Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by silversurfer19 »

Ron Burgundy wrote: silversurfer
Radiohead, “Exit Music (For A Film)”

It made you cry? Come ON SS! get it together man. Ok i like this song so i cant really take a swipe at u. Great pick mate. 7.5/10
I did say close to tears, I didn't cry. But in my defence it was playing during a very emotional scene regarding suicide during a tv movie I was watching, and I swear there was a flake of dust in my eye also. I'm sure of it. Definitely....

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by silversurfer19 »

Julian Cope, “Charlotte Anne”

Was that a flute I heard? Have we been transported back to Medievel England? I jest, I thought it was ok actually, and for some reason the chorus reminded me very much of The Lightning Seeds (minus the woodwind), and maybe a little Echo And The Bunnymen too. Did he spend any time in Liverpool as those his similarity to those bands is uncanny? I don't believe he originated there (I grew up in Liverpool and know most of the bands to come from the area), but it would be interesting to see if there was an influence. I've been meaning to listen to some Teardrop Explodes for years but haven't gotten round to it yet. Can you point me in the direction of some decent tracks or records?

Captain Beefheart, “I'm Glad”

Wow, this was totally different from the song six posted last week, but I think I may like it even better. Definitely hints of Hendrix in there, his voice was really powerful too, and the stripped back sound really was delightful. I'd be interested to hear the studio version to compare, so I'll have to track it down.

Black Sabbath, “Paranoid”
(1970) (also Geezer's #52)

Classic song, won't change my opinion since Geez's pick a while ago, the song is just pure awesomeness to the scale of 11.

The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, "The Impression That I Get"

Won't get any hate from me, I love this song. Another track from the now infamous Shine album which introduced me to the band and I used to love singing along to this. Really fun song.

Silverchair, "Across the Night”

Definitely the highlight of Diorama in my mind, a gorgeous track which whisks you away on a cloud. The orchestration works really well with the rockier moments and Daniel's voice has never sounded better.

Sebastian Tellier, “L'Amour Et La Violence”

This was an interesting kind of ambient song. I can definitely hear a little Air and Daft Punk in there though a little more obscure and veering away from the pop market those acts succeeded in so well. There also seems to be some sounds from the late 70s/ early 80s, very much an intriguing electronic listen. May have to give this another go, but I'm intrigued.

Rage Against The Machine, “Killing In The Name”
(1992) (also Buscemi's #68 and W's #67)

Yeah, i don't think I need to say anymore than has already been said regarding this song. Definitely one of their better tracks although probably a little overplayed now.

Roxy Music, “More Than This”

Is that you, Shryke? Have you hijacked Boussh's pick for your own selfish agenda to inflict us with your 80s assaults? Don't like this version of the song at all, and probably due to me not liking Ferry's voice, but even beyond that I think I much prefer the 10,000 Maniacs' version of it, and even then I'm not a fan.

I'll catch up with the rest later, we're about to watch Defiance.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare: Julian Cope, “Charlotte Anne” (1988) - As I find with a lot of your picks, Shryke, the vocals are great, but the music is just a tad too bland. And what's with the pan-pipes?

NSpan: Captain Beefheart, “I'm Glad” (1966) - I dunno, Nspan. It's a nice song and all, but without the intentional experimentation to his music, this song just comes across as sounding like any other 60's rock n roll blladeers. It's also hard to take Captain as heartfelt in light of what he did afterwards. How can someone so subversive on every level be so pedestrian?

Geezer: The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, "The Impression That I Get" - This song I know. Very well. And I never liked it, and probably never will. It's just so poppy, it's the musical equivalent of a labradour puppy bounding all over you. which is fun at first, but grows tiring very quickly.

becs: Silverchair, "Across the Night” - Sometimes I'm glad Nirvana ended the way they did. I'd hate to see them end up making stuff like this, going the cliched rock act way of incorporating strings and brass into their songs and making them somehow more emotional. It's just corny to me.

undeadmonkey: Sebastian Tellier, “L'Amour Et La Violence” - I'm sure if I understood the lyrics I'd dislike them, but the music was pleasant enough. Not something I'd want to return to.

leestu: Rage Against The Machine, “Killing In The Name” (1992) (also Buscemi's #68 and W's #67) - A classic, and probably my favourite RAtM song.

