Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by undeadmonkey »

silversurfer19 wrote: undeadmonkey: Lady Gaga, “Poker Face” - No, doesn't matter whether its this song or any other of hers, it's just as annoying as that Crazy Frog or any other novelty act. Nothing redeemable about this kind of 'music' whatsoever. This isn't even music, just a bizarre freakshow attempting to rip off Madonna but without an ounce of talent. This is now the second act in a matter of days who you claim to hate yet have a song in your top 20. I don't know, but I don't think I'd be able to love a artist so much one minute, then hate them the next. If they had any ounce of talent there would always be something redeemable in them. But anyway, shocking song, not catchy, just annoying.
it's pretty simple actually. i loved those particular songs, but as they continued they had to try and outdo themselves instead of just continuing what they were doing, completely losing what i liked about them. I don't really mind, it's not like I had an affection for the artist in the first place. There are very few artists who I follow and check out everything by them. Three that i can think of off the top of m head. Other than that I go on a song by song basis, if i like the song, i like it, if i hate the song, i hate it. Who sings the song rarely matters to me.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Geezer »

Shrykespeare wrote: Geezer – The Airborne Toxic Event, “Sometime Around Midnight” – Holy fucking shit, dude. I've never heard of this group, but I Googled the lyrics just so I could further try to get inside your head on this one. Granted, it's been a long long time (thankfully) since I've experience this level of heartbreak, but it pretty much echoes the thoughts of everyone who's ever been cast aside for another. And the guitars were beyond outstanding... they remind me of those jangly early 90's guitars that you know I love so much. It's the kind of song that if you're feeling heartsick, you can listen to it a million times without getting tired of it. (“Yes! Someone underSTANDS!” you scream.) Conversely, if you're in a good mood, it would probably be a real buzzkill. Fantastic pick, sir. (9)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by becs »

SONG #13

Sting, “Shape of My Heart”
A really nice and spleeny song.

Led Zeppelin, “In My Time of Dying” (1975)
Too long, and not my style, there were several other much better songs from these guys posted before.

Sonic Youth, “Cross the Breeze”
Almost unlistenable, the singing was terrible, the music itself wasn't bad though.

The Airborne Toxic Event, “Sometime Around Midnight”

I agree with everything you said, amazing song, it didn't drive me to tears, but definitely very moving. definitely a standout of the whole list.

Lady Gaga, “Poker Face”

Yea, I find nothing redeemable in any of her music, and yes the south park version is the only one of this song that is worth listening to.

Nirvana, “Sliver”
LOVE this song, it is absolutely great. The rawness of Kurts voice in the verses in the second half is mind blowing, one of my favorite songs for his singing, but over all as a whole they have better songs.

Aerosmith, “Dream On”
(also W's #72, englishozzy's #57 and becs' #22)
Obviously I love it.

***The White Stripes, “Hotel Yorba”***
I get the appeal, but not for me.

Smashing Pumpkins, “Bullet With Butterfly Wings”
(also BarcaRulz's #66)

Keith Whitley, “When You Say Nothing at All”

Sounds alot like Dwight Yokam. Don't like it.

Kina Grannis, “Together”
Um yea.. they make video editing software so you don't have to include your 12 failed takes...makes no sense because the sound has been edited, yet she couldn't fix the video? Her voice is nice, but nothing thousands of other girls on youtube could do.

Rise Against, “The Good Left Undone”

LOVE this song, can't help but rock out when this comes on the radio, the change in gears at the chorus is great, the guitar throughout is great, and and it has a killer beat.

Led Zeppelin, “Stairway to Heaven”

I hate this song, the guitar is nice though.

Ron Burgundy
Oasis, “Wonderwall”
(also englishozzy's #37 and Buscemi's #33)
eh, it has its moments.

Bruce Springsteen, “Streets of Philadelphia”

Certainly sounds like you :) Not a fan of Springsteen myself.

The Doors, “Riders on the Storm”

don't like it.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by frendo »

I'll just say it here that, for whatever reason, I like Lady Gaga. People always talk shit about her having a unique stageshow, but why does that make it bad? It's better than all these acts coming out looking and sounding the same. At least she's interesting, which is more than I could say for most else out now.

