Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

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Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by numbersix »

Seeing as today Shryke is taking a well-earned break and allowing most of you to catch up (seriously, where's your priorities?) I thought it might be interesting to find out about music trends. And what I mean by that is where and how you get your music? Do you download it, and if so, off what sites? Do you download illegally or officially? Do you buy CDs or like NSpan are you vinyl fans? Do you try to find new bands or do you think the days of good music are gone? Do record labels mean anything to you? And where do you find music, is it on radio, internet radio, online mags, etc? And what about gigs?

I get about 30-40 albums every year. About 30-35 of them are new albums (released from that year), the rest are classics I've been meaning to get. I buy about 10 of them on CD, and the rest are mostly semi-legal websites like MP3 Sale (which apparently complies with Russian music rights laws but songs cost about 15 cents each). With the 10 I buy I usually try to buy albums from bands on independant labels so I feel my money is going to the right people more than if I bough a record on one of the major labels. Also if a band sells their MP3 album directly from their website, I'll get that. Apart from the label factor I often try to buy a CD if I discovered a band by obtaining their previous album on the aforementioned semi-legal MP3 site, and if I really love that album, I'll try to buy their next album on CD. I don't consider this to be a water-tight philosophy, but I hope it contributes somehow to my faith in indie labels.

I try to discover at least one brand new band (i.e. a band who have released their debut album/EP this year) each year, just because I fear being the sort who think music these days isn't as good as when I was a teenager. I feel people often say that because they were more impressionable at that time, rather than judging the actual quality of the music. In fact, I'd argue music these days is better in some ways, not because of the strength of the music, but because of the diversity and availability of lesser-liked acts and genres due to the internet, meaning that if I like something specific (say, post-punk), it's easier to find bands like that. Out of the 30-35 new albums I get, there's usually about 7 or 8 I really like, and the rest range from decent, to not great (but with a few good songs).

In terms of discovering new music, I often rely on Pitchfork Media. They can be very pretentious in their writing, but their taste can be excellent. They were partly responsible for all of us knowing who The Arcade Fire were, by giving Funeral (then at the time a self-released record than wasn't selling much) a great review and making it their #1 album of 2004. If they give any record over 8.0 I'll always try to look into them. I also glance through NME's website, but sometimes I find their taste very safe. Metacritic is also interesting to see what the other websites and papers think. Then of course there's recommendations from friends, although I have to admit this is becoming less frequent for me.

I also discover new acts by attending music festivals. I generally don't camp anymore, so I'm limited to nicer festivals based in cities or "boutique" festivals like All tomorrow's Parties. I've spent far too much money on gigs over the past few years (by the end of this year I'll have been to 2 music festivals, and another 5 or 6 live shows in Dublin). Most musicians are saying the real money is in playing live these days, so I guess that makes sense.

So what about you guys, what are your trends?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by silversurfer19 »

Well, I'd say I generally buy around 60-70 albums a year, all on cd. It's not like I'm against downloading, though I don't really condone illegal downloading, I just like the physical format of a cd, and the fact that I can read through the sleeve when I first get home from buying a collection of albums. I also like to display my cds for everyone to see, it's the showy side of my personality, and one of the few areas I am totally obsessive, so I let myself off with it...

If I'd been brought up with the ability to buy records I'd probably have gone down that route, but cd's were more readily available to me so that's how I started my collection and I don't see any reason why that will change unless if the price of them becomes exceedingly expensive. When I have a little more money in the future I imagine I will pick up a record player and start to purchase my favourite records to play on it.

I generally discover a good 5 bands each year which are totally mindblowing, and then I spend the next year trying to build my collection of their music. But for the majority of my collection it usually involves back dating and finding music from certain era's I find appealing (classics from the 60s, punk, post-punk, 80s alt-rock and 90s rock). That usually means I pick up about 50 older cds a year. The remaining songs I usually find on sites such as Metacritic, Amazon, but my main source for new music has always been the UK's channel 4 operated Planet Sound. Each end of year they would post 40 albums and 40 singles which they had identified throughout the year through a massive amount of reviews (John Earls, I am in awe at the amount of music you consume, you are like a 21st century Peel [well, not that good but you know what I mean]) as the best of the year. From that I would usually find 15 or so records I will research through youtube/ myspace and then decide on which to pick up. Of those I'd say I am usually at least satisfied with 12 of them, and usually find a couple of gems. I don't generally take any advice from friends regarding music, usually (and I'm not bragging here, honest) because I just know a lot more music than they do.

