Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by silversurfer19 »

UB40, “Wear You to the Ball”

At the risk of offending your wife, Shryke, I have to say I'm not a fan of UB40 at all. And when the boom chicka boom kicked in I almost turned the song off. I'll leave it at that before I suffer the wrath of a Bard....

The Toadies, "Doll Skin”

Wow that was very cool. The guitar wailing in the background was very reminiscent of Pixies and the vocals were very strong. This song has made me just push the Toadies record I already had saved right to the top of my Amazon list. Will have to pick this up very, very soon. And now I'll have to listen to it all over again just to listen more closely to the lyrics.... Not that it will be a problem mind, but, y'know...

Devo, "(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction"

Yeah, okay, I get they can interpret a classic into their own sound and make it their own. But it just isn't THAT good, is it? Maybe I've heard the original too often to appreciate this. Sorry buddy, not a fan of Devo by and large anyway, and this didn't do anything to change that despite my attempts.

Geto Boys, "Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta"

And here I was thinking this was one of Boussh's picks... Not for me at all. Lazily written with too much reliance on swearing and not really any reliance on actual talent.

Smashing Pumkins, “Disarm”

Now that is MUCH better. A beautiful song considered for my own list, from the strumming guitar to the bells and violins (not to mention Billy's glorious vocals), there isn't really a fault to be found with this work of art. Delightful as always.

Dixie Chicks, “Long Time Gone”

Ugh. How did becs' SP song manage to get sandwiched between such triteness from different genres. Country pop at its worst.

Mudhoney, “The Rose”

Wow, we really are up and down this round. Haven't heard any Mudhoney in a while, but it's always a pleasure. I can only imagine you had the same reaction to this song as I did at my wedding! Normal folk just can't appreciate good music. I won't tell you which songs I had specially picked for our first couple of dances as they will be coming along a little later in the countdown, but it was certainly a sight to see 40+ guests look on a little perplexed....

Radiohead, “Creep”

This was actually my introduction to the band, and while it is a very decent song, I found that after Pablo Honey they got so much better. Still, a very, very good song which totally showcases Yorke's talent and importance to the band. And the crunching guitars help too, I love that moment when they first signal in.

Atmosphere, “Wild Wild Horses”

Not really my style but I can at least appreciate they went for a different sound.

The Beatles, “Revolution 1”

Not one of my favourite Beatles songs, it almost sounds like they are trying to sound like someone else. A little too innoffensive for my tastes I'm afraid.

Nas, “Rewind”

Rap seems to have made a return this round. Horrible, poorly written with very little music of note to support the song. Too much reliance on guns, ho's and swearing to be taken seriously. Can't rappers be any more imaginative with their lyrics, and using gimmicks as the one you have suggested doesn't hide that fact.

Audioslave, “Like A Stone”

Decent song from the only decent Audioslave record. I feel like I'm having to back track now following my comments earlier on Cornell. I like his work with both Audioslave and Soundgarden, but on his own he just doesn't cut the mustard. Still, decent song but I think I prefer Cochise more though.

The Hives, "Hate To Say I Told You So"

Very fun song which is always good to slam on the stereo when you just want to freak out. Very much part of my university days, but still a pleasure to come back to now and then. They wear their influences on their sleeve and just make some kick ass songs. Always better as a singles band though, over the course of a record they have a few too many middling songs. But that last minute just gets me every time and I have to just stop and nod my head a little! Great stuff.

Ron Burgundy
Chemical Brothers, “Hey Boy Hey Girl”

Nice way to finish a very up and down round, one of the better acts to come out of the dance genre over the last ten years or so, always inventive with their music and consistently catchy. Haven't listened to the record this is from for a while, may have to dig it out.

Well, a very mixed bag this round. Favourites would be becs, Leestu, Buscemi and Barca, while favourite new song would definitely go to NSpan. Now to go back to that Toadies song and listen to the lyrics for some Evil Dead metaphors...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by Shrykespeare »

silversurfer19 wrote:
UB40, “Wear You to the Ball”
At the risk of offending your wife, Shryke, I have to say I'm not a fan of UB40 at all. And when the boom chicka boom kicked in I almost turned the song off. I'll leave it at that before I suffer the wrath of a Bard....
Well, given that the only pure reggae we've heard thus far has been Marley's "Three Little Birds" (twice), I kinda figured this wouldn't be my most-loved choice. I won't hold out hope that my other two UB40 songs will fare any better, so it's cool. P.S. Thank you for "leaving it at that".

