Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Ron Burgundy »

UB40, “Sing Our Own Song” (1986)

Good stuff 6/10

Black Sabbath, “Hand Of Doom” (1970)

More Sabbath? I need to get a faster net. Will get back to you

Mogwai, “Christmas Steps” (1999)

Unheard of.

Creedence Cleerwater Revival, "Fortunate Son"

Dont know this song by name.

Elton John, “Tiny Dancer”

I dislike Elton, i think its because he swears alot and people make him out to be a saint and good song writer, though he isn't and he doesn't write his own songs by himself. In saying this, i actually dont mind this song. 6/10

Billy Currington, “Good Directions”


Ministry, “Jesus Built My Hotrod” (1991)

Will give this a go...later on

Alice Cooper, “You and Me”

Again, dont know this by name, will get back to you

TV On The Radio, “Wolf Like Me” (2006)

Shit, what a pick. Great song. Great choice. 8/10

Death, “Crystal Mountain”

Again, im useless, i dunno this one

The Soggy Bottom Boys, “Man of Constant Sorrow”
As above

Lupe Fiasco, “The Cool”

Not bad banks, not bad at all. I saw Lupe live just after he released his new stuff, he was just awesome, great pick. 7.5/10

Garbage, "Only Happy When it Rains"

Im certain i know this song, but not by name, sorry no comment. Im sure its good though, i like garbage (not literally, hey wheres Donte?)

Gary Jules, “Mad World”

Unknown to me

Miossec, “Je m’en vais”

As above. Sorry Chien, i really wanna hear some of your stuff, ill dig it out soon.

Eminem, “Just Don’t Give a Fuck”

How old are you Frendo, my guess- hmm 24? Good song, im sure many here will not approve but this is one of his better ones, even though it might not even make my top 10 from him, just shows how good he was.....yeah was not is, he needs a real comeback. 7/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by NSpan »

Shrykespeare -- UB40, “Sing Our Own Song” (1986)
Easily the best UB40 song I've heard.

Numbersix -- Mogwai, “Christmas Steps” (1999)
I'm a patient man, so the slow buildup didn't bother me. But I daresay it seemed a bit directionless, as I never heard the "amazing explosion of noise" you promised. It wasn't ambient but perhaps a step in that direction. That said, maybe you caught me in just the right mood, though, because I enjoyed it.

Geezer -- Creedence Cleerwater Revival, "Fortunate Son"
Great pick, buddy. Virtual high-five. Amazing album, too.

becs -- Elton John, “Tiny Dancer”
Somewhere between saccharine and cheesy.... but, nonetheless, it's a great melody. And a nice sentiment for Tony Danza.

undeadmonkey -- Billy Currington, “Good Directions”
I really didn't expect to get ANYthing out of this. (The general understanding of what "country" music sounds like seems to differ GREATLY from what Texans consider to be country music). But I didn't hate this. It seemed pretty superficial, but the vocal melody was quite pleasant--and the music, when it was toned down a bit, was rather nice. The chorus and the loudest parts sounded the most hollow. But there's something there, I think.

leestu -- Ministry, “Jesus Built My Hotrod” (1991)
Maybe I'm in a good mood tonight, because I'm seeing some appeal in all these tracks that I don't expect to enjoy at all going into. Not bad.

Buscemi -- Alice Cooper, “You and Me”
Haha. Awesome. I wonder, did he ever squeeze this into the middle of an otherwise-hard-rockin' set?

silversurfer -- TV On The Radio, “Wolf Like Me” (2006)
Didn't know who sang this. I dig. And that last song that I said "the jury is still out on" has also won me over. So your streak continues (it only took SIXTY songs to get goin', but your picks are starting to sound like what I expected from you all along)

transformers -- Death, “Crystal Mountain”
The vocals were a BIT grating (though still far better than the unlistenable drone that spews from most "death metal" vocalists' mouths. At least this guy has a little range). That minor quibble aside, I really dug it. Reminded me of Megadeth or one of those metalish bands that happen to bother to compose MUSIC rather than just unrelentlessly banging away on the instruments. I might actually give this another listen later.

W -- The Soggy Bottom Boys, “Man of Constant Sorrow”
I'd like to remind people that there are SEVERAL great renditions of this song to be found......but, hell, this version really IS damn catchy.

Banks -- Lupe Fiasco, “The Cool”
Not bad. It almost delves into run-of-the-mill hip-hop once or twice, but it steps back from the edge of the abyss and redeems itself with a few melodic high-water marks.

englishozzy -- Garbage, "Only Happy When it Rains"
I LOVE this song. A big part of that can be chalked up to nostalgia... but I think I'd still really enjoy it even if I was hearing it for the first time.