And her music is really good. The lyrics to her stuff (not all of it, granted, but certain songs I am thinking of) have interesting takes on the nature of love in modern society (Bad Romance) as well as other things. It also be noted that alot of her stuff is satiric in nature, though I'm not sure the 12 year old fans get that so much.

Shit, I'm tempted now to put all Lady Gaga songs for my top ten, just to get under people's skins :)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by NSpan »

Shrykespeare -- Sting, “Shape of My Heart” (1993)
I usually hate the guy... but this was quite pleasant. Really unoffensive--and perhaps even... good?? The instrumentation reminds me of a lot of Donovan's gentler work.

Numbersix -- Sonic Youth, “Cross the Breeze” (1988)
Awesome song. Another track that is (regrettably) not currently in my collection.... but that won't be true for much longer. I hear moments reminiscent of the Pumpkins, the Pixies, and Spacemen 3--maybe even some Television. Though I'd hardly describe it as "accessible." It's amazing to me that these guys got as popular as they did.

Geezer -- The Airborne Toxic Event, “Sometime Around Midnight”
I know I've listened to these guys--but I don't see any in my collection. The song is familiar as hell, but I'm not sure if it's just written that way or if I've actually heard it. Typically, I don't care for modern bands that could immediately be described as "influenced by the Smiths"--but I really dug the melody and the instrumentation on this. Even after three listens (testament to my enjoyment of the song overall) and reading along with the words, the lyrics just don't do anything for me. They're above-average, if you consider how bad most pop-lyrics are. But the sentiment is almost childish. Reminds me of a quashed middle-school crush more than any authentic emotion I've experienced since.

becs -- Pink Floyd, “Wish You Were Here”
Easily the best of their (very few) radio-friendly hits. Great choice. And, on a side-note, this isn't entirely unrepresentative of their overall sound. So, when you find the time to dig a little deeper, I think you'll be pleased.

undeadmonkey -- Lady Gaga, “Poker Face”
Kate is convinced that this girl is an amazing talent--in spite of all the gimmickry. She showed me some video of her pre-fame act, and it wasn't half-bad. Just her and a piano and a mic... no costumes or dance-numbers. I guess it'll be interesting to see if she simply self-destructs or finds a way to reign it back in.

leestu -- Nirvana, “Sliver” (1990)
As an understated throwaway, I like it. Though I really can't remember if I heard it when it was first released or two years later on the compilation.

Buscemi -- Aerosmith, “Dream On”
Easily one of their top 3 best songs.

silversurfer -- ***The White Stripes, “Hotel Yorba”*** (2001)
My buddy made me a copy of this album when it first came out. Driving to San Antonio to visit a friend, I popped in the disc and didn't stop listening to it for the whole weekend.

transformers -- Smashing Pumpkins, “Bullet With Butterfly Wings”
Love it. Clearly one of the highlights from an incredible album.

BarcaRulz -- Led Zeppelin, “Stairway to Heaven”
If it's cliche, it's only because THAT many people thought it was THAT good. Appealing to the majority is more-often-than-not a mistake in popular music, but sometimes the masses get it right.

Ron Burgundy -- Oasis, “Wonderwall”
Still love it... but, as I've said, it just doesn't have quite the same impact it did upon initial release.

Frendo -- The Doors, “Riders on the Storm”
My "favorite" Doors songs have rotated significantly since I was young--but this is the exception. This song immediately clicked with me, and it has never "gone out of style" in my mind.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by NSpan »

edit: Nevermind. Barca found it! Thanks again, buddy!
Last edited by NSpan on July 2nd, 2010, 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by NSpan »

Warning: This reply contains potassium benzoate.

(That's bad.)

Shrykespeare -- ***Tori Amos, “Caught a Lite Sneeze”*** (1996)
Kinda nice. A bit too screechy for me (and that's coming from the guy who listens to Robert Plant's signature banshee wail throughout 10 minute Zeppelin jams). It reminded me a bit of another female-led band that I can't quite put my finger on at the moment.

Numbersix -- Bob Dylan, “Ballad of a Thin Man” (1965)
Recycled response--Major props. This was SO CLOSE to making my list. Along with "Desolation Row," this is easily the highlight of the album. My high school had an annual tradition called "Dylan Day" where the whole school would spend the day in the auditorium watching students, staff, and faculty perform Dylan songs. I can't sing, but I convinced two of my good friends to join me on stage for a rendition of this track. We were horrible, but I think the more hardcore Dylan fans appreciated the sentiment.

