Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by becs »

Better Than Ezra, “At the Stars”
I remember these guys fondly, but their sound never really did anything for me. There were maybe one or two songs that I really liked, the rest were kind of bland but not bad, this one falls into the latter category for me.

The Warlocks, “Left and Right of the Moon”
Definitely like it, but it reeeeally reminds me of a different song, I just cannot put my finger on it and its drivin me crazy.

Talking Heads, “This Must be the Place (“Naïve Melody)”
(1983) (also leestu's #88)
Still pretty okay.

Weezer, "Say It Ain't So"
(also Shrykespeare's #92)
Great pick, wouldn't put it in my top 5 from Weezer but awesome nonetheless as basically every songs they have done is. Personally I love the way the song ends. Also, one of the other songs you mentioned will be showing up down the road from me as well, so they won't be underrepresented for sure ;-)

Zac Brown Band, “Free”

Not really my thing, but definitely a nice song.

The Pixies, “Vamos”
Parts were just too over the top weird for me to really like this, but then there were other bits I really liked, I don't even know where to rate this.

New Radicals, “You Get What You Give”

Oh man, I had forgotten about this song entirely, great pick!

Manic Street Preachers, “PCP”

Pretty good, nothing specific about it jumped out at me though.

Mastodon, “Sleeping Giant”

:O Loved it! Particularly great intro, but the rest was awesome too.

Rolling Stones, “Paint it Black”

Great song, I had never heard it till it was covered for the Stir of Echoes soundtrack and that was playing all over the place, really like both versions.

Lily Allen, “Friend of Mine”

Sounds like a crappy version of Kate Nash.


"You cant have a music list without Acca Dacca" I beg to differ.

R.E.M., “Losing My Religion”

AWESOME Song! Love it.

Ron Burgundy
Alice in Chains, “Man in the Box”

Good pick, definitely like this song head and shoulders above Rooster.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Shrykespeare »

Thanks to all who sent in their next batch of songs. Still need the following:

Geezer (1 song left)
undeadmonkey (1 song left)
W (3 songs left)
Banks (2 songs left)
BarcaRulz (1 song left)
Ron Burgundy (1 song left)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by BarcaRulz »

Will send mine in sometime tomorrow Patrick... Will also rate the new batch then.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

You'll get mine either tonight or tomorrow afternoon
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by BarcaRulz »

Shryke - Was Ok, enjoyed it but nothing more.

Nspan - Wasn't really my thing. Also, I agree with becs, this sounds really familiar but I can't put my finger on it, anyone?

Numbersix - First time I hear this (was not around for #88), didn't really get into it.

Geezer - The more Weezer the better. Very little of their stuff is actually a 'miss'. Not one of my favorite Weezer songs, but still damn good.

becs - Very nice pick. This songs just keeps popping up all over the place (tv, trailers, etc) and I always enjoy hearing it.

undeadmonkey - Not my thing, sorry.

leestu - Usually a fan, but not of this particular song.

Buscemi - Very nice pick. This was a wildly popular song when it first came out. One of the songs that doesn't get old for me.

silversurfer - Didn't really like it.

tranny - Loved the intro, but as soon as the vocals started I drifted out of it.

W - Second pick in a row from you that will also appear on my list. By far my favorite Stones song.

Banks - Didn't get into it.

englishozzy - By far my best Aussie band, and probably top 3 bands overall. Love them and have 3 of their songs coming up on my list. This is not one of those, but I still like it. Nice pick.

Ron Burgundy - Was Ok. Have heard it alot, but never really got into it.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Shrykespeare »

Well, given how many songs have been repeated already in this countdown, this shouldn't surprise me. But it does. Seriously, though, what are the odds of two people, working completely independently from each other, would compile a list of their favorite songs of all time, and the same song would appear on both lists in the same spot?

Remote, I'll grant you. I guess the planets had to align just right. Or, in this case, one planet (the fourth one, in case any of you still don't get the reference). To celebrate the occurrence, I'll even give them top billing today!