Buscemi: Roxy Music, “More Than This” - Another song I can only appreciate on a vocal level. I don't like the loungey musical style that Roxy developed and Ferry continued into his solo career. Give me Roxy's first two records any day ahead of this (In Every Dream home a Heartache came close to being on my list)

silversurfer: Radiohead, “Exit Music (For A Film)” - It's hard to find a dull moment on OK computer. I presume you know this was written after Thom was inspired by Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet? Another example of a Radiohead song that sounds depressing but the lyrics tell another story.

transformers: Metallica, “Creeping Death” - It's hard to pin down why I kinda like Metallica but not other metal. I think it's because they know how to pace their music. sure it can be fast, but in this song there's breaks, there's moments where it's taken down, giving a bith of depth to the song.

W: Merle Haggard, “Fightin' Side of Me” - The music was okay, but I didn't like the lyrics. There's something dangerous about believeing that the USA can only be free when fighting wars in other countries (especially in the context of the Vietnam war, which this song was written during). It starts my liberal alarm bells ringing.

Banks: Stevie Wonder, “My Cherie Amour” - This is the side of Stevie I know more. As always his vocals are powerful, but everything else about the song is syrupy if not saccharine.

englishozzy: System of a Down, "Lonely Day” - At least some of the other SoaD stuff sounded mildly distinct. Apart form that weird guitar bit in the middle, this song just sounds like ever other numetal act. Silly lyrics too.

BarcaRulz: Weezer, “Pork and Beans” - Don't think it's as good as their earlier stuff, but it's pretty catchy, I'll give you that.

Chienfantome: Cat Power, “The Greatest” - This song is very problematic for me. You see, I've been a fan of Cat Power since about 2000, when she was making under-the-radar alt-coutnry albums like Moon Pix and the Covers Record. And then came You Are Free, which is an amazing album and something you should check out. Around that time she went a little crazy, and I went to a gig which was a disaster, and she only played about 5 songs in between drug-fuelled rants. And then suddenly she changed, and when I saw her live a few years later at a festival she was this big show-gal, donning her country boots and dancing around the stage, winking and performing like Dolly Parton. She became a different person. And sadly, so did the music. The Greatest record is like some over-produced Nashville MOR record, as if Chan dived straight into middle-age. So while this song isn't bad, it marks a shift in her career that I actually quite hate.

Frendo: Betty Blowtorch, “I’m Ugly and I Don’t Know Why” - I'm afraid this song can only be appreciated as a reaction to the norm, as opposed to a song in itself. Because to be honest, it's not very interesting, the vocals are awful, and the music sure as hell doesn't rock. Give me the genuine talent of Patti Smith, PJ Harvey, or Sleater Kinney over this any day.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

silversurfer19 wrote: Banks: Eminem, “Lose Yourself” - Finally, we've had plenty of Eminem songs on this countdown but we finally have my favourite of his (well the only one I can stand). The riff which opens this is awesome, and despite six's comments I have never really tried to listen to the lyrics on this as I'm usually just enjoying the sound of it. Even so, I don't think they really hint at aiming to get hoes and bling, I think it's a song which could be translated to all different ambitions, stop being so critical of all rap six, a song finally doesn't talk about hoes and bling but you still find a way to bring it down!
"A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post mortem
It only grows harder, only grows hotter
He blows us all over these hoes is all on him
Coast to coast shows, he's know as the globetrotter"

I'm in no way against all rap. I did have 2 rap songs in my Top 100 after all, and I did compliment the rap songs that Tranny and Frendo posted that weren't like that. But I see the ambitions in this song as being pretty darn specific.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Buscemi »

Maybe Eminem was talking about this hoe.



