Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

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Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Shrykespeare »

Well, I think that three-day break did us all good. We all (hopefully) got caught up, and the time has now come for us to get the train a-rollin' again. Hope we're all ready!

SONG #50

Sting, “The Soul Cages”

I kick off my second half with my second of three songs by the former Police front-man, and the second off the “Soul Cages” album. As with most Sting songs, this song has got tremendous lyrics, evoking such amazing imagery. “What's in it for me, my pretty young thing/why should I whistle when the caged bird sings?” is one of my favorite lyrics of all time. This is as hard-edged a song as Sting has produced in his solo career, and I just love it.

Marvin Gaye, "What's Going On”

The kick-off track to one of the most important albums ever. It features amazing lyrics and a cohesive conceptual-theme that ran through the entire record (yes, a "Concept Album" on Motown records). But the real draw here is the soulful performance--both vocally and musically. Lyrically, this is a response to Dylan's "The Times They Are a-Changin'" (amongst his other work). It addresses many of the same civil and political issues, but it provides a different social perspective. When listened to on its own, the song doesn't (musically) have much of a resolution. On the album, however, there is a smooth segue into the next track.

Link Wray, “Rumble”

Link Wray is considered to be a huge influence on every great guitarist and musician. Bob Dylan loved him, Jimi Hendrix loved him, as did Page, Clapton, etc. Hell, even the Pixies have notable homages to his style. But what’s great about Wray is unlike most guitar virtuosos, he doesn’t have to rely on excessive soloing. As evident in his most famous song (most of you may recognise as the coolest song from Pulp Fiction that didn’t make the soundtrack album), he knew exactly when to play and when not to, ensuring that he was more than technically proficient. He knew how to write a great song, not just a great guitar piece.

Foo Fighters, "Everlong"
(also leestu's #73)

It was posted before, but here it is again. Not quite my favorite foo fighters song, that will be coming up shortly, but certainly worthy of cracking the top 50. Awesome song, awesome lyrics, just quintessential Foo.

Blindside, “Sleepwalking”

My favorite hardcore song from my favorite hardcore band! The album this was on, Silence, was by far their strongest work, and it very nearly never existed as they were dropped from their label after poor performance of their first CD (they are ahead of their time!) but their former label/tour-mates P.O.D. championed their cause and got them signed with a new label where they were able to put out this album in the early 2000's. They have gained some mainstream fame in the past couple years, but none of it trumps this, considering it was written a decade ago and the style like this is now saturating the hardcore/screamo scene it held up amazingly well. The song is pretty typical of my likes, it changes gears repeatedly throughout, so if you don't like the first 5 seconds, keep listening anyway there may still be something there for you.

The Beatles, "Eleanor Rigby"

My favorite Beatles song. There's not much that can be said about the Beatles that most don't already know, you either like them or you don't.

Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb”

A classic Pink Floyd song that combines two elements of Pink Floyd that I love - singalong-ability & music you can lose yourself in.

The Clash, “Straight to Hell”

I first heard this song when NSpan told me that M.I.A.'s “Paper Planes” heavily sampled this song. Shortly after, I found that the song appeared on “The Essential Clash” and listened to it. Now it is my favorite Clash song. Yes, better than anything on the “London Calling” album. It probably helps that “Straight To Hell” is easily accessible and sounds like more than "just a punk song".

Pink Floyd, “See Emily Play”

I've always been a fan of the Barrett-influenced Floyd work, and this song showcases all that I found exhilarating about the band in their psychedelic phase. From the whimsical lyrics, experimental instrumental and pounding bongos, since I was young the song has taken me off into another world, maybe Underland? I've never been particularly sure what the song is about, I've heard it is about a socially awkward girl, or maybe a young girl who commits suicide, but nevertheless, it's a very inducing and enthralling song.

In Flames, "Square Nothing”

A really haunting track. The whispering vocals in the beginning really set the tone for the whole track.

Hank Williams, “Your Cheatin' Heart”

Probably the greatest broken-heart song ever.

Guns N Roses, “Welcome To The Jungle”

I first heard this as a kid in my friend’s dad’s truck. I wasn't into music at all at that point, but this blew me away. Just imagine a 35 year old White man driving a F150, an 8-year-old white kid in the passenger seat, and an 8-year-old black kid in the backseat – all rocking out to Guns N Roses in the middle of the day. Air guitar, headbanging, everything. I love this song and it holds great memories for me.