SONG #61

David Bowie, “Life on Mars?”

becs: Only Bowie could still come across as badass in an orange mullet with blue eyeshadow and a pastel suit. Bowie himself considered this Mick Ronson's best incorporation of strings into one of their songs.

leestu: A great song highlighting Bowie’s vocals. Starting with just piano, its passionate emotional intensity rises to an almost orchestral ending.

Radiohead, “Fake Plastic Trees”

I’m really not that into Radiohead, but this song just gets me every time. The way it builds and builds is almost symphonic, and then the way it goes all quiet again is just gorgeous. Fifty years from now, history may remember Radiohead as a visionary group, well ahead of their time. Songs like this and “Karma Police” show why. No one can exude weariness of the soul like Thom Yorke. What a beautiful, sorrowful, magical ending.

Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special”

A great rendition of a classic. Boosh may recognize this one from Cool Hand Luke.

Joy Division, “Twenty Four Hours”

Another classic post-punk act, this song comes from Joy Division’s second and last record, Closer. Singer Ian Curtis was struggling not just with his personal relationships but his worsening epilepsy. The whole record is a testament of his struggle with himself, while musically the album marks a transition out of the traditions of punk and into something new, something different. Many call it new wave, but this is like a block of steel compared to the frothy nature of that genre. This song is fascinating in its own tension between the solemnity of Curtis’s sentiment and the music’s fast pace, between the bass and guitar dueling for supremacy, and for the song’s rhythmic stuttering, jolting from tense build-up to cathartic rock-out and an outro that was as ambiguous as Curtis’s future.

The Beatles, "A Day In The Life"

This song is stunningly brilliant. Truly taking the Beatles to the next level. I have said that the Beatles entire body of work is so outstanding, that no one song really stands out (heh). However, my list wouldn't be complete without two of them, this being the first; the next will be in the top 10. I could listen to just about any track they ever recorded and love it, but if I were ever allowed to only listen to two for the rest of my life, well the choice wouldn't be hard.

Outkast, “Roses”

I think the lyrics in this song are hilarious, always makes me smile. It's a shame we haven't heard much from Outkast since this album, they were definitely something different and original in their genre which was and is still needed.

Shirley Bassey, “Goldfinger”

The best James Bond theme. Shirley Bassey was always the best with these.

Talking Heads, “Psycho Killer”
(also leestu's #64)

Probably the best (and possibly only) song revolving around the acts of the schizophrenic killer Son Of Sam. A fantastic bass-line combined with some Latin grooves and angular guitars, not to mention David Byrne on top form. And don't you just love that chorus, fully complemented with o-o-o-oh's!

Coheed and Cambria, “Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial)”

This is not another metal band (I promise!). Vocalist/guitarist Claudio Sanchez is such a creative mastermind: on top of this band he also writes graphic novels.

AC/DC, “Back in Black”
(also Geezer's #75)

After the death of Bon Scott, AC/DC could have hung up their spurs ala Led Zeppelin, but instead they found a guy with just as much energy (though maybe not as talented) and decided to make this tribute to Bon guy. This is AC/DC's “Freebird”.

Kina Grannis, “Stars Falling Down”

Kina Grannis is another singer I stumbled upon a couple of years ago, this time on YouTube though. She’s a pretty big YouTube singer who released her first album earlier this year. She does some pretty amazing covers (my favorite is her take on Rihanna’s Disturbia, which I’m thinking of adding to my list) and writes her own music, and while she has an acoustic version of this song, I kind of like the CD version better. Great voice this one has.

(song starts at 1:10)

Elvis Presley, “A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix)”

A lot of you will be saying why I have this song in my list over the original but to tell you the truth I have never been a fan of Elvis myself. A bit of a standout in my list as I don’t normally listen to this sort of thing :s

Dave Matthews Band, “The Fly”

While the movie Joshua was average throughout, this song more than made up for my time. I love how soothing, yet scary the lyrics are.

