Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#11

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by numbersix »

Ozzy: If my opinion of Muse isn't already clear, you can message me for a personal rant.

Geez: I'm surprised this is the first appearance, as it's considered such a classic. It's the only Beatles album I bought. I listened to it a few times, and never really returned. While I do appreciate that it advanced the idea of a studio album, I think there's a lot here that's undeveloped, and so I don't think it's a very rewarding single listen. There's a huge amount of time in the middle that sounds like dicking around. If it wasn't for the magnificent Day in the Life I'd call the album poor. I should also note it's pretty interesting that you often criticse my music for being weird, yet like songs such as Within You Without You or Mr Kite which even I find too consciously odd to enjoy.

John E: Crowded House are like some person you met who's so damn pleasant you just want to shake them, smack them, make them do something wrong, just so you can feel comfortable around them.

Leetsu: I can't help but feel this marked Modest Mouse's descent in quality, though it does have some great tunes.

Ron B: I think you've featured these guys before. Pretty sure I've heard the second song somewhere before (maybe Home and Away?). It's listenable electro.

SS: Good choice. I love how it mixes classic punk with something new and, arguable, more interesting. Punk meets Krautrock? Disorder is an awesome album opened, it sets the tone perfectly.

Tranny: This brings me back to my childhood, where my brother would blast this out of the adjoining room. Really like those two tracks. It's metal, but I can actually hear the notes being played!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by Leestu »

Damn! Whats with a couple of my selections not working lately...Nirvana a couple of days ago and now MM...anyway I fell like I'm missing out on my share ;) so here's a live version of World at Large that's worth checking out.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by englishozzy »


The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
- See yesterday's comment about The Beatles, again a few enjoyable songs and probably the album I find the easiest to listen to.

Crowded House - Woodface
- Great album, only just missed the cut on my own list.

Modest Mouse - Good News for People Who Love Bad News
- Both songs were Ok but I didn't feel the need to check the rest of the album out.

Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - No More Shall We Part
- This is the first time I have actually got around to listening to this album and I loved the first song. Listened to the rest of the album and it was Ok but I was slightly disappointed with My Sorrowful Wife defiantly being the best song off the album.

Digitalism - I Love You, Dude
- Not really my style of music and I normally prefer to have lyrics in my music.

Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
- I'm not expecting this to be the last Joy Division album we see on the countdown. Songs were Ok but nothing stands out to me for this band.

Metallica - Master of Puppets
- Can't knock your album choice, and a good choice of songs. A great album from the god's of rock.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by Geezer »


Ozzy - Pretty good album, but not really a fan of the selections you made. City of Delusion is ok, but I really dislike Supermassive Black Hole.

JohnErle - This just made me feel really sleepy...

Leestu - I should really just sit down and listen to this whole album and see what I think. I've listened to enough to be intrigued for more, like your first song, but there's some of it that I just can't get through, like your second. I need to make a commitment.

NSpan - WTF DUDE???

Six - I'll never get the appeal of this guy.

Ron - Not exactly my thing, but the second song was actually decent.

Surfer - From what I know of Joy Division, I know that I haven't been impressed. But your first song was good. Reminded me a lot of the Cure and The Replacements. Still not enough to convert me to a fan though I'm afraid, as the second was more of the reason why I haven't been impressed in the first place.

Tranny - I'll never consider myself a Metallica "fan." I think they are highly overrated. But that's not to say they can't produce a great song here and there. Master of Puppets is definitely one of them. Never liked them enough to pick up a whole album though.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.17

Jimmy Eat World, "Bleed American"
, 2001


Just as Geezer said the other day, this album got a real workout when it came out. Not the music musically talented band out there but their songs are so damn catchy.

"The Middle"

"The Authority Song"

Green Day, "American Idiot"
, 2004


1.American Idiot – 5 stars
2.Jesus Of Suburbia – 5 stars
3.Holiday – 4 stars
4.Boulevard of Broken Dreams – 4 stars
5.Are We The Waiting – 4 stars
6.St. Jimmy – 5 stars
7.Give Me Novocaine – 4 stars
8.She's A Rebel – 5 stars
9.Extraordinary Girl – 5 stars
10.Letterbomb – 4 stars
11.Wake Me Up When September Ends – 4 stars
12.Homecoming – 4 stars
13.Whatsername – 5 stars

You knew that Green Day had to show up on my list, right? Well here they are, coming in at 17 with the first album on my list. Which should tell you something about the high regard I hold them. American Idiot was their revitalization, and the top album of 2004, smack dab in my high school formative music years. Who would have thought a rock opera by a pop punk band would actually work? It may have gotten too big at the time, as you practically couldn't turn on the radio without hearing American Idiot, Boulevard of Broken Dreams or any other single. But listening to it now, years later, it has regained the same impact it had upon first listen. It's an extraordinary achievement from an even more extraordinary band.

