Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#91

Anything music related. Latest songs, good new bands, and blasts from the past.

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Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#91

Post by Shrykespeare »

Okay, everybody. The celebs have walked the red carpet and are just now settling into their seats. The band's instruments are tuned, and a hush falls over the crowd. What follows this post is what is sure to be the coolest music-related extravaganza any movie-based forum has ever produced. :mrgreen:

100 days. Over 1,000 songs. At this moment in time, eleven Fantaversians have racked their brains, searched their souls and gutted their iPods for what they deem to be their 100 personal favorite pieces of music of all time. From now until July 9th (if my math is right), we will be showcasing exactly one song per person per day, until we reach everybody's #1. The people involved at this time are:


(edited to add)
BanksIsDaFuture (at #80)
englishozzy (at #75)
BarcaRulz (at #72)

There are not many rules to this thing, so let's get them out of the way:

1) Up until the day a song is posted, any changes can be made to your list. A song can be moved up or dropped entirely in favor of another song, but once a song is posted, it's set in stone. To go back and change stuff would be way too confusing, so make sure your list is exactly where you want it before it's posted.

2) This entire endeavor is to showcase our personal likes and tastes. We are not doing this to show off our musical knowledge or question each other's taste levels (no matter how much we may want to). We are all friends here, and each and every participant is virtually certain to post songs that others will hate with a passion or to love with equal passion, and everything in between. But if there is a song that is posted that you truly loathe, and you feel you must comment on said loathing, just say you hate it and let that be the end of it. Again, this endeavor is just for fun and I don't want it degenerating into squalid set-tos about whose taste in music is better, or more diverse, or more hip, or more modern, etc.

3) Those who will be following this thread (and all subsequent threads) but not participate are, of course, welcome to make comments, but be warned: any truly harsh criticism you may have may be severely edited, if not deleted. I don't want to seem draconian about this, but there is a price for the right to criticize: namely, come up with your own damn list of songs and join in the fun. We are wearing our musical hearts on our sleeves here, laying bare our musical soul, and of course all of the haranguing that doing so entails. If you think your taste level is so much better than one (or all) of ours, I have three words to say: prove it, jackass. (Huge grin.)

Now, if any of you really want to join, but the prospect of coming up with a Top 100 is too daunting or time consuming, it's no problem. You can do a Top 20, a Top 50, a Top 80, however many you want. And when our countdown reaches the appropriate number, I will be more than happy to add your selections to the group's. But be warned: if you join, be fully prepared to ride this train all the way to the end.

Since I will be posting everybody's selections at the same time, I would ask, if you do want to join, to do what everyone else is doing: e-mail me your lists. (You can PM them to me too, but I would prefer you just e-mail me. If you don't know my e-mail address, you have but to ask.) And another thing: I would prefer you not send your lists to me in their entirety. It will be three months before we finish, and any or all of your upcoming songs may change order before we get there. I would therefore ask that you only send me 10-15 songs at a time, in the following format:

Song Number
Artist, "Song Name"
A brief paragraph about the artist, song or album, and why you love it so much
The YouTube code for the video that you want me to post (if there is one)

Here's an example:

104. The Rolling Stones, “Gimme Shelter”
They say this is the Stones going political, but Richards claims he came up with the song when watching Jagger have sex with a groupie. It must have been pretty damn inspiring to generate an intro like this.

And that's all there is to it. I would like to thank everyone who agreed to join me in this endeavor (which has become an obsession in the last two weeks), and I honestly don't know what I'm looking forward to more: seeing our vast differences, our incredible similarities, or just rocking the f--k out to stuff I never heard before. The ten (so far) people represent different ages, different locales, different backgrounds, different genders (glad to have becs along to keep us guys honest), and even different continents.

Here's to the next 100 days, dear friends. The highs, the lows, the many, many, WTF moments. I haven't been this stoked for anything since the start of the very first Super Leagues. This is going to be so, SO MUCH FUN!!

Post #1, Song #100, will commence approximately 4-5 hours from this post.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by NSpan »

Cheers... and rock on.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by silversurfer19 »

Man. I'm getting excited over no.100. What am I gonna be like when we reach the top 10!!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by NSpan »

#100 is actually an interesting round. We get to find out everyone's least-favorite favorite-song!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by Geezer »

Grr, I have to go to bed, which means I most likely won't get to find out until tomorrow night around 8 what everyone's least favorite favorite is! Damn this job thing to hell.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-

Post by Shrykespeare »

Okay, guys, it is now officially April 1st on the east coast. The giant spangly ball has dropped, and it is now time to get the party started.

