What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

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What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by W »

Into the Wild (86/100): He had a great story of how he wanted to get away from society and live his dream, but what I got wrapped into most was how he affected everyone else in the film from his sister to the old man.
Tenet: Criterion Edition. Now with more Backwards Man.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by undeadmonkey »

i love that movie, definitely one of my favorites of 2007

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by NSpan »

Paranormal Activity

this movie was friggin INTENSE... one of the most nail-biting movies i've seen... acting was subpar, and the characters themselves were hard to sympathize with (but that doesn't detract too much from this particular genre).. it was the long, quiet parts that were most effective.. the things that this movie did right, were done brilliantly..

however, you can't tease your audience with build-up, build-up, build-up without providing an adequately satisfying conclusion (or climax)... unfortunately, i thought it was a great movie hampered by nothing more than an uninspired finale..

if they could take the intensity of Paranomral Activity with the payoff of [REC}, i think we'd have a bona fide horror CLASSIC on our hands
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by Geezer »

So basically it was The Blair Witch Project, thanks Spannaus for confirming what I already knew.
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by frendo »

First off, yes Geez, I did think PA was basically Blair Witch in a house...

Good Dick - 8.5/10

Got this indie film randomly from a redbox. Was very different, but strangely compelling. It's about a guy who works at an adult video store. This girl comes in every night to rent 70's erotica, then she just goes back home, living like a recluse. He starts to try to get to know her and it goes from there. Definitely worth seeing, though mainly to fans of independent film.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by frendo »

An American Crime - 9.5/10

The only reason I took off .5 is because, from what I read, they actually should have been a bit more graphic in showing the brutality of what really occurred in 1965. Although, it was pretty hard to take as it was. Basically, this story of a girl tortured to death by her mother-of-seven-babysitter and her KIDS. It's a true story. The bitch-cunt who did this was released from prison in 1985 after serving 20 years, and died five years later. Ellen Page is great as the child tortured, and Catherine Keener is too as the mother. This really should be a must see just so everyone knows how inhuman things can become (seriously, I had another movie to watch afterwards and now I got to take like a 2 hour break first because a) I need to settle my nerves and let things digest and b) no other movie will come close to this emotional impact).

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by frendo »

Watched the last movie I had for last night...

The Assassination of a High School President - 9/10

I remember this from the game, but I believe it was dropped before release due to it's distro company going under. Too bad, cause it really is good and enjoyable. Kind of like Brick, but with more normal, everyday language. Highly entertaining, and very intelligent. Heard a quote from somewhere saying it was more Heathers than Sixteen Candles, which is probably true. Def worth checking out.

Wow, felt kinda shitty yesterday so watched three movies, and all were an 8.5 or above. Amazing.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by W »

Mississippi Burning (76/100): Paints a pretty good picture of the Jim Crow South from what I understand. I liked the clashing between the partners working the case. And, R. Lee Ermey and Jigsaw are in it. The middle just seemed long and drawn out and could have easily been condensed. It was pretty much something happens, Mississippi burns, no one talks... a bunch of times. Pretty good film, but I don't know if it deserved 7 Oscar nominations, but then again I'm not an expert on 1988 films.
Tenet: Criterion Edition. Now with more Backwards Man.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by W »

When Albert Einstein learned that a bomb that he had a hand in building was dropped on Hiroshima, all he could do for hours was mutter the words, "horrible... horrible..." When I say that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was horrible, well.... It wasn't quite a-bomb horrible, but it was still a shade of horrible. From the horrible caricatures of African Americans in robot form to the horrible "why won't you say 'I love you?'" love story to the horrible supporting cast to the horrible story line... and it goes on and on.

If there was a saving grace in this film--there isn't--it would be the special effects, which were flawless most of the time. Though I could point out some defects, it would really be nitpicking considering the other aspects of atrocity. Shia was decent. For some reason I like him in most of the stuff he does, though he really doesn't do much. Considering what he had to work with, I think John Turturro did a pretty good job as usual.

All in all, not the worst film of the year, but quite possibly the worst film to ever eclipse $300 million at the box office. Yes, worse than Spider-Man 3. I'm glad I didn't catch it in theaters, though I would rather see it again than the worst film I've see this year, Year One. Not exactly a ringing endorsement 3.2/10 (very, very, very bad)
Tenet: Criterion Edition. Now with more Backwards Man.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by Leestu »

Transformers:ROTF has had some of the greatest reviews this year, and by greatest I mean the most entertaining in describing HOW bad the movie is. Thanks for another one W. :)

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by frendo »

I agree on all accounts, W. Even about Year One being the worst. Great review.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

If I wasn't with my friends, I would've walked out and demanded a refunded after we saw a Transformers dangling balls. Breaking point for me.
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by becs »

The Jacket - 7/10
I kept running across this on Netflix so I decided to throw it in my queue by merit of its cast alone and really wasn't disappointed, I just wish I would have had the time to really sit and focus on the story. Basically its like a upscale version of Butterfly Effect in which Adrien Brody, miraculous survivor of a gunshot wound to the head during the gulf war is sent to a mental institution where he is subjected to experimental treatment involving an unusual straight jacket and a morgue body drawer.
During this treatment he becomes able to travel both forward and backward in time, learns that he is going to die and begins a scramble to find out how to stop it. Unlike Butterfly Effect however, the focus is on using information from other times in his life so that he can change the present to effect his (and others) futures. Meanwhile he rescues a woman and her little girl in one time, then in a Time Traveller's Wife-ish turn they fall in love as he seems to keep coming back to her in the future when she's an adult, the very hot and downtrodden Kiera Knightly.
Props to Daniel Craig, who is unrecognizable as a sort of dweeby redneck mental patient. I literally had to look up the cast list to figure out who that familiar face was.
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by BarcaRulz »

Julie and Julia: 7.5/10.

First of all, both actresses deserve high praise for their performances, they made this movie much more enjoyable. ST also deserves praise, he was great as always. The star of the show though is the food, I could feel my stomach pretty much telling me to go fuck myself because all I had pumped into it for the last year was fast food.

The movie itself had great directing, great acting, and its plot centered on a very famous, yet eccentric, food mogul. It also had some very nice comedic moments thrown in there as well.

My main concern though is that the film tended to drag on for short periods of time throughout the duration, and this visibly put some people in the crowd off. Still, a good one to watch if you have some time and are feeling the need to see some spectacular looking food.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E01

Post by W »

I've been watching a lot of films on YouTube because there's a channel where someone has gone through YouTube and found a ton of films users have posted and put them in playlists. The Jacket was just added in the last update, that combined with the review comparing it The Butterfly Effect, Craig as a redneck, and Adrien Brody as the lead make it a can't-miss for me. I'll be seeing it soon if they don't take it down. If they do, I'll get to it eventually.
Tenet: Criterion Edition. Now with more Backwards Man.