Ron Burgundy
Bloc Party, “Helicopter”

I like this song because it just gets me going every time I hear it.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by W »

NSpan: Do you want to see something REALLY scary?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Buscemi »

Yeah, I remember The Midnight Special's appearance in Twilight Zone: The Movie more than in Cool Hand Luke too.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by silversurfer19 »

Better Than Ezra, “At the Stars”
The only thing I ever really knew about these guys were that they were on the American Werewolf In Paris soundtrack (one of the few decent things about that movie). I think that song was a lot better, this was just kinda MOR.

The Warlocks, “Left and Right of the Moon”
I loved the last track from The Warlocks you submitted, so much so that I picked up the only record I could find in the music store I frequent here (Surgery). It's been seeing a fair amount of repeat play in the last month or so and I have found it to be an enjoyable record. This hasn't grabbed me in the same way yet, unfortunately, but I'll give it another couple of go's to see if it sticks. And Barca, maybe it's BRMC, they were the first band which came into my head when I heard them.

Talking Heads, “This Must be the Place (“Naïve Melody)”
(1983) (also leestu's #88)
I think this song is growing on me a little more. I've always at least liked it, but I think in this setting I've come to appreciate certain music a little more than I normally would over the last month. A very enjoyable listen, I may have to find the record this is on as I only own 77 and Remain In Light.

Weezer, "Say It Ain't So"
(also Shrykespeare's #92)
Still a totally kick ass song. I've said it before though, and I'll say it again, is anybody going to include a song from Pinkerton on here, as almost all of The Blue Album has had a mention, yet nothing from an equally good album. I won't say if I have included anything yet, but I'm surprised I haven't seen anything yet.

Jane's Addiction, “Been Caught Stealing”

A song I did consider for my own list, so I'm glad to see it got some airplay on here. Certainly the best Jane's Addiction song for me, although most of Ritual De Lo Habitual is awesome.

Zac Brown Band, “Free”

Not my thing.

The Pixies, “Vamos”
Not a favourite of mine but always great to hear more Pixies. And you gotta talk about Santiago's screaming guitars on this, they add a little bit of spice to the mix!

New Radicals, “You Get What You Give”

I remember hearing this a lot when I was younger and it was really widely acclaimed. Now while it's decent enough I never really enjoyed it as maybe some others did. It's okay, but nothing special.

Manic Street Preachers, “PCP”

Two picks in a row nobody likes! I'm on a roll....

Mastodon, “Sleeping Giant”

I actually quite enjoyed that, some really cool parts to it - although you could kind of tell it had been cut a little short which was a shame. The video was super cool too!!

Rolling Stones, “Paint it Black”

Absolutely brilliant song, the best of the Stones in my opinion. Regarding it's meaning, I think it may in fact be about Satanism and it's fight against religion. Black being the color of satanism, the "red door" perhaps symbolizing a church door or the door into ones beliefs."Colors" perhaps representing religions or philosophies,"summer clothes" representing the everyday actions and interactions of people... Perhaps his love left him because he was a satanist and this motivates him to want to see his belief system take over."People turn their heads and quickly look away" due to their general cultural disagreement with his choice of beliefs, or maybe his love was lost from satanism to christianity thus also explaining why he can't stand to look at the "girls in their summerclothes". Just a theory, mind... I think Keith Richards was into a lot of heroin at the time and his girlfriend dumped him, so it's about depression. So there goes my ideas...

Lily Allen, “Friend of Mine”

Never really got into her. Though her dad is Keith Allen from Shallow Grave fame, so I guess she has something going for her!


I've already come to the conclusion that I don't like AC/DC after they changed lead singers. So I don't like this. And how on earth can someone not tell the difference between their voices?

R.E.M., “Losing My Religion”

A song considered, but missed my list. I have a few songs I prefer over this, and only two made my countdown. Still, a great song.

Ron Burgundy
Alice in Chains, “Man in the Box”

Think I preferred Rooster, decent enough though.

Some really great songs in this section. W wins the round for me, though the majority at least kept me interested.

I'll get to the next round later, but at a glance it looks KICK ASS!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Buscemi »

Even if you hate her music, I've learned that you don't fuck with Lily Allen. Before she was a musician, she was a drug dealer (she was dealing ecstasy on the streets at 15 after dropping out of school). So she's probably packs heat and has a posse following her around at all times.

