Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Yes, I'll do a cumulative list.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Gosh, my bad, so sorry shyrke!

Shryke (From Hell): A movie ive seen at least twice, and id say the first viewing was scarier, while the 2nd was all focused on the villain. Not a bad pick, though for me its a 6/10.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by undeadmonkey »

John, X-Men 3 : I love the early xmen films, but i can't seem to forgive this movie for killing the sequels of this particular iteration, and all consecutive xmen films have never been the same

Ron, Cabin in the Woods : I also don't remember this movie, i did watch it though

Tranny, Accepted : Seen it but didn't find it very memorable

havent seen the others. i'm going to be keeping a list of movies, just like our countdown last time, definitely found a few gems in there that i hadn't taken the time to see.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Buscemi »

The big problem with Fox's handling of X-Men is the overemphasis of the same few characters (especially Mystique, who is an bland and uninteresting character that keeps appearing while Gambit's only appeared in a single film as his solo film has been delayed several times). Fox has lots of characters to choose from but ignores them in favor of recycling the tried-and-true method of Wolverine/Professor X/Magneto/Mystique.

However, Logan looks surprisingly good as I mentioned in another thread. It probably helps that this one may be the last appearances of Wolverine and Professor X in the franchise (well, until the inevitable reboot).
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »

[quote="Shrykespeare"]All right! Kicking off our 100-day countdown, here is:



Pater (2011) - Alain Cavalier is a director (a French one) I never really had much interest in until Pater found itself in competition at the Cannes Film Festival in 2011. I went to see it, mostly because one of my favourite French actors is in it, Vincent Lindon. And let me tell you, Pater looks like no other film you have ever seen. It’s part documentary, part fiction. It’s about a director, Cavalier, who offers an actor, Lindon, to make a film with him in which one would be President and the other Prime Minister. You see them discussing the roles, and rehearse, and act as a President and a Prime Minister. And the next scene they are back as the director and the actor of the film. It mixes so well fiction and reality that there comes a moment when you don’t know what you’re watching anymore. Everything blurs into this object of cinema that is so unique, you know you’ll never see anything like it ever again.


Valkyrie (2008) - I remember way back when this movie came out, people in this forum were already saying Tom Cruise's career was over, so it was highly undervalued and it helped me win my first ever slate in the post Fantasy Moguls world. Now, even the haters seem to acknowledge that he's an excellent action star, and was perfect for this well-crafted piece of historical fiction. And now, if you will, try to picture Rob Schneider during his SNL days: "Tom Cruise... killin' Nazis!"


The Departed (2006)


Hot Fuzz (2007) - Hot Fuzz is a film I initially only mildly liked. It was funny, but perhaps too silly. Probably not even Top 10 of the year let alone Top 100 of the last 16 years. Yet, I ended up rewatching it on TV, and I got more of it. I got the gags that were hiding within the gags, the little references buried in the flash-montages. Edgar Wright is incredibly impatient and that’s his strength, ensuring there are enough jokes every second. Plus, the point of the story, a city cop who uncovers a conspiracy in a idyllic town, is to satirise the need for perfection within upper classes of UK society, something I’m currently experiencing.


Shutter Island (2010) - I think when it comes to directors, Martin Scorsese has pretty much become set in stone as must see. His work with Leo Di Caprio steadily got better to this tour de force performance and clever storytelling- no I didn’t see the twist coming :) Shutter Island was also the first movie where I took real notice of Mark Ruffalo.


Seabiscuit (2003) – Spider-Man just missed the cut (the original, I mean), but I can’t gut out Tobey Maguire’s great turn in this sports film about the legendary racehorse that should not have been the great champion he was. But, like all true underdogs, he overcame his size and much ridicule to dominate Man O’ War and become an inspiration to Americans suffering through the Great Depression. Directed by Gary Ross (Big and the first Hunger Games movie), this film also starred Jeff Bridges, Elizabeth Banks, Chris Cooper, and William H. Macy.


