Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by silversurfer19 »

Yikes, I've have 15 overlapping movies so far!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by Leestu »

Continuing my wrap up of 100 - 91....

Banks: There is not much from your list that matches up with my taste so far. I have only seen 4 of them and 2 of those I really didn't like (Me, Myself and Irene,& Cruel Intentions,) I get the attraction of Grease although I have seen it so many times, starting with at the drive ins when i was about ten, that the appeal has really worn thin and I now find it cringe worthy to watch. Kung Fu Panda is probably the only film I really liked, and The Royal Tenenbaums is the only film that I really want to see, although I will get around to Slumdog Millionaire one day.

Barca: From what I have seen off your list you have chosen some pretty decent movies, like Raging Bull and A Fish Called Wanda. I used to love A Fish Called Wanda and it probably would have made my list a long time ago, but over time the appeal has faded somewhat. One of your movies is still to come on my list.

Geezer: Even though going into this I knew my movie tastes were widely divergent from yours you still managed to pick one movie that will be on my list, albeit very close to the opposite end of the countdown to where you chose it. Apart from that Home Alone is probably the highlight, and I don't even really like it, I just enjoying watching it with my kids and seeing them enjoy it. I did like Nicholas Cage in Gone in 60 Seconds but the movie itself was pretty silly, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was such a disappointment. A great director and a great premise but it ended up such a snoozefest and I failed to connect to it in any way. I just felt nothing at the bits I could tell I was meant to as a viewer.

JohnL: Even if I don't like a lot of the movies on your list I am still finding it interesting, mainly because of the musically oriented or themed picks. Anvil is the highlight for me, that really is a documentary worth watching, even if you don't like metal, and I am actually really intrigued by What We Do Is Secret. I will probably try to add that to my to watch queue.

W: One awesome movie that will be high on my list, a couple of better than average ones like Awakenings and The Blues Brothers, and Heath Ledger makes 10 Things I Hate About You better than it probably should be, but apart from that I don't know, there's not much that appeals to me. Although Highlander was alright in a 'don't take it seriously' sort of way. The surprise was Tommy Boy. I must admit that I have seen it and I never would have thought it would have made anyone's list of favourites but obviously I was wrong. Mom and Dad Save the World looked uber-silly from the trailer and not in a good way. I was laughing, but not at the jokes themselves, just at how stupid the jokes were.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by Geezer »

I'm going to dole out some "Geezer's Great Picks!" for the round. All great picks are films I would give a 9 or better.


99. Aladdin
98. A Few Good Men
91. The Terminator


none, but starship Troopers comes the closest.


93. District 9


96. Ocean's Eleven
94. Meet the Parents


94. Independence Day

Ron Burgundy

92. Die Hard: With a Vengeance


95. Inception


100. Pineapple Express


96. Raiders of the Lost Ark


none, but I enjoyed Me, Myself and Irene, and Demolition Man is a hoot.


93. Braveheart


100. Talladega Nights: Ballad of Ricky Bobby
99. Heavyweights
98. Billy Madison
96. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
95. Joe Dirt

(I told you our tastes were similar)


I haven't seen a single film on your list.


95. Aladdin
91. The Blues Brothers

Tally so far:
Shryke: 3
Surfer: 0
GA: 1
Tranny: 2
Ozzy: 1
Ron: 1
Boush: 1
Chien: 1
6: 1
Banks: 0
Barca: 1
John: 5
Leestu: 0
W: 2
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Ok, im going to try and review, its gonna take a bit. Sorry bout the lateness


Bruce Almighty (2003)
7/10, 4 viewings
Good movie, bad sequel though.

L.A. Confidential (1997)
10/10, 7 viewings
Really really good pick, one of my favs

Flushed Away (2006)
7.5/10, 1 viewing
Enjoyable and entertaining. Only just watched a few months ago.

Fantastic Four (2005)
6/10, 2 viewings
Not one of my fav Superhero flicks but its ok.

The Terminator (1984)
7.5/10, 3 viewings
Arnie is pretty awesome in just about every action flick he does.


