Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

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Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by Shrykespeare »

Another week, another thread. On we go...

SONG #60

Lush, “Last Night”

I don’t know how many bands between the late 80’s and mid 90’s fall under the “shoegazers” umbrella, but however many there are, my favorite of these bands in undeniably Lush. This is the first of two songs of theirs on my list (and the other will probably be in my top FIVE). You know my love affair with jangly alternative guitars combined with female vocals, and Miki Berenyi (yes, another sexy redhead, sue me) delivers in spades on this stripped-down, beautiful track from their fourth (and final) studio album, “Lovelife”. You know, it’s sad, Lush probably is my favorite group of all time that I never got to see perform live.

Pink Floyd, "San Tropez”

I'm a sucker for this faux-tropical vibe. "Sleep Walk" (written by Santo & Johnny, but I'd go with the California Guitar Trio performance) almost made my list. Perhaps it's cliched, but it reminds me of the dreamscape-quality of Terry Gilliam's best films--and this Floyd song in particular has made its way into a few of my own psychedelic experiences, so it has a special place in my heart--and in the rest of my, now internally-damaged, organs. Considering that it's such aurally light fare, some might say it's out-of-place on one of the all-time great psychedelic records of all-time, Meddle. The question itself ("What is this jazzy beach-shuffle doing on an album next to 'Echoes?'") is reasonable, until you hear the record from start to finish. Suddenly it clicks. This is one of the most memorable "throwaway" tracks I've ever heard. I usually try to downplay the fact that Pink Floyd was always Roger Waters' band (I am always happy to hear that Gilmour and Wright contributed even on songs they're uncredited), but this is a Waters song through-and-through. Sure, Dave's slide guitar and Rick's piano carry the song, but this proves that "Biding My Time" wasn't a fluke--and (the supposedly tone-deaf) Waters actually did have an ear for melody.

Nina Simone, "Please Don't Let me Be Misunderstood"

This isn’t the version that made me fall in love with the song. The version I love was from some cheap box-set I bought years ago that compiled a few live performances. But Nina was always about live performances. It’s where she thrived, appreciating her audience and always getting them to participate by singing backing vocals etc. Nevertheless, this version demonstrates not just her unique, passionate voice but also her ability to either write great accompanying music or at least find the right person to compose great music around her stunning pianist skills.

Blink-182, "Going Away to College"

A song that I can really relate to by a band that I adore. The second from them on my list, I'm sure the haters will hate and the lovers will love. I love it because it captures a really emotional time for teens and a feeling that I'm sure a lot of us have experienced. and Blink was the perfect band to convey it for their teen fans, which I was at the time I fell in love with the song. It has only gotten better with time and the lyrics still ring true for me personally.

The Beatles, “I Want to Hold Your Hand”

My first exposure to these guys was with this very early music of theirs. It is so simplistic and innocent, I absolutely love this style of pop rock that became so prevalant at that time. Sometimes I wish they would have stuck with this style and not experimented, but they changed with the times I suppose... and if they hadn't I wouldn't have some of my upcoming selections ;-) This as their very first #1 hit has continued to age very well, and remains musicallly relevant even today.

Smash Mouth “All Star”

Just another fun classic song, that, even though it's been really overplayed, I like to jam out to.

The Pogues, “Dirty Old Town”

I don’t expect much love for this one as punk-folk can be an acquired taste, although it grabbed my attention straight away and I love it. It’s the song that introduced me to the Pogues, and possibly the song that made me aware I have a soft spot for (some) folk music. However it is not the song I would choose if I was going to introduce someone to them. I would go for anything off the “If I Should Fall from Grace with God” album or “The Sick Bed of Chuchulainn” from this album.

Manfred Mann's Earth Band, “Blinded By The Light”

Though this is a cover of a Bruce Springsteen song, I happen to like the cover more since I'm more familiar with it. Also, the instrumentals simply kick ass.

Jeff Buckley, “Mojo Pin”

A beautifully sorrowful song which Buckley wrote from the perspective of someone who has lost their only love and replaced it with drugs. The perfect introduction to his classic Grace record, it highlights all that made Buckley great; shimmering vocals, soothing acoustics and wailing guitars.

Weezer, “Hash Pipe”

A really infectious, fun and overall killer song. Weezer is really fun band that just makes really enjoyable (well, except for their last 2 records which sucked really hard).

Aerosmith, “Last Child”

My favorite Aerosmith song (one or two others got cut). It starts off with slow guitar-heavy intro and soon gets into this funky bluesy rock tune. It's like a Joe Perry vs. Brad Whitford guitar battle with Steven Tyler doing his thing throughout. If you liked "Dream On" and this track, you should probably stop bashing Aerosmith and check out their work from their first decade of music.

