What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03E02

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by silversurfer19 »

Last night we watched Darkman (7/10). This had been laying on my 'to see' list for years, and good to see Raimi didn't disappoint. Obviously a pre-cursor for the style he would later employ with the Spider-Man series, Darkman is a zippy, visually explosive ride with a captivating performance from Neeson as a scientist brutally scarred by the local mob and forced to live in the shadows as he plans his revenge. Filled with the usual Raimi creative direction, the movie was stylish and entertaining, with plenty of humour balanced out with a character you feel deep empathy for despite his deep seeded desire for revenge rearing it's ugly head. At times it veers into camp, but Raimi's ability to turn this into a sort of pulp comic with some witty narrative saves it from becoming too silly. It would have benefited from a little more exploration of the damaging effects the disfigurement had on Neeson's mind, and some of the villains are a little too cardboard, but as a pure thrill ride this was a lot of fun.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by Chienfantome »

See, you should watch more foreign films, tranny ! ;)
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:
silversurfer19 wrote:
Maybe that's just my interpretation then, but it certainly seemed plausible.

And six, yes, I know it is seriously flawed in many regards, and as I and Nspan have already mentioned, I think the plot holes can be forgiven, at least in my case, because the complex narrative would naturally give rise to such issues. I would rather risks be taken and flaws result than just trudging along with the same old stories.I think most recognize it's not perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than I was expecting, and kept me engaged throughout.
I think you should replace complex with convoluted. I didn't find it complex at all. It's either A or B, and it's pretty obvious it's B. I hardly find it a risk when it's not doing anything particularly interesting. Being able to overcome the gaping plot holes (indeed, the entire movie is one giant plot hole!) can only happen if you allow style to completely replace substance. Hell, even on a stylistic level it's not particularly good, it's just dark. Honestly, if it wasn't Fincher I'd say it wouldn't be getting the love it is today.
Actually, I'd probably like it more if it wasn't Fincher. The fact that I know what he's capable of makes me hold his movies to a higher standard. When I saw it for the first time (which, obviously, was the viewing that had the most impact on me), I had no idea who he was.

Compare it to a movie like Memento. In my opinion, Memento completely falls apart upon analysis and follow-up viewings. It literally has nothing going for it once you get past the gimmick (...again, my personal opinion). On the other hand, The Game is still enjoyable to watch even when you've already experienced the twists and turns--and yes confronted the ridiculous suspension-of-disbelief that the movie requires from the viewer.

Enjoy it the way you would an old Twilight Zone episode.

All that said, The Game directly led me to watch many other movies in the "con" genre. Nearly across the board, I strongly disliked them. House of Games was a let down. I despised The Spanish Prisoner. Criminal was mediocre (though, according to my Netflix ratings, I enjoyed Nine Queens... I forget what set the two apart). And Deadfall was the one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Note: Everybody should watch Deadfall. It is one of the best bad movies ever.

If I had seen literally any of those before The Game, I'd probably have a lower opinion of Fincher's film. The fact that the genre itself was novel in my mind when I saw it makes a huge difference.
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by transformers2 »

Arthur 7.5/10
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this. I am a big fan of Russell Brand and he really is the heart and soul of this film. The last 30 minutes or so are pretty corny, but besides that it's a funny, light-hearted film that was a lot better than it was made it out to be.
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Good comments all round, (am i commentating on comments?)

Firstly yes, tranny you should watch more foriegn movies, start with handful of good Aussie movies (theres only a handful of good ones anyway). ;) I think ill have to check out 13 Assassins

SS, I watched Darkman earlier this year, and i pretty much mirror your thoughts. Especially the part about Neeson needed a bit more story about his mind and stuff, and why and how blah blah blah blah.

The Game is a movie ive seen a couple of times and i loved it, but i havent seen it for a long time now, ill have to rewatch it soon

Nine Queens is still on my must see list

I hate Russell Brand, but do i want to watch Arthur? Maybe the original first me thinks

Mememto is a great movie, and i have seen it many times, tell me a movie thats similar to it.

And lastly

the movie i was watching with the line: ill fuck you then ill eat you is
drum roll please.............
Hard Target with Jean Claude Van Damme, but the line is said by the great character actor Lance Henrikson
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by NSpan »

Ron Burgundy wrote:Mememto is a great movie, and i have seen it many times, tell me a movie thats similar to it.
The obvious answer is Following. In my opinion, a great film. Though, as I discussed with the entire "con" genre, it requests a supreme suspension-of-disbelief from its viewers. Not everybody is always willing to give that commitment.

