Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

Congrats, SS, you are a music God. I was hoping I'd win with only 7 correct guesses, but what can I expect from the guy who guessed my Explosions in the Sky song with a minimal amount of info? I'm also surprised that very few of you guessed that I had picked Needle in the Hay. I'm an unashamed indie kid for gawd's sake! I'm curious to see what songs you guys attributed to me and why.

Shrykespeare: KMFDM, “Juke Joint Jezebel” (1995) I guessed this CORRECTLY. Why? Well because you hav appreciated Rammstien-like industrial metal that others have chosen, and there is an 80's vibe to this song (also, I had assigned most other people to songs, so you just kinda slotted into this. I was also considering Baggy Trousers and the Garbage song as your pick). Didn't like the song much myself, I'm not into music that seems to want to scare you.

NSpan: The Band, “The Weight” - Sorry, pal, but I guessed this INCORRECTLY. But I was torn, really torn between this and The Who's Bargain. But Looking at the overall list I felt that W's liking of classic rock and country meant that The Weight was his pick. Also, I wrongly felt you'd pick a lesser known Band song if you were to pick one. I'll never call you a snob again. Actually, I never called you one in the first place. I love this song, it's a real classic that most people around here know. Great vocals, and just a catchy, sunny song.

Geezer: Bad Religion, “Sorrow” - Guessed this CORRECTLY. This was actually the easiest pick after UDM. A pop-punk song with lyrics about father issues? There was no doubt there. Not that I mean to demean you in any way, but you're taste has been the most definied across this Top 100 project. The song wasn't bad, kinda like Green Day (again), only better. And now I can add to my armoury of musical snobbery to tell my friends who are Green Day fans that "they just want to be Bad Religion". Thanks!

becs: Garbage, “#1 Crush” - Guessed this CORRECTLY. You're a tough one to figure out musically, Becs, but it was its place on Romeo and Juliet (a film that resonated more with a female audience more than male, I imagine), and your positive response to SS's Garbage song that made me take a stab. Oh, and also I did take a glance at the previews some of you made at the end of the last thread to confirm my guesses! This song isn't bad, it certainly feels more like a mood piece than a song I could listen to. It's got a kind of sultry, sexy tone to it. Good beat too.

undeadmonkey: Shakira (feat. Wyclef Jean), “Hips Don't Lie” - Guessed this CORRECTLY. Obviously. For a second it seemed almost too obvious, but nah, who else would pick Shakira? But you won't be getting any shit from me, as far as pop music goes this song is actually quite nice, and the lyrics are actually not bad. There's some thought put into them as opposed to the usual bland half-baked metaphors about love, lust, or loss.

leestu: Madness, “Baggy Trousers” (1980) - Guessed this CORRECTLY. But it was a tough one. You could have easily chosen Paint it Black or Shadowplay. But you know your early 80's music and your preview helped me seal the deal. I'm not a big fan of Madness, they had a few fun songs but fun just isn't enough to make my appreciation active. The video makes it a tad more enjoyable.

Buscemi: The Who, “Bargain” - Damn, Boosch, you're a hard one to figure out. I guessed this INCORRECTLY. Lately you've been diluting your mix of movie-related songs and novelty tunes with classic alt rock and indie singles, so it was impossible to know which song was yours. I went with The Rolling Stones, because it's a great, well known song that was used at the end of Full Metal Jacket. Alas, I was wrong. This is a pretty good song, though, probably one of the better Who songs that has been posted. At least it's not as long and excessive.

silversurfer: Joy Division, “Shadowplay” - After some doubt, I guessed this CORRECTLY. Why? Because you're a man of impeccable taste, that's why. I love this song like I love most Joy Division stuff. I love the simplicity of Sumner's guitar playing. Hook's bass is also simple but it got a lot better after this record (in fact Shadowplay is one of their earliest songs). The lyrics could be poetry if the music didn't exist. But I'm glad it does. As for the criticisms of Curtis's voice, I just don't get it. Yes, his voice is not very strong. He's no Sam Cooke. But this is in the era of punk music, where ordinary people made music as a form of expression. So I can completely ignore the fact that he's not a great singer when the passion to express is so evident. And I'm sure if all of you look back on your Top 100, you'll find songs you love by people who are bad singers too.