She & Him, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here”

This is from the collaboration of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward, they met on the set of one of her movies and somehow they ended up recording a whole album of songs written by her and played by him. It’s got a real quirky vibe to it, and to be honest, I have to really be in the mood to listen to She & Him. It’s not an everyday kind of song, but I do like to bust it out every now and then.

Lost Prophets, “Last Train Home”

There could have been a few songs from these guys on my list and if you like this I highly recommend trying out 'Rooftops' and 'Wake Up'. First saw these guys at a Download festival in the UK and fell in love with the Welsh band straightaway.

Silverchair, "Tomorrow"

One of my favorite Aussie bands. Sure, their newer stuff has been a little disappointing, but their debut album was great, and this is the best of the bunch in my opinion. Always nice when a brand new band breaks through with quality like this.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by Buscemi »

Since the originally posted video was removed, here is a replacement.

(Moderator's note: Thanks, Buscemi, I switched them out.)
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by Shrykespeare »

Shucks. Not exactly a stellar start to this thread. I'm confident it will get better, though.

My thoughts (in order of preference):

undeadmonkey – Smash Mouth, “All Star” – Darn it, UDM, you beat me to the punch! I thought I was going to be the first to have a Smash Mouth song on my list, but you got yours in seven spots before me. It's not this one, but I really like this song, which was used so well in Shrek and Mystery Men... in fact, it's off the same album, “Astro Lounge”, which IMHO was one of the best albums of the 90's. (Don't know about the video, though.)

Nspan – Pink Floyd, “San Tropez” – This is Pink Floyd? It sounds very Beatles, which is something I wasn't expecting. I find the tropical vibe very appealing. Good choice!

transformers – Weezer, “Hash Pipe” – I can't help but wonder which group is going to be the most-represented when all is said and done... right now, The Pixies, The Beatles and Weezer seem to be the most prevalent. And I can see why. Always liked this song.

becs – The Beatles, “I Want to Hold Your Hand” – Pure, raw, unadulterated Beatles. Can't go wrong.

englishozzy – Lost Prophets, “Last Train Home” – I thought I'd heard this song before. It's not a bad song, but I don't have a discerning enough ear to tell the difference between these guys and a dozen similar-sounding bands.

numbersix – Nina Simone, “Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood” – Wow, this is night and day from the Las Esmeraldas version. Nina's voice had a very androgynous quality to it, but quite interesting.

W – Aerosmith, “Last Child” – I'll probably never bash Aerosmith, but I will say that this is nowhere near my favorites of theirs.

Geezer – Blink-182, “Going Away to College” – I neither love nor hate this song. Just okay.

BarcaRulz – Silverchair, “Tomorrow” - See my comment for Geezer.

Buscemi – Manfred Mann's Earth Band, “Blinded By the Light” – I remember hearing this song when I was a preteen and being extraordinarily confused by it. And to be honest, the song still makes no sense to me. Not that that's a prerequisite for me liking it, but it helps. Can't deny it's a classic, though, despite the use of “Chopsticks”. (And I still think “Go-Kart Mozart” would have been the perfect name for a band.)

Banks – She & Him, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here” – Okay, this was weird. Not that Zooey doesn't have a good voice, she's got kind of an art-school Gidget quirky vibe going, which is cute in a silly way. This might grow on me, but it will take a while. At least it's better than her stuff with Munchausen By Proxy!

silversurfer – Jeff Buckley, “Mojo Pin” – Kept waiting for this song to grab me, and I had to wait until the last thirty seconds. Too little, too late.

leestu – The Pogues, “Dirty Old Town” – So very not my thing.

Banks, need your next pick. And Ron Burgundy, wherefore art thou?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by W »

Lush, “Last Night” (1996) - Monotonous. Sorry for the hurtful word...

Pink Floyd, "San Tropez” (1971) - It really wasn't anything memorable to me...

Nina Simone, "Please Don't Let me Be Misunderstood" (1964) - I like this one. I thought I'd heard it before when I read the name, but it was The Animals' version.

Blink-182, "Going Away to College" - ...

The Beatles, “I Want to Hold Your Hand” - I wouldn't say they changed with the times as they had a major part in changing the times. I like other stuff of theirs better, but this one is on my iPod.

Smash Mouth “All Star” - Overplayed, yeah, but it's decent for what it is.

