Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by englishozzy »

Traffic - John Barleycorn Must Die - 4/10
The Ramones - Leave Home - 9/10
Tiger Army - Tiger Army II: Power of Moonlight - 5/10
Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine - 7/10
Bloc Party - Silent Army - 6/10
The Living End - The Living End - 10/10
Teenage Fanclub - Grand Prix - 6/10
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik - 10/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by silversurfer19 »

NSpan wrote:#72
silversurfer Teenage Fanclub, "Grand Prix", 1995
Wow. If that first selection is truly representative of their sound, I'm in. The second selection didn't do quite the same for me...... but, nonetheless, tell me more.
If you prefer Sparkys Dream it's most likely you will love the record, as its jam packed full of those summery fun love songs. I included Verisimilitude to highlight their lyrical interplay which I really love. For more, check out:
"Don't Look Back"
"Mellow Doubt"
"About You"
"Neil Jung"

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.75

Alyson Electronic Light Orchestra, "ELO2". 1973 - A good 10 years ago now I guess, a friend I had while working in our local Asda supermarket during uni kept trying to pummel me with some ELO. Every week he would bring in another tpe or mixtape with their music on, hoping I would get into it. I tried, but it just didn't ever work for me. Nothing has changed, I guess.

englishozzy Franz Ferdinand, "Franz Ferdinand", 2003 - Absolutely spot on re. their follow up records, but for a short time these were freaking awesome. As soon as I first heard Darts Of Pleasure I knew this was a band to keep an eye on, and this record was so much fun. I guess what followed has probably dampened my feelings towards this record, which is definitely unfair, as in retrospect this is a great record. And bonus points for a cool and historically smart name too!

Geezer AFI, "Sing The Sorrow", 2003 - There was a time these guys seemed to be on MTV2 all the time. Never did get into them though, and nothing changed here either, sorry.

BleedBlackandGold Sum 41, "All Killer No Filler", 2001 - Ah, little brothers... Back in the early 2000s my brother decided he didn't know what to get me for my birthday, and knowing I was into rock, but having no idea what I would like, he picked up this and Marilyn Manson's Holy Wood for me. At least he tried, so I applauded the effort. But I think I listened to both records a maximum of may three times. Combined. And I preferred the MM record over this too. Just always felt like the band were trying to hard to be cool and punk without the actual talent. But like my brother, you have to applaud the effort...

Leestu Pixies, "Trompe Le Monde", 1991 - Definitely prefer this over Bossanova, though both come a long way below their first two full releases. Favourite track would probably be "Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons", but with everyone chipping in with different songs I think it emphasises that this is still a very good record with lots of highlights.

NSpan Breeders, "Last Splash", 1993. I did contemplate including this in my top 100 countdown, but in the end it missed the cut purely because I don't find myself having the urge to listen to it very often anymore. Still, I prefer it over the more highly regarded "Pod", and it has some great surf pop songs on here which are indeed great to 'rock out' over. Personal favourite is "No Aloha".

numbersix Fuck Buttons, "Tarot Sport", 2009 - Wasn't sure I would like this, but I was pleasantly surprised, it had a really nice beat and definitely reminded me of Mogwai. Will look into these guys a little more.

Ron Burgundy Pnau, "Pnau", 2007 - Hmm, reminds me of someone. Didn't really stay with me very long though. Not bad, just nothing to stand out for me.

transformers Smashing Pumpkins, "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness", 1995 - As a huge SP fan I still have to admit, for me at least, this is not their strongest record. It's almost perfect, but there are one of two tracks which just miss the mark for me. But on such a colossal record it's still mighty impressive. And Adore is a great record, a different SP sound, which was pretty much forced upon them, but it's still a very good record. As NSpan said, not as many stand out tracks, but its very consistent and was a close call for making my own list. Anyway, more to follow in a couple of months...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.74

Alyson Oasis, "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?". 1995 For a brief time in the mid 90s I loved these guys. I think it was more because, along with Blur and MSP they were one of the major causes of rock music finding it's place again amonst the techo/house/dance and boy band/girl band pop. But they did craft some very decent Beatles covers, although as six said most of those were on Definitely Maybe. Morning Glory had its own highlights though, espcially Some Might Say. Just don't listen to the record at all, anymore though.

englishozzy John Butler Trio, "Grand National", 2007 - A friend of mine has been trying to get me into these guys. I just don't really get the style though, the dub heavy Jack Johnson-esque sound just doesn't appeal. It's on the radio here a lot, and it's listenable, but never anything more for me.

