What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by JohnErle »

You're projecting, dude. I am not some socially maladjusted teenager in whatever subreddit you normally lurk in.

I clearly stated that I haven't watched Discovery yet because of the total lack of faith I have in the current Trek creative team, and I waited this long to watch Picard for the same reason. I finally took the plunge for the same reason people keep getting burned by Star Wars movies -- because I have such affection and nostalgia for classic Trek that some small part of me still hopes they won't fuck it up this time, and because the prospect of seeing Picard, Data, Riker and Troi together one last time was too much to resist. Throw in Seven Of Nine and Michael Chabon and there was enough reason to think that maybe, just maybe, Picard might be worth my time.

The reunion episode actually was, but virtually nothing else. Not the Romulans As Refugees plot lifted directly from the Klingons As Refugees plot of The Undiscovered Country. Not the cliched Android Who Doesn't Know She's An Android or the even more cliched Androids Rising Up Against Their Human Oppressors. Not Romulan Legolas, Irish Romulan, or British Hipster Romulan. Not Fat Inexplicably Older Data. Not Cigar-Chomping Cuban Han Solo wannabe, not Ex-Starfleet Alcoholic Conspiracy Theory Vaper, and not Robotics Expert/Ditzy Blond who has a panic attack when asked to use a transporter, which should be about as complicated for her as using a cell phone. And worst of all was watching Picard die surrounded by a bunch of characters I couldn't care less about.

Ok, so Star Trek can occasionally bring out the socially maladjusted subreddit user in me.

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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by W »

It's a given people are watching TV more now. What's everybody got going on?

Survivor is my favorite piece of popular culture probably ever. So far this season is like if Game of Thrones was on for 39 seasons and nailed the finale. Everyone is playing at a high level because they've all won before. Everyone has won $1 million ($2 million in one case and a wife and husband are on the season that have both won) from the show and they are playing for $2 million more making them and their families financially set for life. It's the closest thing you can get to live sports on TV right now outside of gaming on Twitch and The Last Dance.

The Last Dance is very good, but so far has been slightly overhyped for me. The first two episodes really didn't show me much I didn't already know but were necessary to set up the story for younger people and Netflix's international markets. Getting into Dennis Rodman, though? That's worth the price of admission. The best part is listening to sports radio recapping the series.

Community rewatch because it is on Netflix now. I tried to get my daughter to watch it before but she found it "stupid." Now it's on Netflix and she's almost done with the series.

Ozark season 3 was middling until the last couple of episodes.

Run decent. I probably would stop watching if I didn't trust HBO and there wasn't a pandemic.

Westworld has gotten good the past few episodes. Setting up the season was a bit of a bore comparatively.

The Plot Against America started out good, but ultimately went nowhere.

Dave I know very little about rap, but this was pretty good. Episode 5 was one of the best episodes I've seen of a TV show in a long time, especially a half hour show.

In the Dark I caught this on Netflix earlier this year. It's returned for season two but hasn't been very good.

Better Call Saul a very good season. Lalo has really grown on me. If you've seen Breaking Bad, you should binge this.

Tacoma FD is Super Troopers, but less raunchy (because it's on TV) and they're firefighters.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by Buscemi2 »

I couldn't get into Community either. It felt like Dan Harmon telling us how amazing Dan Harmon is through the Abed character.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by JohnErle »

I did a blind buy of The Night Manager on Blu-Ray so I'll probably binge-watch that some weekend, but I still have a job that keeps me annoyingly busy, and still no cable or home internet by choice, so there hasn't been any uptick in TV watching for me. One of my minions at work checks torrent sites for me from time to time and I still can't find the Trip To Greece, but as long as he keeps checking I won't fire him.

I saw a bit of a podcast on YouTube with Joel McHale and Ken Jeong and they were talking about Community being on Netflix now and finding a whole new audience, which is good to hear and long over-due.