In the past I used to go to music festivals to find new bands, but since I got old, as well as the fact that festivals are near non-existant in NZ (or just not very good), I don't get to them nowadays. I do go see bands every so often (usually 5-10 a year), but they are usually bands I am already familiar with.

In the future I still hope to buy cds. I own an MP3 player, I upload my cds onto it for when I'm on the move, and I'll also listen to it through a speaker system if I just want random songs playing, but otherwise I still prefer a cd. I've mentioned before my dislike for compilation albums though, so it's not that often I listen to music on random, as I much prefer listening to an album in context to its surrounding songs, I feel it gives a song much more depth, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, that's pretty much my cd collection, I have what now must be coming close to 1400 albums, and it's gonna keep on growing as long as my hearing is still good.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by numbersix »

Wow, man, 1400 CDs is crazy. To be honest I've lost track of the amount of albums I have due to having a mix of CDs in my parents' house, CDs in my apartment, and MP3's on my laptop. Id' estimate about 500-600 albums.

You raised an interesting point: the death of the album. People say that no one listens to albums anymore. Sufjan Stevens said he's not sure if he'll ever make another album again as he fears digital distribution has rendered it obsolete. Ash have decided to release a single to download every month, and will never make another album. As for me, I never, ever put my MP3 player to shuffle. I always put on a full album and try to listen to all of it. Or depending on my mood I'll pick a single band and maybe skip to a few songs I really like. But I don't let my MP3 player determine what I listen to. That said, it's occasionally fun to do so, just to uncover an act I had forgotten about.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by transformers2 »

When it comes to music for m do purchase a lot of CD's( I have about 130 total) and I plan on getting a record player soon. Starting to collect vinyls I think will become a hobby pretty fast for me,they sound amazing and I think they will be really awesome to have. That being said though I like far too many artists so I do download a lot of stuff as well. I do both mainly because I couldn't come close to purchasing every album that I would want and also its good to way to pre-listen to an album without wasting your money on a piece of shit.

I find music in many ways. Mainly when it comes to metal I find out about bands on the internet. I am such a metal nerd that I look pretty much everywhere trying to find bands and I have plenty of bands that I love that pretty much anyone that is involved in the scene doesn't even know about lol. I also go to a good amount of shows and I have occasionly stumbled across a band that I had not heard of and ended up really digging their stuff. Some other stuff I find in other places but 90% it's the internet because I don't really listen to the radio too much because they mainly just play garbage like Taylor Swift and Ke$ha.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by NSpan »

I own 300+ vinyl records, 3000+ digital albums, and 0 CDs., Wikipedia, and official band sites (WWW, Facebook, Myspace, even Twitter, etc.) are all good ways to learn more about a specific band. And, in reading, you'll usually find references to similar music--or, oftentimes, from where the band drew its influences, and what bands have been influenced by their music.

Find a blogger whose tastes you share, and follow them.

Go to local shows--even to bands you're not completely familiar with. Watch the opening act(s). Talk to the musicians before or after the show. Find out what they're listening to. Talk to fellow music fanatics. BURN CDs for your friends. Make compilations of your favorite artist--or just throw together a fun mixtape. Ask them to do the same for you.

Network. All the world's best music is just sitting out there waiting for you to listen... and all you have to do is find it.

Support local artists, and buy their music--especially if they distribute themselves. Lesser known acts need the help. Mid-to-well-known bands are signed and profit more from merchandise than from selling their music. So, if you must, steal the music--but buy a t-shirt.

The LP (full album) may be in decline, but it will never be extinct. It's been an art-form in and of itself for well over 50 years--it's not going anywhere.,
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by Shrykespeare »

Well, I'm sure this will disappoint nearly all of you, being the guy who started this whole sudden Fantaverse music fetish... but I own very few CD's. Almost none, in fact.

I used to own about fifty. My wife put about forty of them in one of those small portable CD carrying cases (along with a bunch of her own), and then, without telling me, loaned it to a co-worker of hers, and that co-worker... promptly moved out of town. I think I've bought maybe five CDs since then, and those, along with the few that I have left, are strewn about the house.

