#Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

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#Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by numbersix »

After a recent conversation with Mr Frendo on Facebook about modern music (in which I introduced him to some great new artists), I thought it would be worth posting my favourite songs and albums of the year. Considering how much fun the #100 songs countdown was, it would be cool to hear your favourite tracks from this also. So we can get the bad taste of the Billboard Top 10 out of our mouths (and ears).

So here's Track and Album #6

ALBUM #6 : Bad As Me by Tom Waits

As far as I'm concerned, Tom can't make a bad album. But this record is perhaps his least surprising, with most songs being variations from tracks from the last 20 or so years. Nothing wrong with that, especially when they're so good. Tom does try to make them coherent with a through-line of Southern Blues and Jazz.

TRACK #6 : "Future Crimes" by Wild Flag

The debut album by this Riot Grlll supergroup may not reach the peaks of Helium, Sleater-Kinney, etc, but this was a real gem. There's true passion behind this track, with earnest lyrics sung with utmost passion.

(Apologies, the album version isn't online. This live version doesn't capture the energy but it's not bad)

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

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ALBUM #5: Smother by Wild Beasts

These guys feel like spiritual successors to the Smiths, with their beautiful indie rock tinted with a dash of lyric wit and flamboyant vocals. However, their new album was a more sombre turn, probably influenced by a relationship ending. But Wild Beasts manage to make the most out of it, at times hopelessly romantic, darkly erotic, and deeply heartbreaking. While I would have preferred some more lyrical wit, the band has nevertheless made a record full of depth and passion

TRACK #5: "Lone Runner" by Dirty Beaches

While not particularly original if you have any 1950's rock and roll album and Suicide's 1976 debut, it was refreshing to hear a song like this over the last 12 months. Dirty Beaches is a unashamedly posturing pastiche, and he sure knows how to do cool. This track is minimalist but creates a fascinating mood.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by numbersix »

ALBUM #4: Demolished Thoughts by Thurston Moore

Sonic Youth without the full band never sounded like a good idea to me, but I was stunned by how accomplished Thurston's 3rd solo record really sounds. He manages to retain the edginess of Sonic Youth's best material while adding something new and different to the sound. By using acoustic guitars and string backing instruments there's now a more pastoral, contemplative feel to the music, as if Nick Drake took a stab at Daydream Nation. Moore's lyrics are as mystifying and absorbing as ever.

TRACK #4: California by EMA

It's good to keep an eye on what the kids are up to these days. And if EMA is evidence, they're listening to a lot of Nirvana and early 90s shoegaze to make droney music with some blunt yet powerful lyrics. California could be a rock anthem if EMA didn't go for a different sound, drawing out the simplicity into a wall of reverb. It's a song about the beauty and tragedy of life when you're young (man, I'm sounding like Shryke now!), with a really interesting twist towards the end that refocuses the song's theme to one of self-destruction, or at least its possibility.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by numbersix »

ALBUM #3: James Blake by James Blake

I've only really become aware of dubstep in the last year or so, and it comes across as a sort of urbane dance music, basically a combination of all the horrible elements of hip-hop and dance. But the young James Blake is wrestling back what the term means to him, which is ultimately a sort of soulful electronica, as evidenced in his accomplished debut album. There's plenty of electronic trickery that is made less cerebral by his lovely voice. But the electronic aspects make his RnB vocals less saccharine, creating a fascinating combination that feels fresh.

TRACK #3: How Deep is Your Love by The Rapture

I had been waiting a long time for this song. The Rapture's last record (in 2006 I believe) was good, but this felt like a return to the genius of their Echoes record, where the beat of, dare I say it, dance music was fed into a post-punk machine. This leans a little bit more towards late 80's rave, but its indie spirit is still there. I'm afraid the new album didn't grab me as much, its Euro-pop production leaving me a little cold. But this is a cracker of a tune.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

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ALBUM #2: New Brigade by Iceage

This record kinda came out of nowhere, but man what a surprise! This bunch of under 20s have been listening to Gang of Four, Wire, and Fugazi. Their brilliantly brief debut album is a collection of tight punk tunes. Can't wait to see what they're up to next.