Geezer Rage Against The Machine, "The Battle Of Los Angeles", 1999 - The Brothers Lengieza strike within days of each other. Need to check this record out, I guess.

BleedBlackandGold Sum 41 ,"Does this look Infected", 2002 - "All Filler", as previously mentioned, put me off these guys so I avoided this like the plague. It's not as bad, from that listen, but its not much better either, I'm afraid.

Leestu The Birthday Party, "Junkyard", 1982 - Didn't appeal as much as the other material you have showcased. Some good thrashy guitars which for some reason reminded me of the Pixies, but just a little too out there for me, I guess.

NSpan, Rory Erikson, "The Evil One", 1980 I don't know if following your comments I was expecting something proggy or Pink Floyd inspired, but this was in fact much closer to The Stooges than I was anticipating. Not bad, it has that kind of traditional rock n roll immediacy to it, which I liked. Will look into this more, and his previous band too.

numbersix Boards of Canada, "Geogaddi", 2002 - Like with the ELO pick, the same co-worker tried to get me into these, to no avail. I know they are supposed to be very good, for their genre, but despite it having as foot tapping quality, it just doesn't really go anywhere for me.

Ron Burgundy Crowded House, "Crowded House", 1991 - Hah! Kind of an Aussie institution (despite the main NZ contribution). Never did anything for me back when I was a kid, and still nothing. Always felt quite dated, especially so now. Almost sacrilige to criticise Neil Finn when living in NZ, but I just don't really like Crowded House.

transformers Judas Priest, "British Steel", 1980 - Hah! I like "Breaking The Law", don't know if I ever knew it was Judas Priest. Fun metal, never would buy it, but it's a blast!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by NSpan »

NSpan wrote:BleedBlackandGold Tiger Army, "Tiger Army II: Power of Moonlight", 2001
Disappointed! I heard the term 'psychobilly' and got excited. I don't know what this is (alt-rock/punk-lite with a touch of ska and a bit o' twang??). This is psychobilly:
I stand corrected. I listened to some more, and these guys' sound is worthy of the "psychobilly" banner. I just didn't hear it in that one song selection.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:So either Silent Alarm was the first I paid attention to, or the best of the bunch.
Good point. One of the two usually seems to be the case.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by NSpan »

silversurfer19 wrote:If you prefer Sparkys Dream it's most likely you will love the record, as its jam packed full of those summery fun love songs. I included Verisimilitude to highlight their lyrical interplay which I really love. For more, check out:
"Don't Look Back"
"Mellow Doubt"
"About You"
"Neil Jung"
One of the songs didn't play due to copyright restrictions... but these guys have a great sound. Those latter songs remind me of Nada Surf and Weezer but with a UK vibe.
silversurfer19 wrote:NSpan, Rory Erikson, "The Evil One", 1980 I don't know if following your comments I was expecting something proggy or Pink Floyd inspired, but this was in fact much closer to The Stooges than I was anticipating. Not bad, it has that kind of traditional rock n roll immediacy to it, which I liked. Will look into this more, and his previous band too.
Here's a taste: (the sound on my system was a bit quiet, so I had to turn up my speakers a bit..)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by silversurfer19 »

Last bunch of records of this thread...

Album No.71

Sublime, "40oz to Freedom"
. 1992


"Smoke Two Joints"

Nine Inch Nails, "The Downward Spiral"
, 1994


I love Trent Reznor's interpretation of music and he is at his very best with this album. Look below the very 'poppy' Closer and you will find some much better songs.



