Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#21

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.27

Metallica, "Master of Puppets"
, 1986


This album came out a year before I was born but I swear my Dad must have been playing it as the first time I heard it I felt a bit of deja vu. One of my favourite Metallica albums.


"Welcome Home(Sanitarium)"

Against Me!, "Searching for a Former Clarity"
, 2005


1.Miami – 5 stars
2.Mediocre Gets You Pears (The Shaker) – 4 stars
3.Justin – 3 stars
4.Unprotected Sex With Multiple Partners – 4 stars
5.From Her Lips to God's Ears (The Energizer) – 5 stars
6.Violence – 5 stars
7.Pretty Girls (The Mover) – 4 stars
8.How Low – 3 stars
9.Joy – 4 stars
10.Holy Shit – 5 stars
11.Even At Our Worst We're Still Better Than Most (The Roller) – 4 stars
12.Problems - 5 stars
13.Don't Lose Touch – 5 stars
14.Searching for a Former Clarity – 5 stars

The fourth album from Against Me! on my countdown, and the one that turned me onto the band. I remember the first times I heard From Her Lips and Don't Lose Touch. I'd certainly call this a life-changing event for me. And for that, here's 3.


"From Her Lips to God's Ears (The Energizer)"
"Searching for a Former Clarity"

Sonic Youth, “Dirty”
, 1992


An all-round awesome album. When it came to choosing the songs I realised there are no obvious favourite stand out songs. For me (oxymoron alert) EVERY song is a stand out. Any two will do so for no particular reason….

“Drunken Butterfly”


B-52s, "The B-52s"
, 1979


"52 Girls"

"Dance This Mess Around"

Low, “Secret Name”
, 1999


A few weeks back I picked Low’s 1994 debut album as one of my favourites, complimenting their simplicity and intensity. By 1999 the band had grown tired of their style and started venturing outwards. And their first attempt in doing so resulted in their strongest record.

The minimalism is still there, but there’s an added lusciousness to their sound. Mimi Parker’s songs are more delicate, more impassioned. She even manages to pretty much hold an entire song together (Days of) with her vocals. Yet there are some lovely pop songs, such as Starfire or Immune. A gentle dash of strings help expand the sound, as evidenced on the climactic Soon. There’s even gloomy sonics on opener I Remember and Don’t Understand, demonstrating an appreciation of how studio recordings can differ from a live set-up. Overall this shows a band playing with their core sound and growing even better as musicians.



Ron Burgundy
Air, "Talkie Walkie"
, 2004


"Cherry Blossom Girl"

"Mike Mills"

Joy Division, "Closer"
, 1980


Closer with a pronounced "s" or a "z"? When I first picked up this record a good 15 years or so ago, I wasn't quite sure how to pronounce it? Was this to be the sound of a band becoming more intimate, bearing their soul even more? Or was it an untimely indication of where the band where heading? I knew this was the last Joy Division record, and the thought of the latter left a decidedly chilling feeling with me. Thankfully, it wasn't the case, but still, with the title and cover image, it is rather ominous. The music, however, while a progression on from their debut Unknown Pleasures, sees the band still at the height of their powers. It's a record which on the surface appears cold and clinical, with the icy, tinny guitars and synths providing an eerie backdrop to one of the most spine-tingling vocals ever to grace a record. However, Ian Curtis had possibly never been more honest in his lyrics. Again, possibly a little unnerving when lyrics such "a cry for help, a hint of anaesthesia/ the sound from broken homes, we used to always meet here" on Colony, or "Destiny unfolded, I watched it slip away" on Twenty Four Hours hint at the tragic end which would follow Curtis, but still this harrowing insight into his work is all the more emotional for it. The sound hints at the direction New Order would eventually follow, with the disco-beat and electro-pop of the likes of Isolation igniting the soul on what is for me one of the saddest, most beautiful records ever conceived.



The Doors, "The Doors"
, 1967


"The Crystal Ship"

"Break on Through (To the Other Side)"
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.29

englishozzy Rise Against, "The Sufferer and the Witness" - I think I've mentioned previously that although Geezer featured one of the best new to me songs during the song countdown from this record, upon listening to the album I was rather underwhelmed by it. I don't know, I think it just came across as a little too standard punk for me to really appreciate.

Geezer The Ramones, "Rocket To Russia" - I know I'm risking sacrilege here, but I don't know, you've heard one record by The Ramones, you've heard them all? Well obviously not as a couple of their albums earlier in the countdown showed a change of direction, but this just sounds like what I've already heard before. I have The Ramones' debut, and a huge compilation of their work, I just don't know if this is essential, at least from the songs presented.

