Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #8): 30-21

Like a book club, but for movies instead. Hosted by NSpan.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #8): 30-21

Post by NSpan »

as long as we're grading people:

Shrykespeare 10/10 Patsy's!
silversurfer 50% Kiwi Awards! (Enjoy those ostrich-steaks, mate!)
thegreenarrow 1/1 silversurfer's! ... it's what you wanted ... isn't it?
transformers 85% Tranny (that's considered "post-op"--well played, brutha!)
englishozzy 2/4 Beatles (come on, mate, why aren't we utilizing cryogenic-freezing with these buggers??)
Ron Burgundy 3 "Stay Classy, San Diegos" out of 4
Buscemi 95% Boosh (not being pejoratively spelled Bouche)
Chienfantome 100% Francais ... you ghost dog, you.
numbersix 6
Banks 7 Purples out of Orange
BarcaRulz B+
leestu 9/9 Thumbs-Up! (...and we all know where that last thumb is)
W Texas! Woo!!! Wait, what are we doing here, again?
undeadmonkey 100/100 Undeadmonkey Unguent potions
JohnErle ... who are you, again? ;)
On the run from Johnny Law ... ain't no trip to Cleveland.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #8): 30-21

Post by Chienfantome »

Here's the thread recap, a few days later...

Seen : 8
Grade : 7.1
It's a bit hit or miss in this thread, Shryke. Hit with Jedi, Matrix or Die Hard. Miss with Liar Liar or I, Robot. A nice set of films overall.

Seen : 10
Grade : 8.2
A remarkable thread my friendI can't say anything bad about what you chose, even Spiderman 2 is an very good superhero film, and The Terminator is probably my favourite Cameron. Plus a couple of overlaps with my own list ;)

Seen : 8
Grade : 7.3
Like Surfer, you had the great idea to include Amelie in this thread, plus a few great films like Some like it hot, The Shining or Wall-E. My dislike of Sleepy Hollow or lack of passion for Leon reduced your grade though...

Seen : 9
Grade : 7.7
Great round tranny, despite Friday and Space Jam. A choice of solid films, and a trio of great ones to end the thread.

Seen : 10
Grade : 8.1
Remarkable round, Ozzy. Take away Snatch, and it's only films I really like. And you list 4 films I listed my self in this Top 100 already. A man taste, yes you are ;)

Ron B
Seen : 9
Grade : 7.8
Too bad you are a Guy Ritchie lover, you too, and I don't especially appreciate American Psycho. Otherwise, I only see greatness in this thread of yours.

Seen : 9
Grade : 8
One big mistep from you in this thread, for me, with the inclusion of Scarface. But your love of Clint, Star Wars, Shawshank, Schindler and the Coens is shared by me ;)

Seen : 7
Grade : 7.6
It's not the greatest thread of yours, mainly because I really don't like The Exorcist. Too bad there are 3 films I haven't seen, three films I really want to see. Two overlaps with Pulp Fiction and Blade Runner.

Seen : 9
Grade : 7.44
Other than a weak film (True Romance), a solid set of films from you, Banks. It's especially been nice to see The Breakfast Club appear.

Seen : 9
Grade : 8.6
Wow, an impressive round, Barca. Not only is each film you chose an very good films for me, but you have even selected a few I genuinely love, like The Matrix, Saving Private Ryan or Amelie.

Seen : 10
Grade : 7
You really tried to unimpress me with Happy Gilmore and BASEketball, I know Gezer ;) But in the end, you still have a very decent set of films, enlightened by Back to the future, Shawshank or The Wrestler.

Seen : 9
Grade : 6.88
Strangely, you've got a low grade, compared to the others. vThe fault's probably on The Exorcist, and a couple of films with good but ungreat grades. I still like your choices very much in this thread.

Seen : 5
Grade : 6
Wow, W ! I haven't seen much of your films this time ! And I haven't liked vey much of them either, I'm afraid. The Wizard of Oz and Planet of the Apes are great though.

Seen : 7
Grade : 7.9
A trio of films I haven't seen unfortunately, but it does not stop me from liking your choices, despite Aliens ;) Especially The Big Lebowski and Primer !

Seen : 10
Grade : 7.1
Not a bad round after all. I may not like some of your films, like The Lookout or Monte Cristo, but they are well balanced by the likes of Children of Men, The Matrix or Some like it hot.

Seen : 8
Grade : 7
I was glad to see North by Northwest appear, one of my favourites too. I'm not a fan of Jakob's ladder, and I haven't seen Airplane ! in too long, but the rest is very enjoyable.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #8): 30-21

Post by silversurfer19 »


Shrykespeare: – A round which was very much an up and down round, although while your ups were generally very good, your downs were not too bad either. A shame to start off the countdown with Die Hard 3 and Weird Science, two movies which don't match up to their predecessors in terms of franchise and director respectively, however despite just two of your picks crossing over with my list, the likes of Die Hard, Big Trouble In Little China and Wall-E were also movies I admire.

Favourite Movie: The Matrix
Round Average: 7.05
Overall Average: 6.85

thegreenarrow: - Another stellar round, with seven(!) of your movies matching my own, while the ones which didn't (Wall-E, The Birds, Some Like It Hot) are also superb movies if not each of their directors best efforts.

Favourite Movie: Withnail And I
Round Average: 9.3
Overall Average: 8.73

transformers: - Of the movies I've seen this was a very decent round, although I suspect the movies I haven't seen are not without reason. I'll put Space Jam down to nostalgia too. Only two movies crossed over with my list, though it was nice to see Donnie Darko finally appear, I was sure we'd have seen it well before now and once upon a time it would certainly have made my list.

