Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - New Order, “Bizarre Love Triangle”
Not a bad song from these guys, felt like it was missing something though and never really got going but it was cool :)
NSpan - T. Rex, “Life's a Gas”
Twas OK, sounds like it could be pretty cool played acoustic :)
Numbersix - Bob Dylan, “Shelter From the Storm”
Too be honest i haven't really heard much of Bob Dylan till about a year ago and have been hooked since. Haven't heard this song before and it just gives me more inspiration to find more from him. Good song :)
Geezer - Puddle of Mudd, "Blurry"
Just missed out on my list, good song from a band we would of probably never heard of without this hit.
becs - The Ramones, “I Wanna Be Sedated”
On my list, love the song, nuff said!!
undeadmonkey - Lifehouse, “Hanging by a Moment”
Heard it before but still quite enjoyed it :) Good pick.
leestu - New Order, “Blue Monday”
Probably prefer this one to Shryke's pick.
Buscemi - Air, “Playground Love”
Haven't heard this song before, twas OK good song to listen to in the background.
silversurfer - eels, “Novocaine For The Soul”
Couldn't really get into this one :s
transformers - Rob Zombie, “Dragula”
A guy that i wish would stick to the music instead of films he seems much better at that :)
W - Rage Against the Machine, “Killing in the Name”
***See yesterday's comment***
Banks - Diddy feat Loon, Ginuwine & Mario Winans, “I Need A Girl Part 2”
Ron Burgundy - Weezer, “My Name Is Jonas”
This is probably a miss song for me from Weezer.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Geezer »

Shryke- ok, but wouldn't care if i never heard it again.

NSpan- I was really bored by this. Slightly redeemed by a good voice, but other than that absolutely nothing here that is enjoyable.

Six- very good song, and one I hadn't heard before. bonus points!

becs- one of my top 3 Ramones songs, awesome!

UDM- I respond before reading everyone else's responses, but assuming you are taking a lot of shit from this one, they can all go to hell. This song is really good.

leestu- still prefer the Orgy version that rocks so much harder.

buscemi- step backward for you.

surfer- I need to listen to this a few more times, but my first impression was that I definitely liked it a lot.

tranny- goood pick, not the world's biggest zombie fan, but love a few of his songs including this one.

Banks- nope

Ozzy- ok I changed my mind, the original version is better.

Barca- I can't tell you the amount of times I've made fun of "Woman." I really don't like this band much at all.

Ron- much better choice from you!!! God Weezer was great right out of the gate weren't they? Makes me want to listen to four full albums of them. Just awesome.

Ron, tranny, surfer, six, becs and UDM had a good round this time.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Leestu »

Shrykespeare: New Order, “Bizarre Love Triangle” - Even though I haven't listened to this for years I still knew every word and I loved it. Possibly their last great song. My Highlight of the round.

NSpan: T. Rex, “Life's a Gas” - I've heard this a few times, and I do like it, but it doesn't stand out as much as "The Slider" did on first listen. I loved hearing the needle on the record, and being lifted at the end. Memories of the good old days of LPs.

Numbersix - Bob Dylan - That was great. I do like Bob Dylan, but like a lot of other prolific artists from before my time I haven't had the time to fully explore his discography, so I still have treats like this to find. Best new-to-me song from this round.

Geezer: Puddle of Mudd, "Blurry" - Really did not like the only song of theirs I've ever heard (don't know what it's called), but this wasn't that bad.

becs: The Ramones, “I Wanna Be Sedated” - Excellent song. I half expected to see this particular Ramones song on someone's list. Glad to be right.

undeadmonkey: Lifehouse, “Hanging by a Moment” - Sorry UDM. :(

Buscemi: Air, “Playground Love” - Having only heard "Sexy Boy" and not liking it at all, I didn't expect to like this, but by halfway through I found myself enjoying it. I think I'll be listening to this again. Actually I must have heard at least part of this song before if it's from Virgin Suicides.

silversurfer: eels, “Novocaine For The Soul” - I'm a bit of a fan of the eels. "End Times" is one of the few 2010 albums I've got so far this year. I have never really listened to this song before whilst reflecting on what he was going through at the time. It gave the song that little bit more meaning.

transformers: Rob Zombie, “Dragula” - Every time I hear this song I start to get into it but end up bored by the end.

W: Rage Against the Machine, “Killing in the Name” - Enjoyed the live performance.

Banks: Diddy feat Loon, Ginuwine & Mario Winans, “I Need A Girl Part 2” - Cocky arrogance is what I get from this song. Don't like it.

englishozzy: Spiderbait, “Black Betty” - Good rockin' version. Always fun to listen to.