My thoughts (in order of preference):

englishozzy – Audioslave, “Like a Stone” – Congrats, ozzy. Though you are the fourth person to have a song that overlaps my own list, you are the first to post said song before me. I love this song with a white-hot passion, and I won't say more than that until it's my turn to post it (which will probably in the next thread after this one). (10)

W – The Beatles, “Revolution 1” – Having been weaned on the must more famous, less doo-woppy version, this was a pleasant surprise. It was almost like hearing it for the first time all over again (except I knew all the words, of course). (8)

numbersix – Devo, “(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction” – Jeez, this takes me back. Hearing Mark Mothersbaugh screech “I can't get no girlie action” is hysterical in itself. (7)

Ron Burgundy – Chemical Brothers, “Hey Boy Hey Girl” – Cool song, cooler video. (7)

Ron Burgundy – Radiohead, “There There” – Boy, look what I started. A Radiohead song at #61 (me), one at #60, (you), one at #59 (Buscemi). And there will be two more posted this thread. As for this one, I quite liked it. (7)

NSpan – Toadies, “Doll Skin” – Wow, I gotta say, if I were listening to the guitars alone, I would swear I was listening to the Foo's “My Hero”... which is not a bad thing, of course. Of course, with that song in my mind, I feel like this song didn't compare as well... which, again, isn't necessarily a bad thing. I still liked it, but not as much. What I did like more was the Cure cover you stuck in there for me. Thanks for that. (6)

BarcaRulz – The Hives, “Hate to Say I Told You So” – Pretty good, but nothing I'd actively seek out again. (6)

Buscemi – Radiohead, “Creep” – I'm pretty sure this was MY introduction to Radiohead, but I remember being blown away by the animated video for “Karma Police”. Most bands would strip their gears changing tempo like that, but Radiohead does it so effortlessly. That being said, I've never really loved this song. (6)

silversurfer – Gang of Four, “Natural's Not in It” – It was okay, but I doubt I'll remember it. (5)

becs – Smashing Pumpkins, “Disarm” – Not my favorite Pumpkins song. Just so-so for me. (5)

transformers – Atmosphere, “Wild Wild Horses” – Not too bad. A million times better than “Cats Von Bags”. (5)

undeadmonkey – Dixie Chicks, “Long Time Gone” – It's country, so... meh. (4)

leestu – Mudhoney, “The Rose” – Holy shit, I think my ears are actually bleeding... (3)

Banks – Nas, “Rewind” – Wow, three hip-hop songs in one day... (3)

Geezer – Geto Boys, “Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta” – Pure? Maybe. Greatest? Not hardly. Sorry, dude, my least favorite song you've posted thus far. (2)

Teaser: Buscemi's gonna plotz when he sees some of tomorrow's choices...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by W »

The one you listened to, the more upbeat Revolution, is Revolution 2. There's also Revolution 9, which is nothing like 1 or 2. A lot of people wouldn't call 9 it a "song" as it's a bunch of sounds and clips of stuff sewn together. 9's one of those songs that is easy to see that a crazy person like Charles Manson could think it was telling him to do stuff...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by NSpan »

Ron Burgundy - Radiohead, "There There"
Oddly, I remember liking this track slightly more than I did than when listening to it here. Either way, good stuff.

leestu - The Pogues, “Dirty Old Town” (1985)
Surf compared one of my Byrds' picks to the soundtrack of O Brother Where Art Thou. In the same sense, I appreciate this within a certain context--but I dunno if it could ever cross over into my standard musical palette.

Buscemi - Manfred Mann's Earth Band, “Blinded By The Light”
Hate the original, hate the cover.

silversurfer - Jeff Buckley, “Mojo Pin”
Good song, but I think Buckley is a bit overrated.

W -- Aerosmith, “Last Child”
Good song, but I think Aerosmith is a bit overrated.

Banks -- She & Him, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here”
I didn't think I could hate her more than I did before... but now I do.

englishozzy -- Lost Prophets, “Last Train Home”
Didn't really hold my interest. But I DID listen to the whole thing.

BarcaRulz -- Silverchair, "Tomorrow"
Some of the better material from a band that I consider otherwise pretty unimpressive. And the lyrics are distractingly bad.

becs -- Smashing Pumkins, “Disarm”
Hellllllll yeah.

Buscemi -- Radiohead, “Creep”
I still prefer earlier versions of the song ( but this is damn good, nonetheless.

Shrykespeare - UB40, “Wear You to the Ball” (1989)
This was a very nice song. I found it to be neat and happy. It made me smile. The End.