transformers: Lacuna Coil, “Within Me” - I guessed this INCORRECTLY. I attributed this song to Barca because he had a few songs in his list that reminded me of this. Also, SS, how on earth did you get this right? I mean, Tranny has repeatedly said Rage Against the Machine is one of, if not his favourite bands of all time, so it made sense for me to say he picked The Ghost of Tom Joad. Anyway, I didn't like this song. It stank of Evanescence, and to be honest I don't get your comment about her voice. It does nothing impressive in this song, and sounds retty pedestrain.

W: Rage Against the Machine, “The Ghost of Tom Joad” Obviously I guessed this INCORRECTLY. I thought The Weight was your kinda song. You're another strange one, W, moving from mostly country to hard rock. Never heard this cover before. It wasn't bad.

Banks: Eddie Murphy feat. Rick James, “Party All The Time” - The Shitstorm Parade is on time and arriving on platform 5. Seriously, this is more of a WTF than Eidelweiss. Never knew he tries to have a music career, and I'm glad he didn't. This song is so unbelievably cheesy that I've had my weekly calcium fix just by listening to it. And Murphy's vocals are actually poor. He tries to sing like a real soul singer but his voices sounds really, really weak and faint. And strained.

englishozzy: Jimmy Eat World, "Sweetness” - I guessed this CORRECTLY. But it was a bit of a guess. I thought it could have been Becs, it could have been Geez (But Sorrow seemed more like him), it could even have been SS (I remember because I was aghast at your positive comment towards the song Geez posted). In the end I couldn't figure out your taste so I took a stab at it. I don't have much to say about these guys, they're pretty indistinct.

BarcaRulz: The Rolling Stones, “Paint It Black” (also W's #62) -I guessed this INCORRECTLY, for reasons given above. But I have to applaud you, this is an amazing track by the Stones. I just love the guitar solo, I love the rhythm, I love the chaos of it all (including the lyrics). Without doubt it's one of my five favourite Stones songs.

Ron Burgundy: Hoodoo Gurus, “Whats My Scene” - I thought the video was really, really, silly, so much so that it was hard to take the music seriously enough to actually pay attention. Overall though it's a very average and typical 90's song.

Chienfantome: Lou Reed, “Coney Island Baby” - Kudos to you, Chien, this is a Lou Reed song I have never heard before. Like NSpan I got into the Velvets first, and then started looking into Lou's solo stuff. I got Transformer and Berlin and never bothered with anything else. I can't say this song will make me get the album, but it does have some of that Lou Reed gold that made him the legend he became. Especially the last minute or so.

Frendo: Queens of the Stone Age, “If Only” - I don't know QotSA's early stuff. This was a pretyy solid rock tune. It's a pity you didn't post a studio version, as after my live experience with these guys they just come across as flat and lifeless in every live performance I see.
Last edited by numbersix on June 12th, 2010, 7:47 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Shrykespeare: KMFDM, “Juke Joint Jezebel” (1995)
I must really be missing out, ive not heard of them

NSpan: The Band, “The Weight”
As Above

Geezer: Bad Religion, “Sorrow”
How do you guys even know these songs, i dont think id get a single question correct. Ive heard of these guys though

becs: Garbage, “#1 Crush”
Garbage are pretty good, but i dont know this one by name.

undeadmonkey: Shakira (feat. Wyclef Jean), “Hips Don't Lie”
UDM, is pop all you ever listen to? No this aint so bad, but its no good either. 4/10

leestu: Madness, “Baggy Trousers” (1980)
i wonder if you went to see em live when they came to Perth in 2009 leestu? I i ever remember from Madness is 'Out House'

Buscemi: The Who, “Bargain”
My friend Tash is a massive not. I just think of CSI now if i hear The Who

silversurfer: Joy Division, “Shadowplay”
I loathe him. No im joking, that would be just evil. But im glad i didnt have to hear him as my net is slower than a Snail riding a Turtle...and his voice is yep some1 said it, a drill in my head

transformers: Lacuna Coil, “Within Me”
Dunno em

W: Rage Against the Machine, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”
Not sure about his one, ill get back to you

Banks: Eddie Murphy feat. Rick James, “Party All The Time” - T
What about Dreamgirls? Even though i haven't seen it. I actually enjoy most of your picks Banks, ill look this one up later.

englishozzy: Jimmy Eat World, "Sweetness”
Didnt like them live, a bit commercial.

