Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Chienfantome »

numbersix wrote:Shrykespeare:The Pelican Brief (1993) – The other day I wondered what had become of Alan Pakula, who gave us some of the grestest thrillers of the 70s (Klute, The Parallax View, All the President's Men), a lot fo stuff I've never heard of in the 80's, and in the 90's this and The Devil's Own. Ugh. This isn't bad, and it's certainly the best Grisham movie, though I just don't buy Tucci as the assassin.
Well Six, what has become of Pakula is that he died a decade ago... ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Buscemi »

Yeah, Pakula died in a car accident not long after making The Devil's Own (a film that he ended up disowning). Had he lived, his next film would have likely been Friday Night Lights (which got made with Peter Berg in 2004).

In the process, it makes me wonder how much better the film would have been. For one, it probably wouldn't have been a sanitized PG-13 product which glorifies psychotic high school sports-obsessed Texans (the original source material is much darker).
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by numbersix »

Ah, sorry, Chien, I worded that badly. I wondered what had happened to Pakula after the 70;s, and then realised what he did in the 80's and 90's. Interesting info about Friday Night Lights, Boosch.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Chienfantome »

Aaaaaah, okay, I was surprised by your sentence ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »

Movie #51

W - A League of Their Own - Excellent choice, W. A film I seriously considered for my list. In fact, I watched it again just a few days ago. Hanks was awesome, and Lovitz in his brief stint was effin' brilliant. (That "pickle tickle" line is classic.") (9/10)

Geezer - Full Metal Jacket - Jeez, I may be the only one here that DOESN'T have it on his list. But I do like it. (8/10)

JohnErle - Big - Wow, this was the day for Penny Marshall and Tom Hanks. A really sweet film, and it's held up pretty well. (7/10)

thegreenarrow - Hot Fuzz - "Oh, you are off the fuckin' chain!" Great stuff. (7/10)

Banks - Back to the Future 2 - I can't quite agree that this film was as good as the first one. It was a good and viable continuation of the story, but that's about as much praise as I can give it. (7/10)

transformers - Gone Baby Gone - I've already said it, but this film didn't do much for me. (6/10)

leestu - Leaving Las Vegas - Definitely one of Cage's better performances, but about as far away from a feel-good movie as you can get. (5/10)

englishozzy - Speed Racer - O... M... G. No. Just... no. Had some great visuals, but the everything else just sucked. (4/10)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by numbersix »

So... time for the round summary, and also a mid point summary

Firstly, this round has been a lot better on average than the others. Will that mean that our picks are getting progressively better. Not if The Matrix appears in a lot of Top 10's ;)
Overall, 55 films from my Top 100 has been picked by at least one of you guys. Not bad, eh? And most of my Top 20 have already appeared somewhere. Interesting.

Round average: 6
Half-way average: 5.9
Well, sadly you have the lowest average in general, Shryke. Your choice of entertaining pics sometimes don't even entertain me. I want something that I'll remember, and the majority of blockbusters and comedies just fade away almost instantly. Thankfully you're so diplomatic that I can't say anything more cutting than that ;) This round did see an improvement, with mostly solid picks, and some reall good ones (To Kill a Mockingbird).

Round average: 7
Half-way average: 7.4
While this round saw a slight drop for you (only because you picked the over-rated The MAtrix and The Devil's Backbone), but that hardly matters when you have by far the highest average for the last 50 picks. Good job. And obviously you have the most films shared on my list, with a whopping 14. I'm sure Green Arrow will share more with you, but what do you expect?

Green Arrow
Round average: 7.11
Half-way average: 6.81
A few underwhelming movies early in the project means you've a solid but not exceptional overall score, but your picks are definitely improving. In this round alone you had In the Mood for Love, Brazil, and Kill Bill. All very different films, but all classics. We share 7 movies on our lists.