Numbersix - Devo, "(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction" (1977)
Boy... you really got a personal vendetta against those idols. Anyway, I kinda dig this. Borderline novelty, though.

Geezer - Geto Boys, "Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta"
Great stuff.

undeadmonkey - Dixie Chicks, “Long Time Gone”
I feel like these girls have (between them) enough talent to have created something special. Can't help but think that they (to some extent, at least) did not take full advantage of that.

leestu - Mudhoney, “The Rose” (1988)
I remember loving these guys, but this track wasn't what I was expecting. Repeat listens imminent

silversurfer - Gang Of Four, “Natural's Not In It”
Took me a few extra listens, but I'm startin' to hear what you hear.

transformers - Atmosphere, “Wild Wild Horses”
Intriguing in a sense. But it's really just not my thing.

W - The Beatles, “Revolution 1”
Amazing song. Simplistic...but perfect.

Banks - Nas, “Rewind”

englishozzy - Audioslave, “Like A Stone”
Great song. Proof that there IS life after Soundgarden.

BarcaRulz - The Hives, "Hate To Say I Told You So"
I remember this when it was popular. I'm equally ambivalent now as I was then.

Ron Burgundy - Chemical Brothers, “Hey Boy Hey Girl”
Nick not like.
silversurfer19 wrote:NSpan
The Toadies, "Doll Skin”
This song has made me just push the Toadies record I already had saved right to the top of my Amazon list.
Which album? Rubberneck is their best. The follow-up to that (Feeler) never got officially released (and, if you're interested, I can getcha a copy). Hell Below / Stars Above is also stellar. They also have TONS of non-album tracks--singles, soundtrack contributions, unreleased demos, etc.--that could easily fill a CD with top-notch tunes..
Last edited by NSpan on May 12th, 2010, 6:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by numbersix »

Overall a very strong round, with only one song I absolutely hated (and for once, it's not UDM's pick ;) )

Shrykespeare: UB40, “Wear You to the Ball” (1989) - Sorry, Shrykey, but I've heard plenty of UB40 across the years, and frankly they bore me. Then again, reggae is a genre I don't particularly like, so I guess that makes sense. The onyl way I can describe them is that they sound like when I'm sick in bed on a sunny day.

NSpan: The Toadies, "Doll Skin” (2001) - You know, I'm starting to get into these guys. Maybe it was the Cure cover you posted on Facebook. I really liked this. There was a real Pixies vibe to it, with a hint of grunge. Really liked the music overall (less os the lyrics). Might check these guys out. Good stuff!

Geezer: Geto Boys, "Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta" - Well, I dug the idea of the song, poking fun at rappers who think/want to be/are gangsters. Some of it was funny, but the music was as repetitive as the rap they're poking fun as. I also hated the last verse, it was so "trendy" to hate the president at the time, but most actually had very little so say, and these guys fit into that neatly.

becs: Smashing Pumkins, “Disarm” - Good to see a Pumkpins pick outside of Melon Collie (and damn that album title for making me think that was how you spelled melancholy). Another one of the band's best songs. Love the use of the bells in it.

undeadmonkey: Dixie Chicks, “Long Time Gone” - I'm not really into that sort of poppy folk. didn't like the lyrics either.

leestu: Mudhoney, “The Rose” (1988) - Yeah, there was definitely something to this. A good, solid alt-rock tune that is definitely above a lot of the bands that were inspired by them

Buscemi: Radiohead, “Creep” - I was never really a fan of this song, even though it was my introduction to Radiohead (it was Street Spirit that hooked me). I guess my problem with this song is that it's responsible for everything thinking that Radiohead, and especially Yorke, were depressing, and essentially bypassing the wit, paranoia, and beauty of their lyrics and music. The music is pretty good, especially the CLUNK of Johnny's guitar, but it wouldn't come close to my top 20 Radiohead songs. I saw them play this live in 2003, and Thom was so sarcastic, making mock gestures to get the audience to sing along, even though we al know he hates the song himself.

silversurfer: Gang Of Four, “Natural's Not In It” - It was between this and Ether for my favourite Go4 song, so kudos to you. I love the snarling, subversive lyrics, and that bass playing is just brilliant. To be honest, almost every song from Entertainment (Kurt Cobain's 13th favourite album of all time, I might add) is a classic.

transformers: Atmosphere, “Wild Wild Horses” - The music was kinda nice, and at least it wasn't glorifying violence/misogyny etc. Out of curiosity, what do you think is the difference between underground hip-hop and mainstream hip-hop at the moment?