Peeping Tom (1960)

Requiem For A Dream (2000)
9/10, 1 viewing
Wasn't far off from making my own list, and deserves a rewatch. good pick

Starship Troopers (1997)
9/10, 5 viewings
Great movie, Verhoeven loves making fun of the genre.

Robin Hood (1973)

Dead Man's Shoes (2004)
I should watch this, it looks great. How did i never hear of this?


12 Angry Men (1957)
10/10, 3 viewings
One of my favs, terrific pick

Oldboy (2003)
9.5/10, 1 viewing
An impressive film, everyone who loves a good story should watch this, it may shock you

District 9 (2009)
7.5/10, 4 viewings
At first i loved it to bits, but after repeat viewings i just couldnt find why i liked it so much in the first place

The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)

Fargo (1995)
8.5/10, 3 viewings
One of Buscemi's finest performances. Great movie


Airplane! (1980)
6.5/10, 2 viewings
Funny, but a little aged

Meet The Parents (2000)
8.5/10, 8 viewings
Hilarious at times. And has some awkward bits too to boot.

Coach Carter (2005)
6/10, 1 viewing
good but not great

Me, Myself and Irene (2000)
8/10, 6 viewings
Loved this heaps, but still a great Carrey flick

Zack and Miri Make A Porno (2008)
5/10, 1 viewing
Didnt really make me laugh but it was watchable


Iron Man (2008)
10/10, 6 viewings
Probably the best Superhero movie out there, if not top 3

Independence Day (1996)
6/10, 6 viewings
Did like it heaps back when i was a kid

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
10/10, 7 viewings
Excellent choice

Underworld (2003)
5/10, 2 viewings
Didnt deserve 2 sequels

Platoon (1986)
10/10, 3 viewings
a great war film, Sheen and Depp in the same movie, it wont happen again

Ron Burgundy

Brick (2005)
Gettin’ Square (2003)
Minority Report (2002)
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Rambo: First Blood Part 2 (1985)


Inception (2010)
9/10, 2 viewings
Missed out on making my list, just, it may appear on it in a few years

The Diving Bell and The Butterfly (2007)
8.5/10, 1 viewing
A sad but apparrently true movie, good pick

RoboCop (1987)
7.5/10, 2 viewings
Not bad, not bad at all

Monty Python and The Holy Grail (1975)
10/10, 15+ viewings
Such a comedy classic, Cleese and Idle in peak form

Superman (1978)


La meglio gioventu (The Best of Youth) (2003)

Zodiac (2007)
6/10, 1 viewing
Probably should watch again, it just didnt do it for me the first time

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
One day ill give this a go

Les Patriotes (The Patriots) (1994)

Donnie Darko (2001)
6/10, 2 viewings
A little overrated i think. But Gyllenhaal plays his part pretty well


A Woman Under the Influence (1974)
Should watch this one

The Shining (1980)
10/10, 2 viewings
Kubrick, Nicholson, my fav horror/thriller

Naked (1993)
Have not seen, nor heard of

Sounds good, it will appear on my list

Point Blank (1967)
as above


Grease (1978)
7/10, 10 viewings
Not actually that bad of a film, we did a play on it in school, so we watched it a bit

O (2001)
Have not seen

Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
4/10, 1 viewing
Why dont i like this? Well i think its boring. Just me

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Blood Diamond (2006)
9.5/10, 3 viewings
Great movie.


Lord of War (2005)
Watched while drunk, cant remember

A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
8/10, 2 viewings
Very funny at times

Braveheart (1995)
7.5/10, 6 viewings
Good film, epic scene.

L.A Confidential (1997)
10/10, 10 viewings
A pretty special movie, it will appear on my list later

Kick-Ass (2010)
6.5/10, 1 viewing
Overrated bigtime, but not a bad movie, how did it get in the imdb top 250?


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
6/10, 1 viewing
A little long, like some people said, and a strange if original idea.

