America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Judges' cuts, Week 3

Who made it through:

Celine Tam (Laverne Cox's GB) - Forget preTEEN, this is the second pre-TEN singer to get a GB! Pound for pound, I think I like Angelina better. Plus, Angelina makes better song choices. Still... DAMN.

Oscar Hernandez - Okay, so he's a fat guy with some moves. This is a halftime show, not a Vegas show.

Mike Yung - This surprises me. He's talented, sure... I can't help but wonder if they put him through just to have one solo singer who is 1) male and 2) has some mileage on him.

Brobots & Mandroidz - I sympathize with these kids, but bad mouthing their parents? No bueno. They're good, but ... dance crew. Not enough to keep me interested.

Diavolo - I LOVED this. It was a little busy at times, but the showmanship was there. Simon was spot-on, didn't know WTF Laverne was saying. Totally deserving. My favorite act of the night.

Preacher Lawson - FINALLY!!! A stand-up comedian makes it through!! Loved him. The Bill Cosby joke was hysterical!

Billy & Emily England - God, that SUCKS what happened to their aunt and uncle. As for them... Holy. Fucking. Wow. It's dance, but with danger! Amazing.

Who didn't make it:

Tony and Jordan - I loved their audition, but this left me flat.

The Naked Magicians - So did this.

Jeki Yoo - And that makes three. Oh well, it's not like we had a shortfall of magicians already put through. And there's still the Asian sleight-of-hand guy.

Herbie Ross - Don't remember this guy from the auds. He's got a great look, and has some pipes, but it was too growly.

5 Alive - Boy band? No. (To their credit, I liked them much more than Mirror Image.)

Final Draft - The judges were right, it was too high-pitched.

Marisa McKaye - I LOVE this girl. I know there is a plethora of preteen girl singers, but I would have put her through in a heartbeat.

Alieen George - Is this a Vegas act? Yes. Just not in any part of Vegas that I'd go.

Shemika Charles - I remember thinking this wouldn't get past the JC round. I was right. One time is cool. After that, meh.

Jay Jay Phillips - Another guy with moderate talent that I knew wasn't going to move on. He just comes off as annoyingly dumb.

Jonathan Rinny - Not the year for balancing acts, I guess. This took it to a new level.

Bello Nock - You have to appreciate a guy who risks his life to entertain, esp. at his age! I might have given him a spot, but two danger acts one one show is not going to happen, and the British bro/sis grabbed that one spot.

Daniel Ferguson - I LOVED this guy's audition. I hated that he got a 30-second treatment. That being said, I wasn't as big a fan of this song.

I would have put through:

1. Marisa McKaye over Mike Yung. And I have to give her props for taking the bad news like a champ.

2. Jonathan Rinny over Brobots & Mandroidz.

3. Bello Nock over Oscar Hernandez.

Next week: preteen boy solo dancer, preteen "Barbie Girl" dancers, Asian sleight-of-hand guy, African plane-crash survivor (whom I will bet actual money gets Seal's GB), Pumpking Head, and the GOOD dog act.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

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Who was that Joe Cocker-like guy? I saw a clip and wondered what was going on.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Buscemi2 wrote:Who was that Joe Cocker-like guy? I saw a clip and wondered what was going on.
His name's Herbie Ross. He did a Joe Cocker song sounding just like Joe Cocker, and he played sax. He was good, but not quite good enough to make it. Still, he was better than about half the others.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Geezer »

Judges' cuts, Week 3

Who made it through:

Celine Tam (Laverne Cox's GB) - Agreed. She's awesome, and there's no use trying not to compare the two. I too like her just a little bit less, vocally, but her personality shines brighter, I think.

Oscar Hernandez - I get what you are saying, I do. I just love watching fat guys with moves! It entertains me. He probably shouldn't have gone through, but there's one of these types every year. I can't hate.

Mike Yung - I wasn't surprised. His story is what this show loves more than anything.

Brobots & Mandroidz - I think their parents are right and need to quit and go back to school. Yawn.

Diavolo - Incredible. I already can't wait to see what they do next. This is a Vegas show!

Preacher Lawson - He is really funny, and yeah, it's about time they got a comedian through to the live shows.

Billy & Emily England - Insane. Could barely watch this it was so tense! One of the best we've seen this season. Where do they go from here?

