Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by numbersix »

becs/BarcaRulz: Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” (also W's #23) - Well, no surprises in seeing this song appear in a Top 10. But I can't criticise that, it still is an excellent song, and of course the song responsible for introducing most people to the band. Not my favourite, but great.

Shrykespeare: Johann Strauss II, “The Blue Danube” (1867) - Probably the oldest song on the list by almost a century! This is a wonderul song but I've two issues with it. The first is of course it's almost impossible to separate it from the brilliant 2001. I just can't hear it without seeing space shuttles and people floating in zero gravity. And I tend not to listen to songs that just remind me of a film. The other issues is that it's a waltz, which is very nice in general but sometimes a little boring. In fact, waltzes were probably the dance music of the 19th century! Still, it's a magnificently intricate piece of music, and I can't fault you for it.

NSpan: The Beach Boys, “Wouldn't It Be Nice” (1966) - Haha, well in case I ever came across as disingenuous in my comments, proof of my love for this song came in my response to Good Vibrations. As I said, this is indeed a perfect pop song, and fits perfectly into the greatest pop record of all time. Stunning on every level.

Geezer: The Beatles, “Yesterday” - Funnily, I listened to this with one earphone and I only got the voice and guitar. And I actually prefer it. The strings are subtle, that's true, but maybe a tad too much for me. But it is indeed a very moving and heartfelt song. A song about losing confidence in yourself must be a very difficult song to write, so major props to the Fab Four for being able to do this in the height of their fame.

undeadmonkey: Just Jack, “Embers” - The strings looped were nice but it musically went nowhere. I echo Shryke's comments in that the lyrics were ver poor, and the singing wasn't much either. And as for that video, it could be the most misgided idea of all time. By itself it just looks like a low-budget rip-off of that Fatboy Slim music video, but the includions of the singer, who looks like your unemployed stoner neighbour, is just laughably bad.

leestu: XTC, “Dear God” (1987) - In some ways I liked this song. The music wasn't bad and you just don't hear songs like this anymore. Do writers fear the retaliation of fundamental groups or is God really Dead in this century? But the lyrics do feel a little childish, amounting to not much more than "why do you let bad things happen?". I would have loved this if I heard it as a young teen, but hearing it now it's only okay for me.

Buscemi: Louis Armstrong, “What A Wonderful World” - A little syrupy, and I've never been a huge fan of Armstrong's general catalogue, it became a little too easy listening for me. I'm sure his early live performances must have been something special. Nice, sweet, but it doesn't grab me deep down.

silversurfer: Jeff Buckley, “Grace” - Loved your description about this song. This is probably my favourite Buckley original. Soulful, gospel-tinted rock music from one of the most tragic deaths in rock. That guy loved life and loved music and it seemed he had a lot of great stuff in him, and all we have is this one, complete album. In my teens this was my favourite record for a long, long time. I used to buy bootleg performances, get all the official live albums, etc. I've kind of exhausted my appreciation of him, I probably never need to hear another song of his again, having internalised it so much. But yeah, this song is brilliant. Amazing guitar work and beautiful, soaring vocals.

transformers: Led Zeppelin, “Kashmir” (also Shrykespeare's #84) - An epic song indeed. Better than P Diddy's version, that's for sure.

W: Jimi Hendrix, “All Along the Watchtower” (also Geezer's #27 and silversurfer's #17) - Another repeat, another classic. Amazing song.

englishozzy: Semisonic, “Closing Time” - I remember this song when it came out. Really boring, unimaginative song that at the time sounded like a lot of other stuff. It feels even more so hearing it again today. Bland in the worst possible way.

Ron Burgundy: Kaiser Chiefs, “Ruby” - I don't mind these guys, they had a few good songs. But I don't consider this to be one of them. It feels very patchy, very dissonant. Like a lot of good ideas thrown into a song and not fully gelling.

Chienfantome: Benjamin Biolay, “La Superbe” - Sorry, pal, you haven't convinced me. In ways it felt a little like the music of Tindersticks, a band you should check out if you don't know. It also felt a little trip-hoppy in its use of strings and simple electronic beat. Which for a 2009 song makes it feel very anachronistic. Even after reading the lyrics I wasn't that impressed. I liked when the guitar came in at the 3 minute mark but overall it felt very melodramatic. Not bad, but just not my thing.