Gone in 60 Seconds (2000)
8/10, 7 viewings
Entertaining, I like Cage's movies generally

Miracle (2004)

Tropic Thunder (2008)
8/10, 4 viewings
Downey jnr is great, and those fake previews are terrific

The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
7.5/10, 1 viewing
Not bad, DDL is a fine actor


Joe Dirt (2001)
6/10, 3 viewings
Its ok

Anvil: The Story of Anvil (2008)
5.5/10, 1 viewing

What we Do Is Secret (2008)

Wassup Rockers (2006)

Friday (1995)
7.5/10, 4 viewings
Tucker is great and this is probably Ice Cube’s best movie


Europa Europa (1990)

Purple Rain (1984)

The Castle (1997)
9.5/10, 5 viewings
One of my favourite Aussie movies, an absolute gem
Wong Fei Hung (Once Upon A Time In China) (1991)

Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
I have this on DVD but haven’t watched it, its going on my list


Aladdin (1992)
9.5/10, 20+ viewings
An old fav

The Shining (1980)
10/10, 2 viewings
A real pleasure to watch

Big Daddy (1999)
6.5/10, 3 viewings
Not bad

The Island (2005)
5.5/10, 1 viewing
Wow, you got a battering for choosing this one. Sorry W, its not really for me either

The Blues Brothers (1980)
7.5/10, 2 viewings
If this is regarded as a musical, which I guess it is, it might be my fav
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Ok, here is the top 100-91 breakdown

8 Avg, 9 flicks, 51 viewings

9.17 Avg, 3 flicks, 7 viewings

8.08 Avg, 6 flicks, 15 viewings

7.15 Avg, 10 flicks, 32 viewings

8.21 Avg, 7 flicks, 32 viewings

6.5 Avg, 3 flicks, 4 viewings

8.5 Avg, 6 flicks, 24 viewings

9.5 Avg, 3 flicks, 10 viewings

7 Avg, 8 flicks, 34 viewings

7.5 Avg, 7 flicks, 22 viewings

7.72 Avg, 9 flicks, 46 viewings

9 Avg, 2 flicks, 6 viewings

7.61, 9 flicks, 38 viewings

1. How to Train Your Dragon
2. Young Frankenstein
3. Nueve Reinas
4. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
5. Drag Me to Hell
6. Rosemary's Baby
7. The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
8. Poltergiest
9. Wong Fei Hung (Once Upon a Time in China)
10. A Women Under the Influence
11. The Taking of Pelham 123 (1974)
12. Point Blank (1967)
13. Lifeboat
14. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
15. Metropolis
16. Mr Smith Goes to Washington
17. Les Patriots (The Patriot)
18. Candy
19. Lord of War
20. Punch Drunk Love
21. Superman
22. Abre Los Ojos (open your eyes)
23. Two Lane Black Top
24. Miracle
25. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
26. Accepted

John L
7.5 Avg, 5 flicks, 27 viewings
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by Buscemi »


A Few Good Men - a good movie, if a little overhyped. Nicholson is memorable though.

Sleeping Beauty - a very beautiful Disney film and probably one of their best. The design and music is also top-notch.

This Is Spinal Tap - one of the best parody films of all-time. Guest, McKean and Shearer sure know how to make the audience laugh.

Lethal Weapon - always entertaining to watch. All of the actors brought their A-game here. Surprising that Richard Donner didn't expect it to be a big movie (it was one of his lower-budgeted films and was simply intended as a small drama).

The Wedding Singer - good but there are a few Sandler films I like more.

Open Your Eyes - very good movie showcasing Amenabar's talent (I didn't like The Others though). Much better than the bad remake Vanilla Sky (which is only worth watching for Kurt Russell's few minutes).

Demolition Man - best when not taken seriously. Definitely a good camp film.

Nine Queens - very good heist thriller. The remake is just as good but the original wins out.

Home Alone - one of my favorites when I was younger. The traps are the best part.

Billy Madison - another one of my favorites when I was younger. "You ain't cool unless you pee your pants!"

Poltergeist - effective supernatural thriller with atmosphere and effects serving as the scares and an extremely believable cast. I think of Paranormal Activity as being its modern-day counterpart.

Awakenings - Williams and De Niro both are great and Penny Marshall (who I wished directed more often) goes against type quite well as director (she's mostly known for comedies such as Big).
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by Buscemi »


Accepted - saw this at the drive-in with Invincible. Pretty typical second feature material but not bad. The director's follow-up (Hot Tub Time Machine) was way better.