The Pogues, “Dirty Old Town” (1985) - The Pogues kind of sounds like a disease you don't want to catch... It does sound pretty decent. A little like stuff done in the 30's and 40's in the American South, but... you know, Irish.

Manfred Mann's Earth Band, “Blinded By The Light” - This is a Springstein cover? It's the only version I've ever heard... It is good.

Jeff Buckley, “Mojo Pin” - Don't like it...

Weezer, “Hash Pipe” - Eh...

She & Him, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here” - A lot of people have had enough of Zooey... Not me.

Lost Prophets, “Last Train Home” - No thanks...

Silverchair, "Tomorrow" - No thanks...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare: Lush, “Last Night” (1996) - I remember these guys back in the mid 90's. There were so many indie acts like this around that it was hard to distinguish one from another. Having said that, I actually liked this song. Very pleasant indeed.

NSpan: Pink Floyd, "San Tropez” (1971) - I'm not a Floyd fan, and even if I were, I wouldn't consider this one of the grestest songs of all time. You're right in that it's "throwaway", but wrong in that it's memorable. It's borderline Musak.

Geezer: Blink-182, "Going Away to College" - there's just something about these guys that I find so silly and childish. I guess I understand where you're coming from, in that they're obviously writing about being teenagers. But the problem I have is that that just means it's only a matter of time before you grow out of them.

becs: The Beatles, “I Want to Hold Your Hand” - Like most of The Beatles early phase (i.e. pre Rubber Soul), I found this song to be very catchy and likeable. To quote Miles in Sideways: "It's quaffable, but far from transcendent"

undeadmonkey: Smash Mouth “All Star” - Now this is a one-hit wonder that I really wish you hadn't posted. It doesn't goa nywhere, it's not catchy, and its only function seems to be as the score to sports montages.

leestu: The Pogues, “Dirty Old Town” (1985) - Perhaps one day I could really love this song. But I'd have to leave this country for a few years first, because every drunken moron tries to blast this out on the long walk home at 2am in the morning.

Buscemi: Manfred Mann's Earth Band, “Blinded By The Light” - I don't know the original, although I hear The Boss's early stuff isn't great at all. And I didn't like this song, which went on for too long, and felt over-indulgent, if not prog-y.

silversurfer: Jeff Buckley, “Mojo Pin” - Good to see Jeff get some non-Hallelujah exposure. It's heart-breaking to hear Grace and Sketches, realising that he had the potential to be one of the greatest musicians in music history, but died far too soon. I should also note that he wasn't just a great voice, there's some really interesting guitar work going on in Mojo Pin. Great pick!

transformers: Weezer, “Hash Pipe” - Probably my least favourite Weezer song so far, but it's still pretty good.

W: Aerosmith, “Last Child” - No, I really don't like Aerosmith. Overblown crap.

Banks: She & Him, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here” - Twas a nice, relaxing song. Nothing I'd ever want to check out, and her voice isn't great (if you an't sing then you really need character, which Zooey doesn't have. Which is ironic, considering she's an actress), but nice nonetheless.

englishozzy: Lost Prophets, “Last Train Home” - These guys are Welsh? That's a shame, because they just sound exactly like all those US college rock acts.

BarcaRulz: Silverchair, "Tomorrow" - Not as good as the song Becs posted. They're wearing their influences on their sleeve on this one. It just comes across as a Nirvana cover band.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - Lush, “Last Night” (1996)
Not a bad song, took a while to get into it but quite enjoyed it by the time it had finished.

NSpan: Pink Floyd - "San Tropez” (1971)
I do like a couple of Pink Floyd songs but this wasn't one of them.

numbersix - Nina Simone, "Please dont let me be misundastood"3.
Actually quite enjoyed it, she has a pretty good voice.

Geezer - Blink-182, "Going Away to College"
Love this song, Blink is probably one of my all time favourite bands. Good solid pick from this band.

becs - The Beatles, “I Want to Hold Your Hand”
Sorry can't stand The Beatles no matter what song.

undeadmonkey: Smash Mouth “All Star”
Listened to this song way too much for me to like it anymore.

leestu: The Pogues, “Dirty Old Town” (1985)
Could not get into this song.

Buscemi: Manfred Mann's Earth Band, “Blinded By The Light”
I do recognise the song and i quite enjoyed listening to it.

silversurfer: Jeff Buckley, “Mojo Pin”
Not a bad song, haven't really heard much from this guy and only really know him for that 'Hallelujah' song so it was good to hear him sing something else.

transformers: Weezer, “Hash Pipe”
Prefer all the other Weezer posts so far in this list. It was OK though.