TRACK #2: "Putting the Dog to Sleep" by The Antlers

An underwhelming album, but what a beautiful closer. Obviously not about killing your dog, it's more a romantic song about loneliness and moving on from a bad relationship, with some really nice 1950s melodies nicely contrasting with the singer's imperfect, broken vocals.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by numbersix »

ALBUM #1: Let England Shake by PJ Harvey

PJ Harvey has rarely put a foot wrong, but the big surprise was at how good her latest album really was. Harvey always manages to toy with her sound without losing the core of who she is, and with this album she got it almost perfect. The album is broadly conceptual, with PJ voicing her anxiety over her life and country through stories and poetry during WWI. She also makes a modern rock album while embracing traditional folk (most powerfully in On Battleship Hill) and rock n roll (the outro on The Words That Maketh Murder deliberately resembling Summertime Blues). It's both referential yet deeply modern. Amazing stuff.

TRACK #1: Sundome by Battles

With the departure of frontman Tyondai Braxton, Battles new album would never reach the potential I wanted it to. But the new direction the 3-piece took on had its moments, most notably in this wonderful track featuring the lead singer (yelper? Screamer?) of Japanese act Boredoms. It's a rather indescribably song, but it develops brilliantly and is thoroughly unique.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by Leestu »

Hey Six! I wanted to check in and thank you for doing this...and to let you know that someone was paying attention and listening. As someone who has loved music for over 30 years now and still listens to both my old and new faves I don't have the time anymore to sit through hours of drivel to find the decent stuff so it's great to have someone with decent taste filter out the shit and point me in the right direction.

My favourite was "Lone Runner" by Dirty Beaches". I absolutely loved it...and maybe it was because you mentioned Suicide but it did remind me of Frankie Teardrop, possibly the most deliciously evil song ever written.

Also really liked the Wild Beasts, and it probably goes without saying that I appreciated the Tom Waits and Thurston Moore tracks. I will probably try to get my hands on these three albums, and possibly also the Ice Age.

I found the EMA song really interesting too. Is it worth checking out more or was this a flukey one-off?

I did like the Antlers song, but not enough to make me hear more. Probably a good thing based on waht you said.

Wild Flag was alright but maybe surprisingly to someone who knows my tastes I never really got into riot girrl music.

The Rapture song was decent enough without being anything special but seeing as I like their earlier stuff I might give it and their latest album a few more listens.

Did not like the James Blake or Battles at all, but if I recall I don't think I liked the Battles song from your top 100 either.

Lastly I didn't listen to the PJ Harvey tracks because I just recently got the album (coincidentally on 01/01/12, the same day you posted the tracks) and haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. I want to hear the album as a whole first so didn't want any spoilers.

Like I implied earlier I haven't listened to much 2011 music but one album that I have loved and has been on high rotation is "Thank You, Happy Birthday" by Cage the Elephant. An awesome album with diverse tracks that bring to mind bands like Pixies and Weezer, with a dash of punk and Beatles thrown in for good measure.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by numbersix »

Cheers, Leetsu, I really appreciate that. That Cage the Elephant song sounds good, but will give it a few more listens before I make up my mind. Definitely hear the Pixies influence in it.

I recommend the Dirty Beaches album Badlands. Not everything is like Lone Runner, there's a strange mix of doo-wop, electro-punk, and abstract soundscapes. Like if Lou Reed and Alex Vega scored Blue Velvet.

EMA's debut album Past Life Martyred Saints is actually very good (featured heavily in many critics Best of 2011 lists), especially for someone who's only 22 or so. The cow. Again, the album is not like California, there's a bit of variety which really impresses me.

I'm not a huge Riot Grrlll fan either, but I felt Sleater-Kinney were an excellent band.

The new Antlers album Burst Apart got great reviews but never really blew me away. Their first album, Hospice (a concept album about a man watching his girlfriend die of cancer. Fun) was a better record.