Geezer -- The Gaslight Anthem, “The '59 Sound”
Was anybody else waiting for the chorus to kick in with "LONG WAY DOOOOOOWN." How is this not the Goo Goo Dolls?

becs -- Weezer, “Pork and Beans”
Recycled response--Post-Pinkerton Weezer is a bittersweet affair. Emotionally, Rivers checked out after that second album. But the band continues to churn out the hits, and Rivers' innate ear for a catchy melody remains. I almost wish they had simply gone on under a new band-name (or SOMETHING), because I wouldn't judge the new stuff so harshly if it didn't feel so damn hollow compared to their 90s work.

undeadmonkey -- Gary Allan, “Smoke Rings in the Dark”
Both the vocal and instrumental melodies were nice. But I just didn't groove with this particular performance. If the same song were performed with a different approach by somebody else, I might dig it.

leestu -- The Sex Pistols, “Anarchy In The UK” (1976)
Amazing song from one of the best fake bands ever.

Buscemi -- Van Halen, “Eruption” (also transformers' #93)
"Eruption" is literally the ONLY track of Van Halen's that I will intentionally listen to. That said, this 10-minute live version was just too indulgent for me. And, I swear, he's ripping off some signature Iommi moves here. I'd have to dig through some Sabbath bootlegs, but Iommi was doing many of these specific chops on-stage years earlier... The primary difference being: even the most excessive solos were accompanied by (or at least book-ended with) SONGS and melody.

silversurfer -- The Kinks, “You Really Got Me” (1964)
Great pick. Funny to listen to this back-to-back with Van Halen... For all the great music spawned by this single track, it also helped inspire a generation of wannabe guitarists who would be more-than-content simply to solo their lives away.

transformers -- Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Breaking The Girl”
Hell yeah. One of my favorites. Blood Sugar Sex Magick is their masterpiece. Any self-proclaimed "fan" HAS to own this album in its entirety.

W -- The Doors, “Light My Fire”
Always made me smirk a bit knowing that the Doors' most-acclaimed song was written by Robby.

Banks -- ***Ray Charles, “Georgia On My Mind”***
This is obviously a classic. But, for whatever reason, Ray Charles never became one of my personal favorites.

Ron Burgundy -- Megadeth, “Hangar 18”
Killer track from a killer album (Rust in Peace). Along with that, I'd recommend Countdown to Extinction to just about any fan of thrash, metal, or hard-rock.

Chienfantome -- Elbow, “Grounds for Divorce”
I dig it. Totally new-to-me. None of the individual elements are all that exotic--but the way it's all blended together comes off sounding, at once, both unique and familiar..... Know what I mean?

Frendo -- ***Hole, “Doll Parts”***
Courtney Love IS the devil... That said, this song ain't bad.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Shrykespeare »

And "Lithium" takes the lead with 11 songs to go. That's FIVE times now, if you're counting.

SONG #12

Sarah McLachlan, “Sweet Surrender”

My favorite all-time song by a female solo artist. This incredibly well-put-together song features a catchy beat, deep and powerful lyrics, and, of course, Sarah's beautiful voice. (Don't worry, six, there's no “whale sounds” in this one.) The lyrics could be about discovering the afterlife, and realizing it's nothing like anything the world's religions say it is. Or they could be about putting the tragedies of the past behind you. Or it could be about rekindling a relationship with someone you wronged terribly. Or it could be about conquering addiction. You decide.

Off of Surfacing (the album that also spawned “Building a Mystery”, “Adia” and “Angel”), this song solidified Sarah M as my favorite female artist of all time. I hope that somewhere in Halifax, Nova Scotia, there's a street named after her or something. (Suggestion: open the video in its own window, and play it on Full Screen.)

