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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #2): 90-81

Posted: December 8th, 2010, 2:43 am
by undeadmonkey
90. POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl - fantastical, i did not see this movie till 2005 because it didn't look like much, but i immediately fell in love. will surely be on my list

87. The Green Mile - hadnt seen till about 7 months ago, when a scene from this movie was my midterm. really good movie though

85. The Mummy - fun romp in the desert with some great actors

84. Inglourious Basterds - again a movie i was not expecting much out of, but was surprised at. tarintinos love of filmmaking shines through in this film and while i dont think its great, it definitely delivers the goods and the laughs for an entertaining afternoon

83. Shrek - a complete classic, although the sequels arent as good, i dont think they ruin the first movie as some people say. great one liners, a fairy tale story with a twist and no musical numbers.

82. Eagle Eye - obviously you saw something i didn't. found it very generic

havent seen
89. Angel Heart
88. Better Off Dead…
86. Mystery Men
81. Dave


87. The Princess Bride - another classic, it is just so much fun.

85. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - love it.

havent seen

90. Touch of Evil
89. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
88. Pulp Fiction
86. Dawn of the Dead
84. Point Blank
83. The Red Shoes
82. Brazil
81. Aliens


90. Watership Down - it was pretty good, but i never had the urge to see it again

86. Spider-Man - good movie, but spiderman 2 is still my favorite

85. Dumb and Dumber - no

84. Back to the Future - i never really liked them that much, but i dont think they are bad either

83. Jurassic Park - awesome, blew me away the first time i saw it. although it's lost some of it's luster and freakiness, it's still fun to watch

havent seen

89. Sleeping With the Enemy
88. An American Werewolf in Paris
87. Braindead
82. The Goonies
81. Breakfast at Tiffany's


90. The Fifth Element - recently tried watching this, i watched about an hour of it and i could not continue. it was so silly and i didnt laugh once.

87. POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl - :D

84. 3:10 to Yuma - a pretty great western, but the ending fell flat

83. Starship Troopers - you too huh, i couldnt get into it

82. Toy Story 2 - better than the first, but third worst pixar film

81. Step Brothers - hate will ferrel and john c reilly, but i have to admit this film worked and it had some hilarious one liners. my personal favorite 'hey, do you like guacamole?'

havent seen
89. The Rundown
88. Borat (and never will)
86. Gran Torino
85. Dogma


90. Monsters vs. Aliens :)

89. The Jungle Book - one of my favorite classic disneys, if not the favorite.

88. Enemy of the State - i know i've seen this movie but for some reason my copy is still in it's wrapping.

86. Ace Venture: Pet Detective - awful films

83. Blade - i never saw the first two until i saw the third film. and while i can see the the 3rd one is more mainstream and generic, i would rather watch that one than the first two

82. Kick-Ass :roll: (just so yall know, instead of rerating the films i already commented on ill just post a happy face or frownie face, unless something new pops into my head)

81. Cloverfield :?

havent seen
87. The Magnificent Seven
85. Lost in Translation
84. The Birds

Ron Burgundy
90. The Hangover - fun but definitely overrated

87. Twelve Monkeys - i've seen it but cant recall what it's about

havent seen
89. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
88. BASEketball
86. Total Recall
85. Mulholland Dr.
84. For a Few Dollars More
83. JFK
82. Starsky & Hutch
81. Reservoir Dogs


82. Sin City - i know this will probably be on a few more list, but i hate this film. The first time i saw it, willingly and for free, mind you, and i was so disappointed. Saw it a second time, had to in class, thought i might get something more out of it with a second viewing, but i didnt and as it mumbled along i really wished i had stayed home sick that day.

