Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by Geezer »

One more round of Geezer's Great Picks and I'll be all caught up! Here we go!

66. Saw
63. LOTR: The Two Towers
62. The Blind Side

Even in your down rounds, you manage to hit three of my favorite movies!

66. The Big Lebowski
63. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
62. Shaun of the Dead

This has to be your best round yet! 3 picks is an improvement, so keep up the good work!

67. Office Space
61. Up

The wife takes a small step backward, however, but still manages two Great Picks!

69. The Lion King
68. Saving Private Ryan
66. Hot Rod
63. V For Vendetta
62. Rocky
61. 300

Here comes Tranny making a PUSH! Damn son, six Great Picks! Thats a new record! A full 60% of your films from this round are incredible. This will be tough to match from anybody in any round.

68. Ocean's Eleven
67. No Country For Old Men

A step back, but still two excellent selections.

Ron Burgundy
69. The Matrix
65. The Silence of the Lambs
64. Happy Gilmore

Another fairly consistent round from the Anchorman! That Matrix sure is popular around these parts.

70. Reservoir Dogs
68. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

At least you didn't get shut out two rounds in a row, and bounced back in a big way with these two.

69. Full Metal Jacket
66. Gran Torino
62. North By Northwest

I have to say, Chien, that although I haven't seen most of the films you list, the ones that I have seen, are excellent.

70. Jurassic Park
67. Die Hard
63. No Country For Old Men

You doubled your score Six! You now have Six haha! Congratulations!

70. The 40-Year-Old Virgin
67. Gone Baby Gone
66. Kill Bill Vol. 2 (sort of)
64. Juno
62. Harry Potter & Prisoner of Azkaban
61. Toy Story

My man Banks, what a round for you! This makes 10 of your last 20 as well. Except you only get a half point for only listing half a movie with Kill Bill v. 2, so Tranny still holds the record. Nevertheless, great choices. Well except for Crash. I should take a point away for that.

67. In Bruges
65. Jurassic Park
64. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

T:2 strikes again, as well as Jurrassic Park and In Bruges. Some repeat performers here!

69. Rocky
68. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
65. Se7en

Your best round so far, Leestu. Love the love for Rocky!

68. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
67. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
66. Austin Powers: Intl. Man of Mystery
61. The Lion King

Even if you don't back up your selections properly, I still end up loving a lot of them. Another four for your total here.

And the totals:

Shryke: 14
Surfer: 7
GA: 9
Tranny: 16
Ozzy: 8
Ron: 11
Boush: 5
Chien: 8
6: 6
Banks: 13.5
Barca: 10
Leestu: 7
W: 13

Tranny takes over the lead, and is hitting at a rate of 40%. Of course this was probably expected going into this process. everyone knows how similar our tastes are. Shryke, Banks and W trail right behind. Funny how these results are far different from the music countdown!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by silversurfer19 »

Thread Review

Shrykespeare: – Unfortunately for the most part this was a thread of movies which either were very average for me, or were movies I had little interest in seeing (bar the Gilliam movie). Your insistance on plugging animated movies which are for me not representative of some of the peaks in animation was a blight to the thread, if you avoided those then your list may have appeared a little better, with the interesting (if only for one viewing) Saw, the funny A Fish Called Wanda and The Two Towers being your best picks for me.

Favourite movie: Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
Average score: 6.08 (6 movies)
Overall score: 6.35

thegreenarrow: - A really good round, mixing some old classics like Black Narcissus, The Lady Vanishes, Giant, Rashomon and The Bicycle Thief with modern greats such as Up, Office Space and 28 Days Later. Indeed 7 of your movies have made my own list, probably your finest round so far, and I suspect we may find a lot more of our favourites crossing over from now on.

Favourite movie: Alien
Average score: 9.55 (wow!) (10 movies)
Overall score: 8.9

transformers: - To be honest, for the most part this wasn't really a round of yours I found much to love. Only one movie made my top 110, and the majority of the others were movies I care little for. Nothing I could say I would actively avoid, but not much I would ever switch on if given the chance either.