Inglourious Basterds [2009] (Dir. Quentin Tarantino)


Warrior (2011) - The setup of Warrior is formulaic as could be: Two estranged brothers (Joel Edgerton and Tom Hardy, both outstanding) from a broken home end up re-connecting during a mixed martial arts tournament they both enter. While the premise is rife with potential for cheap melodrama, writer/director Gavin O'Connor prevents Warrior from ever descending into overly sappy bullshit by establishing a strong, believable emotional core through excellent character development and story structure. Even though you know exactly how it's going to end, the attachment you develop to the main characters makes the climax remarkably powerful and unforgettable.


Avatar (2009) - Yes you could argue the storyline is derivative, but you could also call it classic as so many stories have the same themes and story beats. There's a reason it sticks around, it works. My main reason of including it is of the awesome theater experience, we went to go see it at the Arclight in Hollywood. The 3D was amazing, probably the best I've seen so far, 7 years later. The huge screen and audience, the buttery popcorn, it was a fantastic, immersive experience. While we wait forever for the sequels, anyone think they could be this generations Star Wars, I think they have a shot. Guess we'll have to wait and see


The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) - The past five or so years they've released a lot of good movies in the teen drama genre. This is one of the best.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Chien (Pater): part doco-part fiction? Sounds very strange.
JohnErlie (Valkyrie): i remember the cast being impressive but annoyingly all had different accents (american, british, germanish), which kinda ruined the movie for me. But it wasnt bad at all.
Nico (The Depaaaarted): I really liked this movie. No, i didnt see the twist coming!
Six (Hot Fuzz): Like you six, the 2nd time i caught this it elevated from something like a 6/10 to a 8/10. I watched it a 3rd time recently and probably laughed more then the first two times altogether :)
Shryke (Seabiscuit): Ive never really liked Tobey Maguire, nor disliked him. This movie is probably one of his better performances (along with Pleasantville). Id give it a 6.5/10
Surfer (Inglourious Basterds): When i watched this in cinema (high as a kite), my friend fell asleep next to me...While from the opening scene i was absolutely hooked, almost scalped!
Tranny (Warrior): i remember when me and chien were visiting an English speaking cinema glanced at the titles and both said meh...Warrior was one of em up there. Totally wrong, it was a great movie.
UDM (Avatar): One of the most unremarkable (minus the 3D) movies ive ever seen in cinema twice! Then watched it on TV another 2/3 times. I guess its not that unremarkable in the end, Sam Worthington gave a good performance (showing he can carry a film), and was only topped by the movies villain imo. I think you could be right about this generations Star Wars, even if it did copy Dances with Wolves...
W (Perks of being a Wallflower): I remember not having this on any of my slates, then it turned out a decent PTA pick. But never watched it. Strange that i see Ezra Miller featured in 2 days now...and i havent watched both films...

All up, a very good round
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »

JohnErle, Valkyrie - Loved Valkyrie. It just missed my Top 100.

Nico, The Departed - Honestly, I didn't care for this film. Alec Baldwin was awesome, though.

Ron B, Shutter Island - One of my favorite Scorsese films.

Surfer, Inglourious Basterds - Will be coming up later on my list. Awesome choice.

Transformers, Warrior - barely remember it.

UDM, Avatar - Saw it, loved it in 3D, but it hasn't held up to repeat viewings. Still smacks of Dances With Wolves in Spaaaaaaace.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by undeadmonkey »

Chien (Pater): "Sounds very strange." ditto

JohnErlie (Valkyrie): i remember enjoying the movie, but i don't remember much else. I also remember seeing it right around the time i saw Inglorious Basterds, and while valkyrie was maybe more 'true'. Basterds was infinitely better.

Nico (The Depaaaarted): hated this movie. Honestly can't remember the exact reason why, but i wanted my money back.
Six (Hot Fuzz): I just did not get this, suppose you need to live in england...

Ron burgandy (Shutter Island): i really need to see this again, i wonder if i would put it on my list. i remember loving it at the time.

Shryke (Seabiscuit): Never saw it

Surfer (Inglourious Basterds): love it, will be on my list

Tranny (Warrior): i dont remember this movie,

W (Perks of being a Wallflower): I enjoyed this, but not enough to love it.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Chienfantome »

John, Valkyrie : A solid film I remember enjoying despite being often annoyed by the language issue of such a film, but it was a very decent action/historic film.

Nico, The departed : It's impossible for me not to like it as it's particularly efficient cinema, but it's also impossible for me not to compare it to the vastly superior original HK film made a few years earlier, Infernal Affairs.