BarcaRulz: Wolfmother, “Joker and the Thief” - Good pick Barca. Great song, and fantastic debut album. I couldn't stop playing it for a while when I first got it.

Ron Burgundy: Weezer, “My Name Is Jonas” - WOW! Is that four different Weezer songs from four different people now? They have all been good, including this one.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by undeadmonkey »

numbersix wrote: Here's a genuine question: since you've been listening to the choices of others around you, have you found your taste changing in any way? Have you discovered anything new that you like or even prefer? The music snob in me alway thinks people only like this kind of music if they haven't explored the rest of music enough, and I'm curious to see if your taste will be affected by the picks of others.
I really sont think my tastes have changed at all and actually i have realized there are at least a few songs in every genre that i enjoy (and i guess that answers the second question as well) As for preferring anything, I dont really, it just depends on the mood im in. to be honest i think that you think i just like music that i'm force fed to like because it plays on the radio. it's not like that, over the last year in a half i have probably listen to the radio less than an hour a month. That being because i hardly ever drive anywhere anymore and even if i do i usually put on my ipod. I get most of my music off of pandora and off of albums from artists that i know that i like. It just so happens some of them are popular and on billboard lists, (and to be honest i have no clue what the top 50 or 100 songs are of the moment, i dont follow it). and as for the snob thing, i think that you think if i also like your kind of music i couldnt possibly enjoy my kind as well. Well i do, I've enjoyed a lot of everyones picks (yours maybe more so than anybody else's) and even though everyone is hating and talking smack (which does make it a little less fun to play along) i dont love my music any less. Also like i've said before, a lot of my songs have sentimental value, so far maybe not so much but from 55 or so to number 1 there are only a few songs that don't mean something special to me.

It's not like i havent gone through this before, my best friends has almost the exact same taste of music you guys seem to have and yet we can coexist (we've just had to make an agreement that whoever is driving gets to play the music :geek: ) In time i've come to like some of his music and i openly admit it, and while he doesnt admit it, i know for a fact he enjoys a few of my songs, however guiltily.

As for not going to listen to my music anymore, it's ok, you dont have to. it wont hurt my feelings. but it's not like i'm posting miley cyrus or justin bieber songs ;)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by transformers2 »

Shryke Living Dead Girl is not coming up. It is a great song but it just missed the cut. There is more Zombie on the list though!

Shrykespeare - New Order, “Bizarre Love Triangle”:
Not really my thing.

NSpan - T. Rex, “Life's a Gas”:
It was alright.

Numbersix - Bob Dylan, “Shelter From the Storm”:
I despise Bob Dylan.

Geezer - Puddle of Mudd, "Blurry" :
This is a pretty good track. Sure it was overplayed and I am typically not to into Puddle Of Mudd but the lyrics and chorus shine.

becs - The Ramones, “I Wanna Be Sedated”:
Not one of my favorite Ramones tracks but still a classic and still good.

undeadmonkey - Lifehouse, “Hanging by a Moment”:
Overplayed but not awful.

leestu - New Order, “Blue Monday”:
Wasn't really into it.

Buscemi - Air, “Playground Love”
Really,really boring.

silversurfer - eels, “Novocaine For The Soul”:
Not really into it.

W - Rage Against the Machine, “Killing in the Name”:
Awesome,awesome song. Rage is such an important and amazing band. There is a plethora of Rage tracks coming up on my list.

Banks - Diddy feat Loon, Ginuwine & Mario Winans, “I Need A Girl Part 2”:
Didn't like it.

englishozzy - Spiderbait, “Black Betty”: It was a pretty weak cover.

Ron Burgundy - Weezer, “My Name Is Jonas”: Nice choice. A really catchy and solid Weezer track.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by NSpan »

Dead Kennedys, “California Uber Alles”

Great song, but doesn't Biafra sound especially like Fred Schneider on this version?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Leestu »

Now I'm picturing The Dead Kennedys doing a version of Rock Lobster - "here comes a sting ray, F*** off, here comes a narwhal, F*** off". :lol:

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by becs »

New Order, “Bizarre Love Triangle”

Good pick, not sure which I liked better.

T. Rex, “Life's a Gas”

It was okay, but I liked the previous TRex selection better than this.

Bob Dylan, “Shelter From the Storm”
Easily my favorite song of his (that I've heard)

Puddle of Mudd, "Blurry"

Never been a fan of PoM at all, they cross over too much into the pop-rock region for me.

Lifehouse, “Hanging by a Moment”

I used to like this song alot until it got so overplayed I now can't even listen to it.

