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Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: August 19th, 2023, 10:08 pm
by Screen203
I'm not sure I've ever seen people walk out of a movie due to its content. It seems more common for people to bring young kids to R-rated movies (someone brought a baby to Talk To Me a few weeks ago, which I think there is a policy against) than to actual kids movies where I live.

I have walked out of a few movies though, two because they were awful (R.I.P.D and Vox Lux), and a few others because I got sick at the theater due to shaky camerawork/bad 3D/sound being way too loud.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: August 20th, 2023, 4:21 am
by numbersix
I'm sure I've said this before...

Most walkouts of any film I've ever seen is The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. The trailers made it look like a gun-totin Western. Worst marketing in recent history.

After that it was probably either INLAND EMPIRE or Irreversible.

I saw Sicario in Cannes and a few people left during the "revenge" scene.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: August 20th, 2023, 8:06 am
by JohnErle
I'm sure I've said this before too, but the most I've ever seen were for David Cronenberg's Crash. Some folks walked out during the weird car sex stuff, but an equal amount walked out when there was an intimate scene between two men, James Spader and Elias Koteas, I think.

Second most was during the Talented Mr. Ripley when Matt Damon asked Jude Law is he could climb into the bath with him. That was too much overt homoeroticism for many people in the audience, who made hasty exits.

It was a different time.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: August 26th, 2023, 3:29 pm
by Buscemi2
Wet Hot American Summer doesn't hold up. Outside of the subplot with David Hyde Pierce and the indoor kids (which should have been the main plot), it's nothing more than a series of sketches featuring people who think they are way funnier than they actually are. Also, a lot of jokes would not fly today.

Someone should remake this movie but make it about an astrophysicist, a camp director, a kid who loves D&D, a girl obsessed with The Cure, and the misfits they've become friends with over a single day saving the world. It could be the new Goonies.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: October 11th, 2023, 8:16 pm
by Buscemi2
Has anyone at a movie ever given you crap about your appearance? Today, I went to a showing of the original Ocean's 11 at the restored downtown theatre that shows old movies twice a month. Everyone went fine until the movie ended and everyone was leaving. As the auditorium had a bunch of people inside (at least 400-500), I had to wait to get out and as I walking up the aisle to the exit, this old guy stopped me and commented on my hair, telling me there was a "no long hairs" sign outside. First of all, his attempt at humor was terrible. Second, I have no idea why he decided to talk to me. I wanted to tell him to fuck off but I just wanted to get out of there and ignored him.

Ironically, the guy also had long hair.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: October 11th, 2023, 8:34 pm
by transformers2
Nope. I honestly can't even recall the last time somebody in a theater said anything to me other than "Is this (insert movie title"?) or "excuse me", "pardon me" or "sorry" when they were making their way to their seats. Although that guy probably only initiated that interaction solely to showcase his tremendous comic prowess in a public setting, commenting on anyone's appearance to their face is fucking absurd and completely out of line.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: October 11th, 2023, 8:38 pm
by Buscemi2
Old people just seem to be the worst behaved moviegoers in general. It's as if they believe the rules don't apply to them.

It's funny how we always hear about teenagers using TikTok during a movie but that doesn't seem to happen all that often compared to senior citizens' phones going off or talking about random things. Case in point, I went to see The Royal Hotel on Monday and some guy behind me kept talking to someone named Barb after every trailer. Barb might have been his wife but it was annoying.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: October 11th, 2023, 8:57 pm
by transformers2
Yeah, I have to agree with that and that applies to nearly every public setting. There's a painful irony to the people who do the most lecturing about nobody having any manners or respect anymore being the rudest people in the room most of the time.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: February 24th, 2024, 1:36 am
by Screen203
I saw the IMAX re-release of Tenet last night. I'm not always the hugest Nolan fan, but I've always felt Tenet was underrated (if flawed), and seeing it in IMAX was a great experience. In particular, the opening scene and every scene in Oslo/the car chase are great in IMAX. That being said, the notorious audio mix isn't that much better in IMAX (pretty much everything Aaron-Taylor Johnson's character says in the lead-up to the climax is essentially inaudible). Still, if you are a fan (and the IMAX re-release is playing near you), I would recommend seeing it.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: February 24th, 2024, 4:39 am
by numbersix
My theory about older people is that they're so used to watching TV at home and talking through it that they fail to realise they're in a cinema full of other people. This happened to me last year as a couple decided to comment on everything. The great thing about the UK is everyone is so posh and polite so an aggressive shush is all that's needed to shut them up.

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: February 25th, 2024, 9:34 am
by Chienfantome
numbersix wrote:
February 24th, 2024, 4:39 am
The great thing about the UK is everyone is so posh and polite so an aggressive shush is all that's needed to shut them up.
I wish the French were the same :lol:

Re: What Are You Watching Right Now? Episode 3 - Turtles in Time

Posted: March 7th, 2024, 4:56 pm
by Buscemi2
Attention to everyone who still is here.

Freddy Got Fingered is now on The Criterion Channel.