Round average: 6.25
Half-way average: 5.9
Finally, you picked a film that appeared on my list. Congratulations! And while it's no surprise that it's the blockbuster Raiders of the Lost Ark, I can hardly complain as its one of the most exciting adventures cinema has to offer. Overall, your average is low due to a combination of goofy comedies and action flicks that just mean nothing to me. But every now and then there's a real gem. A little like your musical taste, actually.

English Ozzy
Round average: 6.13
Half-way average: 6.02
Another person whose picks are improving as we progress. This round saw an interesting mix of stuff I'm not a fan of (POTC, Atonement), with absolute brilliance (Big Lebowski, Pan's Labyrinth), which is generally like your entire list so far. We share 4 films from our lists overall.

Ron B
Round average: 6.5
Half-way average: 6.4
You're usually above the average with your picks, Ron, and this round was the same. With the exception of Saw, every single one of your picks had something brilliant about it, whether it's the first half of Full Metal Jacket or the imagination of Spirited Away. They may not be my favourites, but I do see what you like in them. 4 films in our lists.

Round average: 6.7
Half-way average: 6.9
One of the highest overall averages, I usually love your picks Boosch. Most of them are predictable in that their either critical darlings or Award winners, but sometimes both, or either, can be right. I don't see what you see in Manhunter or Gone Baby Gone, but the rest, especially The Shining and Brazil, are films that can be watched over and over. We share a very impressive 8 films in our lists (but that's only the 3rd highest amount)

Round average: 7
Half-way average: 6.5
Ah Chien. It's just a misfortune that your average isn't higher. The misfortune is that of the few films in your Top 100 that I have seen, there's a few key ones that I just don't like. But your left-of-field picks are usually a pleasant surprise, and this most recent round has been excellent, especially with Annie Hall. Plus, your list so far has given me a lot of films to discover, and I probably would never have heard of them otherwise. We only share 3 films in our lists, but that's still a good average considering how little I've seen.

Round average: 7.22
Half-way average: 6.33
A real surprise from you this round, Banks. While overall you rank in the middle, in this round your picks were my favourite! You're just lucky I haven't seen The Devil's Rejects ;). Otherwise, most of your films, from Pulp Fiction to Being John Malkovich, rocked my world. We share 6 films in our Top 100 films so far.

Round average: 6.7
Half-way average: 6.5
Another up-and-downer for me, although this last round was better than usual. Good to see some great foreign-language films on your list, from the classic Bicycle Thief to the recent Une Prophete. Another person who had an almost completely solid round (I just don't dig Rounders). We share 4 films in our lists.

Round average: 6.23
Half-way average: 6.1
A solid enough round for you, just a little above your average. Again, there's so many films in your Top 100 so far that I suspect that I'd dislike if I watched, so thank yourself lucky that you don't hear too much trash-talk from me ;) We share 3 films in our Top 100 so far.

Round average: 6.67
Half-way average: 6.6
You're almost always above average. If only your worrying obsession for Johnny Depp didn't exist ;) Some great picks this round, though I'm not a fan of Saw or The Sixth Sense. Good to see the terrifying Ringu make an appearance, even if it ensured I'll never feel entirely calm in the presence of a long-haired Japanese girl ever again! 6 films appear in both of our lists, which is good as there's a lot of your picks I haven't seen.

Round average: 6.43
Half-way average: 6
Definite signs of improvement here too. Strange... reminds me of your Top 100 songs which started off distinct (country music, like the 90's kiddie films that dominated your Top 100 up until recently) and then acknowledged the classics a bit more and improved immensely. Did you have some sort of near-death experience that just changed you as a person? ;) I kid. Anyway, good to see City of God get some lovin, as it's an amazing film. If you like it I recommend Ajami, a film that uses a similar style to take on the Israel-Palestine issue. We share 3 films from our lists so far.