W: The Beatles, “Revolution 1” - A good song with a great meaning. It feels kinda throwaway, but I guess that was the idea behind that record, it was the band just throwing out ideas and experimenting. Not the best Beatles song, but solid.

Banks: Nas, “Rewind” - Wow, good for Nas. He made this song 7 years after Memento was shown. And was there a point to rapping the song in reverse order? Not that I can see. Plus, it doesn't do anything to the hideous lyrics, that are once again deeply misogynistic, and of course it's all about being a "gangsta". I never paid much attentio to Nas but having listened to this song I actually despise him.

englishozzy: Audioslave, “Like A Stone” - Never really got into Audioslave, but I really like Cornell's vocals on this one.

BarcaRulz: The Hives, "Hate To Say I Told You So" - Noboday made throwaway rock n roll in the noughties like The Hives. I got one of their albums, and they're definitely a singles-only band, but this is great fun.

Ron Burgundy: Chemical Brothers, “Hey Boy Hey Girl” - This song gets a little repetitive for me, and eventually grates, but these guys always had an edge to their dance music.
Radiohead, “There There” - One of the highlights of their later career. I love the line "Just because you feel it, doesn't mean it's there". Really good instrumentation too. Great pick.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by silversurfer19 »

NSpan wrote:
silversurfer19 wrote:NSpan
The Toadies, "Doll Skin”
This song has made me just push the Toadies record I already had saved right to the top of my Amazon list.
Which album? Rubberneck is their best. The follow-up to that (Feeler) never got officially released (and, if you're interested, I can getcha a copy). Hell Below / Stars Above is also stellar. They also have TONS of non-album tracks--singles, soundtrack contributions, unreleased demos, etc.--that could easily fill a CD with top-notch tunes..
I think I added Hell Below Stars Above, mainly because it was one of the few albums actually available on the UK version of Amazon (I still use that to add all music to my wish list), but I would probably look in my record store for whatever is available (and living in the back and beyond, you take what you can get). I'd appreciate a copy of Feeler, just to get me started on them, as they definitely have a sound I want to hear more of.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare wrote: Buscemi – Radiohead, “Creep” – I'm pretty sure this was MY introduction to Radiohead, but I remember being blown away by the animated video for “Karma Police”. Most bands would strip their gears changing tempo like that, but Radiohead does it so effortlessly. That being said, I've never really loved this song.
Wasn't the Karma Police video the one with the guy being chased by the car that Thom Yorke was in? I think Paranoid Android was the animated video.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by silversurfer19 »

numbersix wrote:
Shrykespeare wrote: Buscemi – Radiohead, “Creep” – I'm pretty sure this was MY introduction to Radiohead, but I remember being blown away by the animated video for “Karma Police”. Most bands would strip their gears changing tempo like that, but Radiohead does it so effortlessly. That being said, I've never really loved this song.
Wasn't the Karma Police video the one with the guy being chased by the car that Thom Yorke was in? I think Paranoid Android was the animated video.
That was what I thought, though I presumed maybe there was another video released in the US. Even still, that video for Karma Police is still pretty awesome.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - UB40, “Wear You to the Ball”
Probably not surprised that this band wound up on someones list but not really for me.
NSpan - The Toadies, "Doll Skin”
Actually really liked this song. Enough for me to actually search out for some more stuff from this band.
Numbersix - Devo, "(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction"
I do agree with you that everyone from American Idol, are able to sing, but have no creativity or originality when it comes to songwriting. I know a couple of years back Australian Idol had a round where the contestants could showcase thier own songs which was pretty cool. In terms of Devo's version - not a fan.
Geezer - Geto Boys, "Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta"
Not really my style of music, didn't really get into it at all.
becs - Smashing Pumkins, “Disarm”
Good song choice from Smashing Pumpkins, one of thier better songs in my opinion.
undeadmonkey - Dixie Chicks, “Long Time Gone”
Didn't reall like this song but then Country music is probably an aquired taste hehe.
leestu - Mudhoney, “The Rose”
Not a bad song, reminds me of something else but cant really put my finger on it.
Buscemi - Radiohead, “Creep”
Probably THE song that introduced most people, including me, to Radiohead. Great song, probably thier best.
silversurfer - Gang Of Four, “Natural's Not In It”
Average song for me, didn't like it but didn't dislike it.
transformers - Atmosphere, “Wild Wild Horses”
Haven't heard this song in a while, really starts off sounding like a porno though doesn't it?
W - The Beatles, “Revolution 1”
Not for me. Reason already explained in previous threads.
Banks - Nas, “Rewind”
See Geezer's comment.
BarcaRulz - The Hives, "Hate To Say I Told You So"
Quite liked this song but reminded me a bit of Jet in thier style.
Ron Burgundy - Chemical Brothers, “Hey Boy Hey Girl”
Not really a fan.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by Shrykespeare »

