The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

Ron: Came close to my list. Trying to be an awards-bait epic and failing so hard. Fincher cannot do emotions.

Boosch: I don't think it glorifies or justifies violence, especially when the torture gets Jackman nowhere except estrangement from friends and family. I loved the style and Gyllenhaal. Just not the villain, that sucked.

Walleye: This is turning up way too much

Chien: come now, Chien, this is hardly a film that received rave reviews. almost everyone said it's worse than the original. I actually prefer it - sure it's way too long and there's no real story, but that car chase makes the whole thing worthwhile ;)

John: It's still one of Scorsese's best films this Century (but his only truly great film is Wolf of Wall Street, a 3-hour masterpiece I've watched thrice), because it's more heightened and fun than some of his others, but yeah, it's not the film that should have earned him all those awards.

Tranny: Agreed, although I do like the film. But I thought its second half just couldn't surpass the madness of the first.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

I much prefer The Raid 2 over the first. This one actually had a plot beyond "let's kill one-note characters in graphic ways with a headache-inducing score only heard in the US version". Sure, it's still graphic but the characters have more meaning this time.

It was like going from a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie to The Godfather.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Walleye413 »

Haven't seen too many out of this group. I'll jump in on Mad Max later, and I thought Benjamin Button was a little overrated. But I've got to disagree on The Departed if only on the acting side of things. I thought Leo, Matt and Vera gave some of the best performances of their lives. Everyone else was quite good too, but those three were giving a master class in acting through that whole movie. For that alone I think it deserves all the praise.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

When's the next one coming, Ron?
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

in about 20 mins, sorry been crazy busy visiting friends and family over the last few days. will do 2 today, and maybe 2 tomorrow to make up
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

#9 & #8

Sorry for the delay folks! Back on track now, with another movie being listed twice in the same round!

Ron B

Argo (2012)
rating on imdb: 7.7 from 493k votes. Metascore: 86
It won 3 oscars, for what? Its a pretty crappy film.
My rating: 4.5/10

The Aviator (2004)
rating on imdb: 7.5 by 285k votes. Metascore: 77
Possibly Martin Scorsese's worst film. Its a fair mess of a movie that starts off somewhat promising and just gets worse every minute.
My rating: 3.5/10


The Sixth Sense (1999)
Everybody loves that twist. But really, when you watch the film again and you see that Shamalamadingdong is making up and then breaking his own rules all the time you realise the twist is the only point to the film. And this paved the way for all his other stupid twist films that reached peak nonsense in The Village. And when he tried to not do a twist he ended up making The Lady in the Water. This film is all to blame.

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Every Avengers/MCU Movie (2008-the end of fucking time)
Some of them aren’t even that bad. Iron Man was a great start. Guardians of the Galaxy had some charm. Dr Strange was visually stunning. Even Spiderman Homecoming had great energy and tone (thanks to Jon Watts). But every single one is the exact same: set up plot, run around, present weak “mini-boss” villain, finish with a terrible climax, tell audience “just wait til the next one when the REAL villain turns up”. They’re just overlong (and really overlong – none of them should be over 100mins) TV episodes with no sense of conclusion because they know we’re all hooked up, salivating, franchise zombies. Well, Marvel, you’ve just lost yourself a customer. Do you hear me? No… I said you’ve just lost… look, I’m over here… can you see me… I said you’ve lost a cust… oh forget it…


Ex Machina (2014)
Why?: Another allegedly feminist film, Alex Garland’s whole theme ends up coming off as “women shouldn’t be trusted”. A wildly inconsistent sci-fi film that doesn’t know what it wants to be, the biggest problem is that it depicts women as sex objects and nothing more. But of course, it’s from A24 so we can’t criticize it. Also, the film did not deserve to beat Mad Max for Best Visual Effects at the Oscars.
Better movies: 2001: A Space Odyssey (attempted style), Chappie (androids), Dredd (Alex Garland)

Gravity (2013)
Why?: I will never understand the love for Alfonso Cuaron. His movies are pure, overbudgeted nothingness and this one is no exception. The whole thing is Apollo 13, if Apollo 13 didn’t have sympathetic characters or excitement. The 3-D (which was post-converted) is nothing special and the 90 minute run time feels much longer due to Cuaron’s obsession with trying to pass ennui as plot. And yet, it made untold millions and launched a new sub-genre (the inspirational spaceman movie, which thankfully seems to have ended) in the process. Remind me to avoid the next Cuaron film.
Better movies: Apollo 13, For All Mankind, Solaris (both versions) (space)


The King’s Speech (2010)
Dull, dull, dull Oscar Bait. And it worked (when it came to winning Oscars.) But shame on us for giving in. Inception, The Social Network, The Fighter and many more were so much better.

