Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Anything music related. Latest songs, good new bands, and blasts from the past.

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Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Hey all!

OK. After we all showed our lists of our favorite songs of the millennium (2000-2019) we all had to live through the dumpster fire that was 2020. If you're like me, you depended on music to literally GET THROUGH THE DAY. No matter what country you're in or what level of quarantine you had to endure, music is what kept me sane through the pandemic.

We'll start tomorrow. As of now, five people are participating: myself, Leestu, Surfer, Screen, and Tranny. JohnErle has stated that he will join us at Top 40, and Six will join us at Top 30. Geezer may join us at the halfway point, I'm not sure.

Anyone, whether you participate or not, are more than welcome to listen along, give your opinions, and provide general critiques.

One thing's for sure - 2020 was a damn good year for music.

So let's this train moving!
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by undeadmonkey »

Just about ready to send my 50-41 to Shryke. My list was quite easy to make, i just went into apple music and made a playlist of all music that i added in 2020, and then sorted by most played. I thought of removing some of the more embarrassing guilty pleasure songs so i could seem 'cooler' :lol: , but i decided to be honest and leave it as is. I did try to keep it to one or two songs by any particular artist, otherwise my list would be quite monotone and only have a handful of artists.

I completely agree with Shryke, i used music a lot last year to distract myself or just put myself into a different mindset after the doom and gloom of news or more serious times in life. It was really interesting to see in one list the kind of music i added to my library throughout 2020. There is a LOT of nostalgia, i reached for music that reminded me of better times, and just a lot of mindless emotional songs, not sure what you would call them exactly. As a sneak peak, my most played album of 2020 was Shakira in Concert: El Dorado Would Tour, (if you remember my top 100 songs list, yes i have an obsession, sue me :) ) so there might be a song or two showing up from that.

As you guys will see, there is nothing high class about my music taste, but looking forward to sharing and hearing everyone else.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by numbersix »

undeadmonkey wrote:
January 15th, 2021, 1:50 am
I thought of removing some of the more embarrassing guilty pleasure songs so i could seem 'cooler' :lol: , but i decided to be honest and leave it as is.
Good! We're all too old and uncool anyway so you'll be more at home!

Looking forward to listening to your tunes. I didn't feel like doing a Top 50 as you'd just be getting 4 or 5 songs from the same bands and no one, besides Surf, would want that. Plus, for some reason I listened to less music during lockdown.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by silversurfer19 »

UDM, If you arr going to have a weird obsession, I'm sure you can do a hell of a lot worse than Shakira, I look forward to many hips shaking!

I have given myself a limit of one song per artist, I think you can probably get a good idea from each artist in my countdown from the one song and can invest further from there at your own pleasure. Or you can choose not to, of course!

Looking forward to the lists, sure there will be a lot of variety going by past countdowns which is very welcome!

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Shrykespeare »

SONG #50


Flat Worms, The Aughts

A great fusion of garage punk and noise rock with a dash of post-punk. The bassist here is currently the Osees bassist, this is on Drag City records whose roster includes Ty Segall and many other great artists, and is produced by Steve Albini. This is the opening track to their very good sophomore album Antarctica.


La Roux, 21st Century

The tropical feel of La Roux is not new, but it has a comfort food feel that is sorely needed in these days.


The Killers, My Own Soul’s Warning

Oh I tried running from the memory and the mourning
But the penalty kept on pouring
And now I think I know why
'Cause when I hit the ground
It made a messed up sound
And it kept on rattling through my days

Here we go. I can think of no better way to kick off this countdown of a truly great year of music (and not much else) with this, an anthemic explosion of synths, and of Brandon Flowers’ voice. It’s been a full seventeen years since “Mr. Brightside”, and it seems The Killers have found ways to spread their musical wings ever since.

Album: Imploding the Mirage
Other great tracks: Blowback, Caution


Peel Dream Magazine, Pill

References to MBV, Stereolab and Broadcast abound, Joe Stevens has crafted a wonderfully hypnotic sound that while harkens back to a particular era in the early 90s, still sounds remarkably fresh and looks to the future both sonically and thematically. 'Pill' kicks off their latest record Agitpop Alterna, and introduces you to the band with familiar but at the same time quite ambitious songwriting. Swirling, disorientating guitars and mesmerising, hushed vocals put you in a trance as you are swept up by the music. Let the music wash over you and enjoy!