You don't want spoilers on an album? THE BUTLER DID IT!!!!

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by silversurfer19 »

I actually forgot to comment on this thread, but better late than never I guess....

The Tom Waits tracks were awesome. I've been meaning to get into his stuff since you posted one of his songs in your favourite songs poll. Haven't done so as of yet, but this rhythmic, almost tribal assault which for some reason felt reminiscent of Liars should give me that extra little push to do so. I quite enjoyed the Wild Flag song, not a big standout, but definitely pleasant enough.

I keep trying to get into Wild Beasts. Their lyrics are reminiscent of what Morrissey may have conjured up 30 years ago, and indeed the vocals too. But for some reason I'm yet to really fall in love with them. Having said that, I don't think I've heard that first track yet, but it was wonderfully sumptuous, like a big velvet blanket smothering you with the warm vocals. I liked that.

While the Dirty Beaches singer had a very dominant, powerful voice in the manner of Ian Curtis, I just wasn't interested in the music enough to maintain my attention on it.

Obviously a big fan of Thurston Moore's and been listening to this album quite a bit. Definitely one of his better solo records, he's taken SY's records that little bit further and it works.

EMA is someone I've heard a little about without actually hearing her stuff until now. I really enjoyed it, an intense vocal with a sombre, sparse swarm of reverb.

James Blake just doesn't interest me, sorry. Tried his stuff a few times but never had anything stand out for me as something I'd like to listen to. The Rapture song just feels such a mighty fall from grace since their Echoes record. Just did nothing for me.

I'd heard of IceAge for a little while now without listening to any of their music. Man that was awesome. Will definitely be seeking out more of their music.

I quite enjoyed the new Antlers record, and this is definitely one of the highlights along with Every Night My Teeth Are Falling Out.

I have absolutely no issue with you picking Let England Shake as best record. It's brilliant, as PJ always is. It knocked me for six (get it!) on first listen, wasn't expecting anything like that sound, but she keeps evolving on each record and I found this one addictive.

I like this Battles song, but I didn't find it the best on that record. I keep falling back on Ice Cream, which I think is quite brilliant. I'm so glad they've managed to carry on despite their setbacks.

I've listened to a little Cage The Elephant, Leestu. I've not gotten round to getting their record yet, but will definitely do so as I really like the surf pop grooves which, as you mention, are very reminiscent of Pixies' music. And I know most of you know I LOVE the Pixies. Thanks for reminding me to get into these.

Anyway, personally I've tried to listen to as much new music as possible this year, but it's been difficult as I got a record player as a present so many of my purchases have been re-buying all my favourite albums on record. Still here are a list of my ten favourite records I've heard this year:

1. Fucked Up - David Comes To Life

A brilliant concept record which takes the punk of their earlier records and marries it with a full on rock opera following a relationship.

2. The Vaccines - What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?

Just a completely delightful slice of rock, and really, what else could we expect?

3. PJ Harvey - Let England Shake

As already mentioned by six, a fabulous, sprawling manifesto which is up there with the best of PJ's work.

4. The Black Keys - El Camino

Definitely more accessible than Brothers, with every song a sure fire hit, it's got swagger and balls, and despite only being a month old, I love it!

5. The Decemberists - The King Is Dead

Americana folk at it's finest, you have to simply adore The Decemberists.

6. Suuns - Zeroes QC

Kind of mixing a little Interpol and Primal Scream, this is an electro pulsating delight from start to finish.

7. Beirut - The Rip Tide

Can't go wrong with Beirut's bright and breezy record which sweeps you away on a tidal wave of pure pop joy!

8. Wu Lyf - Go Tell Fire To The Mountain

Explosions In The Sky with a gruff, direct singer, but somehow this honest, heart felt effort works.

9. Yuck - Yuck

Perhaps not quite as brilliant as I had hoped on first listen of Get Away, this is still a very confident record embracing early 90s alt rock to its full.