Black Swan (2010)
I have no idea what happened in this movie. Who was real, who was not, what happened at the end. Bizarre and weird, and how it made $100 million I’ll never know.


The Revenant (2015)
I like style and a director that is a master at directing as much as the next cinephile, but boy is Iñarritu forgetting to put a bit of substance in his film. There is so much to admire in this film, and it could have been so immense, and yet, the film ultimately feels like an empty shell.

Paris Texas (1984)
There are several films of Wim Wenders I truly love and admire, but the one that is probably his most praised film is the one that leaves me cold. I never got into it, and found it dragging and boring.


Skyfall (2012)
Beautiful cinematography, but the story is silly while taking itself way too seriously.

There Will Be Blood
PTA is all style, no substance.


Wall-E (2008)

There Will Be Blood (2007)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

Ron: Yes, and Yes. Argo should not have won a single award. And The Aviator is dull and rambling and full of charicatures.

Boosch: You can bypass the mysogyny claim in t his film because the robots are all built by a misogynist, rather than inherently being evil. Still, there's something uncomfortable about it. Totally agree about Gravity, though, it's a 90m rollercoaster ride with no story and some pretty outrageous decisions (like that fucking dream sequence)

Walleye: Yes to The King's Speech, an average film that doesn't deserve the praise. I like Black Swan for the very things you mention - the blurring between fantasy and reality as a woman becomes psyhcologically undone. But it's flawed.

Chien: Every Inarritu film is over-rated. Paris Texas, however, is a lovely film. That speech by Harry Dean near the end is just sublime.

John: Yep on Skyfall. It looked pretty, but the story was all over the place. I like There Will Be Blood for its intensity but yes, it is over-rated and far from a masterpiece, especially the ridiculoulsy camp final scene.

Tranny: Wall E is a lovely film, can't understand the hate.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Walleye413 »

Dang some of my favorite films were in this group :) Well, maybe one of my favorites.

Never saw There will be Blood. The whole premise seemed wrong to me. And I can only handle Daniel Day Lewis in small doses. So, you know, almost never.

I've already chimed in on Ex Machina, and I'll chime in on a few others soon.

I thought Argo was pretty good. Ben as a lead doesn't blow me away, but I thought his skill set matched the character in this one. And the preposterousness of the story was only out done by the fact that it's based on a true story. (Yes I know they took liberties, but still.)

the MCU - yeah you yell into the wind all you want :) They are a little formulaic. But when they're good I think they're really good. I'd go First Avengers, Captain America 2, Thor 3, Ant-man, and the latest Spider-man as movies that were pretty darn good. And I like all those as examples because the stakes were different in each one. The "have to save the universe" worked well once, but after that, I feel like Mr. Incredible - Can't the earth take care of itself for a minute? I just cleaned up that mess.

Must be an unpopular opinion around here but I thought Gravity was amazing. One of my favorite movies of all time. From a visual standpoint, to Sandra Bullock's performance, to the slowly building tension in a short amount of time - I thought it was fantastic, easily my favorite of the year and possibly in my Top 10 of all time. Even with the George Clooney dream.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

#7 & 6

Theres some big movies here and for certain: some clashes of taste. Just don't go strangling that dude yet; we've still got top 5 to come!

Ron B

Changeling (2008)
imdb rating: 7.8 from 210k votes. Metascore: 63
Ugh. Meh. Zzzzzz. Nominated for 3 oscars, possibly because the academy likes Clint Eastwood?
My rating: 2.5/10

How to Train your Dragon (2010)
rating on imdb: 7.8 from 245k votes. Metascore: 76
I actually like animated features more than most adults, or at least the ones around me and perhaps dragons even more so. But starting with the painfully annoying voice of Jay Baruchel to the false danger of the forgettable foe, this movie just fails on almost all levels.
My rating: 3/10


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The Matrix Trilogy (1999-2003)
I’m throwing this in her almost exclusively for the decade or so of nerds marching through the streets in those leather trenchcoat things. But actually they’ve dated a lot, particularly bullet time. They took themselves very seriously, spouting nonsense philosophy, when they should have been having John-Wick-style fun.

Crash (2004)
I forgot about A Beautiful Mind which is a worse offender in some ways. But it’s baffling how this film managed to win the Oscar. It’s poorly made, dull, and boy is it preachy about its themes of race. Characters are totally unconvincing around the world. Did the academy just go on a coke binge and wake up the next morning wondering “oh man, what have we voted for”?