Who didn't make it:

Tony and Jordan -Agreed

The Naked Magicians - Agreed

Jeki Yoo - Disagree. I really liked this guy. I think he deserved a spot over either of the dancers (which, by the way, I was damn certain was going to be a "sorry guys, but neither of you are going through" and then they BOTH got through! I was flabbergasted). Jeki only got shut out because this season is already heavy on magic.

Herbie Ross - Pretty good, but they were only taking one of the old guys.

5 Alive - No loss here.

Final Draft - Yeah, I thought the same thing.

Marisa McKaye - Just like it is a strong magic season, it is also a strong young female singer season, and she simply doesn't quite stack up to the others, so they let her go.

Alieen George - HAHAHAHA you said it best!

Shemika Charles - Yeah, this was just messy and ultimately boring.

Jay Jay Phillips - Ya know, I didn't like it, but I really thought they were going to advance him. They tend to love this sort of thing. Glad they didn't.

Jonathan Rinny - He's absolutely fantastic, and crazy, but we do see one of these guys every season and they always seem to end up getting cut at this level. I believe the judges just see it for what it is, a really impressive section of a much bigger show, not something that can survive just on its own.

Bello Nock - You could definitely make the case for him, but where does he take it from here? And its tough putting acts through to the live shows when they are almost certainly going to need to perform outside.

Daniel Ferguson - Yeah I know this is one you told me you loved a lot, but he was way better the first time.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Judges' Cuts, Week 4:

Those moving on:

Johnny Manuel (Seal's GB) - DAYUM. Dude. Can. Sing. Wow. Give this guy a contract, STAT.

Artyon and Paige - I don't know. They're adorable as hell, and I love that they'll get some good publicity, but this is not something I could watch for more than a few minutes. Still... somewhere up there, Patrick Swayze is smiling.

In the Stairwell - Didn't like them before, and my opinion has barely improved since then. Didn't like this choice, but it was a weak week.

DaNell Daymon & Greater Works - They're really good, but it's a revival show, not a Vegas show.

Pompeyo Family Dogs - Now THIS is a dog act! And OMG, that little girl is SO CUTE! Sharon Osbourne would have lost her damn mind!

Merrick Hanna - I'm all for giving talented kids their due. I doubt he'll make it past the next round, but props.

Kechi Okwuchi - With her back story, she would have had to screw up ROYALLY not to go through. I'm really happy she nailed it. LOVED that moment with Seal, whose had to deal with eczema his whole life. I know, not the same thing, but he knows where's she's coming from. Damn, I actually cried. CRIED!

Those not moving on:

Britt Saasen - 30-second treatment, but too bad for her this season; at 21, she's eight years too old.

Will Tsai - This guy is FREAKY good, but the judges were right: this was like watching paint dry.

Henry Richardson - Wow. This kid is impressive! But so many close-up magicians this year...

Elena and Sasha - Brilliant trick. But I have to wonder what else they can do. We saw Sofie Dossi do this last year. Better.

Lost Legends - Boooooooooring.

Nick Uhas - I love watching Howie freak out, but ... no.

Veronica Gonzalez - Thank God we'll never have to see this again. Damn, Simon's in a foul mood tonight! (Of course, in this case it's totally deserved.)

Sirqus Alfon - Okay, it's The Village People filtered through Borat. I gotta admit, this was fun. I loved the audience interaction!

Maria Sarach Popazov - Damn, what is WITH Simon tonight? Yes, it was a little meh, but buzz-worthy?

Maxim Popazov - Well, they showed up together, they're going home together. A shame, but the same with Jonathan last week. Danger acts just gettin' no love.

German Cornejo Dance Company - Call me crazy, but I liked this. I'm sorry they went home and the junior division went home.

Honey Bee-z Plus - You like fat guys dancing, Geez, but fat chicks? It's hard to get behind them in 30 seconds or less.

Hmm. Only 19 acts tonight. Wonder if someone dropped out at the last.

I probably would have put Henry through over Artyon and Paige, and German Cornejo over Merrick . I think I would have put through Sirqus Alfon over the Air Force Guys, too.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Just found out why there were only 19 acts. The 20th act was Brandon Rogers, the guy who died in a car accident in June. He actually competed in this round, but the show did not air his performance (probably at the request of Brandon's family).

I can only help wondering if Brandon would have made it to the live shows, and which act only taking his place. Because that guy had a hell of a voice.

Anyway, by my count, 33 acts have made it through. Seven each from the last four weeks, plus the five Golden Buzzers from the auditions.