Frendo: Tom Waits, “Downtown Train” - It's hard for me to find a Tom Waits song that I don't like (well, after 1980 or so). A very lovely song. Did you know this became famous through Rod Steward's cover? A tender song, and a great pick, but there's far more I prefer.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Shrykespeare »

I'm hoping to do #3 tonight, but I still haven't heard from NSpan or UDM.

In the meantime...


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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by numbersix »

Yeah, happy birthday, Leets!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by undeadmonkey »

sent mine in

happy bday leestu

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

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Happy birthday, my musical soul brother, Leestu!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#

Post by Shrykespeare »

Two records are set tonight... a song appears for the fifth and sixth time, making it the most appearances for any song. And it's also becomes the first song to appear twice on the same day.... twice!


Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
(1975) (also becs' #55, Geezer's #55, Ron Burgundy's #43 and transformers' #9)

Long before Wayne's World I was part of a school camp where a whole bus full of us kids were singing along to this.

Imagine a world in which this song was never written. Wayne's World wouldn't have its famous head-banging scene, The Muppets wouldn't have their viral video and Freddie Mercury's career would not as legendary as it would become afterwards. This is the definitive Queen track. Even after listening to almost every Queen track, you will always fall back on it.
(leestu's choice)
(Buscemi's choice)

Lush, “Sweetness and Light”

Several of the songs on my list fit the following description: early 90's alternative song highlighted by jangly guitars, performed by a female-led band, with ethereally beautiful lyrics sung by a stunningly attractive English (or Irish) woman. But really, to me, my love affair for songs that fit that description begin – and end – with this one. This is the song that, in 1990, pulled me off the road that most of my “cool” friends were traveling (pretty much for good), the road that led to the land of Pop Music, and plopped me down on the far more interesting road to a mysterious place called Alternative Land. It was on this road that I discovered Depeche Mode, New Order, and scores of other amazing bands and artists with infinitely more charisma, soul and talent than 99% of the artists playing in PopMusicTown. I still reside there in Alternative Land, which has become a retirement village of sorts; young people who think they're much cooler than I am wave at me as they pass by. But I'm not bitter, because as long as I have this song to listen to, I'm more than happy, remembering the days when I was 21 years old and still finding my way in life.

The Velvet Underground, “Pale Blue Eyes

Lou Reed at his absolute best. This is my favorite track from my favorite VU album. They had already “proved” themselves with their first two releases. This wasn't an attempt to one-up their previous work--this is just good, honest songwriting. At this point John Cale (and his electric viola) had left the band - and probably for the best. They had taken that sound as far as they could take it. This album – and song, in particular – employs a more traditional approach in terms of structure and order... which divides some fans. But, personally, I love the fact that Lou Reed's talent as a heartfelt songwriter were able to emerge and blossom out of the cacophony that was the early Velvet Underground sound.

The Clash, “London Calling”
(1979) (also transformers' #72 and Geezer's #66)

If there’s ever a song that will get you up and stomping about, it’s this. It has one of the catchiest beats I’ve ever heard, and the bass is just killer. The song feels like a call to arms, even without paying attention to exactly what Strummer is going on about. There’s an amazing tension in the music, it’s both wild yet controlled. The lyrics seem to be a sort of anti-establishment call to arms. Strummer seems to want to brace himself for the world (as he knew it) falling apart, and rather than weeping about the loss of monotony and phoniness, he wants to stand up and embrace the chaos. And boy, does he do that in style.

Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
(also W's #23, BarcaRulz's #4 and becs' #4)

Its been discussed left and right, with good reason. It remains my favorite song by my favorite band, but it is NOT my number one, so you were wrong there Six. But as I've said numerous times, any of these top 25 or so songs could be considered my number one if I'm in the right mood. I don't even really feel the need to explain this one. If you don't get why I love it by now, well, you haven't been paying attention.

R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts”
(also englishozzy's #48, BarcaRulz's #22 and leestu's #6)

As a huge fan of the band's creativity, this song in particular is a break from their usual style, it is simplified down to their essence. The entire song rides on barely there instruments and Michael Stipe's soaring vocals, but the driving force is the pure emotion in every aspect of it.

Shakira, “Inevitable”

My second favorite Shakira song. I know it might seem like overkill to some of you, but this is my list and more often than not, when I listen to music, I listen to her. Shakira's first four albums were a lot more on the rock side than her latest albums which are pop. This is from her 4th album.