Before Sunrise - good Linklater film. The sequel was better though.

Rebel Without A Cause - no surprise that this was a great film. James Dean was deserving of his legend status.

Waiting - hated this movie. Had it been more Christopher Guest-type humor, I would have liked it. Instead, it's an American Pie reject set in a restaurant.

My Left Foot - Day-Lewis gives a very heartbreaking performance. It's a depressing but worthwhile film.

The Fearless Vampire Killers - not one of Polanski's best (probably due to the executive meddling) but not too bad.

The Taking Of Pelham One Two Three - nice against-type turn for Matthau. I do enjoy these type of 1970's thrillers.

Cruel Intentions - major gulity pleasure. It's not often where you have a movie about incest, sexuality, murder, drug use and blackmail be so fun. However, my favorite Dangerous Liaisons adaptation is probably Milos Forman's Valmont.

Pan's Labyrinth - didn't care for it. I found it too slow and was disappointed that the jerkass father didn't get what was coming to him (I seriously wanted the ending to be that he was behind everything). I thought MirrorMask and Tideland did a better job with the same premise.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - the weakest of the Lord of the Rings films. Despite a few good moments (including Christopher Lee's excellent performance), it's actually quite boring and could have used 30 minutes of cuts (reportedly, there is a 145 minute fan cut that is much faster-paced and more accurate to the book).

The Simpsons Movie - faithful feature-length version of the series and way better than the show entire output since late 1997.

Candy - I didn't like this movie. Heath Ledger was a very hit-or-miss actor in his career and this was one of the misses. Extremely pretentious and the premise has been done much better before.

Tommy Boy - I am a big fan of Chris Farley's work (he died way too soon) and this is easily my favorite of his movies. Plenty of good lines too (fat man in a little coat!).
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by undeadmonkey »

going to see if i can catch up and maybe join you guys in the top fifty, if you'll have me.


99. Aladdin - great movie. some of the funniest disney sidekicks

98. A Few Good Men - i know i've seen it, but it's been so long that i do not remember much

97. Accepted - a fun movie, it also started my crush on blake lively

95. Bruce Almighty - interesting choice, thought it was fun enough when i saw it, but have never had the urge to see it again, plus it had an awful sequel, but who am i to judge, one of my favorite movies has one of the worst sequels ever.

93. Flushed Away - i wanted to like this movie but i just couldnt. very drab for me

92. Fantastic Four - again, fun. but not something i would ever consider to be great.

91. The Terminator - everybody hails T2 as the great one in the franchise, but i think this film is far better.

havent seen
100. The Fugitive
96. Payback
94. L.A. Confidential


100. Giant - I saw this about 6 months ago, and i couldnt stand the length, i think by the 2nd hour i started forwarding the boring parts and yet the next hour and a half seemed just as long. I just couldnt come to care about the characters and wasn't interested enough. There were some great performances though, specially by james dean.

99. Princess Mononoke - absolutely love this movie, stunning visuals, great characters and story. its a tossup between this and another film as my favorite anime.

98. Sleeping Beauty - being one of the disney classics, i know the story, but i haven't seen it since kindergarten so i can't really say that i remember the movie.

96. Lifeboat - wow, did not expect this to show up on anybody's list, fascinating little movie with a few great performances. Although i felt some of the scenes to be a bit contrived, I think that Tallulah Bankhead was the sole reason for it working, well also hitchcocks mastery, but thats almost a given. It's a shame Ms Bankhead didn't do more films, as she was so captivating onscreen, but her love for the stage kept her doing that more often.

93. Starship Troopers - another little shocker, i thought it was only a mildly decent parody, seems you thought it was a bit more

92. Robin Hood - i'm guessing that this is the animated one, its been way too long since i've seen this

haven't seen
97. Before Sunrise
95. Peeping Tom (and had never heard of before, seems downright creepy)
94. Requiem For a Dream
91. Dead Man's Shoes


100. Chocolat - loved this movie, the leads had such great chemistry

99. Scream - i've seen it, but the only thing i remember is, the now iconic, ghostface

98. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial - a classic and such a great movie about friendship

96. Drag Me to Hell - i did not enjoy this movie when it came out

95. 12 Angry Men - saw this a few years ago, and for mostly taking place in one room it was pretty intense. they sure could make movie cheaply back then, one set, a few actors.