Up first we have the leadoff hitter. The amuse bouche. The hors d'oeuvre. Everybody's least-favorite favorite. Also known as:

SONG #100!

And here...we.... go.

New Order, “Blue Monday”

One of the best English pure alternative groups of the 80’s, they never really got their due in America. This is the first of three songs of theirs on my list. I had a few others that got cut on the last day, including “True Faith” and the awesome World Cup anthem “World in Motion.” You guys have given me various levels of crap about my #105-#101 songs, but I expect NONE this round. This is a tried and true alternative pop classic.

The Warlocks, “Hurricane Heart Attack”

The vocals are slightly clearer on the album than they are in this video, but you'll get the idea. Another one of my favorite "new" bands. The Warlocks are a splinter-group of The Brian Jonestown Massacre. With them, they've helped popularize the neo-psychedelia movement--a genre created by a combination of droning Velvet Underground-style jams and murky Sabbath-esque metal. This song is their idea of a single. Much more streamlined than most of their music, it nonetheless runs over five minutes (the average length of a pop song is half that) and features extended instrumental-work and distorted vocals. Dig through the fuzz, and there's a surprisingly catchy (and melodic) song under there!

Super Furry Animals, “Run Christian Run”

Back in the mid 90’s SFA were lumped in with all those other Brit-pop bands (Oasis, Blur, Pulp, Elastica, etc), but these guys were in a world of their own, creating warped Beach Boys inspired folk rock experiments, including an album sung entirely in Welsh. Run Christian Run is an irrefutably catchy song that’s obviously an attack on the delusions of religious fundamentalists, but for those of you who are deeply religious, I wouldn’t get offended. SFA are more interested in being playful rather than polemic. ... istian-Run

Bruce Springsteen, “Born To Run”

I'm not the biggest Springsteen guy, but he does have a few excellent songs, Born to Run being my favorite. Strikes an outstanding balance of music and lyrics. Continues to be powerful from start to finish. Just a great piece of work.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Maps”

It honestly took me awhile to warm up to these guys, I was pretty unimpressed when I first started to hear their stuff on the radio, but after hearing a song a few times you will find it really gets under your skin, which is exactly what has happened with this one. Karen O is totally a musical icon, she has been a pioneer to female indie rockers, when it was only popular to be female in music if you were a trashy pop star. I love these guys, and right now I am literally addicted to their new song "Heads Will Roll" but I did try to leave off anything I've discovered very recently on the list.

Bob Marley, “Three Little Birds”

I'm not the biggest Bob Marley fan, but being a huge fan of reggae, I had to represent. This one being my favorite Marley.

Hunters And Collectors, “Throw Your Arms Around Me”

When others were singing along to AC/DC and Cold Chisel boisterously at parties, this is the song that became the sing along anthem for us after nights of drinking and revelry. From a great Australian pub band from the 80’s.

Coolio, “Gangsta's Paradise”

This song takes me back to when things were simpler and rap was actually decent. And oh yeah, it was in Dangerous Minds.

Explosions In The Sky, “The Birth And Death Of The Day”

Explosions In The Sky are one of those few instrumental bands that manage to maintain their energy, which I feel is so important for this style of music. There is so much energy, in fact, I sometimes forget there are only four members to this band. The album “All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone” is certainly my favourite, while this song in particular manages to define all that is great about them. The drumming is awesome, the guitars immense, and the whole thing builds into a great crescendo. Fabulous.

Motley Crue, “Live Wire”

This is just a really catchy track. The riff is just really fun and catchy and it justs kick-ass as a whole.