I don't own an iPod or MP3 player, never have. In fact, I don't even own a stereo or boombox. (The last one we had broke.) Truth is, I'm completely reliant on YouTube (and, to a lesser extent, iTunes) for all my musical needs now. I'd love to invest in one of those devices, or even start buying CDs right now, but I've been strapped for cash the last few years, and I have much higher budgetary priorities. Like I said, almost everything that I like can be found on YouTube, and that more than meets my needs.

In the near future, I will be buying a CD-ROM drive for my computer that will allow me to burn my 100 favorite songs onto CDs, thus creating the definitive "Patrick Hodges Collection". I've already either bought (from iTunes) or converted (from YouTube thanks to this awesome site that I found that will convert YouTube videos to MP3 format) all 100 of my Top 100 songs.

In the future, I hope to be able to download additional favorites and burn those as well.

As long as I've got your attention, I had an idea for a future music thing.... you all know that I bought, and obsessively kept track of, the Billboard charts in the 80's and 90's, especially the Hot 100 (pop), as well as Modern Rock (i think they call it "Mainstream" now) and Album Rock (aka Hard Rock) charts. Billboard has a website that lists the Top 20 of every chart they have on a weekly basis... perhaps I could start a thread wherein I scour the current charts and post links/videos to what's hot RIGHT now, so we can all keep abreast of what's going on, musically. What do you think?

If this countdown has done one thing, it's ignited a musical fire in all of us, and once it ends, we're going to have to find something else to do. I know there's been talk of doing a thread for "Favorite Albums of All Time" (which, if it comes to fruition, I doubt I'll be able to participate, given, as I explained, my lack of a physical musical collection) or perhaps a "Favorite Songs, Year by Year" list (which sounds cool). I would be more than happy to check the Billboard site at least once a month to keep you all up-to-date on what's hot right now. It'll be like old times.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by BarcaRulz »

I don't really own CDs either, but unlike Shryke I do 'own' alot of music. Downloading is obviously how I get my music, and my 60gb iPod just stores more and more stuff every day. I literally had a period of time where I just would type 'music' or 'mp3' into the search field and just download everything, which is how I discovered some stuff I like, and is also the reason why I have some Britney Spears songs somewhere on my computer. As a matter of fact, my introduction to Linkin Park was when I was helping my mother look for an ABBA song, which just shows how random I can be I guess.

Usually if I find a song I like, I would then proceed to download most of the bands/persons playlist just to have a listen to what they have to offer.

Another way I find music is actually on planes. I used to just watch movies religiously while traveling, but now I just listen to alot of the albums they have on their entertainment network (especially Emirates Airways). That is how I first started listening to Oasis, who are now one of my favorites bands.

As for life after this countdown, I really believe we should have something similar set up. This has introduced pretty much everyone to new music, and hopefully music they now like, and I think maybe a similar countdown with movies could be something to think about.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by becs »

This is an interesting topic, likely to disturb some of the musical purists from some of the responses I think, as I recall early on someone commented to the effect of "how can a song be in your top 100 if you don't own the album" or in the same vein the extended conversation about Pink Floyd and the fact of them providing favorite songs without initiating exploration of the rest of their catalog.

Personally, I almost exclusively listen to and discover new music via Pandora. I get a few minutes of rock/alt radio in the car (I don't remember the last time I've put on a cd in the car, it's been easily more than a year) to keep me in touch with the more mainstream and up & coming local talent. I also get the occasional reccomendation from my friends, which I usually check out via youtube.

As far as listening to specific albums/songs, I own probably over 100 but not over 200 albums on cd, almost all of those are from my years under 20, and almost all are from christian bands I was into at the time. My brother and I were those people who were sort of always listening to and finding new bands at that time, we were very plugged into the christian music scene both written info and live shows provided a lot of direction on new things that were coming out so we were both constantly reading up on, buying via those mail order cd memberships you used to be able to get, or seeing new bands play.
After I moved in 2001, my musical exploration turned more toward catching up on all the secular music I always wanted to check out but missed, so I spent a lot of time listening to the radio or online. I pretty much gave up on the being on the pulse of upcoming music entirely at that point, and pretty much stopped purchasing anything at all, and virtually never listened to complete albums of anything, it was all select songs from bands I wanted to hear.
In my years since about 20, I did some downloading but then it began to become regulated and much more heavily infused spam/viruses/junk so I quit. I moved to iTunes eventually (this was initiated by a friend giving me a mix of songs in the iTunes format, so not originated of my own decision!), for the occasional download when I found a band and absolutely needed to have more of their music, but I've probably downloaded less than 20 albums there in ~5 years. The occasional band that I want hard copy of or can't find their work available on iTunes, I have purchased via Amazon (most of the foreign stuff).