Disturbed, "Stricken"

A band that, for me, has not put a foot wrong since they released their debut album "The Sickness". This song is from their third studio album "Ten Thousand Fists" and just sums up the style of metal with a fuse of melodic tunes you don't often find in this genre.

Blur, "Song 2"

I remember first hearing this on a PC-game called World Cup '98 (or was it Fifa '98? I'm not 100% sure). While I always remembered it, I never did figure out its name till about 3 years ago, and it has always been one of my favorites. I know this is not the style that Blur are known for, but it is definitely their most popular song. While I do appreciate a lot of Blur's other stuff, this one has remained my favorite for a long long time.

Ron Burgundy
Nirvana, “Lithium”

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by NSpan »

Shrykespeare -- Sting, “The Soul Cages” (1991)
Not bad at all. Generally, I'm not a fan of Sting (nor the Police), unless he is wielding a hip-blade. But, objectively ("fresh ears" and whatnot), there were more than a few cool things going on in this song.

Numbersix -- Link Wray, “Rumble” (1958)
I absolutely love it. (Though, as many others will reiterate, the song is inexorably connected in my mind to the film... fortunately for Wray, Pulp Fiction is one of my all-time favorite films). Also, check out the "Collector's Edition" of the film soundtrack. You'll be pleased.

Geezer -- Foo Fighters, "Everlong" (also leestu's #73)
It's a great song. And Gil Norton is an amazing producer. But, unfortunately, I don't know if he and Dave Grohl are the best creative team in the studio. This track hints at what I least like about the Foo Fighters: over-zealous production. When you can hear more studio gimmicks than actual raw instrumentation and performance, you've gone overboard.

becs -- Blindside, “Sleepwalking”
I much prefer every other song by the same title I've ever heard.

undeadmonkey -- The Beatles, "Eleanor Rigby"
As long as I'm already talking about "over-zealous production," I might as well mention it here, too. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad song by any standard... But you take George Martin out of the mix and you got a half-baked idea for a song--and nothing more. (Fortunately for Paul, his half-baked ideas still exceed most songwriters' absolute best). For anyone curious, here is the fifth Beatle's contribution to the song:

leestu -- Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb” (1979)
As a Pink Floyd superfan, The Wall is a sensitive subject. It barely qualifies as a Floyd project at all--but, let's leave that discussion aside for a moment, as this track is the collaborative highlight of the album. (I'm not necessarily saying that it's the best track from The Wall, but it's certainly one of the few that can be considered an authentic band effort). Great song either way: Roger doing what he does best (lyrics) and Dave doing what he does best (some of the most emotive guitar work I've had the pleasure to hear on top of some heartfelt vocals). For neophytes: Roger has the low, ragged voice; Dave has the lighter more melodic vocal tone.

Buscemi -- The Clash, “Straight to Hell”
Great song, great riff. I'm glad that the recent sampling has inspired a few people to seek out the source material.

silversurfer -- Pink Floyd, “See Emily Play” (1967)
If I had to choose, I would've gone with "Jugband Blues," but interesting choice nonetheless. One of the better Barrett-era songs--it's certainly up there with "Astronomy Domine," "Lucifer Sam," "Interstellar Overdrive," and "Bike." Out of curiosity, have you heard all three "official" Barrett albums? If yes, have you heard the "rare" tracks "Two of a Kind" and "Bob Dylan Blues"? If no (to either query), allow me to share the wealth.

transformers -- In Flames, "Square Nothing”
Never heard this before. The vocals were a bit too abrasive for me.

W -- Hank Williams, “Your Cheatin' Heart”
Simply amazing.

Banks -- Guns N Roses, “Welcome To The Jungle”
It's so good, it's cliche... But that's what happens to good stuff.

englishozzy -- Disturbed, "Stricken"
Not bad. The vocals were a bit over-the-top. And the chorus didn't really do it for me. And the music didn't especially stand out... But I didn't hate it.

BarcaRulz -- Blur, "Song 2"
One of the best throwaways I've heard. And, for most of us Yanks, our first glimpse into Damon Albarn's talents.