"Jesus of Suburbia"

"St. Jimmy"

AC/DC, "Powerage"
, 1978


Back in Black was my introduction to AC/DC, and when I was 15 it was my favourite album, but as an adult my love of AC/DC is all about the Bon Scott years. A friend of mine said it best: “When Bon Scott died, AC/DC went from tongue-in-cheek to fist-in-air and they were never the same.”

"Gone Shootin'"

"Down Payment Blues"

Prince, “Purple Rain”
, 1984


Sorry everyone but I’ve always had this seemingly out of place appreciation for Prince and there is something undefinably special (at least to me) about this album. Unfortunately for those who don’t like him I’m picking my favourite two non-single release songs which actually probably highlight the reasons most people dislike him – the OTT theatricalness and egotism!

Note: Prince has issues with youtube so these are what I could find – not the album versions.

“The Beautiful Ones”

“Baby, I’m a Star” ... deo=xxeqpa

To Be Added At A Later Date

The Rapture, “Echoes”
, 2003


I remember going to a music festival in 2003. While everyone was filling up the larger tent for a dull act called The Thrills, I was more interested in these guys, despite only knowing one or two songs. And my, did I make the right decision. They were an absolute blast, mixing punk rock with thumping electro beats. And a saxophone.

Fortunately it was a brief wait until their masterful second album came out. It’s probably one of the most lasting “regular” albums on my playlist. It’s so easy to dip into. The record takes post-punk posturing and modernises it, as in the raucous The Coming of Spring. But most importantly, these guys are not a one-trick pony. Amidst the accessible percussion-heavy tracks there are more delicate moments, such as the Bowie-influenced Open Up Your Heart and the sombre closer Infatuation (where I dare say there’s a dash of Led Zeppelin), not to mention electro-pop in the form of single Sister Saviour. This is a record from a band at the top of their game, desperately hungry to make a statement and pouring every ounce of ambition into the music. Sadly, subsequent releases didn’t quite match this (mostly because they intentionally veered away from their punk stylings) but they still had their moments.

"The Coming of Spring

"Sister Savior"

Ron Burgundy
Eminem, "The Slim Shady LP"
, 2011


"My Fault"

"Still Don't Give A Fuck"

Nirvana, "Nevermind"
, 1991


You know, I'm constantly surprised by just how brisk this record is. It's twelve songs long, but the forty odd minutes fly by so quickly you can't help but hit the repeat button and listen to it all over again. This record is so familiar, I hardly have to promote it at all. It's the definitive record of the early 90s, it's packed to the brim with hits, and it has left it's mark on pretty much every member of Gen X and the millions who followed. I think I've mentioned previously how I was at first very wary of this band. I'd grown up listening to my dad's records (The Who/ Led Zep/ The Beatles/ Duran Duran and Genesis...), along with the likes of The Smiths and The Stone Roses. All I had heard of Nirvana was that they were very, very heavy. I wasn't sure they were for me. But I was also compelled at the same time to discover just who this band where. One of the best decisions of my life. They altered the music I listened to forever, as their brand of alternative rock brought the likes of The Pixies, Smashing Pumpkins and REM into my life, not to mention one of the most complete records ever recorded. And while their other records all have their own merits (and I know many prefer them over this behemoth), Nevermind has still stood the test of time for me, still sounding as fresh today as it did almost 20 years ago (man, I'm THAT old...).

Listening to the record again right now though takes me back to my later youth, pretty much every track from the album was featured constantly at a local rock club I used to attend. Rocking out to Smells Like Teen Spirit is pretty much one of the most fun activities you can ever do in a room full of sweaty, hairy people! But how that classic song is balanced out at the opposite end of the record with Something In The Way is quite chilling. Is it possible to end a record on a more devastating note. I'm not so sure you can. Anyway, the two songs are my favourite Nirvana tracks, and how they bookend one of the greatest albums of all time is quite masterful. Think I need to hit repeat again...

"Something In The Way"

"Drain You"

Iron Maiden, "The Number of the Beast"
, 1982


"The Number of the Beast"

Last edited by silversurfer19 on March 17th, 2013, 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.17

englishozzy: Jimmy Eat World, "Bleed American" - I agree, as I mentioned the other day, I personally feel Clarity is a better record, but for pure catchiness you'd be hard pressed to beat Bleed American. Listening to these songs just emphasises how quickly the band went downhill though, the later records just don't compare, which was a shame.