Favourite movie: V For Vendetta
Average score: 6.39 (8 movies)
Overall score:6.84

englishozzy: - For the most part a good round, with many movies I've thoroughly enjoyed, a couple which almost made my list, and one which did. Even your worst movies (Ocean's Eleven, Gangs Of New York, Bruce Almighty) are watchable, so keep it up.

Favourite movie: Vertigo
Average score: 7.72 (9 movies)
Overall score:6.90

Ron Burgundy:- A very solid round Ron, with the majority of the movies ones I really like and another one which made my own list. Great to see you join the group of terrorising six with Heat and The Matrix, and good to see some recognition for A History Of Violence and The Castle. A big improvement on the last few rounds, your average is shooting right up and even overtaking a fellow Aussie just above...

Favourite movie: The Matrix
Average score: 7.66 (9 movies)
Overall score:6.94

Buscemi: - How unfortunate that your opening five movies were awesome while your latter five were rather mediocre or I haven't watched them. Some really great picks from the first few, with a couple making my own list (Blade Runner on the same day!), while quite a few others were very close too. I really need to see An Inconvenient Truth one of these days, but I can't say I'll be looking for The Killer or Traffic any time soon.

Favourite movie: Reservoir Dogs
Average score: 8.33 (6 movies)
Overall score:7.65

Chienfantome: – If anything Chien, you've provided me with a stack of movies I need to watch, even if there are not that many I can rate. This round was a little better than usual, I'd seen 6 of your picks, and while none of those made my own list they are all movies I respect and enjoy when on tv. Two Lovers was a pleasant surprise I had the fortune to watch recently, and I think Philadelphia is on again in a couple of days so will have to rewatch that. Highest priority though is JSA.

Favourite movie: Heat
Average score: 7.25 (6 movies)
Overall score:7.18

numbersix: - Once again a pretty strong round, with a couple of your picks making my own list. I was surprised to see Die Hard on your list, it's a great action movie, just didn't see it being your type of movie. A few of your picks have gone on my must see list, hopefully Lost Highway will be in the realm of Lynch movies I can watch...

Favourite movie: Amelie
Average score: 8.71 (7 movies)
Overall score:8.86

Banks: - A very decent round Banks, plenty of recently released movies I respect and indeed own (I have 5 of your list on DVD), from the sublime Toy Story to the hilarious 40 Year Old Virgin. Crash was pretty much your only miss over the entire round, so keep it up.

Favourite movie: Toy Story
Average score: 7.5 (10 movies)
Overall score:7.12

BarcaRulz: - Another very good round Barca, filled with some really brilliant dramas and entertaining movies. Quite a few from your list were considered despite only 3 being picked for my own list, and Snatch was your only negative in a fantastic cluster of movies.

Favourite movie: The Devil's Backbone
Average score: 8.0 (10 movies)
Overall score:7.86

Geezer: - For the most part this was a very strong round Geez, with me liking virtually all your movies quite a lot (3 making my top 100), however, of those I haven't seen I don't really hold out much hope, so your average is probably all the better for me not knowing... With those last three movies though, wow, keep them up and you'll have easily made up for your brother's absence.

Favourite movie: Reservoir Dogs
Average score: 8.35 (7 movies)
Overall score:7.25

leestu:– After a shaky start your resumed with your now expected stellar picks, with four matching my own list and a couple of others which could have quite easily made it too. I do have to check Shane out one of these days though.

Favourite movie: Pan's Labyrinth
Average score: 8.27 (9 movies)
Overall score:8.30

W: - For the most part a very big improvement in my appreciation for your picks this round, W. Hopefully this trend will continue, as I didn't want your picks languishing much lower than everyone elses for long. Although only one of your picks made my own top 100 I did like your inclusion of Zoolander, Knocked Up and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, a few of the more recent comedies which offer a little more than the typical.