havent seen
90. The Hidden Fortress
89. Koyaanisqatsi
88. Bonnie and Clyde
87. Blow-Up
86. Blood Simple
85. Die Hard
84. The Crying Game
83. L.A. Confidential
81. The Last Temptation of Christ


havent seen any of these, and hadnt heard of most either

90. The Killing Fields
89. Platoon
87. The Longest Nite (Um fa)
88. The Apartment
86. Irreversible
85. The Missouri Breaks
84. Elephant
83. L'armee des ombres (Army of Shadows)
82. The Dead Zone
81. Le Petit Prince a dit


89. Aliens - i didn't mind it, but i didn't like it either

havent seen
90. Primer
88. Orphee (sounds awesome)
87. Perfect Blue
86. Do the Right Thing
85. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
84. The Deer Hunter
83. City of God (will eventually see
82. The King of Comedy
81. La Regle Du Jeu


89. Casino Royale - definitely fun, wish the 2nd one would of been as fun too

87. I Am Legend - i didn't like it much

85. The Hurt Locker - hate it. one dimensional characters all around, they say its tense, but how could it be if you didn't care if they got blown up or not.

havent seen
90. Taxi Driver
88. Full Metal Jacket
86. Hard Candy
84. Shaun of the Dead
83. Scrooged
82. The Boondock Saints
81. Election


88. The Departed - i find this movie very bland relegated to using spicy language to try and toughen up the characters so everyone thinks they are badass, did not care who lived or died by the end.

87. Let the Right One In - now here is a fascinating film, not sure if i would put this in my top 100 but i really enjoyed it. one of the better films i've seen this year.

85. V For Vendetta - i understand some of the complaints that others have brought up concerning this film, but i dont care, V is such a great character and the ending feels just right.

83. LOTR: The Two Towers - the second one again huh

81. Dan In Real Life - interesting to see this film here, i've never met anyone besides me who has seen it much less loved it. I enjoyed it myself

havent seen
90. Trainspotting
89. Grosse Pointe Blank
86. Dead Man's Shoes
84. Chain of Fools
82. Bubba Ho-Tep


90. The Mummy :)

89. Juno - a middle of the road, somewhat forgettable movie for me. what was the morale of the story again, i dont really remember.

87. Shrek :D

86. The Bourne Identity - yes, doubt this will be on anybody elses list, but this movie is super cool, and no james bond needed.

84. Billy Madison :(

83. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story - awful movie, has to be one of the worst ones i've ever seen

82. Aladdin :)

81. Hot Fuzz - can only be enjoyed when drunk

havent seen
88. The 40-Year-Old Virgin
85. The Silence of the Lambs


89. Zombieland - i was really surprised when i actually sat down and saw it, i skipped a free screening at the school because i wasn't interested, but now i'm eagerly looking forward to the sequel

88. Monty Python and the Holy Grail :evil:

87. Wanted - interestingly enough i just saw it today. the last time i saw it was when i first saw it in theaters, i must say i liked it a lot more 2 (3?) years ago. Wesley Gibson is only as likable because the supporting characters are that much more despicable. Without them, he would seem downright awful and whiny. the only kind of likable character committed suicide because the guy who had been lying the whole time about who the loom wanted dead told them that it wanted them dead. ok fine it had some cool action sequences.

85. Suburbia - a decent little thriller

84. Super Troopers :shock:

81. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - would really like to see these again

havent seen
90. Kurt Cobain: About a Son
86. Platoon
83. Major Payne
82. Dazed and Confused


90. Fight Club - i have seen it three times now, and i still cant quite figure out if i like it or not. it's cool, but i just dont get what its exactly about, maybe i should read some discussions about it

88. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - do not like this movie at all.

83. Big Fish - love this movie

havent seen, but will definitely check some of these out

89. Jesus de Montreal
87. Nil By Mouth
86. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
85. On the Waterfront
84. Picnic at Hanging Rock
82. Benny & Joon
81. A Night to Remember


90. 50 First Dates - you know i never remember this movie when an adam sandler conversation comes up, but i do like it.

