2018 in Music

Anything music related. Latest songs, good new bands, and blasts from the past.

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Shrykespeare »

BTW, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame just announced their 2019 Inductees.

The Cure

Def Leppard

Janet Jackson

Stevie Nicks


Roxy Music

The Zombies

Thoughts? Deserving? Favorite songs by each of these acts?
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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by numbersix »

Radiohead's induction makes me feel really, really old. I remember when they were the new, strange band that the indie kids loved. Can't wait for the flux capacitor to become available again in O'Reilly's Auto Parts.

Pretty much all of them are deserved to some extent. Maybe not Def Leppard [shudders]

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Leestu »

I don't pay much attention to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but it's great to see The Cure and Radiohead being inducted.

Song #9
USA - Jeff Rosenstock

Another solid album from Jeff and this is the highlight. Released on 1st Jan this year this has been one of my favourite songs all year.

Album # 9
Confident Music For Confident People - Confidence Man

Best alternative dance nu-disco album of the year. The debut album from this band (comprised of members of three other bands from the local music scene of NSW, Australia) that somehow played at Glastonbury festival last year. A fun party dance album with many influences like Screamadelica era Primal Scream, LCD Soundsystem, Client Liason, Talking Heads, and Todd Terje. Features a couple of cocky characters, a bit tongue in cheek and not to be taken seriously, and a good time to be had with repeat listening familiarity.

Song #8
Dripping Sun - Kikagaku Moyo

Japanese psych folk. If you ever get the chance to see these guys live do it. Amazing, mind blowing show.

Album #8
Joy As An Act Of Resistance - Idles

Best post-hardcore post-punk album of the year. Idles sophomore album is even better than their great debut. Fantastic song writing, great lyrics, excellent performances.

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by numbersix »

Album #7
Low: Double Negative

Post-rock has been dead a long time. The influence of acts like Sigur Ros and GYBE have diminished, as has their abilities to adapt and change their core sound in interesting and unique ways. Low had pretty much followed suit, but everyone was shocked to listen to this record. Perhaps responding to the political situation in their homeland, the 3-piece ditched their conventional songwriting approach to instead loop snippets, distort their vocals, and create a more ambient and haunting record. It lulls with a sense of quiet despair, as if they’re so broken they can’t pull themselves together sonically (Nick Cave’s devastating last album did something similar). The music nerd in me would say something like “they already did this for their 2000 collaborative EP with Spring Hell Jack, and in their stark 2007 album Drums and Guns”, but it doesn’t matter; this is a powerfully subdued album.

Song #7
The Ex: The Sitting Chins

One of the most enduring post-punk acts around, these guys have been putting out albums since the early 80s and never got the credit they deserve. Their latest album isn’t consistently brilliant, but this abrasive song using African polyrythms is one of the highlights. It’s an equally surreal and bitter song about governmental powers caring none about the people, building shrines out of their faeces. Yep, it goes there.

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Brockster »

Song # 8

"Beloved" - Mumford and Sons

I'll talk more about this album when I get further down my album list :) However, this is one of the standout songs to me. Great musicianship as always from the lads. Especially love the guitar work that starts at the 2:28 mark.

Song #7

"Summer Days" - A R I Z O N A

Just discovered these guys this year. This is such a catchy song. Makes me bust out my middle age white guy dance moves. A great opportunity to embarrass my kids :D

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Brockster »

Album #8

Imagine Dragons - Origins

These guys have always known how to write a catchy tune. They really took some risks on this album to be a little more experimental. I guess when you're one of the biggest bands in the world you are allowed to do that. The results are mixed, but for the most part its a good listen.

Album #7

Thirty Seconds To Mars - America

Ready to be eviscerated for this one, but fuck it, this band is my guilty pleasure. At first listen I hated this album. But the more I listened to it the more I found I liked it a lot.

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by silversurfer19 »

Album 8. Swearin', “Fall Into The Sun''

Back with her band after venturing out on her own for a little while, Allison Crutchfield and co. are back with a fantastically addictive record, filled with the hooks and melodies they became almost famous for, whilst adding a touch of maturity to their songwriting along the way. Embracing the passing of time and looking back fondly on what came before, its a bright record filled with confidence, as well as being a hell of a lot of fun.

Last edited by silversurfer19 on December 18th, 2018, 7:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Screen203 »

Shrykespeare wrote:BTW, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame just announced their 2019 Inductees.

The Cure - Blue Monday

Stevie Nicks - Stop Dragging my Heart Around

Thoughts? Deserving? Favorite songs by each of these acts?
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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by numbersix »

Album #6
US Girls: In A Poem Unlimited

Meghan Remy’s band has been touted by critics as being something special for a couple of years now, but her latest album has received the most attention. And deservedly so. Coming from someone who does not like ABBA, this album embraces the catchiness of pop but lyrically dives into interesting territory, such as key single Rosebud which invites us all to delve into our pasts and face our traumas head-on. So despite the supposed throwaway tunes, there’s much more bubbling beneath the surface.

Song #6
Childish Gambino: This is America

This was very much Danny Glover's year, having been the best thing about Solo, Atlanta's second season being hugely and deservedly adored, and this song being as viral as Kim Kardashian's ass. Okay, so the video plays a huge role in the enjoyment of this song, but even without it the song is still an incredibly sarcastic, disruptive song about just how the US seems to be tearing itself apart, Lisa.

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Leestu »

Song #7
Need A Little Time - Courtney Barnett

Courtney delivers another great album, with lots of great songs and as usual some great lyrics. Looking forward to seeing her live for a second time in a couple of months

Album #7
Beyondless - Iceage

Best art punk post-punk album of the year. Wow! What a great album. I liked their other albums but this is easily their best so far. I couldn't stop listening to it in the early half of the year. From the opening track to the closer every song is great.