Johnny Cash, “One Piece at a Time”

Kind of funny, I'm sure every GM worker's dream gone awry.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by undeadmonkey »

New Order, “Blue Monday”
not bad, not much to say about it though

The Warlocks, “Hurricane Heart Attack”
Super Furry Animals, “Run Christian Run”

Couldnt get into these two

Bruce Springsteen, “Born To Run”

never really liked the song, but never really hated it though, i like what the song is talking about though, although there other songs about the same subject that i like better

Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Maps”

I like som yeah yeah's but this one not so much

Hunters And Collectors, “Throw Your Arms Around Me”

even though it the video looked like lawyers and business men trying to be rockstars, i didnt hate the song

Coolio, “Gangsta's Paradise”

what can i say, it's gangsta paradise, dont hate it, but i've never been able to take it serious after amish paradise. Is it bad that i would rather listen to the latter rather than the former, haha

Explosions In The Sky, “The Birth And Death Of The Day”

twasnt bad, so do they play just instrumental songs?

Motley Crue, “Live Wire”

not a motley crue fan, sorry

Johnny Cash, “One Piece at a Time”

I love the man in black, i had about 4 songs in the top 200 but none made it to top 100, made me sad.

whew, took a while to get through, maybe its just because its late and im tired. None really stood out to me this round but if i would have to pick a favorite, i guess i would pick W's

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by Shrykespeare »

My reactions:

NSpan – Since your next nine songs (spoiler!) will be classics around the time of my birth, I can tell you that you are off to a good start. I can sense a definite theme in your selections.

Six - The video was educational, but the song really did nothing for me.

Geezer – Not a big Springsteen fan either, but there’s no denying just why this is a rock anthem.

Becs – I like it. Something about Karen O reminds me a LOT of Johnette Napolitano, who I think is one of the best lead singers of the ‘90s.

UDM – One of Marley’s best, you’ll get no arguments from me. Sad to think just what the face of music would have been like without his presence. “Every little thing… gonna be all right.” Truer words were never spoken.

Leestu – Something about this song rings familiar, but I never new who sang it until now. I do remember “When the River Runs Dry” from 1990 quite fondly, however. Good choice!

Buscemi – I don’t like much gangsta rap, but this is one of my very very favorites. The raw emotion in Coolio’s lyrics and L.V.’s chorus vocals always hit home for me.

Surfer – I agree with you, there’s really a lot going on for only four musicians. Proof positive that lyrics aren’t always required for truly soul-stirring music.

Transformers – I remember the days when I used to think Motley Crue was the hardest-edged thing there was. Their classic stuff seems pretty tame compared to today’s stuff, but there are a few Crue songs that still get me going. This one really didn’t seem that special to me, though.

W – God Bless Johnny. His amusing anecdotes just never get old.

For me, my favorite this round goes to Buscemi, with W and UDM right behind.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by W »

Shryke - Pure 80'sness. Someone covered it in the mid to late 90's, but New Order's was much better.

Nspan - I like the sound a little, but not necessarily the song.

Six - Nothing to do with the lyrics, message, or whatnot, but I just wasn't a fan.

Geezer - I have this on my ipod just to fill up space, I guess, because I never listen to it.

Becs - I understand the whole "gets under your skin" thing.

UDM - My favorite Bob Marley song.

Leestu - A little too 80's pop for me. But it does sound a little like a drinking song somehow.

Buscemi - Gangsta or Amish Paradise both work for me just like both Gump and Lump do.

SS - Maybe for a film or something, but for everyday listening I normally prefer something with vocals in it. I did enjoy the last couple (or so) minutes, though.

Tranny - Never been much of a fan of the Crue...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by numbersix »

Really interesting #100's.

Shryke: I love this song. Although I think it's kinda ironic that it's a song about Sumner's friends death yet it was a dancefloor hit.
NSpan: Never heard of them, but loved that song. I'll be checking more of them out pronto.
Geezer: Another absolute classic, you just can't help yelling along with it. Good pick!
Becs: Maps is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.
UDM: Even if I liked Marley, which I don't, this was another song that has ben over-used in movies and TV.
Leetsu: Not bad, but sounds like a bad mix of the Smiths and the Proclaimers.
Boosch: This song drove me crazy due to being over-played on the radio. And I can't separate it from that very average movie. Not bad though.
SS: I like Explosions. They're no Mogwai, but they can be pretty damn good. I've heard that song twice live, and it's spine-tingling stuff.
Tranny: Never liked Motley Crew that much, but if that song is any indication, they're actually okay.
W: A good song. There's better by Cash though. A lot better.

