Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Like a book club, but for movies instead. Hosted by NSpan.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by silversurfer19 »


Shrykespeare:The Pelican Brief (1993) – You know, I've watched this probably three times but to be honest I remember very little about it. Unfortunately it falls into the trap of just being a routine thriller for me, and one which is easily forgettable. (5/10)

silversurfer: The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) - Actually six, I'd say it's more likely 40% of the time if Helena has a movie in her top 100 I will too. [wink]

thegreenarrow: Hot Fuzz (2007) - Watched this again recently and it's still a delight to watch even after what must be more than 10 viewings. Great comic timing and a nice homage/ satire of action movies. (8/10)

transformers: Gone Baby Gone (2007) – Yeah, unfortunately of all the parts of the movie, the twist was my least favourite part of it, as it was just absurd and totally unbelievable. Other than that it was a generally well acted and well shot drama. (6/10)

englishozzy: Speed Racer (2008) - I watched this after having heard the backlash so wasn't expecting much. So to be honest for some of the movie I was pleasantly surprised. There were some great action sequences, the style like you mentioned was cool, but they were constantly let down by the monkey and kid with their woeful attempts at comedy for the kids. Sod the kids and just make a kick ass action movie guys. (5/10)

Ron Burgundy: Man on the Moon (1999) – When it comes to Carrey's drama's I think I prefer both Eternal Sunshine and The Truman Show over this, but that's not to say it isn't very good, in fact Carrey is remarkable in the role and it's a good watch. I've just seen better. (6.5/10)

Buscemi: The French Connection (1971) - Watched this for what must be the first time in almost 15 years a few weeks ago and fell in love with it all over again. Terrific action, great performances and really gritty direction gives you a fantastic sense of the US in the 70s. Great stuff. (8/10)

Chienfantome: Annie Hall (1977) – To be honest I just don't think I'm a fan of Woody Allen, his directorial style or his stories. I watched this a little while ago hoping for something different that his usual as this won so many awards, but to be honest, despite some good performances I just couldn't find myself liking the movie. I was checking my watch a lot, and I don't usually do that with movies. Just not my style I'm afraid. (4/10)

numbersix: Wild Strawberries (1957) - I've been meaning to watch this, along with a few other Bergman movies, for a very long time. I'm not sure I will like the style, as many movies from this period in European film making doesn't really appeal to me, but I want to find out if I do or not. Will get around to it some time soon as it's in our local library. (N/A)

Banks: Back To The Future Part 2 (1989) - I don't think most of us dislike the movie, six, I think more so just in comparison to the first movie, it had an impossible feat to achieve just to come close to it, and for most it couldn't possibly achieve it. It has some very cool sequences, and I love the Almunac idea, but too often it just felt like it was repeating scenes from the first movie just in the future. Oh and I loved the firing by fax too! (6.5/10)

BarcaRulz: Rounders (1998) - I can't really remember too much about this movie, I'm not a fan of the game and I only remember fragments. (4.5/10)

Geezer: Full Metal Jacket (1987) - I'm sorry but the second half of the movie is nowhere near as good as the first. The only thing anyone ever remembers of the movie is R.Lee Ermey and Vincent D'Onofrio's characters, and once they are gone it feels like a completely different movie and not one I'm too interested in. For it's first half it's awesome, for it's second, mediocre. (6/10)

leestu: Leaving Las Vegas (1995) - I was astonished by this when I watched it a few months ago for the first time. Absolutely spellbinding performances and a heartbreaking tale, but also one of finding solace and relief for the proganonists lives. They were perfect for each other and despite their problems they were helped by being together. Truly stunning movie, and with more time I have no doubt this will make my top 100. (9.5/10)

W: A League of Their Own (1992) - Maybe this means more to those in the US as this is a sport for them, but for me it never felt like anything other than a movie to pass the time with and the performances are nothing if mediocre. (5/10)

NSpan: A Christmas Story (1983) – Great stuff, hilariously funny and nostalgically delightful. (10/10)

undeadmonkey: Hero (2002) – We were given this on dvd and while I've only watched it once was astounded by it's production design and storytelling. Brilliant, though not quite a good as House Of Flying Daggers. (8/10)

JohnErle: Big (1988) – When we went to New York the first place we went to was the store where the piano floor was, and was a little underwhelmed by how small the whole place was. I think, unfortunately, that it was kind of indicative of how our appreciation of the movie was much larger when we were kids. Some things are mean't to stay that way I think... Still fond memories of the movie, I wanted that loft apartment when I was a kid with my own arcade machine, and Hanks was fun to watch. (6/10)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Chienfantome »

Okay, time for a thread recap.

