Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by NSpan »

Becs wrote:NSpan The Warlocks, “Left and Right of the Moon” (2001)
Definitely like it, but it reeeeally reminds me of a different song, I just cannot put my finger on it and its drivin me crazy.
BarcaRulz wrote:I agree with becs, this sounds really familiar but I can't put my finger on it, anyone?
If you guys figure it out, I'd be interested to know... To me, the song felt instantly recognizable upon first listen because, in my opinion, it's just that great of a song... (You know, when a truly great song comes along, it can almost feel like you already know it)... But if there is a song out there that is eerily similar to this, I'd like to hear it...
silversurfer19 wrote:maybe it's BRMC, they were the first band which came into my head when I heard them.
I definitely see the comparison between the Warlocks and BRMC in general (I think anyone familiar with both bands could see similarities), but do you really see BRMC in this specific track? I don't hear it.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by silversurfer19 »

Not that particular song, no. Just a comment on the band's overall sound. This one hinted at maybe a little Charlatans, or maybe Spacemen 3? Possibly even Jesus And Mary Chain? And if you don't already know of them but are a fan of this sound another band which have recently been creating some stuff in a similar vein are The Black Angels, they are worth checking out also.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by NSpan »

silversurfer19 wrote:Not that particular song, no. Just a comment on the band's overall sound. This one hinted at maybe a little Charlatans, or maybe Spacemen 3? Possibly even Jesus And Mary Chain? And if you don't already know of them but are a fan of this sound another band which have recently been creating some stuff in a similar vein are The Black Angels, they are worth checking out also.
Great pick. I've met the guys several times--they're from Austin. My good friend was actually a member of the band for a brief period. He played harmonica with them on the tour that ended with them playing Lollapalooza. Crazy, right? "Black Grease," "Bloodhounds on My Trail," and "The First Vietnamese War" are instant classics.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by silversurfer19 »

Yeah, pretty much all of Passover is fantastic, still haven't gotten round to picking up Directions To See A Ghost Yet but what I've heard has been top drawer also. I think The First Vietnamese War is probably my favourite of theirs.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by NSpan »

silversurfer19 wrote:NSpan – Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special” I think I find CCR a little too twee for my liking, but I can't deny they write great music.
It was a cover of a traditional song. In this context, what does "twee" mean?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Leestu »

Sorry to be out of order but I am determined to catch up. Mothers Day here yesterday took my whole day away.

Better Than Ezra, “At the Stars” (1999)
From what I've heard before from this band I am definitely not a fan and this didn't do anything to change that. Just middle of the road rock, a genre that does nothing for me.

The Warlocks, “Left and Right of the Moon” (2001)
Didn't like it as much as "Hurricane Heart Attack", but still thought it was great. I will be looking up more from this band for sure once this countdown is done. And while checking out that I had the title for "Hurricane Heart Attack" correct I noticed that Sonic Boom from Spacemen 3 guests on the track. Do you know in what way Nspan?

Talking Heads, “This Must be the Place (“Naïve Melody)” (1983) (also leestu's #88)
If anybody is curious apparently “Naïve Melody" refers to the fact that the bass and guitar parts are exactly the same throughout the song.

Weezer, "Say It Ain't So" (also Shrykespeare's #92)
Hearing this again I like it even more. What a great song.

Jane's Addiction, “Been Caught Stealing”
A really good song from a great band. I have one of their songs coming up much later.

Zac Brown Band, “Free”
Hey this was alright. Not something I would choose to listen to again but it was pleasant enough.

The Pixies, “Vamos” (1988)
Nspan wrote: I always liked this song, but I never fully appreciated it until I saw it performed live. That's when it really, er, came alive. The Pixies don't improvise much in concert (aside from some occasional authentic stage-chatter... though that usually just consists of Charles shouting angrily at Kim for fucking up a note or two). But they really have fun with this one.
Man I am so jealous. When I saw them live I was really hoping they would play this song but they didn't. Not that I am complaining because we still got some special treats (the sonic assault of "Into The White" was extreme awesomeness much better than the recorded version) but it would probably have been the best night of my life if they had of played this.
Shryke wrote: This is, what, like, the fifth or sixth DIFFERENT Pixies song we've heard? Sorry, still haven't heard even one that I've liked. But on the other hand... bazooms!
If I was introducing someone to the Pixies the songs that have appeared so far are probably not the ones I would suggest, even though I think they are great. Although not my favourites more accessable songs would be "Here Comes Your Man", "Monkey Gone To Heaven", "Allison", or even "Alec Eiffel". and yeah, on the other hand, it is a good album cover isn't it?