Poor Super Furry Animals aren't getting much love from you guys.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by W »

I know there's better Johnny Cash, that's only #100 after all, but I like that one. Some real good stuff of his didn't make the list.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by NSpan »

Shrykespeare -- New Order, “Blue Monday”
Not sure if you're aware of it, but New Order has gotten a second-life from hipsters in recent years. Not a fan in general--but you won't get any argument from me regarding this song. Loved it as a kid, still dig it now. (It also has the claim-to-fame of being "the highest selling 12-inch single of all time").

Numbersix -- Super Furry Animals, “Run Christian Run”
Didn't exactly jump out and grab me--but any band that can get Paul to reprise his celery-chewing from Smile is bad-ass in my book. And there's only one book--that's the Bible. So, give it a read when you got a chance. Hey, last time I checked, Bibles were in libraries. Hey, good night.

Geezer -- Bruce Springsteen, “Born To Run”
I just DON'T GET the Boss... You picked a likable song, but there is a level of fanaticism amongst his supporters that I think is just unfounded.

becs -- Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Maps”
Listened to the whole thing. At least Zooey DesChanel wasn't singing. Man, I wanna punch her in the face. Though, to your credit, Kate walked by while I was playing your song and she sang-along to the lyrics. She's obviously a fan.

undeadmonkey -- Bob Marley, “Three Little Birds”
Not my favorite Marley--but glad to see him on somebody's list. I felt bad he didn't make it onto mine. "So Much Things To Say" and "Africa Unite" were early considerations. "Natural Mystic" "Iron Lion Zion" and "Punky Reggae Party" were all serious contenders when it came close to the end. But, alas, no Marley no cry.

leestu -- Hunters And Collectors, “Throw Your Arms Around Me”
Ha, sounds like you were some real party animals!! No drunken-singalongs to Tim Cappello?

Buscemi -- Coolio, “Gangsta's Paradise”
Unless you're completely unaware of Stevie Wonder's "Pasttime Paradise," I can't think of a reason to watch that video more than once... ever.

silversurfer -- Explosions In The Sky, “The Birth And Death Of The Day”
Kept waiting for something to happen... It didn't. Saw them live awhile back. Felt about the same.

W -- Johnny Cash, “One Piece at a Time”
Love that track. Only wish Cash had bothered to write this one himself!

For me, my favorite this round goes to W, with shryke and UDM right behind... hope i didn't sound too harsh at any point!! anything I say during the course of this countdown that could be misconstrued as overtly pessimistic (or, hell, "mean"), please, instead, try and view as playful ribbings and just-messin'-with'ya's
Last edited by NSpan on April 1st, 2010, 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:NSpan: Never heard of them, but loved that song. I'll be checking more of them out pronto.
Glad somebody liked it! ;) Another of their's (a track called "Isolation") ALMOST made the cut. Subbing it out for "Hurricane Heart Attack" was the LAST change I made before submitting my final list. But, don't worry, my absolute favorite Warlocks song is within my Top 100... and comin' up before too long.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by Leestu »

Shryke: No crap from me. My favourite New Order song that I reckon we’ll probably hear more than once.

Nspan: Hadn’t heard of them but I really liked this, including the fuzz. I will be checking more of their stuff out.

Six: Probably my problem but I can’t get to yours. New computer coming on Monday, I’ll try again then.

Geezer: From your just missed selection I’m guessing I’ll like a lot from your list but Springsteen is not my thing. Although for some reason I can tolerate “I’m On Fire”

Becs: Good song. I like Yeah Yeah Yeahs a lot. “Zero” and “Heads Will Roll” is such a great start to their latest album.

UDM: I can listen to any Bob Marley any time. Funnily I’ve heard this song so many times but never knew it was called “3 Little Birds”.

Buscemi: Although one of the better rap songs from that era it was huge here and I just heard it too much. Plus I always associate it with Dangerous Minds, a movie I’ve had the misfortune of seeing twice.

Surfer: That was interesting. I would like to listen to a whole album alone and undisturbed and just lose myself in the music. Where and what era are they from?

Transformers: I listened to it.

W: I grew up listening to a lot of Johnny Cash (it was pretty much the only decent thing in my parent’s music collection). I ended up with one of his songs making my list.

Overall a great start with 2 new bands for me to explore. Best pick was Shrykes with Nspan’s being the best song I hadn’t heard before.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #1): #100-#86

Post by numbersix »

Leetsu you can try Youtube for that SFA song:

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