BarcaRulz -- Gary Jules, “Mad World”
Yeah, we'll probably get some shit for this--but I agree: the cover might actually work better than the original. Though both have their merits, to be sure.

Ron Burgundy -- Blur, “Coffee & TV”
I got all (or close to all) of Blur's albums all at once. I was overwhelmed and never really got around to giving each album a proper listen. I liked this track (and Kate loved it). Maybe it's time to give these guys another chance.

Chienfantome -- Miossec, “Je m’en vais”
I don't know if I liked the vocals (just the sound of them... obviously I can't comment much on the lyrics). His voice sounded a bit like an impersonation of French--you know with all those throat-clearing and gagging sounds (auuch! echk! blaauck!). That said, the music was nice.

Okay, with the sole exception of the Eminem song, this was an AMAZING round. For the most part, I wasn't head-over-heels in love with most of the picks. But, not only did I not dislike any of them--I actually ENJOYED nearly every single song. Good job, everybody!!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by undeadmonkey »

Cruise Control, “No Condom, No Sex”
That was really long and i got really bored by it, sorry.

Led Zeppelin, “Over the Hills and Far Away”
It started really nice, I enjoyed the acoustics. The lyrics were actually pretty interesting. I wasnt crazy about the vocal, but overall I think it landed on the side of the fence of good and that I liked it. Hmmm... I wonder if my tastes have changed a bit....

Sun Kil Moon, “Duk Koo Kim”
I did not like this one as much as your other Sun Kil Moon song. I really enjoyed that one.

Incubus, "I Miss You"

That's sweet. Thank you for sharing. and to be honest, from all the Incubus songs that I've heard this one would be the closest to me actually liking it.

The Eurythmics, “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)”

Haha, Love this song, I think if I redid this list today, It would definitely make it on the list.

Dinosaur Jr, “Freak Scene”
Not for me.

The Rolling Stones, “Paint It Black”
(1966) (also W's #63 and BarcaRulz's #31)
we already know what i think about it. No need to repeat it a third time.

Brand New, “Sowing Season (Yeah)”

Interesting. I liked it. I felt it was very reflective, but obviously i liked the softer parts more than the harder parts.

Heartbreaker, “Led Zeppelin”

Interesting, had a classic feel to it. Never heard it before though. Not something i would search out again, but enjoyable enough and liked it for what it was.

Lauryn Hill, “Nothing Even Matters”

I really enjoyed her voice, you were right that she had a beautiful voice. The lyrics were a tad repetitive for me, but i still liked it.

Staind, “It's Been Awhile”
(also BarcaRulz's #68)
It's an ok song, that i have on my ipod and which i listen to occasionally.

Stereophonics, "Dakota"
(also Chienfantome's #45)
maybe liked it even more this time. I think it definitely grew on me.

Ron Burgundy
The Bloody Beetroots, “Butter”

I enjoy some Techno/dance every once in a while. and while this wasnt terrible, i think there is a lot better out there.

She & Him, “Sweet Darlin'”

I actually don't really like Zooey Deschanel’s voice. That being said, I agree with you about their songs. there is just something about them that I enjoy. Did you see 500 Days of Summer? Did you like it? It was my favorite of 2009

Green Day, “Welcome to Paradise”

catchy enough to entertain for three minutes.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by numbersix »

NSpan wrote: Numbersix -- Sun Kil Moon, “Duk Koo Kim” (2001)
You must live a VERY exciting life. I wouldn't consider watching a man die in public "mundane."
Hah! Well, it is a famous match that was being repeated, so I imagine the impact hasn't lasted on all but the sensitive ones. I guess I was thinking of other SKM songs when I wrote that.
Chien wrote: have no idea who’s Sun Kil Moon, never heard of that band. Do they have Korean roots ? Because their song is about a Korean boxer, but the name of the band, yes it sounds like Sun Kills Moon, but it also totally sounds, and could be, a Korean name. That’s very weird. The diction of the singer is hard to understand some time, I had to concentrate real hard to get the lyrics, and 14 minutes of concentration to get the lyrics is a lot. Too much. I like the rhythm, but it’s still too long.
The band is actually named after another Korean boxer, Sung Kil Moon. I imagine Kozelek called his band that because he thought they were going to be a once-off based solely around their first album, Ghosts of the Great Highway (a sort of concept album about the lives of boxers and how they affected the singer), was a once off project. But popularity saw him continue the name and release 2 more albums afterwards, with another coming out this summer. I totally recommend Ghosts to anyone who liked Duk Koo Kim.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Chienfantome »