New Radicals, “You Get What You Give”
A good mood, positive vibe song that I don't mind singing along to, but it's nothing special.

Manic Street Preachers, “PCP”
This was quite different to the very few Manic Street Preachers songs I've heard (and liked). I really enjoyed it. It had a punk type sound that to me was reminiscent of The Damned. I liked the live performance but would like to hear a studio version just to understand the lyrics better. I am sure it is this band that I remember an interview with in NME where one of the members got annoyed at something the interviewer said and carved/slashed "for real" in his arm during the interview. Now it might have been a set up but it was memorable enough that I recall it now many many years later.

Mastodon, “Sleeping Giant”
Is this the second Mastodon song? Because I don't remember the other one, or if I liked it, but this quite good. I quite liked the space age sort of sound of the guitars, and musically overall it had something about it that's worth listening to.

Rolling Stones, “Paint it Black”
Classic Stones song. Love it.

Lily Allen, “Friend of Mine”
Didn't mind the music. Lyrically it was nothing much.

I am one of those extremely rare Aussies that doesn't like AC/DC.

R.E.M., “Losing My Religion”
Brilliant song. I know I've said this a few times but this song really did just miss out making my list. I can never get tired of listening to this. Great pick Barca!

Ron Burgundy
Alice in Chains, “Man in the Box”
Having already picked an Alice In Chains song I obviously don't think they are rubbish. Layne could really sing and the music is quality.

A lot of great stuff this round. Love Six's pick (of course) and Surfer's Manic Street Preachers was the best new to me song, but there so many other great picks by Becs, W, Barca, Geezer etc.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by englishozzy »

becs/leestu - David Bowie, “Life on Mars?”
Never been a fan of David Bowie and this song didn't do anything to help me convert over.

Shrykespeare - Radiohead, “Fake Plastic Trees” (1995)
Definately think this was Radiohead's best song, couldn't stop playing this song as i was growing up and its been a long time since i have heard it last. Nice to hear it again.

NSpan – Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special”
Not really my sort of music but it was OK to listen to, probably wouldn't bother again though.

numbersix – Joy Division, “Twenty Four Hours”
Good choice, it was actually my mate that introduced me to this band but haven't heard them in a while.

Geezer – The Beatles, “A Day in the Life”
Don't care what anybody else says, i cant stand the Beatles. I appreciate that they were probably one of the greatest ever bands but somebody's gotta not like them.

undeadmonkey – Outkast, “Roses”
I do like Outkast but this is not one of there more stronger performances for me, still a good song though.

Buscemi – Shirley Bassey, “Goldfinger”
Classic song, pretty full on and would probably get a biut annoying for me if this had played any longer.

transformers – Coheed and Cambria, “Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial”.
Quite like Coheed and Cambria, haven't heard this one before so that was good. Actually watched them live a few years back when they were touring with Linkin Park and thought they were pretty good.

W – AC/DC, “Back in Black”
Good song, shame about the video but i have listened to this song enough times to still enjoy it.

Banks – Kina Grannis, “Stars Falling Down”
Very unusual pick, she wasn't too bad compared to most of the stuff on Youtube, would be interesting to here her do a studio album.

BarcaRulz – Dave Matthews Band, “The Fly”
Not a bad song, quite enjoyed it.