Smashing Pumpkins, “Today”

My favourite song from my favourite band of all time. Man, this was the song which first introduced me to them, and I love it just as much as that late night back in the mid 90s. The Smashing Pumpkins are for me the greatest alt rock band to ever surface, combining elements of all the rock genres and perfectly balancing them. Six mentioned previously that Billy's voice doesn't always work on record, however, for this track in particular, I don't think anyone could have fit it better. Stylistically it maintains all the hallmarks of what made Siamese Dream an essential record, delicate vocals, beautiful riffs, pounding drums a great climax. For me, this is one of the greatest intro's of all time, that delicate riff at the beginning will always floor me. It's so simple, but so, so effective. Basically a song about depression and suicide (yeah, there seems to be a theme developing here..), which Billy was suffering from after touring Gish non stop for 18 months, he realized he should give up trying to be what everyone else wanted him to be. He had "reached a point in my life where I felt like I was living through some old character," and so he used this song to kill that character off and start afresh. So again, I guess, a positive song about negative feelings.

Mastodon, “Iron Tusk”

The last song by favorite band of all time. This is a bit heavier than most of their previous stuff that I have posted but the main reason I liked it so much is what is the song that introduced me to them and it will always hold a special place in my heart,

Cream, “Crossroads”

A toe-tapping good time.

Rise Against, “Ready to Fall”

Has only recently dropped off my number #1 spot only due to the fact it has lost that “new song” gloss. Don't need to explain my choice about this song has i think both myself and Geezer have done our bit in promoting this band. Awesome song.

Oasis, “Wonderwall”
(also englishozzy's #37, Buscemi's #33 and Ron Burgundy's #13)

My favorite song, from possibly my favorite album, by one of my favorite bands. I am pleasantly surprised at the amount of love it has gotten in the countdown, and I'm just happy that a lot of you place it in high esteem.

Ron Burgundy
Faith No More, “Evidence”

This is one of those songs that is just cool. And can only be done by cool people. I said it and ill say it again, Mike Patton is a genius.

U2, “With or Without You”

When I started this countdown, I knew this song would be highly positioned. But I never thought it would end up THAT high. But the truth is, I had not properly listened to this song in a loooong time, and when I did, I kept moving it up. It reminded me why I loved U2 so much when I was a kid, and why they leave me pretty cold today. In the first place, I wasn’t even sure it would be in my Top 10, and look at that. I’ve let myself trapped by that quiet intro. I’ve let myself trapped by that killing melody. I’ve let myself trapped by the intensity of emotions displayed in that song. I have grown up with this song, because my parents were huge fans of U2 back then. This isn’t related to any film for me. This is just “With or Without You”.

Alice In Chains, “Man in the Box”
(also Ron Burgundy's #62)

First video I saw for these guys, and really wasn’t sure what to make of it at first. It was just so different than anything I’d heard at that young age. But once it got it’s hooks in me, this band became one of my faves. I was lucky enough to see them in concert recently, and still, with their new singer, they kick major amounts of ass. One of the bands that’s always there for me in hard times.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Leestu »

Thanks for the birthday greetings guys. :D
I now have some gift money to spend on online music so I need to work out which new bands I've been introduced to so far do I really want to hear more of and what albums of theirs that I should buy. I'm thinking definitely an Elliott Smith one, maybe the Warlocks and Explosions In The sky, possibly a Sun Kil Moon....or Nick many to choose from.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by NSpan »

Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Early in the countdown, Geez asked me if I liked certain songs better simply because they AREN'T popular--as if I embraced contrarianism over taste. When I listen to this song--I can't help but wonder: do some people think this is Nirvana's "best" simply because it IS popular? I mean, we've been TOLD that it's Nirvana's best song so many times that it's hard to argue. But let's pretend for a second that success on the pop-charts is arbitrary. In fact, let's pretend that you had just discovered Nirvana's catalogue for the very first time. You have access to every song they ever recorded. But it's all completely new to you. Would this be the song that stuck out as their absolute best? Don't get me wrong--I'm not criticizing the song. It's powerful, catchy, and memorable. (Though the lyrics certainly leave something to be desired, in my opinion... especially considering the fact that Kurt Cobain is remembered as much for his words as he is for his melodies). But my question stands. To put it in cinematic terms, it's the same deal with, say, The Godfather. It IS clearly a brilliant film--and deserving of major acclaim. But if you hadn't grown up being TOLD that it's the "best film of all-time," would you regard it quite so highly?