Ron Burgundy -- Nirvana, “Lithium”
Another appearance by Butch Vig in our countdown. One of the better Nirvana tracks, imo. Good pick.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare: Sting, “The Soul Cages” (1991) - I just don't think his decent voice and decent lyrics can make up for the poor music. He really seemed stranded without the other two members of The Police.

NSpan: Marvin Gaye, "What's Going On” (1971) - an absolutely brilliant choice. It's a perfectly sung performance with some truly heartfelt lyrics. Love every second of it, and it makes me want to take out the album again and give it a listen.

Geezer: Foo Fighters, "Everlong" (also leestu's #73) - Yes, it's definitely a definitive Foo fighters song, but for me it's not a standout track. It's more of a safe but worthy tune.

becs: Blindside, “Sleepwalking” - I always have to laugh at bands like this being called hardcore. I'm sure they fit whatever criteria was assigned by some hack journalist in the late 90's, but for me these guys aren't a fraction as hardcore as the stuff you were getting in the mid and late 80's (Fugazi, Nation of Ulysses, Black Flag, big Black, Husker Du etc). So this song was okay, but far from memorable.

undeadmonkey: The Beatles, "Eleanor Rigby" - Wow, UDM, this is probably the first time in a long while that you've posted a song I really like. Sure, as NSpan says, it's George Martin's arrangements that make it, but kudos to the Fab Four for experimenting with their music and allowing one of their songs to be completely strings-based. Very literary lyrics too. Great song.

leestu: Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb” (1979)
silversurfer: Pink Floyd, “See Emily Play” (1967)

Oh dear oh dear. Two of my musical brethren have let me down at the #50 mark. NSpan, you should send me that Animals album because I'm only solidifying my dislike of Floyd. Leetsu, Comfortably Numb is the most perfect example of what I don't like about Floyd. Dull, boring, repetitive, overlong, this song leaves me comfortably numb all right. SS's is a bit better, but it veers into psychadelic too much, and it just sounds kinda sickening. I like my psychadelic music dark and nasty, like the Velvet Underground.

Buscemi: The Clash, “Straight to Hell” - I should note that everything off London Calling was also more than "just a punk song" too, as the band were demonstrating their knowledge of ska, blues and reggae and incorporating it into the basic punk sound. I like this song, I like it a lot, but there's definitely better, even off that Combat Rock album (here's some trivia: Combat Rock was one of Kurt Cobain's favourite albums... above London Calling). But for me it's the lyrics that let this song down. At times Joe Strummer could write great lyrics, but at other times he could write like a jaded adolescent, and sadly a lot of Straight to Hell falls into the latter: "Let me tell you about your blood, Bamboo Kid/ It ain't Coca Cola, It's rice". Poor, but still a good song.

transformers: In Flames, "Square Nothing” - I wish the vocals stayed whispering in this one, as once he lets loose it sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

W: Hank Williams, “Your Cheatin' Heart” - I can't explain why I don't like a lot of country but I love Hank Williams, but I do. Maybe it's the vocals, that sound so much more genuine than the comfortable twang most country musicians do. Or perhaps Hank writes his lyrics from real pain, while the others are just faking it. Who knows? But I do love this song.

Banks: Guns N Roses, “Welcome To The Jungle” - Again, GNR are a band that bemuse me, so it's hard to truly judge it. Kinda fun, but Oral Sex's ego and general assholishness ruins any appreciation I could have for them.

englishozzy: Disturbed, "Stricken" - No, I just couldn't get into this at all. Bland stuff.

BarcaRulz: Blur, "Song 2" - Possibly the most over-played song of the 90's? I loved it when it first came out, I got sick of it being on every single ad, and now I never want to listen to it again, but I do think it's a great song.

Ron Burgundy: Nirvana, “Lithium” - Not my favourite Nirvana song by a long shot. There's something slightly lazy about this song. But it's still a soild track.

