Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by JohnErle »

numbersix wrote:
March 24th, 2020, 12:02 pm
That kind of country I tend to term Country & Western, with its whooping and its wife-hating lyrics.

But I'd say from a music perspective The Avett Bros fit somewhere on the country scale. That said my understanding of what's country, what's folk, what's Americana is all pretty hazy for me. Just checked on Wikipedia and it says of The Avett Bors: "the Avett Brothers combine bluegrass, country, punk, pop melodies, folk, rock and roll, indie rock, honky tonk, and ragtime to produce a novel sound".
And that's why I'd call them Americana, which embraces and interweaves countless genres, and not country, which is content to be country and nothing more. In the same way The Sex Pistols were punk and only punk while The Clash were so much more that I hesitate to even call them punk.

1 our of 9 ain't bad.
That's what I said after the last mystery round.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by numbersix »

Chien: Hmmm. The idea is noble, but it's hard to enjoy the "flow" and the music when you're used to it being so much better in the US, the UK, and even France.
Geez: Forget the music - did they get their name from this sketch:
John: I vaguely remember this song. Iheard a lot of different elemente in here: a bit of Killers, a bit of U2, a bit of Kings of Leon, and even the vocals went a little Bright Eyes at times. But it wasn't enough for me to engage sadly.
Leetsu: This did nothing for me. If this was in the mystery round I would have assumed it was Shryke's chocie ;) Dude, I can never get my head around your musical tastes. Sometimes it's so incredible and other times it's so... well... "not for me" :D
NSpan: Dan the Automator is responsible for 30% of your list so far. Which is fine for me, as I'm liking all of it. Thought this song could have been a bit shorter.
Ron B: Beautiful song. Love it. Never get tired listening to their kinda breakout single.
Screen: Never been a fan of the Gaga. I know it's being mean but I feel there's nothing she does as a musician or an artists that Madonna and Marina Abramovich hasn't done better. It's like musical fan fiction. And none of that would matter if I found the songs catchy but besides Poker Face, I can never remember a single song, even after just finishing this one.
Shryke: Ah yes, this was posted before, right? Not my kinda thing though I do like Janelle as a singer
Surf: BSP is a band I should like but I've never really cared for them. Their stuff, like this track, is always in that good-but-not-great category for me. Maybe one day it will click.
Tranny: Jesus Fucking Christ.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by JohnErle »

JohnErle wrote:
March 24th, 2020, 12:09 pm
And that's why I'd call them Americana, which embraces and interweaves countless genres, and not country, which is content to be country and nothing more. In the same way The Sex Pistols were punk and only punk while The Clash were so much more that I hesitate to even call them punk.
Upon further reflection, that's not the best analogy because The Sex Pistols, despite their limited sound, were definitely innovators, while modern country has nothing but imitators. I think the last real innovation in mainstream country was when Shania Twain put on short shorts and merged country with pop, and it's all sounded the same ever since. At least, the shit I hear on the radio all sounds the same every time I visit my parents.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »


Leestu - My Happiness - I also rejoice a little when one of y'all posts a song I actually know. I commend you for picking this song, it's really good. 7/10

JohnErle - Sometime Around Midnight - Another one that I know, and like. When I hear this song, I wonder if this is the kind of music Neil Diamond might record if he were 40 years younger and a lot more pissed off. 7/10

Surfer - Remember Me - Almost sounded like some classic Bowie. For that, I'll give it an extra point. 6.5/10

Ron B - My Girls - Liked the synth, but the song didn't really grab me. 6/10

Six - I Didn't Mean to Hurt You - Not bad, as medieval-sounding dirges go. 6/10

Screen - Paparazzi - I'm not a Lady Gaga hater like (I'm sure) some of the other guys here are - in fact, I like several of her songs. This one, however, never really worked for me. It just felt a little too self-indulgent for my liking. 5.5/10

NSpan - Madness - Nicky, I'm beginning to wonder if YOU are, in fact, Dan the Automator and you're using this forum to self-promote. I'm on to you! Anyway, this was okay. 5.5/10

Tranny - White Walls - The non-growly parts were decent enough for me to finish the marathon song, but I'm just not a fan of unintelligble growling. 5.5/10

Geezer - Applebees Bar - Listened to this twice. Couldn't get it to move the needle at all. 5/10

Chien - Ekhetaf - Sorry, did nothing for me. If I understood Farsi, maybe it would, but... (shrugs) 4.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by Geezer »

We have officially found my first crossover!
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by numbersix »

It's Girl Band!