Seriously, a movie about her pre-musician career would be awesome.

On a lighter side, she was an extra in the first Elizabeth movie (Billie Piper from Doctor Who and Secret Diary Of A Call Girl was as well).
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by undeadmonkey »

The Warlocks, “Left and Right of the Moon”
i loved the music, but i didnt like the voice, a little too much helium for me ;)

Talking Heads, “This Must be the Place (“Naïve Melody)”
(1983) (also leestu's #88)
not bad, i might of even liked it more than last time. I still like leestu's other pick Psycho Killer better though

Weezer, "Say It Ain't So"
(also Shrykespeare's #92)
Yea, not my favorite Weezer song, but i still like. and if anyone wants a hint though, Geezer did mention it in his list. But i'm not going to say when it's coming up.

R.E.M., “Losing My Religion”

I've never heard any REM, this was good, i liked it.

Better Than Ezra, “At the Stars”
yea, it didnt convert me. i didnt hate it though, lets see if your next song can.

Jane's Addiction, “Been Caught Stealing”

The video was hilarious but i didnt the song half as much as the video

Manic Street Preachers, “PCP”

I dont know what it was, but i actually didnt mind this song. I wonder if i heard the studio version, if i would actually like it... hmmm

The Pixies, “Vamos”
that was strange...

New Radicals, “You Get What You Give”

couldnt find anything interesting in this

Mastodon, “Sleeping Giant”

didnt actually hate it, but didnt like it either

Lily Allen, “Friend of Mine”

another curveball, awesome, keep em coming. personally though, i didnt like the song


another song that i've never really liked but also didnt mind when it was on. his voice is kinda annoying.

Rolling Stones, “Paint it Black”

one of the stones songs that i dont like, and i hate playing it on guitar hero, its annoying on it

Ron Burgundy
Alice in Chains, “Man in the Box”

not for me sorry

i'll get to the next round tomorrow

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by W »

SS: It seems like your hypothesis is more of a stretch, but everyone draws their own meaning from everything... If not, they wouldn't be called artists, just musicians. Here's why I think it's about a the depression setting in after the sudden death of a lover.

Line of cars painted black = hearses/funeral procession
With flowers and my love both never to come back = self explanatory
I could not foresee this thing happening to you = quick sudden death
If I look hard enough into the setting sun, my love will laugh with me before the morning comes = his girl is waiting for him in heaven
she's gone, so his water won't be blue anymore
Girls go by/turn my head/sun blotted out/everything painted black = he's depressed and wants everyone to feel the same sadness he does

This comparison just reminded me that there are a ton of great lyrics in this one.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Shrykespeare »

Okay, I have songs for tomorrow for everyone but Ron Burgundy. I will post a recap of everyone's songs this thread tomorrow, followed by the creation of the next thread.

My thoughts (in order of preference):

silversurfer – Talking Heads, “Psycho Killer” – Great song, and to hear it twice in one week! Awesome.

Geezer – The Beatles, “A Day in the Life” – One of the Fab Four's best.

Buscemi – Shirley Bassey, “Goldfinger” – Best movie of the Connery-Bond era. Best Bond villain. Best Bond song. Great choice.

W – AC/DC, “Back in Black” – Great rockin' tune. Still like “You Shook Me All Night Long” and (of course) “Highway to Hell” more, though. Also wish you'd have picked a video with better sound quality.

Ron Burgundy – Bloc Party, “Helicopter” – Never heard of this group, but I quite liked this. Sounds kind of like a modernized English Beat, which would be outstanding. I'd bet these guys could do a mean cover of “Mirror in the Bathroom” or “Best Friend”.

englishozzy – Elvis Presley, “A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix)" – An interesting take on a classic. Pretty good.

transformers – Coheed and Cambria, “Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial” – I'd heard OF this group, but didn't know any of their music. Not bad. Kind of a modern-day fusion of Yes and Styx.

numbersix – Joy Division, “Twenty Four Hours” – Joy Division was the precursor to New Order, a group that has three songs on my list, so I should have enjoyed this more than I did. But I didn't. It was just okay for me.