Shrykespeare -- Johann Strauss II, “The Blue Danube” (1867)
Beautiful stuff. I limited my picks to popular rock of the last 50 years--so I haven't even thought of what classical pieces would've made the cut had I not limited myself. But, considering the fact that this is a MOVIE forum, this seems to be the perfect choice.

Numbersix -- Leonard Cohen, “Famous Blue Raincoat” (1971)
Great choice. Along with "Bird on a Wire," "Chelsea Hotel #2," and "Sisters of Mercy," this is easily amongst my absolute favorite of his work. Regarding the diminutive effect of studying musical theory on one's appreciation of music in general, a poem by Walt Whitman springs to mind:

When I heard the learn’d astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.

Geezer -- The Beatles, “Yesterday”
Beautiful song. In John Lennon's scathing "How Do You Sleep" (a musical 'Fuck You' to Paul McCartney), he includes the line, "The only thing you done was Yesterday." So, even when being as malicious as possible, he STILL admits that "Yesterday" is a great song--Ha!

undeadmonkey -- Just Jack, “Embers”
Completely new-to-me. Trying to formulate an opinion...but it might take another few listens.

leestu -- XTC, “Dear God” (1987)
Interesting choice. This is a different version from what I'm familiar with but still very good.

Buscemi -- Louis Armstrong, “What A Wonderful World”
For lack of a better word: wonderful.

silversurfer -- Jeff Buckley, “Grace”
Buckley is one of those artists that I know I need to get into. As of yet, I still don't own any of his full albums. I'll get around to it soon though.

transformers -- Led Zeppelin, “Kashmir”
Epic is definitely the word for it. Good pick.

W -- Jimi Hendrix, “All Along the Watchtower”
Easily one of the best covers of all time.

englishozzy -- Semisonic, “Closing Time”
Honestly, it's hard to say what I'd think of this song were I listening to it for the first time tonight... Unfortunately, I can't disassociate it from it being played ad nauseam when it first came out.

Ron Burgundy -- Kaiser Chiefs, “Ruby”
I've heard OF this band plenty without ever really listening to the music. I kinda dug this track.

Chienfantome -- Benjamin Biolay, “La Superbe”
Really nice. Reminded me a bit of Leonard Cohen in a way. Kate liked it, too. Didn't mind his voice at all. The song was a bit theatrical sounding--almost over the top. I imagine understanding the lyrics would've altered my perception of that aspect of the song (though, for better or worse--I'm not sure).
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by numbersix »

leestu/Buscemi: Queen, Bohemien RhapsodyWell, it's again no surprise seeing this is more than one Top 3, and it may indeed end up appearing again. I was introduced to it properly by Wayne's World, but Queen were a band I enjoyed as a kid. I used to get travel sick (seriously, I couldn't make a 90-minute journey!) but I found playing a tape of their Best of helps. To this day, when I'm ill, or hungover (I no logner get car-sick), music is without doubt the best cure for me. I can't say I listen to Queen, but this song is almost objectively superb. Touches on flamboyance but nevertheless genius. And this is the second time Leetsu and Boosch have the same song on the same day on their Top 10.

Shrykespeare: Lush, “Sweetness and Light” (1990) - Never have I heard a more appropriate name for a band. Their music is indeed very luscious. I quite liked it, it was dreamy in the same vein as Galaxie 500 and My Bloody Valentine. Really nice to listen to.

NSpan: The Velvet Underground, “Pale Blue Eyes” - A beautiful song I was listening to only yesterday. Everything you say about The Velvet Underground (the album) is completely true (except for it being the best, VU and Nico still trumps it). A collection of brilliantly written pop and rock songs that I'm sure bothered the handful of fans at the time, but to me only proved how great these guys could be. Songs like Candy Says, Jesus, I'm Set Free, are all amazing. And this is the best of the album. A real tender, beautiful song.