It Follows (2014)
Why?: A ghost story made by and for people who have no idea how ghost stories work. More time is spent on shots of people driving and out-of-place CRT TV’s showing public domain movies than actual scares while we are asked to believe that ghosts can be killed with handguns (did no one on this production see Ghostbusters?). In addition, the film’s themes of sexuality are either transparent or tacked on. In short, an overlong student film.
Better movies: Teeth, The Beast (horror and sexuality), Ghostbusters, Lady in White (ghosts)

Birdman (2014)
Why?: A confused movie that isn’t sure if it wants to be a film or an overly earnest play. The long take gimmick doesn’t work (seriously, every take goes out of focus after a few seconds as if Lubezski has no idea how auto focus works), the plot is a simple mental illness premise stretched to the limits due to the ignorance of the characters, and Inarritu thinks the film is more important than it really is. This beat Boyhood for Best Picture?
Better movies: Boyhood (2014 Best Picture nominees), Hamlet 2 (the stage), Batman (Keaton as a superhero)


Mad Max: Fury Road
A good chase movie. A visually entertaining chase movie. But it’s a chase movie. Where they go out and then turn around and head straight back. Not the gamechanger it was hyped up to be.

Breaking the Waves (1996)
Woman allows herself to be horribly abused in order to “save her man.” And God is telling her to do it? Yeah, no.


Sweeney Todd (2007)
Tim Burton has made some marvelous films. He’s also made some turds, and Sweeney Todd is the one I list here because the film won so many awards and nominations and I never understood why as I found it ridiculous in its tone, trying to be dark but being actually ridiculously light.

I expected so much of Lynch’s film, coming right after Mulholland Drive. But to me he seemed to parody himself with this obscure film that never got me riveted to the screen as I usually am with his cinema.


Star Trek (2009)
As a brain dead action movie set in outer space, it's fine. As a Star Trek movie it's an abomination. The sequels were even worse, but hardly anybody liked those, and the last one flopped, so hopefully we've seen the end of the JJVerse.

Prisoners (2013)
I hated this manipulative, exploitative film with such a white hot passion that I swore I'd never watch another Jaques Villenuve film, and not even the Blade Runner name has made me change my mind.


Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

The Royal Tennenbaums (2001)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

John, Jacques Villeneuve's a race car driver. Denis Villeneuve's the director.

And from what I recall, Beyond was liked much more than Into Darkness (which its hate seemed to less about the Khan reveal and more about Alice Eve, who was perfectly serviceable in an underwritten role, for some bizarre reason). The highlight of Into Darkness is still the footage that was shot on IMAX (and I still have my glow-in-the-dark poster from the first IMAX screening hung up on my wall).
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

Ron: Haven't seen either, though Shryke won't be happy with the second film

Boosch: It Follows is one of my favourite films. I'm sorry but I found it scary, scarier than any Blumhouse horror film, the entity wasn't really a ghost, it wasn't killed at all (did you not watch the ending), and the sexuality aspect is 100% integral to the story. I do, however, agree on Birdman which is pretentious.

Walleye: Two films I enjoy but can see the flaws. From what I remember about Breaking the Waves, it's not that God tells her to do it, it's that she's offered salvation by being innocent and dedicated.

Chien: Boo on INLAND. I've watched it 3 times now and it gets stronger on each viewing.

John: Never liked the Star Trek films - they worked better as being part of the TV series - so at least this felt like something cinematic. It's fun, but a million miles away from the appeal of the original shows. I like a lot of things about Prisoners but the 3rd act is poor.

Tranny: 2 of my favourite films. I love Anderson. Behind the quirky imagery lies real emotion.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

I saw the ending, Six. I was just too disappointed to give a crap (also, I could not buy those two as a couple).
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »


Sixth Sense - pretty much right, i wish i could deny it cause ive been putting off a 3rd viewing for ages.
Marvel post Iron Man- i tend to agree, but i think you're blasting the lot without considering that there are a few gems in there, like Iron Man...3 and uhh, that good Thor movie and maybe Spiderman? Even though i didnt finish it....ok maybe you're right
The Matrix 123- The first one is still good, the 2nd actually isnt bad, some awesome action, the 3rd one sucked, everyone knows it.
Crash - Yeah, i spose. Haven't seen it since it came out

Ex Machina - I actually liked this one so much, i had it in my top 100. I didnt see the gender issues tbh. But theres no way it should have won an oscar of mad max
Gravity - I remember walking out of the cinema talking so enthused about this, but looking back, it wasn't a great one, just ok.
It follows - I feel its only slightly over rated. I had massive expectations going in to this thanks to the heavy lifters: Chien, surfer and six.
Birdman- Ahh, i dont know, i have to watch it again to see how i feel about it.