BarcaRulz: The Rolling Stones, “Paint It Black” (also W's #62)
Good pick, i like this song aswell. 7/10

Chienfantome: Lou Reed, “Coney Island Baby” -

Wow, i had no idea people dig Lou Reed this much, is he really that good?

Frendo: Queens of the Stone Age, “If Only”
Not bad, i got this on my computer and never heard it before. Thanks for showing me. Twas good. 6.5/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Geezer »

becs – Garbage, “#1 Crush” – ehhh, not for me.

Ron Burgundy – Hoodoo Gurus, “What's My Scene” – This is one of the best "new to me" songs I have heard in a long while. Really really enjoyed it. Awesome.

BarcaRulz – The Rolling Stones, “Paint it Black” – Great choice

Banks – Eddie Murphy (feat. Rick James), “Party All the Time” – lol

Frendo – Queens of the Stone Age, “If Only” – one of the better songs by them that I have heard.

Buscemi – The Who, “Bargain” – this is good, but its not a top 10 Who song for me. Their catalog is just that deep.

transformers – Lacuna Coil, “Within Me” – very good, new to me, selection.

leestu – Madness, "Baggy Trousers" - There is no way that I wouldn't have guessed this as being a Shryke song. It sounds a little like Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" but not nearly as good. Either that or a song straight from the "Nightmare Before Christmas" soundtrack.

silversurfer – Joy Division, “Shadowplay” – I really don't get this band.

NSpan – The Band, “The Weight” – I actually dig this song.

Geezer – Bad Religion, “Sorrow” – SO glad I could help you out with that Six! Just wait for my next ten, you could probably attach every single one of them to me. No surprises coming!

englishozzy – Jimmy Eat World, “Sweetness” – Love it love it love it, if there was anyone that got trippped up on my song, I assume this is what they got tripped up on. I think Ozzy and I have some pretty similar taste.

undeadmonkey – Shakira, “Hips Don't Lie” – Ahhhhhh!!!! Shakira!!!!

numbersix – Elliott Smith, “Needle in the Hay” – I quite liked this one. A rarity from Six.

W – Rage Against the Machine, “The Ghost of Tom Joad” – Meh, not amongst their better songs.

Chienfantome – Lou Reed, “Coney Island Baby” – They are what they are. And by they, I mean VU, and I know this is just Lou Reed, but I can't disassociate him from them. They are completely different from anything I have ever heard, and I like it, but they are the Ultimate "I have to be in the right mood" type band. I really enjoyed this.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Geezer »

Here's a preview of my next ten songs:

Some classic rock, some grunge, some 90's alternative and some modern punk :)