Geezer: Green Day, "American Idiot" - I have to say I hate the pomposity of that Wake Me Up song, especially so with the video, and Jesus Of Suburbia borders on that level. It was just an overblown mess that highlighted some of the downfalls of becoming such a monster band following the success of this record, namely songs which are overlong and outstay their welcome as the band try to go for something epic but in the end comes across self indulgent. However, I still need to get the album. There are lots of downright great songs on here, which reinvented the band after the rather mundane Warning (which kind of reminded me of The Levellers in a bad way). Managing to find themselves relevant again was quite an achievement, and while I probably still prefer their earlier works, especially Dookie, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams and American Idiot are some of the band's best work. Thanks for reminding me to get this.

JohnErle: AC/DC, "Powerage" - Ah, AC/DC. I hate pretty much anything post Bon Scott, I think it is the fist-in-air bravado, coupled with vocals that I hate. I can tolerate the work that came prior to that, some of their work is pretty good, but overall it just isn't my cup of tea. I can see why they are so popular, just doesn't really appeal to me, always felt like a second rate attempt to recreate Stones riffs. This didn't go any way to changing that opinion.

Leestu: Prince, “Purple Rain” - Again, I can understand the appeal of Prince, his guitar work at times is very good. But he is totally over the top and suits the 80s to a tee. I think his work has dated enormously, so while I can perhaps appreciate him on a technical level, his style is something I could never truly enjoy.

numbersix: The Rapture, “Echoes” - Great record. In fact, I had to sit and listen to it all over again last night after seeing it had appeared in your countdown. Such a strong record, I think the only track I'm not particularly bothered by is Echoes, but whether it be their ballads (I am obsessed by both Open Up Your Heart and Infatuation) or their dance floor fillers such as House Of Jealous Lovers (SHAKE DOWN!), The Coming Of Spring or Sister Saviour, this is just damned good music that found a nook in my soul where I could truly appreciate dance music. It has an edge to it, but it is still very funky (see, NSpan, wherever you are, there is a Disco Kid in me, after all...).

Ron Burgundy: Eminem, "The Slim Shady LP" - I really do try to listen to Eminem with an open mind every time he is listed on here, but other than Lose Yourself, I just can't really appreciate his work. It's just not really for me.

transformers: Iron Maiden, "The Number Of The Beast" - Always surprised when I actually know an Iron Maiden song, as they are few and far in between. Is it wrong for thinking this was a Spinal Tap number.... Anyway, fun stuff, lots of big riffs and entertaining vocals. Completely over the top, but in a good way. Puts a smile on my face, and you can't really ask any more of music than that.

By the way, is my inclusion the first mention of Nevermind? I believe it is, but I have a strange feeling it won't be the last time we see it...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by Geezer »

Surfer! You know I love Drain You, it is in my top 20 all time! But I'll forgive you, there's simply so many to choose from that I couldn't make the wrong choice when the time comes :)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by silversurfer19 »

Sorry, buddy. I had to pick Something In The Way, it's my favourite song from the record by a long way, while Drain You is probably my favourite song that is not a monster hit. But as you say, it would truly be hard to pick a song which would not be a classic, and considering the number of days and possible inclusions before your own selections, I suspect a few more of your favourites may emerge...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by JohnErle »

My favourite pick from this round is definitely Purple Rain, but Number Of The Beast isn't that far behind. It's probably my second favourite metal album of all time, right behind Piece Of Mind.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by silversurfer19 »

numbersix wrote:Yeah, but 4 songs feels excessive and presumptuous, especially if you're not into the first song. Of course, we don't have to listen to all the songs, but I think 2 is the happy balance for all. Maybe for the Top 5 I might choose 3 songs, depending on their length.
I was going to start posting three songs per selection from my no.15 onwards. I think it is worth it for how much i love these records and i want to really showcase why i do. Anyone else is welcome to do the same.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by NSpan »

Excuse my tardiness...


Jerry Jeff Walker - ¡Viva Terlingua! - 1970

"Gettin' By"
"Desperados Waiting for a Train"
"Sangria Wine"
"Little Bird"
"Get It Out"
"Up Against The Wall, Redneck Mother"
"Backslider's Wine"
"London Homesick Blues"

(ugh, excuse the video editing)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by Geezer »


Ozzy - Obviously I love this one

JohnErle - Can't go wrong with AC/DC. They flat out rock.

Leestu - I can't say that I'm a huge fan of Prince.