Seen : 9/10
Average grade : 6
Overall a solid thread Shryke. Sure I don't like 300. Sure Pelican Brief is way too long in my memories. But you've listed some good Hollywood films like Batman, Men in Black, Beverly Hills Cop and Matschstick Men. And then there's To kill a mockingbird. One of your best rounds for sure.

Seen : 8/10
Average grade : 7.56
A very strong my emigrated friend. If it wasn't for Trainspotting, which I haven't seen in a long time and did not grade high, you'd probably reach an 8 average. I love your inclusion of Wages of Fear, which is an amazing french film.

Seen : 8/10
Average : 7.42
I really like what I saw of your thread, green girl. It's very diverse, but almost only very good, and sometimes absolutely riveting. Great inclusion of Delicatessen.

Seen : 9/10
Average : 7.72
Wow. Wow. An impressive round of films from you, tranny. There is not a single film from you I do not like, and most of them, I just flat out love. Of course, it's a chance I have not seen Billy Madison, which might have hurt your average grade, but other than that, I can only praise your choices this time around. It's recent, and it's very american, but it's very good.

Seen : 10/10
Average : 6.55
POTC is the only film I dislike of your choices the rest is very watchable, with some excellent films like Pan's Labyrinth, The Prestige or The Big Lebowski. Not bad.

Ron B
Seen : 10/10
Average : 7.4
It's safe to say I think you have overall good taste, Ron. A taste often similar with mine, despite a few differences here and there, like Saw and Fear and Loathing in this round. But the rest ? Excellent fils, including two I have listd myself, Platoon and Full Metal Jacket.

Seen : 6/10
Average : 7.66
You make me pay for a few classics I haven't seen, or have only see bits so I consider not seen, like Casablanca and The Wild Bunch. You stray out of the Big Classics / Oscar winners in this round with films like Army of Darkness, Manhunter or Gone Baby Gone, and I like that, even if I have not necessarily seen the films. The few I have seen this round are very good.

Seen : 7/10
Average : 8.21
You remain the one with tastes the most similar to mine, and that is despite two films I grade a bit low, T2 and It's a Wonderful Life. Look at the average, that will give you a hint at how high the other ones are graded by me. None of your films from this round overlapped with my own list of films from #100 to #50. But we're only halfway through...

Seen : 8/10
Average : 7.62
What's with The Devil's Rejects ? Without this one, your average grade would be much higher. Pulp Fiction ? Truman Show ? BTTF2 ? Being John Malkovich ? Sin City ? A very fine round of films, Banks. Excellent, I should say.

Seen : 9/10
Average : 7.94
Only one of your films from this round will overlap with my own Top 100, but those that don't overlap are still amazing films, some I considered for my list. Like Ron, you're someone with tastes often similar to mine, with still odd choices from time to time ;)

Seen : 8/10
Average : 7.37
You see Geezer, I may not like those bloody Pirates, but you still average a solid grade in my book ;) That is thanks to a few key films I grade very high, from LOTR to Full Metal Jacket. Some excellent choices this round, young man ;)

Seen : 8/10
Average : 7.5
From the moment I saw Silverado opening your round of fims this thread, I knew we were up for great films with you, leestu. Okay, Silverado is not Top 100 material for me, but it's such an underestimated little western, it was cool to see you put it on the map. Ringu is also a great pick !