Don Toliver, Cardigan

Energetic, hooky and efficient, this cut from singer/rapper Don Toliver's debut LP Heaven or Hell would've probably been a hit on the club circuit in a normal year.


Leann Rimes, When The Party Is Over

Super weird one to start with, but it's not on apple music and didn't know where to place it. Anyone else watch Masked Singer? Its a silly fun show to distract ourselves from the locked down world. However, this performance and song just hit me somewhere deep. The epsiode aired beginning of December some time and i went back and listened to it often. If she released a full recording of the song, it would probably be at the top of this list. Also while this might not seem like a nostalgia song, it really is, I realized during this song it was Leann Rimes. She was one artist I listened to most as a teenager, she was one of the first cds I ever owned.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Chienfantome »

I may not participate because I haven't listened to that much "new" music this year, but I'll listen and comment as much as I can on yours, guys. And maybe I'll send Shryke my Top 3 songs of the year when we come to that point.

Ok, so #50, nothing has struck me here.
Flat Worms, by Leestu, is the kind of post-punk stuff I'm a bit tired of listening to, even though in the genre it's alright.
La Roux by Screen, well there's definitely something breezy in La Roux's style you hear here. It's pleasant, even if unmemorable.
The Killers by Shryke, well, I beyond their great songs from all those years ago, I'm not familiar with the recent Killers music. It's different from what I expected but I think I liked it.
Surfer, Peel Dream Magazine, I guess this is the kind of song I'd quickly grew tired of, but there is something light and fun in it.
Tranny, Don Toliver, well, it wasn't that bad, but it ain't something I'll listen to again ;)
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by transformers2 »

I'll start commenting on each group of songs late next week once I wrap up the prep/writing for my 2020 year-end movie lists, but I'm excited to embark on another musical journey with you guys.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Off we go!


Leestu - This was quite good. Very Ramones-y (despite being double the length of a typical Ramones song) with a tinge of Social D. Great start!

Screen - I get more disco than tropics, but this was fun.

Surfer - I might have sworn, had I not known the difference, that this was an unreleased track by Lush from 1992. Gotta love that shoegaze sound.

Tranny - It is definitely hooky. Didn't move my needle into the red, but it did move it in an upward direction.

UDM - I adore the Masked Singer. There are some awful performances by non-singers (Mickey Rourke?? Really??), but the great ones really stand out. Leann's finale performance of Brandi Carlisle's "The Story" (a song she herself covered once) was the best performance in that show's short history.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by undeadmonkey »

I used to jam to La Roux and Killers so often back in 'In for the kill' and 'Mr Brightside" days. had no idea they had new releases.

i liked The Killers song enough to add to my library.

None of the others really were anything that i loved, but i finished all songs, so they werent awful. The Pill song along with the visuals was quite hypnotic. I have heard Cardigan before, not sure where though....

Yes Shryke, The Story was a great performance as well, just didn't hit me in the feels quite as much as this one did though. Regardless, totally agree she's been one of the best on the show ever, mickey rourke was awful. I was not sure what he was doing on the show.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Shrykespeare »

SONG #49


The Smith Street Band, Big Smoke

The lead single from their fifth album Don’t Waste Your Anger, where they continue to move away from their folk punk roots into emo indie rock territory.


Tinashe, Cash Race

I'm not usually a huge fan of transitions in songs. Why not split two ideas into individuals?

This is probably the best use of the two-parter in recent memory. The first half is decent, but the second half is great.


nothing,nowhere. feat. KennyHoopla and JUDGE, Blood

I know, I know, I know I need to stop
But I cannot, 'cause baby, you're my drug
And now I'm stuck, now I've got your blood on my hands
Blood on my hands

nothing,nowhere. (aka Joseph Mulherin) is a singer/rapper from Foxborough, Massachusetts. I’d not heard of him until recently, but he got my attention with this dark song about killing relationships. I’m not sure how that connects to the video, which seems to protest exotic animals being captured and sold for profit… but whatever. Enjoy.

