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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 6:36 pm
by numbersix
Also, if you think Surfer is harsh he's like a Richard Thompson but you are a Usain Bolt :D

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 6:52 pm
by Geezer
numbersix wrote:
April 17th, 2020, 6:36 pm
Also, if you think Surfer is harsh he's like a Richard Thompson but you are a Usain Bolt :D
Only with you Six, because I know you enjoy the pain.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 6:53 pm
by numbersix
I don't enjoy it, but being the youngest of 3 brothers I can take it. I can take anything.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 7:03 pm
by Geezer
That's what she said.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 8:54 pm
by Shrykespeare
numbersix wrote:
April 17th, 2020, 6:53 pm
I can take it. I can take anything.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 9:09 pm
by Shrykespeare


Benjamin Biolay, Roma (2017)

OK, so you won’t like this song. I prefer to say this right away, so maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I already mentioned “Volver” by Biolay earlier, he’s my favorite lyricist and singer in France. You’ll find it campy, you’ll say it’s some sort of melting pop of European music like we used to make them a few decades ago.I love those strings so much in that song, and Biolay’s voice adds something rocky to it. It’s really hard to define what makes it so great to my ears, but I know that not understanding the lyrics really takes away a lot from Biolay’s songs. I’m just glad to have you listen to it. A flash of lyrics, again, his lyrics are very rich in terms of rhymes and playful words, so my quick translation won’t come close to it.

“Rome in one day, Rome in one time. It feels like you were still here. Have you seen how it slips ? Yet you were appointed to me. But it’s the end for me, the end of the way of the cross, I think. It’s a very pleasant stay, very well earned; We took it well, we took it hard, but I’ve got you in my flesh, plus the scraps of bygone days, once upon a time”

The above video didn't work for me. This one did:


Against Me!, True Trans Soul Rebel (2014)

The follow up track to 'Transgender Dysphoria Blues' on the album of the same name signaled that if there were ANY doubts left over that Against Me! were back in full reinvented force, they were gone for good after this powerhouse song. "Does God bless your transsexual heart?" Laura belts as only she can. It is clear that this album is a coming out party from the jump, and these first two tracks were just the perfect comeback for the band. I imagine they were a huge weight lifted off the shoulders of the singer as well. That's why they are both on my list.


Patty Griffin, Ohio (2013)

For a while this millennium, Patty Griffin and Robert Plant were collaborating both in the studio and in the bedroom. She was part of his Band Of Joy, and his influence can be heard all over this album, American Kid. It was hard to narrow Patty Griffin down to just a few representative songs, so I went with the one that seemed to have the best sound quality on YouTube, plus a cameo from a Golden God.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Self-Immolate (2019)

For their latest album King Gizzard decided to take on the genre of thrash metal. They did an amazing job of respectfully honouring the genre and some of its most famous bands, without just duplicating them, and still retaining their distinctive, unique King Gizzard sound. They made a thrash metal album that fans of the genre could love, while also possibly making some new fans of the genre. It really makes you wonder if they can take on any genre and make it great. Maybe one day there will be a yacht rock album I’ll love for example. Anyway, this is my highlight from the album, and my favourite song of last year.


Handsome Boy Modeling School, The PJs (2000)

Dan the Automator + Prince Paul + Del the Funkee Homosapien.

Another killer combination masterminded by the Automator... but you wouldn't understand it, Handsome Boy Modeling School is like another planet. I ain't even gonna finish this writing about this song, it's too long. I'mma watch Cops, in my La-Z-Boy, in my thong.


Outkast, Roses (2003)


Disclosure feat. Eliza Doolittle, You and Me (2013)

The second to last Disclosure song on my list, and a great one. The vocalist, while rather obscure, has a fitting voice for the clubs, but like a lot of dance music, the real selling point is the production values. The beat here is arguably my second favorite of anything Disclosure.


“Weird Al” Yankovic, Word Crimes (2014)

Roll your eyes all you want, I’ve been a fan of Al since the early 80s. He’s the best at what he does. Of course, to love a parody, one has to at least LIKE the song being parodied, and while I like “Blurred Lines”, I’m not a fan of its misogyny. But as an author and editor, “Word Crimes” speaks right to me. What could be more apropos for a man in my line of work than a song about grammar? It’s funny, the video is letter-perfect (pun intended), and it’s one of the few parodies that’s better than the original. (And very likely the only song ever written to include the word “nomenclature”.)


Johnny Cash, Hurt (2002)

The second of my 2.5 covers on my list. In the late 90s, Cash, who was getting increasingly ill, decided to embrace contemporary songs and give them his take. While many older established artists do that with depressingly middling results, it worked perfectly for the Man in Black. And the best of all is this Nine Inch Nails cover, taking the industrial agony of the original and injecting it with a sense of moribund sorrow. It’s chilling, dramatic, and the perfect swan song (bonus points to the poignant music video) of one of the most important musicians of all time.