Leestu The Jesus and Mary Chain, “Darklands” - Certainly a consideration for my own countdown, but ultimately, I just find myself listening to Psychocandy much more than this. There's definitely more clarity to this record, the feedback is kept at bay for almost the entire record. There's some beautiful pop songs on here though, and Cherry Came Too is probably my favourite track on the record, so good choice!

NSpan Oingo Boingo, "Only A Lad" - Oingo Boingo are a band I know solely by name, this is my introduction to their music, reminded me a little of XTC. Fun, very 80s, not sure if I could take an entire record of them as it may just be a little too much, but it certainly had this interesting nature.

numbersix Sun Kil Moon, “Ghosts of the Great Highway” - I remember you showcasing these during your song countdown, and I still haven't gotten round to picking up an album of theirs. This has changed that, both selections were lovely, definitely heard a Neil Young vibe in there which is always welcome. I'll add this record to the top of my list.

Ron Burgundy Radiohead, "In Rainbows" - Obviously an album I love, good pick.

transformers Black Sabbath, "Paranoid" - And another album from my countdown, a nice way to end this round!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.28

englishozzy Madness, "One Step Beyond" - For some reason I've never had the inclination to pick up a Madness record. I always enjoy it when one of their songs is on the radio, they are always good for a dance too, so maybe I should get down and pick up this album, as I think it's their most hailed, and it was nice to hear them again here.

Geezer Incubus, "Make Yourself" - I can still remember the first time I heard Incubus. I was sitting in my bedroom studying for my exams while listening to the Radio 1 Steve Lamacq show and he played Pardon Me from this record. I loved it, but for some reason never picked up this album. I have a couple of their other records, but this contains a number of their songs I like, so this is another on the list!

Leestu The Lemonheads, “Come on Feel the Lemonheads” - I love It's A Shame About Ray, but I haven't ever gotten round to getting the follow up. These songs didn't quite have the same impact as that record, but hearing Evan Dando's voice is never a strain, it just has that effortless beauty to it, making any song sound so much better than it could ever be.

NSpan Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Green River" - To be honest I know nothing of CCR, well, I've probably heard a song or two over the years but I wouldn't have been able to tell you it was them. So I just plumbed with those two songs on a whim, and if that's the standard for the rest of the album, I guess this is one I should get a hold of. Reminded me of The Band, and both songs was very nice to listen, I've love to hear more.

numbersix Tom Waits, “Bone Machine” - I only own three Tom Waits albums, I've been slowly building up a collection since he was first showcased during the song countdown, anyway, I don't have this one, but I have known it is supposed to be one of his better ones. This is shaping up to be a round where I need to buy albums, this was great too, it had a really dirty, grubby vibe to the music, and Wait's gravelly voice is as wonderful as ever. Really good stuff.

Ron Burgundy Rage Against the Machine, "Rage Against the Machine" - A great album, definitely their best, and a certain contender for my own countdown.

transformers Killswitch Engage, "The End of Heartache" - Didn't appeal, sorry.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by numbersix »

Ozzy: I don't mind Metallica at all. I did drift a bit during both of these songs, but overall it's not the worst.

Geez: There's always something good about these guys. Maybe they have a knack for intros.

Leetsu: I'm a big Sonic Youth fan, but this is one of my least favourites. I've no problem with a band going mainstream, but when it feels forced you just want to move on. There are some decent songs on Dirty, but their attempt to make a grunge record never sat well for me, and I prefer Washing Machine to this.

NSpan: I never really liked the B-52s. Something about their tongue-in-cheek new wavey 50s style felt very gimmicky to me. Like it was all a joke. Having said that, I was surprised that I enjoyed those two songs so much. The actual music is great, and fortunately the vocals didn't get in the way. That's what's great about this whole endeavour, shattering preconceptions. Good work!

Ron B: Air are the ultimate interlude band, that's what they do best. These songs weren't as catchy as their other music, though.

SS: A great record. I'm pretty sure I have it on vinyl somewhere. The different between this and their first album in truly remarkable. Good song choices too.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.27

englishozzy Metallica, "Master of Puppets" - I do own this album, though I only picked it up a few months ago. Haven't really had the opportunity to listen to it very much, but I did really like Battery, it had a great driving rhythm and menacing vocals. Sanitarium I'm quite familiar with, and it's this type of song which I think is generally my favourite Metallica, I think it really shows off their craftmanship with atmospheric vocals. Once it gets going too it just kicks ass. Great picks.

Geezer Against Me!, "Searching for a Former Clarity" - Really enjoyed that. These are definitely becoming my favourite 'Against' band, and the "From Her Lips" video was interesting too! It has that very distinctive Against Me! sound, although you tell the production values aren't quite as high as on their later releases. Not a bad thing though, it adds a little more grit to the sound.

