Best of 2014

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Peter Gibbons
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Brockster »

There's a bit of Dad-rock which puts me off
Ha! WTF is "Dad-rock" anyway? I'm a dad, should I be taking offense to this? :)

Anyway, on to some listening:

Hookworms "On Leaving" - It was decent enough, probably not anything I'd dig into more, worth a listen one time through though. Voice reminds me of a more pleasant Jack White, if that makes any sense.

The Amazing Snakeheads "Memories" - why is he so mad? Not really my thing, although I do like the music, just not the singing.

Aphex Twins "Minipops 67" - some electronic music, which I've been liking more and more over the past few years. I like this. Obviously I've heard of them, but haven't really dug into their music much, which is about to change. Good choice!

Modest Mouse "Lampshades On Fire" - I loved their first album, but haven't given them much of a try since then. My buddy at work just bought their new album on vinyl and swears by it. I'm digging this song...time to go to itunes and give the rest of the album a try.

The Orwells "The Righteous One" - ok, this video is a little over the top, it literally made me if that was the point, well done. If they were trying to be serious, well, that was just silly. The music, not the singing, reminds me of a Nirvana song from the 90's, so I thought that was pretty cool...just can't get past the singing again.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Brockster »

Song #9 - Sleeperstar "Apocolypse" - I already know that most of you guys posting on here won't like this. I feel I'm more into mainstream music than you guys. I already feel like the non-hip older dad :lol: Anyway, I've liked these guys since their first album. I guess I'm a sucker for catchy mainstream rock songs, although these guys aren't really "mainstream" as they aren't that popular. But hey, the video has ninjas in a forest, how can you go wrong w/ that! :)

For my #9 album I'm going to cheat a little and pick an album that came out late in 2013 that I didn't discover until 2014.

Album #9 - Bill Callahan - Dream River

Bill also goes by the moniker "Smog" so you can find albums under both, but I'm glad I found him. Very soothing, very simple songs. His vocal delivery is jarring and off beat, but somehow he makes it work. Here are a couple songs from this album, but you guys should check out his older stuff. It's worth it!

This song has such a great line in it: "The only words I said today are 'beer' and 'thank you'....'beer'....'thank you'...'beer'...'thank you'...'beer'...'thank you'.." etc. Love it! I've certainly had days like that :)

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by silversurfer19 »

9. TV on the Radio, 'Seeds'
This was a real grower of a record for me. The band have certainly moved further and further away from their work on Return To Cookie Mountain, harnessing a much more electronic and accessible sound than ever before. And it works. I wasn't sure at first, but this certainly works as one of those albums that just sneek up on you with song after song that bring the whole record together rather than individual stand out hits. And it all feels so effortless, which I suppose is the mark of a band who are completely comfortable with their music right now. Lush and textured, and the vocals have never been better, it certainly makes for a truly rewarding record.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by numbersix »


Institute: Salt

A very promising start to a hopefully exciting career. These Austin guys have landed themselves on possibly the coolest record label on the planet, Sacred Bones. Their style fits in perfectly, taking on punk and the directions it went in the early 80s, with the raw vocals giving it an intensity that lifts them above all the other imitators. Fingers crossed we'll see a debut album next year.


Have a Nice Life: The Unnatural World

A real grower since I picked it up in February. This record takes the gloom of goth and gives it an echoing, post-punk makeover with a focus on tone and mood over hooks. The two-piece band make much of their limitations, creating dreamy and unsettling landscapes.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by silversurfer19 »

Well, the opportunity to catch up came around a little earlier than expected.

The Scott Walker track was very intriguing. I pretty much only know of him from his work in the Walker Brothers back in the 60s, but it's good to hear his barritone hasn't diminished in this time. Not sure if it's something I would sit down and spend some time to listen to a lot, it seems to work best as perhaps a film soundtrack, with the vocals and haunting, humming beats of Sunn O)) working quite well together. Certainly a surprising combination, but one that does pay off I imagine in small doses.

The Andy Stott record reminds me a little of Portishead, perhaps in it's atmosphere, but really struggled to get going until the drums came in, at which point I was fighting distraction. Gets a little more interesting after that, but not enough for me to want to invest any further in.

The Smith Street Band remind me of The Hold Steady and was pretty enjoyable. Some good riffs and enough variety in the song posted to keep me interested. The King Gizzard certainly seem to be having a lot of fun, and I'm sure live they'd be a blast too. Remind me of the eccentricites of The Mint Chicks with a little Hot Chip in there.

The War on Drugs record has been getting a lot of praise. I downloaded it pretty much the week it was released but nothing really stood out about it at all for me and I've barely listened to it since. It's a pleasant enough listen, but it never really moved me in any way. Would probably be great driving music though and the vocals are very nice. Just realised I repeated six's comments about it being pleasant. That's a really derogatory word the way I've used it, I realise. Almost insulting, it's not that bad, just nothing astounding.