PJ Harvey, Kamikaze (2000)

Polly Jean took yet another stylistic turn on her first album of the new millennium, embracing rock n roll like never before with cleaner production and a bigger sound. There was a sheen to the record, and an expansion of her palette of instruments too. Yet the rawness of Kamikaze is the standout, filled with rough guitars and a wailing vocal performance that comes closest to resembling the passion experienced on To Bring You My Love. So while there was a lot to admire in terms of experimentation on Stories From the City, Stories From The Sea, the sheer edge of what makes PJ Harvey the icon she is, is what keeps bringing me back to this album.


Fallujah, Adrenaline (2016)

This song features triggered drums, piercing screams, comically fast guitars and a few sections of calm that serve as false hope that a breather is on the horizon before the auditory assault continues. Welcome to Groundhog Day folks.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 10:53 pm
by Leestu

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 12:20 am
by Leestu
The I love It

Johnny Cash, Hurt - an amazing version of an already amazing song...Johnny Cash is probably the best version but also a must listen for fans of either version is this live radio session version with Trent Reznor on piano and Peter Murphy of Bauhaus fame with an also amazing vocal performance

Outkast, Roses - have we had this yet? song that I've heard too much but I don't hold that against the song

The Excellent

PJ Harvey, Kamikaze - yes love the vocals and guitar on this of the best songs from a great album

The Great

“Weird Al” Yankovic, Word Crimes - first listen...he is very talented...this had a few lines that made me laugh...interesting “Weird Al” Yankovic trivia fact - Eat It reached number 1 on the charts in Australia but Beat It only made it to number 2

The Very Good

Patty Griffin, Ohio - first listen...a couple of great voices over some nice atmospheric slide guitar

The Good

Handsome Boy Modeling School, The PJs - first listen...that chilled, droney beat with the flute melody was pretty cool

Fallujah, Adrenaline - first was all too much! even the so called calm sections weren't very calm, but for some reason I liked the "too muchness", it was sort of fun

Against Me!, True Trans Soul Rebel...good lyrics and obviously an important song for Laura

Benjamin Biolay, Roma - first listen...well this took a turn I didn't expect...sort of suave and cool and easy to enjoy

The Rest

Disclosure feat. Eliza Doolittle, You and Me - first listen...her voice is fine I guess

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 3:38 am
by silversurfer19
Geezer wrote:
April 17th, 2020, 4:31 pm
Jeez Surfer, did I do something to piss you off lately? I feel like you've been particularly snarky towards my picks (even when you don't correctly attribute which one was my mystery round even after the answers were revealed!) You keep it up you might just hurt my feelings :lol:
Ha! Even after I am given the correct answers I still screw up the songs by artists I have never heard of! Honestly though, I apologise if you feel I have been a little snarky recently, no offence intended. I guess I just live in hope that I will find a song in your countdown that I am surprised by and want to seek out more of. At the moment I just haven't been inspired by a few of your picks recently, unfortunately.

I keep hoping though, but until then there may be some more unintentionally snarky comments. I fully expect the same from you all in return!

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 7:39 am
by numbersix
Chien: I was trying my best, honestly. I focused on the funky bassline to get me through, but once the rap came in I just couldn't, and the hate flooded out.
Geez: Liked the sentiment of the lyrics, but the music was just... beige.
John: Not my kinda thing, but as I was doing other things this worked quite well. Good vocals.
Leetsu: Oh. Didn't realise they went all metal for their new, 5 billionth album. Tranny can comment on this more accurately than I can, as this wasn't for me.
NSpan: Like almost all of the DtA stuff you post, I really have a good time listening to this old skool hip-hop
Ron B: I think this appeared a few times in the All Time Songs countdown. This doesn't appeal to me the way some of their other stuff does. Bonus points for having the word poo in the chorus. Man, they really don't like that woman, do they?
Screen: Vocals were okay. Beats were okay. For such an acclaimed act I find them to be a very average club-oriented act
Shryke: Hah! This was amusing, particularly as I often have to check scripts for typos and grammar errors. I actually saw Al live at his first ever European gig (supposedly), which was bizarrely part of a music festival curated by the hyper-serious Godspeed You Black Emperor.
Surf: This is interesting. I have nearly 200 PJ Harvey songs on my laptop (which is basically all her albums, b-sides, collaborations and rareties), and if I were to do a Top 100 of her songs this wouldn't make it. I've an opposite feeling towards this album, which I find too glossy and over-produced, featuring some of her laziest songs. This is okay (I mean, she is my favourite solo artist), but the rawness feels too muted for me, and the tension between that and the overal production makes the song feel flat. I'm so glad she turned away from this style and went raw again with the uneven but rewarding Uh Huh Her, and then into folk and blues.
Tranny: This is the opposite of most of your metal songs. Usually they start of nice then get heavy and screamy and I tune out. Here, within seconds the AAAARRRRGHGHH is broken out, but then 3 mins in it gets kind of nice.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 8:18 am
by silversurfer19
Round 34 thoughts