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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by Buscemi2 »

Was The Night Manager released uncut on Blu-ray? I know AMC edited it in the US when they aired it.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by transformers2 »

Recently finished:
Awkwafina is Nora From Queens is hilarious. The main characters are all great and while it lacks the delightfully weird surreal flourishes, it's pretty similar tonally to Broad City. Glad it's been renewed.

Season 10 of Curb Your Enthusiasm was the strongest the show has been in years. Nearly every episode was laugh-out-loud funny and the guest stars were A++.

Currently Watching:
I was hesitant to keep watching Westworld after Season 2. Not really too happy with my decision to continue so far. The writing continues to be messy as hell and I'm not sure I've seen a show drag out an obvious confrontation for longer by introducing disposable characters/subplots than they do here. It's going to take a series of major miracles from the finale for me to come back for Season 4. On the plus side, Tessa Thompson has been terrific and Marshawn Lynch's bit part was amusing.

Run is an engaging dark comedy mystery. It's nice to watch something that actually has narrative momentum right after Westworld and the leads have a solid, sinister chemistry.

Just started Dead to Me yesterday. Off to a great start. Awesome to see Christina Applegate and Linda Cardeilini get a chance to show off their underrated talents with sharp material, and the tonal balance between the dark comedy and dramatic elements has been exceptionally strong.

Planning on starting Dave soon. Also considering finally checking out Barry, The Boys and season 3 of True Detective.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by Brockster »

Finally watched the Homeland finale last night. Wow, I'm pretty amazed they were able to give it such a good ending. It was perfect. I was expecting them to F it up, as most of the shows I love tend to fuck up the ending (I'm looking at you Sons of Anarchy and Lost). It was very satisfying, left you wanting more, and made complete sense in the overall arc of the show. Brilliantly done. Homeland will go down as one of my favorite shows of all time. There were times that it veered into some messy writing and boring plot lines, but overall, as a whole, it was a great show with excellent acting, and I'm going to miss it.

Recently finished Ozark season 3 as well. I'm going to disagree w/ W on this one. I thought the entire season was excellent. Plus it had an "oh shit!" moment at the end that makes you pine for season 4. So much left story-wise moving forward. Sucks we have to wait another year to see it! Jason Bateman is absolutely brilliant in this show.

Speaking of Bateman. We watched The Outsider as well. I can't really explain how I feel about it. At times it was fucking brilliant. It also dragged a little bit in the middle and I felt they could have made it a couple episodes shorter. Excellent acting all around though. Jason Bateman has really grown on me as a serious actor. Yes, he plays the smart ass perfectly, but more and more he is showing his acting chops.

We also watched season 3 of The Sinner. What a train wreck. I really enjoyed season 1 and season 2 was pretty good. Season 3 lost me though. I found myself wanting to know how it ended, but dreading watching it get there. If that makes sense? I felt the same way about Walking Dead for a couple seasons before my wife and I just couldn't take it anymore and gave up. If they do a season 4 of The Sinner I'll give it a few episodes to catch me. But if I'm bored, like I was for season 3, I think I'll give up.

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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by numbersix »

I'm getting so disillusioned by TV at the moment. It's as if the push for demand is filling our screens with half-baked ideas or stories that are far too stretched to work.

Killing Eve Season 3 is a disaster. I'm barely watching it now as it's so smug and repetitive, even when it kills off main cast.

I'm 3 episodes into DEVS and the mood is good but it's so damn slow.

A show that's really getting good ratings over here is Normal People, an adaptation of a best-selling book. I find it (and the book itself, tbh), forcefully austere and quite pretentious, and nothing like my life at that age (the story is set near where I lived).

Also watching Trigonometry, a BBC series about a polyamorous trio. It doesn't quite work but is engaging enough.

We started watching Deadwood which is like any classic HBO drama - tough to get into but rewarding when it clicks.

Fortunately, and like Tranny, I really enjoyed Season 10 of Curb Your Enthusiasm which was its strongest in quite some time.

Looking forward to the new episodes of Rick and Morty, starting tonight.