Favourite movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Average score: 7.14 (7 movies)
Overall score:6.53

Wow, Shryke is at the bottom...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by silversurfer19 »

By the way, I've found it interesting how there is such a definite divide between our favourite attributors on here. While I've found most of my taste in movies can be shared with buscemi, six, Chien, Leestu and my wife, I've noticed that the likes of Shryke, Geez, tranny, ozzy, Ron and W seem to have forged an alliance also. Of course there are a few of you who are blurring the line, but I guess for the most part it's a case of we, obviously get different things from our movies, and the former group are so low in quite a few others countdowns simply because the latter group haven't had the inclination to watch many of the movies we have (this is why I'm using an average score to assess our picks, as I find it a more accurate appraisal of our tastes than simply an assembly of what we have watched - everyone has their own systems though).

Anyway, interest to see, and I wonder once we hit our top 50s whether that will change (as I have noticed a definite improvement in terms of my appreciation of a few countdowns over the last round).

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by Geezer »

If I used an average score, it wouldn't be accurate because of all the movies I haven't seen. For example, if I see 2 out of ten of someone's films, and they both rate as 10s, then they get a ten for an average, but if i see 7 out of ten for someone else and they average an 8.2, their score is lower, but i probably am more in line with their tastes, simply because we watch more of the same films. For all I know I could despise the other 8 from person A, I just haven't seen them yet, so that average could be way off base. There is nothing skewed about posting a high volume of 9-10 caliber movies ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by silversurfer19 »

As I said, we each have our own systems, although over the course of 100 movies I think my average scoring system should even itself out.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by Geezer »

It works better for you because you have seen A LOT more movies than I. Your point before was very accurate, as there does seem to be a rift in the fantaverse here.... between the snobs, and us normal people!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by silversurfer19 »

I don't know if I've seen a lot more movies than you Geez, more so I have just watched different types of movie. I generally wouldn't go out of my way to watch your particular taste which is why we haven't really crossed paths with our picks so far, but I dare say that when we hit my top 50 a few more blockbusters will come into consideration and so we will maybe see some more similarities.

And I am a snob. Though I'm certain you're not normal...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by Chienfantome »

Here's my recap of the thread...

Films seen : 8 out of 10
Not a great round, Shryke. Most films are unremarkable, The Arrival, Chicken Run, Saw, Horton hears a who, Monsters vs Aliens. BUT. You've got a LOTR film. You've got Munchausen. You've got A fish called wanda. They save you ;)
Average grade : 6.1/10(since most people put grade, I'm gonna put some, but just for the recap)

Films seen : 7 out of 10
Impressive round, SS. Several of your films will appear in the coming days (weeks) in my own Top... I won't say how many ;) But how can you go wrong with 12 angry men, Blade Runner, Oldboy, The Big Lebowski and a good ol' Star Wars ? Still, my unappreciation of 2001 is to be underlined...
Average grade : A stellar 7.9

Seen : 8 /10
I can only say the same as I said to SS. Impressive set of films. And even more so, since you don't mention a film that bugs. Not a single one. Thanks to you, I have even seen Black Narcissus yesterday, and I loved it. Thank you ;)
Average grade : 7.6

Seen : 8/10
For the moment, your choices are 50/50 for me. There are films I love, and stuff I'm allergic to, like 300, V for Vendetta, or True Romance. Saving Private Ryan is the highlight of your round, easily.
Average grade : 6

Seen : 9/10
Some good stuff in this round, Ozzy. No overlap with my list, but some good films like Vertigo, Sunshine, American Beauty and Knocked Up. Even Gangs of New York. Sunshine is the highlight for me. But several stuff, Slumdog, Ocean's eleven and Bruce Almighty, to name them, I really don't like.
Average : 6.3

Ron B
Seen : 9/10
Too bad you've put this dispensable Adam Sandler film, Ron, and the overrated Scarface, otherwise this would have been an excellent round for you, one without false notes. Two films overlapped my list, and one could very well do so in the near future...
Average : 7.5

Seen : 7/10
This was a round of recent films for you Buscemi, not a single film older than the 80's. It's great that way, but I'm surprised coming from you. Anyway, there are great films in there, Reservoir Dogs, Blade Runner, Boogie Nights, Steve Zissou. I'm jealous you've seen The Killer and not me ;)
Average : 7.78 ! With no film lowering your average, it's impressive.