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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - Julian Cope, “Charlotte Anne”
Something about most of the 80's songs that i find a bit corny, dont know whether its the style of music or anything else. This song had a good beat to it and it was not bad a listen. 6/10
NSpan - Captain Beefheart, “I'm Glad”
Again another blues song that i actually enjoyed listening to. I think your trying to convert me NSpan ;) 7/10
Numbersix - Black Sabbath, “Paranoid”
Can't agree with you more six. Classic metal song that still lives up to today. 7/10
Geezer - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, "The Impression That I Get"
A song that has followed me through my life without ever putting the song to a band/video, i thank you for that Geezer. 7/10
becs - Silverchair, "Across the Night”
Haven't actually heard this Silverchair song before. My favourites from them would probably be "The Door" and "Straight Lines". Still a good song though. 6/10
undeadmonkey - Sebastian Tellier, “L'Amour Et La Violence”
Again it felt like a song that was leading up to something and never really got going. 4/10
leestu - Rage Against The Machine, “Killing In The Name”
Not surprised this is the third time this song as come on our countdown and wouldn't bet against it appearing again. Great song. 8/10
Buscemi - Roxy Music, “More Than This”
It was OK, not really my style of music so couldn't get right into this song. 5/10
silversurfer - Radiohead, “Exit Music (For A Film)”
Very good pick, my second favourite Radiohead song and so would of been on my list if i had started at 100. 9/10
transformers - Metallica, “Creeping Death”
Not one of my favourite Metallica songs but still a good song. What do you think of their Death Magnetic album?? Too commercial?? 6/10
W - Merle Haggard, “Fightin' Side of Me”
Again not really for me, like the lyrics though. 4/10
Banks - Stevie Wonder, “My Cherie Amour”
Not really a song for me. Heard it too many time and never really liked it when i heard it the first time. 3/10
BarcaRulz - Weezer, “Pork and Beans”
Absolutley love this song, by far my favourite Weezer song. 10/10
Chienfantome - Cat Power, “The Greatest”
Didn't mind the song and music but couldn't really connect with the vocals. 5/10
Frendo - Betty Blowtorch, “I’m Ugly and I Don’t Know Why”
Didn't actually mind this song, brilliant and funny lyrics. 7/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Shrykespeare »

Here is Ron Burgundy's picks from the last three days:

36. Smashing Pumpkins, "1979"

I'm not so sure if these guys should have made a comeback, they did and they had a few good hits, it just a pity they broke up in the first place.

35. Nine Inch Nails, "Only"

Officially on mega hiatus after their world tour, i was lucky enough to see em live, they blew me away, but they weren't as good as Alice in Chains, they deserve a spot higher on my list.

34. Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Can't Stop"

RHCP are one of the best bands going round, 'nuff said.

Okay, Jonas, you are now officially caught up. Thanks, mate!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Geezer »

Shryke- I forgot it as soon as it ended.

NSpan- not really my style.

becs- what happened to the good band that created the good song I heard from them earlier on?

UDM- just boring

tranny- bad Metallica for me.

Banks- not my style

Ozzy- like it, but I like a lot of System songs better.

Barca- this song grew on me once I really paid attention to the lyrics, which are absolutely awesome! Shryke, if you read the lyrics, or really listen to them, you will know why they reference Timbaland. Its sarcastic. The song is about being yourself, doing what you want, wearing your own clothes, etc... and not giving a hoot about what anyone thinks! The line "Timbaland knows the way to the top of the charts, maybe if I work with him I can perfect the art" Is basically about everyone who just craps out songs meant solely to become a hit record, instead of making the music that they want to create. Its purely sarcastic.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by BarcaRulz »

By the way, I should have posted this vid (which is the original video clip for the song) as it is awesome (note: you need to be up to date with your youtube and internet memes):

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Geezer »

Yeah that video is awesome Barca!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

One of the best music videos I've seen in ages!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by becs »

Geezer wrote: becs- what happened to the good band that created the good song I heard from them earlier on?
I can only assume you are talking about Silverchair since you fail to include any reference of which song/band you are talking about...
Its funny because Daniel Johns opinion is utterly the opposite. He quite literally has said he looks back on their first two albums (Frogstomp and Freak Show) and disavows them as not being legitimate music of theirs.

From Daniel Johns
I don't feel like our first two albums were Silverchair: that's our teenage high school band. I don't like them at all. I listen to them and go 'That's cute', especially the first one, because Frogstomp we were 14. But the second one we're like 16, I'm like 'You're getting older. You're running out of chances'.

Everyone in any band, no matter how good or how cool they're believed to be, has got some kind of dark, high school band skeleton in their closet [laughs]. I fucking guarantee you! It's just that ours sold five million records [laughs]. It's supposed to be a secret - fucking hell!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Shrykespeare »

silversurfer19 wrote:Shrykespeare
Julian Cope, “Charlotte Anne”