Geezer: Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” (also W's #23, BarcaRulz's #4 and becs' #4) Okay so it's not your #1 song, and as you say it could be on the right day, but I was still damn close ;). NSpan, I get what you say about people just assuming it's their best. It isn't for me, there's about 5 or 6 songs I'd put above this, but it still is a great song. I can't deny that some part of music, whether great or small, is social. For example, would my favourite albums be my favourite albums if ALL of my friends despised them? Maybe, but maybe not. So in that sense there is a reason why it's so popular despite, in my and many's opinion, it may not be the band's greatest moment.

becs: R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts” (also englishozzy's #48, BarcaRulz's #22 and leestu's #6) - Again, very lovely song.

undeadmonkey: Shakira, “Inevitable” - Well, I don't hate Shakira. Maybe it's the music videos ;) Her voice doesn't bug me. Sure it's squawky, but it sounds like it's her voice as opposed to someone just trying to sound like all the other same-sounding pop singers. The song didn't impress me, though. I don't like it when pop musicians thinks they can rock with songs like this. They don't rock and the don't have the melody for pop, so they just sound very half-baked.

silversurfer: Smashing Pumpkins, “Today” - Had totally forgotten about this song. I always think Disarm is the only stand-out track from Siamese Dream, forgetting that this was the reason I bought that album! Really good song, love the distorted guitars, and yes, I can buy Corgan's voice on this one. Great pick! Weird seeing Corgan with hair though.

transformers: Mastodon, “Iron Tusk” - Kinda flew past me without having any impression, good or bad.

W: Cream, “Crossroads” - A very, very good Cream song. Having said that, it does feel a little jam-ey, which makes it feel a little unfocused and a bit messy for me. Other Cream songs sound so controlled that you can only sit in awe at their craft. This is still a good song, but not my favourite.

englishozzy: Rise Against, “Ready to Fall” - Well, it's good to see a song on a Top 3 that isn't an obvious choice. Still, I can't help but feel that in hearing all these classics today, these guys just really don't come close. Music was okay, the singer's message at the end was really annoying (I mean, the video was bloody obvious in its message. It's like having a director at the end of a movie describe the film's theme during the credits!).

BarcaRulz: Oasis, “Wonderwall” (also englishozzy's #37, Buscemi's #33 and Ron Burgundy's #13) - Okay, but doesn't stand up to the rest of the songs posted today.

Ron Burgundy: Faith No More, “Evidence” - Hmmm, this is a very weird side of Faith No More. The bass makes it sound like a sort of jazz or lounge-infused slow funk. Not sure it worked for me, because it almost sounds like the soundtrack for a softcore erotic movie.

Chienfantome: U2, “With or Without You” - I've conflicting feelings about this song. Although it could be my hate for Bono (and everything U2 did in the last decade), this song sounds so very confident that it's hard to get that sense of vulnerability that it should have. Then again, it is a well made song, simple, yet building to a powerful climax. I'll lean to the positive side, just for fun.

Frendo: Alice In Chains, “Man in the Box” (also Ron Burgundy's #62) - Can't remember what I said last time I heard it, but it didn't stick with me, so I guess that says something.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by englishozzy »

leestu/Buscemi - Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
What can i say, a song that fully deserves to be on so many of people's lists. 8/10
Shrykespeare - Lush, “Sweetness and Light”
Not a bad song, vocals went pretty well with the music. Quite enjoyed it. 7/10
NSpan - The Velvet Underground, “Pale Blue Eyes”
A nice song, pretty sure i have heard this before somewhere but i liked it. 7/10
Numbersix - The Clash, “London Calling”
No doubt about it, this is the pinnacle of The Clash. Great song. 8/10
Geezer - Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
And i was right in my last comment a couple of days ago that no doubt we will see this song again. 9/10
becs - R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts”
Easily one of my favourite tracks from this band. Good pick. 10/10
undeadmonkey - Shakira, “Inevitable”
Wow your Top 10 has been dominated by this woman. You must really like her. It was OK. 5/10
silversurfer - Smashing Pumpkins, “Today”
A good song from this band, this is also one of the first songs i heard from Smashing Pumpkins. 7/10
transformers - Mastodon, “Iron Tusk”
A bit too on the heavy side for me, dont mind some of their work though. 5/10
W - Cream, “Crossroads”
Found myself tapping my foot along in parts so that must be a good sign. 6/10
BarcaRulz - Oasis, “Wonderwall”
Obviously agree with you, a classic. 10/10
Ron Burgundy - Faith No More, “Evidence”
Not a bad song, had something goinf for it which i liked. 6/10
Chienfantome - U2, “With or Without You”
Classic U2, although not in my own list i rate this song very highly. 9/10
Frendo - Alice In Chains, “Man in the Box”
I enjoyed it when i first heard it in this countdown and listening to it again hasnt changed my mind. 7/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Geezer »