93. District 9 - interesting choice, i love this movie, but to be honest, i'm not quite sure this will be one of those great classics a few decades from now

havent seen

97. Rebel Without a Cause (on my must see list though)
94. Oldboy - i've been spoilered about this movie, and knowing the ending i dont really want to see it
92. The Postman Always Rings Twice (never heard of either, but sounds intriguing. )
91. Fargo


100. Layer Cake - did not enjoy this movie, and dont remember much either

96. Ocean's Eleven - i really enjoy this movie every time i see it

94. Meet the Parents - definitely was not expecting much, but i have to admit i laughed a lot

93. Coach Carter - one of the better sports films i've seen.

92. Me, Myself and Irene - not a big jim carrey fan, but this i was decent enough as far as i remember. hopefully ace ventura wont show up, because i hate those.

91. Zack and Miri Make a Porno - watched it, didn't laugh, was kinda bored, i didnt see the point.

havent seen

99. Caddyshack
98. This is Spinal Tap
97. Sling Blade (never heard of before, but sounds very interesting)
95. Airplane!


99. How to Train Your Dragon - wow, so soon eh. it is very rare that i see a movie and i immediately exclaim 'wow that blew my mind its got to be one of the best films i've ever seen'. grant it, it does happen, but usually it takes a while for me appreciate a movie fully. as for dragon, i thought it was fun, but not great.

95. Iron Man - am i the only one who didn't really care for this movie. so many people say, it's such a refreshing and unique superhero movie. all i say was a somewhat entertaining downey jr with a bland as can be villian and a story arch that you see in so many other fillms

94. Independence Day - loved it the first time that i saw it, but i was also 7. but i think it's great that you can still enjoy it.

havent seen
100. Superbad (and don't care to see it either)
98. Lethal Weapon
97. Waiting… (was this ever released theatrically? because i can't remember. i do have to say that this movie was rented out constantly, when i used to work at the movie store.)
96. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
93. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
92. Underworld
91. Platoon

Ron Burgundy

100. Food, Inc. - interesting choice, although, i knew all already that the film revealed, it seems there are a lot of people that dont.

98. The Wedding Singer - this was a sweet forgettable movie

96. Monsters, Inc. - i like this movie, ranks in the middle of pixars films for me, but also it really just makes me miss Ah!!! Real Monsters i loved that show when it was on

95. Brick - i know this is considered as something substantial by some of you peeps, but i've seen it twice now, and without reading the synopsis i would not of been able to tell you what it was about.

93. Minority Report - i dont know why, but i really like this movie

havent seen
99. Dog Day Afternoon
97. My Left Foot (hadn't heard of this, i'm very intrigued, will have to go on my maxed out netfilx queue)
92. Die Hard: With a Vengeance
91. Rambo: First Blood Part 2
94. Getting' Square (hadnt heard of this before, but it doesnt really entice me)


99. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - saw this once in school, high school maybe, dont remember much about it

96. Star Trek - definitely enjoy this movie, not top 100 for me i dont think, but maybe top 200

95. Inception - Nolan fanboys will eat up anything the director dishes out by now and its completely useless having any kind of conversations with them as they see him as someone who can do no wrong. but this movie has some serious problems and it wasn't all that clever as everybody thinks.

92. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - ooooh, i loathe this movie. i had to watch it once and i just hated it. i can not stand this kind of comedy

91. Superman - i've seen it, but i've never seen it in one sitting or in order, so i cant really judge it.

havent seen

100. 2001: A Space Odyssey
98. Two-Lane Blacktop
97. Young Frankenstein
94. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
93. RoboCop


100. Pineapple Express - i didn't want to like this movie, but i ended up laughing quite a few more times than i expected to.

