Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by NSpan »

I wish Jesse James had made it on to my list...

As for the Sandlot--why would anyone who grew up with Stand By Me even bother?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by undeadmonkey »


transformers - Memento (2000)
BarcaRulz - Memento (2000)
Just one question, how does it keep you guessing all the way until the end, if the beginning is the end? Anyway, I just hope to God this isn't in the collective top ten, I would have a very difficult time just gathering the will to start the movie, much less finish it.

englishozzy - Toy Story 3 (2010)
I wasn't a toy story kid growing up as it seems a lot of you were. I just don't have that nostalgia and attachment you guys seem too. They aren't as bad as cars, but i would put the first toy story as second least liked pixar. I did like every consecutive toy story film better though.

Ron Burgundy - Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
I also loved the books. I reread them almost as much as i rewatch the movie. my least favorite of the trilogy, but that doesn't mean i didn't love it. It was afterall in my top 30.

Chienfantome - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Same as the toy story comment. I don't ahve the nostalgia for the films. while i enjoyed them, i only saw them to see the fourth movie. I'll also get flamed for this but i didn't find the fourth movie much worse than the first three. i still liked them all though, they were fun.

Banks - V For Vendetta (2005)
great movie. there were a few flaws that didn't make it perfect for me, but it was almost perfect. Definitely enjoyable.

off topic a bit; i don't know who has been keeping track of the whole egypt thing, but i have noticed that they have been using a lot of guy falkes imagery and stuff.

Haven't Seen

Shrykespeare - Predator (1987)

silversurfer - Miller's Crossing (1990)

thegreenarrow - The Witches (1990)

Buscemi - Jackie Brown (1997)

numbersix - Rear Window* (1954)

GeezerRounders (1998)

leestu - Trainspotting (1996)

W - Reservoir Dogs (1992)

NSpan - Ed Wood* (1994) - i have had this movie for over a year now, just haven't gotten around to watching it.

JohnErle - Barton Fink (1991)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Buscemi »

I forgot to put Million Dollar Baby on mine. But then again, Six would have been on my ass on that one (Chien, on the other hand, probably would have liked it).
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by undeadmonkey »


silversurfer - 28 Days Later (2002)
I think i've already said how much this film made me scared to sleep in my bed, because it's right next to a window. I don't think i ever jumped so much at a movie when the zombies came flying through the kitchen window, and then the horror of one of the friends who you just had been talking to being bitten and knowing there is nothing else to do except kill him too, because in a few seconds he will be trying to eat you. Chills, man, chills. great choice. I must say, i enjoyed the military part of the film the least, but it was still a good part of a great movie.

transformers - Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
i much prefer the dark, low budget sci-fi thriller of the first one than to the big budget action flick of this one. but it is still enjoyable. I've only seen it once because i have never wanted to see it again.

englishozzy - Watchmen (2009)
i won't ridicule you.... but i will ridicule the movie ;) . actually, its not that awful, it's just bad. I will admit though i have had the urge to watch it again once or twice after seeing it, but i haven't so far. The reason is because my dislike for the movie might have to be with the bad experience i had at the theater watching this. This kid kept kicking my seat from behind, a family in front of us had all manner of food that you could buy at the concession stand and when all that food smell is mixed together it smelled like puke... pickle puke, i distinctly remember the awful smell of pickle throughout the movie. I actually can't think of watchmen without smelling pickle.... and puke. The movie itself though, i thought it went on too long, and it has to have one of the cheesiest sex scenes i have ever seen.

Ron Burgundy - Finding Nemo (2003)
great choice. it is a fun magical adventure

numbersix - Annie Hall (1977)
hadn't you already picked this.... hmmm must of been someone else. i really disliked the movie, the fourth wall breaking annoyed the heck out of me, and actually his whole character annoyed me. thats all. 'to each his own' would work splendidly here.