The Beastie Boys, "Licensed To Ill"
, 1986


1.Rhymin' and Stealin' – 4 stars
2.The New Style – 3 stars
3.She's Crafty – 3 stars
4.Posse In Effect – 3 stars
5.Slow Ride – 4 stars
6.Girls – 5 stars
7.(You Gotta) Fight for Your right (To Party) – 5 stars
8.No Sleep Til Brooklyn – 5 stars
9.Paul Revere – 4 stars
10.Hold It Now, Hit It – 3 stars
11.Brass Monkey – 5 stars
12.Slow And Low – 3 stars
13.Time To Get Ill – 4 stars

The ultimate party album right here. Just so much F-U-N. The Beastie Boys at their absolute best.

"Brass Monkey"

"No Sleep Til Brooklyn"

Kanye West, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy"
, 2010


I am the last person who thought I'd ever have a modern rap album on here but around christmas 2010 I heard this album and it blew me away with some of the best beats I've ever heard and someone of the best talent in the biz (Except Nikki Manaj fuck that cuntface) props to the gay fish!


Nine Inch Nails,"Pretty Hate Machine"
, 1989


I think Slant magazine said it best - "Before attempting suicide in The Downward Spiral and living with the wrist scars in The Fragile, Pretty Hate Machine sent out sleek, danceable warning shots". Okay the second song I've selected doesn't show that but it's one of my favourites so..

"Head Like a Hole"

"Something I Can Never Have"

To Be Added At Later Date

PJ Harvey, "Is This Desire?"
, 1998


Just looking at this album’s cover again, and I realise how well it sums up where Harvey’s music was at the point. Despite the album having a consistent sound, it’s actually a contrast between two huge influences for the singer at the time. This album is her first after breaking up with balladeer Nick Cave (just imagine how talented their kids would have been), and you can hear the bitterness in the lyrics but also the inclusion of Cave’s dark piano style in tracks like The River and The Garden. And on the other side Harvey was inspired by trip-hop artist Tricky (she sang on the wonderfully odd Broken Homes on Tricky’s fourth album), so we get the addition of electronic beats and humming, ominous drones in songs like Catherine and Joy. These two influences joined together to mould a record that saw one of my favourite solo musicians spread her sound without coming across as even remotely derivative.

The Sky Lit Up

The River

Ron Burgundy
Prodigy, "Fat of the land"
, 1997


"Smack My Bitch Up"

The Buzzcocks, "Singles Going Steady"
, 1979


Okay, this is the one singles compilation I allowed myself to include in this countdown. Compiling the eight singles and their accompanying B-Sides released between 1977 and 1979, Singles Going Steady highlights how a little Manchester band like The Buzzcocks were just as vital and important to the punk scene as their peers The Clash and The Sex Pistols. The group's ability to craft the perfect pop song with such catchy melodies and angst ridden lyrics, on numerous occassions, is such a delight to listen to. Frm the anthemic "Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've"), the hilarious and shocking "Orgasm Addict", to the biting "Harmony In My Head", the band were a masterclass in making pop songs. And this is why this compilation works so well. No time for filler, just hit after hit of pure punk pop joy.

"Everybody's Happy Nowadays"


Korn, "Issues"
, 1999


One of those records that was a stepping-stone for me getting into metal. It's loud, bassy, and full of the angsty lyrics and oddball vocal style of Jonathan Davis.

"Make Me Bad"


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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by NSpan »


The Replacements - Tim (1985)


Side one
"Hold My Life"
"I'll Buy"
"Kiss Me on the Bus"
"Dose of Thunder"
"Waitress in the Sky"
"Swingin' Party"

Side two
"Bastards of Young"
"Lay It Down Clown"
"Left of the Dial"
"Little Mascara"
"Here Comes a Regular"

I get the feeling that there's already a general consensus on this album, so I don't have much to add... other than, "Enjoy!"

"I'll Buy"

"Left of the Dial"
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by NSpan »

Alyson Sublime, "40oz to Freedom". 1992
Though the self-titled album is fantastic, this is probably my favorite. Surprised you didn't feature the Grateful Dead cover tune.

englishozzy Nine Inch Nails, "The Downward Spiral", 1994
This was on my own list, so I've said my piece. Good to see more featured tracks on the countdown. I didn't realize Trent Reznor did a cover of Johnny Cash's song! (Also: the sound quality on "Ruiner" sounded a bit off. There might be a better version out there)

Geezer The Beastie Boys, "Licensed To Ill", 1986
I got this on cassette in elementary school... and I like it just as much today as I did then. Good song selections (though I honestly don't think you could go wrong with this tracklist!)