Six, Hot Fuzz : Well, I haven't seen it since theater, and I really liked it back then, but as you say, it was far from Top 10 material. I guess I should watch it again.

Ron, Shutter Island : I had read Lehane's book, so I really wasn't surprised or amazed by it. It's good, but it's still a small Scorsese in my eyes.

Shryke, Seabiscuit : Haven't seen it since theater. I remember it was alright, I remember horses and Jeff bridges crying, not much else.

Surfer, Inglorious Basterds : I'm torn about this one, as there are two one the most vivid Tarantino scenes in it, the opning one at the farm and the one in the tavern with Diehl and Fassbender. But besides those two, there are several I don't like, and I'm really not a fan of the Melanie Laurent heroin of the resistance part of it which sounds phony. But it's still Tarantino, it's still good.

Tranny, Warrior : It was alright, solid story.

UDM : Objectively, it's a strong film. Subjectively, I was really annoyed by it, too much hype for a film that's not much more than Pocahontas or Dances with Wolves in space. And it's because of this film that we have so many 3D films since then :lol:

W, Perks : Another film that annoyed me. Way too many writing issues with this one that stick in my head years later. And a weak writing, coming from a writer adapting his own book, is a big no for me.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by numbersix »

Chien: Never heard of it. Post-modern takes on acting and film-making are more often than not a bore. I'm not sold ;)
John: Actually haven't seen it. Might check it out as it's on TV here quite frequently.
Nico: Good pick, a solidly entertaining film. Suspect it'll appear in a few other lists.
Ron: Unlike The Departed, I hated Shutter Island. It may look pretty, but it's essentially a M Night Shamalayan film, entirely reliant on a twist that doesn't make sense, if you think about it.
Shryke: Haven't seen it, but always reminds me of this:

Surf: I keep changing my mind about this. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I think it goes too far up QT's posterior. But I've rewatched it a few times so I guess it's a good one.
Tranny: Haven't seen it.
UDM: Sorry, but the 3D is the only thing I like about this film. It's so long, so irritating, so predictable. After True Lies Cameron consciously decided to make movies as simplistic and formulaic as possible and the sad thing is that it works. At least financially.
W: Haven't seen it. Some seem to adore it, others hate it.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Chienfantome »

numbersix wrote:Chien: Never heard of it.
Well it was in competition at Cannes in 2011 ;)
I can understand the suspicion, I was suspicious about it myself. But Cavalier's style is quite unique. I'm aware very few outside of France will ever have the chance to catch it, it's probably not easy to find it.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »



Valhalla Rising (2009) - There is nothing I love more in a film than when it take you somewhere unexpected. I saw Refn’s film months ahead of its release, knowing nothing about it except it was in the time of vikings. It left me absolutely fascinated. I think I saw expecting an action film with vikings and fights and blood. There is no such thing in the film, or so little. It’s much more of an emotional trip to a time of religious battles, filmed with grandeur but with little dialogues, and the magnetic presence of a silent Mads Mikkelsen. This is a mineral film from the outside, but once you plunge into it, it becomes visceral, and hypnotizing.


Into the Forest (2015) - Not to be confused with the Disney musical, this is the best Canadian movie about the apocalypse since Don McKellar's Last Night. And it was great to see Callum Keith Rennie with such an important role.


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)


Fish Tank (2009) - Andrea Arnold’s second film is a British classic, using the kitchen-sink social realist genre to tell the story about a working class girl with dance aspirations, who gets involved with her mother’s boyfriend. The film is one of the best coming-of-age dramas in the past few years, with convincing characters entering exciting and dangerous situations, all the while feeling utterly real.


Midnight in Paris (2011) - There’s only a handful of movies on my top 100 that I would have seen just once, Midnight in Paris is one of them. Granted I haven’t seen many Woody Allen films, this is still my favourite one from the director. Owen Wilson put in a strong performance and I was awestruck at how far he had come from the usual comedy roles like Wedding Crashers or Zoolander. On another acting note stealing the show when on screen as Salvador Dali is Adrien Brody with a fake nose, top notch stuff. Watching it in Paris at the time, I felt a special something, almost wanted to venture out and hope to find some way to go back into the 1920’s like Wilson’s character does. Of course, I ended up doing that another night, just without the time travelling stuff.