Banks - Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
oh your not missing too much. i can understand some spanish, enough that i don't have to read the subtitles in some scenes. but really it doesn't change it much. Actually i much prefer to read subtitles of spanish movies, because some references and words and phrases translate to something that we don't really understand in the context, just cultural difference, so when you read the subtitles you can see what the director meant. but yea, great movie, great choice, i didn't have it too long ago on my list.

BarcaRulz - Se7en (1995)
i wouldn't say it has one of the better endings of all time. it's a bit misleading, it definitely has one of the most shocking endings, that is true. I wonder, is there anybody on here that hasn't seen the movie? anyone?

Geezer - The Sandlot (1993)
sorry, i don''t really like it. and it bugs me people always say, 'you're killing me smalls'/ it's not an awful movie, but it's not great either. for me anyway.

W - Shrek (2001)
i also just had this. i didn't know others had it on their list as well, i thought i was going to be the only one. hilarious movie

Haven't Seen

Shrykespeare - The Breakfast Club* (1985)

thegreenarrow - Rosemary's Baby* (1968)

Buscemi - Goodfellas (1990)

Chienfantome - Days of Heaven* (1978) - interesting, i was just reading about this movie this week and had put it on my netflix queue, i will bump it up a some spots, so i can get to it faster

leestu - Planet of the Apes* (1968)

NSpan - Barton Fink (1991)

JohnErle - Unforgiven (1992) - without a doubt, i have seen the least from your list than from everybody else, i don't remember the last time i got to comment on one of your picks.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by BanksIsDaFuture »

undeadmonkey wrote:

Banks - V For Vendetta (2005)
great movie. there were a few flaws that didn't make it perfect for me, but it was almost perfect. Definitely enjoyable.

off topic a bit; i don't know who has been keeping track of the whole egypt thing, but i have noticed that they have been using a lot of guy falkes imagery and stuff.
I've been following it loosely, but I didn't see any Guy Fawkes. But I love that they're using that, as I think that whole situation is what V is all about. If the community feels the government is doing a bad job, that community DOES something about it, in a mostly peaceful way. And with Mubarak stepping down, it looks like it still works.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Chienfantome »

Buscemi wrote:I forgot to put Million Dollar Baby on mine. But then again, Six would have been on my ass on that one (Chien, on the other hand, probably would have liked it).
I certainly would have expressed my love for the film, Boosch ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Chienfantome »

undeadmonkey wrote:MOVIE #13
numbersix - Annie Hall (1977)
hadn't you already picked this.... hmmm must of been someone else. i really disliked the movie, the fourth wall breaking annoyed the heck out of me, and actually his whole character annoyed me. thats all. 'to each his own' would work splendidly here.
Actually I'm the one who had picked it earlier, monkey ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by numbersix »


Shrykespeare: The Breakfast Club (1985) – I get what you mean about any of these films being your #1, I feel similarly about my choices. Anyway, I think if I was a teen at the time, or even if I had seen this as a teen, this would have meant a lot to me. But right now it's just a good but somewhat dated flick.

silversurfer: 28 Days Later (2002) - Great reinvention of the zombie genre. And what's great is that it's not about the scares or the gore, it goes deeper than that to explore the hatred in humanity. Shot brilliantly on a prosumer camera, this is one of the films that opened up the possibilities of digital cinema.

thegreenarrow: Rosemary's Baby (1968) - Aw hell, I need to see this.

transformers: Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) - Brilliant aciton movie. One of the best.

englishozzy: Watchmen (2009) - Interesting that you liked the comic before seeing the movie. I think the more positive reactions came from those who didn't read it first, so were impressed by the ambition of the story. Sadly, I had read the comic and I didn't think this worked. Too much focus on visuals and cool sequences (the opening fight scene went on for way too long, the funeral scene was all style, the terrible sex scene, etc). I've no problem with deviating from source material, but the change in the global plot actually doesn't make sense. Also, some of the performances are woeful (Wilson and Morgan in particular) and overall I was left with the feeling that Snyder (who does slick visuals but little in terms of character) was the wrong man for the job.