Ron Burgundy – Bloc Party, “Helicopter”
'Banquet' is probably one of my favourites from these guys but still a solid song from the band.

silversurfer - Talking Heads "Psycho Killer"
Didn't really change my view on it watching it for a second time.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Geezer »

silversurfer19 wrote: Geezer
Weezer, "Say It Ain't So"
(also Shrykespeare's #92)
Still a totally kick ass song. I've said it before though, and I'll say it again, is anybody going to include a song from Pinkerton on here, as almost all of The Blue Album has had a mention, yet nothing from an equally good album. I won't say if I have included anything yet, but I'm surprised I haven't seen anything yet.
well, this is why I felt the need to post a bunch more Weezer songs in my comments. Pinkerton is exceptional, and the more and more I listen to it, the better it gets. I doubt it gets any recognition from anyone's list though, except maybe NSpan. I mentioned my 4 favorites from the album, but the whole thing is great. And they recorded the whole thing in a week!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Leestu »

David Bowie, “Life on Mars?” (1973)
WOW! I sincerely feel honoured to be the lead off hitter for Song #61.
Bloody awesome pick Becs! And may I say what perfect positioning! :lol:

Radiohead, “Fake Plastic Trees” (1995)
Shryke, I am fascinated by how yours and my music taste clash even when they converge. I love Radiohead and a couple of their songs will be in my top 50 but for some reason I have never really liked this song. "High and Dry" is the highlight from The Bends in my opinion.
Another example was your list of Depeche Mode songs from a couple of weeks ago. It was a decent size list but somehow most, but not all, of my favourite DM songs weren't on there. At the time I didn't say anything because I thought they might have been omitted as they were coming up on your list later, but now I am not so sure. :D

Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special”
I Like a few other CCR songs over this one, but thats just my taste. Still a good song.

Joy Division, “Twenty Four Hours” (1980)
Excellent stuff! I haven't listened to "Closer" or "Unknown Pleasures" for years, but they are both in my computer library. It is so good to hear a song from them again that I now feel compelled to listen to them again as soon as this isn't taking up all of my time.

The Beatles, "A Day In The Life"
Great, great Beatles song.

Outkast, “Roses”
WTF? They censor out "shit"?!?! Censorship really pisses me off. Anyway good sense of humour in this song. I love the video and the "alright you leather jacket guy you - oh I got one!" Line cracks me up every time.

Shirley Bassey, “Goldfinger”
I would probably agree with you about this being the best Bond theme.

Talking Heads, “Psycho Killer” (also leestu's #64)
As I said a few days ago, my favourite Talking Heads song. Excellent pick. And if you haven't looked it up yet Surfer, "Speaking In Tongues" is the album you want (great album by the way - well worth it) or "Stop Making Sense" for the live version.

Coheed and Cambria, “Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial)”
To tell you the truth I am not sure what I think of this. It's a song that will take more than one listen for me to make a valid opinion.

AC/DC, “Back in Black” (also Geezer's #75)
All this AC/DC but no ones chosen any of the few I actually like, such as "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" or "It's A Long Way To The Top If You Want To Rock & Roll". I guess there's still time yet.

Kina Grannis, “Stars Falling Down”
Didn't like it. Too sickly sweet.

Elvis Presley, “A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix)”
I agree it's better than the original, but then again I don't really like Elvis.

Dave Matthews Band, “The Fly”
Interesting. This was pretty cool in a laidback way. I like.

Ron Burgundy
Bloc Party, “Helicopter”
The lead singer's got a great voice. This is one of their better songs for sure.

Well no surprises as to whose pick I liked the most. But also to my liking were the picks of Six (you can NEVER go wrong with Joy Division), Barca, Ron & Geezer.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by BarcaRulz »

becs/leestu - Not really a Bowie fan to be honest, and this song didn't change my mind.

Shryke - Very nice. Calm, relaxing, with a great beat to it.

Nspan - Big fan of CCR. This isn't something I would usually like, but they make it work for me. They have only one entry on my list but it places REALLY high.

Numbersix - Joy Division = win more times than not, and this one doesn't disappoint.

Geezer - I enjoy The Beatles body of work, but for some reason I just don't listen to them that much, and hence they don't feature on my list. Nice pick.

undeadmonkey - Didn't get into it at all.

Buscemi - Was Ok, mostly bond themes for me are 'meh' to be honest.

silversurfer - Same comment as before.

tranny - Was Ok.

W - You're on a role with your picks when it comes to my opinion. Of the last three songs you picked, two will be on my list, and then this one by one of my best bands of all time. Not my favorite AC/DC song, but it's still a good listen. Sound quality on the vid was shocking though.

Banks - She has a nice voice, but this really isn't my thing.

englishozzy - This was HUGE when it first came out. I always enjoy it because it's a fun piece, but isn't really anything special.