Half-way average: 7
Not going to go through this round as you just joined, but I have to say it's good that you're here. I got a lot from your musical taste, so I'm hoping I'll get the same from your cinema choices. Firstly, I need to see more classic Jarmusch. I like Broken Flowers and Dead Man, disliked Ghost Dog, and hated Coffee and Cigarettes. But I've only seen parts of Mystery Train and Stranger than Paradise, and really need to see them before I make up my mind. As for the rest of your list, for the most part it's brilliant, and so far 7 of your films appear in my list. There's a few oddities, such as The Tenacious D movie (not enough jokes, just didn't work) or Four Rooms (I thought the comedy was a failure, and most of the four stories didn't work, with only Tarantino's impressing, but even that was just a Hitchcock Hour remake). Plenty there I need to see.

Half-way average: 6
Ah, I was curious to see if your musical taste (almost the opposite of mine!) matched your film taste. I do think you generally have interesting opinions on films (do you go to film school?), though there's a lot of films on your list that don't click with me. For one, the films of M Night Shamalamadingdong. Not even The Sixth Sense blew me away, but after Unbreakable they got progressively worse. The Village was just awful (there's nothing worse than being predictable and nonsensical), and the US version of The Ring just doesn't work. But hey, at least there's one film we share on our lists (Gattaca)!

John Erle
Half-way average: 6.6
Now here's a surprise. While John I don't know you too much from here, we share a whopping 9 films on our Top 100 so far. Crazy! Sadly, you're only about average in total as we certainly don't share your love for the Bond, Harry Potter and Star Trek movies. Plus, The Social Network is really not a good movie, and I'm hoping the bubble of hypnosis that Fincher seems to have put people under will soon break open ;) Still, great to see some Kubrick on there.

Films to add to my Must See List
The Wages of Fear
The Innocents
A Perfect World

BONUS STATS: Since IMDB is still something we all keep an eye on, I decided to compare my list of favourite films with theirs. Out of its Top 100 films, 33 are in mine. And out of their Top 250, 61 are in mine. So that makes my tastes mroe similar to the Reelsociety's than IMDB in general.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »

numbersix wrote: Shrykespeare
Well, sadly you have the lowest average in general, Shryke. Your choice of entertaining pics sometimes don't even entertain me. I want something that I'll remember, and the majority of blockbusters and comedies just fade away almost instantly. Thankfully you're so diplomatic that I can't say anything more cutting than that ;) This round did see an improvement, with mostly solid picks, and some reall good ones (To Kill a Mockingbird).
Well, I would like to think that my "guilty pleasures" will indeed be giving way to more "quality" films. So far, 50of my Top 100 have been picked by other people, and 31 of those 50 are in my Top 50. And there are three or four others on my list that I will be ASTOUNDED if they don't appear on at least two other people's. We've had six overlaps so far, and four of those overlaps are yet to come, so there's hope.

Looking ahead to my next ten films... well, there's one film that others have picked that I think you don't like. There's only one action film (not that recent, but one that's held up pretty well), two full-on fantasy films (one recent, one not), two sci-fi/horror films, one historical saga, one much-beloved comedy, and one courtroom drama that may surprise a few people.

Here is the recap for this thread:

60. Batman Begins
59. Enemy Mine
58. Men in Black
57. Charlie Wilson's War
56. Matchstick Men
55. Ladyhawke
54. 300
53. Beverly Hills Cop
52. To Kill a Mockingbird
51. The Pelican Brief

60. The Wages of Fear
59. Trainspotting
58. The Innocents
57. Memento
56. Citizen Kane
55. Reservoir Dogs
54. The Devil's Backbone
53. The Matrix
52. Gremlins
51. The Talented Mr. Ripley

60. The Talented Mr. Ripley
59. Girl, Interrupted
58. Kill Bill Vol. I
57. Delicatessen
56. Brazil
55. Cronos
54. Labyrinth
53. The Naked Gun
52. In the Mood For Love
51. Hot Fuzz

