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Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 17th, 2020, 3:40 pm
by Chienfantome
The French people way of dealing with the orders of confinement have sparked tension, because contrary to the Italian who have been very disciplined in staying at home, a lot of French were still living like nothing happened on sunday, taking the sun in the park between friends, stuff like that, gathering together to drink and eat. Some of my countrymen and women had a very hard time to understand the danger of spreading the virus saying "we're young, we won't catch it, we don't care".
The whole situation seems out of a film or like we're about to be in a nuclear war or something, but some have said "Our grand-parents were asked to go to war, we're just asked to stay put and sit on our couch", and in the end, it's just that for most of us. Stay home. Work if you can. Chill, read, watch TV, and gather with your friends through Skype.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 17th, 2020, 3:45 pm
by JohnErle
Shrykespeare wrote:
March 17th, 2020, 3:35 pm
At least we have Anais Mitchell, Neko Case, and Explosions From the Sky to fall back on
I'd rather fall forward onto Neko Case.

Okay, I'm done being creepy for now.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 17th, 2020, 4:21 pm
by numbersix
You were one comment away from saying that you'd like to chop up Neko and hide her in your Case.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 17th, 2020, 4:56 pm
by JohnErle
I'm dirty creepy not psycho creepy, so Neko Case has nothing to fear from me. The fact that your mind went there is concerning, though. I hope Nick Cave locks his doors at night.

(This playful banter proves that life goes on as normal despite the coronavirus. Take that, germs!)

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 17th, 2020, 5:06 pm
by Buscemi2
That is one good thing about being forced to stay home. We can just talk and set aside our differences.

In other news, I was told earlier that Amazon has shut down their shipping centers. At least Prime Video is still up.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 17th, 2020, 5:39 pm
by JohnErle
On a more serious note, I don't like the sound of those restrictions in France at all. What if you're too poor to afford reliable internet access at home? What if you're a recent immigrant who can't read the instructions properly or someone without the technical skills to download a pdf? It seems like a great way for a government to crack down on people they see as undesirable. I don't know much about Macron, but if someone like Trump instituted this I wouldn't trust him to remove the restrictions once the crisis is over.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 17th, 2020, 6:45 pm
by numbersix
JohnErle wrote:
March 17th, 2020, 4:56 pm
I'm dirty creepy not psycho creepy, so Neko Case has nothing to fear from me. The fact that your mind went there is concerning, though. I hope Nick Cave locks his doors at night.
I've tried to lure Nick into my Cave, but alas he got spooked.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 17th, 2020, 10:52 pm
by Ron Burgundy
Things over here are more or less like normal, apart from the supermarkets which get emptier every day. There lots of rumors going around that they will shut things down and I kind of hope they do, I've got 2 ps4 games from Christmas that I still haven't opened!

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 12:23 am
by Leestu
Ron Burgundy wrote:
March 17th, 2020, 10:52 pm
Things over here are more or less like normal, apart from the supermarkets which get emptier every day. There lots of rumors going around that they will shut things down and I kind of hope they do, I've got 2 ps4 games from Christmas that I still haven't opened!
I disagree...things are far from normal here. Every music gig has been cancelled. I was meant to go to Pixies last night, and I had Pond and Children Collide double bill coming up soon. All local conmunity sports cancelled....there goes my weekend plans for the next couple of months...and it looks like I'll be working from home as of next week. Bonus there is I'll get to listen to an extra eight albums a day on average instead of eight hours of radio. Also dinner is often now decided by whatever is still left on the shelves. This selfish panic buying hoarding is seriously pissing me off. I expect cinemas & pubs may close soon in which case my son will temporarily have no job and zero income. Although the number is still relatively small we have doubled the number of confirmed cases in this state in the last three days, and it's only going to get worse.
How's everyone else personally affected?

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 1:17 am
by Walleye413
I'm in Washington state and it's getting pretty real here. I'm a pastor so the church has essentially closed along with nearly every other business. Normally in something like this my go-to is to try and help. Figure out some way of doing good in and for the community. But all of us feel like there's nothing we can do but keep distance and wait to hear about the next person you know who's infected. If we had actual testing going on here the numbers would sky rocket we're sure of it. We're going to have seven of us living in the house for awhile. Hoping my wife and I keep getting paid to cover everything (which is likely, we're not too worried.) But each day brings something we never could have imagined before. Stay safe everyone.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 4:33 am
by numbersix
So cinemas here have decided to close, even though they technically don't have to. Besides my 2-screen crowdfunded cinema 5 mins down the road which is still hanging on, probably because they'll go bust if they close.

If any of you guys are on zero hour contracts, or whose wages depend on customers, I hope y'all make it out of this okay. A lot of jobs are going to be lost on the back of this.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 10:09 am
by W
I feel like an asshole for saying it, but much of my regular day is either the same or slightly better than it was pre-virus. I run an indoor self storage place pretty much by myself. We're more expensive than most other places and have a more well off customers in general so our income is pretty normalized and I don't see that changing any time soon. We're still open so I come into work and see 1-3 customers a day max (many days zero in person), especially now. Roads are much less congested. I can get up an hour to an hour and a half later because the kid has school closed, but is old enough she can take care of herself for the day. I still get paid. Gas is lower. I have enough groceries to last until people stop going crazy (hopefully).

The only thing that is completely fucked for me is my entertainment options. I usually hit 2-3 movies in the theater every week. I watch a ton of sports, which has been killed off. Restaurants are open for carry out, but I really don't want to do that. Also, the little bit of cash I have in investments is down a lot, but I don't have enough in it that I need to panic.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 12:37 pm
by JohnErle
I'm the first aid attendant at a community college, so the past few weeks have been more chaotic than usual because the people above me have been scrambling to figure out the best way to respond to the situation, and it's been changing on a day-to-day basis. They finally cancelled all in-person classes yesterday so things should be relatively quiet for a while. I'm only a contractor but I'm considered an essential service, so I'll continue to get paid, but I can't work from home. My company has told the school that we won't be dealing with anyone who reports flu-like symptoms unless we're provided with the proper masks, but that hasn't happened yet.

I'm also in charge of security, so that's a concern right now, because half-empty office buildings are a golden opportunity for thieves. My advice to anyone working from home is to make sure you didn't leave anything valuable in your office. That's a good idea at the best of times, but especially now.

My personal life hasn't been affected much because I'm a homebody at the best of times, but the school cafeteria where I usually get 75% of my food is now closed, so I'll be relying on takeout and corner stores even more than usual. I've got lots of places within walking distance so I won't starve, but I'm already eating more beef jerky and potato chips than any man should.

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 2:06 pm
by Brockster
but I'm already eating more beef jerky and potato chips than any man should
I've always assumed there wasn't a limit

Re: Coronavirus Megathread

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 2:08 pm
by numbersix
As much as I love jerky, it's seen as speciality over here. A tiny packet costs around £3.50. That's over $4.50 in the US and almost $6 in Canada!