Seen : 7/10
I like this round of films of yours, Six. In fact, some films, I really, really love. You'll be surprised ;) Or maybe not that much surprised... The best round of all participants, according to my tastes, averaging an unbeatable 8.7 grade. Yep, 8.7 my friend.

Seen : 9/10
A mess of a round Banks, where the great (40 year old Virgin, Gone Baby gone, Batman...) shares space with the disappointing (True Lies especially !). But overall, it's a pretty decent set of film.
Average : 6.9

Seen : 10/10
Talking about the great mixed with the disappointing, you're good in that area too, Barca ;) Frost Nixon ? Snatch ? No thank you, but the rest is at least good, some excellent.
Average : 7.4

Seen : 8/10
T=Fortunately, I haven't seen Major Payne and Kung Pow, or else I have a feeling it would have seriously damaged your average grade ;) You still have 300 which I don't like, and Cinderalla Man which is pretty average, the rest is good. Very Good.
Average : 7

Seen : 8/10
An interesting set of films leestu, with a high tendency for dark films it seems... Pan's labyrinth, Seven, Usual Suspects, Barton Fink. Four excellent films.
Average : 7.1

Seen : 8
I sense an improvement in your choices of films, W. The first rounds where really hard, with almost only comedies , and most of them not memorable, to be gentle ;) But now, there is more diversity, and the comedies, Sarah Marshall, Knocked up, Zoolander, are really good ! Way to go buddy ! Plus the is Empire strikes back !! Yes !! (I know, there's also Attack of the clones...)
Average : 6.6
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by undeadmonkey »

68. Chicken Run - a fun little movie that was much more than i expected
66. Saw - fine i admit it was kinda of clever, but once you know the twist there isnt much to hold my attention, and i'm not one for much gore
65. Monsters vs. Aliens - didnt like it that much

69. Blade Runner - i understand waht the film was saying, but i didnt care for it
63. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - star wars is just classic fun, need to see them again

63. 28 Days Later… - one of the scariest films out there, love it
61. Up - isnt it amazing how these cartoons can have more emotion than most films that are 'meant' for grownups

67. Friday Night Lights - you really like these sport films huh, well this one wasnt too bad either

64. Sunshine - greatness was seen when i saw this
63. American Beauty - while most consider this a modern classic and even though i like the subject matter and enjoy most films about it, i dont care much for this one
61. Gangs of New York - good stuff, would definitely be in my top 200

Ron Burgundy
64. Happy Gilmore - one of sandlers worst

68. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - fun times
65. An Inconvenient Truth - propaganda and not entertaining one at that either
63. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - while i found it a decent use of 2 hours of my life, i have no will to see it again

63. No Country For Old Men - this does not qualify as a movie in my book. or i just missed the point, but i doubt it and i would never see it again to find out
62. Apocalypse Now - hate it, just not as much as the one above
61. Amelie - a fun little film, although dont like it quite as much as others seem to

67. Gone Baby Gone - very entertaining, although i havent really wanted to watch it since seeing it the first time

68. The Sixth Sense - creepy little flick, deserves its accolades

70. 300 - this is the problem with films that are solely about the visuals, their rewatchability lessens each time
68. The Prestige - fantastic, my favorite nolan

67. Pan's Labyrinth - an amazing adult fairytale
65. Se7en - love it

66. Austin Powers: Intl. Man of Mystery - was not expecting much from these films, i tend to hate these kind of flicks, but they are pretty hilarious

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by Ron Burgundy »