W: Aerosmith, “Last Child”
Twas OK, they have done plenty of other songs that i would probably prefer other this one.

Banks: She & Him, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here”
Zooey has this really interesting voice that i can't help but get hooked sometimes but this song let me down, couldn't really get into it.

BarcaRulz: Silverchair, "Tomorrow"
Hadn't heard of this band until i came over to Australia, so still finding song (like this one) that i haven't heard before. Not a bad effort.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by Geezer »

I have so much catching up to do and I have no idea when I will get around to doing it, but I will say there is a song from this set that will also be coming up on my list in the not to distant future, and its awesome that someone else has recognized it here.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by BarcaRulz »

Shryke - Sounds incredibly familiar, especially they intro. It was nice and relaxing, but not something special. 6/10.

Nspan - Agree with numbersix, was pretty much expecting to hear a voice say "you have reached the 10th floor". 3/10.

numbersix - Loved the voice, and the lyrics, but never really got into the song. 5/10.

Geezer - Was generic blink-182, which I don't tend to enjoy. Had its moments though. 4/10.

becs - IMO they had much better stuff. I don't mind listening to this song, but it's nothing special for me. 6/10.

undeadmonkey - This song is the definition of 'overplayed'. However, it is very catchy and I still enjoy it. 6/10.

leestu - Not my thing at all, sorry. 1/10.

Buscemi - Was Ok, never heard it before. Went on too long though and it started to drag. 5/10.

silversurfer - Was Ok, started off way too slow for me to really get into it. 6/10.

tranny - More Weezer! Not my favorite of their collection, but still a nice pick. 7/10.

W - IMO they get a lot of undeserved flack. "Dream On" is my favorite of theirs, and I know they did go downhill during the later years, but they still have some good songs. Having said that, I don't think this is one of their best. 6/10.

Banks - Had its moments, but for the most part not really a fan.Based on one of his previous comments I think Nspan will have an aneurysm when he hears this. 4/10.

englishozzy - "Rooftops" is my favorite of theirs, and it nearly made my list. Don't mind this one. They are one of the bands that I find to be consistent in their quality, which isn't bad. 6.5/10.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by undeadmonkey »

The Beatles, “I Want to Hold Your Hand”

amazing! probably my second favorite beatles song, if i had to pick

The Pogues, “Dirty Old Town”
loved it as well. do they have more like this? i definitely want more if it wouldnt be for a classic^, this would of been my favorite of the round

Nina Simone, "Please Don't Let me Be Misunderstood"
that was totally awesome, it reminded me of gnarls barkley for some reason, even though this came 40 years before. good stuff, you have any more songs on your list? if not any you would recommend?

Lush, “Last Night”
i can dig it! good stuff, any others you would recommend obviously other than your top 5 one

Blink-182, "Going Away to College"

not bad, dont think i've ever heard this song from them. this is kinda what the last BEP song meant to me.

Manfred Mann's Earth Band, “Blinded By The Light”

i liked it

Jeff Buckley, “Mojo Pin”

didnt hate it but it was very different than then the songs on here so far, i dont think i was really in the mood to appreciate this

Weezer, “Hash Pipe”

not my favorite weezer song, but still not bad

Aerosmith, “Last Child”

never heard it before, didnt mind it

She & Him, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here”

didnt really hate it, but i dont think i really got it either. it seemed more like a case of 'something that they could do, but maybe really shouldn't of'. if that makes any sense

Lost Prophets, “Last Train Home”

was ok, i liked his voice, but there was nothing to distinguish it from any other band

Silverchair, "Tomorrow"

yea, still not a silverchair fan

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by numbersix »

undeadmonkey wrote: Nina Simone, "Please Don't Let me Be Misunderstood" (1964)
that was totally awesome, it reminded me of gnarls barkley for some reason, even though this came 40 years before. good stuff, you have any more songs on your list? if not any you would recommend?
Oh a simple Best Of of any kind will show Nina's range. I've another song of hers coming up, but not for a while. In the meantime there's always her more well-known songs like Put A Spell on You, My Baby Just Cares for Me, The Other Woman, Sinnerman, Feeling Good (another reason why I hate Muse) etc. Try them and see what you think.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by undeadmonkey »

oh, that's why she sounded familiar, i've always thought she has one of the best versions of Feeling Good.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by BarcaRulz »

numbersix wrote:
undeadmonkey wrote: Nina Simone, "Please Don't Let me Be Misunderstood" (1964)
that was totally awesome, it reminded me of gnarls barkley for some reason, even though this came 40 years before. good stuff, you have any more songs on your list? if not any you would recommend?
Oh a simple Best Of of any kind will show Nina's range. I've another song of hers coming up, but not for a while. In the meantime there's always her more well-known songs like Put A Spell on You, My Baby Just Cares for Me, The Other Woman, Sinnerman, Feeling Good (another reason why I hate Muse) etc. Try them and see what you think.
You are REALLY going to hate one of my picks then.. :lol:

Although to be totally honest, I chose it for the song, Muse just happen to be my favorite cover.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by silversurfer19 »

Shrykespeare: Lush, “Last Night” (1996) - Lush were always one of those bands that always seemed to be constantly in My Bloody Valentine's shadow. They were not a bad group, just didn't really match up to the other bands in the dream pop genre. I actually preferred them when they were not as 'poppy', as on Split. Still, there are far worse songs to beging our 60s countdown.

NSpan: Pink Floyd, "San Tropez” (1971) - I've always considered the earlier Floyd to be my favourite, and though this is by no means flawless, I do enjoy it. I don't have any of their music on my top 100 list, but along with See Emily Play, this was on my list of their songs considered.

Numbersix: Nina Simone, "Please Don't Le Me Be Misunderstood" - Absolute classic, and sung by one of the greatest female vocalists ever. A delight to listen to.

Geezer: Blink-182, "Going Away to College" - Yeah, they were fun to listen to when I was a teenager, but that times passed and as I matured so did my ear for music. This just isn't that great, even by Blink's standards.

becs: The Beatles, “I Want to Hold Your Hand” - One of the most simple and catchy songs ever. Hard to find fault in it, really.

undeadmonkey: Smash Mouth “All Star” - Ugh! A song made for the grunts of society as far as I'm concerned. Horrible lyrics, his voice is grating and the music all comes together with a big jumping chorus in the worst possible way. I'll move on before I feel a little ill.

leestu: The Pogues, “Dirty Old Town” (1985) - A little overplayed for my own tastes, and even then not one of my favourites from The Pogues.

Buscemi: Manfred Mann's Earth Band, “Blinded By The Light” - This is a song I forever link to office Christmas parties. And I hate office Christmas parties. I think that's all I need to say.

silversurfer: Jeff Buckley, “Mojo Pin” - Six, I actually find Hallelujiah to be one of the weakest songs on Grace, and still have another song of Buckley's to come much later on in my list.

transformers: Weezer, “Hash Pipe” - It was probably around this time I realised Weezer couldn't make great albums anymore. Good song, but this seems to be the template for their future albums; a killer single or two, and not much else worth listening to.

W: Aerosmith, “Last Child” - Dream on was pretty decent, this one was not. I'll happily not take delve any further into their work.

Banks: She & Him, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here” - I like M.Ward, but I don't think he should need a hollywood actress with an average voice to further his career. Nice enough song, if a little forgettable though.

englishozzy: Lost Prophets, “Last Train Home” - I remember really enjoying their first single Shinobi Vs. Dragon Ninja, but once they became more commercial they started producing crap like this.

BarcaRulz: Silverchair, "Tomorrow" - Wow, that's a coincidence. I like this song, not my favourite though, which you will find out in the very near future. Funny though that becs, myself and barca will all have Silverchair songs very close to each other though.

six and becs were the strongest for this round.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by Shrykespeare »

undeadmonkey wrote: Shrykespeare
Lush, “Last Night”
i can dig it! good stuff, any others you would recommend obviously other than your top 5 one
silversurfer19 wrote:Shrykespeare: Lush, “Last Night” (1996) - Lush were always one of those bands that always seemed to be constantly in My Bloody Valentine's shadow. They were not a bad group, just didn't really match up to the other bands in the dream pop genre. I actually preferred them when they were not as 'poppy', as on Split. Still, there are far worse songs to begin our 60s countdown.
Well, Lush only have 3 1/2 studio albums in their run (one was an EP), so they really didn't have the chance to evolve much. And while I found "Split" to be good, "Gala" was far better. I would recommend starting there, UDM, and then moving on to "Split". "Lovelife" really only had a handful of songs that I really liked (including "500 (Shake Baby Shake)", "Ladykillers" and, of course, "Last Night"), and that was all she wrote.

"Dream pop"... hmm. Never heard that term before. It kind of fits. And BTW, I hate My Bloody Valentine. I just found their sound to be extremely crass compared to Lush's.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by silversurfer19 »

I think that's the first time I've ever heard a bad word said about MBV. Don't know how you can have such opposing viewpoints about two bands with a very similar sound though. I guess it's possible...

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