Album: Trauma Factory (due out 2/19/21)


Primo! , Machine

The Aussie post-punks returned last year with their second album, Sogni, and the highlight of the record, "Machine," emphasised the change in course from their previous record quite emphatically. The song is a compelling exercise in ramping up tension to the point of snapping without ever truly giving into the impulse. Twisting guitars and a propulsive bass manage to interlock with waves of crashing cymbals while Amy Hill repeatedly chimes “Machine, Machine, Machine” throughout the chorus. It makes for an exciting, tension filled song, but one which never compromises on melody.


Allegaeon, Roundabout (Yes cover)

While Colorado extreme metal act Alleageon tends to operate in the more abrasive areas of the heavy music spectrum, they also dabble in the progressive waters on each release. Upon vocalist Riley McShane - who has the special gift of being able to sing real words when called upon - joining the band in 2015, they've demonstrated their affinity for the legends of the genre by releasing a standalone cover of a prog classic every year. Yes' 1971 hit “Roundabout” was 2020's selection and for my money, it's the most inspired reworking they've done since their initial foray into the prog cover game with Rush's “Subdivisions”. Like any good cover, it manages to capture the epic spirit of the original recording while injecting a little bit of metal sprint to it to make it their own.


Riley Baron, Myself

I don’t remember where I discovered his music, but he only has a few singles released and I love them all. He has a smooth voice and the music is relaxing

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Shrykespeare »


Leestu - Didn't really do anything for me.

Surfer - This was cool. Sounds like something Kim Deal might have sung in the 90s.

Tranny - Great song, and kudos to anyone who can do it justice in all it's eight-minute glory. I have a song coming in a couple of weeks that reminds me a LOT of classic Yes (esp. this song), so it's great to see their music still influencing modern artists!

UDM - Whoa. Dude has a great voice. And it was relaxing. Perhaps too relaxzzzzzzzzzz.....
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by undeadmonkey »

Leestu - no idea what was going on, but i liked it. Didn't know koalas could play music

Shryke - Couldnt get into this one.

Surfer - same here

Tranny - Metal is one genre that just doesn't fiddle my middle, but this wasn't bad at all. i enjoyed it

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Added Screen's #49.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Shrykespeare »

SONG #48


Fontaines D.C., A Hero’s Death

I admit at first I didn’t get the hype for Fontaines D.C., but this song grew on me, and the album is great, I have re-evaluated their debut and think more of it now than I did initially, and I am now onboard the Fontaines train.

ETA: Above video did not work for me, so here's one that does:


Disclosure, Get Close

Disclosure's new sound is disappointing, to say the least. While I am all for a style change with artists, the new sound of Disclosure is not a good fit. However, this is probably their best song that they've released this year.


Nothing But Thieves, Is Everybody Going Crazy?

I saw you down the neighborhood
And I understood
Spiritual hangover that I can't shake
It's getting more than I can take
And in this restless, disfigured place
We've only got each other

From across the pond comes Nothing But Thieves, an English quintet I’ve come to enjoy for their funky alt-rhythms. They’re not flashy, but they don’t need to be. Conor Mason’s range is batnuts-insane, but he doesn’t rely on it all the time, which is also refreshing. You can easily apply the deeper meaning of the song to the confinements we’ve all had to live with in the past year, which makes the song all the more poignant.

Album: Moral Panic
Other great tracks: Moral Panic, Phobia, This Feels Like the End, There Was Sun


En Attendant Ana, Flesh Or Blood

Returning after a couple of years, the French band have expanded their sound, adding a little more sophistication, taking in influence from the likes of Stereolab and Electralene to create this wonderfully melodic slice of indie pop. Fuzzy guitars back Margaux Bouchaudon's crystal clear vocals, creating a push/pull dynamic that is tantalising to hear.


Inferi, The Abhorrent Art

I told Shryke over the summer when he initially asked me if I would participate in this countdown that there wasn't likely going to be a ton of metal on my list if the final months of the year played out like the start of it. That proved to be true, but there are still going to be some 10/10 pieces of relentless audio torture like this aptly-name ditty from Nashville's evilest sons Inferi and for that, I'm sorry.


Robin Schulz, In Your Eyes

I love me some house music. Pop it in, work out, get some work done. That's what its there for. Dance clubs are useless and have stolen music meant for better things.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (50-41)

Post by Chienfantome »

Nothing really stood out for me in the #49 lot.
Maybe Leestu's The Smith Street band was the one I enjoyed the most, and Allegaeon was the one I listened to the least, but in between, nothing I'll return to I think.
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