I hope I'm not giving too much away :twisted:
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - KMFDM, “Juke Joint Jezebel”
Definately a lot softer than most of Rammstein songs, but had a pretty catchy chorus going for it. Sounded more poppy in sections as compared to Industrial music but not a bad pick. 6/10
NSpan - The Band, “The Weight”
A song that i have heard a few times in my life, least now i can put this song to a band. It has always been just OK for me and it's not a song i would actively go out of my way to listen to. 5/10
Numbersix - Elliott Smith, “Needle in the Hay”
A song that i wish had more going for it in terms of the music to keep me interested. An average song for me but the lyrics make up for it. 5/10
Geezer - Bad Religion, “Sorrow”
Been a big fan of these guys growing up but haven't really listened to them for a while. Nice to go back down memory lane again though. 7/10
becs - Garbage, “#1 Crush”
Nice pick. Not one of my favourite songs by Garbage but still enjoyable. 6/10
undeadmonkey - Shakira (feat. Wyclef Jean), “Hips Don't Lie”
Never really been a fan of Shikira (probably her voice can be a little grating). Didn't really like this song. 3/10
leestu - Madness, “Baggy Trousers”
Great fun song. Nuff said. 8/10
Buscemi - The Who, “Bargain”
Have been really introduced to The Who's discography since listening to this countdown. By far the best one i have listened to so far. 7/10
silversurfer - Joy Division, “Shadowplay”
In the vein of the comment i made just above i will have to say this too is my favourite Joy Division song i have listened to on this countdown. 7/10
transformers - Lacuna Coil, “Within Me”
This is my g/f favourite band and i have probably listened to every single one of their songs. A good band and this was a one of their good songs. 7/10
W - Rage Against the Machine, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”
Who would of thought that this is a Springsteen song, huh. 4/10
Banks - Eddie Murphy feat. Rick James, “Party All The Time”
For some reason i can never take this song seriously, was catchy when i first heard it but has lost a lot of its gloss since then. 5/10
BarcaRulz - The Rolling Stones, “Paint It Black”
Never really liked this song but i still managed to listen to it for a second time. 4/10
Ron Burgundy - Hoodoo Gurus, “Whats My Scene”
Liked the song but actually found the video kinda embarrassing hehe. 6/10
Chienfantome - Lou Reed, “Coney Island Baby”
Did drag on in sections but a nice lounge song to listen to in the background. 5/10
Frendo - Queens of the Stone Age, “If Only”
Good song and nice for posting a live version. 7/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

A few thoughts on this round

SS kicked some musical ass in this round. Every song was pretty much amazing. Loved the Howling Wolf song, and it was good to be reminded that I have to delve into the records of MBV and JAMC! NSpan of course followed close behind with another round of classic 60's and 70's rock history lessons, all of them resonating with me on some level. Disraeli Gears is in line for me to purchase next time I have cash to spare. Leetsu, thank you for including a Sonic Youth song on your list. They're an amazing band and it's great to see them represented, especially when they're not the kind of band that has standout hits. You'll see one Yoof song from me in the next month. Everything else you picked was either inspirational or just plain brilliant, with the Paul Kelly song being the only one that didn't grab me. But following up on you three Musicteers arrives someone whose taste has vastly improved: Buscemi. Dude, gone are the days of throwaway (if not irritating) novelty tunes and songs that were stitched to the movies that made them famous. Instead yo're picking a lot of great alt rock songs. Some could say you're playing it safe, but who cares when they include Joy Division, The Kinks, Grandmaster Flash, and The Who? Keep it up, kiddo!

Forming a new sub-group of generally good songs are Barca and Chien. Despite the occasional mis-step in our alignment of taste, I usually really like your picks. Barca you're a fan of indie rock, and it was great to be reminded of The Coral's greatness. Chien, you're a balladey sort of guy, but in general I've enjoyed your choices. Allez les Bleus! (When they're not confusing football for handball ;)).

I don't want to spend a lot of time discussing why our tastes aren't similar, as it's unfair at this stage to be insulting when these songs are inevitably going to mean increasingly more on a personal level. But there's a large group of you (namely, W, Frendo, Ron B, Banks, Shryke, Geez, and Becs), that post some stuff I really like, and some stuff I don't. Frendo, you're new, but I'm glad you joined. Even if I don't get some of your choices, your taste seems to be very interesting, with a lot of your picks being from acts I'm not familiar with, and at the very least it's great to broaden my somewhat limited scope of music.

Ozzy, UDM, and Tranny, you're probably the furthest away from me, but I'm sure you already know this, especially you Tranny, as you're a metal man. But there's always a few great metal or rap tunes you add to the mix, so props for that! Ozy, you like your emo and nu-metal, two genres that aren't my thing, and UDM, you're the FM King of Pop (to be honest, I'm not even sure if you're alive, due to the massive shock you no doubt experienced after my positive comments about Hips Don't Lie), but this project wouldn't be the same without you.