NSpan – Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special” – Great choice.

becs/leestu – David Bowie, “Life on Mars?” – I do love some classic Bowie, but this isn't among my favorites.

Banks – Kina Grannis, “Stars Falling Down” - A “YouTube singer”? Guess I shouldn't be surprised, YouTube is like the world's biggest free audition. Didn't think any of them would be good enough to make anyone's list, so kudos to you for having the courage to include it! As for Kina herself, she's not bad, but really not that remarkable either.

BarcaRulz – Dave Matthews Band, “The Fly” - I like a couple of DMB songs, but this just bored me.

undeadmonkey – Outkast, “Roses” – Sorry, not my thing. Do like "Hey Yeah" though.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by silversurfer19 »

David Bowie, “Life on Mars?”

Possibly my favourite Bowie track, I love the epicness (possible new entry to the dictionary) of the music and the lyrics are fabulous, I'm sure there are a couple of references to Sinatra in there as well as a jab at Lennon. Great guitar solo too.

Radiohead, “Fake Plastic Trees” (1995)

I'm glad this made someone's list, as it was a real pain to omit it from my list. A beautiful song and one of Radiohead's best - I remember listening to this record on constant repeat during the mid 90s, one of the greatest albums ever. On another day I could possibly have had at least 10 songs in my list from Radiohead, one of the most consistently good bands ever. I have a couple of my own favourites coming up so hopefully they also meet your appreciation as this one has.

NSpan – Creedence Clearwater Revival, “The Midnight Special” I think I find CCR a little too twee for my liking, but I can't deny they write great music.

numbersix – Joy Division, “Twenty Four Hours” About time we were treated to some Joy Division. Such a brooding song with a killer guitar hook and pulsating bass. Not my one of my own personal favourites, but pretty much anything off of Closer or Unknown Pleasures could make my top 100 list on a certain day. A truly brilliant band cut short in their prime. New Order would never match this greatness.

Geezer – The Beatles, “A Day in the Life” I agree, certainly one of the band's better songs. This song proves alone how much stronger the four guys were together than separately. And what they do from around the 2 minute mark must have been completely out there at the time.

undeadmonkey – Outkast, “Roses” Outkast were one of the few rap acts I could actually appreciate when they were out, they at least tried to do something a little different than the rest, usually taking a lot of influence from past classic sounds. Haven't heard this song before and it was ok but doesn't stand up against their more recognisable hits.

Buscemi – Shirley Bassey, “Goldfinger” Great voice, chilling at times. Wasn't expecting to see this song though at the beginning of the countdown, but the more I think about it, I should totally have expected this from you!

transformers – Coheed and Cambria, “Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial” I actually quite like these guys despite sounding a little like Panic At The Disco at times, they are quite experimental with their hard rock sound. Not a bad pick.

W – AC/DC, “Back in Black” Terrible sound quality, though to an extent that was a blessing in disguise as I can't listen to this guy's voice. Bring back Bon Scott and this is a kick ass song with a killer guitar line.

englishozzy – Elvis Presley, “A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix)" One of the few occasions were a cover (or in this case, remix) actually outdoes the original. Never was a fan of Elvis' version but this made it a little more interesting.

Banks – Kina Grannis, “Stars Falling Down” Nothing special IMO, doesn't really stand out more than anything I've heard before.

BarcaRulz – Dave Matthews Band, “The Fly” Not a fan of DMB at all I'm afraid.

Ron Burgundy – Bloc Party, “Helicopter” Probably in my own top few Bloc Party songs, along with Banquet, She's Hearing Voices and Like Eating Glass. Shryke if you're looking for an introduction to the band, those are a pretty good starting point.

Favourite would be leestu/becs pick, though the first 4 or 5 songs were awesome.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by NSpan »

W wrote:NSpan: Do you want to see something REALLY scary?
I just finished watching Anti-Christ, do your worst.
On the run from Johnny Law ... ain't no trip to Cleveland.

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