New Order, “Blue Monday” (
Hmm, yea, I like this one better, sorry shryke.

Air, “Playground Love”

it was good but I think the sax was annoying/distracting, would have been alot better without.

eels, “Novocaine For The Soul”
Liked it alot! You are definitely spot on about the intro.

Rob Zombie, “Dragula”

Good song, it always reminds me of the matrix whenever I hear it >.<

Rage Against the Machine, “Killing in the Name”

it was good yesterday, still good today.

Diddy feat Loon, Ginuwine & Mario Winans, “I Need A Girl Part 2”


Spiderbait, “Black Betty”

I didn't really see anything significantly better or worse than the other version we heard, it was ok.

Wolfmother, “Joker and the Thief”

Great Band, Great song!

Ron Burgundy
Weezer, “My Name Is Jonas”

Brilliant! Love basically every Weezer song, but this is definitely high on the list, not quite high enough to make my own tops but close.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Top Picks

becs - The Ramones, “I Wanna Be Sedated”

not sure why, but i like the song alot
transformers - Rob Zombie, “Dragula”
Very good pick, The Matrix soundtrack was awesome, pick of the (pretty poor) round

W - Rage Against the Machine, “Killing in the Name”

Yes, worthy choice

Meh Picks

Shrykespeare - New Order, “Bizarre Love Triangle”
Needs another listen
NSpan - T. Rex, “Life's a Gas”
as above
Numbersix - Bob Dylan, “Shelter From the Storm”
didn;t hear this
Geezer - Puddle of Mudd, "Blurry"
undeadmonkey - Lifehouse, “Hanging by a Moment”
not a fan
leestu - New Order, “Blue Monday”
Not bad, dont mind it
Buscemi - Air, “Playground Love”
I actually like Air, sexy boy and all i need r favs
silversurfer - eels, “Novocaine For The Soul”
couldnt hear the video
Banks - Diddy feat Loon, Ginuwine & Mario Winans, “I Need A Girl Part 2”
Not so sure if ill hear an Offspring song from you Banks
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by NSpan »

Shrykespeare New Order, “Bizarre Love Triangle”
leestu New Order, “Blue Monday” (1983)
Kate sang along to both of these... but she likes the Spurs, too. So there's that. Also, Shryke, I saw that "In the Meantime" almost made your cut. Too bad, it's practically Aly's favorite song. ("Cruel to Be Kind" was a strong contender for my list)

Bob Dylan, “Shelter From the Storm”
It's strange how much Dylan changes the arrangements (or at least the tone) of his songs when performed live. I've seen him twice, and sometimes I barely even recognize some of my favorite songs. In recent years, it seems like the new arrangements accommodate the fact that his voice is shot and he refocuses the performance on the music instead of the vocals. But, in other instances, the changes seem arbitrary. I listened to the YouTube clip Shryke posted along with the original song from my collection. I like 'em both. I got three Dylan tracks comin' up myself.

Puddle of Mudd, "Blurry"

I disagree about the lyrics being "strong." But only the line about everything being "so messed up" was distractingly bad. The rest was unoffensive. And (seeing as I don't normally look to pop-songs for good poetry) average lyrics would be completely forgivable if the music made up for it. And, I'll admit, there IS something to this song, musically--there is a tiny spark of something unique and appealing, but Fred Durst's production does a fine job of obscuring it under layers of blah. I heard a lot of both Alice in Chains and Silverchair in the song. The AiC comparison is a compliment, but I thought Silverchair was formulaic as hell--so being a ripoff of a ripoff is never good. It's funny, when the Pixies and Nirvana wrote songs that shifted in tone from quiet to loud, it was audibly effective. It would be jarring to the listener in a way that made the soft segments appear especially thoughtful while the hard portions felt powerful--and the entire song would come off as incredibly emotive. This song contains the same elements (at least on paper), but the production manages to dampen both extremes to the point of watering-down the entire experience. It's like a better song got compressed and flattened, and this is the result. You said yourself that the band is otherwise "forgettable"--so, if this is the best they have to offer--I feel like I can dismiss them entirely at this point... along with anything else Fred Durst is involved with.

becs The Ramones, “I Wanna Be Sedated”
Good pick.

undeadmonkey Lifehouse, “Hanging by a Moment”
Can't say I'm a fan.

Buscemi Air, “Playground Love”
Great song. And my first exposure to Thomas Mars. So double points.

silversurfer eels, “Novocaine For The Soul”
Arguably the strongest track on the only Eels album I ever cared for. Good one.

transformers Rob Zombie, “Dragula”
Not my thing. Though I hate him far less as musician than as a director.