Shrykespeare wrote:
Chienfantome wrote:Song #29

Cruise Control, « No condom, no sex »

What makes you say that “Just remember, this is NOT 1981” is a cool lyrics ? Is it because I was born in 1981, and you find it cool that someone refers to your favourite Frenchy’s year of birth ? Is that it ? Cooool, Shryke ;)
Anywaaaaay, very 80’s indeed. Too much for me.
Well, I'm assuming that they refer to the fact that 1981 was a year when sex was "safer" than any time after that. If memory serves, 1981 was the year that AIDS became prevalent in the world, and thus sparked the whole "safe sex" era. And I didn't say it was "cool", I said it was "POIGNANT". (That's a French word, right? :? )
Okayyyyyyy. Indeed, poignant is a french word, I understand it easily ;)
In France 1981 is a crucial year (not because I was born then, no), because for the first time in decades, the socialist party, the leaders of the left, won the Presidential election (and rmained in power til 1995). That's why 1981 didn't bring AIDS right away to my mind. To me, 1981 = LEFT POWER (good ol' days !)
Sorry about that Shryke !!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Chienfantome »

frendo wrote:Chienfantome: Archive, “Friend” - What movie is this from? It's okay, but too slow moving for my tastes.
It's a French movie adapted from a french comic book entitled "Michel Vaillant".
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Chienfantome »

NSpan wrote:Chienfantome -- Miossec, “Je m’en vais”
I don't know if I liked the vocals (just the sound of them... obviously I can't comment much on the lyrics). His voice sounded a bit like an impersonation of French--you know with all those throat-clearing and gagging sounds (auuch! echk! blaauck!). That said, the music was nice.

Well, Miossec always sings like that^^
I'll post a translation of the lyrics later today !
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Chienfantome »

undeadmonkey wrote:Chienfantome
She & Him, “Sweet Darlin'”

I actually don't really like Zooey Deschanel’s voice. That being said, I agree with you about their songs. there is just something about them that I enjoy. Did you see 500 Days of Summer? Did you like it? It was my favorite of 2009
I did see 500 days of summer and was very much disappointed by it, I'm afraid...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Shrykespeare »

Wow. Song #28 was the polar opposite of Song #29... there was very little that I really liked in this bunch.

My thoughts (in order of preference):

BarcaRulz – Gary Jules, “Mad World” – I often forget what an awesome song this is. I need occasional reminders, such as Adam Lambert covering it quite well on Idol last year, or having it appear in the trailer for The Crazies, or, of course, this list. Very good choice. Well-choreographed video, too. (9)

silversurfer – TV on the Radio, “Wolf Like Me” – In an otherwise disappointing day, surfer, this surprised me the most. There was something intoxicating about this song, and I particularly enjoyed the up-tempo parts the most. Good choice! (7)

becs – Elton John, “Tiny Dancer” – Not among my very favorite songs by Elton, but still very good. (Tony Danza? Good one, Spanny.) (7)

W – The Soggy Bottom Boys, “Man of Constant Sorrow” – W, do you know the name of the guy who ACTUALLY sang the song? (In other words, the guy George is lip-synching to.) Because this is actually a very winning song, in an old-timey sort of way. (7)

Ron Burgundy – Blue, “Coffee & TV” – Didn't hate it, but it really didn't go much of anywhere for me. (6)

Geezer – Creedence Clearwater Revival, “Fortunate Son” – Merely so-so for me. (6)

numbersix – Mogwai, “Christmas Steps” – Had a few good parts, but they were few and far between the parts that wandered aimlessly about without really going anywhere. I did listen to the whole song, though. (5)

englishozzy – Garbage, “Only Happy When it Rains” – I like a lot of Garbage's stuff, but for some reason I could never get into this song. (5)

transformers – Death, “Crystal Mountain” – I was expecting to hate this. The guitars were quite impressive. As for the vocals, I tried my best to tune them out completely. (5)

NSpan – Black Sabbath, “Hand of Doom” – Don't think I've ever heard this before. Didn't really care for it. (4)

Frendo – Eminem, “Just Don't Give a Fuck” – I appreciate Eminem as a lyricist more than, say, 2Pac or Biggie (and I'd like to think it's not a “race” thind), but this song didn't impress me half as much as a lot of his other stuff. (4)