For the next three weeks, 12 acts will perform: 11 that made it through plus, I'm guessing, one wild-card act brought back from the judges.

According to Wikipedia, here is who is performing next week (in alphabetical order):

1. Angelica Hale (9-year-old singer)
2. Artyon and Paige (dancing kid duo)
3. Billy & Emily England (roller-skating bro/sis duo)
4. Christian Guardino (teenage singer - formerly deaf)
5. Darci Lynn Farmer (12 year old ventriloquist singer)
6. In the Stairwell (a capella Air Force group)
7. Just Jerk (Asian hip-hop dance crew)
8. Preacher Lawson (stand-up comedian)
9. Puddles Pity Party (singing clown)
10. The Singing Trump (comedy & singing)
11. Yoli Mayer (21-year-old plus-size singer)
12. Wild Card act (TBA)

And Grace Vanderwaal will be the guest singer on the results show.

I don't know how many of the twelve will be making it through, but I'm going to assume it's Top 4 vote-getters, 1 Instant Save, and 1 Judges' Choice. IF that's the case, here's who I think advances.

1. Darci Lynn Farmer
2. Angelica Hale
3. Yoli Mayer
4. Christian Guardiano (Yes, I allow for the possibility that four singers can possibly make it through. This will spell doom for In the Stairwell and Puddles.)
5. Preacher Lawson (I love Singing Trump, but this is as far as he goes)
6. Billy and Emily England (assuming they up their game and don't just do the same thing again)

Artyon and Paige and Just Jerk, the dance acts, just won't be able to do enough. And whoever the WC act is, I think, won't be able to crack this group.

I'm anxious to hear your predictions, Geez.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Live Shows Round 1

You can learn a lot about who the producers like by the order they appear in. Dead last is the best spot, followed by second-to-last, and then first up. If you are in spots 2-6, the odds are severely against you.

I'm posting this before the show starts, having gotten the info from Wikipedia.

1. Christian Guardino
2. Aryton and Paige
3. In the Stairwell
4. The Singing Trump
5. Angelica Hale
6. Bello Nock (WC)
7. Just Jerk
8. Puddles Pity Party
9. Preacher Lawson
10. Yoli Mayor
11. Billy & Emily England
12. Darci Lynn Farmer

This order says it all. The four most appealing acts are the last four to go. Christian is first so he has a chance, and Angelica will have to KILL it to advance. Acts 2-4 and 6-8 are longshots at this point.

Final Draft, the African-American singing quartet, was announced as next week's WC pick.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Geezer »

I'm going to do a very quick thought on last week and then roll into the first live shows!

Those moving on:

Johnny Manuel (Seal's GB) - Very good. Deserving.

Artyon and Paige - I liked it, very cute, great choice of song and routine.

In the Stairwell - I actually think they went backward, but I like them.

DaNell Daymon & Greater Works - You're crazy! They are spectacular.

Pompeyo Family Dogs - You're crazy! This is just a rip-off of the Olate Dogs. It is literally the same thing. How was that not even mentioned?

Merrick Hanna - Actually got chills from this. Love how he can tell a story with his movements.

Kechi Okwuchi - Yeah, she was great and could win the whole thing with the story/talent combo.

Those not moving on:

Will Tsai - So disappointing! He was so good the first time. Just couldn't follow this.

Henry Richardson - I hate that he wasn't put through. HATE it. He was SO good.

Elena and Sasha - Yes we sure did see Sophie do this better last year.

Sirqus Alfon - I liked it! Honestly surprised it didn't get put through. Original as hell.

Maria Sarach Popazov - Damn, what is WITH Simon tonight? Yes, it was a little meh, but buzz-worthy?

Maxim Popazov - You have to do more than balance, no matter how impressive it is, I think the judges have been very clear about that.

Honey Bee-z Plus - meh

I'd have gotten rid of the dogs for Henry
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Geezer »

And now for tonight's instant reaction:

1. Christian Guardino - He was spectacular. Borderline lock, depending on how strong of a night we have.

2. Aryton and Paige - Very cute, and for their age, they are amazing. But its not good enough at this stage.

3. In the Stairwell - I thought they were boring tonight. I think this is the end of their road. Disagree with the judges who said they were at their best.