W Rage Against the Machine, “Killing in the Name”
Great pick. Zack always took himself WAY too seriously--but the music was so good, I forgave it.

Banks Diddy feat Loon, Ginuwine & Mario Winans, “I Need A Girl Part 2”
Won't be listening to it again, but I didn't mind it too much as it played.

englishozzy Spiderbait, “Black Betty”
I prefer Ram Jam, but I've never heard a version of this I didn't like. Have you heard the 1939 "original"?

BarcaRulz Wolfmother, “Joker and the Thief”
My favorite song of theirs. At first they're almost laughably derivative--but they've grown on me.

Ron Burgundy Weezer, “My Name Is Jonas”
Great song.

Hard to pick a "winner"... I think Boosh takes the top spot--but, depending on my mood, it could've been a lot of youse guys.
Last edited by NSpan on May 5th, 2010, 3:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by NSpan »

NSpan -- T. Rex, “Life's a Gas”
Regarding the responses to this song, I understand preferring "The Slider" to this one. I stand by my ordering, but it really was a close call. However, I feel STRONGLY about my next two T-Rex songs (and their ordering--in relation to the songs I've played already and between themselves). I think most will agree... I hope.

Anyway, I mentioned uploading those two T-Rex covers by Elf Power. Here they are for anyone interested:
"Dandy in the Underworld"
"The Slider"
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by BarcaRulz »

Wow.. this is freaky, I literally JUST sent Shryke an email in which I bump a Silverchair song. (by bump I mean move it to a new position). Guess I know you won't like it when it comes Nspan.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by NSpan »

BarcaRulz wrote:Wow.. this is freaky, I literally JUST sent Shryke an email in which I bump a Silverchair song. (by bump I mean move it to a new position). Guess I know you won't like it when it comes Nspan.
I actually bought Frogstomp the week it came out. I was really into it for a while. But around the time their second album was released, I was completely bored with the debut--and the new material (along with everything since) just didn't do it for me...
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by Shrykespeare »

Wow, can you believe we are already 1/3 done??

Another first... three songs today that have appeared on other people's lists previously.

SONG #66

Level 42, “Guaranteed”

I don’t expect a lot of praise for this song, as I am fully aware I may be the only Level 42 fanboy left in North America. Usually, I’m all about lyrics, but not in this case… for me, this song rides into my Top 100 on the back of its melody, and the terrific harmonies that Mark King and Mike Lindup always brought to the table. I know there’s nothing really exciting, thought-provoking or edgy about this song… so be it. There will only be one more Level 42 song to come after this one. (I just love Mark’s goofy grin at 3:35.)

Jimi Hendrix, “Crosstown Traffic”

You asked for it, and now you're gonna get it: MORE KAZOOS! Yes, my favorite song by undisputed Guitar-God Jimi Hendrix is the one where his lead instrument is a kazoo. Wanna fight about it? For a bit of trivia, Hendrix claims that The Beatles' "Drive My Car" was his inspiration for writing this.

Tom Waits, “Earth Died Screaming”

One of the many things I love about Tom Waits is that he just doesn’t sound like anyone else. The comparisons with Captain Beefheart and Zappa are only barely understandable, as Waits has his own idiosyncratic industrial jazz and blues that is in a world of its own. There are so many of his songs that represent this side (he also had an early jazz side and occasionally churns out a moving piano ballad), but I love this song because it’s just so damn nuts. A post-apocalyptic dirge with an instrument that sounds like it’s human bones being played, this is pure genius. And Tom got a Grammy for the album this kicks off!

The Clash, "London Calling"

The same thing happened to “London Calling” as happened to “Tonight, Tonight”; as I was set to lock it in, listened to it, and had to put it higher. Although this time, it was only bumped about or spots. The very best of The Clash, and they had several others in contention including "Lost in the Supermarket," "Clampdown," and "Death or Glory." The “London Calling”album, as I mentioned before, is one of my all time favorites, and if we were to do the whole 50 greatest albums countdown, it would be very high up. Turn the volume up, its rather soft, but the other copy of the video had this fuzz underneath it, so at least this doesn't have it. Or you could just go back and listen to Tranny's version in the other thread :p

Weezer, “Buddy Holly”

Nerd rock for the win! Weezer have always done their own thing and manage to change it up while maintaining their very distinct sound. They are somewhat of an enigma with being geeks and rock stars, their sound is always upbeat and happy yet their songs are often sad and the lead singer has struggled with severe depression throughout his writing. They also have some of the most creative and interesting videos out there, so enjoy.