91. Donnie Darko - i liked it when i saw it, but now im not quite sure if it was brilliant or if i was tricked somehow.

havent seen
99. Splendor in the Grass (one of my top must see films)
98. Abre los ojos (Open Your Eyes)
97. The Fearless Vampire Killers
96. Un air de famille (Family Resemblances)
95. La meglio gioventu (The Best of Youth)
94. Zodiac
93. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
92. Les Patriotes (The Patriots)


99. The Assassination of Jesse James - brilliant film, perfect example of a long and slow film that can be captivating, intense and gripping. fantastic cinematography as well

98. Memento - such a boring movie, with a cheap parlor trick to try and present his movie as unique.

96. Raiders of the Lost Ark - great fun movie

92. Metropolis - saw this in class, fell asleep, woke up and movie was still on, so i left. tried watching it for the second time, but just couldnt do it, maybe someday as i hear it is supposed to be a classic

havent seen
100. Dawn of the Dead (really want to though)
97. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
95. A Woman Under the Influence (hadnt heard of before, it seems depressing)
94. The Shining
93. Naked
91. Point Blank


100. Me, Myself, and Irene - see above

99. Kung Fu Panda - almost as great as Shrek, had some great voicework as well

97. Cruel Intentions - wouldnt call this great by any means, but i could see it as a guilty pleasure.

94. O - hmmm, i didn't like this movie, would much rather see a play version.

93. Slumdog Millionaire - fantastic film with so much heart.

92. Punch-Drunk Love - i did not get this movie when i saw it, i remember actually being pissed after finishing the movie for wasting my time.

91. Blood Diamond - fun action romp with some decent performances.

havent seen
98. Demolition Man
96. The Royal Tenenbaums
95. Grease


97. Pan's Labyrinth - love this. a dark creepy fairy tale, much more akin to the actual fairy tales of old, not the sweet disneyfied versions

91. Kick-Ass - you must of really liked it, me, i thought it was sorely overrated.

havent seen

100. Dawn of the Dead
99. Raging Bull
98. Nueve Reinas
96. Welcome to Collinwood
95. Lord of War
94. A Fish Called Wanda
93. Braveheart
92. L.A. Confidential


100. A Knight's Tale - haha, such a fun movie, not sure if i would include it in my own top 100 , but i would definitely not change the channel if it was ever on

99. Cloverfield - do not like.

98. Home Alone - love it, such great memories

97. LOTR: The Two Towers - of course fantastic, but i cant see it as three movies. i've always read the books as one , and i see the movies as one long movie as well

95. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - more on this later, as this one i am sure will be on my own list

havent seen

96. Rocky III
94. Gone in 60 Seconds
93. Miracle
92. Tropic Thunder
91. The Last of the Mohicans (although i've been meaning to see it for the longest time)


96. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - so low eh, its been far to long since i've seen the original trilogy, think it was back in 2005

havent seen

100. Talladega Nights: Ballad of Ricky Bobby
99. Heavyweights
98. Billy Madison
97. The Simpsons Movie
95. Joe Dirt
94. Anvil: The Story of Anvil
93. What We Do Is Secret
92. Wassup Rockers
91. Friday


100. Amelie - beautiful movie though i dont quite get the great significance as others seem to

99. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - a classic, truly enjoyed it. great performances.

98. Poltergeist - didn't like, nor the sequel

95. Europa Europa - decent WWII film, but i didn't think the lead was quite good enough to carry such a film on his shoulders.

havent seen

97. Candy
96. Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan
94. Purple Rain (did not know there was a movie with prince in it)
93. The Castle
92. Wong Fei Hung (Once Upon a Time in China)
91. Rosemary's Baby (been wanting to see this for a long time as well)


99. 10 Things I Hate About You - has to be one of the better high school movies out there. nice choice

97. Tommy Boy - dont like

95. Aladdin :D

93. Big Daddy - one of the best sandler films.

92. The Island - johanssen was so hot in this movie, i didn't want them to cut her up

havent seen

100. Mom and Dad Save the World (had never heard of before, and it looks insane)
98. Awakenings
96. Highlander
94. The Shining
91. The Blues Brothers

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by becs »

Food, Inc - wow, I can't believe how many of you a) haven't seen this, and b) have no clue what it was about. It has absolutely nothing to do with anti-meat eating, the film is about the corruption and inhumaity of Agribusiness and factory farming. There are numerous great films on the topic that go more in depth (Future of Food, The World According to Monsanto, etc) but Food, Inc is pretty much the most viewer-friendly option. If you are only going to include one doc in your list this is a great choice.