4. The Singing Trump - He's a damn good impersonator, and it's a bit funny. But come on, enough is enough.

5. Angelica Hale - VERY surprised that she got put in the middle of the show. She's a show-stopper. I think this was her least great song of the three, but that's coming from a VERY high standard of her first two. She is a lock.

6. Bello Nock (WC) - I'm not a fair judge of this, to be honest. I just went to see Ringling Brothers last tour ever a few months ago, and they had a guy who did this exact thing, and that guy did it A LOT better. He moved quicker, flew higher, and just all around upped the danger. But that is a guy who is probably the best in the world at it, since he worked for Ringling Brothers. So this, I was a little disappointed. I'm very curious to what you have to say, assuming it is a fresh act to you.

7. Just Jerk - They're good, but I get bored with dance crews. I think its a halftime show, not a Vegas act.

8. Puddles Pity Party - Man did I HATE that song choice. I love Puddles. I like the act, I love the voice. But Royals just felt so random of a choice and didn't showcase his talents.

9. Preacher Lawson - He has a major advantage being the only comedian (of the whole live round?) so he is almost certain to go through. I didn't think this was his strongest performance, but I did laugh. I actually think his best joke was his off the cuff remark on Mel's Mystique outfit.

10. Yoli Mayor - I completely agree with Mel. Bad song choice. I think she regressed to where she was the very first time we saw her where Simon stopped her. Her look regressed. Her act wasn't strong. Simon was right that it was overproduced and she was drowned out. I felt she didn't command the mic. I just really didn't like her tonight, which is surprising.

Kind of a weak night, in my opinion. So far, I've only got three going through.

11. Billy & Emily England - Remember when I said it was a weak night? NOT ANYMORE! Holy crap, best act of the night! Heidi is right, this never gets old, and it gets better every time. This is insane and I love it. 100% lock. Her swinging from his neck is fucking crazy. Unreal.

12. Darci Lynn Farmer - And she just gave Billy and Emily a run for their money. Holy shit, dude how is this even HAPPENING? And she's funny on top of the fact that she's one of the best singers on the show PERIOD let alone doing it with her mouth shut. She's a star. I'm flabbergasted with how she does this. Prediction time: Not that this is much of a reach, but she wins the whole damn thing.

SO we get 7 through tonight... which is honestly too many. I have 5 stone cold locks:

Christian Guardino
Angelica Hale
Preacher Lawson
Billy and Emily England
Darci Lynn Farmer

After that, I think it is WIDE open. Artyn and Paige could sneak in on cuteness.In the Stairwell could get by because they are likeable and have the military angel. Could be Bello if that looked better to someone who is seeing it for the first time. It could be Just Jerk for their technical dancing prowess. It could be Puddles for his sheer uniqueness and past vocal talents. It could be Yoli because she had some really really good auditions even if she wasn't at her best. Hell, it could even be the Singing Trump because I have thought a Trump had no chance before and got burned by that too.... Wide open for two spots. If I need to predict, I'd say In the Stairwell and Yoli.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Live Shows Round 1

Wow. I absolutely LOATHE Tyra's outfit. It's like she's trying to draw attention away from the contestants, which ... no. And what alien is Mel B dressed up as? I'm glad Simon at least dressed appropriately for the occasion.

1. Christian Guardino - GREAT song choice. Great way to kick it off. Richly deserved Standing O. I have to believe he would win just about any Judges Choice, if it came down to that.

2. Aryton and Paige - Boy, they love cashing in on 80's nostalgia, don't they? As a strategy to appeal to older voters, it works. This was really good, though the way-older dancers in the background were very distracting. I'm happy Paige finally let her hair down! Love them, but I don't want them to move on.

3. In the Stairwell - It's too bad that a capella singing contest isn't on anymore (I don't think it is, anyway), because they would fit very well on that show. For the first time, I loved their song choice, and I'm glad they wore their fatigues instead of their dress blues. Their best performance by a mile. But ... we have enough singers in the field. I worry that they might squeak through over Angelica or Yoli.

4. The Singing Trump - I've played the YT video of his Backstreet Boys medley, like, twenty times. It's probably one of the few performances I'll remember a year from now. For that, I'm grateful that he's on this show. But he hit a few bum notes in his first song, and I can't see him moving on at the expense of more deserving acts. BTW, loved the Washington DC segment he did. Just glad no one shot him. :lol:

5. Angelica Hale - Oh, man, I didn't remember that about her medical history! She is awesome. Great song choice, and she NAILED it. As much as I question the possibility of a girl her age getting a Vegas show, I can't not root for Angelica. This horrible placement better not keep her from the next round!