I tried with Aphex Twin, I really did, but I just don't think I 'get it'. Lots of beeps and blips but I just don't find myself investing in the record at all and I don't think I've listened all the way through the album once.

Leestu, I'm with you, having Modest Mouse back in my life after what has been years will be delightful next year. Can't wait, and this record does nothing but heighten my anticipation.

The Orwells do sound a little too much like Nirvana at certain moments, and that detracts from what was actually not a bad record at all. Has that late 60s style mixed with a little garage and grunge and for the most part works. Will certainly keep an eye out.

Never heard of Sleeperstar, so they can't be that mainstream just yet, but I'm totally sick of these big 30 Seconds To Mars-esque rallying cries mixed with slo-mo videos. If they aren't big yet, they almost certainly will be soon, and I'll be there whining away at how my favourite bands never get this famous while secretly hoping they never do anyway as they usually turn into this... Sorry buddy. I can see the appeal, just not for me.

I remember hearing pretty good things about the Bill Callahan record but never got round to listening to it. Very nice, such a great voice filled with textures and the subtle music playing in support works really well. Will look into this further.

Thought I was hearing Joy Division reincarnated when that Institute record first came on, sounds freaking awesome. Will be finding everything on these guys right after posting this, best thing I've heard so far. And Have A Nice Life also have a Joy Division vibe going on too, though as you say it kind of moves further in the goth stylings of Echo And The Bunnymen. Very dirty record, hard to make out any of the vocals under all the scratchy production, but it works very well. Another record I'll be looking into further.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by numbersix »

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Leestu »

Song #8. alt-J "Every Other Freckle"

I've never really gotten into this band but this song grew on me pretty quickly.
alt-J - Every Other Freckle (Official Video - Gir…:

Album #8. MAC DEMARCO "Salad Days"

I've been really digging what I affectionally call this modern hippy shit lately, Mac Demarco, Unknown Mortal Orchestra etc. This album has become my sunny summer sunday morning staple.
Mac DeMarco - Salad Days:

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Peter Gibbons
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Brockster »

Album #8 - Seth MacFarlane - Holiday For Swing

I was shocked when I saw this on itunes and then thought it must be a joke. Boy was a I wrong. I'm shocked that Seth can sing this well. I've always loved old Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin Christmas albums, so this was a pleasant surprise for me this holiday season. The old standards are done well along with some songs I had never heard of before (I don't think any of these are originals). It's been on constant play for me the last month or so. Here's a link for the whole album: ... PSv5pzfwoF

Song #8 - Night Terrors of 1927 "Fall Into You"

Jarrod Gorbel has fronted a few bands so far, the Honorary Title being the first I believe, and the band that put him on the map for me. He's put out some solo stuff too, and this is his first effort under the moniker Night Terrors of 1927. Although everything since the Honorary Title hasn't been as solid, this was a pretty decent effort and this was my favorite song from their EP they released this year. If you dig this song I highly recommend looking up the Honorary Title.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Brockster »

and I'll be there whining away at how my favourite bands never get this famous while secretly hoping they never do anyway as they usually turn into this
I feel like this every time I "discover" an artist who isn't big, but I know has the potential to do so. that sums it up perfectly!

My 2 cents on some of the other stuff posted:

TV On The Radio "Seeds" - hmmm...i wasn't digging this at first...then the drum beat came in and totally changed the song...certainly enjoyed it more after that. I'll be checking more out.

Institute "Salt" - I got excited for a moment, thinking this was the Institute band that Gavin Rosdale put out years ago, but alas, it was not. I am typically pretty open minded to music, but I couldn't get through this song. I couldn't even understand what he was singing. He sounded like Sylvester Stalone after popping a vicatin, drinking a fifth of Jack, and sitting in a hot tub for 2 hours.

Have a Nice Life - couldn't really get into this either, sorry :(

Alt-j "Every Other Freckle" - nice! I liked this a lot actually and have never heard of them.

Mac DeMarco - this was decent enough to warrant looking into him further...didn't wow me or anything, but caught my attention.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by silversurfer19 »

8. Parquet Courts, 'Sunbathing Animal'
I must admit, I've been a little slow to get into Parquet Courts, not sure particularly why, but 'Light Up Gold' didn't quite hit the mark for me. However, this year, releasing two records in the space of a few months, I now get the hype. The first of those two records was the standout for me, with the band, unashamadely wearing their Pavement influences on their sleeve with pride, now showcasing a maturity and depth to their song writing. But most importantly, this record is a whole lot of fun, and I dare anyone not to want to dance along to it all.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Leestu »

I listened to the whole Cloud Nothings album a couple of days ago. Great album, added it to my albums.

