Best of 2014

Anything music related. Latest songs, good new bands, and blasts from the past.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by numbersix »

Catching up on a few of your picks.

St. Vincent is someone I should like, but I never seem to. Sometimes I wonder if you remove all the trickery in her songwriting you'd be left with not much else. Still, she does cover a Pop Group song on her tours, so I'll give her that. The Antlers are like TV on the Radio, a band I was into a few records ago, but didn't pick up their latest album. I liked Benjamin Booker's voice, the music was only okay.
Pond wasn't bad, but I much preferred the Jonathan Boulet song. That rocked. Slaves were fun, and I really should get my hands on that Ty Segall album.
Oh Susanna was nice but didn't quite stay with me - that's still a compliment! As for the Brown Sabbath project, the hazy, druggy feel is why I like those songs in the first place. Maybe if I didn't have such a strong sense of those songs, it might be more appealing to me.

Will listen to the rest shortly...

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Leestu »

Had a bit of spare time today so here is a playlist of most of our selections from just missed through to our number ones. I took a couple of liberties here and there, eg didn't know which Swans track was selected, and couldn't find some (sorry Bill). Ty Segall's last three albums aren't on spotify so sadly no Ty either. ... lMQu0CR5wP

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by JohnErle »

Thanks, Leestu. I rarely use Spotify, but a playlist like that is a better way for me to discover new music by hitting play and letting a song sneak up on me.

And if you want to add a second track from Oh Susanna or Brown Sabbath, I'd recommend Savings And Loan and The Wizard.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by numbersix »

Finally got to listen through everything.

Liked that Ty Segall song. I should get that album, although by the time I do get around to it he'll have released another two records. Prolific jerk.
Hamjam didn't do a lot for me. Dare I say that I prefer the "trap" version a little more? I was surprised by the Benjamin Booker tune, only because Surf's pick was so traditional. Perhaps I underestimated this guy. That Eagulls song was good - I've heard it before, maybe on the radio at work.

First Aid Kit were okay. I much preferred the first song, but that seems to be a session, so I valued the rawness over the glossy production of the second track.
I liked Ray Montagne way more than I thought I would. Like you say, there's variety in even those two songs you posted. Sounds like he's been listening to those Nuggets compilations for inspiration.

Surf, no surprise that Perfume Genius would be your #1. What an album. I think he's vastly improved himself with this one, and the variety makes the album worth revisiting over and over. Good to see Leetsu give it some love too. And Parquet Courts. Great album.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

Not sure if there's any interest in another list, but I'm putting the finishing touches on mine and it should be finished soon.
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Leestu »

Yeah Geezer, if you post them I'll have a listen.

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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

Alright, Album 10 is a band that I saw open for two of my favorite bands, Against Me! and Gaslight Anthem (more on them later) this year. Had no idea who they were or what to expect going in (which is how I discover a lot of the music I end up loving) but they played a great set and I went on to really enjoy this album. They sound a lot like early Gaslight, which is the best Gaslight. Here's Twopointeight - From Wires.

Twopointeight - "Martha St."
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

At number 9 is another band I saw as an opening act this past year and ended up liking a whole lot. They put on one intense show, and I think they will only get better from here, as this album is only their debut. Here's PUP - PUP.

PUP - "Lionheart"
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

At number 8 is an album that honestly was a letdown for me. I love The Gaslight Anthem so much that there's no reason this album shouldn't have come in top 3 on this list. But alas, here it is at number 8. It's still pretty great but they need to learn to trim the fat, there's no need for 16 tracks when a lot of them are just filler. Here's "Get Hurt".

The Gaslight Anthem - "Dark Places"
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

Album 7 comes from three ladies that know what punk rock is all about. I saw them at the same show that I discovered PUP, which was only one of many awesome shows I went to this year (headlined by a band that will be coming later on). Here's a taste of Cayetana's "Nervous Like Me."

Cayetana - "Scott Get The Van, I'm Moving"
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

I'll be honest, I had never heard of the band who produced my number 6 album of 2014 a month ago. I only learned about them through other lists of the best of 2014, but holy shit am I glad I did because this is one HELL of an emo punk record. Completely blew me away and I haven't been able to stop playing it. This is The Hotelier - "Home, Like Noplace there Is"

The Hotelier - "Home, Like Noplace there Is" (whole album)

I'll post the top 5 tomorrow!
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

I'm back! To bring you number 5 on my countdown. So this band was yet another opening act that I saw this year, having no prior knowledge of their material. And HOLY SHIT did they blow me away on that stage. Instant favorites. It was as if each song was better than the last and left me feeling "How the hell did I not hear pf them before?" Well, the band is a little trio from Pennsylvania known as Spraynard. They actually broke up for a while and just recently got back together, and I am extremely glad they did. I plan on seeing them again in a couple months. This album is actually a collection of B-Sides they released soon after getting back together. One of the tracks is actually a 16+ minute live performance they recorded in their parents' house. Hard to see how these songs couldn't make their earlier albums (both of which are excellent). I hope they blow up, because they deserve it. Anthemic punk rock at its finest. I give you Spraynard - "The Mark, Tom and Patrick Show"

Spraynard - "The Mark, Tom and Patrick Show" (whole album, first track is my favorite)
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

At number four on my list is the band that PUP, Cayetana and Spraynard all opened for (I saw them twice this year). And even though this album pales in comparison to their last effort (which made my top 20 of all time), it is still really, really great. Here's The Menzingers with "Rented World".

The Menzingers with "Rented World" (whole album)
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

Album number three is from another band I discovered simply by reading other top lists of 2014. This band rips so hard! Just a perfect blend of alternative and pop punk with a killer female vocalist. I have listened to this album every day now for the past couple weeks and it jumped all the way to number 3. It is top to bottom incredible. Here's Chumped - "Teenage Retirement"

Chumped - "Name That Thing"

"Long Division"

"Hot 97 Summer Jam"

"December Is The Longest Month"
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Re: Best of 2014

Post by Geezer »

Album number TWO of 2014, for me, is from a band that is just making their way through the mountains of pop-punk/indie/emo bands out there, but to me, they are easily among the best. This album just instantly takes me back to my own adolescence like few others can. From the very first line of the album, "I hate worrying about the future, cuz' all my current problems are based around the past" I was hooked. It keeps going from there, delivering more lines like "Trying hard not to look like I'm that hard, failing miserably at everything including that." Musically, vocally, they aren't polished, they just do their thing and it hits me right in that perfect sweet spot. Here's Modern Baseball - "You're Gonna Miss It All"

Modern Baseball - "You're Gonna Miss It All" (whole album)
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. - The Dude

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