The Beatles, “Here Comes the Sun”

One afternoon during the final stages of the Beatles' career as a band, George decided to skip the scheduled meetings and, instead, he headed over to Eric Clapton's house to clear his mind Alone in the garden, equipped with one of Clapton's acoustic guitars, George witnessed a rare appearance of the sun bursting through the dreary London skies. He immediately sat down and composed the entirety of "Here Comes the Sun." Back in the studio, only Paul and Ringo accompanied him in the performance. Lennon played no part in the writing or recording of this track. I have major childhood nostalgia for this song--but, unlike many of my other childhood favorites (Ghostbusters' soundtrack, I'm looking at you), this one still stands up as some of the best music I've ever heard. Growing up in New England (where the skies can remain gray for weeks at a time), I feel like I can connect to the lyrics on a literal level. But, more importantly, I think most anyone can connect to the lyrics metaphorically. This song is optimism-incarnate. If you've ever been in a rut (and who hasn't?) and finally experienced that moment where you catch a glimpse of something better, this song should speak volumes to you.

Joy Division, “Love Will Tear Us Apart”
(1980) (also Buscemi's #39)

This is the king of songs about failing relationships. Perhaps because it was written by a married man who was cheating on his wife with whom he believed to be his soul-mate. The lyrics to this song are ingenious, both literary and deeply grounded in real and raw moments of discomfort: “Do you cry out in your sleep/ all my failings exposed /Gets a taste in my mouth/ as desperation takes hold”. And I love the disparity of the music, an upbeat synth-pop sound that contrasts deeply with the lyrics, creating a beautiful tension.

Here’s a Peel Session of the song, just for variety:

***Eve 6, “Inside Out”***

Just to illustrate how all these numbers are completely arbitrary now that we've gotten this high, this song has been sitting in my top 10 for almost all of the formulation of my list, and now it comes in just shy at 12. There are days when I'd consider this my favorite song, for sure. It is the hook to end all hooks. Thats really the only way I can describe my love for it. It is so damn catchy that it is irresistible. You know I like these 90s alternative rock songs, and this is one of the kings. Every time I hear it on the radio, I crank up the volume and sing along. I'm not a huge fan of anything else from the band, but this is just perfect as far as I'm concerned. I've never heard a better hook.

David Bowie, “Moonage Daydream”

My absolute favorite Bowie song to sing along and just rock out to. Probably the closest to a psychadelic song I have on this list as well but it is so epic despite its level of incoherence. Bowie sings with such utter passion in this song, more so than usual, even what it may not make sense to me, I can't help but be swept up in his effort. I see a lot of modern music/bands that have idolized this song, supposedly even Green Day's opening riff for Jesus of Suburbia is ripped off from this song.

Shakira, “Si Te Vas”

My first Spanish Shakira song. Unless you're a big Shakira fan, you're not going to know about Shakira's background; her first two albums were in Spanish and the albums actually fit in more with the rock genre. It wasn't until her crossover to the English language, when she started sounding more Latin-pop that everyone knows her for. Also while I love her English stuff, I think it is in her native language where Shakira flourishes. So much more emotion comes through and she just seems to be more at ease. This song doesn't have an official video, so I got to pick a live version of it and it was tough trying to pick one with great sound quality and video quality that could truly show her appeal.

***Bauhaus, “Bela Lugosi’s Dead”***

I tend to like the best of many genres and this is the greatest, and probably the first, Goth song. It is extremely atmospheric and hypnotic in what seems to be a simplistic style, but as the song progresses there is so many fascinating musical noises coming and going that simple no longer applies. Every time I listen to this song, (and I’m talking about 22 years worth of listening now), I hear new things that I don’t recall hearing before. It’s like a new experience every time. Although maybe thats also because this is my ultimate altered state of mind song. This song is featured in the movie The Hunger, where this video comes from.

***Black Sabbath, “Iron Man”

The Stooges, “Search And Destroy”

Is there a more adrenaline-fueled punk rock song? If there is I'd like to hear it. A pummeling song which is so aggressive with some of the most devastating riffs I'll ever hear. Iggy is at his most visceral here, yowling, yelping and drawling with such a menace that its both exhilarating and frightening at the same time. It's so noisy and metallic, yet totally enthralling. I recently acquired Funhouse, the record which preceded Raw Power, and while I notice that the latter is lacking in some of the swampy murky blues of the former, it instead takes on a much more urgent approach, and this couldn't be any further exemplified by this song.

Nirvana, “Lithium”
(also Ron Burgundy's #50, W's #44, Geezer's #30 and BarcaRulz's #14)

This will always be one of my favorite Nirvana songs. It has such powerful lyrics and is just all-around mind-blowing song.