No preview from me, although some of my choices will probably be more familiar than previously. Here's a list of my favourite songs that I never knew before:

The Jesus and Mary Chain “Never Understand” - Leetsu
Howlin' Wolf, “Smokestack Lightnin'” - SS
Cream, “Tales of Brave Ulysses” - NSpan
Joe Tex, “The Love You Save - NSpan
My Bloody Valentine, “When You Sleep” - SS
Spacemen 3, “Revolution” - Leestu
Lou Reed, “Coney Island Baby” - Chien

Roll on #30-#21!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Ron Burgundy »

I love reading your comments six, either im drunk or you are just a good blogger!

Anyway, you've inspired me to release some of my own thoughts this round.

Even though i cant view every video, id like to say what i know is good:

Ozzy, SS and Bousch, you keep it up wit those favs.

Barca, Transformers and six have just enough to keep me thinking you have good taste.

Becs, Shryke and leestu do justice to good music

and everyone else has their moments, but i cant memba that much.

UDM and W, i hope your stuff improves
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by becs »

Shrykespeare wrote: transformers – Lacuna Coil, “Within Me” – I love a great female-led goth track, but this song just never made the leap from “good” to “great” for me. Can you recommend some more of their up-tempo stuff? (6)
How do you not know these guys?! Though they don't appear on my list directly, they will be given two appearances in my comments at least sort of (one of which you should already have). You need to check out the following:

Heaven's a Lie
Tight Rope
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Shrykespeare »

First off, I will post the recap of everyone's last ten songs following this.

Second, here's my take on the last ten days.... Wow. Just... wow. In terms of quality, this thread just blew the lid off of all others. THREE people I gave average scores of 7.0 or better to, a feat I don't think even one of you has managed yet over a course of ten songs.

Becs, you astonish me. I gave a "6" to your Silverchair and MCN songs and a "7" to Lux Aeterna, and everything else got an "8" or "9". What a stellar thread for you.

Boush, like becs, I gave all ten of your songs a "6" or better. Roxy Music and a-ha were great, and so were your Joy Division and Grandmaster Flash picks. Keep it up!

Barca, you were more all over the place. I barely liked three of your songs (Weezer, Arctic Monkeys, Coral) but you were saved by great picks by the Offspring, the Stones, and especially Mazzy Star and the Ramones. Great job.

Ron B, you come in fourth despite that Dr. Dre pick. You were also mostly consistent, with five songs getting an "8" or "9", the highlights being the Pumpkins song and the Coolio song.

Geezer, transformers and ozzy were also good. UDM, Chien, W, Six, surfer and leestu were okay, and NSpan, frendo and Banks were below average (though all had at least a couple songs that I liked).

This thread (10 songs)
becs - 7.7
Buscemi - 7.4
Barca - 7.0
Ron B - 6.9
Geezer - 6.6
transformers - 6.1
ozzy - 6.0

In their entirety
becs - 6.91
Ron B - 6.75
ozzy - 6.58
Geezer - 6.56
Barca - 6.4
Buscemi - 6.21

Best Songs I'd Heard Before
Rammstein, Feuer Frei, 10 (transformers)
The Ramones, Blitzkrieg Bop, 10 (Barca)
Eminem, Lose Yourself, 10 (Banks)
Roxy Music, More Than This, 9 (Buscemi)
Live, Lakini's Juice, 9 (becs)
John Lennon, Watching the Wheels, 9 (frendo)
Coolio, Gangsta's Paradise, 9 (Ron B)
a-ha, Take On Me, 9 (Buscemi)
Marvin Gaye, I Heard it Through the Grapevine, 9 (Six)
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Impression That I Get, 9 (Geezer)

Best Songs I Hadn't Heard Before
Mazzy Star, Into Dust, 9 (Barca)
Porcupine Tree, Lazarus, 9 (ozzy)
The Veronicas, Untouched, 8 (UDM)
Muse, Hysteria, 8 (becs and transformers)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Shrykespeare »

Here's a recap of this thread.