Favourite Movie: 28 Days Later
Round Average: 7.57
Overall Average: 6.94

englishozzy: - A largely decent if unspectacular round. Only Snatch is a movie I'd actively avoid, with Back To The Future and The Nightmare Before Christmas being highlights.

Favourite Movie: Back To The Future
Round Average: 7.65
Overall Average: 6.96

Ron Burgundy: - A round which improved greatly as it progressed, with the only anomaly being Lock Stock (I really don't like these Guy Ritchie genre movies), although I have yet to see Old School to pass judgement. Again, two cross overs with my own list, while American Psycho, Die Hard, Iron Man and Thank You For Smoking (which I watched again a couple of days ago after you reminded me of it's quality) were all movies I greatly enjoyed.

Favourite Movie: The Usual Suspects
Round Average: 8.16
Overall Average: 7.09

Buscemi: - Another stellar round full to the brim with acclaimed movies, and thee movies I fully expect to at least make a couple of no.1 spots in Schindler's List (which coicidentally I'm watching right now), Shawshank Redemption and Star Wars. Also interesting to see Inglorious Basterds make your list, and so high at that, but it was decent. Can't really support Scarface though, it was a bloated effort. Still need to see A Woman Under The Influence, Casavettes is another 70s director I really need to look into a little more.

Favourite Movie: Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
Round Average: 7.55
Overall Average: 7.86

Chienfantome: – Another pretty fine round, with 5 cross overs along with Monty Python and Gattaca, two quite brilliant movies in their own way. Not really a fan of The Godfather, and I need to watch La Haine again, while I need to watch The Party full stop! By the way, I watched Park Chan-Wook's other movie on your list, JSA, a couple of days ago. My word, what a fantastic movie, brilliantly structured, intelligent and informative with a stunning finale.

Favourite Movie: Star Wars - A New Hope
Round Average: 9
Overall Average: 7.68

numbersix: - Another quite stunning set of movies, with 4 cross overs and a whole lot of brilliance on the side. No doubt in time I feel Eraserhead may sneek into my own top 100, such a brilliantly twisted movie with a thought provoking narrative. Can't say the same, however, for Sunset Boulevard, as while it is indeed a very good movie, I found it much more flawed that other Wilder efforts, with poor/cliched leads. Do need to watch Lawrence of Arabia and The Seventh Seal ASAP too.

Favourite Movie: Rashomon
Round Average: 8.75
Overall Average: 8.78

Banks: - Very much an up and down round, although nothing other than Bad Santa that I truly dislike, while nothing matched my list either. So lots of decent stuff and lots of not so decent. Favourites would be Kill Bill, Up, Do The Right Thing and The Prestige.

Favourite Movie: Kill Bill Vol.1
Round Average: 7.77
Overall Average: 7.05

BarcaRulz: - Some very decent movies with four cross overs, your final three all amazing movies. Saving Private Ryan was my least favourite of the round, and even that is pretty good. Haven't seen No Man's Land though (hadn't even heard about it till now), so will check that out)

Favourite Movie: Amelie
Round Average: 8.61
Overall Average: 7.77

Geezer: - A mix of very good, decent a poor movies this round, you really stretched my appreciation for some movies! Hopefully this is the last we will see of Sandler now, as surely no-one could count any of his movies being in their top 20 of all time. That would be absurd. Plan to see BASEketball and Good Will Hunting ASAP too.

Favourite Movie: Back To The Future
Round Average: 7.64
Overall Average: 7.02

leestu: - Wow, a stunning round featuring many a classic movie. Some of my absolute favourites of all time here (four in fact), along with some which so easily could have made it on another day. Need to see To Kill A Mockingbird some day soon, and I probably need to give The Exorcist another go.

Favourite Movie: Rear Window
Round Average: 8.5
Overall Average: 8.17

W: - Oh, W, you do like to test us don't you! There's far too much Sandler love in this round (heck there just far too much love for Sandler here non stop), and while The Wedding Singer was charming, the rest of his movies here are just awful beyond belief. And to then include a movie in Biodome which many have called the worst movie ever? Man, that's just asking for trouble. The few moments of respite where decent enough, with The Wizard Of Oz, Planet Of The Apes and King Kong proving the standouts. Let's keep to the classics and avoid this more recent Sandler love if you'd like some positive comments from me...

Favourite Movie: The Wizard Of Oz
Round Average: 5.81
Overall Average: 5.56

NSpan: – Some very good movies this round, in fact not much to really criticise at all. Your worst was probably Grindhouse, but I did enjoy it, along with Goodfellas which is the best of a genre I don't really enjoy. But with five cross overs there is plenty to love, along with the quickly rising classic Primer.

Favourite Movie: Reservoir Dogs
Round Average: 8.83
Overall Average:7.51

undeadmonkey: - Hmm, generally a decent round if a little average, only raising the bar of brilliance in the final four movies, 3 of which made my own list. Still need to see The Last King Of Scotland, and I should probably give Hotel Rwanda another go too.

Favourite Movie: Pan's Labyrinth
Round Average: 7.81
Overall Average: 7.35

JohnErle: Eight Men Out (1988) – A solid, if unspectacular round John, nothing I'd ever turn off, but nothing that quite makes my favourite list either. Some great thrillers in Silence Of The Lambs, Angel Heart, Blair Witch LA Confidential and Misery, along with some decent comedy in Airplane! Not a great fan of North By Northwest, though it is still decent, but really want to see Jacob's Ladder.

Favourite Movie: Misery
Round Average: 7.5
Overall Average: 7.56

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #8): 30-21

Post by Chienfantome »

GLad you found greatness in JSA, SS. It really is a dazzling and audacious film.
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