83. Office Space - quirky little movie always fun to watch

havent seen
89. Rush Hour
88. Joe Dirt
87. Spartacus
86. Beverly Hills Ninja (double take, for a sec there i thought i read beverly hills chihuahua)
85. Sgt. Bilko
84. Trading Places
82. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
81. Surviving the Game

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #2): 90-81

Posted: December 29th, 2010, 6:09 pm
by becs

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl - Not sure the film was worthy of being listed, BUT as you say, Depp's character is absolutely epic and worth holding in high regard anyway, and Geoffry RUsh is always a treat as well.

The Fifth Element - Great film, very visually striking and well made action film.

Primer - Nice selection, it is a bit slow paced at times, but as you say "brain-bending" storyline definitely keeps it going.
Your description of it being "more brains than heart" is dead on, and one of the things I love about it as well, because the filmmaker was really an engineer and mathmetician (rather than a film student) the movie doesn't get encumbered by the typical formulaic balanced "requirements" that go into a typical studio film.

Trainspotting - Dead on, I like this one better than Requiem, but they both have a number of equally iconic scenes/visuals that are somewhat defining of my generation.

Kurt Cobain: About A Son - Damn, I've had this in my netflix queue forever but I keep putting off watching it. I really need to make the time.

Fight Club - Yes! I need to re-watch this now that I've read the book.

50 First Dates - It took me awhile to get around to seeing this movie after it came out, but I was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It really is a cut above the stereotypical rom-com, with both hilarious and extremely poigniant moments.


Angel Heart - dark + twist ending... I must watch this film

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - I saw this (and pretty much every Clint Eastwood film) as a kid dozens of times via my dad watching it. I honestly don't remember the film really (other than the poncho), but I generally dislike any film he is in. Same goes for John Wayne.

The Jungle Book - The king Louie killed this movie for me, Balloo was enough silliness for the film, and Shere-Kahn was enough villian, you didn't need a bad guy who was also annoyingly silly. Just not a fan of any part after the opening scenes really.

Koyaanisqatsi - Another one that I've had in netflix queue forever and need to watch. Considering I watched a soundtrackless, speechless, film about agriculture/farming, I think this should be no sweat.

Juno - Yep, agree with everything you said, hilarious flick, great cast, sarcasm galore!

Zombieland - Just watched this in the last couple weeks, very solid action flick, but not much more to it than that for me.

Better Off Dead… - One of the few Cusack films I'm pretty sure I have not seen. I need to watch this.

BASEketball - Much like "Dude, Wheres My Car?" a very cheesy, terrible, yet funny and fun to watch movie.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Loved this film, everything from the visuals to the unique mode of storytelling, it was great.

The Departed - loved it, some of the career best performances from its stars.

The Green Mile - Its one of those really amazing and well made films that you really enjoy watching, but after you've seen it once there just isn't much reason to ever watch it again.

The Princess Bride - The only disappointment is that its so low on your list, a sublime and epic film.

Twelve Monkeys - One of the best post apocalyptic future films ever. Yet another one that appeared in my top 100.

Perfect Blue - LOVE. One of the few anime's I actually own. I tend to notice that the structure/style, in comparing Japanese animation & films,are both a bit "weird" when trying to compare to american film, yet the way they compare to eachother is usually also drastically different. Your comment about it being intended as a live action makes perfect sense though, this is an anime that feels and plays out to me more like a film.
I know we dicussed this elsewhere (movie picture guessing game I believe), but for those who forgot, Requiem for a Dream includes an exact copy of the bath scene from this anime.

I Am Legend - I wouldn't say it was an amazing film, but certainly one of Will Smith's best performances.

Let the Right One In - Awe inspiring and truly gripping, well made, etc. etc. Great pick.

Shrek - A great movie for all ages, always enjoyable. This was probably one of the first "children's" films I noticed significant adult humor in (I think Toy story also carried a bit but I may have been too young to totally pick up on it), and then from there you started to see jokes just for the grown ups slipped into almost every family film thereafter.