Chienfantome – Miossec, “Je M'en Vais” – For me to like a song without having a clue what the singer is saying (and this goes not only for foreign-language songs but songs sung in indecipherable, unhearable English), I really, REALLY have to enjoy the music. “Feuer Frei” is a prime example... it's such a primally cool song that I can spit out the words and not even care what I'm saying. Contrarily, I didn't much care for the music here, and that's a deal-breaker. Sorry. (4)

leestu – Ministry, “Jesus Built My Hotrod” – I said a few days ago that I liked the occasional Ministry track... but this isn't one of them. The guitar is good, but the lyrics make the song sound like a ramped-up Primus song (and I don't like Primus). (4)

Banks – Lupe Fiasco, “The Cool” – At the very LEAST, he kept the profanity to a bare minimum. Beyond that, I have very no other compliments for this song. The music sounded like background music from a 1980's Doctor Who movie. (And just to quantify THAT statement, I adore Doctor Who, but I almost always hated the incidental music.) (3)

Buscemi – Alice Cooper, “You and Me” – This is easily the least “Alice” Alice song I have ever heard. I might have liked this song more if I didn't know that he was behind this boring-as-Muzak offering, but I doubt it. (3)

undeadmonkey – Billy Currington, “Good Directions” – Is it me, or does that guy look like Bradley Cooper? Sorry, I hated this. (3)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Geezer »

UB40, “Sing Our Own Song” (1986) - just not my style.

Black Sabbath, “Hand Of Doom” (1970 - Its pretty good NSPan, I just like my Sabbath faster and harder, you understand.

Mogwai, “Christmas Steps” (1999) - when a song feels like a chore just to get through, I'm not going to dig it.

Elton John, “Tiny Dancer” - excellent song. a classic.

Ministry, “Jesus Built My Hotrod” (1991) - didn't expect this from you, too fast and vocals that are not even audible.

Alice Cooper, “You and Me” - This was ALICE COOPER??? I'm shocked. It sounds like the Beatles, or Elton John. Way softer than anything I've heard from him. Too puzzled to really even rate it.

TV On The Radio, “Wolf Like Me” (2006) - I'm always amused by your "music critic language" that you write your pre-song comments in. It really is a language of itself. Good song, I just didn't like the breakdown in the middle.

Death, “Crystal Mountain” - Damn this sucks.

The Soggy Bottom Boys, “Man of Constant Sorrow” - for some reason, I have always liked this. Its immensely catchy, and the video is terrific. Maybe I just like anything that involves George Clooney.

Lupe Fiasco, “The Cool” - no

Garbage, "Only Happy When it Rains" - Sorry Ozzy, I'm not a fan. Garbage is pretty garbage to me.

Gary Jules, “Mad World” - this however, I am a HUGE fan of. I LOVE this song. It just reeks of desperation. I can listen to it on repeat and not get tired of it. Its amongst my favorites that didn't make the list. I absolutely adore it. I can't stand Donnie Darko, but the song, the song is immaculate.

Ron Burgundy
Blur, “Coffee & TV” - Don't worry Ron, I've still got two Blink songs yet to come! I'm sure everyone will love that! This song didn't grab me all that much. Decent enough, but not very memorable.

Miossec, “Je m’en vais” - I just couldn't stand the guy's voice. I had to turn it off.