Leestu Sonic Youth, “Dirty” - I don't actually own this Sonic Youth record. I think I've just never really heard that many great things about it. I agree with six, there's definitely more of a grunge sound to this than their previous records, and for me it loses their sound because of it. It's listenable enough I guess, but it didn't really drive me to hear more.

NSpan B-52s, "The B-52s" - I always kind of saw the B-52s as a novelty one hit wonder act mainly for Love Shack, but I really enjoyed these. The first song had a surf rock feel to it reminiscent of The Breeders while the second just had a really great guitar sound. Still not sold on the vocals, but for the music alone it's much cooler than I imagined.

numbersix Low, “Secret Name” - Another record to add to the ever expanding list... No-one does slow-core like Low, such a beautiful first song which only gets better when the violins enter. Lovely second song too, lots of nice harmonies and really warm atmosphere.

Ron Burgundy Air, "Talkie Walkie" - Y'know, I don't think I ever recognised that first track was Air. Having listened to it in the knowledge it is very obvious, and it's a catchy song, but ultimately it isn't really as good as their earlier work.

transformers The Doors, "The Doors" - You just can't beat Jim Morrison's vocals, can you. I only own a greatest hits by the band, but should probably seek this out as it is so highly regarded and that first song, while new to me, was very nice.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by Leestu »

To be honest I don't get the negativity for Dirty from Sonic Youth afficianados. Yes it has a distinctive early 90s sound, but that's not a bad thing - personally that's my favourite era of music - and it still retains the distinctive Sonic Youth sound. I could play any song off the album and anyone that knows Sonic Youth would immediately recognise it as them. As to the attempt to be mainstream and commercial of course it failed but again that's a good thing - who would have wanted to hear Sonic Youth doing U2???? Anyway I am not great with written words but the point I was trying to make in my intro is that it really is a very strong album with no middling album track fillers. After listening to the whole album a few times to get to know it it becomes one of those albums (at least for me) where I cannot refrain from toe tapping, head bobbing, humming and singing along to each and every track. However as good as it is (spoiler alert) I will concede it's not their best album, (although I can't convince my wife of that, :D ), but still it really is an album worthy of being in anyone's Sonic Youth collection.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by NSpan »

I'm not up for detailed responses right now, but I listened to everything. Good stuff all around.

Surf, good song picks for the B-52s. Thanks for helping me out. I'd be tempted to have showcased "Rock Lobster" -- but that's too obvious. The other option would have been "Planet Claire" ... Regarding the band overall, their debut is ESSENTIAL. Everything after that is a matter of preference.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by Buscemi »

The B-52's had a strong debut. But after Love Shack, everything just felt like a retread.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album No.26

To Be Added At A Later Date

Lucero, "Tennessee"
, 2002


1.Sweet Little Thing – 5 stars
2.Slow Dancing – 5 stars
3.Nights Like These – 5 stars
4.Ain't So Lonely – 4 stars
5.Old Sad Songs – 3 stars
6.Chain Link Fence – 5 stars
7.Fistful of Tears – 4 stars
8.The Last Song – 4 stars
9.When You're Gone – 4 stars
10.I'll Just Fall – 5 stars
11.Here At The Starlite – 5 stars
12.Darby's Song – 5 stars
13.Into Your Eyes – 4 stars

A painful, heartbreaking record from the alt-country band I introduced to you earlier in the countdown. Just a stunningly beautiful album. You can feel the pain and truly understand a lot of the shit the artist has been through on most of these songs. Lucero is so great, and this album is their absolute pinnacle. Darby's Song is the peak, a song so deeply personal they will never play it live and "was a miracle it was ever recorded" according to singer Ben Nichols. Incredibly simple yet so overwhelmingly powerful. I well up every time I hear it. And this album is still relatively new to me, so its potential to rise up the list is great. You're getting 3 from this one.

"Darby's Song"

"Nights Like These"
"Chain Link Fence"

Dinosaur Jr., “Where You Been”
, 1993


Dinosaur Jr, have some great albums but this is the standout. The slacker drawl of Jay Mascis and their distinctive guitar sounds are at their best here.

“Start Choppin”

“What Else Is New”

The Beach Boys, "Pet Sounds"
, 1966


"God Only Knows"

"Wouldn't It Be Nice"

Arvo Part, “Tabula Rasa”
, 1977


Considering Part’s Fratres is one of my favourite songs of all time, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that his work would feature in my favourite albums. This is not so much a record in the traditional sense, but instead a 2-part composition lasting about 25 minutes. The first is more rhythmical, demonstrating Part’s trademark style of making the notes minimal but layering the instruments with minor gaps, almost like a Wall of Sound effect. The second is much more sorrowful and delicate, gradually fading into silence.