numbersix wrote:
Shrykespeare wrote: Buscemi – Radiohead, “Creep” – I'm pretty sure this was MY introduction to Radiohead, but I remember being blown away by the animated video for “Karma Police”. Most bands would strip their gears changing tempo like that, but Radiohead does it so effortlessly. That being said, I've never really loved this song.
Wasn't the Karma Police video the one with the guy being chased by the car that Thom Yorke was in? I think Paranoid Android was the animated video.

Oh, yeah. It was a long time ago, but that's right.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by becs »

Shrykespeare wrote:That's just it... now I can't even remember. Somehow my brain just labeled MBV as "bad" and I got on with my life. Whoever RIGHTLY deserved my bile, perhaps its best that I can't remember. (Though knowing me, it'll probably hit me in the dead of night.)
I'm betting you were thinking of the emo band Bullet for My Valentine.
numbersix wrote:
Shrykespeare wrote: Buscemi – Radiohead, “Creep” – I'm pretty sure this was MY introduction to Radiohead, but I remember being blown away by the animated video for “Karma Police”. Most bands would strip their gears changing tempo like that, but Radiohead does it so effortlessly. That being said, I've never really loved this song.
Wasn't the Karma Police video the one with the guy being chased by the car that Thom Yorke was in? I think Paranoid Android was the animated video.
It definitely is the one with the guy being chased by a car. Probably my favorite music video of all time.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by BarcaRulz »

Shryke - Sorry mate, that's one more to the 'not my type of music' list. Didn't enjoy it much at all. 3/10. (I'm sorry Mrs. Shryke).

Nspan - Was a nice song. As others have said before me, the best part by far is the music. 6.5/10.

numbersix - I love the original, and this was just insulting to it. I actually cringed at some parts 1/10.

Geezer - Not even a little bit. 1/10.

becs - DAMN YOU becs.. My top 10 has now been breached. Fantastic choice, and IMO the best TSP song. 10/10.

UDM - When I listen to this after I have just listened to one of my favorite songs of all time it just doesn't bode well for it. Also not really a fan of country. 1/10.

leestu - Was Ok. 5/10.

Buscemi - Nice tune and nice lyrics. Not one of my favorites by them, but still really good. 7.5/10.

silversurfer - Wasn't bad, but nothing special. 5.5/10.

tranny - Wasn't as bad as the other hip-hop choices. Still not something I would seek out or re-listen to. 3/10.

W - Ok song, Beatles IMO have many better ones. 5/10.

Banks - There have been some shockers this round for me, and this is another one to add to that list. Not a fan of the genre, and personally hate NAS. 1/10.

englishozzy - Very nice choice. By far my favorite Audioslave song, and it is on my list as well. 10/10.

Ron Burgundy - Not usually my thing, but I actually liked it. New to me. 7/10.

One of the worst rounds when it comes to my opinion. Seriously could not stand some of the songs. Thank god for becs, ozzy, and to a lesser extent Buscemi and Ron.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by numbersix »

BarcaRulz wrote: numbersix - I love the original, and this was just insulting to it. I actually cringed at some parts 1/10.
Not that I think it'll change your mind, but Nina's version is the original. That said, I do like the Animals version also, just not as much.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by transformers2 »

Six the big difference between mainstream and underground rap is the exposure. Mainstream rap especially now is just so generic and shitty but it still gets all the airplay. 99% of mainstream rappers just rap about nothing over pop beats and they all sound the same. Underground rappers aren't popular at all. They are signed to indepedent labels have experimental beats and write lyrics that really don't appeal to mainstream. Also Underground rappers aren't in it for the money so they write completely from the heart and have unique ideas. Mainstream rappers not so much.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #5): #60-#51

Post by numbersix »

Yeah, but what are these unique lyrical ideas that are so different from mainstream rap? As for beats, I haven't heard anything in your picks that sound different from mainstream rap, but that may be because I just haven't listened closely. I'm not saying you're wrong claiming the difference, I just have absolutely no exposure to underground rap at all, so I'm curious to see what those differences are.

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