Ron Burgundy: Finding Nemo (2003) - I don't know, I'm not seeing what everyone else sees. There's funny moments but ultimately it's a road movie lacking in theme. It just doesn't come together.

Buscemi: Goodfellas (1990) - Glad to see you put this ahead of Casino! You're right about Liotta, he did deserve more praise for his defining performance. Great film where there's plenty of substance to match the style.

Chienfantome: Days of Heaven (1978) – I'm not gonna read your description. Simply because the Criterion edition DVd is sitting on my shelf and I'm waiting for the right moment to crack it open. Until then I want to know as little as possible.

Banks: Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) - Great fantasy with an honorable theme.

BarcaRulz: Se7en (1995) - Excellent thriller.

Geezer: The Sandlot (1993) - Watched the trailer. Guess you had to have been there.

leestu: Planet of the Apes (1968) - Yep, definitely hasn't dated well. Besides the twist I don't think I was that interested in the the movie. I prefer the musical: "I love you Dr Zaius".

W: Shrek (2001) - Not bad, though I'd rate almost every Pixar film (minus Cars and A Bugs Life) ahead of this

NSpan: Barton Fink (1991) – Didn't know that about the bird. Sometimes things can just work out like that. Anyway, I pretty much agree with everything you say. I think A Serious Man fits in nicely with most of their films, as they all have similar themes. And this is one of the best.

undeadmonkey: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) - Dude, of everyone you and I seem to have the least compatible taste in terms of films. We share the least amount of films so far, and I tend to dislike what you pick, and you the same with my films. However, I am stunned that you have this in your Top 15. It is a film that deserved far more critical praise than it received. For me, it is one of the best films of the last decade, and possibly one of the best revisionist westerns I've ever watched. It is outstanding. The characters are built and shaped slowly but perfectly. Pitt delivers a performance I never thought I had in him. It was the first (and only) time I've noticed Affleck the Younger. And Rockwell gives excellent support. The music is brilliant, the visuals are beautiful, and the final 30 minutes are deeply moving. I could have done without the leading VO, and that's the only reason it isn't higher in my Top 100 (it came in at #99). So kudos, to you, though I'll never quite get how you can put this and Mrs Congeniality so close together ;)

JohnErle: Unforgiven (1992) – And speaking of revisionist westerns.... this is one of the few Clint-directed films I like. Not bad, though I need to rewatch it as it's been years.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Geezer »

NSpan wrote:I wish Jesse James had made it on to my list...

As for the Sandlot--why would anyone who grew up with Stand By Me even bother?
Because the Sandlot is approximately 17 times better
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Shrykespeare »

Movie #13

transformers - T2: Judgement Day - #38 on my list. (10/10)

BarcaRulz - Se7en - #39 on my list. (10/10)

W - Shrek - #83 on my list. (9/10)

Ron Burgundy - Finding Nemo - Really liked it, mostly thanks to Ellen Degeneres, who successfully countered Brooks' neurotic portrayal of Marlin. (8/10)

englishozzy - Watchmen - This film really worked for me, but it did drag in places. Took me a few viewings to really appreciate it, however. (8/10)

silversurfer - 28 Days Later - Loved it. (8/10)

Banks - Pan's Labyrinth - Awesome visually, but the story was just so-so for me. (6/10)

JohnErle - Unforgiven - Not a fan of westerns, and this was a little too dark for even me. (5/10)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by Chienfantome »


Shryke - The Breakfast Club
When I first saw the Breakfast Club, I was already 24 or 25, so I can't say it's a film that touched me at the right time of my life. But it's still a film that seduced me. It does not stop at being a fun teenage film. There's is a nice dose reflexion and spleen in it to make it a better film than most of those in the same genre. Very good film.