The Adventures of Baron Mucnhausen (1988)
Sounds as if it should be on my Must See List!
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Coming up later on my list, a big fav.
10/10, 9 views
The Blind Side (2009)
One film ive seen this month, and im glad I did, it was not anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. Bullock is actually not bad, and still pretty hot!
6.5/10, 1 view
Horton Hears a Who! (2008)
Good old animated fun. Good pick.
7/10, 2 views

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Really good for its age, and Kubrick is a genius.
7.5/10, 1 view
Star Wars: The Return Of The Jedi (1983)
Part of one the best trilogies going round.
8.5/10, 6 views
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Highly entertaining, great pick.
8.5/10, 3 views
Cape Fear (1962)
Didn’t G. Peck make To Kill a Mockingbird in the same year? Well anyway, this sounds good, maybe even better than the re-make.

The Bicycle Thief (1948)
Never heard of it.
28 Days Later… (2002)
Good zombie movie.
8/10, 1 view
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Already on my MS list.
Up (2009)
Good movie, but only seen once the whole way through.
7.5/10, 1 view

Clerks 2(2006)
I didn’t think much for this sequel, sorry to say I think its one of Smiths crappier flicks. I like J&SB strike back and Mallrats a lot better.
5/10, 1 view
V For Vendetta (2006)
Hard to dislike. Good pick.
8.5/10, 1 view
Rocky (1976)
Great classic boxing film with a classic hero.
8/10, 3 views
300 (2007)
Some good effects, and a good modern blockbuster to watch with the sound turned to 11.
7/10, 3 views

Sunshine (2007)
A great modern Sci-Fi with a good new younger cast who are already goin onto bigger things. Excellent pick.
10/10, 2 views
American Beauty (1999)
After seeing this, I thought this was what the US was really like…
7.5/10, 2 views
Knocked Up (2007)
Ill say it again, I don’t like Seth Rogen.
5/10, 1 view
Gangs of New York (2002)
Good movie.
6.5/10, 1 view

Traffic (2000)
Del Toro stands out in this. I should give this another go because I haven’t seen it for about 9 years. But as I remember it was pretty good.
7/10, 1 view
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (2004)
Watched this recently, and it was quite enjoyable. A great cast and a fairly original story, which is what you should expect from Wes Anderson. Good pick.
7.5/10, 1 view
The Unbearable Lightness Of Being (1988)
Well, I have not seen this from DDL, and anything from him is usually good.
The Killer (1989)
Sounds good, I will check it out.

Plein soleil (Purple Noon) (1960)
Philadelphia (1993)
Ive seen this ages ago, and I remember having seen most things by Tom Hanks and I thought, wow, so this is why he got famous!? Ditto for Denzel.
6.5/10, 1 view
North by Northwest (1959)
I just think this is a little overrated. I couldn’t seem to find why its rated so highly. It seems to have aged heaps.
5.5/10, 1 view
JSA: Joint Security Area (2000)
Well, if it’s the same guy that made Oldboy, then I should vault this right up the Must See List.

Akira (1988)
This reminds me of Ghost in the Shell (have you seen that?) in its whacked out Sci-Fi. I haven’t seen this for a while, but like you, it blew me away. Nice choice.
8/10, 1 view
No Country for Old Men (2007)
An entertaining movie, Javier Bardem is chilling.
7.5/10, 1 view
Apocalypse Now (1979)
I’m not sure if ive ever seen the original cut, so I cant really say much about the differences. But this is an absolute gem. If I ever went to war, id say this probably wouldn’t be far off from what id expect. Some amazing scenes with some marvellous performances.
10/10, 2 views
Amelie (2001)
Probably not the best movie to see with your mother, but still good.
7.5/10, 1 view