10. Battles - Gloss Drop

A brilliant follow up to Mirrored, with beats and pulses to keep you dancing all night.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by numbersix »

This is great, Surfer, now we have a music conversation going!

Fucked Up: I've heard a lot about these guys, and a few songs. A bit "college rock" (my only criticism of your taste) for me but it ends really well.
The Vaccines and The Black Keys: Both fun and catchy, just in different ways.
The Decemberists: Reminded me of early REM. In a good way.
Suuns: Never heard of them, but I liked that song. Like a psych-rock Interpol. Might check out more of these folks.
Beirut: I like this guy, though I find his songs all sound very similar.
Wu Lyf: I always assumed by the name that it was a rapper! Nice, though. Actually, it's better than nice, it's really good!
Yuck: Yeah I like these guys. Very Dinosaur Jnr.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by NSpan »

NSpan's 5 Favorite Albums of 2011

#1 Spindrift - Classic Soundtracks Vol. 01

One of my all-time favorite live bands finally captured their sound in the studio. "Psychedelic Western" music is the label usually applied to these guys, though they cycle through a variety of styles throughout the course of this exemplary record. Elements of surf-rock, shoegazing, spaghetti westerns, and even a hint of metal mesh to create their unique sound. Check out the album, check out the band.

(Spindrift is actually more of an instrumental band, so this might be an even better example: http://www.ifc.com/videos/spindrift-spacevixens <--play it LOUD)

#2 Holly Golightly & the Brokeoffs - No Help Coming

Holly Golightly has been kicking ass on her own (and in other bands) her whole life. But it's her new country band that has really blown me away. We caught a performance this year, and they are tight as hell. She's British, so calling it "country" is misleading. Think: the Kinks' Muswell Hillbillies mixed with some American roots music. It was really hard to pick a song from this album. You really gotta hear the whole thing, it's that good.

(And another, this one a bit more upbeat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IWYjoR6plM)

#3 The Blind Pets - Sweet Tooth

An Austin band bringing the spirit of Mudhoney into the 21st century.

(Nothing else from the album is on Youtube, but here's one from the previous LP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7gSXuFzD08)

#4 The Rapture - In the Grace of Your Love

It took me a while to get into this album, but I got there. Their earlier stuff has a bit more edge (which I prefer), but they still got it. These guys put on one of the best shows I've seen, and their studio work reflects that.

(More? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73TOA6ikJvA)

#5 The Bright Light Social Hour - New Year's Live EP

If you like the Rapture, you HAVE to see these guys live. Their debut LP is amazing, but that came out in 2010--so this live EP takes its place on this list. I was at this show--see if you can spot me in the crowd.

(One more from the same venue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48RPn-WTcQk)

Honorable Mentions:
Tom Waits - Bad as Me
Invincible Czars - Ornaments EP

5 Decent Albums of 2011 by Great Bands of Yester-Year
Primus - Green Naugahyde
Eisley - The Valley
Cave Singers - No Witch
Cake - Showroom of Compassion
Frank Black - Abbabubba

5 Albums of 2011 That I Still Haven't Heard, Dammit
Garage a Trois - Always Be Happy, But Stay Evil
Cold War Kids - Mine Is Yours
Ringo Deathstarr - Colour Trip
Raveonettes - Raven in the Grave
Icarus Line - Wildlife
On the run from Johnny Law ... ain't no trip to Cleveland.

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Re: #Six's 6 Songs and Albums of 2011

Post by numbersix »

Favourite song of yours, NSpan, was definitely Spindrift. Very cool. Holly Golightly was pretty good too.

That Rapture album. Yeah, I'm still not sure. It took me a long time to get over the disappointment that the Rapture I knew and loved in Echoes are long gone. But this new album is a very different beast, a sort of gospel electro-pop record. However, I don't like the overall production led by Philippe Zdar, whose band Cassius have the same sound that I dislike about this record. It's like a restrained Euro-pop post-punk sound, heavy on the high-hat/kick-drum beat but too timid to really take a song to its limits, to let it's hair down.

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