***The Allman Brothers' Band, “Jessica”***

The only instrumental on my list (I believe) is the most beautiful one I've ever heard. I didn't realize until now that Gregg Allman never played on any version of it, though.

Jay-Z, “Song Cry”

A different side of Jay-Z, one where he laments on broken relationships (even those which are broken because of him). It is probably the best song on his best album, The Blueprint, and the sample from Kanye just makes it 10x better.

System of a Down, “Chop Suey”
(also leestu's #47)

This band has got a real beating on the countdown and yet they have popped up more time than most. Last song from these guys, I swear.
(try this if the above won't play where you are)

Oasis, “Some Might Say”

I'm ready for all you Oasis-haters out there. This is the first of three Oasis songs on my list, and since the other two will be top 10, it just goes to show you how high my opinion is of this band.

Ron Burgundy
***Mstrkrft, “Heartbreaker”***

Top stuff from a new band i saw live in 2009. You decide. Beware, its electric!

Neil Young, “Philadelphia”

I did not want to mention Jonathan Demme’s film in my last pick, “The Streets of Philadelphia”, to not give away the fact that another song from the film’s soundtrack was coming right after. I’ve always been amazed that two beautiful songs like those could be featured in the very same film. A drama about AIDS, moreover. I’ve always had trouble deciding which was the best, and in the end have had more fondness (just a tiny bit more) for Young’s song. Maybe because it lost the Oscar to Springsteen, maybe because I remember crying so much at the end of the film, when the song was playing. Whatever the reason, “Philadelphia” is a beautiful cry from Neil Young, a musical cry that immediately puts me in a melancholic mood.

Nonphixion, “CIA's Still Trying to Kill Me”

Ill Bill’s earlier rap group. If you listen to older metal, the first verse will mean more, as a lot of it is double entendres referencing things. There is a rap version with different lyrics, but I like this one better. Song makes me want to get up and go!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by undeadmonkey »

Crazy House, “Heaven Said My Name”
I liked it, I didn't find it empty. they not a very popular band or why did you think that you would never hear them again?

Black Sabbath, “Warning”
that felt so much longer than 10 minutes. sorry, but i didn't like it.

Radiohead, “Idioteque”
nice, i really liked this one. it had an interesting vibe to it. the video was trippy though, it was like a scary where the wild things are

Social Distortion, “Don't Take Me For Granted”

it wasn't awful, but i didn't get much out of it.

Queen, “It's a Hard Life”

how can you like this yet despise lady gaga, they're basically the same thing. As for the song, I've never heard before, but that's probably because it's not as good as the 'known' Queen songs.

At The Drive In, “Invalid Litter Dept”
(2001) (also silversurfer's #71)
did not like this song before and don't like it now. point for you though as I did remember this song.

Smashing Pumpkins, “1979”
(also becs' #102 and Ron Burgundy's #36)
i like it

The Velvet Underground, “I'm Waiting For The Man”
didn't like this one

The Doors, “Break On Through(To The Other Side)”

i've already said that i find the doors completely boring

Johnny Cash, “Hurt”

amazing song! second time it's showed up. and I really wish I would of had it on my list. sigh, because it deserves it. It's one of the only ones that i forgot about. kicking myself :cry:

Kanye West feat Syleena Johnson, “All Falls Down”

interesting, you like a lot of these kanye songs that were never big. and me, i only like some of his big hits. This song wasn't bad, but I don't think it holds a candle against some of his other songs.

Metallica, “Whiskey in the Jar”

I like maybe one or two metallica songs, and this isn't one of them.

Chuck Berry, “Johnny B. Goode”
(also Geezer's #80)
nice, I recently downloaded a Chick Berry album. Love it!

Ron Burgundy
TISM, “Greg! The Stop Sign!!”

lol, it was funny, but i couldnt tell if it was supposed to be funny or not.

The Shins, “A Comet Appears”

again, nice! i really like your musical tastes Chien. I have a few shins songs, good stuff

Radiohead, “The Bends”
(also silversurfer's #25)
I really don't remember this song, from what a week or so ago? anyway, it's not that bad, but it just not really my thing.

Naughty By Nature, “O.P.P.”
I have a soft spot for Queen Latifah, so automatic points. but to be honest, the song just wasn't very memorable for me.