Juno (2007)
Watched this a few months ago, and I have mixed reviews. I liked Jason Batemans character and hated Juno. All the dialogue was not credible coming from this teen chick, and that’s what I thought every time I heard her talk. But I actually got through the movie so that cant be a bad thing.
5/10, 1 view
Crash (2004)
Did it deserve the Oscar? Im not sure, it wasn’t a bad movie but I cant remember what Crash was competing against. Some solid performances but it was a little sappy at times.
6/10, 1 view
Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
The best book, and also the best movie of the Harry Potter series. A shame we wont see greatness like this again from Harry and co.
8/10, 3 views
Toy Story (1995)
The 2nd greatest Pixar movie of all time. Good pick.
10/10, 6 views


Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Some great action scenes, and really good special effects for its day. Good solid movie.
7.5/10, 3 views
Snatch (2000)
One of my favs from Guy Ritchie who needs another one of these type movies, though Sherlock Holmes was a hit.
10/10, 4 views
The Devil’s Backbone (2001)
It sounds ok, I watched the trailer and it looked ok, but the title sounds awesome so I’ll give it a go sometime.
Requiem For a Dream (2000)
A really good movie, Jared Leto and Marlon Wayans arguably gave their best performances here. Great direction too.
8.5/10, 1 view

Cinderella Man (2005)
Im looking forward to the fighter too, and I always enjoy Russell Crowe movies so this was great.
7.5/10, 2 views
Jurassic Park (1993)
Not a bad action/adventure blockbuster of the 90s. Not bad at all.
6.5/10, 2 views
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
It appeared on my list earlier, so yeah I love it.
9.5/10, 4 views
Sin City (2005)
Watched the second half of this recently and it has not lost anything on me, an absolute fav of mine.
10/10, 5 views

leestuThe Blair Witch Project (1999)
For some unknown reason I have not seen this.
King Kong (1933)
The Usual Suspects (1995)
One of my all time favs, I have more to say on it later.
10/10, 5 views
Barton Fink (1991)
I should watch this, especially if Goodman was great.

Knocked Up (2007)
Another one I did not expect to see here, im not sure why but I just don’t like Seth Rogen, I don’t think he was funny in anything apart from Superbad. Watchable but not much more.
5/10, 1 view
Dirty Work (1998)
I actually have seen this one, I used to really like Norm McDonald, back in the days where the Norm show and the Drew Carey show were on weeknights. But sadly its been so long that I cant really remember it well enough to rate this one
Star Wars Episode II: The Attack of the Clones (2002)
A big surprise to see this here, its certainly not a bad movie but its not among my fav in the Star Wars saga, and I prefer The Phantom Menace too. But I did enjoy watching Yoda kick ass the first time.
5.5/10, 3 views
The Lion King (1994)
One of the all time classic Disney movies.
7/10, 4 views
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Ron Burgundy
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #4): 70-61

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Thread review. Ep 4

ShrykeSome good stuff in this round, and had it not been for Monsters Vs Aliens i would have given you equal top avg for this round. But still impressive with stuff like Chicken Run, Saw and The Two Towers.
Rnd Avg: 7.78
Total Avg: 7.63
Rnd Movies Seen: 7
Total Movies Seen: 34/40
Approx Viewings: ~140
Must See Movie: Diggstown

SilversurferStill chugging along with some amazing movies SS, you avg tells the story. But you've chosen 2 that cross over my own list and another great film in the Big Lebowski. But the incredible thing is that ive seen 8 of the 10 movies this round compared to the 12/30 overall before this. Well done mate, keep it coming.
Rnd Avg: 8.31
Total Avg: 8.15
Rnd Movies Seen: 8
Total Movies Seen: 20/40
Approx Viewings: ~61
Must See Movie: Cape Fear (1962)

thegreenarrow Only seen 4 from you this round but you still manage to avg over 8. Which should come as no surprise when you pick 3 potential top 100 fantaverse movies; Office Space, Alien & 28 Days Later. And ive also see half of Rashomon which is on equal footing with those. Will make an effort to see some of the older flicks you have chosen.
Rnd Avg: 8.34
Total Avg: 7.94
Rnd Movies Seen: 4
Total Movies Seen: 18/40
Approx Viewings: ~47
Must See Movie: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof/Rashomon