Over the Hedge (2006) – This was a silly little movie, to be sure, but I found it endearing. (Plus, it’s the first of 25 animated films on my list, so yeah, I’m a sucker for cartoons.) This story of a bunch of woodland creatures who must adapt when they find their forest encroached upon by suburban development. Featured the voices of Bruce Willis, Steve Carell, the late Garry Shandling, and William Shatner in a role he was born to play.


The Royal Tenembaums [2001] (Dir. Wes Anderson)


Dawn of the Dead (2004) - The film that introduced the cinematic world to esteemed fillmaker Zach Snyder served as my first exposure to zombie films and boy, what an introduction it was. The remake of George Romero's 1978 horror classic perfectly captures the claustrophobia, unrelenting terror and mass hysteria that you should feel when watching a zombie apocalypse play out on screen. I've since seen a few other films in the genre that I've liked more, but this is still a brilliant film that I feel doesn't get nearly the amount of credit it deserves,especially in a Walking Dead-obsessed pop culture climate.


King Kong (2005) - King Kong was the first movie I saw that i drove myself to. It will always remind me about that freedom you gain from being able to take yourself wherever you want to go. It also doesnt hurt that the film is made of two of my favorite genres, fantasy and time period. Story wise i loved everything before Kong comes to New York, once he gets there it seems like the story has nowhere to go but up and then dead (spoiler?). I understand its an iconic scene in the original, but i would have loved to see a more creative ending and see if you could have outdone the original. But hey there is always the next reboot. Weird note: also first movie that i had to go pee in the middle of the movie, i hate missing parts but when you gotta go, you gotta go.


Rat Race (2001) - It's basically the lowest common denominator of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World starring a billion 90's stars that were on the decline. It's a fun/funny watch with John Lovitz, Seth Green, Breckin Meyer, Mr. Bean, John Cleese, et al doing some of the dumbest comedy while racing for a fortune. I included Wayne Knight and Rowan Atkinson transporting a heart.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Buscemi »

W, I'd say Million Dollar Mystery is the lowest common denominator version of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Rat Race is at least funny and has an ending.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Chienfantome »


John, Into the Forest : I love Don McKellar's Last Night, a beautifully melancholic end-of-the-world film, so I hope I'll have a chance to check out this one.

Nico, Life Aquatic : A superb film, which might be in my own top later on ;)

Six, Fish Tank : I liked it, although it did not really stick with me through the years.

Ron, Midnight in Paris : One of Allen's best for sure, a film full of life and passion that makes you fall in love with Paris (even though I didn't need it), its atsmophere, its history. Good choice Ron, and watching it while you were in Paris was a great idea (I don't remember Brody having a fake nose in it though).

Shryke, Over the hedge : Mmmm, I think I've seen it on TV once, but can't remember it particularly.

Surfer, The Royal Tenenbaums : Another Wes Anderson this round, my only complaint guys is they arrive way too early in your tops ;)

Tranny, Dawn of the Dead : A solid zombie film, and a rare interesting remake.

UDM, King Kong : I agree with you, the first part on the island is fantastic, and the NY one is less. A reason why I'm very curious about the new one.

W, Rat Race : I haven't seen it, never was released in France I think !
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by numbersix »

Chien: Actually haven't watched this. I'm not a huge fan of his films, but his visuals are usually enough to keep me interested.
John: Haven't seen it, but it keeps getting mentioned. Must check it out.
Nico: Not my favourite Wes Anderson film, but still pretty good.
Ron: One of Woody's best offerings. Its theme about nostalgia being hollow resonates with this generation as much as any.
Shryke: Haven't seen it.
Surf: One of my favourite Wes Anderson films. I agree with Chien - it's too low on your list!
Tranny: Very enjoyable remake. Went for a different pace and tone, and totally worked.
UDM: Hated this film. Overlong, overblown, lots of secondary characters that don't work, with Naomi Watts being the one good thing about it. This was when Jackson lost himself in terms of action - that dinosaur gauntlet scene is so cartooney that all tension is lost, much like a lot of the action sequences in the Hobbit films.
W: Haven't seen it.

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