Six - Some decent elements, but then it just turns into noise and I have to shut it off.

Ron - I'm not a rap fan, but Eminem is surely incredibly talented and at least usually listenable.

Surfer - G.O.A.T

Tranny - Now this is some metal I can get into. Never listened to the whole album, but from the tracks I know it is awesome.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.16

Foo Fighters, "The Color And The Shape"
, 1997


Iv'e always admired Dave Grohl in the way that instead of resting on his laurels being in one of the biggest bands of all time, he forms a band that is arguable one of the biggest recording today. The Colour and the Shape being their best album to date.

"Monkey Wrench"

"Wind Up"

The Menzingers, "On The Impossible Past"
, 2012


1.Good Things – 5 stars
2.Burn After Writing – 4 stars
3.The Obituaries – 5 stars
4.Gates – 5 stars
5.Ava House – 3 stars
6.Sun Hotel – 5 stars
7.Sculptors and Vandals – 4 stars
8.Mexican Guitars – 5 stars
9.On the Impossible Past – 3 stars
10.Nice Things – 4 stars
11.Casey – 5 stars
12.I Can't Seem To Tell – 5 stars
13.Freedom Bridge – 4 stars

When we began this countdown, I slotted every album and have obviously been tweaking the list as the months have gone on. Well, at that point, this album barely cracked the top 50. But it's the one album I just can't stop listening to. It is, by a wide margin, the best album I heard in 2012, which also makes it the most recent selection on the list. It's just skyrocketed and I'm not even sure it is done. It may break my top ten someday. The Menzingers took all the promise they had from their second album, Chamberlain Waits and just refined it into pure, auditory perfection. Whenever I finish the album, I immediately want to just start it again from the beginning. From the guitar work and Tom May's perfect voice to the nostalgic-style lyrics that just hit home with me on nearly every song. It's the one album right now that I'm basically telling everyone I know that they HAVE to listen to. Spread the word on this little known band that is just doing everything the right way. Please, allow me 4 for this one, it was hard not to pick even more.


"Mexican Guitars"
"The Obituaries"

Led Zeppelin, "Led Zeppelin IV"
, 1971


Perhaps you've heard of it? This is the first Led Zeppelin album to make the cut for me, but it won't be the last. It ranks lower than several other albums still to come largely because I never liked Stairway To Heaven very much, and Black Dog and Rock & Roll are both so massively overplayed that it's hard to enjoy them any more. Still, they are undeniably great songs, which is why they get played so often.

"Four Sticks"

"The Battle Of Evermore"
"Misty Mountain Hop"

Joy Division, “Unknown Pleasures”
, 1979




To Be Added At A Later Date

The Velvet Underground, “The Velvet Underground & Nico”
, 1967


The granddaddy of alternative rock. Brought together by artist Andy Warhol (the man responsible for the iconic cover), the debut album from these bunch of misfits (A New Yorker whose parents forced him to have shock therapy, an oddball Welshman, A German model, a introverted guitarist, and a self-taught drummer/Tea Party member) broke the mould of rock music.

But I don’t like it for its historical purposes. I like it because it’s a collection of some of the best pop tunes and some of the most unique and brilliant rock songs I’ve ever heard, and ever will. Beyond the accessible songs like gentle opener Sunday Morning and rock-n-rolling I’m Waiting For the Man you get Lou Reed’s nightmarish ode to Heroin, and the swaggering, hazy Venus in Furs (often copied, never equalled), all coming together in the explosive European Son. This is the ideal combination of talent and innovation, and I could listen to it forever.

"All Tomorrow’s Parties"

"Venus in Furs"

Ron Burgundy
REM, "Automatic For The People"
, 1992


"The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite"

"Everybody Hurts"

The Clash, "The Clash"
, 1977


While The Ramones and The Stooges were pumping out their brand of punk in the US, back here in the UK, The Clash were releasing one of the most devastatingly ferocious debuts ever recorded. So much so, the record was only available to the US via import initially due to its raw nature. With their varied influences from classic rock to reggae, what truly enabled The Clash to stand out among other punk acts was their musicianship. While many of the punk scene could get by on attitude, aesthetic and polemic views, The Clash had the ability to write a brilliant pop song as well. For this reason, they were the act from this genre that I initially clung to. I can still recall hearing the likes of Police And Thieves, Janie Jones and multiple later releases during my youth, and this melodic aggression intrigued me. How they could write an entire record of this for their debut is astounding. There is so much energy, so much vitality. It is one of the most important records ever released. Unlike the Sex Pistols nihilism, this record offered hope, salvation and ideas. It is politically charged, attacks what was wrong with the system, and offered a release.