A couple of months ago I gave the War on Drugs album a spin to see what all the fuss was about. I get it that as far as overly produced, well constructed and played, rock music a la Dire Straits and later Pink Floyd goes, this is quality, but that's just not my thing. Don't dislike it, don't love it. Still at least the critics are raving over stuff like this rather than Taylor Swift and Beyonce....oh wait...
And the song you chose Brockster I actually remember quite liking when I listened and again now. It's one of the better tracks on the album, if not the best.

Hadn't heard of Hookworms before but this song made me listen to the whole album straight away. Excellent stuff!

I don't know why but most of the embedded youtube videos don't work for me on this site (and I can't seem to embed either) so if you guys can name the album track you select I can just spotify it or something. Luckily Brockster named a couple of Six's when he commented on them and I'm glad he did because Memories by The Amazing Snakeheads was AWESOME!! I kept the next couple of songs from the album playing until I ran out of time. Will be going back there! Aphex Twin can keep trying Six but electronica is not for me, although my Skrillex loving son really enjoyed the track you selected.

Never heard of Sleeperstar but similar to the War on Drugs, don't dislike it but I'll pass.
Bill Callahan was alright though. Liked the second song better, the beer lines were cool.

I've been meaning to get around to listening to Seeds by TV on the Radio. Happy Idiot and Careful You are great songs. Will do it soon.

Institute - I too thought I was hearing Joy Division. Specifically She's Lost Control morphed with Day of the Lords. Anyway listened to the whole ep. Not bad.
Let me know the name of the Have A Nice Life track. Haven't heard them.

Seth McFarlane - wait...he's playing it straight? Seems a bit pointless to me...and having a touch of bah humbug to me removes the xmas appeal element.
Night Terrors of 1927 - nice song

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by numbersix »

Will catch up on the other songs shortly. In the meantime...


Sharon Van Etten - Taking Chances

The record is only something I got recently, so I still haven't made up my mind. But this is a standout track, a lulling yet passionate tune, a little like Beach Houses but with a tad more spleen.


Ought - More Than Any Other Day

I had all but given up on Canadian label Constellation records. In the early 2000s I pretty much bought whatever they released, but those days of quality post-rock have gone and the label was starting to fade. Fortunately they were savvy enough to pick up these youngsters. Their music is a cross between Modest Mouse and Talking Heads, the lyrics and vocals playing a huge part in the band's persona. But they also share something with The Arcade Fire, a sense of yearning to feel something, anything strong and overwhelming, to cry out against the disaffected youth. This album gets better and better on each listen

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Leestu »

Song 7. TOTAL CONTROL "Expensive Dog"

This Melbourne band was formed by the guitarist from Eddy Current Suppression Ring, and a few years ago toured USA with Thee Oh Sees and released a split single with them. Their album from this year, Typical System, was very well regarded here but apart from this excellent song I couldn't really get into it.
Total Control - Expensive Dog:

Album 7. PIXIES "Indie Cindy"

This may be a contentious pick seeing as every critic and most fans slammed this album, but for me, to put it simply,well it sounds like Pixies to me and I like Pixies! I understand, but could see past, the disappointment factor, and It may be their fifth best studio album by a bit of a margin but it's still a damn fine album. It has some great songs on it and I honestly enjoy it more and more every listen.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by numbersix »

Happy Xmas y'all.


EMA - Cthulu

EMA's second album was a little harder to get into, but ultimately a rewarding record loosely tied together by the theme of technology's invasion on human identity and privacy. Cthulu is the record's highlight, EMA linking the terrifying Lovecraft godlike creature to the obsession with perfection, a shallow concept that has its blind followers.


Perfume Genius - Too Bright

Mike Hadreas has outdone himself. His previous records were beautiful, tender and at times incredibly moving. But in this record the occasional darkness of his lyrics is matched by a more varied musical style. This is partly caused by Hadreas's engagement with homosexuality as a political issue, as best represented by the single Queen (the lyrics "No family is safe when I sashay" are brilliantly sardonic), amongst other things. And that variety gives the album further depth and texture. Songs like Longpig have a distinctly 80s darkwave vibe, My Body is moody and cinematic, while my favourite song Grid absorbs blues, 50s pop, and twists it in the way Suicide used to. And all these odd moments are balanced with some touching piano pieces. Despite its 30 mintues, it's a breathtaking and arguably epic album.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by silversurfer19 »

7. Meatbodies, 'Meatbodies'
I knew absolutely nothing of this band until a few months ago, but upon learning that Ty Segall corroborator Mikael Cronin had an involvement, I was certainly intrigued, and upon hearing their psychedelic infused garage rock, I was hooked. The record is a pummelling, exhilarating experience from start to finish, with absolutely no stopping for breath within the 40 minute length. If you have a penchant for just bashing your head up and down to relentless, uncompromising punk delivered at great intensity, this is the record for you.

Meatbodies, 'Disorder'

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