Seen : 7
Average : 5.85
Ouch, W. You and I really don't share many films. Without Silence of the Lambs and Americn History X, your list of films would be very low for me. You're quite a film fan, W. Such a strange taste for films. That's part of your charm I guess ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Geezer »

silversurfer19 wrote: Geezer: Full Metal Jacket (1987) - I'm sorry but the second half of the movie is nowhere near as good as the first. The only thing anyone ever remembers of the movie is R.Lee Ermey and Vincent D'Onofrio's characters, and once they are gone it feels like a completely different movie and not one I'm too interested in. For it's first half it's awesome, for it's second, mediocre. (6/10)
I guess Chien and I don't count amongst "anyone."
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Chienfantome »

Geezer wrote:
silversurfer19 wrote: Geezer: Full Metal Jacket (1987) - I'm sorry but the second half of the movie is nowhere near as good as the first. The only thing anyone ever remembers of the movie is R.Lee Ermey and Vincent D'Onofrio's characters, and once they are gone it feels like a completely different movie and not one I'm too interested in. For it's first half it's awesome, for it's second, mediocre. (6/10)
I guess Chien and I don't count amongst "anyone."
Indeed Geezer, indeed ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by silversurfer19 »

Well the two of you are certainly unique...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by JohnErle »

A couple of people have taken the time to do this for my list, so I'll return the favour quickly. No promises about having time for this in future rounds though.
Shrykespeare wrote:
60. Batman Begins 9/10
59. Enemy Mine 7/10
58. Men in Black 10/10
57. Charlie Wilson's War 9/10
56. Matchstick Men 7/10
55. Ladyhawke 8/10
54. 300 2/10
53. Beverly Hills Cop 9/10
52. To Kill a Mockingbird 10/10
51. The Pelican Brief ?

I've often described Men In Black as a perfect summer blockbuster, but it's another film I haven't seen since my IMDB account got wiped several years ago so it was missing from my list. And I haven't seen Mockingbird in years but it probably should have been there too. Hated 300 with a passion, though. Sorry.

60. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 10/10
59. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 10/10
58. Andrei Rublev ?
57. Touch of Evil 5/10
56. Terminator 2: Judgment Day 8/10
55. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 8/10
54. Alien 10/10
53. Pi 4/10
52. Wild Strawberries ?
51. It's a Wonderful Life 7/10

A couple that were on my list, a couple that are still to come, and some wothwhile entertainments as well. A few misses to go along with all the hits.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by NSpan »

silversurfer19 wrote:Well the two of you are certainly unique...
I'm with the weirdos on this one. The second half of that movie is spectacular--and, personally, I find it even more memorable. I'm not trying to be a contrarian here, but when I think of the first half, I just see R. Lee Ermey shouting at Vincent D'onfrio. The second-half has the sniper, troops posing with corpses for photographs, the newscasters, the peace sign, Cowboy and Animal Mother, and M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Geezer »

The sniper scene is easily the best in the whole damn film
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Ron Burgundy »

60. Batman Begins – Great reboot from a great director.
9/10, 4 views
59. Enemy Mine
58. Men in Black – I think this has lost some of its gloss, but I still enjoy it overall.
6/10, 3 views
57. Charlie Wilson's War
56. Matchstick Men – Not a bad movie, I love watching Rockwell, Cage too.
6.5/10, 1 view
55. Ladyhawke
54. 300 – Some awesome action with larger than life characters, not bad.
7/10, 3 views
53. Beverly Hills Cop – Old Eddie is great, Axel Foley is probably his best character.
7/10, 3 views
52. To Kill a Mockingbird – I watched this very recently, thanks to boosh, the courtroom scene was moving.
7/10, 1 view
51. The Pelican Brief

60. The Wages of Fear
59. Trainspotting – My fav Danny Boyle movie, terrific pick.
10/10, 5 views
58. The Innocents
57. Memento – Another one that appears on my list, excellent choice.
10/10, 4 views
56. Citizen Kane
½ view, N/A
55. Reservoir Dogs – Its such a good flick, I want to watch it right now again!
9.5/10, 3 views
54. The Devil's Backbone
53. The Matrix – Wow, that’s 4 films that have crossed over from my list this thread. Well done!
9.5/10, 7 views
52. Gremlins
51. The Talented Mr. Ripley – Not a bad film, but haven’t seen it in a long time.
6.5/10, 1 view

