list movie stars? I agree that the ending is way too pat and solved nothing, but otherwise it's an excellent film.

It Follows – At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it's excellent for the first hour or so, but the final act is a disaster that ruins everything. For once, I agree with Tarantino AND Buscemi. (faints)

Rosemary's Baby – Six already defended it pretty well, but I have to also. It's a brilliant film based on a brilliant novel. At this point in his career, Polanksi was still the ultimate Hollywood feel-good story: A polish immigrant who had escaped the Nazis and risen all the way to become an acclaimed director. Why, at this point his wife and unborn child hadn't even been murdered yet, so cut the guy some slack.

Children Of Men – It's very, very good, if not quite the masterpiece it's cracked up to be. Only in that sense would I ever consider it over-rated.

Donkey Skin – Never heard of it. Not over-rated outside France, apparently.

Raging Bull – It's a stylistic tour de force, but I always thought the story fell a bit short, so I somewhat agree.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by undeadmonkey »

Ron B
Napoleon Dynamite - have never seen, but i feel like i have, which makes me not want to see it ever.

Gran Torino - I've seen it, but i remember nothing about it. It was definitely overrated at the time, does anyone still care about it?
V - Great choice, it is truly awful. I'm ashamed to have liked it at one point. the film equivalent of posting your political activism on FB and thinking you've actually changed the world.

Children of Men - this movie is haunting and intense in all the right ways. Great movie
Mean Girls - This is one of the best movies

The Dark Knight - the joker was disturbing and fantastic and that was the brilliance of it. Still one of the best villains

Life Is Beautiful - it was ok, but so depressing
Reservoir Dogs - Completely agree, unfortunately, i wasn't able to walk out after 20 minutes, i was in film class.

Raging Bull - Good choice, another film class film and i just don't get the love for it.
Blade Runner - I didn't get the love for it the first time i saw it. but i've seen it 3 times now and it just gets under your skin, I also loved 2049

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by JohnErle »

Today's batch that I haven't talked about yet...

Mean Girls - Loved it back in the day. I probably would if I ever watched it again, thanks to Tina Fey.

2001 - It took me at least 3-4 times through before it all clicked and the bookend sequences made even an ounce of sense to me. Even at 15 I loved the Hal 9000 story, and the look of the film remains stunning, even if I'd gladly cut out the 10-minute acid trip through space.

Blade Runner - Visually, it deserves every accolade it's ever received. Story-wise it's a bit dodgy, so maybe slightly over-rated.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »


almost finished!

Ron B

Gran Torino (2008)
imdb rating: 8.2 from 614k votes. Metascore: 72
I think with Mr Eastwood, you will either love his films or hate them, somehow, i fall in the middle. This film however, is ridiculous from start to finish. I dare you, to comment here saying why this film is good
My rating: 2/10


The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Sure, it’s a fine film at times, but it’s stunning to see this be the IMDB #1 film of all time, beating The Godfather, Schindler’s List, Pulp Fiction, etc. All of those films were monuments of cinema – powerful, passionate, and influential. The Shawshank Redemption is a solid prison movie that never digs too deep and never gets too extreme, feet firmly planted in the middle of the road. The kind of film people love if they’ve only seen 50 films or so. Brilliantly average.


The Avengers (2012)
Why?: What Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America built up to (and in the process cheapened those films and led to disappointing sequels). Joss Whedon’s overstuffed fan service is nothing more than a glorified TV movie designed for the easily impressed and its massive success has led to studios becoming more interested in forming shared universes (an idea that wasn’t even created by Marvel, see Quentin Tarantino) and making movies exclusively for Texas and China rather than making them for movie people. This might be a rant about the state of cinema but the movie’s nothing more than action sequences and self-indulgent dialogue designed for memes. At least I can get some satisfaction that Feige’s empire eroding with those TV bombs.
Better movies: the three I mentioned above (again)


The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
This is Oscar worthy - but Straight Outta Compton is too ??? What? Another white man’s fantasy where he gets away with the world’s worst behavior scot free. Plus Margot Robbie naked! Pay no attention to the horrible characters and constant horrible language and behavior.


The Broken Circle Breakdown (2012)
What a horrible film, unbearable characters, and a sense of pity towards them that turns the film into a circus of pessimism (in lack of a better word in English I know, although the perfect French word is “misérabilisme”).


Braveheart (1995)
20 years ago this would have been #1 for me, but its reputation seems to have faded somewhat. Rob Roy is still a million times better and it still pisses me off that it was overshadowed by this overwrought, pretentious, homophobic, slo-mo gorefest with all the depth and complexity of a Jean Claude Van Damme revenge flick.


Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)
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