The Beatles, “Something”
one of the beatles songs that i haven't listened to that often, but now that i'm focusing on it and really listening, it is quite good and catchy.

ps, although i love listening to beatles, i've never really gone into their history and their lives outside of the music. was it just because of the times and they wanted to be hippies or why did they go through the hairy jesus phase thing?

Battles, “Atlas”
aw man, for a sec there i thought it said beatles, and i was excited to get to listen to another beatles song. as for the song, the voice is weird, but the beat and song was pretty damn catchy though. interesting, i wonder if it'll hold up with repeat listens for me.

Journey, “Don't Stop Believin'”

well yall should know me by now. i won't fault a song just because of how popular it is and how many times it's been played and if there was a way to count how many times a song has been played in ever, i'm sure this song would be in the top ten at least. So anyway, it's a classic song, it's catchy and there's a reason why it's transcended all generations and is still played just as much now as it was when it was released, because it's kinda good.

Depeche Mode, “Enjoy the Silence”

i hadn't really been sold on DM yet so far in the countdown. I liked them, but i didn't really see any lasting quality or anything that would make me want to return, but this song had something a little extra and i wanted more after it ended.

The Smiths, “Bigmouth Strikes Again”
couldnt really get into this one, but it wasnt bad actually

Jimi Hendrix, “Angel”

i just don't think im a hendrix fan. there been quite a few different songs on the list already and while some of them are ok, none have made me want to check out more of his stuff.

Sonic Youth, “Teenage Riot”
(1988) (also leestu's #24)
sorry, actually don't remember this song from before either, that means i'll have forgotten this in a week or so.

Rage Against The Machine, “Guerrilla Radio”

so glad this is your last song by them. i hate. I wish it was their last appearance on the countdown, but for some reason i think it's not. ;)

The Who, “My Generation”
(also silversurfer's #44)
that was a little bit catchy, interesting, this was ten times better than their superbowl show. It was these guys right? i know i got it wrong before.

Amy Winehouse, “Back To Black”

awesome choice. I've actually really enjoyed the whole album, this being my second favorite after the one other song that i posted. love it, wonder who else has it! I also hope she cleans up and goes back to making music. Also I read that some of you don't like her voice, I think it's amazing. along with Nelly Furtado, Shakira's and others on my list. I suppose it's just a preference of how you like the voice to sound.

Foo Fighters, “Learn to Fly”
(also Geezer's #42)
kinda funny but not that great for me. which is the same thing i said before.

Stone Sour, “Through Glass”

i remember this song from a few years back, i liked it at the time, but it soon faded into history, which i'm sure it'll do again soon. it's kinda good, just not very memorable.

Ron Burgundy
The Rolling Stones, “(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction”

nice song, but i think i prefer some of the covers of this song better than the original

Alex Beaupain, “Brooklyn Bridge”

very nice! i liked it. the film was called, Love Story? i think i'm going to look it up. I also think i'm going to research more french music.

The Who, “Behind Blue Eyes”

i so did not know that they sung this originally, i prefer some of the covers actually.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by W »

I of course mistyped "Gregg" instead of "Duane" Allman, though only one person will probably notice...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by NSpan »

It was bothering me.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by W »

NSpan wrote:It was bothering me.
I figured it would... It bothers me. I was surprised when I saw the words myself. It was late and I'd spent like two hours picking out videos for the ten songs and this was one of the last ones that I wrote out. So that should explain it.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Chienfantome »

undeadmonkey wrote: Chienfantome
Alex Beaupain, “Brooklyn Bridge”

very nice! i liked it. the film was called, Love Story? i think i'm going to look it up. I also think i'm going to research more french music.
The film is entitled "Love Songs", undeadmonkey. Look it up, the whole soundtrack is excellent !
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by Chienfantome »

NSpan, did you boycott my pick of Springsteen's "Streets of Philadelphia" ? I see you reviewed all the songs of that round except mine... ?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #9): #20-#11

Post by NSpan »

Chienfantome wrote:NSpan, did you boycott my pick of Springsteen's "Streets of Philadelphia" ? I see you reviewed all the songs of that round except mine... ?
Nothing personal, mon ami. I listened to it--but I can only respond with "I just don't GET The Boss" so many times.
On the run from Johnny Law ... ain't no trip to Cleveland.

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