60. The Talented Mr. Ripley – As above.
6.5/10, 1 view
59. Girl, Interrupted
58. Kill Bill Vol. I – Some really cool action from one of the top directors of today.
8/10, 1 view
57. Delicatessen
56. Brazil – A pretty original idea, and interesting to watch.
6.5/10, 1 view
55. Cronos
54. Labyrinth – David Bowie, HA! But fun.
6.5/10, 1 view
53. The Naked Gun – Wow, a bit surprised to see appear here, but glad nevertheless.
7.5/10, 2 views
52. In the Mood For Love
51. Hot Fuzz – The first time I watched it I didn’t like it that much, but after the 4th time, I loved it!
8.5/10, 4 views

60. Iron Man – One of my favs too, very good pick.
10/10, 5 views
59. Kick-Ass – I think this is terribly overrated. But its not a bad movie.
6.5/10, 1 view
58. Good Will Hunting – I had this on my list but I regret putting it so high now, though still a great film.
9/10, 3 views
57. Lucky Number Slevin – Interesting choice, good popcorn movie.
7/10, 1 view
56. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – A classic Sci-Fi. Lando and Chewy kick ass!
8/10, 6 views
55. Shaun of the Dead – A great Rom/Com/Zom movie.
8.5/10, 3 views
54. The Wrestler
½ view, N/A
53. Billy Madison – Very funny at times.
7.5/10, 3 views
52. Raiders of the Lost Ark – A really good intro and some fine action sequences.
7.5/10, 2 views
51. Gone Baby Gone – Pretty good pick. Harris is brilliant.
7.5/10, 1 view

60. American Gangster – I reckon this movie is a little style over substance, though Crowe is great.
6/10, 1 view
59. Office Space – Hilarious.
8/10, 1 view
58. The Big Lebowski – Bridges and Goodman are a fantastic duo.
8/10, 2 views
57. Batman Begins - Very entertaining. Great cast too.
9/10, 4 views
56. Green Street Hooligans – Not bad but I wont be rushing to see it again.
5.5/10, 1 view
55. POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl – Really enjoyable popcorn movie.
9/10, 3 views
54. The Prestige – Nolan is a fine director, but this is probably one of his weaker efforts.
7.5/10, 2 views
53. Atonement
52. Pan's Labyrinth – Some good creepy bits.
6/10, 1 view
51. Speed Racer –Really cool visuals, not sure why it never performed at the Box Office.
6/10, 1 view

60. Army of Darkness
59. Manhunter
58. Once Upon a Time in America – Great epic story, Woods does really well.
7.5/10, 1 view
57. Gone Baby Gone – Good debut effort from Affleck. Harris is brilliant.
7.5/10, 1 view
56. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs – Wow, a big surprise. But not bad.
6/10, 1 view
55. Casablanca
½ view, N/A
54. The Wild Bunch
53. Brazil – Gilliam did well with this.
6.5/10, 1 view
52. The Shining – An absolute gem of a horror/thriller.
9/10, 1 view
51. The French Connection – Hackman is excellent.
7/10, 1 view

60. Singin' in the Rain
59. The Great Escape – Glad to see this appear, I actually forgot about it while making my list.
9/10, 2 views
58. Infernal Affairs
57. A Perfect World
56. Le père Noel est une ordure
55. The Graduate – Not as bad as I thought it would be, an ending that has since been echoed.
6.5/10, 1 view
54. The Untouchables – Its been a long time since ive seen it. Good reminder.
7/10, 1 view
53. The Right Stuff
Good space stuff, though I wouldn’t think this will appear again.
6.5/10, 1 view
52. The New World
51. Annie Hall
½ view, N/A

60. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – My fav Indi movie. Great pick.
10/10, 3 views
59. Monty Python and the Holy Grail – A big fav of mine too. Good taste.
10/10, 10 views
58. Andrei Rublev
57. Touch of Evil
56. Terminator 2: Judgment Day – A thoroughly entertaining Arnie movie. Good to see you like him.
7.5/10, 3 views
55. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back – Another best of in a trilogy. Terrific choice.
10/10, 7 views
54. Alien – Yep, yet another best of from a great Sci-Fi/Horror/Action series.
10/10, 2 views
53. Pi
52. Wild Strawberries
51. It's a Wonderful Life – Good for an oldie.
7.5/10, 1 view