BleedBlackandGold Kanye West, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy", 2010
Everything I know about Kanye tells me he's an asshole. But I always try to separate the art from the artist. So I tried to listen to this objectively... and it honestly wasn't bad. The song grew on me as I listened.

Leestu Nine Inch Nails,"Pretty Hate Machine", 1989
Great song selections. Depending on the day (and my mood), this is sometimes my favorite NIN album. Definitely a distinct 80s vibe that isn't present on the subsequent LPs. Makes sense, though.... as it was recorded in the 80s.

numbersix PJ Harvey, "Is This Desire?", 1998
Is this entire countdown an elaborate conspiracy to make me buy PJ Harvey albums?

Ron Burgundy Prodigy, "Fat of the land", 1997
Loved this when it first came out. Listened to it constantly. I still dig it, though it packs less of a punch than it did upon release.

silversurfer The Buzzcocks, "Singles Going Steady", 1979
This is the only Buzzcocks disc I have... so I can't really blame you for going with a compilation. Solid stuff. And I agree about the Buzzcock's integral role in punk-rock history.

transformers Korn, "Issues", 1999
I know what you mean by "stepping stone" albums... though I usually toss them to the side when I finally get to the really good stuff.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by silversurfer19 »

numbersix wrote: SS: Never could get into these guys. They're almost too delicate, too polite. As if going above 3 on the volume knob was a sin.
Try listening to some of Bandwagonesque, or even something like "Hardcore/Ballad" from 'Grand Prix' - These guys knew how to rock when they wanted to. And anyway, who said quiet was a bad thing? Any fan of the likes of Wilco should love this stuff!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by Geezer »

I'm going to try and get through the whole thread tomorrow night. Finally have some extra time. Are we going to take another break?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by silversurfer19 »

Yeah, I think we all need one. I'll finish off my own comments tomorrow morning (I've written quite a bit on the remaining 73-71 picks but haven't listened to all the songs yet so will have to come back to them) and try and post a round up of the thread as well. Then I'll give us all a couple of days before we kick off with no.70.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by numbersix »

Aly: Wasn't crazy about it, though I was impressed by its attempts to play almost every style of music in one song.

Ozzy: Looks like this record is going to pop up a few more times. It's pretty good. Oh, and ignore NSpan, everyone knows that this is a cover of Cash's cover of X-Factor winner Leona Lewis' song. The needle of course refers to Botox injections. Being pretty is tough.

Geez: I was going to make some smartass joke about these guys being ill a lot, but perhaps that's not so appropriate. Anyway, I enjoyed those two songs, though I think I'd get Ill Communication first.

John L: I can get behind you on this. While no fan of Kanye, I decided to pay attention to the stellar reviews and get this. I was impressed by the overall approach. It's an interesting mix of hip-hop and pop, with a dash of indie (Bon Iver sings on a few songs, and the closing tunes sample one of his songs). What's also interesting is that Kanye spends a lot of the record acknowledging what an asshole he can be (the single Runaway captures this). Sadly, at other times he's back to the bragging fuck-machine that he wants to be. That clash is sometimes interesting, sometimes not so. As for MissMinaj, I actually think her performance in Monster is the highlight of the album. She is hilarious at depicting hip-hop's excessive ambition as a sort of cartoon ideal.

Leetsu: more NIN! Like you said, what this lost in intensity it compensated in accessibility.

NSpan: Yes yes, I get the point. If you think this project is a ruse to make you buy PJ Harvey's albums (and there's more on the way), then it's The Replacements for me. Left of the Dial was awesome. And I realised that I knew Here Comes A Regular. Years ago in college I used to listen to a left-field radio show who would play this all the time. Superb.

Ron B: I was more indie than dance in the 90s, and so this never got through to me.

SS: Two very catchy songs from a band I need to explore more.

Tranny: Not as bad as I expected them to be.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums of All Time (Thread #3) 80-71

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:I think I'd get Ill Communication first.
A wise move.
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