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by JohnErle »

I'll bet a month's worth of toilet paper I know which one it is.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »

Geezer wrote:
March 24th, 2020, 5:00 pm
We have officially found my first crossover!
And you'll have another one with me. I already know this, looking at what's coming up for you.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by JohnErle »


Iranian Wrap – Does that come with falafel? (Ha! I kill me!)

Geezer – I pressed skip after the dogshit line. There was no way the song would redeem itself after that.

My Happiness – Hmm. Maybe. It'll need a few more spins before I can say for sure.

Madness – Do you like this because it reminds you of Conan's “In the year 2000” bit?

My Girls – I'm pretty sure this is a repeat, right? It's still good, but I still prefer Summertime Clothes.

Gagarazzi – I didn't hate it, making it better than most pop. Still not for me.

We Are Young - I usually press skip or run like hell after the Empire State line, but this time I lasted two minutes out of courtesy. The chorus is catchy but that's not nearly enough for me.

Spiritualized – It's a grower, and I liked the shades of Vangelis, but I kept waiting to hear some mind-blowing guitar. I doubt this is the track a guitarist would like to hear praise for since he's barely in it. I'm going to revisit this one.

British Sea Power – Sigh. This band is a constant disappointment. You got my hopes up that this might be the track that finally lives up to their awesome band name. Nope. It was okay, nothing more. The singer torpedoes the rest of the band's epic aspirations. (See, BSP? It's not hard to work in a nautical reference now and then.)

Death Metal du jour – I heard shades of Iron Maiden in the intro so I gave it more of a chance than usual. Then the vocals started. Are there any demons left in hell or have they all started bands?

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »

Someone had an extra helping of snark this morning....

(Keep it up.) :lol:
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by JohnErle »

The annoying chatterbox underling at work who said he was going to bring me breakfast from Tim Horton's since he stops there every morning on the way to work anyway neglected to do so, so I had to eat something.

He's not going to like me when I'm hangry.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »



Tony Leung / Andy Lau, Moo Gaan Dou (2002)

I hope you have all seen the HK crime thriller “Infernal Affairs” that was remade by Scorsese with a brighter ending as “The Departed”. If you haven’t, catch it. If you have, maybe you remember the end credit song, performed by the two lead actors of the film, Tony Leung and Andy Lau. That song always reminds me of that great film. It’s a bit campy, but I love it.


Lucero, Drink Til We're Gone (2001)

Another old song from Lucero's first album. There is almost nothing better than holding a beer (or whisky or whatever your drink of choice is) and singing along with Ben and a packed crowd of Lucero fans to this one. It can remind you that life will get you down, but there's always those moments worth living for.


The Raphaels, Shattered Cross (2001)

Stuart Adamson moved to Nashville in the mid 90s and this new band was ostensibly an attempt to make a country-sounding album, further confusing ignorant record store clerks who often misfiled Big Country in the country section. Surprisingly, this song was the most overtly Celtic-sounding thing he'd recorded since his glory days.

The rest of the album is a bit naff, but there's one other notable song called My Only Crime which is almost too painful for me to listen to because the lyrics are the closest thing to a suicide note Stuart left behind.


Camp Cope, Done (2016)

Folk punk with strong, emotional, powerful vocals, and a nice little bassline running through the song. In the unlikely event anyone likes this song, although this is the only Camp Cope song to make my list, this is not a one-off. They have two albums, and both are full of songs this good. Each one is in my top 10 albums of their relevant year.