Ron Burgundy - It gets me going too. Nice pick.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by numbersix »

Holy crap guys, back from a music festival and I've loads of songs to listen to. Glancing through them I see one song from my Top 10 has appeared (and didn't get much love from the others), as well as a few others in my top 50.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by silversurfer19 »

NSpan wrote:
silversurfer19 wrote:NSpan – Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special” I think I find CCR a little too twee for my liking, but I can't deny they write great music.
It was a cover of a traditional song. In this context, what does "twee" mean?
I don't actually know much of CCR, but what I have heard hasn't really drawn me in. In regard to my comment, I think it drifted into country a little to much for my liking, maybe that was because it was a traditional song, I'm not sure.
LeeStu wrote:This was quite different to the very few Manic Street Preachers songs I've heard (and liked). I really enjoyed it. It had a punk type sound that to me was reminiscent of The Damned. I liked the live performance but would like to hear a studio version just to understand the lyrics better. I am sure it is this band that I remember an interview with in NME where one of the members got annoyed at something the interviewer said and carved/slashed "for real" in his arm during the interview. Now it might have been a set up but it was memorable enough that I recall it now many many years later.
This is a track from their third LP, The Holy Bible, which definitely took on a different sound from their previous couple of albums, and was also a marked difference from the direction the band took after Richie Edwards disappeared. You will be getting another couple of their songs in my list which only further highlight their range. Regarding a studio version,, the lyrics are spoken so fast I don't think it was too different. This was mainly because JDB had to squeeze all Richie's lyrics into each verse, so it had this result. I think it really works, bringing an immediecy to the songs. And yes, it was Richie who carved 4 Real into his arm during an NME interview, I don't think it was a set up, it was something I always expected he would do for dramatic effect, but I guess it certainly worked!
And if you haven't looked it up yet Surfer, "Speaking In Tongues" is the album you want (great album by the way - well worth it) or "Stop Making Sense" for the live version.
I'll look into both, I've heard a lot about Stop Making Sense before so I guess it must be a pretty special live record.

And that song in your top ten must certainly be Vamos, six?

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by numbersix »

Alright you lot... I haven't had time to look at any responses/questions to my last few songs, and may to at all, but here's some notes on the last few rounds.

Del Amitri, “Just Like a Man” (1992) – Didn’t grab me in the way it grabbed you
Eminem, “Without Me” (2002) – Agreed, Eminem is better when he’s being funny. This is probably his best, and there are some really sunny lyrics, though I doubt it would make my Top 1000 songs.
Better Than Ezra, “At the Stars” (1999) – Sorry, Man, but this came across as bland guitar pop to me
Radiohead, “Fake Plastic Trees” (1995) – I agree with everything you said. A lovely song, like something David Byrne would have written when he was 16 and depressed.

Canned Heat, “Goin' Up The Country” – It’s one of those songs I know very well but never knew who it was. It’s a nice song, but is perhaps very, very limited and after about 90 seconds has not much else to offer.
George Harrison, “Hear Me Lord” (1970) – Sorry Dude, this came off as a sort of mix between Dad Rock and prog. Neither of which I like.
The Warlocks, “Left and Right of the Moon” (2001) – Not bad, but not as good as the previous one. It got a little boring.
Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special” – Sorry, man, but I just don’t like this at all. It just isn’t distinct, in the sense that it could be easily replicated and sound just as good.

Matt and Kim, "Daylight" – When I started playing this song, I thought “What is Geez on? This is something UDM would pick”, in that it sounded like bland pop. But when it got going it was actually quite catchy. Funnily enough this song is used in the DS version of Fifa Soccer 2009 and I always wondered what it was.
System of a Down, "Roulette" – Nope, not getting these guys. I appreciate the simplicity of this song, it demonstrates their range, but the lyrics felt pretty amateurish to me.
Weezer, "Say It Ain't So" – A very god song, and perhaps better in the context of hearing a few other of their songs. There’s a real Pixies vibe to this song, for some reason.
The Beatles, "A Day In The Life" – A really strong song, with the production making the most of what could be considered to be a mess. We’ve George Martin to thank for this one. A very experimental song I should add!

