The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by numbersix »

Mario 3: Don't think I played it but looks good. Remind me of Mario World for the DS, which was fun

Civ 5: Haven't played it, though hear it's the best since 2

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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by W »

Though I absoulutely love the series, I didn't like Civ IV all that much and III was not even close to the first two. Civilization Revolution really is a shell of the first couple in the series, completely dumbed down in my opinion, but still slightly playable if you have nothing else around. I have yet to play Civ V.

Tomb Raider made my "just missed the list" list and in hindsight it and the original Resident Evil are the two I'd now let into my 100.
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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by silversurfer19 »

4. Rainbow Islands (1987) Amiga, C64, Spectrum, Amstrad NES, Playstation etc. Platform



Man the amount of joy and panic this game would cause me. Set on ten different islands (each with a different theme), you have to guide a young boy up the vertical levels via a series of rainbows which you can launch and then climb, all the while avoiding enemies and collecting diamonds, energy etc. Upon reaching the end of each level you face off with a boss, where you have to use your rainbows to damage his energy and eventually defeat him. Oh and did I forget the time limit which upon exceeding you have to contend with a rising water level which will drown you? Man, this was such a fun but ferociously difficult game.

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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by silversurfer19 »

3. Sensible Soccer (1992) Amiga, Atari, XBox, PC. Soccer Game.


For me, without doubt the best ever soccer game, always providing plenty of fun with such wild creativity. Never particularly challenging, but it wasn't supposed to be, instead it just allowed you to play with your favourite teams (or create custom ones for yourself if you wanted) as both manager and player, and it was a hell of a lot of fun. Visually it was pretty basic in comparison to the games out nowadays, but it's birds eye view format was perfect for viewing your team and to see you complete the most spectacular goal all the way from the half way line with a little curl was always a delight to see. The game had that sense of humour, the anything is possible concept (perfectly exemplified by sliding down what seemed like half the pitch when making a slide tackle on a wet pitch), and that made the game so much more fun. Playing either as a single player or in opposition with a friend, I cannot recommend this game enough.

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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by Buscemi »

Was it played on Mr. Sensible?
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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by W »

Sensible Soccer looks like a lot of soccer games from the time, which were normally fun.

I've never heard of Rainbow Islands. It looks and sounds similar to a lot of games I've played, though.
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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by NSpan »

X-COM: UFO Defense
(MicroProse) - PC

Turn-based isometric action, RPG-style level-ups and equipment upgrades, a complex research-tree, and a world(s)-encompassing global view focused on expansion and defense. The enduring allure of this game is, in my opinion, the fact that it blurs genres--and wildly succeeds in each aspect. The heart of the gameplay is the missions, but the level of depth that goes into the coordination of preparing for (and following-up with) these battles is what provides weight to the missions themselves and makes each and every one an important part of your overarching goals. In this game, you take the concept of saving the world and mold it into a profitable business-model. Fine-tuning your budget, hiring/firing teams of scientists, engineers, and soldiers, allocating resources to maintain a fine balance between cutting-edge firepower and rapidly expanding your business, researching alien technologies, performing alien autopsies, and keeping your investors happy are all just some of your between-mission responsibilities. I've played this game regularly since its original release. It's still a blast to this day--and it doesn't feel dated. Countless games have tried to recreate the magic of the original--including, both, official sequels and blatant ripoffs. Nothing has even come close. One day, eventually, somebody will create something comparable ... but, to my knowledge, it hasn't happened yet. The atmospherics are quite effective: night-missions can be pretty intense. You might not guess it from the screenshots, but moving your character down a dark corridor only to find an alien staring you in the face as you turn a corner is a thrill in itself.
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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by W »

X-COM looks pretty damn good... and it's a MicroProse title who released at least four of my top 100. Maybe I'll come upon a copy sometime... unless someone knows a link. :)
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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

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I could send you a copy, but it's also available on Steam for $5.
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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by W »

I might grab it on Steam then. Portal 2 came with a code to play it free on Steam, so I might start an account. After I post #2 for me and RB in a few minutes, I'll look into what kind of games Steam has to offer. I've been looking for some older games like Pirates, Civ I (since I can't find my original 1991 Civilization and nothing takes floppys anymore), and the original Portal among others.
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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by W »