60. Iron Man
59. Kick-Ass
58. Good Will Hunting
57. Lucky Number Slevin
56. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
55. Shaun of the Dead
54. The Wrestler
53. Billy Madison
52. Raiders of the Lost Ark
51. Gone Baby Gone

60. American Gangster
59. Office Space
58. The Big Lebowski
57. Batman Begins
56. Green Street Hooligans
55. POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl
54. The Prestige
53. Atonement
52. Pan's Labyrinth
51. Speed Racer

Ron Burgundy
60. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
59. Saw
58. Apocalypse Now
57. Mission: Impossible
56. Back to the Future 2
55. Good Will Hunting
54. Full Metal Jacket
53. Spirited Away
52. Platoon
51. Man on the Moon

60. Army of Darkness
59. Manhunter
58. Once Upon a Time in America
57. Gone Baby Gone
56. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
55. Casablanca
54. The Wild Bunch
53. Brazil
52. The Shining
51. The French Connection

60. Singin' in the Rain
59. The Great Escape
58. Infernal Affairs
57. A Perfect World
56. Le père Noel est une ordure
55. The Graduate
54. The Untouchables
53. The Right Stuff
52. The New World
51. Annie Hall

60. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
59. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
58. Andrei Rublev
57. Touch of Evil
56. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
55. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
54. Alien
53. Pi
52. Wild Strawberries
51. It's a Wonderful Life

60. Sin City
59. Bad Boys
58. Thank You For Smoking
57. Out of Sight
56. Boyz N the Hood
55. Pulp Fiction
54. The Truman Show
53. The Devil's Rejects
52. Being John Malkovich
51. Back to the Future Part 2

60. 28 Days Later…
59. Cinema Paradiso
58. The Usual Suspects
57. La Haine
56. Sunshine
55. Reservoir Dogs
54. A Prophet (Un Prophete)
53. The Silence of the Lambs
52. Bicycle Thieves
51. Rounders

60. LOTR: The Return of the King
59. POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl
58. Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
57. Beauty and the Beast
56. Rocky II
55. Die Hard
54. Up in the Air
53. The Waterboy
52. Ocean's Eleven
51. Full Metal Jacket

60. Silverado
59. Saw
58. Brazil
57. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
56. The Sixth Sense
55. Ringu
54. Spellbound
53. Memento
52. The Shawshank Redemption
51. Leaving Las Vegas

60. The Silence of the Lambs
59. Walk the Line
58. A Knight's Tale
57. American History X
56. Role Models
55. City of God
54. Saving Silverman
53. Grosse Pointe Blank
52. The Man From Earth
51. A League of Their Own

I am still missing the next picks for the following people:


Geezer and Boosh, I only have you up to #50.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »

My review of this thread:

(Seen it: Overlap/loved it/liked it/hated it)

Geezer (7: 4/0/3/0) - Overlaps: LOTR: ROTK, POTC: COTBP, Die Hard, Ocean's Eleven. Overall: (30: 11/7/11/1).

transformers (5: 3/2/0/0) - Overlaps: Lucky Number Slevin, Return of the Jedi, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Overall: (27: 11/9/7/0).

englishozzy (5: 2/1/2/0) - Overlaps: Batman Begins, POTC: COTBP. Overall: (34: 10/7/15/2).

numbersix (6: 2/3/1/0) - Overlaps: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Terminator 2. Overall: (20: 6/6/7/1).

leestu (6: 2/1/2/1) - Overlaps: Saw, The Shawshank Redemption. Overall: (19: 7/1/10/1).

NSpan (6: 2/0/2/2) - Overlaps: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Wall-E. Overall: (18: 4/4/10/0).

Ron Burgundy (5: 1/2/2/0) - Overlaps: Saw. Overall: (26: 3/13/9/1).

Banks (5: 0/2/2/1) - Overlaps: none. Overall: (25: 3/10/10/2).

Buscemi (5: 0/0/5/0) - Overlaps: none. Overall: (18: 6/4/7/1).