NSpan wrote:becs/BarcaRulz
Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Early in the countdown, Geez asked me if I liked certain songs better simply because they AREN'T popular--as if I embraced contrarianism over taste. When I listen to this song--I can't help but wonder: do some people think this is Nirvana's "best" simply because it IS popular? I mean, we've been TOLD that it's Nirvana's best song so many times that it's hard to argue. But let's pretend for a second that success on the pop-charts is arbitrary. In fact, let's pretend that you had just discovered Nirvana's catalogue for the very first time. You have access to every song they ever recorded. But it's all completely new to you. Would this be the song that stuck out as their absolute best? Don't get me wrong--I'm not criticizing the song. It's powerful, catchy, and memorable. (Though the lyrics certainly leave something to be desired, in my opinion... especially considering the fact that Kurt Cobain is remembered as much for his words as he is for his melodies). But my question stands. To put it in cinematic terms, it's the same deal with, say, The Godfather. It IS clearly a brilliant film--and deserving of major acclaim. But if you hadn't grown up being TOLD that it's the "best film of all-time," would you regard it quite so highly?
Yes. I have listened to everything this band has ever recorded (I think, although there could be some super rare stuff I haven't), extensively studied their catalog, have 8 tracks from them in my top 105, and that number probably jumps to 20 tracks if its the top 200, and it STILL remains THE standout track. Obviously I think that "Drain You" isn't too far behind, and neither are he 6 others I have selected, but yes is the answer to your question. And with my hatred of the Godfather, you should know I don't really give a fuck what other people think is "great." I love the song because I still go "wow, that is one of the single greatest things my ears have EVER had the pleasure to hear" every single time I hear it, and I've probably heard it a thousand times.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by transformers2 »

leestu/Buscemi: Queen, Bohemien Rhapsody
Brillant Choice and It is well deserving of being the most picked song in the entire countdown.

Shrykespeare: Lush, “Sweetness and Light”
Not a big Lush fan this song really didn't do anything for me.

NSpan: The Velvet Underground, “Pale Blue Eyes”
Still not a big Velvet Underground fan something about Lou Reed's voice I don't really like.

Numbersix: The Clash, "London Calling"
I love it. I could be wrong but I believe this is the first time we have shared a song on the list?

Geezer: Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
This is a great song but for me personally it doesn't rank among my favorite Nirvana songs but it is still a great and meaningful song.

becs: R.E.M., “Everybody Hurts”
Not bad. If I had to pick a favorite R.E.M song it would most likely be this.

undeadmonkey: Shakira, “Inevitable”
I really don't like Shakira's music at all.

silversurfer: Smashing Pumpkins, “Today”
Good pick. Really dreamy and haunting. One of my fave Smashing Pumpkins tracks.

W: Cream, “Crossroads”
Pretty indifferent about this song.

englishozzy: Rise Against, “Ready to Fall”
My 2nd favorite Rise Against song. I love this song especially the riff and the message. Great pick ozzy.

BarcaRulz: Oasis, “Wonderwall”
I have always kind of liked this song but it is so overplayed that I am not really that big of a fan anymore.

Ron Burgundy: Faith No More, “Evidence”
Good pick it is one of Faith No More's stranger songs but I think that what makes it so good.

Chienfantome: U2, “With or Without You”
I don't like U2 at all.

Frendo: Alice In Chains, “Man in the Box”
Just nearly missed my list. Such a great song and I am very excited that I am hopefully going to see them on September 22nd.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by numbersix »

transformers2 wrote: Numbersix: The Clash, "London Calling"
I love it. I could be wrong but I believe this is the first time we have shared a song on the list?
Also Folsom Prison Blues

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by transformers2 »

numbersix wrote:
transformers2 wrote: Numbersix: The Clash, "London Calling"
I love it. I could be wrong but I believe this is the first time we have shared a song on the list?
Also Folsom Prison Blues
Can't believe I forgot that one.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by numbersix »

In fact Chien and Frendo are the only two who I never shared a song with in the list, although they did start later in, and both have had songs (Between the Bars, Space Oddity, Heroin, Dirt) that almost made my Top 100

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