Glad that the posts are back, although a bit of a Bizarro round for me, with SS and Leetsu disappointing and UDM, W, and Barca picking great tunes. What next, Geezer picking a Captain Beefheart song?
Last edited by numbersix on May 24th, 2010, 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by NSpan »

Don't worry, there's some Captain Beefheart coming up either way. Was there something else I was supposed to post before Animals--or was that next in queue?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by numbersix »

NSpan wrote:Don't worry, there's some Captain Beefheart coming up either way. Was there something else I was supposed to post before Animals--or was that next in queue?
The long-lost Toadies album, I believe

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by BarcaRulz »

numbersix wrote:
BarcaRulz: Blur, "Song 2" - Possibly the most over-played song of the 90's? I loved it when it first came out, I got sick of it being on every single ad, and now I never want to listen to it again, but I do think it's a great song.
Surely that 'honor' goes to Tubthumping? :D

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Shrykespeare »

Wow, lots of awesomeness this round! Great way to kick off our second half!

My thoughts (in order of preference):

englishozzy – Disturbed, “Stricken” – I echo everything you said about Disturbed. They are always enjoyable to me, when 99% of that genre is just discordant noise. (9)

Geezer – Foo Fighters, “Everlong” – Truly awesome song. (8)

Ron Burgundy – Nirvana, “Lithium” – One of my favorite Nirvana songs. Pretty sure it won't be the first time we hear it... (spoiler!) (8)

leestu – Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb” – Always loved this song. Thanks for posting it! (7)

NSpan – Marvin Gaye, “What's Going On” – An absolute classic. One of my favorites of yours. (7)

numbersix – Link Wray, “Rumble” – Another one of those pieces of music that I instantly recognize but never knew the name to. Thanks for solving that mystery! (7)

BarcaRulz – Blur, “Song 2” – Instantly recognizable, and even pretty good when I'm not sick of hearing it. Still prefer Blur's other hits, “There's No Other Way” and “Girls & Boys”. (7)

becs – Blindside, “Sleepwalking” – Glad I listened past the first five seconds! Pretty good stuff, but not exactly my cup of joe. (6)

undeadmonkey – The Beatles, “Eleanor Rigby” – Not one of my favorite Beatles songs, but still a good listen. (6)

Banks – Guns N Roses, “Welcome to the Jungle” – A good song, but I've heard it way too many times. (6)

Buscemi – The Clash, “Straight to Hell” – On the fence about this one. On one listening, I think I prefer the whimsy of the MIA song more. (5)

silversurfer – Pink Floyd, “See Emily Play” – This was incredibly weird. Don't think I like it. (4)

transformers – In Flames, “Square Nothing” – Whether he was whispering or screaming, I couldn't follow a word of it. (3)

W – Hank Williams, “Your Cheatin' Heart” – Bored me to tears. (2)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Geezer »

Shryke- did nothing for me.

NSpan- good song

Six- Link Wray is definitely one of the most important artists of all time, and this is a really cool instrumental.

becs- there were some interesting things in there, you are right, but it doesn't stand out enough.

UDM- its not one of my top Beatles songs, but its still good. Its the fucking Beatles, of course it is!

leestu- definitely one of the better Floyd songs, good pick.

Buscemi- This is definitely one of the worst Clash songs. They have done SO much better.

Surfer- always one of the underrated Floyd tracks in my opinion. This is shaping up to be a good round.

Tranny- hated it.

W- yeah no

Banks- wow, so he IS aware that good music exists!

Ozzy- I still have a Disturbed song coming on my list, its quite high, and it hasn't been mentioned yet. This one is not bad. I like it.

Barca- Awesome awesome awesome!!!

Ron- Will this be one of the many many Nirvana songs on my list. You guys will just have to stay tuned...

Damn this was an AWESOME round! Very few songs I didn't really enjoy.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Geezer »

numbersix wrote: Banks: Guns N Roses, “Welcome To The Jungle” - Kinda fun, but Oral Sex's ego and general assholishness ruins any appreciation I could have for them.
Considering this quote, you'll probably get a kick out of my number 45, but we'll talk about that when we get there ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by transformers2 »

Shrykespeare: Sting, “The Soul Cages”
I am not really too big on Sting. He does have a good voice and he is talented but his music doesn't really do anything for me.

NSpan: Marvin Gaye, "What's Going On”
Gaye is quite the talent as well Not bad at all.

Numbersix: Link Wray, “Rumble"
Love this song. Especially for its use in Pulp Fiction.