But for me, growing up, this was just a fantastically fun record. I was inspired, finding a voice and expression during an era in the mid 90s when rave and dance music was widespread. This record countered that movement, and perfectly reflected my desire to rebel from the norm. I would spend my evenings preparing for exams listening to this record on repeat, chanting along to the charged lyrics. Punk music doesn't get much better. Music doesn't get much better.

"Janie Jones"

"I'm So Bored With The USA"

The Faceless, "Planetary Duality"
, 2008


"Sons of Belial"

"Legion of the Serpent"

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by silversurfer19 »

Stunning round, very much enjoyed with lots of my own countdown appearing.

Album No.16

englishozzy: Foo Fighters, "The Color And The Shape" - Completely agree, Grohl, like Novoselic, could have hung up his drum sticks after Nirvana and just waited for the royalties to flow. But instead he reinvented his image and his sound, and has benefited more than I guess he could ever have imagined. He is proof that bands can break up (through whatever circumstances) but still go on to have successful careers elsewhere, and arguably become just as famous for the new work as the old. Anyway, great album, made my list also, and good song selections too.

Geezer: The Menzingers, "On The Impossible Past" - Wow, count me surprised. I got this record last year, and it was ok, though it didn't leave a particular impact either way and quickly disappeared into my collection. Re-listening, there's that Airborne Toxic Event/ Springfield big sound with a little more punk to it that has quite catchy hooks. Funny that of the four tracks you selected, none of those were my own particular favourites from the record (Ava House, Good Things). Anyway, didn't expect this, or any release so recent to crack your top 20. Obviously it had a profound impression on you. I think my most recent release of my top 20 is 2001, but I guess if a record can completely affect you in such a short space of time, it may become such a favourite.

JohnErle: Led Zeppelin, "Led Zeppelin IV" - While I admit many of the songs from this songs are overplayed, I don't happen to think that affects my appreciation of this record. Black Dog is a fantastic opener. Took me a while to appreciate some of the other tracks, like Misty Mountain Hop, but in the end I was engulfed by it's brilliance. Certainly sees the band moving onto another level in terms of style, and with good reason this is one of the most respected records ever.

Leestu: Joy Division, “Unknown Pleasures” - No complaints from me, heck you picked the record just a couple of days after me and showcased Disorder again, while Shadowplay was in my Song Countdown! Very good taste, my man!

numbersix: The Velvet Underground, “The Velvet Underground & Nico” - Wow, another one of my picks, this has been a fantastic round! Great record, and my first experience of The Velvet Underground a good 15 years or so ago now. It is indeed a wildly varied album with lots of different ideas, but at it's heart it's a beautiful pop record. I'm Waiting For My Man ranked very highly in my Song Countdown.

Ron Burgundy: REM, "Automatic For The People" - Delightful record, where a highly regarded alternative band crossover into the mainstream with such success. I had a harder time picking a couple of songs for this selection, there's just so much greatness here.

transformers: The Faceless, "Planetary Duality" - Man, I know I usually knock the vocals on your songs a bit. But man, that was horrible. Obviously I'm in the wrong crowd, but I just couldn't understand how anyone could listen to that. Especially when there were some kind of Faith No More style vocals appearing every so often. If those were more prevalent I'd be more interested to hear more, as coupled with those vocals there was some cool guitar work.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #9) #20-#1

Post by numbersix »

Ozzy: Probably the best of the Foo records. None of them really excite me but there are some good tunes here.

Geez: I tried to avoid including any records from the past two years. It's very easy to get excited about a record but then fail to revisit it years later. Here, this band didn't sound like anything particularly special to me, and there's lots of bands around who did this earlier and others who do it better.

John E: Good job on posting the tracks I don't know as much. Really good tunes here. LZ can rely on the one riff for each song a bit too much, but the riff is generally damn good.

Leetsu: An inspired debut record. Shadowplay is a great single. Love the simplicity of the solo.

Ron B: It's understandable that this is their most popular album. Every song has something to enjoy.

SS: Interesting that you placed this so high. It's a strong album (I love their version of Police and Thieves ["oh yeah"!]) but not one I revisit that much.

Tranny: Yeah, sorry dude, but the music was tough to get through alone, but the laboured vocals made it a bit unlistenable. I was recently at a Thurston Moore gig where the support act were like this (Death metal? Black metal? Cute Kitten Metal?). They looked like they were going to pass out from singing that way. Music should be about finding your voice, not tearing it out!

NSpan: Well, finally. I think you posted that song in your Top 100. Pleasant enough. For country.

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