60. Sin City – Great film, excellent action.
10/10, 5 views
59. Bad Boys – Did not expect to see this. But Lawrence and Smith make a good team.
6/10, 3 views
58. Thank You For Smoking – Great snappy dialogue.
10/10, 3 views
57. Out of Sight – Sorry banks, I don’t like this one.
4/10, 1 view
56. Boyz N the Hood – Is Cuba Gooding making a mini comeback? He did well here.
7.5/10, 1 view
55. Pulp Fiction – A really really really good movie, that’s all I can say.
10/10, 7 views
54. The Truman Show – Carrey’s second best serious role.
8/10, 2 views
53. The Devil's Rejects
52. Being John Malkovich – A fairly weird but good film.
7/10, 1 view
51. Back to the Future Part 2 – This might be the 2nd movie I regret putting so high on my top 100.
9/10, 3 views

60. 28 Days Later… - A very good zombie movie.
8/10, 1 view
59. Cinema Paradiso
58. The Usual Suspects – This one crossovers onto my list.
10/10, 6 views
57. La Haine
56. Sunshine – A very good new Sci-Fi flick.
10/10, 2 views
55. Reservoir Dogs – Great choice.
10/10, 4 views
54. A Prophet (Un Prophete)
53. The Silence of the Lambs – The 4th one to crossover in this thread alone. Good taste man.
52. Bicycle Thieves
51. Rounders – Its been a while since ive seen this. But I really liked it when I saw it.
8.5/10, 1 view

60. LOTR: The Return of the King – Good to see this finally appear, im sure its not the last time.
10/10, 6 views
59. POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl – Depp played his part to a T.
9/10, 4 views
58. Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid – Not as good as The Sting, but I like watching the duo.
6/10, 1 view
57. Beauty and the Beast – Ahhh, about time this showed.
6.5/10, 2 views
56. Rocky II – So we’ve had Rocky 1, 2 and 3 now. Good pick.
8/10, 2 views
55. Die Hard – One of my big favs
10/10, 6 views
54. Up in the Air – Not my type, frankly I thought it was boring.
5/10, 1 view
53. The Waterboy – Good to see yet another Sandler film enter the top 100.
7/10, 4 views
52. Ocean's Eleven – Wow, this has had quite a few appearances now. Terrific cast.
7.5/10, 2 views
51. Full Metal Jacket – Great war movie.
10/10, 3 views

60. Silverado
59. Saw – Good pick.
9.5/10, 3 views
58. Brazil – Very original flick.
6.5/10, 1 view
57. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
56. The Sixth Sense – Good slow burning thriller with some real chilling bits.
7.5/10, 3 views
55. Ringu
54. Spellbound
53. Memento – Ill say more later, but for now ill say excellent pick.
10/10, 4 views
52. The Shawshank Redemption – An unforgettable story. Fantastic.
10/10, 5 views
51. Leaving Las Vegas – Sad movie, with some top notch acting from Cage.
8/10, 1 view

60. The Silence of the Lambs – Offcourse I agree with this pick.
10/10, 3 views
59. Walk the Line
½ view, N/A
58. A Knight's Tale – Wow, a 2nd appearance, did not expect that.
5/10, 2 views
57. American History X – Norton might be my fav actor ever.
10/10, 3 views
56. Role Models – Underrated movie, but not top 100 stuff for me.
7.5/10, 2 views
55. City of God – Do I really wana go to Brazil for the world cup in 2014? Maybe. Good pick
9/10, 2 views
54. Saving Silverman
53. Grosse Pointe Blank – Not the best, but watchable.
5.5/10, 1 view
52. The Man From Earth – An interesting low budget film. Don’t think many have watched it.
6/10, 1 view
51. A League of Their Own
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Buscemi »

Ron, Saving Silverman is called Evil Woman in Australia (due to different distributors, Roadshow had Australian rights while Sony had all other rights). You've probably seen it under that name.
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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Ron Burgundy
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Boosh, nope never heard of either titles. Or even seen the cover.