Chocolat - LOVE this film, it was in my top 100 back when we did it at the old site. The visuals are great and the way the storyline of the villiage gradually breaking free from the opression/legalism of the church plays out is brilliant. The performances from Depp, Molina, Dench and Binoche were all wonderful, and the visuals stunning. And then of course there is the chocolate :)

Knight's Tale - Much like 10 Things, the performances and sarcastic humor elevate this beyond the mere romcom it could have been. Surely it's fluff, but Ledger and Bettany both made their mark and became actors of note with this flick.

Mom and Dad save the world - I had totally forgotten about this movie, I think I've seen it maybe two or 3 times, but it was hilarious.

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby - definitely the best Will Ferrell movie, and up there with the most quotable comedies of all time.

Princess Mononoke - While I love everything Studio Ghibli has done, and this one is particularly visually impressive... I always found it a bit too heavy handed in imparting its envirornmental message. I greatly prefer Spirited Away, but An excellent pick regardless.

10 Things I Hate About You - basically the same comment as Knights tale. Hilarious, sarcastic, whitty film with a great cast and great performances all around. I've seen it countless times and it really never gets old.

Cloverfield - Hey, someone other than me liked this film :) I really need to get around to watching it again.

Aladdin - very nostalgic for sure, another one I've seen a billion times. The film is a little silly for my liking, but as you say Genie is the clincher every time he is on screen its suddenly worth watching again. The tupperware bit at the beginning it one of the funniest things ever to me.

A Few Good Men: I dunno why, but I've always loved films about the military, this one does a great job of balancing the courtroom and the battle scenes.

Sleeping Beauty - Being primarily not allowed to watch darker films or really anything with magic, this was an anomaly in my childhood viewing experience. It was probably my favorite Disney animation as a kid, I watched it over and over, and I think it did alot to shape my tastes as an adult. Plus Maleficent was a SERIOUS villain, when she turns into a dragon WOAH.

Memento - I love this film, it was in my top 100 last time around as well. You just cannot go wrong with Nolan.

Billy Madison - Another highly quoteable comedy (I can see why the comments are all in quotes now!), this film has infinite potential for rewatching without boredom. Obviously one of the most memorable and impassioned performanced by Nicholson.

Awakenings - Brilliant film, very emotional and moving. DeNiro really showed alot of range in his role here.

Accepted - Wouldn't have expected to see this on a top 100, but I really enjoyed this movie. Like you said it was very funny and had alot of layered jokes, however for me it leading into the all too predictable "feel good" ending ruined it for me a bit. Lewis Black was awesome.

Sling Blade - probably the only film I've ever enjoyed Billy Bob in. Truly exceptional.

Waiting… - another one that is highly quotable and easy to watch repeatedly, definitely enjoy this one.

Pan's Labyrinth - LOVE this film. Every aspect is utterly perfect. The visuals are stunning, the story intertwines reality and fantasy seamlessly, and the plot draws you right in. A favorite of mine.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - The trio of films are all epic. Love the story, love the presentation, awesome.


Ocean's Eleven - agree with every word of your description Tranny, while its not a favorite for me its certainly a solid remake with a great cast.

Monsters, Inc. - Easily one of my favorites from Pixar.

Star Trek - I think I need to see it a few more times, but agree they did a stellar job of refreshing a series that was sort of dying. Very suprised to enjoy virtually all of the performances, with new faces is very established roles it could have gone very wrong, but everyone did a great job.

Raiders of the Lost Ark - The only good Indy movie!

The Royal Tenenbaum - a good one, but for me it will always fall solidly behind Rushmore in Wes Anderson's filmography.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - this one is good but doesn't outdo Return of the Jedi for me, you just can't get any better than Ewoks, so I probably agree with your placement.

Iron Man - probably the best recent comic adaptation after Nolan's Batman films, great stuff.

Brick - great film, another one from my previous top 100 list. One of Joseph Gordon Leavitt's best performances.