Chien, Benjamin Biolay - This was a little bizarre, with the super smooth, overly produced opening complete with strings, then for it to break into rap mid way through before returning to the strings again. Not really for me. And I don't think I could ever call those vocals 'rocky', still, I listened so if that is your hope from the countdown, let's call it a success!!

Geezer, Against Me - Not bad, and yes, you can definitely hear a distinct change in style of their music in this which may have been an intentional thing to mark such a big change in her life.

JohnErle, Patty Griffin - Just kind of drifted past me really, much preferred your earlier contribution from her.

Leestu, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Wow, thought I would like all your King Gizzard offerings. Guess not, this did not appeal at all. Just because you can do something, doesn't always mean you should!

Nspan, Handsome Boy Modeling School - Funky hip hop, sounds like it would fit great in some 70s gangster movie with 'pimps n hoes'. This is definitely more interesting that 90% of modern hip hop I hear.

Ron, Outkast - Is this quite famous, don't think I have ever heard it before, but much prefer the likes of Hey Ya to this, didn't really do anything for me.

Screen, Disclosure - For such a big act, this could just be any old club music, I couldn't really differentiate at all. Not for me.

Shryke, Weird Al - Well, I am definitely not a fan of the original, and while for the most part I am not bothered by comedy songs, this does make it a LOT more bearable. Some great lines in this.

Six, Johnny Cash - It is amazing how Cash took a great song and made it even better, and more so, completely it's own thing. I don't really even think of the Reznor version any more when I think of the song.

Tranny, Fallujah - Only 33 more to go. Only 33 more to go.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 1:39 pm
by Chienfantome

Geezer, Bad Religion, Sorrow : Listenable.

John, Death Cab For Cutie, I Will Follow You Into The Dark : Very nice, definitely the kind of soft, sweet song I'll go back to.

Leestu, Grouplove, Colours : Pretty catchy, pleasant song.

NSpan, Rapture, The Devil : I wasn't very familiar with the Rapture before the countdown, those guys aren't bad.

Ron, Eminem, Stan : Not my favorite Eminem song, but it grings back memories, pretty good.

Shryke, Onerepublic, Love Runs Out : It's pretty listenable, but not the kind of music I'll go back to.

Six, Sufjan Stevens, The Owl and the Tanager : Sufjan Stevens is always a good choice. It's not one of the songs that stuck with me over time, but it's still damn fine.

Surfer, At The Drive In, Invalid Litter Dept. : Had it been a mystery round, I would have guessed it was your choice, it definitely sounds like something you listen to. It's pretty decent.

Tranny, Vince Staples, Norf Norf : Oh, no metal. But still not something I like ;)

Screen, Lana Del Rey, West Coast : I've never been huge on Del Rey, but she still has an intersting voice and sound.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 2:18 pm
by Chienfantome

Woooooooo, man without Six (and I, of course ;) ), this would have been one of the worst set of songs since... well.

So, Johnny Cash, Hurt, what a beautiful song. I listed I hung my head by Cash earlier, his late covers are just sublime. Excellent choice. Too bad you hated Biolay, because that Cash song would have deserved some Gérard Mulot macarons next time I'll go to London, but hey, I can't offer Mulot macarons to someone who can't recognize the brilliance of Biolay !! ;)

As for the rest, well. Patty Griffin was alright, wouldn't listen to it again, but I can understand why you love it, John. Otherwise... Nope, nothing else I like :lol:

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 3:03 pm
by numbersix
Chienfantome wrote:
April 18th, 2020, 2:18 pm

So, Johnny Cash, Hurt, what a beautiful song. I listed I hung my head by Cash earlier, his late covers are just sublime. Excellent choice. Too bad you hated Biolay, because that Cash song would have deserved some Gérard Mulot macarons next time I'll go to London, but hey, I can't offer Mulot macarons to someone who can't recognize the brilliance of Biolay !! ;)
You have no idea what I'm willing to do for those macarons. No idea.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #40-31

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 5:08 pm
by JohnErle
Now that I know fancy French pastries are at stake, I would to retroactively heap praise on all of Chien's previous picks.