40. Joe Satriani, Flying in a Blue Dream
39. MGMT, Time to Pretend
38. Rob Thomas, Little Wonders
37. Dire Straits, The Bug
36. Level 42, Hot Water
35. Queen, Radio Gaga
34. Julian Cope, Charlotte Anne
33. Xymox, Obsession
32. Morrissey, Every Day is Like Sunday
31. KMFDM, Juke Joint Jezebel

40. Toadies, Tyler
39. Tom Waits, Goin' Down Slow
38. Cream, Tales of Brave Ulysses
37. The Velvet Underground, Rock and Roll
36. Led Zeppelin, Houses of the Holy
35. Joe Tex, The Love You Save (May Be Your Own)
34. Captain Beefheart, I'm Glad
33. King Crimson, Starless
32. Neil Young, Cortez the Killer
31. The Band, The Weight

40. Explosions in the Sky, The Moon is Down
39. Nina Simone, Wild is the Wind
38. Marvin Gaye, I Heard It Through the Grapevine
37. The Pop Group, We Are All Prostitutes
36. Bruce Springsteen, I'm On Fire
35. Radiohead, Pyramid Song
34. Black Sabbath, Paranoid
33. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Maps
32. Television, Marquee Moon
31. Elliott Smith, Needle in the Hay

40. System of a Down, Sugar
39. Weezer, Buddy Holly
38. Disturbed, The Game
37. Blue Oyster Cult, (Don't Fear) The Reaper
36. Everclear, Father of Mine
35. Pink Floyd, Money
34. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Impression That I Get
33. Nirvana, All Apologies
32. Everclear, Santa Monica
31. Bad Religion, Sorrow

40. Queen, The Show Must Go On
39. Muse, Hysteria
38. Everclear, Father of Mine
37. Live, Lakini's Juice
36. ABBA, S.O.S.
35. Pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall
34. Silverchair, Across the Night
33. My Chemical Romance, I Don't Love You
32. Clint Mansell, Lux Aeterna
31. Garbage, #1 Crush

40. Kelly Clarkson, Breakaway
39. Other Lives, Black Tables
38. The Veronicas, Untouched
37. Ben E. King, Stand By Me
36. Wyclef Jean, Fast Car
35. Blake Lewis, Left My Baby For You
34. Sebastian Tellier, L'Amour Et La Violence
33. Willie Nelson feat. Lee Ann Womack, Mendocino County Line
32. The Magic Numbers, Take a Chance
31. Shakira, Hips Don't Lie

40. Mercury Rev, Car Wash Hair
39. The Jesus and Mary Chain, Never Understand
38. Sonic Youth, Dirty Boots
37. The Jam, That's Entertainment
36. Paul Kelly, How to Make Gravy
35. Basement Jaxx, Where's Your Head At
34. Rage Against the Machine, Killing in the Name
33. Spacemen 3, Revolution
32. Violent Femmes, Blister in the Sun
31. Madness, Baggy Trousers

40. Nirvana, All Apologies
39. Joy Division, Love Will Tear Us Apart
38. Talking Heads, And She Was
37. Grandmaster Flash & Furious Five, The Message
36. AC/DC, Big Balls
35. The Kinks, This Time Tomorrow
34. Roxy Music, More Than This
33. Oasis, Wonderwall
32. a-ha, Take on Me
31. The Who, Bargain

40. Howlin' Wolf, Smokestack Lightnin'
39. Smashing Pumpkins, Siva
38. The Animals, House of the Rising Sun
37. The Cure, Boys Don't Cry
36. The Jam, Going Underground
35. My Bloody Valentine, When You Sleep
34. Radiohead, Exit Music (For a Film)
33. The Jesus and Mary Chain, Just Like Honey
32. R.E.M. , Nightswimming
31. Joy Division, Shadowplay

40. Rammstein, Feuer Frei
39. The Dillinger Escape Plan, Widower
38. Vampire Weekend, Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
37. White Zombie, Super Charger Heaven
36. Brother Ali, Uncle Sam Goddamn
35. Rush, YYZ
34. Metallica, Creeping Death
33. Muse, Hysteria
32. Mastodon, Colony of Birchmen
31. Lacuna Coil, Within Me