Song #6
Time - U.S. Girls

https://open.spotify.com/track/7rvWg8R3 ... sKvC27pLvw

I didn't really get into the album but this psychedelic tinged, funky jam of a closing track is awesome! (there is only live versions video of it on you tube).

Album #6
Teddywaddy - East Brunswick All Girls Choir

Best punk blues album of the year. Not from East Brunwick, not all girls, and not a choir!

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Brockster »

I'm always shocked by how few of these artists and bands I've heard of! Enjoying listening to some new stuff though

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Brockster »

Back to my list:

Song #6 - He Leaves You Cold - by Passenger

Great song writer, unique voice...just love this song. Whenever I need to relax it's always good to put on some Passenger.

Song #5 - Maybe It's Time - Bradley Cooper

When I heard Bradley Cooper was actually SINGING, like for real, in this movie I rolled my eyes. Boy was I surprised. I know Gaga is a much better singer than Bradley, but I gravitate to all of his songs more on the Soundtrack. And this one is my favorite.

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Brockster »

Album #6 - A Star Is Born Soundtrack

I've already written about this movie on the forum, but wow I was just blown away by everything about it. I really love the music too (yes, some of the Gaga songs suck, but they are different for a reason (watch movie and you'll know why)), but overall it's a bunch of great songs. I found myself wishing Bradley Cooper would release music on his own in the same country/rock genre of his alter ego from the movie. I would certainly buy it. This guy has a rough life, ya know? Handsome, good actor, director, funny...and now he can sing and play guitar too?!? What a fucking asshole :D

Album #5 - Justin Nozuka - Run To Waters

After releasing absolute garbage for the past 5-6 years, he finally releases something good again after such a promising start to his career. Very mellow album. Another one that is great for relaxing.

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by Leestu »

I've just had a listening session of some of the picks so far and here's some of my brief thoughts...bear in mind I'm just a simple music lover with my own individual taste, not a critic or reviewer able to analyse music, so it means nothing.

Meg Myers - not bad, definitely well produced, preferred Numb slightly over Jealous Sea, good voice, didn't really pay attention to the lyrics - I'm guessing that would come more with repeated listens and familiarity
Iceage - one of my favourite albums of the year (#7), would love to see these guys live
Dream Wife - love this song, great album currently at #46 in my top 100 for the year, saw them live earlier this year, lots of personality from the lead singer with a great stage presence, guitarist was good to watch perform too, probably even more enjoyable live than on record but I am biased towards live music.
Young Fathers - another great album, currently at #51, a bit of a mix of genres giving them a slightly unique sound, for me an album I enjoy as a whole without any real standout songs
Pill - I remember liking their music from previous years 'best of...'s but somehow they again escaped my radar and I didn't know they had a new album this year. Liked the song a lot but I am not sure about their videos - they are always a bit...umm...visually icky?
Mitski - I never got on the Mitski train and therefore haven't checked out her new album yet...although I probably would have in time...my oldest son (21 now) likes her though and he has great taste in music. This song was okay, which is what I thought of her last album too - okay but not much more.
Vance Joy - I prefer his more upbeat singalong songs like We're Going Home, Saturday Sun, Fire and The Flood etc...but cool that you have an Aussie artist in your favourites Brockster!
Castlecomer - another Australian artist but I had never heard of them, reminded me a bit of Coldplay musically - not vocally though, didn't do much for me
NEEDTOBREATHE - another soft emotional ballad? pass
Eminem - so Revival got shat on by both critics and fans but Kamikaze is seen as a return to form, however I really liked Revival (it's in my top 100 of 2017) whereas I didn't really like Kamikaze. Revival may have been too long and I admit had a couple of shitty songs but I liked the socio-political bent and his regretful, more mature (what? Eminem mature!? lol) attitude and references to his past...and Castle and Arose are actually quite emotionally powerful songs for me. But Kamikaze is just one big offensive diss album - against the critics, his fans, and many current rappers. Admittedly some clever one liners here and there but I am just not into the whole abusive beef culture of rap. Still I seem to be on my own here so what do I know
BANNERS - another capitalised ballad that's not my thing
Adrienne Lenker - I liked the Big Thief album last year - this was alright on first listen but as Surfer said will probably be a grower and I'm not sure it will get that chance - will depend on what the rest of the album is like if and when I listen to it
Death Cab For Cutie - I've never been able to get into them - I didn't even like Plans and everyone loves that album - in regards to this song piano rock needs to be extra special for me to like - and what's wrong with being 60 and punk? That will be me soon :lol:
Plake - never heard of them - not much to say - this went by without me hardly even noticing it so nothing bad, nothing great
The Beatles - looking forward to checking out the Esher demos but I'll probably skip the rest of the 5 1/2hr deluxe version. Who's got time for that? Love The White Album though, 2nd best Beatles album behind Sgt. Pepper's

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Re: 2018 in Music

Post by numbersix »

Album #5
Mount Eerie: Now Only

I’m probably in the minority here, but I think his latest album is actually better than last year’s A Crow Looked at Me. Both are about Phil Elverum’s experience of the death of his wife, leaving him and his young daughter alone and devastated. The 2017 album was devastating but perhaps too stark, whereas here the use of nostalgia and a bit more musical variety makes for something more palatable and arguably more poignant.

Song #5
Julia Holter: I Shall Love 2

Holter’s latest album is a massive ordeal in pop experimentation. This is the clear highlight, a lovely love song that starts off with odd chirps until it settles into a rousing, passionate climax.

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