Surfer - 28 Days later
It's a good film, but I don't think it's that good. Maybe it's because the zombie flicks have never been that great for me. But stangely, I find the Boyleless sequel better.

greenarrow - Rosemary's baby
It's been way too long since I've seen it, and I think it was just bits of it, not the whole thing.

Transformers - Terminator 2
Who does not remember my position on this film, and more generally on most James Cameron films ? ;) Entertaining movie, but nothing exceptionnal for me. The ending is disappointing compared to the 1st and 3rd film.

Ozzy - Watchmen
I don't like Zack Snyder. He's a director with some style of his own, that's for sure, but there is not a single film of his that has convinced me for now. And not Watchmen, a film with visual strengths, but in the end that is too much style over substance. There are entire parts of the films when Snyder is just linking sequences together with 1980's music standards, like he's got nothing to say and just images to show us and music to make us listen.

Ron B - Finding Nemo
Pixar's most entertaining film, full of great adventures, great dialogues, great characters. A great film, yes^^

Buscemi - Goodfellas
Nope, I still haven't seen it !

Six - Annie Hall
It was the only Woody Allen film that I managed to include in my Top 100, a few weeks ago. So yes, it is a brilliant film, the new yorker at his best. In fact Annie Hall is so great Allen remade it (was it conscious or not ?) when he made the horrible "Anything Else", which I don't understand how Tarantino can consider one of the greatest film of the past decade. But Annie is so light, so smart, so funny and so revealing of Allen. A delight.

Banks - Pan's Labyrinth
A film with a phenomenal fantasy universe, and a powerful historical settting. Fascinating film.

Barca - Seven
That much Fincher films in your favourites, huh ? Well he totally deserves the love, as he is one of the most interesting american directors working, yes. Seven is a unique thriller.

Geezer - The Sandlot
Now obviously I've heard of it, but I wasn't aware of it a few days ago...

leestu - Planet of the Apes
I don't really care if it has aged a bit, it's still a wonderful adventure film with a nice dose of science-fiction. I've never seen the sequels, and I don't like the Burton remake, but this is a great film.

W - Shrek
Fun family film with cool references. It's not a film I want to watch often, or repeatedly, but it's hughly watchable. The sequels, on the other hand...

NSpan - Barton Fink
An inspired film about inspiration, or the lack of it, about Hollywood, and about all those great characters the Coens know how to write.

UDM - The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford
As an ardent admirer of Terrence Malick, I found a filiation with the Texan in this beautiful naturalistic western. Pitt has never been more charismatic, and Dominik manages to make a film unexpected. The cinematogrpahy is splendid, the pace is perfect, the performances are mesmerizing, the music is one of the most beautiful composed for a film those past few years... Why on Earth did I not include this film in my own Top ?

JohnE - Unforgiven
An amazing film about violence, and about a not-so-dead genre. The film is rough and melancholic, a few shots are as beautiful as a painting. It almost made my list.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by JohnErle »

Random Comments On Recent Picks:

Planet Of The Apes - I haven't seen it, and I wish I could see it without knowing the ending. Maybe I'll watch it when I'm senile so I can be surprised.

Jesse James - Came very close to my list. I need to see it again to make sure it's list-worthy, and you definitely need to see Unforgiven.

The Breakfast Club - We have radically different tastes in many ways, so it's nice to see some overlaps. As the film points out, when people look past their differences they're usually able to find common ground.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by BarcaRulz »

I was thinking, for our collective top 10, we could do an editorial about the process and have a collective top 100 list, and then submit that link to the IMDB hit list?

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by numbersix »

Not a bad idea to generate fresh blood, Barca.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #9): 20-11

Post by W »

Geezer wrote:
NSpan wrote:I wish Jesse James had made it on to my list...

As for the Sandlot--why would anyone who grew up with Stand By Me even bother?
Because the Sandlot is approximately 17 times better
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