Finally, BBC had 3 new episodes of Limmy's Homemade Show, written, performend, directed, edited, scored, all by comedian Limmy in his house and neighbourhood. It's is pretty offbeat when it comes to humour. But damn, this is an incredible sketch:

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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by Buscemi2 »

I gave Don't Fuck with Cats a watch, which seems to be a very divisive documentary. Personally, it reminded me a lot of I'll Be Gone in the Dark (speaking of that one, has that miniseries ever gotten a premiere date?) where amateur sleuths use networking and other skills to search for a killer. It's also somewhat of a subversion of the whole "technology is evil" rant the media loves to bring up as even though the killer used technology to distribute his snuff films, it was technology that led to the case being solved. If anything, it's more of an indictment of the media and how narcissists will use the media to make them seem bigger than they really are. Sure, the Internet does get some criticism (a little bit of it made me think of how Reddit pinned the Boston Marathon bombing on the wrong guy) but it's more fair-handed than say, a Hollywood depiction of the case would.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by transformers2 »

Shows I Mentioned in my last post that I've since finished:
Run completely fizzled out after a solid start. Last few episodes were borderline unwatchable and the ending was pure garbage.

After all my bitching about it, Westworld managed to hook me again with the finale. Looking forward to flip-flopping on this program about 450 more times before it ends.

Both seasons of Dead to Me were great. Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini are both forces and the material blends melodrama with dark comedy pretty damn well. Excited to see how its third and final season plays out.

New watches:
Dave had the finest debut season of any show I've seen since Atlanta. Terrific mix of humor and heartfelt emotion with magnetic characters.

High Fidelity took a little bit to find its groove, but it ended up being a sweet, funny romantic comedy series with a great ensemble cast headed up by a particularly charismatic Zoe Kravitz. Shame it was canceled after its debut season.

Perry Mason was an odd watch. After the first 3-4 episodes, I was questioning why the hell I was still watching it because it was so god damn slow. I ended up convincing myself to stick with it because noirs are slow burns by nature and seeing how the story finally comes together at the end might make it worthwhile. Thankfully, it did. The last few episodes were pretty damn good and the ambiguous teases in the final end are enough to get me interested in season 2.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

100% agreed on Dave and Dead To Me. Although with season 2 of Dead To Me, I absolutely hated the whole twin situation. Seemed like a cheap way to keep Mardsen on the show, even though the big twist at the end of S1 was his murder.

Everything I read online about Run echoes what you said Tranny, people seemed to be really let down by it. But I really enjoyed it and I'm sad we're not getting a Season 2.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

Buscemi2 wrote:
May 1st, 2020, 2:16 pm
I couldn't get into Community either. It felt like Dan Harmon telling us how amazing Dan Harmon is through the Abed character.

I do love both Community and Rick & Morty a whole lot, but you're right - nobody both loves and hates Dan Harmon as much as Dan Harmon. What he did with Abed is turned up %1000 with Rick in R&M. I still think his brand of comedy is top notch tho.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by transformers2 »

BanksIsDaFuture wrote:
August 17th, 2020, 12:25 pm
Although with season 2 of Dead To Me, I absolutely hated the whole twin situation. Seemed like a cheap way to keep Mardsen on the show, even though the big twist at the end of S1 was his murder.
Fair enough. I was initially kind of bothered by it as well, but the decision won me over as the season went on and the character started to really fuck with Jen and Judy's cover up. Plus it was cool to see him play a character that was the polar opposite (or at least appeared to be until the finale) of Teddy on the same show.
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Binged Ted Lasso the other night, i found it refreshingly lighthearted and made me smile alot- anyone else seen it?
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Re: What's on the ol' boob tube RIGHT NOW.... or close to now

Post by Buscemi2 »

Mystery Science Theater 3000's coming back yet again, as a self-distributed season.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ms ... emoremst3k

So far, it's looking like nine episodes though if $450,000 is raised by tomorrow, there will be three more episodes produced.
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