OK, finally been able to to a half time review. Cant believe we are already halfway through! Ive watched a few of your top 100 films already including Dead Mans Shoes, How to Train Your Dragon, To Kill a Mockingbird, Kramer Vs Kramer and some of Drag Me to Hell. But ive been able to get a hold of A Woman Under Influence, Lifeboat, Braindead, The Chaser (but without subtitles! arrrgh), The Last Temptation of Christ and The Poltergeist. So i look forward to seeing everyones top 50. Oh and Happy New Year!

Rnd Avg: 7.08
Total Avg: 7.55
Rnd Movies Seen: 6
Total Movies Seen: 40/50
Approx Viewings: ~155
Must See Movie: Enemy Mine

Rnd Avg: 9.1
Total Avg: 8.34
Rnd Movies Seen: 5
Total Movies Seen: 25/50
Approx Viewings: ~81
Must See Movie: Citizen Kane (2nd half)

The Green Arrow
Rnd Avg: 7.25
Total Avg: 7.77
Rnd Movies Seen: 6
Total Movies Seen: 24/50
Approx Viewings: ~57
Must See Movie: Cronos

Rnd Avg: 7.94
Total Avg: 7.39
Rnd Movies Seen: 9
Total Movies Seen: 48/50
Approx Viewings: ~143
Must See Movie: The Wrestler (2nd half)

Rnd Avg: 7.25
Total Avg: 7.86
Rnd Movies Seen: 6
Total Movies Seen: 25/50
Approx Viewings: ~72
Must See Movie: Army of Darkness

Rnd Avg: 7.25
Total Avg: 7.68
Rnd Movies Seen: 4
Total Movies Seen: 19/50
Approx Viewings: ~42
Must See Movie: A Perfect World

Rnd Avg: 7.94
Total Avg: 7.54
Rnd Movies Seen: 9
Total Movies Seen: 43/50
Approx Viewings: ~141
Must See Movie: The Devils Rejects

Rnd Avg: 9.42
Total Avg: 7.91
Rnd Movies Seen: 6
Total Movies Seen: 35/50
Approx Viewings: ?
Must See Movie: A Prophet

Rnd Avg: 7.9
Total Avg: 7.78
Rnd Movies Seen: 10
Total Movies Seen: 45/50
Approx Viewings: ~188

Rnd Avg: 8.58
Total Avg: 7.98
Rnd Movies Seen: 6
Total Movies Seen: 23/50
Approx Viewings: ~62
Must See Movie: Silverado

Rnd Avg: 7.57
Total Avg: 7.28
Rnd Movies Seen: 7
Total Movies Seen: 38/50
Approx Viewings: ~130
Must See Movie: Walk the Line (2nd half)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by silversurfer19 »

Thread Review

Yes, this is quite a little late but I've had a nightmare with internet connection recently, as well as just finding time to comment, but let's make a start at catching up:

Not a bad round to be honest, quite a few decent picks, highlights being Batman Begins and Men In Black, just wish I had the opportunity to watch a few of your other picks as they intrigued me quite a lot. Will certainly be checking out To Kill A Mockingbird and Matchstick Men when I can.

Favourite Movie: Batman Begins
Round Average: 6.58
Overall Average: 6.46

4 movies crossed paths with my own top 100 in this round, and the rest were movies I always take great pleasure from watching,at least for the most part. All together a very strong round, as I've come to expect.

Favourite Movie: In The Mood For Love
Round Average: 8.9
Overall Average: 8.9

But for the woeful Billy Madison this was a very strong round, with a couple of crossovers and plenty to enjoy. Need to catch both Good Will Hunting and Lucky Number Slevin one of these days, which I assume would make an almost formidable round.

Favourite Movie: Shaun Of The Dead
Round Average: 7.6
Overall Average: 7.23

Again, a pretty strong round, with a few movies which made my own top 100 and a couple from Nolan which I always enjoy. Spped Racer had it's moments but was far too annoying for the most part, while American Gangster was a little too much like Washington's other movies for me to really care. Good stuff otherwise and hope to catch Atonement soon.