Inception - gotta be honest, it was epic, but I don't know if it was as amazing as most make it out to be. For once I say I need to sit on it for a few years before i could see it as a "best"

Grease - a classic, I've only seen it a couple times but it has a great story, great music and flows very well throughout.

Joe Dirt - another great dumb comedy, lots of hilarious lines.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - it was good, the performances were greats, but for me it was a little overlong and dry. I had a hard time really being drawn in or feeling any realism with his condition.

Requiem For A Dream - A must see, albeit bizarre. Probably the best depiction of true addiction and its cost out there, I'd say Trainspotting is up there as well.

Oldboy - more disturbing but brilliant film, a truly epic trilogy.

Independence Day - Will Smith's defining role, true just a popcorn flick, but really one of the good ones.

The Shining - another from my previous top 100, I love the book love the movie. This is pretty much perfection in every aspect.

Gone in 60 Seconds - Yep I really enjoy this film, its feel good action, and of course you can't go wrong with angelina jolie.

O- For what it was, they did a decent job with it... but really it was a pale and hollow adaptation. Heck with actors like Stiles and Phiffer they should have been able to really do well (ala the modernized remake of ROmeo & Juliet), but instead it came across immature and undeveloped.


Starship Troopers - cheesy, gory goodness

District 9 - still my favorite film of last year, damn I need to rewatch it too (i feel bad using my little free time to watch movies I've seen before, but I keep eyeing this one longingly on netflix instant) -
RE: #6 "there's an unintentional irony in creating an aparteid allegory" uh... that was totally intentional.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Probably my favorite Ritchie film, love it. I finally saw it at some point last year and was blown away, I couldn't believe I had delayed seeing it for so long.

Minority Report - really thoroughly enjoyed the story/premise, a very unique and enjoyable film.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind - another classic, must see for everyone. I was skeptical at first, but I finally got around to watching it, and it was brilliant.

Slumdog Millionaire - I hate that this one gets such a bad rap for winning an award. Its a really amazing and well made film, with a mostly unknown/inexperienced cast who do a stellar job. Great movie.

Miracle - I don't really have anything great o say about this one, it was good enough but hardly a farvorite. Saw it on a 1st date with my college boyfriend who is obsessed with hockey...

Big Daddy - another hilarious Sandler movie, love it.

Braveheart - What the heck happened Mel? He used to be so good :(

Fantastic Four - oh my.

Underworld - Love this film, however I like the follow up better for having the best sex scene ever.

Monty Python and The Holy Grail - unexpected from you, but this is one everyone should know and love. Fabulous!

Tropic Thunder - Definitely agree about it being one of the best recent comedies. Absolutely non-stop action & comedy, amazing cast, well directed, well written, awesome.

The Island - a good flick but a little too predictable, Steve Buscemi's character was as always the highlight.

Zack and Miri Make A Porno - enjoyable film sure, but top 100 really?

Donnie Darko - Yay, another one from my prior top 100, love the movie, really nothing to say negative about it.

Kick-Ass - another good one, but I cannot fathom top 100 quality for it.
At least we can abort fetuses. Bad grammar and language last a lifetime.
- Donte

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by numbersix »

becs wrote:
District 9 - still my favorite film of last year, damn I need to rewatch it too (i feel bad using my little free time to watch movies I've seen before, but I keep eyeing this one longingly on netflix instant) -
RE: #6 "there's an unintentional irony in creating an aparteid allegory" uh... that was totally intentional.
Read my entire sentence. The irony is that for its obvious criticism of aparteid the films generalises and villifies the Nigerians. Now that wasn't intentional.

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Frank Booth
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #1): 100-91

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:
becs wrote:
District 9 - still my favorite film of last year, damn I need to rewatch it too (i feel bad using my little free time to watch movies I've seen before, but I keep eyeing this one longingly on netflix instant) -
RE: #6 "there's an unintentional irony in creating an aparteid allegory" uh... that was totally intentional.
Read my . The irony is that for its obvious criticism of . Now that wasn't .
Man... does this guy EVER complete a thought?
On the run from Johnny Law ... ain't no trip to Cleveland.

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