As a kid/teen I had a walkman, discman, and stereo. I read books almost constantly and there was virtually no time when I was reading that I wasn't listening to music as well on one of those systems, it was pretty much a requirement no matter where I was. Basically any time I was in my room as well, and guaranteed before bed, I would have something playing.
As an adult, I honestly can't say the last time I listened to music while reading, probably not since college, when I would simply have the radio going. I read now before bed when I can steal a few minutes, but I have no stereo or radio upstairs at all, so I never listen to music while reading. Usually the majority of my music listening is now while I'm on the computer, however that has been cut to almost nothing with the increased availability of streaming tv and movies.
Though I am a die hard anti-Apple enthusiast, I broke down about 2 years ago and bought an iPod finally, since I was already on iTunes with virtually all of my recent music at that point, because I needed something for listening to while at the gym. In the roughly 2 years I've had it, I don't think I have ever used my iPod outside walking/running or in the gym. Also in that time, the music on my iPod has never been added to its the same 6 or 7 albums, the only alteration I made to it was to go from complete albums down to a selection of only more workout friendly songs from those albums. It has primarily been used and updated purely for listening to books, much more than music.
I think the last digital album I purchased was Antony and the Johnsons via iTunes over a year ago, and the last physical medium purchase was of a couple Kent albums about 2 years ago from Amazon. All of my seeking out specific bands/songs these days is done via youtube/dailymotion/songza type sites, probably the most recent band I've mentioned going on a tear to seek out all their music was The Rasmus, who I basically looked up their discography and listened to every song they put out via one of the above sites, many repeatedly.

Regarding the death of the album - interesting coincidence, I actually just happened across an article this month via the news at my email login where Thom Yorke had made the comment to be used in a high school textbook I believe, that the existing big business recording industry will implode within a matter of months rather than years. The demand for digital medium and the accessibility of recording tools and distribution medium is advancing to the point that bands will realistically no longer need a record label to mass produce albums.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by undeadmonkey »

I also don't own any CD's, ok I have a few, but that was before I had my Ipod (which i religiously carry around with me, just like my cellphone) and I still listened to my portable cd player. I buy my favorite artists songs on itunes and then I only buy single songs except for my absolute favorite artist then I do splurge and buy the whole album. Unfortunately I love all kinds of music and music that i would never buy but like listening to the music every once in a while, so I have have required some songs that I haven't paid for friends cds or computers, torrents, etc. (which I feel bad for but I have well over 6000 songs on my itunes, so that means I would of paid about $6000 dollars, which I definitely would not of done, my music would be pretty limited).

Becs, As for my Ipod, I also use it for more than music. I have audiobooks, textbooks, solo games for when I have a free five minutes, games with friends when i have more time, music apps, info apps. self help apps, website apps. it's a little world unto itself.

Oh and 6, I love having my Ipod on shuffle, unless I'm specifically in the mood for something

As for music festivals and concerts. I've never been, where I grew up I just didn't have the chance, unless I wanted to see some small texas country band, which I wasnt into at the time.

Shryke, I like your idea and Barca's music idea sounds interesting too.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by Geezer »

I'll bite.

I have quite a few cds, but the vast majority of them were bought over 5 years ago. I have every one of them backed up on my computer and put into itunes, and only ever listen to music on my ipod or on the computer itself. I have 4210 songs on my itunes. Most are from entire albums, but many are just individual songs that I like. I don't generally buy physical cd's anymore, although I did buy the Gaslight Anthem's American Slang just last week. I usually buy albums from itunes itself, or get them from my brother, my dad or friends. My girlfriend introduced me to a program called mojo a few months back (which I am pretty sure has since become illegal) where you can browse and download anyone's itunes library that also uses the program who is on the same network as you, and I got a bunch of music from that when I was at her school (only really works well in that type of situation). I use shuffle all the time, especially while driving. Its like listening to the radio, except with the ability to skip over songs I don't want to hear and without commercials or annoying DJs.