Favourite movie: Pan's Labyrinth
Round Average: 8
Overall Average: 7.45

Ron Burgundy
None of your picks made my own list this time round, though I am a fan of quite a few movies here. Spirited Away, Platoon, Apocalypse Now, Man On The Moon and Fear and Loathing are all movies I've enjoyed down the years, nothing I don't like but I do need to see Good Will Hunting some time soon.

Favourite Movie: Spirited Away
Round Average: 7.12
Overall Average: 7.03

While the first half of this round was merely ok for you, the latter five were superb, with 3 of those making my own top 100. Good to see someone else has a penchant for the classic Disneys too, but Manhunter, despite it's qualities, just doesn't come close to what Hopkins and Demme achieved with Silence Of The Lambs.

Favourite Movie: The Shining
Round Average: 8.27
Overall Average: 7.96

Hmm, not that great a round I'm afraid, largely because I haven't seen a few of your picks, but partially because a few of your movies underwhelmed me. Infernal Affairs and The Graduate were the undoubted highlights, while The Untouchables was also good, but otherwise not much else. Really want to see The New World and Le Pere Noel Est Une Ordure though.

Favourite Movie: Infernal Affairs
Round Average: 6.9
Overall Average: 7.04

Now that was an impressive bunch of movies, from the entertaining Indy, the hilarious Monty Python and the terrifying Alien (not to mention Star Wars, Terminator and Touch Of Evil), many, many movies which either made my list or came very close to. Only abberation was It's A Wonderful Life and Pi (which I probably need to understand more to get something out of it).

Favourite movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Round Average: 8.62
Overall Average: 8.74

Some good picks this round, along with a couple of dodgy ones. But no matter what you do now though, I'll not be able to forget that you have one of my most despised movies I've ever seen on your list. That's gonna take your average waaay down. 2 crossovers though, and I want to see Back To The Future 2 again now...

Favourite Movie: Sin City
Round Average: 6.5 (and with a 0 for The Devils Rejects, that's not bad)
Overall Average: 6.83

Wow, some really, really good picks here, including 4 crossovers with my own list and some marvellous movies outside of that. Only really Rounders that gets anything less than a hurrah, here.

Favourite Movie: 28 Days Later
Round Average: 8.56
Overall Average: 8.21

Man, it seems every time you hit a great movie like POTC or Die Hard or Beauty and the Beast, you have to balance it out with some of the most low brow, dumb (and dumb when done right can be great, but with these, not really) and mind numbing films. Without those your average would be much better, but with The Waterboy, Rocky 2 and Oceans Eleven, your doing yourself a disservice.

Favourite Movie: Beauty And The Beast
Round Average: 6.38
Overall Average: 6.81

Wew watched Leaving Las Vegas again a couple of nights ago, brilliant drama. Along with Memento and Brazil, some great picks, but not really a fan of a few of your other picks, notable Rocky Horror and Spellbound. Need to see Silverado though.

Favourite Movie: Memento
Round Average: 7.44
Overall Average: 7.87

Like everyone else seems to have mentioned, definitely an upturn in movies which appeal to me, while despite non of your movies made my top 100 (though City Of God just missed out), there was plenty of quality there. Such a shame you had another movie I really hate in Saving Silverman, because that's really brought your average down. Really want to see A Knights Tale some time soon.

Favourite Move: City Of God
Round Average: 6.68
Overall Average: 6.60

I'll add the newcomers averages in the next thread roundup.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »

silversurfer19 wrote: Shrykespeare
Not a bad round to be honest, quite a few decent picks, highlights being Batman Begins and Men In Black, just wish I had the opportunity to watch a few of your other picks as they intrigued me quite a lot. Will certainly be checking out To Kill A Mockingbird and Matchstick Men when I can.

Awesome. Let me know what you think of them.
Happy 60th birthday Jet Li! (4/26/23)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Geezer »

I'm doing myself a disservice by watching movies that entertain me? Yeah, that makes so much sense :roll:
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. - The Dude

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

I just don't get the disgust with The Devil's Rejects...I've showed it to people who didn't like the Firefly family at all and hated the violence, but still found the characters funny or at least interesting.

I'm no fan of Rob Zombie, but it's a great movie.
Alexandra Daddario: Eyes of a Demon, Face of My Future Ex-Wife

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