Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

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Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

The book that introduced S&M to boring housewives nationwide finally comes to theaters. But will people feel comfortable watching it with a crowd of strangers? Or is a movie that would kill with a simultaneous VOD release?
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Re: Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by Chienfantome »

I have a hard time believing this is gonna be the huge success it's supposed to be. I was gonna say it looks so dull, but the written material it's based on probably isn't much better and it didn't prevent it from becoming this "phenomenon". I don't know.
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Re: Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by silversurfer19 »

To be honest I was expecting an entire trailer full of bondage and s&m, but for the most part it was a perfectly dull romantic drama that is gobbled up by audiences every year. Is it going to be R rated? If there is a lot of sex in it, I find it hard to see the film finding an audience. Girls would not watch that kind of movie with girl friends surely? But then I generally assume girls don't go to the movies on their own. So how will the film make money?

If it follows the trailer for the most part and isn't R rated I could see it possibly becoming a date night movie, guys may go along with their girlfriends for a little titilation maybe. But otherwise I just don't know. Really is the biggest conundrum of the next year, I think, game wise.

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Re: Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by numbersix »

Guys are going to bring their girlfriends to this to get them all worked up for after the movie, if you know what I mean.

And I imagine groups of girls will also go to see it.

I had heard that they were going for a PG-13 rating and focus more on the relationship than the S&M, a move that could alienate fans. It's a tricky one.

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Re: Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by JohnErle »

This actually looks more explicit and erotic than I was expecting. I figured it would be more like a daytime soap opera with lots of soft focus and fade outs any time things get steamy. I still don't know what to expect form it, box office wise.

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Re: Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by Wrestler »

when I saw the trailer my first thought was that the production value of it looks much higher than I was expecting. I guess the money they saved not casting known actors was actually put back into the film. And this is exactly the type of movie that will bring in the girls night out crowd. Sex and the City and Magic Mike both instantly come to mind. Doubt that a bunch of people will be bringing their parents to the movie but other than that watching it in crowds wont be an issue. I'm not sure what happened to the idea but when they first announced the movie was being made the big idea being thrown around was that a pg-13, R, and Nc-17 version would all be made. The pg-13 and R versions would be released in theaters at the same time allowing people of (almost) all ages to see it, with the Nc-17 version being available for home viewing at a latter date.

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Re: Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by BrocksterDuex »

I am confident this movie will be a success, at least 80-100M, which I would consider a success. You guys have to remember we are not the target audience for this film. This is mommy-porn...and there were a shit-load of mommy's that read this book. You guys may not want to see this film, but there are a lot of women who will want to see it, and many of them will probably drag their husbands to it (I'll probably fall in that group). I will gladly go, b/c it means we may not even make it out of the parking lot before "it's on." :twisted:

Edit: I live in the Detroit area, the #1 most popular story in the Detroit Freepress is "Fifty Shades of Grey backlash: Anti-porn group decries film's 'violent' message." I just spoke to my wife, apparently it was all anyone was talking about on Facebook yesterday (especially the moms). I don't have facebook, so I'm not sure what that means entirely....bottom line, if there's already this much buzz 7 months out, both positive and negative (and this negative is kind of a positive for the people who will want to see the movie anyway), I would think this is going to be pretty big. I up my prediction to 120M :)
Last edited by BrocksterDuex on July 25th, 2014, 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by transformers2 »

The social media explosion this trailer caused yesterday has erased any sense of doubt that I had about its box office prospects. The Valentine's Day weekend release date is genius and should make its grosses ever higher than expected. I honestly think $150 mil could be in the cards for this.
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Re: Trailer: Fifty Shades of Grey

Post by BrocksterDuex »

It isn't a bad trailer either...the song they remixed and chose is perfect too.

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