BarcaRulz (4: 1/2/1/0) - Overlaps: The Usual Suspects. Overall: (20: 8/6/6/0).

JohnErle (4: 0/2/1/1) - Overlaps: none. Overall: (25: 5/6/11/3).

Chienfantome (4: 0/0/2/2) - Overlaps: none. Overall: (10: 1/3/3/3).

undeadmonkey (3: 1/1/1/0) - Overlaps: Speed. Overall: (24: 5/10/9/0).

silversurfer (3: 1/0/0/2) - Overlaps: The Matrix. Overall: (15: 4/2/7/2).

W (3: 0/1/2/0) - Overlaps: none. Overall: (23: 4/8/11/0).

thegreenarrow (2: 1/0/1/0) - Overlaps: Kill Bill Vol. 1. Overall: (16: 3/7/5/1).
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by NSpan »

Strangely enough, EVERY person had exactly one movie in this thread that I've never seen. Due to the Reel Society's overall great taste in film, I have added them each to the top of my Netflix queue. Here they are:

Shrykespeare 59. Enemy Mine
silversurfer 60. The Wages of Fear
thegreenarrow 55. Cronos
englishozzy 56. Green Street Hooligans
Ron Burgundy 53. Spirited Away
Chienfantome 59. The Great Escape
numbersix 58. Andrei Rublev
Banks 57. Out of Sight
Geezer 52. Ocean's Eleven
leestu 60. Silverado
W 52. The Man From Earth
Buscemi / transformers 57. Gone Baby Gone
BarcaRulz 57. La Haine
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »

You've seen 90% of the movies on our lists this thread, but you've never seen Ocean's Eleven?! A lot of the other ones I can understand, but that just surprises me, for a movie-watcher as prolific as you obviously are.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by NSpan »

Shrykespeare wrote:You've seen 90% of the movies on our lists this thread, but you've never seen Ocean's Eleven?! A lot of the other ones I can understand, but that just surprises me, for a movie-watcher as prolific as you obviously are.
I've actually seen bits and pieces of it. It just never grabbed my attention enough to sit down and watch it from start to finish. Kate is a fan, though--so I'm sure she wouldn't mind rewatching it with me.

I think the turnoff was the fact that Schizopolis was so damn unique and memorable, it was kind of deflating to see Soderbergh directing something so... Hollywood.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Chienfantome »

I just erased my comments on movies #51 by mistake, and they were long ones, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerde !!!!!!!!
Gotta start it all over again :(
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Chienfantome »

#51, take two (sorry, but I'm gonna have to go quicker than I first had...)

Shryke - The Pelican Brief
Saw it once on tv years ago, barely remember it, watchable.

Surfer - The Talented Mr Ripley
A good adaptation of the same novel as the film I already listed in my Top, "Plein Soleil". It's colourful, generous. I may have considered it myself for my Top, had I not seen Plein Soleil ;)

greenarrow - Hot Fuzz
Those guys make fun films, as this one proves again.

transformers - Gone Baby Gone
A very promising first feature film from Affleck, very good film.

Ozzy - Speed Racer
Damn, I had written a long paragraph about that choice. Pfff, I'll try and remember what I wrote. You may get bashed by many for that choice Ozzy, but not that much by me. The film is a failure because the Wachowskis took the wrong audience for target. They adressed themselves to kids instead of adults. But there are flashes of quality in it. Something stays. Flashes of the uber cool film it could have been, flashes of brilliance between those crappy monkey sequences. It's a flawed film, and that's different from a bad film.

Ron B - Man on the Moon
I wish I had seen Forman's film more often, but despite it all, it's a film that really stayed with me. It's the kind of film that grows rather than fade. It helps to feature a crazy central performance by Jim Carrey. A riveting one. Who won the Oscar that year ? Kevin Spacey, really ?

Buscemi - The French Connection
It's a good film, but it never really stroke me as an amazing film.It is solid cinema rather than marvelous cinema. And it's fine, it's already fine this way.