The entire piece is incredibly beautiful, and often incredibly bountiful when inspiration is needed. I’m not a fan of classical, but this approach is the one I like best. I had the chance to hear this piece played live (with Part in attendance!) and it was overwhelming.

"Part 1: Ludus"

BONUS TUNE! Tabula Rasa’s so short that on CD it almost always comes with other songs. The one I have includes classics like Fratres, Spiegel Im Spiegel, and this song.
"Cantus in Memoriam Benjamin Britten"

Ron Burgundy
Pixies, "Doolittle"
, 1989


"I Bleed"

"Wave Of Mutilation"

Queens Of The Stone Age, "Rated R"
, 2000


I first heard of QoTSA when reading the Kerrang! and NME end of year polls and they both listed this album very highly, if I recall. I had never heard of the band, but thought it worth checking out. I was stunned when I first heard the record. From the super catchy Feel Good Hit Of The Summer and Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret, to the screaming death wails of Quick And To The Pointless by way of some of the most intense, hallucinogenic riffs, this was an album which continued to surprise with each song. Steeped in collecting some of the greatest sounds from the history of rock and reinventing them for the 20th Century with a collection of some of the best artists from the 90s, Rated R is just one of those albums that is endlessly playable.

"Auto Pilot"

"Better Living Through Chemistry" (note: the image on this video is for Lullabies, not sure why as this song is most definitely on Rated R)

Death, "Scream Bloody Gore
, 1987


"Zombie Ritual"

"Baptized in Blood"
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by englishozzy »


Against Me! - Searching for a Former Clarity - 7/10
Sonic Youth - Dirty - 6/10
B-52's - The B-52's - 6/10
Low - Secret Name - 7/10
Air - Talkie Walkie - 6/10
Joy Division - Close - 6/10
The Doors - The Doors - 6/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by englishozzy »


Led Zeppelin, "Led Zeppelin I", 1969


Led Zeppelin is my Dad's ultimate band hence the big influence as I was growing up and has already appeared earlier on in my countdown. Their debut album though stands out as their best with every song one of their best.

You Shook Me

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by NSpan »

Surf, can you change my selections to: "God Only Knows" and "Wouldn't It Be Nice" ?? Sorry to ask.

Your selections ("That's Not Me" and "Caroline, No") were great. But your psychic powers missed the mark by just a tiny bit (no sarcasm).

The only other options were "Let's Go Away for Awhile" (Good Weeezer-inspiring instrumental... but who showcases a Beach Boys instrumental?), "Hang On To Your Ego" (I really struggled between choosing this or "Wouldn't It Be Nice" ... I think I made the right choice, but it was CLOSE), "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (sweet, appropriate, but it won't win over the kids), and "Sloop John B" (which is probably just too poppy and radio-friendly).
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by numbersix »

Ozzy: Wasn't expecting this to pop up again. Again, enjoyable. The first song is perhaps too familiar in its use of typical blues riffs and rhythms, but it's hardly a major problem.

Geezer: I was actually looking forward to hearing more of these guys. To be honest, though, it didn't quite impress. I guess because I could hear echoes of Incubus, despite the raspy country twang in the vocals. Maybe I just prefer the other record more. How did their later records turn out? What direction did they go?

Leetsu: Really enjoyed these two songs. Grunge, noisy, but with a real pop sensibility. I once passed by J Mascis and gave him an appreciative nod, which his gracefully returned. Nice guy.

NSpan: The only surprise was that I expected this to come higher. A wonderful record. Why didn't you consider You Still Believe in Me or I Know There's An Answer? They showcase the quality of the record and just might get the kids bopping.

Ron B: A classic record. Love it.

SS: Already on my list of Albums I'm Interested in. Though the first song didn't blow me away. The second was cool.

Tranny: Well, at least it's 80s metal, and thus more accessible.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:Why didn't you consider You Still Believe in Me or I Know There's An Answer? They showcase the quality of the record and just might get the kids bopping.
Honestly, those are two solid song choices. There's always different factors when I'm trying to choose JUST TWO songs from one of my favorite albums..
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Albums Of All Time (Thread #8) #30-#2

Post by Geezer »

numbersix wrote: Geezer: I was actually looking forward to hearing more of these guys. To be honest, though, it didn't quite impress. I guess because I could hear echoes of Incubus, despite the raspy country twang in the vocals. Maybe I just prefer the other record more. How did their later records turn out? What direction did they go?
That Much Further West is good. Nobody's Darlings is excellent, would probably make this list if I redid it. Many even say that one is their best. After those first 4 it kinda went downhill, with a few worthwhile songs on each record, but not the complete package like on those earlier efforts.
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