Pillow Fight, Sleeping Dogs (2012)

If Pillow Fight hasn't grabbed your attention so far on this countdown, please do me a favor and keep listening.


Violent Soho, Covered in Chrome (2013)

The only song i like from this group, but its a bloody good one. The guitar drops with some damn catchy riffs.


M83, Midnight City (2011)

The alien noises that head the song only begin to show the eerie production that underscores the lyrics. The vocals are distorted enough to add to the atmospheric feel. The song has an atmosphere that just pulls you in - trumpets included.


Imagine Dragons, On Top of the World (2012)

Not really a fan of this group, as I think I’ve heard too much of them in the past decade. This track, however, stuck with me. There was a time when it would have been much higher on the list, but even now, with the COVID thing, it still puts me in a good mood. I give props to any song that can do that.


Mogwai, Friend of the Night (2006)

I’m just throwing this track in here in remembrance of my previous love: glacial post-rock. From about 1998 to 2004 I was obsessed with sweeping, cinematic, slow, mysterious mostly-instrumental track, offing evoking a sense of doom or loss. Most of the genre’s best work was in the 90s, but this millennium still had some highlights, including this beautiful track from Scottish act Mogwai. Here, the piano takes centre stage for this gentle yet rousing tune.


Manic Street Preachers, Jackie Collins Existential Question Time (2009)

Following the release of Everything Must Go, This Is My Truth and Send Away The Tigers, Manic Street Preachers were now a household name. Featured on UK soap, East enders, and even becoming my mum's new favourite band (bear in mind she was known to remark rather unkindly on my affection for them during the Generation Terrorists, GATS and Holy Bible era of my teens). So really, it was a rather risky move to release Journal For Plague Lovers. Taking the unpublished lyrics of long lost brother in arms Richey Edwards and applying new music to it could alienate his new audience. However, what resulted was a fantastic collection of songs, songs which are held almost like a sister to The Holy Bible. And for me, it's best track is Existential Question Time, a stunning song which questions the image of sex and adultery through the fantastical idea of trashy sex writer Jackie Collins hosting a Question Time style show tackling such heavy philosophical issues. Backing it up with a wonderful piece of pop music, it is the best thing the Manics have done this Century.


letlive, Renegade '86 (2010)

"Renegade '86" set the tone for letlive.'s amazing sophomore LP Fake History very early on. Frontman Jason Butler sounds like he's been shot out of a cannon from the opening notes and the way that the instrumentation complements his energy and explosive, varied vocal delivery makes this a divine slice of post-hardcore.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by numbersix »


Chien: Oh dear. I love the film, but take that context out of the song and it's a pretty poor karaoke song.
Geez: Wasn't bad. Though I'm beginning to suspect you only like these bands in order to have an excuse to get drunk in the pub!
John: Adamson has a great voice, even towards the end of his life. The flute/Celtic sound repels me, but at least I can ignore it.
Leetsu: This was fun. Good riffs and rhythm. Didn't blow me away but I'm glad I listened!
NSpan: Did you post these before? If so I liked the others a lot more than this, which didn't grab me.
Ron B: Sounded late 90s grungy to me. The louder bits weren't bad.
Screen: I was expecting this to appear a lot more frequently. I got sick of it being overplayed although now, with a bit of distance, I can enjoy its deliberately epic, euphoric atmosphere.
Shryke: Not a fan of these guys either.
Surf: I like the album. Not a patch on classic Manics, even with Richey's lyrics. I guess the I much much prefer Marlon JD which was on my longlist for this countdown.
Letlive: Some of the parts reminded me of Rage Against the Machine, which I liked. Others, less so.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #60-51

Post by Geezer »

numbersix wrote:
March 25th, 2020, 3:46 pm

Geez: Wasn't bad. Though I'm beginning to suspect you only like these bands in order to have an excuse to get drunk in the pub!
Or at home, I mean the setting really doesn't matter :lol:

Really though I like anything that encourages the brotherhood of a crowd at a show, and this is one of the best songs I've ever heard at doing that.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. - The Dude

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