Silverchair, “Freak” – This song had a lot going for it at first. Kinda reminded me of Nirvana’s debut album (in a good way), but for me the chorus just didn’t deliver.
Muse, “Starlight” – I don’t like Muse, I never will, but this isn’t as annoying as they can get.
Jane's Addiction, “Been Caught Stealing” – Wow, this brought me back. Very much an MTV darling of the mid 90’s. It’s pretty catchy
David Bowie, “Life on Mars” – What a magnificently constructed piece of music, just about sounded genuine as opposed to pompous or overblown. A great, great song.

Patrick Park, “Something Pretty” – Don’t see any jazz or rock in this one, just poor country music.
Black Eyed Peas, “Meet Me Halfway”- Thank god that’s the end of your BEP selection. If you picked My Lumps I would have tracked you down and whooped your ass. All I can say about this song is that it didn’t make me want to tear off my ears and send them in a shuttle to be obliterated by the overwhelming heat of the sun. Instead it’s just so boring that I didn’t realise there was music on.
Zac Brown Band, “Free” - If you removed everything BUT the violin, you may have something nice. Instead all I hear is one gigantic cliché.
Outkast, “Roses” – After taking ages to kick off, it’s actually not bad.

Talking Heads, “Psycho Killer” (1977) – Great song, though despite the amazing instrumentation, I think I prefer the acoustic version on Stop Making Sense.
Velvet Underground, “Venus In Furs” (1967) – An absolute genius piece of work, and possibly their greatest song. I should add that I think people make too much of the S&M element- it’s a metaphor!
The Pixies, “Vamos” – Odd choice, man. I don’t like this as much as some of their other stuff (maybe it’s my lack of Spanish). Still rocks, but I would have placed a lot of Surfer Rosa (my favourite) songs ahead.

Philip Glass, “Pruit Igoe” – A really beautiful piece of music, reminiscent of Part’s work. One of the few good things about Watchmen. Glass usually isn’t great, as he consciously constructs his music around a loop and often it gets a tab too repetitive, but this was one of his better pieces
The Verve, “Bittersweet Symphony” – God, hearing it twice in the same week has already made me sick of it again.
New Radicals, “You Get What You Give” – Another one-hit wonder song. It’s like a bad OMD song sung by someone who just wants to annoy us with his voice.
Shirley Bassey, “Goldfinger” – One of the best Bond songs (though I have a soft spot for the attempts made by Aha and Duran Duran), but it’s not something that I could ever listen because a song about a spy just means nothing to me.

The White Stripes, “Death Letter” – A good song, although I could do with the soloing.
Pavement, “Summer Babe” – Very nice. Sounds as if Weezer and Sonic Youth went on holidays together to Florida. I only know a handful of Pavement’s tunes and this definitely makes me want to check out more.
Manic Street Preachers, “PCP” – Major props are deserved to anyone who has the chops to put a song from The Holy Bible in their Top 100 (I know I didn’t). A great, intense album, with some great lyrics and great vocals. It went downhill from here.
Talking Heads, “Psycho Killer” (1977) – Still great. Still surprised no one prefers the Stop Making Sense version.

Johnny Cash, “Ring Of Fire” – A great song, and almost made it on my list. When I first heard this song it was used in a Levi’s ad, and it had that typical tongue-in-cheek context that made me associate the song with humour. But along the years I got to listen to this song and understand it for what it is: a truly passionate song about love and hate.
Muse, “Assassin” – As I said above, I hate Muse because they’re flamboyant. And this is a prime example. Irritating.
Mastodon, “Sleeping Giant” – Didn’t stand out at all for me.
Coheed and Cambria, “Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial)” – I liked the bass in this, but not much else.

The Trashmen, “Surfin' Bird” – Another song I associate with movies. It’s a bit gimmicky, but the pace is pretty good.
Led Zeppelin, “The Immigrant Song” – Great song, getting better after another listen!
Rolling Stones, “Paint it Black” – I’ve no idea what this song is about either, but there’s something delicious about its lust for darkness. One of my 5 favourite Stones songs (and I must check out Aftermath one of these days to hear what else they were doing at the time).
AC/DC, “Back in Black” – The sound on that video is awful. A good song from an entertaining band.