On the other hand, I think Memento relies on a cheap gimmick--whereas Following simply asks for you to watch the entire film and enjoy putting it all together as the credits roll (or, in some cases, over a slice of cheesecake and a cup of coffee after the film).
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by silversurfer19 »

All this recent talk about how Sarah Jessica Parker's new movie looks like Sex and The City 3 has just drilled into my brain with just how BAD Sex And The City 2 (1/10) was.

I watched it the other night, primarily because Helena wanted to watch it, but also because I will admit for the first couple of series the TV series was ok. It was at times clever, insightful and entertaining. Non of those words could, unfortunately, be applied to describe the second installment on the big screen. Devoid of any real substance, the film instead just plays out like an advertisement for wealth and luxury, with the most vapid destination on the planet, UAE, used as a backdrop. And to make matters worse, it was stretched out for what felt like 8 hours though even at 2 1/2 was well beyond tiresome.

In fact, I'd quickly realised within a matter of minutes that this was not what I'd hoped to expect, quickly deposing of two characters in the most forced and awkward manner before subjecting me to the embarrassment that was a Liza Minelli performance of a Beyonce song. In between amping up the camp factor to the max and more professions of wealth, the story is coerced with a shoehorn to the middle east before trying to develop the story of how these women are struggling with the pressures of being modern women while still trying to shove female empowerment down your throat.

The whole movie feels forced, staged and led by an agenda. It's not entertaining in the slightest, and going by my old adage of once a movie has started I will by my damn finish it, Helena and I both groaned our way through the convoluted and bloated propoganda that passed itself off as a movie. Truly the spark of the series is lost, and all we are left with is a hollow, if rather expensive, shell.
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

Sex & The City 2 - I wouldn't wish that on anyone...
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by Donte77 »

Wow, SS, that was one of the harshest reviews I have ever read and I will take your word for it because I would have to be tied down and Clockwork Orange forced to watch that shite. It is how I felt watching Charlie's Angels, Twilight, The Room and one episode of True Blood. The absolute certainty that you are possibly watching the worst thing ever filmed. LOL Bravo for toughing it out.
[And how the shit have you been? missed ya man!]

Just watched 13 Assassins. It was ok, but sadly I only gave it half attention, listening to the horrendously rendered dubbed dialogue (side note, isn't there one superior actor amongst the guys that to dubbings?) because I was writing but it was still not terrible, just not great. 2.5 Stars.

Julie and Julia was really quite good for what it was. Not that I would buy the book because the writer of it wasn't really very good, but I did get some old Julia Child's cooking shows. LOL I can make some of that stuff.

The Fighter was pretty good. The actors did a great job and I loved the story. Plus boxing movies always have a soft spot with me. I luv them. 3.5 Stars.

Battle Los Angeles
: Holy cow I loved it. Eckhart is simply an amazing actor and the rest of the cast did their part. The story was, if not original, at least told from an original perspective. 3.25 Stars.

Jennifer's Body: Only Diablo Cody could take two of my top ten 20 hottest women in hollywood and then make a movie so annoying that it almost made me not like a lesbian kissing scene between them. Almost. Somebody tell her to stop writing, please. 2.0 Stars.
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by silversurfer19 »

If you're around in the next couple of weeks you'll see the beginning of our 25 Worst Movie Countdown, within which I'm sure you'll find many similarly scathing reviews for m me and probably numerous others. Be awesome if you could join in.

Anyway, great to see you back, I read your posts on Facebook from time to time, and funnily enough I was thinking the other day of the characters we've lost over the last couple of years; yourself, Nico, Ash, anny, becs, lily, Alyson etc. We recently got Mr. I back and to see you on here is awesome. We certainly miss your sarcastic and witty remarks. Good to see life is treating you well despite your continued charge towards your middle age and the inevitable dementia (ask Shryke, he knows all about this...), Helena and I are still going strong ( I think I've basically worn her down with my ramblings to the point where she just accepts me - still trying to coerce her to allow us to go to Comic-Con in San Diego, but that may be one geek-fest too far for her...). Will be heading to DisneyWorld in a couple of months again though, so that should be fun.