Eminem, “Just Don’t Give a Fuck” - totally everything about rap that I do not like.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - UB40, “Sing Our Own Song”
Couldn't really get into this one im afraid, definately preffered the other song you posted a few weeks back. 4/10
NSpan - Black Sabbath, “Hand Of Doom”
Haven't heard this one before so it is always nice to be introduced to a new Sabbath song, i will put this somewhere in the middle of my favourite Sabbath songs. 6/10
Numbersix - Mogwai, “Christmas Steps”
For me this song didnt have enough going on in the song, especially the first few minutes. It would be a nice opener to an album but went on for way too long. 3/10
Geezer - Creedence Cleerwater Revival, "Fortunate Son"
Dont mind listenin to this band, it was actually Guitar Hero that introduced me to them. 6/10
becs - Elton John, “Tiny Dancer”
I swear i have been hearing this song around recently but in a different form. OK song. 5/10
undeadmonkey - Billy Currington, “Good Directions”
Really not my style of music and i have definately preffered a lot of other country music played on this countdown over this one. 3/10
leestu - Ministry, “Jesus Built My Hotrod”
Found it pretty funny more than anything. Couldn't get into it as a song though. 4/10
Buscemi - Alice Cooper, “You and Me”
Dont mind some of Alice Cooper songs but i really didnt like this one. 3/10
silversurfer - TV On The Radio, “Wolf Like Me”
Enjoyed it in sections when it picked up pace but not a band i would actively seek out again. 5/10
transformers - Death, “Crystal Mountain”
Bit too heavy for me, sometimes i struggle to find a difference with some of these songs. 4/10
W - The Soggy Bottom Boys, “Man of Constant Sorrow”
Preffered this country to song to the other one in this thread but still not my thing. 4/10
Banks - Lupe Fiasco, “The Cool”
Had some good parts in even though not a genre i tend to normally listen to. 5/10
BarcaRulz - Gary Jules, “Mad World”
Absolutley loved this song when it came out at Christmas time a few years back now, kinda got old pretty quickly though and has lost a lot of its gloss since then for me. Still a good song though. 7/10
Ron Burgundy - Blur, “Coffee & TV”
Classic song from Blur, have always loved this song and i was contemplating putting this into my own countdown. Great video to boot aswell. 9/10
Chienfantome - Miossec, “Je m’en vais”
Dont know whether its the language barrier or because it is probably not my era of music but this song didn't click with me as much as i thought it was gonna do. 5/10
Frendo - Eminem, “Just Don’t Give a Fuck”
Surprised how much this guy has been in many peoples countdown but then again can probably appreciate what he has done for that particulare genre. 3/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

UB40, “Sing Our Own Song” (1986) - This sounds like something that would be played at a bad party. Sorry, didn't like it at all. I think it's that bassline - it sounds like its coming from an extremely old Casio on demo mode.

Black Sabbath, “Hand Of Doom” (1970) - Eh, I could listen to it again, but I wouldn't want to.

Mogwai, “Christmas Steps” (1999) - Way too long before anything happens. And then when something happens, it's nothing special.

Creedence Cleerwater Revival, "Fortunate Son" - Heard it so many times, but still kinda enjoyable.

Elton John, “Tiny Dancer” - I likes.

Billy Currington, “Good Directions” - I don't mind country at all - this starts off good but I didn't enjoy it as it went on. (I didn't do a response for the other round, but I have the Lady Antebellum cd and I play it all the time. Hello, World is pretty great.)

Ministry, “Jesus Built My Hotrod” (1991) - Not at all.

Alice Cooper, “You and Me” - Sound quality was too bad to really hear the song.

TV On The Radio, “Wolf Like Me” (2006) - I'd always heard OF TV On The Radio, but never actually heard any of their songs. Well, now I know why they're so big. Loved this song.

Death, “Crystal Mountain” - The music was fine until the guy's vocals came in.

The Soggy Bottom Boys, “Man of Constant Sorrow” - Very catchy, but not something I'd listen to regularly. Plus, I haven't seen O Brother yet.

Garbage, "Only Happy When it Rains" - Hmm, not bad at all. This just reeks of the 90s though.

Gary Jules, “Mad World” - Loved it in The Crazies trailer, but I don't know if it works on its own. It's a very haunting song, and I really think it stands out as a soundtrack to something. Very cool video.

Ron Burgundy
Blur, “Coffee & TV” - Meh song, awesome video.

Miossec, “Je m’en vais” - Is he supposed to be going off beat like that? Other than that, it's ok, I guess. I think the language barrier is really getting in the way though.

Eminem, “Just Don’t Give a Fuck” - Love old Eminem, but this was never one of my favs. More of a throwaway track to me. I wonder if "Kim" is on anyone's list though.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by becs »

NSpan wrote:Ohh. I see. Makes sense now.

...I think. So, Apocalyptica is a Christian band?
No.. but i didn't know of them in my teens, my best friend introduced me to their music in my early 20s. I'm just trying to tell you more where I came from musically,that hasn't really been represented here as much as it probably should! GOSH.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by frendo »

BanksIsDaFuture wrote:
Eminem, “Just Don’t Give a Fuck” - Love old Eminem, but this was never one of my favs. More of a throwaway track to me. I wonder if "Kim" is on anyone's list though.
LOL. I would be scared if it was this high on anyone's list (or on one at all for that matter). My jaw dropped when I first heard that track. I think my response was, "'s cool. And well done. And I really, really don't want to listen to it again right now."

I was surprised as hell that I wasn't at the bottom of Shryke's list this time, with a rap song. I was so certain...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #8): #30-#21

Post by Buscemi »

You and Me with the Muppets (where I first heard the song)

Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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