No Doubt, “Hella Good”

My favorite No Doubt track. I love the video and I can’t help but bob my head along to this song. becs' favorite No Doubt pick is a close second though

Sugarcubes, “Birthday”

I admire the courage of releasing this as a band’s debut single. Bjork’s vocals and the music set a sweet but sinister atmosphere that is appropriate for the songs uncomfortable subject matter.

Soundgarden, “Black Hole Sun”

I have a soft spot for the year 1994 and this is no exception. Chris Cornell is well-suited for this dark type of music.

Hope of the States, “The Red, The White, The Black, The Blue”

It was a tough decision between this song and “Black Dollar Bills”, but I felt this one just stood out that little bit extra. The band were a brief shining light in the UK before their split a couple of years ago, but the two albums they released were astonishing (and The Lost Riots in particular is one of the best records of this decade), blending Sigur Ros-esque landscapes with the Brit Pop sensibilities they had grown up with.

(Moderator’s note: sorry, Surfer, the link you sent me was broken.)

Stone Temple Pilots, “Interstate Love Song”

STP was one of the best bands of the 90's. A really catchy, great song with awesome lyrics.

Marilyn Manson, “Beautiful People”

This song reminds me of my teenage rebellious years (though I didn't have many of them). Really it was popular to like Manson in middle school and then all of a sudden, if you were a fan of his you had the chance of being an outcast. I came on board after all of a sudden... Anyways, Manson reminds me of Alice Cooper. The guy really knows how to put on a show and how to sell seats. The song has a really great riff and a terrific rhythm for this type of song.

Kanye West, “Paranoid”

Another Kanye song, again from “808’s & Heartbreak’s”. This is about his girl acting paranoid (really?!) though I think he gets off topic around the halfway point. I could probably have made my entire list out of Kanye’s albums. (I didn’t even know this song had a video starring Rihanna until I looked it up for this. Thumbs up for sexiness.)

Iron Maiden, “Can I Play with Madness”

Had to have an Iron Maiden song on my list, it came down to this or “The Number of the Beast” but I figured that at least someone else (tranny maybe :s) would have the former on their list.

Smashing Pumpkins. “Bullet with Butterfly Wings”

Honestly can't remember when I first heard it, but I’ve been a fan of TSP for a long time, and this is my second favorite song from them. Love the video too.

Ron Burgundy
The Verve, “Bittersweet Symphony”

Great song, even though the Rolling Stones had to sue them for using the same violin tune, so they actually didn't end up with any of the money that the song made, it just went straight to Mick’s big lips. And notice anything about the film clip?

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #4): #70-#61

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

Level 42, “Guaranteed” (1991) - Sounds like the majority of your other picks (no offense), it's got that 80's feel to it. Neither here nor there for me.

Jimi Hendrix, “Crosstown Traffic” - Best use of a kazoo I've ever heard. Still not too crazy about Hendrix's vocals though.

Tom Waits, “Earth Died Screaming” (1992) - Please remind me: Tom Waits is not something to listen to at 2 AM by yourself. Kinda sounds like a cartoon character though.

The Clash, "London Calling" - Didn't like it.

Weezer, “Buddy Holly” - I wouldn't mind it if someone else was playing it. I can feel myself getting tired of listening to it though as I'm listening to it - not good replay value?

No Doubt, “Hella Good” - Man, that baseline (bassline?) sounds really, really familiar. Don't like Stefani, although the hook is very catchy.

Sugarcubes, “Birthday” (1987) - Hmm, don't know what to really think about this. On one hand, her Anna Faris-like screams are pretty annoying, but I like her voice whenever she's not doing that. All this time I've heard of Bjork for her swan dress but never actually heard one of her songs.

Soundgarden, “Black Hole Sun” - Still don't really like this at all.

Hope of the States, “The Red, The White, The Black, The Blue” - Well, this guy's voice makes Chris Cornell's annoying voice sound like a Greek chorus of heavenly angels.

Stone Temple Pilots, “Interstate Love Song” - Hey, I actually kinda know who STP is. Like this song, a bit brief though.

Marilyn Manson, “Beautiful People” - OMG HE CAUSED COLUMBINE!!!!!!1!!11! Not my thing.

Iron Maiden, “Can I Play with Madness” - Not bad. Not bad at all, good sire.

Smashing Pumpkins. “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” - I can see why someone would like this. Pretty catchy, don't know if I'd say I like it though.

Ron Burgundy
The Verve, “Bittersweet Symphony” - Great song, though I can't separate it from Cruel Intentions. And what were we supposed to notice about the video? I just see him bumping into everyone...

Favorites go to Tranny, Leestu, and Mr. Burgundy
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