Geezer: Foo Fighters, "Everlong"
Great track. One of the most memorable Foo Fighters songs.

becs:Blindside, “Sleepwalking"
Nice pick. A very good song.

undeadmonkey: The Beatles, "Eleanor Rigby"
I don't like The Beatles sorry.

leestu: Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb”
Pink Floyd bores me to tears. I find their music to be very tedious and it really doesn't go anywhere.

Buscemi:The Clash, “Straight to Hell”
A good track but not one of my faves by The Clash.

silversurfer: Pink Floyd, “See Emily Play”
See leestu's comment.

W: Hank Williams, “Your Cheatin' Heart”
I'll pass.

Banks: Guns N Roses, “Welcome To The Jungle”
A true classic. An absolute kick-ass song. Fantastic pick.

englishozzy: Disturbed, "Stricken"
The best song off a shit album. I really like Disturbed and this song is pretty good but Ten Thousand Fists is a garbage album.

BarcaRulz: Blur, "Song 2"
This song annoys the hell out of me.

Ron Burgundy: Nirvana, “Lithium”
One of my faves by Nirvana. Such a powerful song.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by BarcaRulz »

Shryke - Was Ok. While I do like Sting, i'm not that big a fan of his solo act, although I do like "Desert Rose" for some reason. 5/10.

Nspan - Really not what I like. Did have some upside though. 4/10.

numbersix - Very recognizable tune, It was Ok, would have gotten a higher score if anything else happened in it as opposed to the same thing over and over. 5/10.

Geezer - Same as before. 7/10.

becs - Got better as it went on, but never really went past 'ok'. 5.5/10.

UDM - Didn't like it much. Not one of their best. 3/10.

leestu - Was not very PF that i'm used to. First time i've heard this one, and it didn't make a good impression. 3/10.

Buscemi - Honestly, apart from the riff I thought it was bad. Not a great one of theirs IMO. 2/10.

SS - Didn't like it at all, sorry. 1/10.

tranny - Liked the music in some parts, but like alot of your stuff, the Lyrics were too abrasive and it ruined the song for me. 2/10.

W - Not even a little bit, sorry. 1/10.

Banks - Nicely done mate. Always enjoy this one. Not my favorite from them, but still good. 7/10.

englishozzy - Disturbed are not really my thing. I've said before that they only have one song I don't mind, and this isn't it. This wasn't that bad though, definitely had its moments. 4/10.

Ron - Will be coming up much higher on my list. Very nice pick. 10/10.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by silversurfer19 »

Shrykespeare: Sting, “The Soul Cages” (1991) - I've never really been much of a fan of Sting outside of The Police (heck, I've never really been fond of anything he did WITH The Police. This hasn't changed that matter. Granted, he has a great voice, but beyond that I just can't hold any interest.

NSpan: Marvin Gaye, "What's Going On” (1971) - A classic of the genre, no doubt.

Link Wray, “Rumble” (1958)
- To be honest I don't think I'd even heard this song before Pulp Fiction. However, despite being a pretty decent showcase of his guitar abilities, I don't really see how this would rank inside your top 50 of all time, I just doesn't seem to have enough going on in it (and I know, sometimes less if more), it's just a little lightweight. Decent, but nothing special, no matter how many claim to have been influenced by him.

Geezer: Foo Fighters, "Everlong" (also leestu's #73) - Probably one of my favourites from the band, and if I had considered a Foo Fighters track making my top 100, this would probably have been one of a couple which could have made it. Decent pick.

becs: Blindside, “Sleepwalking” - Sounded a little too much like a lot of bands that were around during the early 2000s, didn't really do anything for me.

undeadmonkey: The Beatles, "Eleanor Rigby" - Great pick, haven't heard this in quite a few years, but it is such an interesting song in The Beatles back catalogue, so simple and understated, but as has been mentioned, with George Martin's aid it is transformed into something wonderful.

leestu: Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb” (1979) - Not one of my favourite Floyd songs at all, to be honest. I think it was just a little dull. Considering I think the Scissor Sisters' cover was a better version, I think that explains very well how little I like this song!