6. Bello Nock (WC) - Has a WC pick EVER beaten the odds and made it to the next round? I honestly can't recall it ever happening. Honestly, I'm glad he got to come back. I was impressed by his cannon/helicopter stunt, and was sad when he got cut. Still, putting him on the same show as Billy & Emily, AGAIN, make it a lead-pipe certainty that he won't move on. That being said, I haven't seen this trick before, and I was very suitably impressed.

7. Just Jerk - To their credit, they keep me engaged. I like their synchronicity and their song choices. I couldn't watch this for more than a few minutes, because dance crew. I think they have an outside shot.

8. Puddles Pity Party - Talented as he is, I just don't see him getting votes. That song choice was ... weird. A lot of people are creeped out by clowns (and with "It" coming in theaters next month, that won't improve, lol). Plus, this was his weakest performance yet, AND he got Simon's X. I think he's done.

9. Preacher Lawson - Yes, he is the only comedian in the entire field (if you don't count Trump). Yeah, not his best stuff, but he's so physical in his comedy that you can't not love the effort he puts in. Loved the Mystique joke.

10. Yoli Mayor - This was her weakest performance, for sure. I think I know what she was trying to do, but it fell just short. I find myself wondering if, on this singer-heavy show, whether she'll slip down to the bottom.

11. Billy & Emily England - Just when I think they can't impress me any more! I mean, HOLY SHIT!! They are SO moving on!!

12. Darci Lynn Farmer - Can a little girl win it two years in a row? Yes, yes, it can happen. I love, love, LOVE this girl. I want her to win, totally. (And if not her, Light Balance... so far.)

And as for why Pompeyo Family Dogs didn't draw comparisons to Olate Dogs is because, simply, bringing up acts from past seasons is a no-no. Sometimes the judges let one slip, but it's rare.

So... seven out of twelve going through? Wow. Okay.

The five locks, I have to agree, are the same ones you said:

1. Darci Lynn
2. Billy & Emily
3. Angelica Hale
4. Christian Guardino
5. Preacher Lawson

I would put Yoli through based on past performances, but after that? Wow. I can't decide. I'd love to see Bello get through just for the danger acts, or Singing Trump so we'll have two comedy acts. I really don't want to see either dance acts move on, but it won't surprise me if either one does.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Geezer »

Shrykespeare wrote:Live Shows Round 1

Wow. I absolutely LOATHE Tyra's outfit. It's like she's trying to draw attention away from the contestants, which ... no. And what alien is Mel B dressed up as? I'm glad Simon at least dressed appropriately for the occasion.

No kidding! Her whole look is terrifying tonight.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Geezer »

Shrykespeare wrote:
And as for why Pompeyo Family Dogs didn't draw comparisons to Olate Dogs is because, simply, bringing up acts from past seasons is a no-no. Sometimes the judges let one slip, but it's rare.
If that is the case, and I've no reason to doubt it, then I think that is stupid as hell. If you are derivative of a prior act, especially a former WINNER, you should be called out for it. I want originality. Those dogs are strikingly similar to Olate's.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Geezer wrote:
Shrykespeare wrote:
And as for why Pompeyo Family Dogs didn't draw comparisons to Olate Dogs is because, simply, bringing up acts from past seasons is a no-no. Sometimes the judges let one slip, but it's rare.
If that is the case, and I've no reason to doubt it, then I think that is stupid as hell. If you are derivative of a prior act, especially a former WINNER, you should be called out for it. I want originality. Those dogs are strikingly similar to Olate's.
But I have to wonder... what could a dog act possibly DO that would separate them from Olate Dogs? That would be very very tough. Granted, Olate was, what, five, six seasons ago? They were the best animal act EVER on the show at the time (and since), and they came in the season where the show was pushing hard for something other than a singing act to win (after five straight male singers winning). Many viewers still remember them. There is NO WAY Pompeyo will win the show.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Geezer »

You are right, but they are even the same type of dogs. I just can't separate them. I'm not a dog person, so its very tough for one to win me over. At least Olate felt original the first time.
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Re: America's Got Talent Thread (pres. by Shryke and Geezer)

Post by Geezer »

Nailed my prediction for the 7, though very surprised In the Stairwell got more votes than Christian
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. - The Dude

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