Fall Out Boy, “She’s My Winona” – Didn’t like it at all, it just came across as bland guitar-pop for me
Moloko, “Sing It Back”- I’m surprised you didn’t go for the remix that was huge at the time. This isn’t band (the lead singer is a fellow Irish), but Moloko came out at the end of trip-hop when it was getting a bit boring.
Lily Allen, “Friend of Mine” – I think Lily Allen is so over-rated. She gets good reviews by people who say her lyrics are smart. But they aren’t smart, they’re just bitchy and nasty. The music is okay but nothing special. But just because she doesn’t flaunt her body or is an airhead (although she’s not far off) they love her. I just don’t get it.
Kina Grannis, “Stars Falling Down” – This just sounds like something a billion wannabees post in Youtube every day.

Fatboy Slim, “Weapon of Choice” – This doesn’t exist without the video. Seriously, I’ve heard this song so many times but it’s so muted and boring that I can never remember it. I’m not fan of Fatboy Slim but he has done way better.
Korn, “Freak on a Leash” – It started off okay, and then it got progessively awful.
AC/DC, “TNT” – Good fun.
Elvis Presley, “A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix)” – Kind of good for a TV ad, but besides that I find it a bit annoying.

Scorpions, “Rock You Like a Hurricane” – Kinda fun, but not something I’d ever want to listen to.
Arcade Fire, "No Cars Go" – Almost made my list. It’s such a beautiful, rousing song. The last segment, the build, man that gets me every time. Great choice!
R.E.M., “Losing My Religion” – Totally over-played here in every pub session by every self-proclaimed singer-songwriter who resorts to this when his/her bland tunes don’t impress, but it still packs a punch, especially the lyrics.
Dave Matthews Band, “The Fly”- Dave Matthews Band are a cure for insomnia.

Ron Burgundy
Seal, “Kiss From a Rose” – Like what I said before, it’s so OTT that it comes across as cheesy.
Aphex Twin, “Windowlicker” – Forget the naysayers, this piece of music is absolutel genius. I love how Aphex Twin can cut between rhythms and timings, constructing something that’s at the verge of abstract. But for me, it isn’t something forgettable, it’s something that sucks me into a world of chaos. And the added bonus is how subversive it is, with its faux-sensuality complete with orgasmic moans, yet instantly deconstructing them, just like the video. Brilliant.
Alice in Chains, “Man in the Box” – I found this boring, to be frank.
Bloc Party, “Helicopter” – A very good song from a band who started off so promising and just got worse and worse. But Silent Alarm is excellent. Pioneers almost made my list.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

David Bowie, “Life on Mars?” - Hated it.

Radiohead, “Fake Plastic Trees” (1995) - Ehh. Didn't like the song, and the lead singer looked like he was either retarded or autistic in that video.

Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special” - I think all CCR songs sound exactly alike. Then again, I think this is only the third or fourth I've ever heard.

Joy Division, “Twenty Four Hours” - An instrumental version of this would be perfect.

The Beatles, “A Day in the Life” - Boring.

Outkast, “Roses” - Ugh, I hate the Outkast that changed their sound to crossover to pop audiences. I like their older stuff tons better. That being said, it's annoyingly catchy and I'm sure I'll have it stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

Shirley Bassey, “Goldfinger” - OK I guess.

Talking Heads, “Psycho Killer” - Pretty catchy, although I really only like the chorus.

Coheed and Cambria, “Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial” - Not bad.

AC/DC, “Back in Black” - Recognizable, but I wouldn't listen to it on my own accord. Why pick that video though?

Elvis Presley, “A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix)" - I can say I like it better than the original.

Dave Matthews Band, “The Fly” - Liked it. So far it's my favorite of the round.

Ron Burgundy
Bloc Party, “Helicopter” - Spoke too soon. This is fun as hell.

Favorites of the round goes to Barca and Ron B.
Alexandra Daddario: Eyes of a Demon, Face of My Future Ex-Wife

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John Rambo
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by silversurfer19 »

BanksIsDaFuture wrote: Shrykespeare
Radiohead, “Fake Plastic Trees” (1995) - Ehh. Didn't like the song, and the lead singer looked like he was either retarded or autistic in that video.
Actually he's highly intelligent, I think it's the lazy eye which is distracting you.

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