Buscemi: The Clash, “Straight to Hell” - Have you even listened to London Calling? There is very little in the way of straight forward punk on that record which you seem to think this song veers away from. Their debut album was full of that type of music, but after then they began to stray from that path quite a lot. Not that I'm saying I don't like this song, just it doesn't compare to pretty much the entire London Calling record. If you have it, I suggest you relisten to London Calling again.

silversurfer: Pink Floyd, “See Emily Play” (1967) - Oooh. I knew this would be one of those songs most of you would hate. I knew I'd have NSpan on my side though, at least. Don't know if I appreciate that or not... I think I must be Shryke's version of UDM to the rest of us, I think he has liked maybe three of my 50 songs so far! Transformers, I don't see how my song can be lumped in with the same comment as Leestu, the songs are the complete opposite from each other. I can understand how someone may not like it, but I don't think I'd ever call it boring and tedious. Each to their own, I guess. Anyway, NSpan, I haven't gotten round to listening to most of Barrett's solo work, I've heard the odd track or two, but never one of his records. I probably will one day, and I'll take note of those rare songs also.

And six, I think my top 50 veers away a little from what has been my focus so far, so I fully expect a lot more backlashing from you and everyone else in the coming ten rounds at least!

transformers: In Flames, "Square Nothing” - Really not a fan of these screamy vocals, beyond that though it was ok.

W: Hank Williams, “Your Cheatin' Heart” - Generally not a fan of country (much preferred the blues side of music around that time), but this is a pretty good song. It sounds almost like a blues version of a country song, if you understand where I'm coming from?

Banks: Guns N Roses, “Welcome To The Jungle” - Probably my favourite GNR song, totally over the top, but what an entrance!

englishozzy: Disturbed, "Stricken" - Disturbed have always just seemed like a band which have cashed in on a surge in popularity for this kind of music. Very commercial and largely uninteresting.

BarcaRulz: Blur, "Song 2" - Was this America's introduction to Blur, NSpan? Wow, they'd been round for almost a decade before this was released and I'd have thought songs like Girls and Boys would have at least been recognised before then. Great song, nevertheless, always good to kick back and rock out to. If you like this I suggest you check out Graham Coxon's solo stuff, especially Happiness In Magazines, as this is undoubtedly one of his songs and it his records follow this trend. In fact, I probably like Freakin' Out even better than Song 2. Check it out :

Ron Burgundy: Nirvana, “Lithium” - Nirvana never really fail to produce at least a song which is good, if not very good. This is one of their lesser tracks, but even that stands head and shoulders above their peers.

UDM was probably my favourite of the round, followed by decent tracks from NSpan, Geez and Barca.

Man, I've been waiting for this to kick back in for what seems like weeks now! Let's not take another break, I've realised my addictions are not something to be messed with.... And that is with a fairly average round too!!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by numbersix »

silversurfer19 wrote: Link Wray, “Rumble” (1958)[/b] - To be honest I don't think I'd even heard this song before Pulp Fiction. However, despite being a pretty decent showcase of his guitar abilities, I don't really see how this would rank inside your top 50 of all time, I just doesn't seem to have enough going on in it (and I know, sometimes less if more), it's just a little lightweight. Decent, but nothing special, no matter how many claim to have been influenced by him.
I should note that I am no way including this song because of its future influence. I don't buy the "good because it's historically important" argument for any song, ever. I just love this song because of its beat, the great guitaring, the ultra-cool bass playing, all coming together to create an atmosphere I can sink into. I'll take that over Idlewild any day ;)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Shrykespeare »

silversurfer19 wrote: I think I must be Shryke's version of UDM to the rest of us, I think he has liked maybe three of my 50 songs so far!
Not true. "Like" on my scale means a score of 7/10 or higher, and 12 of your songs have achieved that:

9 - James, eels
8 - Liam Frost, The Knack, Talking Heads (Psycho Killer)
7 - Bluetones, Dears, U2, Soulwax, Black Sabbath, Idlewild, Mansun

So, you see, I don't hate your music as much as you think. You are MILES ahead of Banks, and a little bit ahead of NSpan and Six on the overall scale.
Happy 60th birthday Jet Li! (4/26/23)

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Axel Foley
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Geezer »

Metallica on Oasis and Blur:
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. - The Dude

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