Tetris 1984 (NES/Game Boy/PC/Everything - Puzzle) - Is there a game more simple than Tetris? Yes, Pong, but I that's about it. What's to love about falling tetrominos that you have to clear lines of? Turns out, practically everything considering it's easily the most sold (100 M+ units on cell phones alone) and most ported (it's on every single system imaginable) game of all time. When it spits out twelve O blocks out of fifteen blocks it can get a little frusterating, so much so that I haven't cussed at anything in life as much as this single game. The Russian music is pretty catchy and I actually don't normally get tired of it even though it plays over and over and over and... well... over. And now with the new PSN download, Tetris has made it to the new millenium with world wide high scores, online battles with up to six players, and various modes (though original is still the best). It's simple, but you'll still find new combinations and ways to beat your opponent. It's close to the single greatest thing known to Man.


Ron Burgundy


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 2009 (360/PS3 - First Person Shooter) - Such a great game on so many levels. Multiplayer, online, Co-Op, single player, its got it all. The game has probably sold more copies worldwide than any other, being No. 1 in the UK, and No. 2 in the US, prob in top 5 in many other countries including Australia. But its just the raw entertainment you get out of this that makes it my number 2, and it has set up the Call of Duty series to the highest standard.

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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by NSpan »

is Modern Warfare 2 worth buying for JUST the single-player campaign? In other words, if single-player were the ONLY aspect of the game included in the package, would you still buy it?
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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by silversurfer19 »

2. Cannon Fodder (1993) Amiga, Atari, Gameboy, SNES, PC, Sega Mega Drive


Taking the concept of a war game and spinning it on its head with a darkly humorous twist, the game puts you in charge of a platoon of troops where you have to complete numerous missions without losing your entire squad. And while the point and click gameplay itself is very good, what really sets it apart is the wicked sense of humour which runs throughout the game, from the opening title screen which shows a hill with all your lost troops graves, to the theme song "War has never been so much fun", and the scoreboard like charter of deaths, it's a great laugh while also being a challenging action game. With each successful mission your surviving troops are promoted, and while you feel a sense of pride and even attachment to your troops, which each have their own names, it's also tinged with a sense of loss when you lose your top ranking soldier to some flying debris or to see him writhing in pain as he slowly dies from a machine gun shot. Blood splatters and huts explode as you use strategies to complete each mission (and some require some serious planning), but in the end, the sight of your troops jumping for joy at the end of each mission makes it all worthwhile.


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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by numbersix »

#2. Zombie Panic Source - 2005 (PC)


Last time I checked I have played over 360 hours of this. It's a simple online-only mod on the Half-Life 2 Engine that turns it into a Zombie-themed tag. Each round starts with 90% survivors and 10% zombies. The zombies have a certain amount of lives and their aim is to kill the humans. The humans have to survive by working together, finding weapons and ammo, and building barricades, their ultimate aim being to kill all the zombies until their lives run out. When a human is killed he becomes a zombie. It's incredibly fun, especially if your fellow humans want to work with you. It's also incredibly scary at times as a hoarde of zombie come running at you. There's also objective maps where zombies have infinite lives and humans have to move fast to complete a set of tasks to win. Brilliant game with users adding new maps all the time.

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Re: The Fantaverse Members Top 20 Games of All-Time

Post by NSpan »

Master of Magic
(MicroProse) - PC

Civilization (world-map turn-based strategy + city building + research) +
Final Fantasy Tactics (turn-based isometric view of individual battles) +
Warcraft III (the "hero" unit) +
Fallout series (up-front character customization)
= the 2nd-best game ever made. I could create a 10 minute lecture about how great this game is... but that'd just be ten minutes less that you could be playing Master of Magic.

PS. Of note is the sister-series, Master of Orion. An amazing sci-fi strategy game with (surprisingly) a brilliant sequel. Nonetheless, I'll always prefer the fantasy setting of games like Master of Magic.
Last edited by NSpan on June 21st, 2011, 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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