Wanted - I loved every bit of this movie... damn I need to rewatch it!

Mystery Men - I got alot of odd looks over this one, no one else seemed to like it but I watched it repeatedly when it came out, drastically underrated. Great stuff!

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - Another highly quotable, easy to re-watch movie... However I must say that I prefer the 2nd movie and watched it easily over a hundred times in college (little known fact, my college roomate called me Shakaka! for years after).

Hard Candy - YES, yet another pick this round which I can only fault for how low it is on your list. An entirely character/perofmance driven film that proved how compelling Page can be as an actress.

Dead Man’s Shoes - Another one that in the netflix queue forever and I never watch...

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape - A really good, but difficult film to watch. Amazing standout performances by all.

Dogma - To me the very best of Smith's films, its not quite as quirky as some of his others, but it is extremely well written, and toes the line between intelligent and hilarious. It is oddly his closest to being "mainstream" style. I don't know, perhaps this one just hits close to home for my sense of humor, having grown up in an incredibly religious (albeit not catholic) family.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - Absolutely amazing film, brilliant performances.

The Hurt Locker - I loved it, one of the most immersive films I've seen in awhile. Although I know it go alot of ire specifically from those who do the job, for the fact that Renner's character behavior is so unrealistic... yet to the untrained the film genuinely draws you in and makes you feel as though you are there.

V for Vendetta - Love the film, it's over the top and stylistic, as it should be. The performances are gripping throughout, and the really thought provoking plot is brilliant.

The Silence of the Lambs - I haven't seen it in so long, yet this movie will always be a standard setter for quality.


Back To The Future - pretty timeless movie the will always be epic to those of us who are sci-fi lovers.

Elephant - While I am wholly enthusiastic about every Van Sant has done, I certainly think this film is his greatest work. Your description of it as beautiful is accurate. I love how we see glimpses of day to day highschool life, putting things in perspective, even as we are also shown in broader strokes the grand picture of the circumstances that are about to occur.

Shaun of The Dead - Best zombie movie ever. I do believe I enjoyed Hot Fuzz more than this one, but taken on its own Shaun of the Dead was utterly brilliant as a comedy in its own right.

The Red Shoes - Absolutely brilliant, very dark, edge of your seat movie, with an ending that truly blows you away.

Scrooged - I see the appeal, but this is another one I saw excessively as a kid due to my dad watching it over and over.. that I just can no longer stand it, and find it utterly annoying.

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - I really can't take the trilogy separately, but I enjoy all three as they are beautifully made portrayals of an epic story.

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story - Hilarious. For some reason I delayed seeing it because it looked too silly, but then I watched it and LOVED it.

Big Fish - Stunning fancifully dark visuals as per Burton's usual fare, however the story is so saccarine it really blows you out of the water with surprise as this unexpected turn from the gothy director. A definite favorite.

Office Space - A classic for all of us cubicle drones, one of the best cult comedies of our time.

The Goonies - a childhood classic for all of us growing up in the 80's.. oh wait, I didn't see it till my late teens (early 20s maybe?) and its still great but kids these days just don't seem to get it.

Kick-Ass - Really enjoyed it, but top 100? no way.

Sin City - A really amazing adaptation that truly captures the graphic novel feel.

The Boondock Saints - Another favorite of mine that appeared in my top 100. Spot on description, a thoroughly enjoyable film.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story - Good and fun film, one of the very few i own, but definitely nowhere near top 100 material for me.

Dave - I know I saw and enjoyed this movie in my teens (you really couldn't go wrong with Kevin Kline at that time), but its been so long I can barely remember any of it.

Dan In Real Life - I really enjoyed this movie, and it was so interesting to see a different side of Steve Carell

Hot Fuzz - As I mentioned at Shaun of the Dead, I think this film is fantastic!

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Ewoks! Yep, this one is the best of the series.