Anyway, back on topic, really want to see 13 Assasins, love Miike's movies, but dubbing is pretty much one of the biggest crimes to cinema. Totally ruins any viewing experience. And I was also pleasantly surprised by Julie and Julia, mostly due to a fun script and great performances.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by Buscemi »

A while back, I DVR'd a showing of The Class from Starz. Only when I started it did I realize that Starz aired the dubbed version instead of the subtitled version (it was also cropped but that's another story). And for some reason, the dubbing people saw fit to give the main character one of the most camp gay voices ever.

A few days later, I watched The Secret of the Grain (its rival movie in the race to be France's Academy Award entry) and found it to be a much better movie. And it was in the original French audio and aspect ratio.
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by silversurfer19 »

Last night we finally finished off The Last Tycoon (4/10). In hindsight this was probably not the appropriate movie to further expand my knowledge of Kazan's infamously strong body of work. While I was very impressed by the likes of East Of Eden and A Streetcar Named Desire, I surprisingly found myself drifting through the movie, unable to really grasp any attachment with the characters involved in the dramatization of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel surrounding a movie producer's spiraling decline due to the intense demands he puts upon himself. Maybe it was intentional for his characters to be so distant, so detached, but it effectively left the movie cold and un-involving. De Niro obviously does his best, and is by far the standout in a sea of acclaimed talents including Robert Mitchum and Jack Nicholson, but with such methodical direction which left the script stiff and awkward, it was never really a movie I could fully immerse myself in, which ultimately ensured it took three attempts to even finish the 2 hour movie. That's not to suggest the film is awful, as there are many ideas which are clever and it is beautifully shot, but unfortunately the film just wasn't that interesting and eventually you just don't care.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by frendo »

I liked Jennifer's Body more than Battle LA. I do agree on Julie and Julia though.

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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by W »

Gulliver's Travels (3/10) - I kinda thought that the only mildly entertaining parts would be him pretending movies were his life and I was right. I watched because I'll give anything with Jason Segel a chance.
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Re: What are you watching RIGHT NOW.... or close to now. S03

Post by silversurfer19 »

Watched a couple of movies today. First up was Paper Moon (8/10), a gloriously shot road movie set in the 1930s, bristling with the dusty emptiness of the Depression as a con man pairs up with a recently orphaned young girl (who may or may not be his daughter) and head out on the road together. Bogdanovich recently impressed me with Targets, and once again here he proved his uncanny ability to bring the best out of his actors, with the father/daughter team of Ryan and Tatum O'Neal providing a real warmth and charm to their relationship as each of their characters look to fill the hole left in their lives. And while Ryan O'Neal is perfect as the con man, always looking for the next opportunity to make it rich and enjoy a taste of the ladies, it is Tatum who steals the movie with a flawlessly delightful performance as a young girl, not averse to being manipulative herself, who seeks a role model and somebody to care for her. It's a stunning performance and well worth her Academy Award, and teamed together with her father Paper Moon becomes a highly enjoyable and fun caper, an edge of the seat road movie and a truly entertaining film shot in some of the most stark imagery.

Also watched The Last Station (6/10), a rather mundane depiction of the last year of Tolstoy's life which is elevated from being drab and dull by truly captivating performances from both Christopher Plummer and Helen Mirren. It's a shame the overly serious tone to the movie which tries to divulge the bitter dispute between Tolstoy's followers and his wife regarding the settlement of Tolstoy's Will kept disrupting what was a rather charming and beautiful portrayal of Tolstoy's relationship with his wife, as when the two actors are together it makes for truly wonderful cinema with such magical performances from both actors. And while at times it is remarkably moving (particularly the finale), all too often the story is a little too drab and uninspiring in it's methodical attempts to move us emotionally as we see how Tolstoy has to choose between love and duty, that it quickly saps any interest you have stirred up in the film. It just sort of trudges along as you wait for another scene involving the two. But when they do interact is a brilliant to watch, as both actors convey the love which had kept them together for over 40 years despite the bitter conflicts going on. And for that reason alone the movie is worth watching, as both actors provide scorching performances, with Mirren in particular able to sweep quickly from charming to maniacal in a heartbeat, and it's wonderful to watch. Just a shame the script couldn't match the talent of either actors nor the writer it was trying to portray.