I don't think albums will ever die. Maybe for shitty musical acts, rappers and pop acts who never really cared enough to put together a complete album in the first place, but I think there will always be bands who care about music and their fans enough to continue to release full albums. Hell, Weezer is doing the opposite and working to write, record and release an album a year, like it was in the good old days.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by becs »

I am just hearing that itunes did some crap where they "upgraded" the minimum mp3 quality compatible, so you have to reacquire all your mp3s..

RE: the "albums will never go away" I think they will, but I think it will be more like bands will release individual songs and also have "collections" like albums, but without the fluff used to round out an album forced by the label.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by Geezer »

becs wrote:I am just hearing that itunes did some crap where they "upgraded" the minimum mp3 quality compatible, so you have to reacquire all your mp3s..

RE: the "albums will never go away" I think they will, but I think it will be more like bands will release individual songs and also have "collections" like albums, but without the fluff used to round out an album forced by the label.
My itunes certainly still works...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by undeadmonkey »

I totally agree with becs. I also think albums will die. There might be some rendition of it left in the digital world somewhere, maybe a band is feeling nostalgic and say that they are 'releasing' an album. But i truly think we are just going to see, that as the band or artist records a song, they put it up on their website or itunes making it available to download.

This isnt just music though, the way we view entertainment and the way we attain access to our entertainment is going through huge changes. In 20 years, you will not see theaters as you see them now. Theaters will show event films like 3D and 5D films, holographic immersive game type films, you will be seeing a lot more theaters where you don't just go for the movie, but a whole evening of dinner, drinks, live shows and then the movie, etc. It'll be more like going to an event, than a lazy afternoon at the theater. The old way staggering the release of your films is soon going to be gone, the model of theatrical release, then dvd a few months later, then tv a few months after that is outdated.

Also I don't think you'll be seeing indie films in theaters, they just don't have the money to be widely distributed theatrically. (maybe in a few select arthouse theaters in big cities supported through some funds some way (which brings me to another point, i found out today that US is one of the only countries in the world that doesn't subsidize 'the arts' in their country)). In the future, a regular 2D indie film will be available wherever you look, in an attempt to beat piracy, you'll be watching them on your ipod, cellphone, computer, ipad or internet accessible television, dvd players and game systems through instant streaming. We had two guys from a new internet company show up in class today, they have developed this site called (I think it was only put up about 3 weeks ago). It's kind of like an internet dvd rental place for indie filmmakers. You can upload your films, set a price and how many days and how many computers the file can be viewed on. Also the films are encrypted so they can't be pirated. Which is great for indie filmmakers, to actually be able to get your product out there and be able to make a profit on it is a really big step.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by Buscemi »

Arthouses won't die. The product will just split into two groups: films that are worthy of theatrical release (foreign films and critically-acclaimed or crossover indie product) and films not worthy of a theatrical release (films that are indie for the sake of being indie). For example, is something like Happythankyoumoreplease really deserving of a theatrical release? The film wasn't even that well received at Sundance and there are no names in the cast other than Malin Akerman (who really isn't that famous to begin with).

Also, the indie films that are released online instead of theatres or at the same time are often low-quality to begin with. They are films that couldn't get a theatrical run even if they tried. I remember one film called Four Eyed Monsters that was so bad that the filmmakers had to give it away for free just so people would watch it.

As for music, I think the industry has already killed itself with the lack of originality or innovation among the artists. When retreads (most rap acts), gimmicks (Lady Gaga) or studio creations (Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, every American Idol contestant) are tearing up the charts, you know that modern music is dead.

Now let me put on some Philip Glass.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs INTERMISSION - Music Trends

Post by Geezer »

UDM, I am completely with you, in that the type of music YOU generally listen to, the album will probably go by the wayside. I don't mean that as an insult, just that you tend to listen to much more of what is popular in mainstream music.

I think that bands have too much respect for music, as a medium, and its history, that they care enough to keep creating LP's. The artists who care primarily about releasing hits and making money don't care about releasing a full album that breathes with a life of its own, that flows, that has a beginning and an end. They just want to push out the next money making single. If a band cares about their music, they aren't going to just stop producing full albums. They shouldn't really care about how much ADD we have as a society. So while the modern pop charts may soon be dominated by "artists" who just release singles and don't bother to waste their time creating a full album, it will NEVER happen across the board.
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