transformersA fairly decent round for you TF, with some solid picks like Rocky, V for Vendetta and True Romance and if it hadn't been for Hot Rod you would have got an even better score. And also you unbelievable run of 30 something straight movies seen sadly ends here, even though ive seen some of Friday Night Lights, ive never watched the entire thing. But still 39 out of 40 aint bad!
Rnd Avg: 6.78
Total Avg: 7.26
Rnd Movies Seen: 9
Total Movies Seen: 39/40
Approx Viewings: ~118
Must See Movie: Friday Night Lights

EnglishozzyThis round could have been worse for you ozzy, you saved yourself from an ordinary round with Sunshine and No Country for Old Men. I know theres gonna be some good stuff to come from you as 4 or 5 of you films have crossed mine. I just dont rate Slumdog Millionaire though.
Rnd Avg: 6.56
Total Avg: 7.14
Rnd Movies Seen: 9
Total Movies Seen: 33/40
Approx Viewings: ~95
Must See Movie: Shane

BooshSome really good stuff with Reservoir Dogs and T2. And Some of ya other stuff ive gotta see too. Solid overall but i expected better with your high standard.
Rnd Avg: 7.35
Total Avg: 8.05
Rnd Movies Seen: 7
Total Movies Seen: 19/40
Approx Viewings: ~66
Must See Movie: The Unbearable Lightness of Being

ChienOnly 5 that ive seen from you Chien, but still 2 of the best with Full Metal Jacket and Heat. I like your foreign choice, it gives me something different to seek out. Note, before i mixed up you North by Northwest movie with Vertigo, i actually enjoy N by NW, and i give it a 7/10.
Rnd Avg: 7.6
Total Avg: 7.8
Total Movies Seen: 15/40
Approx Viewings: ~37
Must See Movie: JSA: Joint Security Area

Number6 The run of quality keep on rolling, Die Hard and Apocalypse Now are 2 of my favs while you averaged nothing below 7. I wonder how it would go if i had seen the films i haven't watched yet. Lost Highway and Strangers on a Train have shot right up the Must See List.
Rnd Avg: 8.33
Total Avg: 8.45
Total Movies Seen: 20/40
Approx Viewings: ~50
Must See Movie: Lost Highway

BanksSolid round with 2 that crossover from my list; True Lies and one i wont name yet.
Rnd Avg: 7.33
Total Avg: 7.43
Total Movies Seen: 34/40
Approx Viewings: ~115
Must See Movie: Heathers

BarcaWell, ive finally dug up you old flicks and now i can come up with an average for you. Some really quality stuff from you such as In Bruges, Snatch and Requiem For A Dream which lands you a great avg. Look forward to seeing you next list.
Rnd Avg: 7.94
Total Avg: 7.6
Total Movies Seen: 29/40
Approx Viewings: ?
Must See Movie: The Devils Backbone

Geez10/10 films ive seen from you this round, good stuff, with a decent avg too. Well done. Sin City is such a good, no awesome movie.
Rnd Avg: 7.55
Total Avg: 7.74
Total Movies Seen: 35/40
Approx Viewings: ~157
Must Buy Movie: SIn City

LeestuWIth stuff like Se7en and the Usual Suspects you attain a fantastic 8 avg this round. Good stuff. And i did watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High in the meantime, which was decent enough.
Rnd Avg: 8
Total Avg: 7.76
Total Movies Seen: 17/40
Approx Viewings: ~45
Must See Movie: King Kong

WNot a bad round for you W, but a couple which brought your avg down a bit. Zoolander is the highlight
Rnd Avg: 6.94
Total Avg: 7.21
Total Movies Seen: 31/40
Approx Viewings: ~116
Must See Movie: Dirty Work (rewatch)
“One time I wrestled a giraffe to the ground with my bare hands.” — Dale

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