Kings Speech - I actually caught the first 2/3 of this the other night on TV, i was slightly surprised to find i was enjoying it. Both Geoff Rush and Colin Firth give pretty good performances.
Black Swan - Hmm, why do i feel like people are avoiding bashing this? Looking back i find it ambitious and not un-entertaining.
Mad Max- no no no NOOOOO! You will lose fuel for your car in the middle of a highway for this!
Breaking the waves - haven't seen it, but have heard only good things til now.

The Revenant - I have to disagree, its rated about right
Paris Texas- been avoiding this for years, spose it wont hurt to throw a couple more years on it ;)
Sweeney todd- i couldnt finish this one, so yeah good choice
INLAND EMPIRE - ive tried to watch this a couple of time in the last 6 months, still only about 30 min in :(

Skyfall- it was the highest grossing bond movie, but yeah, not the greatest. I recently rewatched most of it, and theres quite a few dull spots
There will be blood- i really hope Daniel Day Lewis doesnt retire, cause he's gold
Star Trek - I thought you hated Star Wars? I thought this one was pretty good.
Prisoners - Nah, i think its solid, maybe not clever enough as it thinks it is, but still very entertaining. You should really give Sicario and Incendies from Denis Villenueve a chance there are great films- forget Blade Runner...

Wall E- Its official, you have no soul. And i thought we were alike.
There will be blood - Yeah, nah, this is a good one mate.
Moonrise - probably my fav Wes Anderson movie, great cast
Royal Tenanbaums- Can see how its over rated, but this is one that has grown on me with each subsequent viewing, seen it 3 times.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »


If you are a little girl or someone named six, please look away now...

Ron B

imdb rating: 7.5 from 468k votes. Metascore: 74
7.5!? How does this film get such a good rating from nearly half a million votes?! Im sorry but not even Josh Gad's Olaf is half as good/funny as he's supposed to be. The song is simply a catchy tune which upon hearing it the 2nd time becomes a grating mechansim for your (or is it just my?) brain. You want a classic disney story, see Aladdin or The Lion King instead, even Bambi.
My rating: 3.5/10


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Every Chris Nolan Film Since The Dark Knight (2010-17)
Every single time I walk into that cinema hoping, if not expecting, Nolan to deliver something on par with The Dark Knight or The Prestige. Even walking out I convince myself it was pretty good, until the sobering daylight reminds me of the horribly convoluted dialogue (Inception), the bloated narrative (TDKR), the laughable conclusion (Interstellar), and the terrible characterisation (Dunkirk). And the same old BOOM of Zimmer’s lazy scores.


La La Land (2016)
Why?: A movie that only got its love (and its untold millions at the box office) due to the stars and director. The film solely exists for two reasons: Internet fandoms and to win Oscars. So why does it get singled out as being great while other Oscar bait pieces get their bluffs seen through? All I see is as is Shakespeare in Love with swing music instead of Ralph Fiennes’ brother scoring with the creator of GOOP. Also, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone as a real life couple will never happen so stop trying to force it.
Better movies: Moonlight (2016 Best Picture nominees), New York, New York (throwback musicals)


Rosemary’s Baby
Child rapist makes a movie about a young wife being drugged/raped who then gives birth to Satan’s child. Oscars are bestowed.


Precious (2009)
Here’s another film I cannot understand how it got around to win so many praises, Oscar noms and all. I have a problem with films that do not understand the word “subtlety” and play it all like the audience is a little kid that needs to be taught the harshness of life and cry. There is not a gram of subtlety in Precious.


Scarface (1983)
A moderate hit upon release, it was largely forgotten until it became iconic thanks to rappers who didn't realize Tony Montana was never meant to be emulated.


Mullholland Drive (2001)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

Ron: Haven't seen, but wouldn't be surprised if I agreed.

Boosch: Totally agree. It's actually an insult to Shakespeare in Love to compare the two.

Walleye: Riigghht. If you're going to take that kind of moral line you're pretty much going to have to hate every musician and most film-makers and actors. Besides, this was made almost a decade before the incident occurred, and it's not like it's condoning what happened to the character.

Chien: Agreed. It's a grotesque movie.

John: Considering its popularity, I have to agree here.

Tranny: Bah.

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