Six - Wild Strawberries
I'm a lazy Bergman watcher, Six. Scandinavian cinema rarely wins me over, be it Bergman or more recent stuff. Of course there are a few exceptions (fortunately !). I've never seen this one though.

Banks - Back to the Future 2
Very cool sequel for an inevitable, iconic film.

Barca - Rounders
I've only seen it in theaters all those years back, and wasn't that much impressed then. I'm very surprised by the following this film has.

Geezer - Full Metal Jacket
I am with you Geez when you say this Kubrick gem is not just brilliant in its first part. I've cited it myself.

leestu - Leaving Las Vegas
I've had it on dvd for years but haven't watched it yet !!

W - A league of their own
I've seen it on tv 4 or 5 years ago, I clearly remember it, but I honestly don't remember the film. It felt totally forgettable, and I have indeed forgotten it since.

NSpan - A Christmas Story
That doesn't ring any bell ! I've never seen it.

UDM - Hero
That film got a big backlash when it was released, and it honestly surprised me. I think it was too much viewed on the first degree. It is a visually stunning film, and thematically interesting drama with a strong sense of narration. Not Yimou's best, but a very good film.

John Erle - Big
I saw half of it on TV the other day, I hadn't seen it in years, and it still worked as a nice little comedy.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by undeadmonkey »


silversurfer - The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) - I just don't know, your description of the film makes it seem fantastic. but i did not get anything of what you described out of the film. Maybe, I was still too young in my film watching career to appreciate the subtleties and i need to rewatch it. but in all honesty there are a whole bunch of other films that i haven't seen that i would rather watch.

thegreenarrow - Hot Fuzz (2007) - Too much for me. I know some people find these kinds of films funny, but i just can't take it.

transformers - Gone Baby Gone (2007) – I was one that didn't think Amy Ryan's acting was all that great, it was a little over the top for me, and i saw the twist coming. Also i didn't think it was a hard film to watch. Nevertheless, i did find it fascinating with the main guys giving solid performances. A good rate film, although i haven't really wanted to rewatch it since seeing it.

englishozzy - Speed Racer (2008) - wow, i also am surprised that this is on here. Not so much because i think it was bad, but because it was so middle of the road. Other than the kinda cool, 2d comic book look of it, it is so unoriginal.

Chienfantome - Annie Hall (1977) - I almost put this in the not seen pile, but then i checked it's imdb page and realized i had seen, must of not been very memorable for me.

Banks - Back To The Future Part 2 (1989) - See, I didn't like the second one. I enjoyed the first, but i find the sequels redundant. They are basically the same films.

W - A League of Their Own (1992) - I've seen it, I don't like it.

JohnErle - Big (1988) - Didn't think it was all that memorable as i can't really think of anything to say about it. I do enjoy a lot of Hank's films, this just isn't one of them

Havent seen

Shrykespeare - The Pelican Brief (1993)
have seen the dvd cover before, but it never looked interesting enough to see what it was about or who was in it. Must be the awful title. It does seem like a great cast though.

Ron Burgundy - Man on the Moon (1999)

Buscemi - The French Connection (1971)

numbersix - Wild Strawberries* (1957)

BarcaRulz - Rounders* (1998)

Geezer - Full Metal Jacket* (1987)

leestu - Leaving Las Vegas (1995)

NSpan - A Christmas Story (1983)

*denotes films that are on my never ending list of films to see, but i just haven't gotten around to it.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #5): 60-51

Post by Shrykespeare »

undeadmonkey wrote: Havent seen

Shrykespeare - The Pelican Brief (1993)
have seen the dvd cover before, but it never looked interesting enough to see what it was about or who was in it. Must be the awful title. It does seem like a great cast though.
Well, jeez, don't judge a book by its cover... The Shawshank Redemption is a terrible title too, but no one can disagree that it's not a great movie either.
Happy 60th birthday Jet Li! (4/26/23)

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