40. Green Day, Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
39. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Fishin' in the Dark
38. Neil Diamond, Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon
37. Led Zeppelin, The Ocean
36. The Rolling Stones, You Can't Always Get What You Want
35. Incubus, Pardon Me
34. Merle Haggard, Fightin' Side of Me
33. Jimi Hendrix (Band of Gypsies), Machine Gun
32. Allman Brothers Band, Ramblin' Man
31. Rage Against the Machine, The Ghost of Tom Joad

40. Kid Cudi feat. MGMT, Pursuit of Happiness
39. Fall Out Boy, Coffee's For Closers
38. Joe Budden, Three Sides to a Story
37. Michael Jackson, Bad
36. Jay-Z & Eminem, Renegade
35. Eminem, Lose Yourself
34. Stevie Wonder, My Cherie Amour
33. M.I.A., World Town
32. Gnarls Barkley, Blind Mary
31. Eddie Murphy feat. Rick James, Party All the Time

40. Linkin Park, Breaking the Habit
39. Porcupine Tree, Lazarus
38. My Chemical Romance, I'm Not OK
37. Oasis, Wonderwall
36. Placebo, Pure Morning
35. The Killers, When You Were Young
34. System of a Down, Lonely Day
33. Muse, Plug In Baby
32. 3 Doors Down, Kryptonite
31. Jimmy Eat World, Sweetness

40. Prodigy, Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)
39. Hard-Fi, Living For the Weekend
38. The Offspring, Self Esteem
37. Wolfsheim, Blind
36. The Coral, Dreaming of You
35. Mazzy Star, Into Dust
34. Weezer, Pork and Beans
33. Arctic Monkeys, When the Sun Goes Down
32. The Ramones, Blitzkrieg Bop
31. The Rolling Stones, Paint It Black

Ron Burgundy
40. Powderfinger, Passenger
39. The Police, Message in a Bottle
38. Radiohead, Karma Police
37. Dr. Dre, Still Dre
36. Smashing Pumpkins, 1979
35. Nine Inch Nails, Only
34. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Can't Stop
33. Afrika Bambaataa and Leftfield, Afrika Shox
32. Coolio feat. LV, Gangsta's Paradise
31. Hoodoo Gurus, What's My Scene

40. Dean Martin, Sway
39. Mercury Rev, The Dark is Rising
38. DeVotchka, How It Ends
37. The Beatles, Hey Jude
36. David Bowie, Space Oddity
35. The Editors, Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors
34. Cat Power, The Greatest
33. Telephone, La Bombe Humaine
32. Muse, Uprising
31. Lou Reed, Coney Island Baby

40. Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, Church Hymn for the Condemned
39. Lynyrd Skynyrd, That Smell
38. K's Choice, Not an Addict
37. Cage, Nothing Left to Say
36. Smith and Pyle, Sugar
35. John Lennon, Watching the Wheels
34. Betty Blowtorch, I'm Ugly and I Don't Know Why
33. Velvet Underground, Heroin
32. Aesop Rock, Daylight
31. Queens of the Stone Age, If Only

W and Frendo, PLEASE get your next ten picks into me PRONTO!
Happy 60th birthday Jet Li! (4/26/23)

Marty McFly
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by frendo »

Almost done with mine. Just have to find the youtube vids and get links, then they will be on their way.

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Frank Booth
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by NSpan »

englishozzy wrote:NSpan - The Band, “The Weight”
A song that i have heard a few times in my life, least now i can put this song to a band.
No, no. THE Band.
On the run from Johnny Law ... ain't no trip to Cleveland.

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The Genie
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by BarcaRulz »

NSpan wrote:No, no. THE Band.
Boom Tish.

My Song #51 'reviews' are coming up soon, as is the Thread Review.

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Frank Booth
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by NSpan »

BarcaRulz wrote:
NSpan wrote:No, no. THE Band.
Boom Tish.
I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
On the run from Johnny Law ... ain't no trip to Cleveland.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by transformers2 »

On top of becs's picks Shryke I would also check out...

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