Was that a flute I heard? Have we been transported back to Medievel England? I jest, I thought it was ok actually, and for some reason the chorus reminded me very much of The Lightning Seeds (minus the woodwind), and maybe a little Echo And The Bunnymen too. Did he spend any time in Liverpool as those his similarity to those bands is uncanny? I don't believe he originated there (I grew up in Liverpool and know most of the bands to come from the area), but it would be interesting to see if there was an influence. I've been meaning to listen to some Teardrop Explodes for years but haven't gotten round to it yet. Can you point me in the direction of some decent tracks or records?
No, I think Six had it right, it's a pan-pipe. And yes, as a matter of fact, The Teardrop Explodes WAS formed in Liverpool. Prior to TTE, Julian Cope had been in a (according to Wikipedia) "short-lived yet locally-renowned band" called Crucial Three (perhaps you've heard of THEM). In the group with him was Pete Wylie (who went on to form Wah!) and Ian McCulloch (who went on to lead, you guessed it, Echo & the Bunnymen, a group that also, for a time, worked with Ian Broudie, who went on to front The Lightning Seeds).

Their first album, "Kilimanjaro", was their best. "Reward" and "Treason" are songs you should really listen to, as well as "When I Dream". One year later, they released "Wilder", but the end had already begun. "Colours Fly Away" and "Tiny Children" were among the better tracks from that album.

As for Julian himself, he had a few airplay hits as a solo artist, including "World Shut Your Mouth" (which was also the name of his first solo album, even though this song didn't appear on it, coming instead on his third album "Saint Julian"). His fourth album, "My Nation Underground", produced "5 O'Clock World", which was a very good song, along with "Charlotte Anne". His two subsequent albums, "Skellington" and "Droolian" didn't appeal to me very much, and his last big airplay solo hit came in 1991 with "Beautiful Love", which was off of "Peggy Suicide", which represented a mild return to form. I don't remember listening to anything he's done since.

So there you go. Let me know what you find and what you think.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

Welcome back, Ron (and Banks, I will try to get to your songs, but considering there's so many, and a lot of them I'm sure I won't like by just looking at the name of the artist, I wouldn't hold my breath. Somehow I doubt you will!)

36. Smashing Pumpkins, "1979"- An amazing song. Love the lyrics, and some great song-writing going on in there.

35. Nine Inch Nails, "Only"- Not bad. There's a bit of post-punk's danceable beats going on in there. There is, however, something slightly tired about the song.

34. Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Can't Stop"- Standard new RHCP stuff. Not bad, but not exceptional

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by silversurfer19 »


transformers: Metallica, “Creeping Death” - Haven't heard this song before, and while it rocks hards it didn't really stand out among some of the others of theirs I've heard. Granted I don't know enough of their back catalogue to give a balanced argument, but it just sounded like run of the mill for them.

W: Merle Haggard, “Fightin' Side of Me” - Hmm, this was much like many of the country acts you were posting a month or so ago, didn't really interest me.

Banks: Stevie Wonder, “My Cherie Amour” - His voice is great, but I can't stand the music in this.

englishozzy: System of a Down, "Lonely Day” - Not really a stand out for me in terms of the SoaD stuff I know, the music is just kind of pedestrian in this. I'm really not a fan of their later music at all I think, they just kind of lost their edge. And it's not just because this is a slower song, as I'm still waiting for Aerials to appear on someone's countdown as it is far and away their best song.

BarcaRulz: Weezer, “Pork and Beans” - I really enjoy listening to this, definitely the best song they have made since The Green Album. Catchy as hell with a killer chorus. Love the video for this too.

Chienfantome: Cat Power, “The Greatest” - Thanks for the info on Cat Power six, I've been meaning to check out some of her stuff for years and haven't know of a good starting point. This song wasn't the best of the few songs I have heard from her, though her vocals were on fine form.

Frendo: Betty Blowtorch, “I’m Ugly and I Don’t Know Why” - This was pretty horrible, I'm afraid. Nothing good to say about it, horrible vocals, cringeworthy music. Just not for me at all.

Ron: 36. Smashing Pumpkins, "1979"- Obviously I really like this, but I do feel it is a little overrated and despite it being their biggest hit I felt there were better songs on Melloncollie which could have been released as singles.

Ron: 35. Nine Inch Nails, "Only"- I do like this song, and it is probably one of the best songs on With Teeth. Probably not one of my favourites overall though. If I was to pick a favourite NIN song it would probably be Head Like A Hole or March Of The Pigs.

Ron: 34. Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Can't Stop" - Wow, I really was starting to think the entire countdown with not include a single RHCP song, which considering their popularity I thought was strange. I guess it was only a matter of time though. Not my favourite of theirs, I'd probably go with something off Californication, but this is a decent enough song without being outstanding.

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